Parent personality test
Parents: Take This Helpful Personality Test
Getting to know yourself is an important part of your Personal Growth. The more you learn about why you think and feel the way you do, the more you understand yourself – and others. You begin to fully appreciate that we all approach the same situations from different points of view and there is no absolute ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.
Have you heard of the Myers–Briggs personality test? It’s an introspective questionnaire that helps you identify which of one of the 16 different personality types you are based on how you perceive the world around you and how you make decisions. It can lead to some interesting insights into why you do things a certain way – or why you do them at all.
There’s an free online version of this test created by which has been adapted to include two additional layers to gain an even deeper interpretation. You’ll find out what kind of career you’re most suited for, what you’re like as a friend and in romantic relationships, as well as
your parenting strengths and weaknesses.
Once I took it, I discovered some fresh insights about myself. The results put me right smack in the middle of the introvert– extrovert scale. It definitely depends on the situation and whom I’m with. I wrote about my introverted tendencies here before I’d taken the test and when I was still struggling to understand this about myself.
I’m a Protagonist: ENFJ personality which makes up only two per cent of the population and explains my desire to want to lead others and myself to a brighter future. Famous ENFJ people include Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey.
My report highlighted that ‘ENFJs are genuine, caring people who talk the talk and walk the walk, and nothing makes them happier than leading the charge, uniting and motivating their team with infectious enthusiasm.’ I’d say that sums me up quite accurately.
I’ve taken the test multiple times over the years, convinced I’d get different results as I felt I was merely guessing at many of the questions, but each time I get the same ENFJ result – with my E (extrovert) coming out only marginally higher than my I (introvert). I’m intuitive more than observant (which explains why I rarely notice if a friend has lost weight or changed her hair-style, but I’m very tuned into how they are feeling.) I’m highly cooperative (I’ve often said I don’t have a competitive bone in my body), emotionally expressive, and prefer planning, structure and organisation rather than improvising and ‘winging it’. (My Master Your To-Do List Training Video sure confirms that!)
It was interesting to read about my personality as a parent:
‘ENFJ parents take pride in nurturing and inspiring strong values, and they take care to ensure that the basis for these values comes from understanding, not blind obedience. Whatever their children need in order to learn and grow, ENFJ parents give the time and energy necessary to provide it. While in their weaker moments they may succumb to more manipulative behaviour, ENFJs mostly rely on their charm and idealism to make sure their children take these lessons to heart.’
My husband I rarely saw eye-to-eye when it came to disciplining our kids when they were small. I wish we’d both taken this test so we could have discussed how to better balance our individual approaches without each thinking the other was ‘wrong’. Showing a ‘united front’ was never our strong point.
Here’s what some mothers have said after seeing their personality test results:
I’m a big believer in this test. My husband and I did it as marriage prep and discovered we’re complete opposites. It helps me (in particular) to know how to approach him about things and how he handles and reacts to situations. For years we struggled to understand each other; now it’s much more harmonious.
—LizIt taught me so much about myself and how I relate to others; also getting to know other people that have a similar personality to mine made me feel less of a weirdo. As an INFJ, I’m the most rare and complex personality type – one per cent of the population! It’s a really fun thing to do and helps to find out about other people around you too.
—IreneI don’t always feel like a ‘fun’ person but I’ve come to realise after taking the test that as an introvert I often have a different idea of fun than others who like lots of socialising.
Fun to me can be a cosy hour on the couch with my cat and a good book or a family movie night. I’m also part of a book club which meets every six weeks.
A couple of years ago our teenage son was studying psychology in school and his teacher encouraged him to take this personality test. He came out as a Campaigner: ENFP-T: Someone who has strong people skills and will bring an energy that often times thrusts them into the spotlight, held up by their peers as a leader and a guru. He’s now an elected member of UK Youth Parliament and this describes him perfectly.
A big part of becoming the expert of you and creating your own Project Me is getting to know and understand yourself better. Taking this personality test can help you to practise more self-compassion for your weaknesses and have confidence in your strengths.
Take the online personality test here: It’s free and there’s no registration required to see your results.
In the comments below, share your personality type and/or any insights you’ve learned about yourself after taking this personality test. I’ll love to read what you have to say.
Parenting Style Quiz: What Type Of Parent Are You
Parenting Styles
No one denies that parenting is difficult, but you can make it easier on yourself by identifying your parenting style. According to scientists, there are four parenting styles. Parents are authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, or neglectful. Identifying where you fall on the spectrum is a great way to determine what you need to work on to become a better parent.
What’s in a Style?
Your parenting style says a lot about your relationship with your child. Because of that, you might want to change parenting styles once you learn what type of parent you are.
Authoritative parents are deemed the most effective. These parents are characterized by their high expectations, understanding, and support. These qualities create a healthy environment that allows children to thrive. You might not score as an authoritative parent right out the gate, but you can work on obtaining the right qualities and retake the test to find out if you have developed the necessary skills.
Authoritarian parents are typically defined as strict parents. They are the most demanding of the parents, and they don’t respond to their children’s requests for an open dialogue. They set rules and punish their children in an effort to obtain obedience.
Indulgent, or permissive, parents, are extremely lenient. These parents avoid confrontation at all costs. While the parents are very nurturing, they don’t set boundaries for their children so their kids don’t learn important rules. Parents who follow this method of parenting were often brought up by authoritarian parents. Finally, neglectful parenting is the most dangerous of all of the styles. As the name suggests, these parents neglect their children’s basic needs. For instance, they are not there for their children emotionally or physically. If you are a neglectful parent, you should seek outside help to mend your relationship with your child and to find a new parenting style.
Taking the Test
As you look through the parenting styles, there is likely one that you want to be. That is normal. Still, answer the questions as honestly as possible. You will only benefit by providing honest and open answers.
If you answer honestly, this test will provide you with an inside look into how you interact with your child. It might show you that you have the right parenting style, or it might show you that you need a little work. Either way, it will provide you with some important information that will give you confidence as you forge ahead.
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Your Appearance: Are You Overly Concerned?
Most people are concerned with their appearances to a degree, but some people cross the line. They flip out if they get a gray hair and they can’t walk past a mirror without giving themselves a look. These people go beyond normal concern. They are obsessed. If you’re obsessed with your appearance, you can end up spending all of your time worrying about how you look. You might stay in if your stylist cancels an appointment, and you probably spend half the day trying to get the perfect selfie. It’s a stressful way to live. Of course, if you’re obsessed with your appearance, there is a good chance that you don’t even realize it. You’re just being you, and you don’t see that your concern has turned into an obsession. It’s time to take a closer look at how you think about your appearance to find out if you are overly concerned or care the appropriate amount. Take this quiz to find out how concerned you are with your appearance.Where Do You Fall? When you get your results, you will find out if you’re low maintenance, high maintenance, or somewhere in the middle. As with most things in life, it’s best to not be too extreme when it comes to your appearance. You want to care, but you shouldn’t care so much that it is the only thing that you think about all day long.
Look at your results and see if there are changes that you need to make to live a more balanced life. If there are, get to work and retake the test to see if the changes worked.Invite Your Friends to Take the Test This test is even more fun when your friends get involved. Share your results and ask your friends to take the test and share their results, as well. Then, you can find out which members of your group are high maintenance and which people are balanced. It’s easy to stress out about your looks, but life is easier when you’re balanced. Find out where you are on the scale and then make some adjustments so you can be happier.
Leadership Quiz: Am I A Leader?
When you build a career, you have two different paths to take. You can take the path of a leader or you can take the path of a follower. It’s important that you follow your true path in order to reach your full potential and to achieve complete happiness. If you’re a leader and you fill the role of a follower, you’ll never be fulfilled, and if you’re a follower and take on the role of a leader, you’ll be stressed out to the max. Settle your inner debate once and for all by taking this leadership quiz. After you make it through these easy-to-answer questions, you’ll finally know if you’re a leader or a follower. Then, you can seek out employment that fits your career style. Not All Leaders Are CEOs You might think, “I can’t be a leader. I’ve never even been to college!” Not all leaders are CEOs. There are leaders in every type of career. Don’t let a lack of education stop you from reaching your full potential. If you are a natural-born leader, you can still fight to move up in your current job. It doesn’t matter if you’re a janitor, a secretary, or an account manager. You can be a leader. Being a Follower Isn’t a Bad Thing You also might think, “I hate the idea of being a follower.” If you’re a natural follower, that isn’t a bad thing. It means that you are destined to play an important role in the growth of your company. Just like a worker bee who reports to the queen, you are responsible for getting things done out in the field.
Leaders can’t be successful if they don’t have people under them, doing the hard work. Followers are an important part of the process. You are just as important as leaders are. In fact, you need more followers than leaders in order to make the process work.Now you’re ready to get started with the leadership quiz. Move through the test slowly and pay close attention to each question so you get an accurate score. Then, go over your results and use them as you make choices for your career.
Couch Potato Or Hot Potato?
Do you tackle every task that comes your way in a timely fashion, or do you put things on the backburner and wait until the last minute? Are you living life to the fullest or letting it pass you by? These are important questions, and you won’t be able to get the most out of life until you know the answers. Fortunately, you can get the answers in just a minute by taking this simple test. You’ll finally find out if you’re a couch potato who is coasting through life or a hot potato who embraces the best life has to offer. Moving Through the Test You might get nervous when you hear the word “test,’ but there is nothing to worry about here. This s a fun, simple test that will give you some insight into your habits. Think about each question that you come across and give an honest answer. That way, you will get accurate results for the test. You know yourself better than anyone, so you should be able to breeze through the questions and grab your results quickly. Do You Like Your Results? When you get your results, you might be taken aback. You might think that you’re more of a go-getter than you are, but don’t be alarmed. As long as you are alive, you can make changes. You can get out and embrace life more, becoming a go-getter. After you make some changes, come back and take the test again. Then, you will find out if you’re finally where you want to be when it comes to your activity level. If not, you can continue to make changes and take the test again when you’re ready. You’re a work in progress, so you just need to get to work.
Share with Friends Results are more fun when you compare them with your friends. Share your results on your favorite social media network and encourage your friends to dive in and take the test, as well. Then, you can find out which of your friends matches up with your lifestyle. That’s a great way to find some buddies to have fun with when you go out (or stay in). Get started with the test. Then, look over your results, share them, and have fun with your friends.
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Other tests you may like
Your Appearance: Are You Overly Concerned?
Most people are concerned with their appearances to a degree, but some people cross the line. They flip out if they get a gray hair and they can’t walk past a mirror without giving themselves a look. These people go beyond normal concern. They are obsessed. If you’re obsessed with your appearance, you can end up spending all of your time worrying about how you look. You might stay in if your stylist cancels an appointment, and you probably spend half the day trying to get the perfect selfie. It’s a stressful way to live. Of course, if you’re obsessed with your appearance, there is a good chance that you don’t even realize it. You’re just being you, and you don’t see that your concern has turned into an obsession. It’s time to take a closer look at how you think about your appearance to find out if you are overly concerned or care the appropriate amount. Take this quiz to find out how concerned you are with your appearance.Where Do You Fall? When you get your results, you will find out if you’re low maintenance, high maintenance, or somewhere in the middle. As with most things in life, it’s best to not be too extreme when it comes to your appearance. You want to care, but you shouldn’t care so much that it is the only thing that you think about all day long.
Look at your results and see if there are changes that you need to make to live a more balanced life. If there are, get to work and retake the test to see if the changes worked.Invite Your Friends to Take the Test This test is even more fun when your friends get involved. Share your results and ask your friends to take the test and share their results, as well. Then, you can find out which members of your group are high maintenance and which people are balanced. It’s easy to stress out about your looks, but life is easier when you’re balanced. Find out where you are on the scale and then make some adjustments so you can be happier.
Leadership Quiz: Am I A Leader?
When you build a career, you have two different paths to take. You can take the path of a leader or you can take the path of a follower. It’s important that you follow your true path in order to reach your full potential and to achieve complete happiness. If you’re a leader and you fill the role of a follower, you’ll never be fulfilled, and if you’re a follower and take on the role of a leader, you’ll be stressed out to the max. Settle your inner debate once and for all by taking this leadership quiz. After you make it through these easy-to-answer questions, you’ll finally know if you’re a leader or a follower. Then, you can seek out employment that fits your career style. Not All Leaders Are CEOs You might think, “I can’t be a leader. I’ve never even been to college!” Not all leaders are CEOs. There are leaders in every type of career. Don’t let a lack of education stop you from reaching your full potential. If you are a natural-born leader, you can still fight to move up in your current job. It doesn’t matter if you’re a janitor, a secretary, or an account manager. You can be a leader. Being a Follower Isn’t a Bad Thing You also might think, “I hate the idea of being a follower.” If you’re a natural follower, that isn’t a bad thing. It means that you are destined to play an important role in the growth of your company. Just like a worker bee who reports to the queen, you are responsible for getting things done out in the field.
Leaders can’t be successful if they don’t have people under them, doing the hard work. Followers are an important part of the process. You are just as important as leaders are. In fact, you need more followers than leaders in order to make the process work.Now you’re ready to get started with the leadership quiz. Move through the test slowly and pay close attention to each question so you get an accurate score. Then, go over your results and use them as you make choices for your career.
Couch Potato Or Hot Potato?
Do you tackle every task that comes your way in a timely fashion, or do you put things on the backburner and wait until the last minute? Are you living life to the fullest or letting it pass you by? These are important questions, and you won’t be able to get the most out of life until you know the answers. Fortunately, you can get the answers in just a minute by taking this simple test. You’ll finally find out if you’re a couch potato who is coasting through life or a hot potato who embraces the best life has to offer. Moving Through the Test You might get nervous when you hear the word “test,’ but there is nothing to worry about here. This s a fun, simple test that will give you some insight into your habits. Think about each question that you come across and give an honest answer. That way, you will get accurate results for the test. You know yourself better than anyone, so you should be able to breeze through the questions and grab your results quickly. Do You Like Your Results? When you get your results, you might be taken aback. You might think that you’re more of a go-getter than you are, but don’t be alarmed. As long as you are alive, you can make changes. You can get out and embrace life more, becoming a go-getter. After you make some changes, come back and take the test again. Then, you will find out if you’re finally where you want to be when it comes to your activity level. If not, you can continue to make changes and take the test again when you’re ready. You’re a work in progress, so you just need to get to work.
Share with Friends Results are more fun when you compare them with your friends. Share your results on your favorite social media network and encourage your friends to dive in and take the test, as well. Then, you can find out which of your friends matches up with your lifestyle. That’s a great way to find some buddies to have fun with when you go out (or stay in). Get started with the test. Then, look over your results, share them, and have fun with your friends.
Psychological tests for parents online
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03/05/2015 4596
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How do you communicate with men?
06/15/2017 4119 0
Do you have a strong character?
04/19/2017 9128
Test "Strategy of family education"
02/11/2016 20615
This test will help you identify the tendency to bring up a child in a certain style in a family.
In modern psychological science, it has been proven that parenting styles can determine the characteristics of the formation of a child's personality, as well as determine the characteristics of child-parent relationships in the family, and the perception of the parent by the child.
Are you a conflict person?
04/13/2017 7171
When there is smoke like a yoke from swearing neighbors or passengers in public transport, it is very hard for you to resist not to get into a conflict. Then, however, often the mood deteriorates for the whole day, but you defended your point of view. Or maybe, on the contrary, when people quarrel, you do not pay attention to them. And so, are you a conflict person, do you like to argue, and how do you behave in controversial situations?
What goddess are you?
06/27/2017 9323
Do you want to know which of the ancient Greek goddesses you are most like? Maybe you are Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategist? Or Artemis - the goddess of the hunt, the moon and the wild? Or are your desires controlled by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty? And what role do Hestia play in your life - the goddess of the hearth, the goddess wife Hera, the goddess mother Demeter and the young goddess Persephone? Take the test and you will find out which of the listed goddesses is closest to you.
Archetype * which of the goddesses is expressed in you brighter than all the others, and how this can affect your life. *Archetypes are images and patterns of behavior inherent in all people and stored in historical memory or the collective unconscious. They can have a significant impact on our daily lives. One of the classifications of female archetypes, proposed by the Jungian psychoanalyst Jean Bolen, includes a division into 7 main archetypes, which are named after ancient Greek goddesses.
Faces of parental love
08/26/2015 2414 0
This questionnaire will help both the father and mother to assess the basis on which your attitude towards the child is based.
Child Anxiety Test
04/23/2015 1006 0
This test will help determine the degree of anxiety of the child.
Detect possible deviations at an early stage.
Socionics test to determine sociotypes and subtypes.
08/01/2017 9167
This test will allow you to fully understand your main sociotypes and subtypes.
Questionnaire DIA (Analysis of family relationships)
10/26/2012 17638
The questionnaire is designed to identify the peculiarities of the upbringing of their children by parents, namely, violations of the upbringing process. Also, the technique allows to identify the personal characteristics of parents that lead to these violations. This version of the test is intended for parents of children aged 3-10 years
PARI methodology
06/25/2012 11701
The PARI method (parental attitude research instrument) is designed to study the attitude of parents (especially mothers) to different aspects of family life (family role).
The authors are American psychologists E. S. Schaefer and R. K. Bell. This technique was widely used in Poland (Rębowski) and Czechoslovakia (Kotaskova). T. V. Neshcheret adapted in our country.
Child sensitivity test
01/30/2017 9183
This test will help you find out if your child is highly sensitive
Analysis of family relationships. ASV methodology. (Eidemiller E.G., Yustitskis V.V.)
10/07/2020 480 0
The test "Analysis of family relationships" is designed to study the influence of parents in the upbringing of a child or adolescent and to find errors in parenting.
The method "Analysis of family relationships" allows diagnosing undesirable, incorrect influence of family members on each other, violations in the performance of roles in the family and interference with its integrity. For parents of teenagers from 11 to 21 years old. Description of the technique. The DIA questionnaire includes 130 statements related to the upbringing of children. It contains 20 scales. They reflect the main styles of family education, allow you to get an idea of the structural and role aspect of family life, demonstrate the features of the functioning of the system of mutual influences and the work of family integration mechanisms.
Degree of self-respect
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Socionics test Second quadra (Beta) Zhukov, Yesenin, Hamlet, Maxim Gorky.
08/06/2017 4050 0
This test will allow you to understand what sociotypes, from the second quadra, are inherent in you.
Are you a shrewd person?
05/17/2017 1562 0
"Measure of Care"
08/26/2015 2788
it is known that many violations in the behavior and development of the child are associated with insufficient attention to him parents. However, according to psychologists, excessive guardianship can be as dangerous as its lack. This test will help you figure out how true your educational position is.
Socionics test First quadra (Alpha) Don Quixote, Dumas, Hugo, Robespierre.
08/06/2017 1742 0
This test will allow you to understand what sociotypes, from the first quadra, are inherent in you.
Do you like to be alone?
07/07/2017 1784 0
Socionics test Fourth quadra (Delta) Stirlets, Dostoevsky, Huxley, Gabin.
08/06/2017 2039 0
This test will allow you to understand what sociotypes, from the fourth quadra, are inherent in you.
Parenting test. ORO methodology. (A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin)
10/07/2020 291 0
Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire (ORA), authors A.Ya.Varga, V.V.Stolin, is a method for diagnosing parental attitudes in mothers, fathers, guardians, etc., who seek psychological help on upbringing children and communication with them. Parental attitude is understood as a system of various feelings towards the child, behavioral stereotypes practiced in communication with him, features of perception and understanding of the nature and personality of the child, his actions. The results of the questionnaire are expressed in five scales: acceptance-rejection, social desirability of the child's behavior, symbiosis (lack of distance between parent and child), authoritarian control, attitude to the child's failures.
Can you argue?
05/18/2017 1105
Test "Me and my child"
01/14/2015 1096 0
We offer you to take a test that will complement your idea of yourself as a parent and help you draw certain conclusions about the problems of raising children.
02/25/2017 1765 0
In Western culture, most people can be classified into one of 6 types: realistic (P-type), exploratory (I-type), artistic (A-type), social (S-type), entrepreneurial (P-type) and conventional (K-type).
Each type is an idealization, a hypothetical construction for describing a certain group of people with similar personal and professional characteristics. He is a certain standard, a standard against which a real person is compared. The type is characterized by its psychological characteristics: abilities, interests, temperament, preferred environment. Each person can be assigned to a certain type or characterized through a combination of several typological features. Typological personality traits are the result of the interaction of many factors: cultural and personal. These are such as the influence of family, parents and other significant people, qualifications and previous work experience, socio-cultural influence, physical environment, etc. So, under the influence of these factors, a person initially prefers some and rejects other types of activity and social activity. These activities then become dominant interests. These interests lead to the development of certain abilities. And, finally, the interests and abilities of the individual form certain personal dispositions that determine how a person perceives the world around him, feels, thinks and acts.
Are you able to achieve your goals?
07/19/2017 927 0
Are you raising your child right?
11/13/2012 1996 0
Each adult has his own ideas about upbringing, which are almost always the result of certain life experience, family traditions, educational level and simply the character, temperament, personality of an adult. Nevertheless, there are fundamental prerequisites for proper education.
Eniostyle. Panchenko test to determine the type of personality.
Test the first North - South.
10/19/2020 3492
Determination of personality type according to Eniostyle system (Panchenko's test). The test is intended for express diagnostics of a person's personality type.
Questionnaire for the diagnosis of neurotic disorders in children (filled in by parents)
02/08/2015 1411 0
This test will help parents determine if their daughter or son needs to see a mental health professional. Perhaps the problems in the child's behavior are of an insignificant temporary nature (and you need to be patient a little until the next age crisis passes), or perhaps you need to first contact a neurologist. Or the child's problems are of a deep psychological nature, and a visit to a psychologist is needed.
child's level of aggression
01/18/2022 132 0
Test instructions To check the degree of aggression of the child, you can conduct a small test. You need to match each definition with your child. Each statement must be answered "Yes" or "No". There can only be one answer. You should answer sincerely, independently, after thinking. When answering the test questions, remember that there are no wrong answers. To check the degree of aggression of the child, you can conduct a small test. Parents should match each definition with their child. For each that fits the description, one point is awarded, at the end, calculate the amount of points and evaluate the level of aggression of the child.
Find out your child's personality traits
03/06/2012 3009 0
The test will determine your child's personality traits.
This test is based on the concept of "accentuated personalities" by K. Leonhard and is interpreted taking into account child psychology.
Are you a good father?
03/06/2012 384 0
The test allows you to determine how good a father you are for your child.
Parenting style
11/07/2013 1068
Are you patient and persistent enough in raising a child? Are you raising him with love? Can you understand his psyche? What is your parenting style? We hope this quiz will help you answer these questions.
Do you understand your child
04/08/2014 1356 0
What parents hear in their children's words directly affects their relationship with their children.
"Mom, something in my head hurts..." - He really has a headache, or he just doesn't want to go to school today ? Understanding your own child is not easy. Modern children are often more energetic and quick-witted than their parents. Even plotting another trick, they can look unusually sincere and naive. Believe always? On the other hand, parental suspicion is able to see the child's malicious intent from scratch... To understand even simple life situations, you need to know your child, and willingness to listen to him, and life experience. How do you understand your child?
Parenting Styles and the Montessori Group
05/05/2016 303 0
Parenting Styles
01/21/2017 763 0
Take the test and find out which parenting style prevails in your family?
Trust test
01/22/2015 292 0
This test is offered to help mothers and fathers to find out if there is trust between children and parents in the family.
Eniostyle. Panchenko test to determine the type of personality. Test the second East - West.
11/16/2020 2367 0
Determination of personality type according to Eniostyle system (Panchenko's test). The test is intended for express diagnostics of a person's personality type.
What kind of parents are you?
03/06/2012 1489
How often do we think about whether we are good parents for our children and whether we cope with our duties as educators? Check myself.
Are you giving enough attention to your child?
06/22/2015 140 0
Using a simple questionnaire, try to assess your relationship with your own child.
Difficult child
03/01/2017 320 0
Hello dear Parents. In a person's life there is a period of family in which a child appears. There are days when this child begins to grow up and talk about his "I". At times like this, it becomes difficult for us as parents. Trying to raise a child, it is not uncommon for us to receive reactions of resistance from his side. And when there are a lot of such reactions, we feel uncomfortable. The whole point is in the parental attitude to the educational process. And the lack of clarity of this process creates prerequisites for misunderstanding within the family. Questions concerning the relationship between parents and children are presented to your attention. If you are interested, you can answer them and get more information.
How do you deal with stress?
04/19/2017 843 0
Is your child ready for kindergarten?
06/22/2017 1363
If you are still in doubt about whether to send your child to kindergarten, use the special test.
Check if your child is ready for preschool.
What kind of mother are you?
08/26/2017 511
What kind of parent are you?
12/18/2017 544
Test for caring parents who want to see themselves from the outside and get a real assessment of their methods of raising children.
PARI Test questionnaire for studying parental attitudes towards children, family, husband
04.10.2018 200 0
The method of studying parental attitudes (Parental Attitude Research Instrument - PARI) is designed to study the attitude of parents (primarily mothers) to different aspects of family life (family role).
The authors are American psychologists E. S. Schaefer and R. C. Bell. In Russia, the technique was adapted by T. V. Neshcheret.
The level of parental competence in the upbringing of young children
03.10.2012 387 0
How often do we think about whether we are good parents for our children and whether we cope with our duties as educators? Test yourself by taking this test.
Are you ready to send your child to school?
06/28/2013 207 0
The test will allow you to answer one of the main questions for parents of first graders.
The father of the family.
What is he?
11/07/2013 90
Being a good father is not easy. Few can boast that they have an ideal marriage, but many could tell about problems in family relationships. Well, what is it like for children to grow up without a father, in an incomplete or “maternal” family, or in a father who is a drunkard and rowdy! So those who have a good father should be envied. In our difficult time of stress and disorder, when on average our man lives 58 years, a happy family can be envied.
Test for parents "Mom, are you a good teacher?"
03/04/2015 273 0
Here are ten of the most common, frequently occurring situations in a child's life. From the given answers, choose those that best meet your ideas about education.
Emotional Intelligence and Marriage Satisfaction
02/05/2016 223
This is a small, anonymous study aimed at identifying possible relationships between a person's personal characteristics and their relationship satisfaction. This study is based on the Hall questionnaire, the methodology of Stolin, Romanov, Butenko and the questionnaire of Aleshina, Gozman, Dubovskaya. Both individual partners and couples are invited to the study, which is more preferable. Immediately after passing the test, you will receive the result in the form of numerical values on several scales and their interpretation. The test contains 77 questions and takes an average of 20 minutes to complete.
Test for the psychological and social readiness of the child for school
04/04/2016 349
In order to study successfully, a child needs to be not only intellectually prepared, but also mentally mature, and also be able to communicate both in a group of children and with adults.
A series of simple questions will help determine your child's psychological and social readiness for schooling.
02/18/2017 215
The last economic crisis could affect almost every Russian. Prices are constantly rising, in contrast to salaries and a variety of benefits. Unemployment is also on the rise, which was just beginning to fall before the crisis began. Our test will help you find out about your abilities and abilities!
02/19/2017 1103
Research has shown that people who are moderately to highly success-oriented tend to take moderate risks.
Those who are afraid of failure prefer a small or, conversely, too high a level of risk. The higher the person's motivation for success - achieving the goal, the lower the willingness to take risks. At the same time, the motivation for success also affects the hope for success: with a strong motivation for success, the hopes for success are usually more modest than with a weak motivation for success. In addition, people who are motivated to succeed and have high expectations for it tend to avoid high risk. Those who are highly motivated to succeed and have a high willingness to take risks are less likely to have accidents than those who have a high willingness to take risks, but high motivation to avoid failure (protection). Conversely, when a person has a high motivation to avoid failure (protection), then this prevents the motive for success - achieving the goal.
How often do you praise your child?
10/05/2017 48
Experts say that in order for your child to grow up successful, he needs to be praised as often as possible.
The main thing here is not to overdo it, but to say pleasant words at the most opportune moment. Only parents have a question: why praise the baby? For example, the baby washed the plate behind her or made the bed - what is unusual here? But after all, these things only from the point of view of parents seem elementary, and for a small child to clean up the scattered cubes, read a book is already a huge job, so it is still worthy of approval. However, in the matter of praise, it is important to observe the golden mean. After all, if you praise a baby for no reason, then very soon the praise will cease to seem like an encouragement and will depreciate. But if you do not praise the child at all, then he can grow up timid, anxious and unsure of his own abilities. Use this quiz to see if you often praise your child.
Faces of parental love
12/12/2017 229 0
This questionnaire will help both the father and mother to assess the basis on which your attitude towards the child is based.
Test for parents to determine the readiness of the child for school
05/01/2020 159
When entering school, a preschooler must have a certain level of development, which is necessary for learning. And it's not about whether he can read, count and write. Although, let's not hide, this is also monitored upon admission. The concept of readiness includes several characteristics. First, a certain intellectual level of development. The child should have an idea of the world around him, the ability to navigate in it. Let's not forget about a certain stock of knowledge, the development of mental and mental processes. As they say in textbooks on developmental psychology, a preschooler can understand the general connections, principles and patterns that underlie scientific knowledge. But you need to keep in mind that this is just a child about to come out of preschool.
Logical forms of thinking are still being formed, as well as the formation of various types of memory. Intellectual readiness also implies that the baby has certain skills. He can hear, highlight the task that an adult sets for him and deal with it.
Take the test "Do you know how to raise children?"
02/27/2021 20 0
Are you patient and persistent enough in raising a child? Are you able to understand his inner world? We hope this quiz will help you answer these questions.
Alien definition. (Child Personal Safety Skills #1)
08/27/2021 9 0
Dear parents! This test continues the series of tests on the child's personal safety skills.
The tests are designed in such a way that by answering them, you will learn how to properly develop a particular skill in a child.
Test for parents "How do you protect your child?"
09/01/2021 59
This test will help you determine your level of knowledge in the area of personal child safety.
Am I a custodial parent?
08/23/2022 68 0
The rapid test will help you understand whether your parenting style is overprotective and whether this may affect your child's kindergarten maladjustment.
What kind of parents are you? (another version)
03/06/2012 379 0
How often do we think about whether we are good parents for our children and whether we cope with our duties as educators? Check myself.
Who are you to your child: a teacher or a friend?
03/06/2012 418 0
Many psychologists believe that parents who try to play the role of a friend in relations with children forget that they are meant by nature to be a support for their child. Parent, caregiver or friend? Try to find the answer for yourself in this English quiz.
Are you good at raising children?
05/15/2012 1122 0
Are you patient and persistent enough in raising a child? Are you raising him with love? Can you understand his psyche? We hope this quiz will help you answer these questions.
Grandmother and grandfather
11/13/2013 176 0
How to properly build parent-children-grandchildren relationships in a family.
How often do you praise your child?
02/12/2015 139 0
With this test, you can test yourself and find out how often you praise your child.
How often do you praise your child?
10/10/2016 77 0
Experts say that in order for your child to grow up successful, he needs to be praised as often as possible.
The main thing here is not to overdo it, but to say pleasant words at the most opportune moment. Only parents have a question: why praise the baby? For example, the baby washed the plate behind her or made the bed - what is unusual here? But after all, these things only from the point of view of parents seem elementary, and for a small child to clean up the scattered cubes, read a book is already a huge job, so it is still worthy of approval. However, in the matter of praise, it is important to observe the golden mean. After all, if you praise a baby for no reason, then very soon the praise will cease to seem like an encouragement and will depreciate. But if you do not praise the child at all, then he can grow up timid, anxious and unsure of his own abilities. Use this quiz to see if you often praise your child.
Can you?
11/01/2016 94 0
Answer as honestly as you can the test questions to determine what kind of parent you are
measure of care
11/01/2016 81 0
It is known that many violations in the behavior and development of the child are associated with insufficient attention to him parents.
However, according to psychologists, excessive guardianship can be as dangerous as its lack. This test will help you figure out how true your educational position is.
Diagnostic study among parents of students in grades 3-4
11/07/2016 21 0
Diagnostic study among parents of students in grades 3-4 of general education organizations
Does your child have allergies
11/17/2016 312 0
The test will help determine if your child has a tendency to allergies, how to determine this and whether you need to see a specialist.
02/18/2017 652 0
The test allows you to assess the level of life and time prospects of the individual, which in a market economy is of significant interest and importance.
In various fields of activity, the degree of its success is assessed by labor productivity, the quality and quantity of the final product produced. But when it comes to the life and time perspective of the individual, then I mean not only and often not so much the final results of its activities, but its ability to withstand and win in the competitive struggle. Among the many qualities that determine and characterize the life and time perspective of the individual, there are 10 backbone and priority ones. So, the life and time perspective of a person characterizes in an integrated way such qualities as clarity of goals and value orientations, diligence, creative attitude to business, ability to take risks, independence, ability to be a leader, desire for continuous professional growth, for the high quality of the final products of one’s labor.
Your relationship to your own mistakes
03/24/2017 282
Diagnosis of the level of development of personal UUD.
05/12/2017 165 0
The UUD Personal Results Questionnaire was developed for parents within the framework of the GEF IEO with disabilities. With the help of the questionnaire, it is possible to determine the level of personal development of students in 3 blocks: self-determination, meaning formation and moral and ethical orientation. As part of this questionnaire, the level of self-determination of grade 3 students with visual impairments will be monitored.
Do you always live with your mind
05/18/2017 272 0
Is your child ready for kindergarten?
06/26/2017 70
If you are still not sure if your child is ready to start kindergarten, answer the questions on the test.
For recommendations on the adaptation of the child, contact the psychologist of the institution.
How does your baby sleep at 4-6 months?
06/12/2018 367 0
Do you find it hard to put your baby to bed, have to rock him for a long time, carry him in his arms, sing songs for half the night? Answer 7 questions of the test and find out why this is happening. Or get confirmation that your baby sleeps perfectly!
How does your baby sleep at 7-9 months?
06/14/2018 185 0
Do you find it hard to put your baby to bed, have to rock him for a long time, carry him in his arms, sing songs for half the night? Answer 7 questions of the test and find out why this is happening.
Or get confirmation that your baby sleeps perfectly!
How does your baby sleep at 10-14 months?
06/14/2018 286 0
Do you find it hard to put your baby to bed, have to rock him for a long time, carry him in his arms, sing songs for half the night? Answer 7 questions of the test and find out why this is happening. Or get confirmation that your baby sleeps perfectly!
How does your baby over 21 months sleep?
06/14/2018 385 0
Do you find it hard to put your baby to bed, have to rock him for a long time, carry him in his arms, sing songs for half the night? Answer 7 questions of the test and find out why this is happening.
Or get confirmation that your baby sleeps perfectly!
your educational system
06/17/2020 58 0
The test is dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Find out if you are raising your children right?
What is the reason for your emotional breakdowns on the child and emotional burnout?
03/10/2021 451
Every day, every moment we experience feelings, mood swings, emotional reactions and even affects - with relatives and friends, colleagues and friends, bosses and the environment, with children. Every moment we spend a lot of energy controlling our emotional behavior, trying not to break down, not get upset, not to "psych out" and not to end up in a sea of shame due to a lack of self-control.
Emotional breakdowns and burnout are what any mother goes through, interacting with children. If we understand the reasons for our breakdowns and burnout, we can stop them and live peacefully and happily. A full-fledged upbringing, happy children, love for ourselves and loved ones, self-realization, health, beauty, the meaning of life - all this is the result of healthy emotional reactions, the absence of breakdowns and burnout. And what is the state of your emotions and what underlies your breakdowns and burnout when raising children?
Questionnaire-instruction for parents "My child will go to school"
04/02/2021 12 0
The Instruction Questionnaire will help you determine if your child is ready for school. Each question designates one of the skills required for successful learning.
In the process of passing the test, pay attention to the content of those questions to which you answered "no" - this will be the development zone for your child, that is, those skills that you should pay attention to developing.
How to develop safe behavior skills in children. Self Checklist for Parents
08/29/2021 13 0
Teaching a child the skills of safe behavior (hereinafter SBE) is a long and multi-stage process. It is important to keep track of the intermediate results that the child achieves without losing sight of the final goal. The self-monitoring scheme presented in the form of this questionnaire can help with this. By answering the questions of the questionnaire, you will be able to find out what safety skills the child should be steadily formed by the age of 7.
Communication with a stranger. (Child Personal Safety Skills #2)
09/08/2021 11 0
Dear parents! This test continues the series of tests on the child's personal safety skills. The tests are designed in such a way that by answering them, you will learn how to properly develop a particular skill in a child.
Be in sight. (Child Personal Safety Skills #3)
09/21/2021 10 0
Dear parents! This test continues the series of tests on the child's personal safety skills. The tests are designed in such a way that by answering them, you will learn how to properly develop a particular skill in a child.
body vocabulary. (Child Personal Safety Skills #4)
09/30/2021 9 0
Dear parents! This test continues the series of tests on the child's personal safety skills. The tests are designed in such a way that by answering them, you will learn how to properly develop a particular skill in a child.
Identifying information. (Child Personal Safety Skills #6)
10/06/2021 10 0
Dear parents! This test continues the series of tests on the child's personal safety skills. The tests are designed in such a way that by answering them, you will learn how to properly develop a particular skill in a child.
Ready phrases. (Child Personal Safety Skill #9)
11/15/2021 8 0
Dear parents! This series of tests will help you find out what personal safety skills your child needs to develop, what areas these skills cover, and the age at which these skills begin to develop. Based on the results of the test, you will receive methodological recommendations for training the "ready-made phrases" safety skill with children.
Close and lock. (#12)
11/29/2021 10 0
Dear parents! This test continues a series of tests that help you find out what personal safety skills your child needs to develop.
You can spend with a child from 4 years.
Safe behavior in transport (№23)
03/18/2022 3 0
This test will help to understand such a child's personal safety skill as behavior in transport. By answering the questions and studying the comments to them, the parent will be able to understand what elements are included in this skill. At the end of the test, methodological recommendations are given for practicing the skill with the child.
Questionnaire "What kind of parent are you?"
08/02/2022 266
Dear parents! We invite you to answer the questions in this survey. This questionnaire will help you determine what state you are in with your children.
Thanks to the results obtained, you will be able to adjust your behavior, making the upbringing of children as effective as possible.
Is your child ready for kindergarten?
08/10/2022 33 0
By answering the test questions, you will find out how ready your child is for kindergarten. Good luck!
Psychological test: Who are you for parents?
Interesting, Psychological
- 1 Relationships at the Turn of Times
- 2 Test Questions
- 3 Recommended Tests
Every parent criticizes their child from time to time. But there are those who constantly pay attention to their children. Perhaps you have heard at every step that you are doing something wrong: you are not carrying a mug, you are dressing poorly, you said something wrong, you acted badly? Parents think that if they criticize the child, they will be able to teach him to do everything right and avoid mistakes in the future. But that doesn't work. Do you have very harsh inner criticism that prevents you from relaxing?
Relationships at the turn of time
Parents and children - their relationship is often ambiguous. A child's future life depends on what kind of communications develop in the family. He can become a great person or vice versa - nobody. And all this, based on relationships with the closest and dearest people.
An important aspect is emotional contact with parents. Exhibited relationships from childhood allow the child to feel secure and confident in adulthood, and parents to be really close to their child.
Only emotionally stable and mature parents can bring up a psychologically healthy person.
Test questions
Many people know the feeling of misunderstanding parents. Someone questions torment all the time, poisoning adult life. In any case, you can get answers by passing a simple test and find out - who are you for your parents?
Set aside all your other activities before starting the test. Focus on childhood memories and the feelings they evoke. Choose answers honestly and slowly
1. Do you feel responsible for the happiness of your parents?
I feel responsible and guilty before them
I think happiness depends on each of us
I don't worry about it
2. Do your parents violate your personal boundaries?
If they do this, they know better, they are accomplished people
I categorically stop such attempts
I am an independent person, I don’t like it when people interfere in my life
3. Do you feel that your parents constantly control you?
I don't consider it a control, most likely a help
When I feel it's obsessive, I let them know
I'm not interested in other people's opinion, I do what I want
4. Do you feel guilty about ignoring the feelings of your parents?
I worry about them and try not to upset them
I don’t always think about my parents when doing something, but if it has consequences, I worry about them
I'm not interested in my parents' feelings - this is my life
5. If mom or dad asks for help on the day when you already had your own plans, you..
cancel everything and help
Try to come up with a respectful excuse, and if it doesn't work, then go to the rescue
Firmly refuse, offering to fulfill the request on another day
6. Mom openly criticizes your appearance, how will you react?
Agree with her and draw conclusions
Listen patiently, but don't stop dressing like that
Firmly let her know that the choice is yours whether she likes it or not
7. If your choice of partner doesn't please your parents...
I will end this relationship
I will continue the relationship, but I will not advertise it so as not to offend my parents
I will not change anything at all
8. Did your parents help you choose your future profession?
They had the last word
They gave advice, but the choice was yours
You made the decision yourself
Plug-in sponsor: Tests for girls
It is impossible to raise a child without making parenting mistakes.