Unfair fighting in marriage

Unfair fighting in marriage
Do You and Your Partner Fight Fair?Some fighting is good for a relationship. As long as you fight fair. Image: Flickr/stuartpilbrowSome degree of fighting in a relationship is not only inevitable, but...

Narcissistic tendency test

Narcissistic tendency test
3 Minute Narcissistic Personality Disorder TestPersonality DisordersNarcissistic Personality DisorderDo You Have Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Use this quiz to determine whether you or someone yo...

Definition bad attitude

Definition bad attitude
Idioms by The Free DictionaryHaving+a+bad+attitude - Idioms by The Free Dictionary ...

Is mastubation good for health

Is mastubation good for health
Is Masturbation Healthy? In This Section Masturbation Is Masturbation Healthy? You may have heard some crazy things about masturbation being bad for you, like it makes you grow hair in weird place...

Relationship with parent

Relationship with parent
Parent-Child Relationship - Why it's Important ...

Definition of depression disorder

Definition of depression disorder
Depression (major depressive disorder) - Diagnosis and treatmentDiagnosisYour doctor may determine a diagnosis of depression based on:Physical exam. Your doctor may do a physical exam and ask question...

Can anxiety cause add

Can anxiety cause add
What is Anxious ADD? Anxious ADD Symptoms & TreatmentAnxious ADD is one of the theorized “7 types of ADD” (Classic ADD, Ring of Fire ADD, Temporal Lobe ADD, Limbic ADD, Inattentive ADD, Overfocused AD...

Anti depression and anxiety meds

Anti depression and anxiety meds
Drug Options for Treating Depression and Anxiety DisordersWritten by WebMD Editorial Contributors In this Article What Drugs Are Used to Treat Depression? What Medications Are Used to Treat Anxiety...

Citalopram when pregnant

Citalopram when pregnant
Pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility while taking citalopram Citalopram and pregnancy Citalopram can be used in pregnancy. Some studies have suggested that citalopram might occasionally affect the d...

Fun facts about freud

Fun facts about freud
11 Fascinating Facts About Sigmund FreudNext to sheep, no one has done more for dreams than Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). While you may know him as the founder of ps...