Best match com profiles
How To Write A Match Profile That Will Get You Dates (In 4 Easy Steps!)If you eagerly log on to, only to heave a heavy sigh when you check out your inbox, chances are your profile could use...
Psychologist depression treatment
SAMHSA’s National Helpline | SAMHSA Your browser is not supportedSwitch to Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari Main page content SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year tr...
When your heart breaks
18 Things to Remember When Your Heart is Breaking “Don’t cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won’t let you see the stars.”— Violeta Parra It’s a dull, subdued sensation, when your heart is bre...
Emotion centered coping
Emotion-focused vs. Problem-focused Coping StrategiesWhat's better to reduce stress? Trying to solve your problems or trying to manage your reactions? We'll find out in this post.Coping is “a person’s...
Meds for bulimia
Bulimia nervosa - Diagnosis and treatmentDiagnosisIf your primary care provider suspects you have bulimia, he or she will typically:Talk to you about your eating habits, weight-loss methods and physic...
Letter to disrespectful son
Mom is fed up with disrespectful son – writes him a letter to teach him a lessonIt’s been nearly 5 years since it was written, but a viral letter from a mom to her son is making the rounds on the Inte...
Definition of conditional love
Conditional vs. Unconditional Love — Hudson Therapy Group The term “unconditional love” is found all over songs and movie lines, but what does it actually mean for real life relationships?To really un...
Can low thyroid cause depression
The Link between Thyroid Function and Depression1. D'haenen H, Boer JAD, Willner P. Biological Psychiatry. Vol. 1. Chichester, UK: Wiley...
How to overcome fear of failing
7 Ways to Overcome Fear of Failure and Move Forward in LifeJump to sectionComing to terms with your fear of failureStart by asking yourself these 4 questionsHow to get over the fear of failure: 7 tips...