Best match com profiles
How To Write A Match Profile That Will Get You Dates (In 4 Easy Steps!)
If you eagerly log on to, only to heave a heavy sigh when you check out your inbox, chances are your profile could use a little sprucing up.
Don’t let your profile keep you from meeting the high-quality women you deserve! In this article, you’ll learn how to write a match profile that makes them respond to your message instantly...
Let's get started with 2 essential basics that will help you decide what to write in your dating profile, and then you'll get 4 actionable steps that will make writing a successful profile a snap!
Exclusive Bonus: Want to steal one of our top-performing bios? Download our top 10 proven profiles right now so you can get more matches and date higher quality women. (It’s free!)
Nailing The “In My Own Words” Section
Your profile has two main jobs - grab her attention, and keep it. It’s a bit like a commercial on TV. You want to inform, intrigue, and leave her wanting to know more. Highlight all your best features in an interesting way, and the odds are good that she’ll reply to your message and want to meet you in person.
The best profiles have punchy, short sentences. Using simple, easy-to-digest wording increases your likeability.
It also makes your profile easy to skim, which is important because people tend to multitask when it comes to browsing profiles, just like you probably do. If your profile can drag her attention away from Netflix, you’ve won the first battle.
The profile example above illustrates what happens when you get it wrong. That’s one visually daunting block of text right there, and chances are not many people are going to attempt it - especially not on a phone screen.
The ideal length for this section is between 225-275 words. Of that, 70% should be about you, 30% should describe your ideal partner. Research has shown that ratio hits the maximum attraction sweet spot.
Bonus “Hack” for Match.![]() |
Stick To Showing, Not Telling
Anyone can list a bunch of adjectives and call it a day. But not only is that boring to read, there’s absolutely no context to back up the claims.
It’s far more attractive to show how you embody a particular trait, rather than just state that you have it. For guys, aim to highlight alpha male traits like bravery, courage, and a willingness to take risks. Studies have shown women are naturally drawn to those qualities.
Here is an example of two-paragraph intro that catches her interest, and showcases an attractive sense of adventure:
Just take care not to sound like you’re bragging. That mistake will make you seem both less attractive and less trustworthy. It’s called “selective self-presentation,” and you want to avoid it.
For instance, instead of writing something like “I’m an incredible photographer,” consider including your Instagram, and let her draw that conclusion on her own. In a nutshell, let other sources “toot the horn” for you.
Write Your Match Profile In 4 Easy Steps
You’ve got the profile writing basics, now it’s time to start typing. Here’s a foolproof 4-step process that you can use right now...
Step #1: Capture her attention with an intriguing story or anecdote.
The first paragraph is arguably the most important, because if you don’t grab her attention immediately, she’s going to quit reading. Lure her in with a funny story that illustrates your sense of humor, or highlight your adventurous personality by describing a trip using vivid language like this:
Step #2 - Describe your job in an interesting way.
The second paragraph can be tricky, especially if you don’t like your job. But it’s important, particularly if you’re in the market for a serious, long-term relationship. You want to show you’re ambitious, stable, and financially sound - in other words, boyfriend material.
No matter what you do, you can make it sound sexy. For instance, if you work in the financial field, try writing something along these lines:
Step #3 - Describe a few of your hobbies and passions in life.
For the third paragraph, keep in mind she’s going to be imagining what it’s like to spend time with you as she’s reading your profile. Talk about what you like to do for fun, but stay away from the boring lists.
Instead of writing something like “I like to play tennis, watch football, and hit the gym,” go into a little more detail about each thing you mention. For instance, “When a 3-day weekend rolls around, I’ll grab some friends and hit the slopes at Whistler” is way more interesting than just writing “I like skiing.”
Not only are hobbies great for establishing a bond via a mutual interest, they're also inherently good first message material. If she's intrigued enough to reach out, it's simple for her to use one of those details as a conversation starter.
Step #4 - Describe the type of woman you’re looking for.
Close this section with a description of your ideal partner. Pick a few traits from your “must have” list, and let her know what you’re looking for in a creative way:
Notice how this example ends with a command. Not only does it exude confidence, but it’s literally a call to action, a marketing technique that really works.
This one-size-fits-all template will help you combine all 4 steps into one attractive profile:
But taking the easy way out comes with one caveat - it’s not 100% you, and no template will ever deliver a perfect profile. So although this example will more than likely boost your results, you can do even better with a profile that’s totally customized.
But if you don’t have the time, inclination, or patience, consider hiring VIDA to craft the perfect profile for you, send your messages and even set up your dates!
Choose The “Topics” That Have The Most Impact
Match allows you to choose 3 “Topics” from a drop-down menu of 70+, each with a 150-character limit.
You’ll want to choose prompts that allow you to showcase an attractive quality, trait, hobby, etc. - you want your answer to make her want to meet you even more.
For instance, an answer like this communicates that you enjoy traveling and you’re physically fit:
This is another good example of a Match prompt answer, because it lets her know you’re handy to have around the house:
Match prompts a great way for you to showcase what a fun guy you are to spend time with. Use descriptive phrases that make her want to go to those places with you. Say something like:
With just a few simple sentences, she knows you’re physically fit enough to hike, you travel abroad, and like to go out and socialize.
Make sure to show a wide variety of places you like to go, because sounding one-note could leave her wondering if your personality is one dimensional as well.
Stay away from the inherently negative prompts, unless you’re 100% sure you can answer it in a funny and/or positive way.
It doesn’t take much to turn her off as she’s scanning profiles, and sounding negative, judgmental, or whiny is an almost sure fire way to do it.
Here are two good ways to handle the more “negative” prompts in an attractive way:
Your Match prompt answers jump out in your profile - and so do any grammatical errors or typos. Lack of punctuation and other mistakes like that can be a total mood killer, so pay attention to your spell check!
Here are a few more Match prompt tips to keep in mind:
- Don’t just repeat what you mentioned in the main body of your profile. That’s lame.
- Keep your prompt answers, and the rest of your profile, classy. If you come on too strong, chances are she’ll roll her eyes and move on to the next one.
- Focus on positive things that add value to your profile. Negativity can be a huge turn off.
Bonus “Hack” for #2: Take the time to complete the “My interests” section.![]() Match also uses your interests to help give you better matches. So if a mutual interest in something like travel or yoga is important to you, check the boxes! |
Now you’ve got the tools to write an attractive, attention getting profile. But that’s only one small piece of the “how to be successful on Match” puzzle. You also need strong photos and compelling messages, which you can read all about here.
So grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and prepare to take some notes. But why try to turn yourself into a profile pro, when it’s so much easier to just hire one?
VIDA’s professional profile writers will craft a magnetically attractive, ultra-compelling profile that’s 100% customized for you. And it’s so much more than just a profile writing service!
VIDA’s experts will also send messages that make the women you like best eager to meet in person! It’s online dating done for you, and it’s the easiest way to finally find the partner of your dreams. Click here to get started.
10 Profile Writing Tips to Help Guide Cupid's Arrow
Between the rise in popularity of mobile dating apps and social media networking, online dating has quickly evolved from being stigmatized to status quo. In fact, according to Pew Research, the share of 18- to 24-year-olds who use online dating has roughly tripled from 10% in 2013 to 27% today. Online dating use among 55- to 64-year-olds has also risen substantially since the last Pew Research Center survey on the topic. Today, 12% of 55- to 64-year-olds report of having used an online dating site or mobile dating app versus only 6% in 2013.
That same research shows that in 2015, 5% of Americans who are in a marriage or committed relationship say they met their significant other online. Pew Research hasn't done any more recent surveys (to my knowledge), but when they do, my bet is these numbers will shift upwards.
Online dating use among 55- to 64-year-olds has also risen substantially since the last Pew Research Center survey on the topic.
Due to the lack of more recent statistics, I ran a quick poll on my Facebook feed, asking how many within my immediate network met their significant other through online dating. The stories started trickling in.
"He contacted me. We messaged a few times and he asked me out on super bowl Sunday. I initially told him no because I was afraid I'd miss the game. He said that's how he knew. I agreed to coffee as long as I was home for the game," recalls Crystal, who met her husband, Matt, online, and married him four months later. Jennifer, who just welcomed her second amazing daughter into the world, met her husband, Kellen, online as well. "The conversation then moved to texting," she writes, "and then we talked on the phone. Each conversation leading me to more interest in him as a person. We had many similar views and connected on those things."
So, there are success stories out there. But for those of you stuck at the "tell us about yourself" part of the online dating ritual, here are a few tips to make sure you don't miss out on your once in a lifetime chance to meet the guy or girl of your dreams.
Know the search criteria
Okay, so we've established that a LOT of people are dating online now, which is great. The downside to that is, there are plenty of people behind the profiles that you simply wouldn't get along with, so it's best to weed out the "deal-breakers" at the beginning. I can't tell you what these deal-breakers are, you'll have to figure that out for yourself. But if religion is one, go ahead and narrow your search along those lines. If you absolutely cannot date someone in another religion, you should make that clear from the beginning, to avoid time wasted on the matchmaking end.
For others, the "deal-breaker" might be kids. If you're looking for a partner who loves kids like you do, that's an important point to mention. If you're a single mother or father and will be bringing children into a potential relationship with someone, most people want to know that right off the bat, so go ahead and make that point clear.
Likewise, if family is important to you, say it. If you're not into the bar scene or random hookups, throw that in there, as well. Let your potential matches know the absolute deal-breakers on the front end to avoid wasting your time.
Avoid being "that guy"
It's one thing to have self-confidence. It's something else entirely to come across as pathological. Your dating profile is not a job interview. You don't need to list all of your credentials and highlights, because doing so only comes across as pompous and egotistical. So, phrases like "I'll show you the best time of your life" or "I'm the life of the party" should be avoided.
Show, don't tell
This same rule applies in storytelling—Humans are visual creatures, so use your photos to show who you are. Like adventure? Be sure to include a photo of that last skydiving event you participated in. Enjoy going to restaurants around town? You've probably got a selfie of yourself and a friend while dining out.
Enjoy spending lazy Sundays on the river in a boat? There's a picture of you doing just that somewhere on your phone.
Avoid addressing the crowd
One of the best aspects of dating online versus meeting someone in a bar or club is that online dating helps you weed out the people who have qualities or traits that are absolute deal-breakers for you in a relationship. To that end, it's important to not seem like you're addressing everyone when you're writing your online profile. This means, that "Hey Ladies, I'm the guy you're looking for" is probably not the best way to catch the attention of a unique individual who will appreciate you for who you are and what you can bring to the table.
I get it, I know it's hard to narrow yourself into a few paragraphs. I go through the same struggle every time I write an author bio for a magazine running an article. The point is, there are truly many fish in the sea. As any fisherman knows, certain fish prefer certain bait. So throwing out clichés or "I'm looking for my best friend" are just far too vague, and your profile is certain to attract matches you'd never really want to meet in public.
Ask questions
One of the easiest ways to attract someone's attention is to ask them questions about themselves. You can incorporate this into your profile to spark potential conversations, whether the person on the other end shares your tastes in food, music, hobbies and fun, or not.
Here's an example: "The perfect night out for me would be great conversation over Cuban food and maybe some salsa dancing at a downtown club, what's yours?"
Keep negativity to a minimum
Your profile is not the time and place to talk about how your ex cheated on you. It's also not the place to rant about politics, religion, how out of touch you think millennials are, or any other conversation that would turn someone off from wanting to connect with you.
Instead, reframe it into what impresses you and what you like. Instead of complaining about cheaters, mention that you value loyalty. If you really can't stand someone who is only interested in the amount of money in your bank account, mention that you are looking for someone who understands what it means to have gratitude and is able to count their blessings.
Have some faith
"I can't believe I signed up for this." "I'm not sure this will work, but…."
A solid rule in dating, whether online or offline, is showing confidence and these statements do nothing other than let others know that you're not very confident you'll find the right person this way. Even if your online dating attempt doesn't work to attract the right partner, having the confidence to make an honest go of it might be all that's really needed to catch someone's eye.
Avoid the checklist
Obviously, you have standards in the people you choose to date. As mentioned earlier, laying out your deal-breakers on the front end is a great idea if you don't have the time to chase after potential dates who you just wouldn't click with face-to-face. However, your profile isn't the place to list every single one of them in bulleted format.
While it's important to mention absolute "deal-breakers," don't use your online dating profile as a checklist of everything you expect your potential match to be.
One interesting fact discovered in more recent Pew research is that online dating is changing the face of "couples" to be more diverse in ethnicity, education, political party and income.
According to the poll, three out of ten of those who say they met their partner online report that their partner is a different race or ethnicity, compared with 19% of those who met their partner offline. People who met their partner online are also somewhat more likely to say that they and their partner do not identify with the same political party (46% vs. 40%). Of those who say their partner has a different political affiliation, many are in a couple where one person leans to or is affiliated with one party and the other is a political independent or undecided.
Going back to my unofficial straw poll on Facebook, Crystal writes, "He was into hiking and fishing and I hated both of those things. He was the polar opposite of everything I was or had ever dated. " Now, with four years of marriage behind them, she and Matt figured out that sometimes the "checklist" can be too narrow and should be left open to surprises.
Get a room (no, really)
I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer, just being real: if you're a woman, dating online is pretty scary. Stories trickle in on the news and social media feeds about online dating gone bad, with some scenarios leading to sexual crimes and others leading to psychopathic stalkers. So, in much the same sense that yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater is a bad idea, so is being overtly sexual on your online dating profile.
If you are honestly looking for a potential partner, advertising your sexual preferences in your dating profile is the same thing as going on a first date and immediately trying to get to third base. Just….don't.
Obviously, a face-to-face encounter will be crucial for determining if there's a physical spark, but don't blow your chances for that encounter by putting the cart before the horse. Consider this: You might end up on a date with someone in your line of work that can help you reach more potential business contacts, where sexual innuendo on the front end would only result in embarrassment, ruining the opportunity of a connection that could have been made. In whatever case, avoid sexual innuendo or references, it will only attract the wrong kind of responses.
Leave out the grammar mistakes
According to this poll, 91% of members have attended college. So, for this particular app, it's a good idea to check your grammar and spelling. While your online dating profile isn't your resume, it's still published content that should come across as well-thought out. Finding the right partner is a big step, and an important one for a lot of people, so take the time to get it right before publishing it.
Finally, and perhaps most essentially, remember the words of the immortal bard, Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
Improving your LinkedIn profile before looking for a job / Sudo Null IT News
At the time of writing, about 30 million vacancies from 20 million companies around the world are posted on the LinkedIn social network. It's no surprise that 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn as one of their top recruiting resources.
A properly designed LinkedIn profile will help attract the attention of recruiters to your candidacy. Together with the team of international job search experts, we have prepared a short guide on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile before looking for a job. nine0003
Step 1. Profile title and description
Aside from the avatar, the profile title and description is the first thing a recruiter sees.
Start with the title. I advise you to stick to this formula:
Position + Company | Your core skills (keywords) | Zing (something that sets you apart from other candidates)
✓ Developer at Amazon | NodeJS, React, Ruby, Rails, AWS | Agile Evangelist, speaker
✗ Junior Developer at Amazon
Worth noting : If you are a Junior developer who wants to get into a Middle level position, it is better to avoid the words "Junior", "beginner", and the like.
Take a look at the description. It should not be too short (try to write at least 40 words), but don't overdo it with the length. Avoid the phrases “team player”, “familiar with ... (technology)”, “sociable, stress-resistant”, etc. - they do not carry any semantic load. Instead, fill out the description with relevant keywords. If you are looking for a job abroad, be sure to mention it. Here are some examples of a good profile description (in English). nine0003
The opposite strategy. Recruiters always rely on keywords and Boolean search when searching for candidates. For example, here is one of the search query options for finding a Python developer: (programmer OR developer) AND python AND (mysql OR postgresql) AND (django OR flask) AND (chef OR puppet OR sentry) .
If you only want to receive offers from the most dedicated recruiters, remove your primary keywords from your profile title and description. For example, if you are a Java developer, do not write the word "Java" - limit yourself to relevant technologies ("Spring, Hibernate"). nine0003
Additional resources. If you have a GitHub/Behance/Dribble profile and are proud of it, add a link to it next to your contact information.
Tip: If you're looking for a job abroad, don't mention on LinkedIn that you need help with a visa or relocation. This will in no way increase your chances of successful employment.
Step 2. Fill in the remaining sections of the profile
In general, all sections of your profile should be completed and contain relevant keywords. In particular, this applies to the sections “Work Experience”, “Education”, and “Skills and their confirmations”. nine0003
Work experience. It is not sufficient to simply list companies and job titles. For each position, describe your accomplishments, not the responsibilities you had. I advise you to do this in bulleted list format. Use active verbs (“reduced”, “developed”, “improved”, etc.). If possible, back up your words with appropriate numbers.
For example:
- Designed, developed, and launched on the Google Play Store XYZ, a React Native Android app for book sharing. nine0063
- Got 5000 downloads and 300 positive reviews in the first month after launch.
Courses and certificates. If you have completed relevant courses, mention them, especially if you are just taking your first steps in the IT field. This is a great way to show employers that you are capable of learning and developing your skills on your own.
Step 3: Finishing touches
Let recruiters know you're open to offers. Open the section "Professional interests" in your profile, and select the appropriate status. (“I actively apply” is the best option). nine0003
Turn on the visibility of your profile. Go to the tab "Profile" - "Settings and privacy" - "Edit public profile", and enable "Show" for all profile components.
Profile address. Personalize your profile URL - if possible, use a combination of your first and last name.
Tip: If you're looking for a job with a relocation, consider also changing your location to where you'd like to relocate. This will draw the attention of local recruiters to you. Moreover, you can combine your job search with tourism. If you're vacationing in a place you'd like to move to, don't miss out on a couple of job interviews. nine0003
Last but not least, if you are looking for a job abroad, fill out profile in English only !
Done! Now your profile is as effective as possible.
How effective is your resume? Try compiling it with CV Compiler and see if it matches the best trends in the industry.
Search for relatives through a DNA test. Part 4 - Deciphering the result / Sudo Null IT News Then you took the test for yourself or your relatives and sent the test back, going into standby mode.

And now, after a few weeks, we receive an e-mail notification that our test is ready, the results have been uploaded to the site, and now you can see its result!
What will we see in the results of the DNA test on the laboratory website?
Before looking directly at the results, I would
recommend thatfill out a profile on the laboratory's website.
Suppose you have found a potential relative, decide to write him a letter, he will look at your profile and will not understand who is writing to him and what is your awareness of the ancestors, the language you speak and so on. Therefore, do not be too lazy to write down your last name and first name, the names of the ancestors that you know, the regions of their residence, some sites offer to indicate your oldest known ancestor. The advantage will be that the sites will compare the names you are interested in with those indicated by other participants, so do not be too lazy to indicate them in both Russian and English spelling. You can also upload your photo. Only those with whom you have a match will see it. nine0003
without this, the review will be incomplete.
DNA origin
The first and simplest thing we can see in the results is the "origin".
Based on the comparison of millions of tests, DNA laboratories predict your origin, or rather the origin of your ancestors. These results are approximate enough that I personally find this not a very interesting test (with the possible exception of "23andMe") , unless you are adopted and don't know where your ancestors come from at all. Although for some nations it is important.
Below in the gallery is an example of displaying the "origin" of the same person in five laboratories. "23andMe" assumes regions within a country in addition to countries and often guesses. My last name, for example, was often noticed by me in the 19th century in the metrics of the Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions (and although I have not yet documented it from my ancestors, I think this is not a coincidence) . The Genotek website is flooded with a test from 23andMe, but the result is strange.
"Origin" is based on analysis and comparison, therefore, with the constant replenishment of the database with other people's tests, the algorithms periodically adjust the origin. Slightly, but nonetheless.
What you need to understand when looking at the result of the DNA test “Family Finder”
Finding matches is exactly what everyone does the test for. In order to find lost relatives or fill in the gaps in information about their ancestors. nine0003
Before looking at the results, you need to delve a little into the theory and understand what percentage of coincidence or what number cM indicates approximately what generation with a common ancestor.
The autosomal test, also called the “Family Finder”, shows all “matches” who had common ancestors at a depth of about 8-10 generations. That is, each of us at the depth of the 3rd generation (great-grandparents) has 8 direct ancestors, and at the depth of the 8th generation - already to 256 direct blood ancestors (taking into account the repetition (reduction) of ancestors at such a depth in many living people) . From each of these 256 ancestors there were descendants, far from one at a time. And now all the descendants who have survived to this day, and who passed the test, will come out in your matches on the websites of DNA laboratories.
The closer the relative - the higher the percentage of coincidence, the lower the percentage - the further, but he is probably your relative! The only question is in what generation and on what branch ... and this is the most difficult question. nine0007 It is to understand which branch the match is going on and they recommend doing a test not only to themselves, but also to their grandparents and other relatives in order to compare the “matcher” (with an alleged common ancestor in the 4th-5th generation) with tests of living parents or grandmothers / grandfathers, and not just with yourself.
View matches by DNA test “Family Finder”
I erased the names and contacts of people in the lists, so the screenshots suffered a little aesthetically.
View Autosomal DNA Test Results from ANCESTRY
We see a list of "matches", in fact - relatives, we see a certain number of common DNA measured in "cm". The site makes a prediction by degree of relationship, for example "4-6 - cousin / sister (cousin)". Why such a spread - again, we read the theory that I wrote earlier. The percentage of the same DNA can be like with a relative on the same timeline, so he can be a couple of generations older than you, but then closer along the branches of the “tree”.
By clicking on the surname you are interested in, you will see in more detail its name, the expected degree of relationship, the general DNA match and the largest matching segment. Many have "family trees" compiled on this site and you can view them, as a rule they are open, but you will not see the live ones without the approval of the owner of the "tree". Trees are very large, you can rummage through different branches from the "coincident" up and look for familiar names. Sometimes the trees are closed. Available filtering, search. nine0007
Of course, from the profile of a "coincident" you can write a message to him, introduce yourself, offer to search for common ancestors in the dialogue. Here you can also see what language a person speaks, when he was last on the site, his areas of interest and the available “trees” compiled.
You can write to a person only directly from the site, there is a special section for communication in the form of "chats". When new letters appear, notifications are sent to the mail, but whether a person comes to these notifications and reads your message depends on the person. nine0003
Ancestry cannot upload a test result from another lab, and neither can 23andMe. Hence the small number of Slavic surnames in the test results.
Viewing 23andMe Autosomal DNA Test Results
The 23andMe interface is very rich and the possibilities to expand your DNA study are quite wide, although you will have to pay extra for each “option”. I will consider the basic things so that you can compare with other laboratories.
The DNA hit list is a list of names with an assumed degree of relationship and a common part of the DNA in percentage terms. The system of filters is very rich, which, of course, work, provided that the person who downloaded the test filled out his profile as fully as possible.
For example, you can choose the country of origin of the ancestors of the “coincident”, and not just, but you can choose how many of his grandparents from this country (only 1, or let's say all 4) . You can not only enter a surname into the search, but automatically see a list of the most frequent surnames among those that matched you and filter them in “two clicks”. If you have tests of ancestors on the maternal and paternal lines, sorting takes place, you can immediately see who is on the paternal side and who is on the maternal side. You can see the "coincidents" on the map and from there reveal their profile with details. The map is, of course, scalable. nine0007
By clicking on a person in the list we get his name, photo, year of birth and when the person was last on the site, it helps. The degree of alleged relationship is immediately visually shown on the diagram (in "MyHeritage" it will be the same, but there it is a little less conveniently "hidden" in the interface). If the indicated names of the ancestors matched, they will be highlighted in bold (the spelling must be identical) .
The “match” profile does not just indicate the names and places of birth of ancestors separated by commas, like all the others below, but these names and places of birth are separated into different lines indicating “maternal grandmother” or “paternal grandfather lines". This eliminates unnecessary clarifications, everything is clear at once! It is possible to attach a link to your family tree, and surprisingly, a third-party resource is allowed (in the screenshot there is a link to the tree on "MyHeritage") . Directly on their website, 23andMe also allows you to draw a tree and it is quite nice.
The most important feature of "23andMe" is determination of both paternal and maternal haplogroups in the basic cost of the test at no extra charge! Well, when you look at a match with a certain person, then the haplogroups are immediately compared (women, of course, will not have a male haplogroup) .
From the disadvantages of the “haplogroups” functionality, in my opinion, is that “the site shows that a certain number of men have the same male haplogroup, but I cannot list these men. In the list of matches there is no option "show those who have the same haplogroup". This is very bad. If you open each “coincidence”, then you can see the haplogroup there, but filter it out quickly - no!
Directly on the site you can write to a person and search for common ancestors. When new letters appear on the site, notifications are sent to the mail. nine0003
23andMe cannot upload a test result from another lab, just like Ancestry. Considering that the test cannot be ordered directly to Russia or Ukraine and cannot be sent back from these territories, the number of those tested with ancestors from the USSR is very small.
Viewing the results of an autosomal DNA test from MyHeritage
A slight difference between “MyHeritage” and others is that it is not necessary for each test taker to open a “personal account” and a separate profile with the result. If you already have your own profile and a tree has been compiled on the site, then you can simply “tie” the new results of relatives to the relatives in your tree. Accordingly, the results can be viewed for each of the downloaded tests in a couple of clicks without leaving your profile. On other sites, you need to log out and go under the login of the one whose test was done. And the site is Russified, which is convenient for those who do not speak English. nine0003
In the list of matches, everything is the same, but in a slightly different interface. If these are your tests and they are tied into a tree by you, the degree of relationship according to your own tree is immediately shown.
Suggested relationship, cM number and percentage of total DNA shown. How to compare percentages and "cM", again, I said earlier. Available filtering, search, everything is like everywhere else.
By clicking on "View DNA matches" you will be taken to a detailed comparison of the match between you and the person of interest. You will see the details of the DNA match, the names of interest indicated by the person in his profile, and also below is a list of people whose DNA matches both you and this person. This, among other things, will allow you to select a test of an ancestor you know (for example, a grandmother) to be guaranteed to see matches below exactly along her line. nine0003
A very good tool is the search for triangulated segments. You choose a couple of people besides yourself and compare the DNA. If the same fragment falls out for all three, this is already guaranteed to be your relative in this branch. But in addition to your test, you need to have tests of relatives so that you have someone to compare with.
Similarly with “Ancestry”, a part of the “tree” will be visible if a person has it on the site, which can be opened and viewed in more detail, and the “origin” is also compared and common parts of DNA are shown. nine0003
The appearance of the tree can be seen on the last 2 screenshots. In general, of all the online services I have tested, I find it the most convenient. As for someone else's tree among the "coincidents", if it is not closed, you will see all the dead and if you have additional information and photos, you can read it. If closed, you can request access and, after approval, see the entire tree in full.
You can write to a person directly on the site, it is convenient, but this is also a disadvantage, because a person may not see notifications in the mail about a new message on the site, and he has not visited the site for a long time. nine0003
In “MyHeritage” you can upload the result of a test taken in another laboratory, more on that below.
Viewing Autosomal DNA Test Results from FamilyTreeDNA
“FamilyTreeDNA” ( abbreviated “FTDNA” ) is perhaps the most convenient way to work with a list of “matches”. But everything is subjective. We are also offered a complete list of close and distant relatives with the date of the match (first date according to the date your test was uploaded, then as new people appear, the date their test was added), the estimated degree of relationship, the total DNA measured in "cM" and the length of the longest section matched DNA, and if a person indicated in his profile - a list of surnames from among his ancestors. nine0003
Here you can also build a "tree" when you "tie" the test to someone from your tree - this is indicated in the penultimate column - "Linked Relationship".
Another important feature of “FTDNA” is that if there are “tied up” relatives in the database both on the male and on your female line, all “matches” are automatically sorted into the “Paternal” and “Maternal” tabs, which simplifies filtering and understanding by which line to look for common ancestors.
By clicking on a person, you will see the information entered by him on the oldest known ancestors, a list of surnames and regions of residence of the ancestors, his haplogroup, if he did the Y-test and Mt-test, as well as e-mail for communication. Unlike “MyHeritage” and “Ancestry”, here people immediately indicate an e-mail for communication. Your communication will take place outside the “FTDNA” site, and in practice it is more convenient, and the percentage of “dead” e-mails is lower than the percentage of unanswered messages on the “MyHeritage” and “Ancestry” sites. nine0003
The filtering system is naturally supported and the possibility of not only automatic filtering by male and female lines, but also manually selecting the right person and filtering everyone who matches him and you, or vice versa, everyone who does not match him. The default sorting is by degree of relationship, but you can filter by both "cM" and by the longest section of common DNA.
Naturally, on the site it is also possible (and necessary) to make a copy of your tree, and this allows us to look at the matchmaker's tree, look for familiar surnames. Of course, we will not see the living without permission. nine0003
Similar to "MyHeritage" there is the ability to search for common DNA segments between multiple people other than yourself. This allows you to see both the length of common segments visually and comparison with other people. When matches are in the same block, people are guaranteed to be blood relatives to each other, as in the last screenshot.
As mentioned above, you can contact a person directly by writing to him by e-mail.
In “FTDNA” you can download the result of a test taken in another laboratory, more on that below. nine0003
View autosomal DNA test results from Genotek
Test not purchased from Genotek, result from 23andMe was uploaded here.
As in “MyHeritage”, here it is not necessary for each test taker to open a separate “personal account”. You can “link” all tests to one account (e-mail), and establish family ties between tests through the tree filled in on the site. The results can be viewed for each test in two clicks. The site, of course, is Russified. nine0007 A long list of matches is produced, which are very interestingly highlighted by the relationship prediction, provided that you have loaded tests of other relatives on the maternal and male lines, and also if you conscientiously filled out your tree with the names and places of residence of the ancestors. The estimated degree of kinship is written, on which branch this coincidence, the possible surname of common ancestors and when approximately this ancestor could live, as well as the ethnic group.
Each "matcher" has 2 "buttons" available: "family tree" and "scientific data". The first one opens the human tree, if it is full, and the second one opens the details of the DNA match with the total percentage of the match, the largest segment and haplogroups (if they are present in the given sample, if the test is downloaded from another site). nine0007 We can write a letter to each person “inside the site” and there you can also see information about the last activity of the “match”, which gives an approximate idea of how often he appears on the site.
The genealogical tree does not provide for uploading a gedcom file, you will have to fill in gradually one person at a time. By clicking on a person, detailed information is revealed.
If you have more than one test, then you do not need to fill out the entire tree for each tested person, but only for one person. As soon as you fill in a couple of generations of ancestors for another person, the system will immediately see the matches and offer to merge the trees. Your relatives need to be “tied up” from the tree to other tests available. nine0007 Very strangely, Genotek implemented matches for haplogroups .
There is a separate tab - "Ancestral Migration". There is a long tape, by analogy with "23andMe", which shows the progress of mutations and movements of ancestors, and at the very end, haplogroups and people who, from among the common matches, have the same haplogroup. There is no other way these matches you can’t see it unless you look for the haplogroup with your eyes, revealing each of several hundred matches.0007 With filters on "Genotek" in principle it is bad. You can’t filter out the female or male line, you can’t calculate other common matches between you and someone from the list, haplogroups ... You can only enter a keyword (surname or locality) in the search box and filter matches.
In “Genotek”, as it is already clear, you can also upload the result of a test passed in another laboratory, although this is paid and is not cheap (if you do not fall under the action).
On all sites (except Genotek) there is a field for notes and notes next to each person, visible only to you, there you can make notes for yourself so as not to get confused who and what information told you. Write down the names and places of residence of the ancestors of those who answered your letters there. in the process of studying your pedigree, you will again and again revise the “matches” and start from new information, considering this list. nine0003
Uploading “Family Finder” DNA test results to other laboratories
All or almost all sites provide the ability to upload the "raw" result of processing your DNA test to your computer. This allows, if technically possible, to upload your test result to other sites.
i.e. if the person who passed the test is not advanced enough or is lazy, then the result of his test will be, for example, only on the MyHeritage website. Can you imagine how many such people there are and how different the lists of "matches" with you can be on several laboratory sites? nine0003
Technically, the Ancestry test result can then be uploaded to both FTDNA and MyHeritage. The “MyHeritage” and “FTDNA” test results are interchangeable and are uploaded to each other's sites. The possibility of other tests is reflected on the websites of laboratories and screenshots below. And any test can and should be uploaded to a site that compares all the tests of all laboratories, and absolutely free. This is the GedMatch website.
This will allow you to reach a much larger audience, do not neglect this opportunity! nine0003
View autosomal DNA test results on GedMatch
GedMatch has a very concise and English-language interface. For many, this causes difficulty. But automatic site translators will help.
The site allows you to store data on all DNA tests you manage in one account, and quickly switch between them. There are various "reports" that allow you to filter and analyze.
The main window of the site simply gives a list of matches for the test with last name and first name, e-mail for communication, and shows which part of the DNA matched and what is the longest block, shows the estimated number of generations to a common ancestor and from which laboratory the test was imported. nine0007
Thanks to this site you will be able to compare with sites closed for importing results, such as for example “23andMe”. If a person is not too lazy and uploads a test here, everyone will be here!
View FamilyFteeDNA Y-DNA test results
As I explained in another article, DNA tests are not limited to "autosomal" tests and you can do yourself a male line test or a female line test. Viewing the results of these tests is similar to viewing the results of autosomal tests, but there are slight differences. nine0003
For example, in the "male" Y-dna test, it all depends on whether you did a test for only 25 markers, for 37 or 67 markers, or immediately made a test for 700 markers. The more “accurate” the test (the more markers), the less “matches” you will see, and the easier it is to understand when approximately you had a common ancestor. In any case, all these common ancestors will be quite far away compared to the autosomal test, but you can clearly trace the line where these ancestors lived. nine0007
You can filter by markers, by distance, you can see all matches on the map (users themselves indicate the places of residence of distant ancestors), you can filter participants in specific projects (the site has the ability to join family or ethnic projects and create such projects yourself). You can see their haplogroup and naturally, you can contact each of them. But before writing a letter, you need to understand something like the following (data taken from the DNA genealogy forum
Below are estimates of the genealogically significant values of VBNP (i.e., within 50 generations) calculated for two haplotypes using the Clad calculator.
According to Fenner's research, the average for 1 generation is 31.5 years .
It should be noted that in a number of non-trivial cases, a greater number of mutations were detected with close relationship (2 steps on 67 markers between siblings)]:
17-marker Yfiler haplotypes
1 step on 17 markers - at least 12 generations
2 steps on 17 markers - at least 24 generations
3 steps on 17 markers - at least 37 generations of
4 steps on 17 markers - at least 52 generations of
With a difference of more than 4 steps between two 17-marker haplotypes, the estimated value of VBOP exceeds genealogically significant values 25-marker haplotypes
1 step on 25 markers - at least 11 generations
2 steps on 25 markers - at least 23 generations
3 steps on 25 markers - at least 35 generations
4 steps on 25 markers - at least 47 generations of
With a difference of more than 4 steps between two 25-marker haplotypes, the estimated value of VBOP exceeds genealogically significant values - extension of the haplotype length to at least 37 markers is required37-marker haplotypes
1 step on 37 markers - at least 6 generations
2 steps on 37 markers - at least 11 generations of
3 steps on 37 markers - at least 17 generations of
4 steps on 37 markers - at least 24 generations of
5 steps on 37 markers - at least 30 generations
6 steps on 37 markers - at least 36 generations
7 steps on 37 markers - at least 43 generations of
8 steps on 37 markers - at least 50 generations
With a difference of more than 8 steps between two 37-marker haplotypes, the estimated value of VBOP exceeds genealogically significant values - extension of the haplotype length to at least 67 markers is required67-marker haplotypes
1 step on 67 markers - at least 3 generations of
2 steps on 67 markers - at least 7 generations of
3 steps on 67 markers - at least 11 generations of
4 steps on 67 markers - at least 14 generations of
5 steps on 67 markers - at least 18 generations of
6 steps on 67 markers - at least 22 generations of
7 steps on 67 markers - at least 26 generations
8 steps on 67 markers - at least 29generations
9 steps on 67 markers - at least 33 generations of
10 steps on 67 markers - at least 37 generations
11 steps on 67 markers - at least 41 generations of
12 steps on 67 markers - at least 46 generations
13 steps on 67 markers - at least 50 generations
With a difference of more than 13 steps between two 67-marker haplotypes, the estimated value of VBOP exceeds genealogically significant values - an extension of the haplotype length to 111 markers is required.nine0003
111 marker haplotypes
1 step on 111 markers - at least 2 generations
2 steps on 111 markers - at least 4 generations of
3 steps on 111 markers - at least 7 generations of
4 steps on 111 markers - at least 9 generations of
5 steps on 111 markers - at least 11 generations of
6 steps on 111 markers - at least 13 generations of
7 steps on 111 markers - at least 16 generations
8 steps on 111 markers - at least 18 generations
9 steps on 111 markers - at least 21 generations of
10 steps on 111 markers - at least 23 generations
11 steps on 111 markers - at least 25 generations of
12 steps on 111 markers - at least 28 generations of
13 steps on 111 markers - at least 30 generations
14 steps on 111 markers - at least 33 generations of
15 steps on 111 markers - at least 35 generations of
16 steps on 111 markers - at least 38 generations of
17 steps on 111 markers - at least 40 generations
18 steps on 111 markers - at least 43 generations of
19 steps on 111 markers - at least 45 generations of
20 steps on 111 markers - at least 48 generations
Accordingly, in the screenshot above, on 67 markers, there is a “coincidence” at 4 steps, which means a common ancestor with it at a time interval of 441 years or more (from 14 generations to 31.