What's considered cheating in a marriage

What's considered cheating in a marriage
5 Different Types of Infidelity The consequences of infidelity are numerous, and it is only natural to want to know why your partner chose to cheat, even if knowing why doesn't bring you any relief. T...

Psychology questions to ask your friends

Psychology questions to ask your friends
272 Deep Questions to Ask: A Guy, Girl, Friend, or Anyone 272 Deep Questions to Ask: A Guy, Girl, Friend, or Anyone By Tchiki Davis, MA, PhD Want to get to know someone better? One way is to ask them...

How to recognise a narcissist

How to recognise a narcissist
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - HelpGuide.orgpersonality disordersKnow someone who thinks they’re better than everyone else but flies off the handle at the slightest criticism? These tips can help...

Taking yourself seriously

Taking yourself seriously
Do You Take Yourself Seriously? ...

Best books about adhd parenting

Best books about adhd parenting
10 Parenting Books About ADHD and LDBlond girl and mother reading book 1 of 11 Happy, Healthy, and in Charge of ADHDParenting a child with ADHD or a learning disability can be overwhelming at times, b...

Cat breed personality types

Cat breed personality types
Kitty Personalities! What Personality Traits Do Different Breeds Have? – FELIWAY ShopWant to sign up for our blog? Subscribe Are you considering adopting a new kitten, but want to know more about the...

Why family scapegoats become lifelong victims

Why family scapegoats become lifelong victims
What Happens When a Scapegoat Leaves a Family?In a family structure a scapegoat is the person who is blamed, ridiculed, mocked, and punished for the shortcomings of the other abusive family members. T...

Periods mood swings boyfriend

Periods mood swings boyfriend
5 ways to handle your girlfriend's PMS (you're welcome)Those mood swings just before her period hits aren't exactly the best time of the month, for her or for you. But before you guys end up fighting...

Serial monogamist definition

Serial monogamist definition
Are You a Serial Monogamist?Most of us may know someone who could be classified as a “serial monogamist,’’ or a person who always seems to be in a relationship. Serial monogamy is quite common. It’s t...

Building my confidence

Building my confidence
How to build self confidence | ConfidenceA lack of self-confidence comes in many shapes and forms, and learning how to build confidence is an ongoing project for most of us – we are all a work in prog...