Taking yourself seriously
Do You Take Yourself Seriously?
Funny because it's true
When is the last time you had an opinion but didn’t share it with anyone because you didn’t think anyone would care? When is the last time you got really excited about an idea you had but then never pursued it because you decided it wasn’t good enough? When is the last time you started to make something but gave up before you finished because you didn’t think anyone would like it?
You’ll read a lot of articles that tell you to “just do it,” – don’t worry what others will think, keep going, keep persevering, don’t give up!
But if you don’t take yourself seriously you’ll never be able to take any of that advice. Because you’ll always be able to convince yourself that what you’re doing isn’t important enough.
I didn’t take myself seriously for a long time. I still struggle with taking myself seriously. I couldn’t even put a finger on what it was I was doing to myself until about a year ago. But finally I realized there’s this thing some people have – this ability to get excited about something they’re doing and go for it with some sort of crazy abandon. This ability to remain focused and stand firm and get on top of a mountain and shout out what they want for all to hear (so to speak).
And I knew I had the ability to climb up a mountain and do the same thing, but I would always talk myself out of it. And I finally realized it was because I just didn’t take myself seriously.
I even struggled writing this article…
Why am I writing this? This is stupid. This is repetitive. Hasn’t someone else said this before but better? Do I even know what I’m trying to say? No one is going to read this. I should go work on something else. This is a waste of time.
Those were my thoughts almost every time I tried to create something new. I didn’t take my own opinions, my ideas or even what I wanted for my life seriously.
So what happens when you don’t take yourself seriously?
You spend a lot of time dreaming but not actually doing. You come up with ideas but you stop yourself before you even try.
Or you do try something but you give up quickly because you decide it’s not good enough, no one will like it, and it was a stupid idea anyway.
But the worst part happens ten years later when you look back on that thing you almost started and you realize there was something there. It wasn’t half as bad as what you thought at the time and you might have really accomplished something if you’d only stuck with it.
What happens when you don’t take yourself seriously?
You end up living a life you aren’t all that proud of. You keep waiting to do that thing that you’re passionate about, you keep waiting to do that thing that’s going to make you feel successful. You fill up your time with a bunch of things you think you have to do, but nothing you really want to do.
You work hard and you do a good job but you also feel trapped inside yourself, putting on a show that someone else is directing.
And the worst part happens ten years later when you’ve lost touch with who you really are, and you can no longer tell the difference between what you want and what other people want from you.
What happens when you don’t take yourself seriously?
You’ll eventually see someone else who had the same idea you had, but she shared it with the world, she did something with it.
“But it was the exact same idea!” you say. Yes, it was – but that person took it seriously. That person said, “this is interesting to me, so it could be interesting to someone else,” and they did something with it.
What happens when you don’t take yourself seriously?
You resent people who do. You look at people who promote themselves and their ideas and you think they’re egotistical or ridiculous. Or you look at people who you admire and you lament the fact that you could never ever accomplish what they have.
What happens when you don’t take yourself seriously?
You sabotage yourself. You rush through a half-hearted execution and don’t give yourself the time you need to learn something new, or do it the right way. And when it doesn’t turn out the way you wanted you decide it was a total waste of time. But you might have had a totally different outcome if you’d first accepted the fact that it might take time but that the time would be worth it because you believed in it.
What happens when you don’t take yourself seriously?
You get depressed. You get angry at yourself. You get disappointed in yourself. You wonder why you haven’t done anything. You feel like you never will. You feel like it’s too late. But it’s not.
Every piece of every tiny little thing you’ve ever thought is filled with possibilities. You don’t know what. And that’s scary. You might not yet know how. And that’s hard. But when you take yourself seriously, you give yourself enough credit to know that you can figure it out. When you know in your heart that you and your ideas are important, you will give every idea you have a fighting chance.
That might mean speaking up at work. Or it might mean just finishing that one thing you’ve been thinking about forever. Or it might mean tweeting about it, making a video or blog post about it, or getting on a stage and sharing it with an audience.
When you take yourself seriously you will make others take you seriously. You will put your ideas out there. You won’t hide them. You won’t delete them. You will keep trying.
Take yourself seriously.
Don’t treat your ideas like they’re nothing, don’t treat yourself like you’re nothing, because you and your ideas are important and meaningful and have the potential to become so much more than you realize.
Sarah Cooper is a writer, comedian and creator of TheCooperReview.com. You can follow her daily posts on Facebook.
About the author
Sarah Cooper
Sarah Cooper is an author and speaker. Her first book, 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings, landed at #1 on Amazon in the Books > Humor > Business humor > Paperback books > Books with pages > Handheld books category.
Want To Be Taken Seriously? Then Start Taking Yourself Seriously. | by Anthony Moore
Photo by Victor Amenze on UnsplashWhen Arnold Schwarzenegger was just beginning his acting career, he received many offers for lesser roles — crude villains like Nazi officers, evil henchmen with no lines, and the like. All everyone saw was a foreigner with a thick accent and big muscles.
His agent begged him to take the roles. Schwarzenegger refused.
Despite being nearly broke and living on his friend’s couch, Schwarzenegger began taking expensive acting classes. He spent all his free time trying to meet other actors and actresses, producers, directors, and anyone in the film industry willing to talk with him.
Years after becoming the most famous and highest-paid leading man in Hollywood, he wrote:
“The only way you become a leading man is to treat yourself like a leading man, and work your ass off.”
Want to be taken seriously?
Then you need to start taking yourself seriously.
Before Peter Dinklage joined the case of the Game of Thrones, he refused to play leprechauns or elves — the only parts he was offered for someone his height. He held out and treated himself like a leading man. He took himself and his work very seriously.
Since then, he’s been nominated for over 60 of the world’s highest acting awards.
If you want to be a leading man or woman, you have to treat yourself like one. Otherwise, no one will take you seriously.
If you do not predetermine what you will (and will not) do, then you’ll probably never reach your highest potential. In the words of famous American author Frank Crane:
“No man becomes noble, good, and great until he lays down the law that he is so.”
When my wife and I moved to South Korea to teach English, I told myself I was going to use all my spare time to create my ideal life — running my own business as a writer.
When the wrong opportunities came knocking, it wasn’t hard to say no. In fact, it was a no-brainer. It didn’t matter how much I was being offered — to be a youth basketball coach, career coach, data analyst, church musician, or private tutor — these things weren’t going to help me reach my goal of being a writer, so the answer was obvious. I took myself and my work seriously.
I wanted to become a top-tier writer, so that’s how I treated myself. That’s how I saw myself.
After a year of treating myself like this, I had:
- A signed book deal by a renowned publishing company
- Multiple online courses making me thousands of dollars in passive income
- Became a top writer on Medium.
- An email list of 20,000+ paying customers
It’s very hard to say no to an opportunity if you don’t know where you’re going.
But it’s extremely easy to say no if you know what you want.
“If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.” -Stephen Covey
If you want the lifestyle of a leading man or woman, you need to treat yourself like that (and work your ass off).
Otherwise, you’ll constantly be unsure and uncertain in your decision-making, often making choices that pull you farther and farther from your goal.
The higher the standards you set for yourself, the more likely you’ll finally land the leading role.
One of my favorite quotes by Tony Robbins is about the power of fully committing something. It goes:
“If you want lasting change, you have to give up this idea of just trying something, and you have to commit yourself to mastery.
That means not just “dabbling,” but fully immersing yourself. Because your life is not controlled by what you do some of the time, but by what you do consistently.”
A lot of people never truly commit to things — instead, they dabble, sample, and generally experiment with it. Now, that’s all well and good — there’s space to experiment and try things.
But if you want to become truly extraordinary, you need to fully commit.
The first way to start treating yourself seriously is to fully commit to what you’re trying to accomplish.
Here’s a personal example.
I first learned to surf last year. I learned the key moment — the moment that determined if you’d ride the wave or fall into the sea — was when you went from lying down to standing up on the board. You had to commit. Otherwise, you’d fall into the ocean.
I tried “half-committing” a ton of times — slowly standing up, or crouching, or not even standing up at all! (That’s called “boogie-boarding”, not surfing).
If you wanted to surf, you had to fully stand up on the board. And there’s always this moment where you’re leaning forward, and it feels like you’re going to fall forward. You’re going pretty fast, and if you fall into the wave, it’s like getting punched on every square inch of your body all at once. You don’t want to fall.
But once you feel that fear and stand up anyway — once you fully commit — odds are, you’re going to surf the wave successfully.
Once I felt the fear and committed anyway, I started surfing pretty well. I was riding waves and doing something I’d never done before. I’d learned a whole new skill.
Want to start taking yourself seriously? Stop taking half-measures. Fully commit to what you’re trying to do.
“If you’re ‘interested’, you come up with stories, excuses, reasons, and circumstances about why you can’t or why you won’t. If you’re committed, those go out the window. You just do whatever it takes.” -John Assaraf
“Pretend your time is worth $1,000/hr.
Would you spend five of them doing extra work for free? Would you waste one on being angry?” -Niklas Göke
You have very few hours here on this earth.
Still, many people waste much of their time on pointless, low-quality activities that don’t help them reach their true goals — their mission. Since they don’t take themselves seriously, they don’t take their time seriously.
The truth is, most people value their time at far, far less than it’s worth.
They say yes to things they have no business doing. They give away their talents, attention, and effort to others who take, take, take.
They spend hours watching low-quality television and social media when they should be productive and effective.
See, many people could be making a fortune (if they used their time well)…but instead, they give away their time in unproductive ways that leave them broke, unhappy, and stuck.
But what if you placed a high value on your time?
How would that change you? Your life? Your family? Your future?
Imagine that an hour of your time is worth $1,000.
What would your life look like?
What people would you stop putting up with?
What problems would you stop wasting time on?
What things would you stop — and start — doing?
Your results would be incredible. You’d become exponentially more productive, focused, and effective.
“Most people have no clue what they are doing with their time but still complain that they don’t have enough.” -Grant Cardone, NYT best-selling author
If you let people know your time is free and low-valued, people will treat it as such.
But if you teach people that your time is expensive, important, and valuable, then people will respond in kind.
What you think is what you become. If you think your time is worth a few bucks an hour, that you’ll begin to act like it. You’ll find yourself saying “yes” to meaningless, pointless obligations.
But if, in your heart, you know your time is valuable…
People will recognize that.
People will respect that.
People will treat you differently.
Wrote author William Irvine:
“People are unhappy in large part because they are confused about what is valuable.”
If you don’t treat yourself seriously — if you don’t treat yourself and your time with respect — you will become unhappy, resentful, and tired. Saying “yes” to too many low-quality things will eventually drown you. Your body and mind long for mastery and freedom; you can’t have those things if your time is cheap and easily taken.
You become what you are.
You attract what you look for.
Back in my early days of writing, I didn’t think I was much of a writer. So I spent a lot of time on low-quality activities, like begging other low-tier/no-name bloggers to let me write guest posts.
No one responded to me. I was rarely invited to write. I think people could see how little I valued myself, and didn’t want to promote my message. I don’t even blame them.
Years later, I finally began seeing myself and my time as very important to me. I began saying “no” to almost everything. I started taking my work seriously. I had a mission, and I became unwilling to fill my valuable time with things that wouldn’t help me achieve my goal.
I turned down high-paying, exciting, interesting opportunities…because they weren’t the right fit. In the end, they were all wasting time I needed to focus on my mission.
As you think, so you are.
Treat your time as a valuable commodity, and people will begin to treat it like that, too.
Or teach them your time is basically free, and they’ll act accordingly.
How you treat yourself is how others will treat you. You teach people how to treat you, so make sure you teach them well.
If you want to be taken seriously — as an actor, writer, programmer, creative, basketball player, podcaster — you need to take yourself seriously.
Invest in yourself. Invest in the tools of your trade — tools that won’t break after the first few uses.
Believe in yourself. Say no to the things that will keep you stuck where you are, and yes to the things that will get you to the next level.
Take yourself seriously, and others will start taking you seriously, too.
If you want to become extraordinary and become 10x more effective than you were before, check out my checklist.
Click here to get the checklist now!
How do you know you're taking life too seriously
1. You never have time for family and friends
When your loved ones need you, are you always available? Are you in touch? What would they answer to this question?
Perhaps you are one of those parents who leave for work early in the morning and return late after midnight - solely for the sake of "so that the children have all the best." Yes, such people really often work in important and responsible work, but the trouble is that they are never there when their children need them. Even if they have highly qualified nannies or loving grandmothers.
Or maybe you are that friend with whom it is impossible to talk even for five minutes, looking eye to eye - during this time you will definitely be distracted by the phone: “this is at work”, “I'm in a second”.
If you can't find time to reflect on your life, talk heart to heart with friends, spend an evening with your family, you may be taking things too seriously.
2. You do not give yourself the right to make mistakes
Do you think that you should always strive for the ideal? That you can’t get out of the schedule, and even more so “hit your face in the dirt”? And at the same time you are not a heart surgeon, not a pilot or another person whose actions depend on other people's lives? Most likely, you are a perfectionist, and such people find it difficult to enjoy life.
3. You cannot forgive others for their shortcomings
Perhaps you are the type of person who lashes out at subordinates or literally boils over when colleagues make a mistake. It may be different: you are an unrestrained parent who is able to “pour” a child for a low grade or bad behavior.
Do you really think that only those around you are to blame for everything? Of course, they could play a role in what is happening, but what if the problem is that your bar is too high? Maybe it's time to take a deep breath and try to "let go" of the situation - the one that caused your anger, and those that will follow it more than once?
4. You don't have a very good sense of humor
Do you sometimes not fully understand what others are laughing at? Do the interlocutors at least sometimes have to explain to you what the meaning of the joke is, to decipher the irony? Do you find all the jokes hurtful, especially when they are about you?
Perhaps again, the point is that you are too serious. But, as the famous movie character said, “a smart face is not yet a sign of intelligence. All the stupid things on Earth are done with this facial expression.
5. You don't know how to enjoy little things
Do you notice what is happening around you: weather changes, a beautiful sunset, dew; people, small signs of attention on their part; the smile of a passer-by? Perhaps you are so focused on the “big goal” that the tiny steps that bring you closer to it do not seem worthy of joy to you?
Life does not consist of only global goals and achievements. Life is what happens to us here and now: with whom we woke up in the morning, what we ate for breakfast, what was the taste of our morning coffee, how our day went, what thoughts and feelings aroused in us the events of which it consisted.
Think about it, is it time to reconsider your attitude to life? Just please don't take this task too seriously.
4. Don't take yourself too seriously. How to capture the audience from the interlocutor to the hall. Super Tips
4. Don't take yourself too seriously. How to capture the audience from the interlocutor to the hall.
How to capture the audience from the interlocutor to the hall. Super tips
Polito Reinaldo
4. Don't take yourself too seriously
Learn to laugh at your own mistakes, joke about slips of the tongue, find humor in your mistakes and appearance.
This is a great way to become a more fun and charming communicator (participant in the communication process).
It's nice to be around people who aren't constantly busy justifying themselves or explaining their mistakes.
• If you make a mistake, don't make a molehill out of a fly: just step over it and move on as life goes on.
While self-criticism is a great way to build rapport[1] with people, it shows that you are not driven by vanity and are not constantly on the defensive (don't go overboard with it). Don't criticize yourself unnecessarily and don't point out mistakes that could harm you.
I advised so many people to reconsider their approach when I noticed that they, in trying to be charming, began to devalue themselves, saying, for example, that it is very difficult for them to work in the morning and they can only do it at gunpoint; or when asked to clarify something, they said that it was slowly reaching them. Don't even think about talking about yourself as slow, dumb, lazy, disorganized, always late, frivolous, or use any other epithets that can damage your reputation.
• Not taking oneself too seriously means wisely belittling one's own dignity by revealing, witty or slightly casual, those personal facts or characteristics that people usually hide for reasons of vanity or fear of criticism.
This text is an introductory fragment.
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