Not what it looks like
Not What It Looks Like
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The best reason to never let your cat enter the kitchen.
"It's not what you think! I know it looks like we're cleaning dishes, but actually we're having sex."
— Gregory House, House
A common trope in romantic comedies is the humorous misunderstanding, or the Not What It Looks Like.
A couple teetering between Will They or Won't They? has gradually started to slide toward "they will". But wait! The girl sees the guy's old crush/ex-girlfriend/other person who's previously expressed a romantic interest in him (or vice versa) go into his apartment, hotel room or whatever, and stay for a suspicious length of time.
The girl is convinced that he and the other woman have gotten together, and goes through intense doubt about her own relationship with the guy. However, she'll hardly ever confront him about it, instead preferring to stew in her own insecurity or make veiled mean comments to the guy, who's usually completely clueless as to what's going on because the other woman just wanted something completely banal, like someone to vent to after her latest boyfriend dumped her. The scales even out, the status quo (i.e., Unresolved Sexual Tension) is restored, and the fans tear their hair out and scream at the writers for some progress, dammit! note Or laugh, because sometimes it's funny.
Often the other woman will catch on to what's happened after a while and tell the girl what really went on, clearing the way for a slide toward "they will" again. In most of these situations, the other woman is a relative, "proving" to the girl that nothing untoward was happening.
This can also apply to non-romantic situations, such as one person thinking another person has committed (or is planning to commit) some heinous act, or misinterpreting a harmless situation into something scandalous. Mistaken murderers involving accidents with sharp utensils and bottles of tomato sauce are surprisingly common.
The name of the trope comes from what is usually the first line the guy says afterward, often followed by, "I Can Explain!" This line is also the first line uttered by an Accidental Pervert.
Supertrope to Mistaken for Cheating which is this trope applied to perceived infidelity. Can provide the grounds for a Second-Act Breakup or Third-Act Misunderstanding. See Innocent Innuendo for a more sexual-related variant of this trope, and Abuse Mistake for a more violent variant. If the whole thing could be cleared up by one simple statement that nobody ever thinks to say, it's probably an Idiot Plot. Compare That Came Out Wrong and Grossout Fakeout. If the guy looks at the girl dead in the eye and says "This is exactly what it looks like", see Not Even Bothering with an Excuse.
Example subpages:
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- Western Animation
Other examples:
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Asian Animation
- Season 7 episode 26 of Happy Heroes is about one of Big M.
's monsters, Punk Monster, pulling a HeelFace Turn and doing good deeds. One of those deeds is to help a boy open a can of tomato soda, which the monster finds so hard that he whips out a knife to open the can and gets the soda all over the kid, who falls over. Sweet S. comes to the scene and thinks Punk Monster just killed the child since the soda on the kid and the knife looks like blood.
Comic Strips
- A Get Fuzzy strip in which Satchel and Rob walk in on Bucky wearing a hat with a question mark, glasses and a flag, and getting a football with a scary face to stand up in a shoe, while a vacuum cleaner hose led to a pot with a teddy bear in it.
Bucky: Oh... you guys are home early. Hey, F.Y.I., this isn't what it looks like.
Rob: Dude, it isn't what anything looks like. - In the 1930 Mickey Mouse story "Mr. Slicker and the Egg Robbers", Mickey tries to catch a gang of robbers who are raiding Marcus Mouse's henhouse.
By the time Marcus comes out to check on the ruckus, the robbers get away and leave Mickey to take the blame.
- A Zits strip sees Jeremy (horrified) watching as his parents slowly disappear behind the couch, legs and arms flailing willy-nilly, until one of them is heard to say "Gotcha!":
Walt: I thought I'd never get that popcorn seed out from under the cushions!
Connie: Did you just hear a muffled scream?
Films — Animation
- In Frozen (2013), Anna's first meeting with Hans ends up with him ending up ontop of her in a rowboat:
Hans: Oh, boy! Uh...
Anna: This is awkward. Not you're awkward, but just because we're... I'm awkward— you're gorgeous. Wait, what? - The Incredibles:
- When Bob and Lucius save people from a burning building, they do so by breaking through the wall of a nearby jewelry store, setting off the alarm.
They also happen to be wearing ski masks to hide their identities, making them seem even more like they're pulling a robbery. Lampshaded by Lucius just before a cop bursts in: "We look like bad guys! Incompetent bad guys!"
- Later on, Mirage tells Bob his family survived Syndrome's missiles and Bob is so grateful for the news that he gives Mirage a great big hug and right at that moment, Helen, who fears Bob was having an affair, walks in to rescue him.
- When Bob and Lucius save people from a burning building, they do so by breaking through the wall of a nearby jewelry store, setting off the alarm.
- Incredibles 2: Violet has a panicked look at the start of the film when Tony sees her in her supersuit and tries to explain it away. She does it again later, without knowing that his memory is gone.
- When Fiona pulls the arrow out of Shrek's butt in the first Shrek film, she ends up on top of him, just in time for Donkey to walk in and take things the wrong way. Cue Shrek jumping up and saying, "Nothing happened!" Shrek trying to explain what happened distracts him long enough for Fiona to pull out the arrow.
- A penguin is out driving in the desert when he hears a pop and his tire goes flat. He manages to pull into a gas station to have the mechanic check it out. As he's waiting, he notices the convenience store is selling some ice cream, and he decides he could do with some good cold ice cream. He goes in and buys his favorite flavor, vanilla, then goes out and sits on the curb to eat it. Being a penguin and lacking opposable thumbs, he has a lot of trouble scooping it out with his flippers, and being in the middle of the desert, the ice cream melts very quickly. Eventually, he's almost completely covered in white, sticky goop. The mechanic comes out at that point, looks at him, and informs him, "Well, looks like you blew a seal." The penguin cries indignantly "It's vanilla ice cream, dammit!"
- A most sombre cowboy enters a bar, orders several shots and starts gulping them down. The concerned barman inquires if something is wrong. The cowboy replies: "there are times, Bill, when words are useless.
This morning I went to the barn to milk the cow, but that lousy creature kept kicking and toppling the bucket over. I got some rope and strapped her legs to the poles, but then it swung its tail and toppled the bucket again, and I was out of rope, so I pulled the belt out of my pants and strapped its tail up. My pants fell down, and right then my wife came into the barn... there are times when words are useless."
- A man went into a job interview and his eye winked through the whole process. The interviewer said "Look, you are well qualified, but I'm afraid that facial tic will throw off clients." The man replied - "Funny you mention that, because all I have to do is take aspirin and the winking goes away - watch" and the man began dumping out his pockets looking for aspirin. In most of his pockets, however, were condoms. Finally, once a pile of condom packages of every sort piled up on the desk the man found two aspirin, took them, and the wink totally stopped. "Well, that worked," the interviewer admitted, "but why do you have all the condoms? We don't want our clients to think you're a womanizer!" "It's quite simple sir," the guy said, "have you ever walked into a drugstore, winking like crazy, and asked for aspirin?"
- Mocked in the song "Such Horrible Things" by Creature Feature.
The song catalogs a list of horrible things done by the narrator at various ages. The chorus?
But it's not quite what it seems
(Not quite what he seems)
Not quite what I seem
Ah, Hell
It's exactly what it seems - The story behind The Everly Brothers song "Wake Up, Little Susie". The singer is trying to wake up his girlfriend and take her home from the drive-in, continually pointing out that nobody (especially not her parents) is going to be believe that the reason she's coming home six hours after her curfew is because the movie was so boring that they both fell asleep.
Well, what are we gonna tell your mama?
What are we gonna tell your pa?
What are we gonna tell our friends
When they say "Ooh la la"?
Myths & Religion
- Invoked by Grainne in The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne. Since Diarmuid refused her on the basis that Finn would almost certainly kill him if he didn't, Grainne placed a geas on him that forced him into leaving the house with her while Finn and the others are sleeping - he didn't have to elope with his lord's fiance, but given that Finn was going to assume that he did regardless, he might as well.
- In one Egyptian myth, Osiris' coffin is built into a pillar in a noblewoman's house. To get close to him, Isis takes human form and gets a job as a nursemaid to the noblewoman's son, who she becomes fond of. One day, the noblewoman walks in on her son on top of a fire, surrounded by Isis' scorpions. Naturally, she yanks him off... but the fire was actually part of a rite to make him immortal, and as a result, he would now age and die like any other human.
Pro Wrestling
- John Cena tried this when a grateful Eve Torres kissed him for saving her from Kane and Zack Ryder walked in and was enraged.
- Vince McMahon walked in on Vickie Guerrero, Hornswoggle, and Great Khali in an "interesting" position in 2012.
- Used in WWE, when Triple H was teaching Trish Stratus how to escape a hammerlock just as his wife Stephanie walked in... though if that particular escape technique has ever actually happened in wrestling, it's been a very, very, VERY rare example.
- Given a Call-Back of sorts during RAW's 1000th episode, with Trish teaching Trips some moves from her yoga videos, just as the rest of D-Generation X walked in. Cue awkwardness.
- Big Finish Doctor Who: Used to humorous extent in the Fifth Doctor audio Iterations of I; the Doctor and his companion Adric have just discovered the dead body of the member of a cult when they themselves are discovered by a woman searching for the cult, the Doctor protesting that he always says that this isn't what it looks like, but in this case it doesn't even look like what it looks like as the body has clearly been dead for months rather than someone who only just died.
- Inverted in one episode of Hamish and Dougal, when Hamish and Dougal are in the lavatory together. Mrs. Naughtie knocks on the door.
Hamish: Don't worry, Mrs. Naughtie, it's not what it seems!
Mrs. Naughtie: ...You mean it isn't a completely innocent misunderstanding?
- AJCO: AJ visits Egg in her room to inform her of the fact that she will be punished for Nights' prior misbehavior, only to see that the bed has been converted into a double and Kube is hiding in the corner looking awkward. They had been sleeping together, but only in the most innocent sense of the phrase.
<Facilitator A_J> Really now, Prosecutor.
<Facilitator A_J> I hardly thought you the sort. - In The Dao of the Awakened, one encounter has Hua Yin finding Song Chyou crying with a male disciple standing in front of her. It turns out the guy himself has just found her like that, and the reason she was crying was homesickness combined with feeling out of place.
- Said word for word in Darwin's Soldiers by a system admin after Montgomery walks in on him trying to delete a bunch of porn popups on his computer.
A virus had hit his computer.
- Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues:
- Nadine comes across Benedict and Hyeon while they're in a compromising position in front of the school. Hyeon was actually just trying to get Benedict to calm down during his superpower-induced freak out. She makes fun of them for looking like a couple, getting an embarrassed 'Shut up' in response.
- Barbra tries to convince Jacob to help her and the other kids in their search for the missing Benjy. Jacob, however, misconstrues her intent and is lead to believe that she's trying to blackmail him.
- Upon coming across Ciro and Michal in the school, Lenore asks them about the smoke snakes that gave them their powers the previous night. Vanessa, a non-powered student, overhears this, and misconstrues it as an admission that Lenore and Ciro were smoking weed. An attempted clarification falls flat, as she's too giddy at the thought of Ciro breaking the rules to listen to them.
Web Animation
- In the Cartoon Hooligans episode "The Rumors About Spider-Man and Deadpool", when Captain America and Iron Man happen upon Spider-Man and Deadpool after Deadpool accidentally removes Spidey's leggings, Spidey frantically says "No, no, no! It's not what it looks like!".
- In the Chimney Chickens episode Meet the Schemer, Blaze Hanson "borrowed" Buzz's paint to deface Dash O'Donnell's poster, then left a note with Buzz's name to help Buzz find his paint - making it look like Buzz was the one who vandalized the poster. When Buzz finds his paint next to a disapproving Dash, Buzz name-drops this trope.
Web Original
- In the Whateley Universe, it's happened at least twice so far. One time, it was Phase, standing with pants down and an erection, while Hot Scientist Bunny Cormick knelt down to get a 3-D model of said privates (for something else Phase is planning). So Bunny's roomie walks in just then. And brings back Phase's girlfriend, among others. It took a while to explain.
- Cracked mercilessly mocks this trope in number 4 of "21 Phrases Movies Don't Realize Nobody Actually Says".
Web Video
- The ProJared scandal was a massive case of this.
For starters, many facts were taken completely out of context and distortednote While there was a site where fans could send him nudes of themselves, the whole thing was 100% consensual and optional, and the site was created for those fans who wanted to send him nude pictures of themselves in the first place - unlike what was claimed, those who sent him pictures received no special treatment whatsoever, and in one case an accuser remembered public events that never actually happenednote A claim was made that Jared had harassed a woman after he held an E3 panel with her and Matpat of Game Theory fame; Jared has never done a panel at E3, yet alone with those two. It seems that she mistook Jared for an another man who bears a resemblance to him. The two people who claimed they'd been harassed by him while underage were actively manipulating evidence together and had a history of seeking attention, and even the affair was a result of a marriage that rivaled that of the Smiths.
note It was bad enough that Ross, Hollys' then-husband not only knew about the affair but encouraged it. This also happened after months of couples therapy which had no effect; the marriage was so unsalvageable that Jared didn't even consider it cheating anymore. The whole thing was debunked by Jared in a 40-minute video where he presents very strong evidence that disproves the claims, and calls out the press for never asking for his side of the story.
- This YouTube video is a compilation of Reddit stories of people answering the question "What's your worst 'I know this looks bad but I can explain'?" One person was seen by the cops while trying to get into their own home without their keys and nearly mistaken for a burglar. A few art students in human anatomy classes had their naked model pictures mistaken for porn. A guy was zooming in on the part of a picture where a lady's nipples were showing through her shirt not because he was a pervert, but because he was being paid to photoshop them out.
Someone stuck in stop-and-go traffic accidentally spilled the custard filling of an éclaire on his crotch, causing a suspicious stain, then it went From Bad to Worse when his attempts to scrub it out with a small splash of his drink resulted in some very questionable-looking actions next to a car of teenage girls.
Real Life
- The Activision Decathlon was an early Sports Game whose gameplay was based on wiggling the joystick back and forth. Players quickly found that an effective way to stabilize the Atari 2600 joystick was to hold it between their thighs. The sight of a room full of young men playing this way inspired some off-color nicknames for the game.
- An Alford plea is basically this. "I'm entering a guilty plea because I know it looks like I committed the crime, and there's plenty of evidence, but I swear, I didn't really do it."
- Animals:
- There are various viral videos of bull elephant seals doing really inappropriate looking things with motor vehicles.
They're actually trying to beat up the vehicles.
- Surprisingly, a really common example of this is when dogs mount other dogs they know — regardless of the gender of either dog — in a way that humans usually assume is at least an attempt to have sex. Dogs, weirdly enough, don't actually mate in "doggy-style" — if the one on top actually penetrates the other, they twist round until they're rear-to-rear. The motivation for climbing on another dog's back without seemingly intending to enter him/her is obscure, but seems to be an expression of superior status.
- The mounting thing can also be applied to rabbits, rats, or other animals. Like the dogs example, people might guess that they're trying to get busy, when, really, they're asserting dominance.
- Another animal example is rattlesnakes. Since they're snakes, and have no legs, male rattlesnakes fight by wrapping their tails around each other and butting heads. When people see them, they frequently assume the snakes are mating, not fighting.
(A mated pair of snakes are entwined, but lie on the ground; a fighting pair usually rear up.)
- There are various viral videos of bull elephant seals doing really inappropriate looking things with motor vehicles.
Peeping Bubbie
Flapjack catches Bubbie spying on Peppermint Larry, who is having marital difficulties with Candy Wife.
Big Fat Meanie
iEnrage Gibby
Frank's Sausage
Mike and Patches
Sunset blamed
Dirty Dancing
Meta Runner Sea...
Uzaki-Chan Want...
Caught With the...
The Bully
Candace Insults...
Avdol and Josep...
Your Mom Looks ...
Miraculous Ladybug
"CSI: NY" Not What It Looks Like (TV Episode 2006)
All episodes
- Cast & crew
- User reviews
- Trivia
- Episode aired Sep 27, 2006
- TV-14TV-14
- 45m
7. 6/10
Three women identically dressed as the Audrey Hepburn character Holly Golightly rob a jewelry store; a mummified woman is found in a building slated for demolition.Three women identically dressed as the Audrey Hepburn character Holly Golightly rob a jewelry store; a mummified woman is found in a building slated for demolition.Three women identically dressed as the Audrey Hepburn character Holly Golightly rob a jewelry store; a mummified woman is found in a building slated for demolition.
- Duane Clark
- Writers
- Anthony E. Zuiker
- Ann Donahue
- Carol Mendelsohn
- Stars
- Gary Sinise
- Melina Kanakaredes
- Carmine Giovinazzo
- Duane Clark
- Writers
- Anthony E.
- Ann Donahue
- Carol Mendelsohn
- Anthony E.
- Stars
- Gary Sinise
- Melina Kanakaredes
- Carmine Giovinazzo
Top cast
Gary Sinise
- Mac Taylor
Melina Kanakaredes
- Stella Bonasera
Carmine Giovinazzo
- Danny Messer
Anna Belknap
- Lindsay Monroe
Hill Harper
- Sheldon Hawkes
Eddie Cahill
- Don Flack
Claire Forlani
- Dr.
Peyton Driscoll
Robert Joy
- Sid Hammerback
Emmanuelle Vaugier
- Detective Jessica Angell
A.J. Buckley
- Adam Ross
Valerie Azlynn
- Eve Demming
Steve Cell
- Patrick Lantana
Andrea Bogart
- Holly Golightly #1…
Brad Schmidt
- Jeremy Bloomfield
Lisa Jay
- Holly Golightly #3…
M. Martin Mapoma
- Adir Mobutu…
Justin Meloni
- Sal Bovado
Sandra Vidal
- Trophy Wife
- Duane Clark
- Writers
- Anthony E. Zuiker
- Ann Donahue
- Carol Mendelsohn
- All cast & crew
- Production, box office & more at IMDbPro
Did you know
- Quotes
Sid Hammerback: [Sid and Peyton are flipping a coin to see who gets to do the autopsy on Pauline Rayburn. Peyton wins] It's heads. She's yours. Can - can I at least watch? This is one of the most well preserved mummies I've seen in my many years as a pathologist. The environmental conditions of temperature and humidity and ventalation must have been just, you know, optimum. You can only compare it to the best sex you've ever had, reaching climax at percisly that-that...
Dr. Peyton Driscoll: [Interrupting] Alright, Sid, you can help. But I get to print her.
Dr. Sid Hammerback: Fair enough.
User reviews1
Featured review
Who Were These 'Holly Golightly' Thieves?
The beginning to this episode was one of the coolest I've seen. Three women, all dressed like "Holly Golightly" in the classic film "Breakfast at Tiffany's," enter a jewelry store and rob it. How they smashed all the glass at once was cool and how the escaped was pretty good, too. Unfortunately, a man got shot and killed accidentally in the holdup, so it turns into much more than just a robbery. Most of the CSI team works on this case.
The secondary story involves a woman who mummified in a fairly short period and was found in the walls of a high-rise that was just in the middle of demolition. How she got into that state and who killed her are the questions. Mac is the main player on this one.
This was a good episode and think it would have been a season-opener than last week's story.
- ccthemovieman-1
- Oct 12, 2007
- Release date
- September 27, 2006 (United States)
- English
- CBS Studio Center - 4024 Radford Avenue, Studio City, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Production companies
- Jerry Bruckheimer Television
- CBS Paramount Network Television
- Alliance Atlantis Productions
- See more company credits at IMDbPro
Technical specs
45 minutes
- Stereo
- 1.
33 : 1
- 1.
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Sentences with the phrase "what does it look like"
We found 80 sentences with the phrase "what does it look like". Characters.
- You see how is is like Francis listened not only to angels, but also to birds.
- If is true, then to that is is similar to and can there be anything good in the Russian army?
- Looks like , that mostly happens, and is not at all, that it is customary to talk about love and, that is sadder, to think.
- This was neither on that is not similar to , this was short, simple, tasty and fun.
- But, is similar to , is that is something else: the tips of all fingers on both hands tingle.
- But I'm afraid that is will come out is similar to as The Snow Queen [126 - The play The Snow Queen was written by Schwartz in 1938].
- But is looks like to gas molecules and from the point of view of feeling is and is then related to gas.
- This was like in the game, but their faces were like if I stopped them, they would shoot at me.
- What write and how to write, they don't care how everything is not looks like for our cooperation with you.
- Looks like he believed that it was a political movement similar to his own, with which some kind of alliance could be made.
- When asked what he sings and who is like , Elvis self-confidently answered, that will sing whatever and that is not like anyone else.
- It seems , that I was the last to know about my love, all the girls in the 10th grade and their friends from the 206th male school noticed is before.
- It looks like , that is true, but did her husband give her few reasons to be angry?
- On it cost tons of times, but how looks like is on the fact that that happened then on March 1, 1953.
- This again slows down the rise in temperature, that is similar to the thermostat principle in our heating appliances.
- This is bengile was a bit like looks like a carousel, because because its roof was also round.
- Sir Nevil Henderson promptly pointed out that is sentence is like an ultimatum.
- This went on for another hour, I lost and regained hope, this was like was like an endless yo-yo game and my heart was beating hard.
- If I were not afraid to slander a person who is so worthy of respect in every respect, I would say that is kind of looks like is a posturing.
- She, in her openness and even naivety, looks like , did not understand that happened, and kept congratulating me, how witty I had started and carried out all this .
- It looks like , that is were her only pastimes.
- This was too much similar to one another, that would grieve, that one was canceled and the other was left.
- It looks like , that is a specific feature of exactly is th zone.
- They can be dressed like , behave like but.
- However, is similar to , is similar to , at least in the beginning, is the solution was considered as a temporary solution.
- It looks like , is such a form of congratulating oneself: everyone is relieved and triumphant, that was not a coward.
- On what is will be like when will the anti-aircraft artillery enter?
- All is , if you like, strong looks like to love, but I swear to you, that is not even mentioned about it.
- This was so similar to his usual attacks, and I couldn't believe him when he said in the morning: "Sveta, I know that will die today."
- Although looks like , that this was necessary first of all for my colleagues, that to show the Italian authorities their law-abiding.
- One of the actresses said, that is looks like plaid fabric.
- And all is boxer rebellion that is not like rebellion .
- Somehow not looks like , I thought, that they do everything is mechanically, in the manner of a computer program.
- This looks like is a dream, but is not a dream, is true.
- He cries because because feels sorry for me, because lost his temper, and didn’t look like to him looks like .
- So that is for me is was looks more like a nightmare than a dance.
- It looks like , that this room was previously used to store hay or straw.
- According to the location area, looks like was, that is related to the emergency mode.
- Strange, that Rommel at is time, seems to be , showed no interest in the eastern sector.
- If we consider that most often in this is the time Natalya Nikolaevna was pregnant, then is similar to at home.
- As Yoko later recalled, “when he sighed, he did is so languid and came so close to me that this was very like flirting.”
- This was similar to Yoko's music, so that I said to myself: it's time to shake myself up and wake up my wife.”
- It looks like , Crane told Trump, that if he claims in court, that saw me at the scene of the crime, then is "will save him.
- Each individual copied location itself was which is is similar to , but all together was neither that is not similar to .
- Everything I have said may seem strange, is true, all is not at all is similar to what is we usually think.
- What does , Patsy, look like is medieval?
- This is looks like cabbage: I have so many things on top, that I forgot what the core looks like.
- All is extremely similar to that we heard from Iremashvili about the squabble in the seminary circle.
- The doctor said that is looks like tropical dysentery and only sulfidine can save it.
- It looks like , and Mr. Bukaev felt that is too much.
- It looks like , is strong confessors, especially from those that lifted up from the earth because of the impossibility of those to perish, that is it?
- What he said and what sang, I don't remember anything, but is , looks like , it didn't matter.
- It looks like , they decided that this remark refers to those who were sitting in front.
- But I'm afraid that is will come out looks like on the "Snow Queen".
- I want to say that , no matter how amazing is sounds, there was no “woodpecker” among us, looks like .
- This was similar to a game, like a silent game in the sky, above the pines going up, but elusive and scary that has changed in this is the th game.
- This was completely different from to that I knew as a child at home.
- This was like a magic thread in a fairy tale (maybe there is no such fairy tale and there is no such thread either, but is doesn't matter).
- This was not like that is not similar : university professor, naturalist, physiologist, inspired himself in the morning by singing the psalms of David!
- They have the fewest external events, and is for me is like , is in my spirit.
- I went to school, but is was completely different from to that was before.
- Looks like , that I can only take , and at my age this is doubly shameful.
- They make noise, the music is not very similar to but they have enough that would be under is to sing and rap.
- This was great, this was new, this was so different looks like the hell I just came out of.
- At first I thought is is a bit looks like disco, but then I realized that is the whole ocean.
- it was very similar to that Mikhailov needed my translations like a dog's fifth leg, that this was pure humanitarian action.
- It looks like , that this is some kind of spit or dam, because that water glitters on both sides of it.
- This is very different from is similar to is traditionally held in the NHL when choosing the best players of the season.
- Grapefruit is similar to and in Varanasi is similar to to orange.
- Looks like , he liked , so that we went in and watched a few fights.
- This , looks like , convinced NCO that can be flown and is safer in the air than near headquarters.
- It looks like , that is is true for all areas of human activity.
- When I got acquainted with his poetry, this was very close to me, this was similar to what I was doing at that time.
- Three, in her childhood, prophetic signs with such accuracy coincide with the fact that that will be the main business of her whole life, that this looks like a miracle.
- On the one hand, is and in fact is similar to , that will be repeated for the adult Faina Ranevskaya many, many times.
- However, is similar to , that is did not upset him at all.
- The regimental commander, looks like , knew little about them and did not know that is for tanks and that they can.
- And now I see that that and the story is is little looks like .
- We are surprised: too is not looks like which we consider to be holy.
- It looks like , that is were common phrases, a kind of tribute to the Marxist tradition of world revolution.
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"It's like hunting." Iran's Vice Police officer told the BBC about the service that detained Mahsa Amini
Photo copyright, WANA NEWS AGENCY
Photo caption,Many Iranian newspapers are wondering about the death of Mahsa Amini
Protests over the death of a 22-year-old girl, Mahsa Amini, have continued for the sixth day in Iran. She was detained by the morality police on charges that she allegedly violated the rules for wearing the hijab, which is mandatory for all women in the Islamic Republic. The girl fell into a coma and died three days later in the hospital. Authorities denied reports that police beat the girl on the head with a truncheon.
The protests that began in Tehran have spread to dozens of Iranian cities and are becoming more violent. At least 17 people are reported to have died in the violence, including one police officer. Amid the biggest unrest in years, authorities have shut down or severely restricted internet access in many regions.
Image copyright, Getty Images
Image caption,Iranian women's dress code is enforced by the morality police
The so-called "Escort Patrols" or "Gasht-e Ershad" are called upon to monitor the appearance of women and the observance of Islamic morality (as it is understood by the Iranian authorities). This is essentially the morality police, whose employees have the right to stop women and assess whether the hair is visible from under the hijab, whether there is a lot of makeup on the face and whether the clothes are too tight. Penalties for breaking the rules include a fine, jail or flogging.
One of the Iranian morality police officers agreed, on condition of anonymity, to give an interview to the BBC, in which he spoke about what tasks the authorities set for them and how these tasks were carried out.
- Riots in Iran after the death of a student: there are casualties among protesters and police
- Protests in Iran over the death of a girl detained for wearing the hijab incorrectly
- Mahsa Amini died in Iran, arrested by the vice police. At her funeral, women began to take off their hijabs in protest
"We are told that our main task in the vice police is to protect women," an employee of the Gasht-e Ershad unit told the BBC. "Because if women don't dress properly, it can provoke men, and then the women themselves will have a bad time."
Image copyright, Mahsa Amini family
Photo caption,Mahsa Amini died three days after being arrested on charges of violating dress code
According to a police officer, they worked in groups of six - four men and two women. The main focus was on busy pedestrian areas where crowds of people gather.
"It was strange, because if we had to give instructions, then why do it in such busy places where you could potentially arrest many people at once? It was like hunting."
At the same time, the police officer added that his commander scolded him or said that he did not work well if he could not identify enough people who were violating the dress code.
It was especially difficult for him when people resisted arrest. "We had to push the arrested people into the van. Do you know how many times I cried when I did this?" "And now I want to tell the vice police that I have nothing to do with them. Most of us are ordinary soldiers who are required to perform regular military service. That's why I'm so bitter about all this," the policeman adds.
Attack on women's rights
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The Iranian authorities' crackdown on (as they imagine) women's clothing began shortly after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Back then, the challenge was to get women to dress modestly.
And although many Iranian women did this, during the reign of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, girls in miniskirts and with loose hair could be seen on the streets of the capital. The wife of the Shah also set an example of a modern Western woman, which, of course, did not please the clerics.
"It didn't happen all at once, it happened gradually," says Mehrangiz Kar, a 78-year-old activist and human rights activist who helped organize the first protests against mandatory hijabs. "Immediately after the revolution, men and women handed out headscarves wrapped in gift paper.
Shortly after the establishment of the Islamic Republic in Iran, laws protecting women's rights were abolished. Already on March 7, 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini, who believed that a woman without a hijab is like naked, ordered women to wear hijabs in public places by his decree.
Women reacted immediately and on March 8, International Women's Day, more than 100,000 people took to the streets of Tehran in protest.
Image copyright Getty Images
Photo caption,Protests against the wearing of hijabs began in Iran in March 1979 and did not stop for several days
Despite the Ayatollah's decree, the country's Islamic authorities took a long time to carefully develop a dress code for women.
In 1981, women and girls were ordered to wear modest Islamic clothing, which in fact meant a veil that completely concealed the body, and in addition - a headscarf, from under which hair should not be visible.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption,Women were waving headscarves in the air in resistance in the earlier anti-hijab protests of the 1980s
In 1983, Parliament ruled that women who did not cover their heads in public could be subjected to 74 lashes. Later, up to 60 days in prison were added to this punishment. At the same time, the authorities have not finally achieved the implementation of their laws, and Iranian women continue to challenge them, taking to the streets in tight-fitting clothes and bright scarves, from under which hair is knocked out.
Tough policy
The activity of the vice police and the cruelty of punishment changed from year to year and depended on who was in power at the moment.
Ultra-conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, then the mayor of Tehran, wanted to look progressive in dress code during the 2004 presidential campaign and said in a television interview that people have different tastes and all of them should be taken into account.
However, shortly after his victory, the Gasht-e Ershad divisions were officially established. Prior to this, the functions of the vice police were informally carried out by other law enforcement officers and paramilitaries.
Image copyright, AFP
Image caption,Vice police officers are often accused of being violent and rude
The vice police are often criticized for their harsh approach to their duties. They often detain women for the most minor violations of the rules and release them only after male relatives give guarantees that this will not happen again in the future.
“My daughter and I were detained because of lipstick,” one of the residents of Isfahan told the BBC in an interview. “They took us to the police station and forced my husband to come there and sign a paper that he would not let us out of at home without a hijab.
According to another woman living in Tehran, a police officer told her that her shoes looked too erotic and arrested her.