Moving on from someone who hurt you
12 Tips for Letting Go of the Past
One thing that connects us as human beings is our ability to feel pain. Whether that pain is physical or emotional, we all have experiences of being hurt. What separates us though, is how we deal with that pain.
Experts have found that when emotional pain prevents you from healing from a situation, it’s a sign that we aren’t moving forward in a growth-oriented way.
One of the best ways to heal from hurts is to learn lessons from the situation and use those to focus on growth and forward momentum. If we get stuck in thinking about what “should have been,” we can become immobilized in painful feelings and memories.
If you’re trying to move forward from a painful experience, but you’re not sure how to get started, here are 12 tips to help you let go.
1. Create a positive mantra to counter the painful thoughts
How you talk to yourself can either move you forward or keep you stuck. Often, having a mantra that you tell yourself in times of emotional pain can help you reframe your thoughts.
For example, says clinical psychologist Carla Manly, PhD, instead of getting stuck in, “I can’t believe this happened to me!” try a positive mantra such as, “I am fortunate to be able to find a new path in life — one that is good for me.”
2. Create physical distance
It’s not uncommon to hear someone say that you should distance yourself from the person or situation that is causing you to be upset.
According to clinical psychologist Ramani Durvasula, PhD, that’s not such a bad idea. “Creating physical or psychological distance between ourselves and the person or situation can help with letting go for the simple reason that we are not having to think about it, process it, or being reminded of it as much,” she explains.
3. Do your own work
Focusing on yourself is important. You have to make the choice to address the hurt that you’ve experienced. When you think about a person who caused you pain, bring yourself back to the present. Then, focus on something that you’re grateful for.
4. Practice mindfulness
The more we can bring our focus to the present moment, says Lisa Olivera, a licensed marriage and family therapist, the less impact our past or future has on us.
“When we start practicing being present, our hurts have less control over us, and we have more freedom to choose how we want to respond to our lives,” she adds.
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5. Be gentle with yourself
If your first response to not being able to let go of a painful situation is to criticize yourself, it’s time to show yourself some kindness and compassion.
Olivera says this looks like treating ourselves like we would treat a friend, offering ourselves self-compassion, and avoiding comparisons between our journey and those of others.
“Hurt is inevitable, and we may not be able to able to avoid pain; however, we can choose to treat ourselves kindly and lovingly when it comes,” Olivera explains.
6. Allow the negative emotions to flow
If you’re fear of feeling negative emotions is causing you to avoid them, don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, Durvasula says that many times, people are afraid of feelings such as grief, anger, disappointment, or sadness.
Rather than feeling them, people just try to shut them out, which can disrupt the process of letting go. “These negative emotions are like riptides,” explains Durvasula. “Let them flow out of you… It may require mental health intervention, but fighting them can leave you stuck,” she adds.
7. Accept that the other person may not apologize
Waiting for an apology from the person who hurt you will slow down the process of letting go. If you’re experiencing hurt and pain, it’s important you take care of your own healing, which may mean accepting that the person who hurt you isn’t going to apologize.
8. Engage in self-care
When we are hurting, it often feels like there is nothing but hurt. Olivera says practicing self-care can look like setting boundaries, saying no, doing the things that bring us joy and comfort, and listening to our own needs first.
“The more we can implement self-care into our daily lives, the more empowered we are. From that space, our hurts don’t feel as overwhelming,” she adds.
9. Surround yourself with people who fill you up
This simple yet powerful tip can help carry you through a lot of hurt.
We can’t do life alone, and we can’t expect ourselves to get through our hurts alone, either, explains Manly. “Allowing ourselves to lean on loved ones and their support is such a wonderful way of not only limiting isolation but of reminding us of the good that is in our lives.”
10. Give yourself permission to talk about it
When you’re dealing with painful feelings or a situation that hurt you, it’s important to give yourself permission to talk about it.
Durvasula says sometimes people can’t let go because they feel they aren’t allowed to talk about it. “This may be because the people around them no longer want to hear about it or [the person is] embarrassed or ashamed to keep talking about it,” she explains.
But talking it out is important. That’s why Durvasula recommends finding a friend or therapist who is patient and accepting as well as willing to be your sounding board.
11. Give yourself permission to forgive
Since waiting for the other person to apologize can stall the process of letting go, you may have to work on your own forgiveness.
Forgiveness is vital to the healing process because it allows you to let go of anger, guilt, shame, sadness, or any other feeling you may be experiencing and move on.
12. Seek professional help
If you’re struggling to let go of a painful experience, you may benefit from talking to a professional. Sometimes it’s difficult to implement these tips on your own, and you need an experienced professional to help guide you through the process.
Online therapy options
Read our review of the best online therapy options to find the right fit for you.
To let go of past hurts, you need to make the conscious decision to take control of the situation. However, this can take time and practice. Be kind to yourself as your practice refocusing how you see the situation, and celebrate the small victories you have.
8 Ways to Move On
Letting go of the past, including people who hurt you, may involve accepting what you can’t control, taking accountability, and focusing on the lessons. Seeking help is also important.
Most people have, at some point, wondered how to let go of a hurtful past. It’s natural to feel that your current emotional pain is forever linked to what you experienced before. But, even if the past caused it, letting go of the pain starts with focusing on today.
How to let go of the past may mean different things to different people. It may also depend on your situation.
Maybe you think letting go is about being able to remember events or people without experiencing the pain. Perhaps you feel it’s about forgetting altogether. Or, it may mean you want to move on despite not having forgotten or forgiven yet.
Whatever it means to you, it’s possible to release what weighs heavy on your heart and mind. You can heal, and these tips may help.
“I am not what happened to me; I am what I choose to become.”
~ Carl Gustav Jung
Sometimes when you’ve hurt long enough, you may get used to the emotional pain. Maybe it feels safe and familiar. Maybe you’ve internalized it as part of your identity. Perhaps staying angry at that person is comfortable because you can keep a distance.
Growing pains can be real. Getting away from the things you’ve felt and thought about for a long time may be uncomfortable. But healing, joy, and peace of mind may be on the other side of letting go.
It may not be the case for everyone, but if you ask yourself “why can’t I let go?” these questions may help you start releasing your past:
- Are there any secondary gains from keeping yourself focused on what hurts?
- Is thinking about the past keeping you from trying new relationships or situations?
- Do you avoid resolving emotional pain because this would mean facing it first?
- How would your life be if you left the past in the past?
- What would happen if you adopted a different role in the situation?
Sometimes, to heal, you first need to feel it. Bottling up your thoughts and emotions may hurt you more in the long run and make it hard to let go, particularly if you keep thinking about the past and what harmed you.
Ruminating on the same negative thoughts may affect your mood, relationships, and even your ability to be productive and creative.
Try to find ways to express how you feel healthily. Releasing the emotional charge may help you stop ruminating.
Consider engaging in activities that provide a safe space for you to let it all out. For example:
- journaling with prompts
- writing a letter to the person who hurt you (sending it is optional)
- expressing your pain through art or play if writing or talking is difficult for you
- finding a trusted friend, relative, or therapist to share your experiences and feelings
Taking accountability doesn’t mean you have to blame yourself for things that happened to you in the past. It’s more about realizing how much energy you’re spending on remembering or feeling things that are no longer your present. It’s also choosing to focus your attention elsewhere.
When you hold on to your pain, resentment, or hurtful memories, you’re reliving the painful experience again and again. This may keep you stuck in the past, which is something you can no longer change.
Taking accountability is also about claiming your power and deciding others will not control how you feel or live your life.
Maybe you didn’t have a say in what hurt you in the past, but you have a say now. You can choose where you put your mind and heart today.
It’s natural and valid to feel this is a difficult task. Maybe the pain is so intense that you can’t help but focus on it, or perhaps you have to live with the consequences. But healing is still possible.
Consider reaching out to a mental health professional to explore how you can develop effective coping mechanisms that may make releasing the past easier. You deserve it.
Focusing on past events may leave little room in your heart and mind for new experiences, including those that may bring you joy.
Not letting go of the past may make you more prone to miss the good in your life.
Consider these steps to make space for the new and to release the past:
- set personal and professional short-term goals
- cultivate gratitude so you can focus on the present good
- assess the quality of your current relationships and choose those that do you good
- commit to a new hobby or activity every month
- clean and organize your spaces, so you give away or discard items that no longer serve you
- establish new bonds or try to strengthen casual relationships that have the potential to be great friendships
- practice mindfulness, so you learn how to return to the moment when your mind wanders to the past
- commit to one self-care activity every week
- engage in altruistic activities that may boost your mood by helping others
- identify positive leaders and role models who lead with empathy and compassion
Prioritizing yourself is about being intentional with your decisions. This may start with realizing that choosing what’s good for you doesn’t mean you’re being selfish.
Putting yourself first may also mean reclaiming your power by leaving in the past what hurts you and focusing on healing today. It’s about realizing that you matter.
- going to therapy to explore how to let go of the past and hurt you’ve experienced
- setting boundaries with other people who may want to relive or discuss the past when you’re not ready to
- making life decisions that make you feel safe, at peace, or happy, even if others don’t agree
- reframing thoughts that may increase your anxiety or sadness to focus on thoughts that may make you feel hopeful
- engaging in self-compassion and self-respect
Prioritizing yourself may also be about exploring ways to find forgiveness.
Forgiving yourself and others has been associated with higher psychological well-being, including a higher tolerance to uncertainty and a lower tendency to experience anger.
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
~ Rumi
What have you learned about relationships, love, yourself, and life from your hurtful past experiences?
Your first response to this question may be to think of the negatives you may have learned. It’s natural and valid. But try to pause if this is your first reaction and consider focusing on a few positive lessons. For example:
- how strong and resilient you may be
- who showed up for you and proved you can rely on them
- the things you now know you don’t want in your life
- the coping skills you may have developed to face life challenges
- the sense that everything passes and this too shall pass
This isn’t an all-inclusive list and may not necessarily apply to your situation.
The idea is to try to identify whatever strength, skill, knowledge, or clarity you may have gained from a painful event. Focusing on these lessons may make it easier to let go.
One reason you may be ruminating about past events could be a need to revisit past choices or what could have been.
Focusing on the “what ifs” may lead you to repeatedly engage in the same inner conversations and scenarios. But thinking about what happened isn’t going to change it.
It may be difficult to accept, but learning to identify those things you have no control over may help you let go of the past.
The “should haves” or “what ifs” will not change what happened. The “what coulds” and “what wills” may help you move forward and be intentional in daily decisions that will affect your present and future.
Whether you live with trauma, experience anxiety or another mental health disorder, or may be facing relationship resentment, a mental health professional can help you let go and release your emotional pain.
Learning how to let go may depend on your specific situation and understanding of what letting go is about. But it’s possible and healing can be achieved.
Openly expressing how you feel, reclaiming your power, making room for new experiences, and focusing on the lessons are a few ways to let go of emotional pain.
If you’re having a difficult time letting go, consider seeking the help of a mental health professional. They can help you explore the possible causes of your challenges and develop coping skills that work for you.
Sad quotes about resentment and pain in the soul (200 quotes)
Resentment is a reaction to injustice, an insult and the emotions that accompany it. The offended experiences anger towards the offender and self-pity. As a rule, resentment arises in a situation that cannot be corrected, in contrast to a complaint or reproach. Resentment arises only if we consider what happened to be unfair, otherwise grief arises. You will find sad quotes about resentment and pain in the soul in our selection.
Everything returns, and the pain caused by you, and the help provided by a kind hand.
Do you know when we finally lose our loved ones? When we no longer feel the pain of losing them.
I am covered in scars that hurt and ache… – Something is not noticeable… – My soul is covered with them…
Unspoken love is a heavy burden.
Driving a nail into a person's soul, remember that even pulling it out with your apologies, you still leave a hole there.
Time seems to heal. Doesn't he see me?
Revenge is the desire to share pain.
A spiritual wound, like a physical one, heals only from within by the protruding force of life.
I want a heart of stone so that I don't feel hurt, hurt, or disappointed.
The pain is strong, but your eyes are stronger.
I hate love… You delete his number from the phone book, but you remember it by heart, you want to forget these damned numbers, but your temples are pounding… Tears… Pain… Morning and again, everything from the beginning…
No matter how much my heart hurts, tears You won't see I'm a queen!
A fragment came out of the eyes, sooner or later the one in the heart will also come out! It will immediately become easy for you and you will go looking for a new pain.
Something hurts: not a tooth, not a head, not a stomach, no- no- no-… but it hurts. This is the soul.
I really want to cry, but my pride won't let me.
They hurt, and then they think that everything goes away from the word “I'm sorry”.
Sometimes good memories hurt more than bad ones.
There is no greater pain than pain in the heart, a broken heart…
I will hide this pain under the mask of indifference, under the mask of joy. I will live, but without you, just like you without me.
Know how to keep all the pain inside, people don't care about your feelings.
If something hurts, keep quiet, otherwise they will hit right there.
After pain and disappointment comes indifference.
When I feel bad, I begin to be silent. It's easier for me to lock the pain in myself. Without harming others. I don't care that it slowly eats me from the inside.
Tears? No, it's rain. Painfully? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They are not clear to me. Memory? You won't erase it. Heart? Broken…
Sooner or later you will be in the place of the one you hurt insanely.
It hurt too much the last time to risk it again.
Today I will fill the pain with hot tea, sprinkle it with chocolates and drive me out of myself with comedies….
When he left, he said that he never wanted to hurt me. People always say that before hurting you.
Pain is the reason why we feel human.
Sadness in the soul cannot be covered with dark glasses.
The funny thing is that a person drinks to drown out his pain caused by his own mistakes, and in a drunken state commits new ones.
It's amazing how quickly you shut yourself off from the past when you have something to do with your hands and head. You can survive everything, even the most terrible pain. You just need something to distract you.
Lips bloodied… pain lives in the heart… cold, broken ice is stored in the memory…
If you love someone, you should never hurt them. Never.
There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful.
Welcome to the teenage heartbreak …
If you really care about a person, then no matter how much pain he causes you, you will forgive him.
Never hurt a person when this person is ready for anything for you.
There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, but there is a whole sea in the heart.
Know how to keep all the pain inside. People don't care about your feelings.
I don't understand why they call it heartbreak. It feels like all the bones are broken too.
Pain! Sounds like a guitar string, Dull pain! How my heart hurts without you.
As long as you feel pain, you are alive. As long as you feel someone else's pain, you are human.
No one will ever experience someone else's pain, everyone is destined for their own.
You won't believe it, I didn't know what heartache was until I met you
It's better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals than a lie that soothes and then kills.
There is no greater pain than the pain of a broken heart.
And we must laugh in the face of insult, even though the heart will break from pain.
Darling, I brought you so much pain... where to put it?
The calmer a person is outside, the more pain he has inside.
There are no such physical and mental torments that would not pass with time or were not cured by death…
You have to pay for everything in this world, nothing is given for free. Little happiness - little pain, big happiness - big pain. The balance always converges.
Let them say anything to hurt me. They know me too little to be aware of what really hurts me.
Dear heaven, please stop displaying my state of mind. The rains have already arrived.
No one has yet been able to break out of a love trap without pain...
Any changes are accompanied by pain. If you don't feel pain, then nothing has changed.
Sometimes I wonder why me? What did I do wrong to deserve this?
There is often more pain in loud laughter than in silent tears. Yes, in general, laughter does not happen without a small pebble in the throat.
I didn't want you to get hurt. You yourself wished me to tame you.
I am silent, and my heart is breaking ribs from the inside.
A soul that has never suffered cannot attain happiness!
Open your soul, come in, take, steal - I'm not afraid to become poor. There is too much war behind me... Draw me the sky, and draw the sun in it for me, And become a little in love with me...
I was crushed by my own love… As much as I loved, it hurt so much.
Pain is just weakness leaving your body!
When it hurts, don't show it, because when you finish it off, it hurts even more.
It hurts, my heart said. Forget it - time has calmed down. But I will come back sometimes, the memory whispered.
Pain is when your best friend betrayed you.
Whoever said that time heals all wounds lied. Time helps only to learn to endure the blow, and then live with these wounds.
Know how to forgive and let go so as not to increase the pain…
I love one pain, that sweet pain in the muscles.
There are moments in life when tears cloud the eyes, but it is a thousand times harder when the soul cries, but the eyes are dry.
Yes, it hurts, but I keep my back straight and don't show pain!
Never hurt your mother, because with every tear a minute of her precious life flows away...
And sometimes it is so sad. And sometimes it's so fun and no one will guess what a pain in the heart.
Do you know how painful it is? Cry ... So quietly cry from resentment, covering your mouth with your hand so that no one can hear you.
Distance is a reason for pain, but not a reason for betrayal.
Restrain yourself when it hurts, and not make a scene when it hurts - that's what an ideal woman is.
The heart is insipid, the soul is sad. Emptiness around - some strange feelings.
Each of us has a person who brought us a lot of pain, but he will forever remain in the hearts of those who brought a lot of happiness.
My soul paid for the revelation, choked from the spitting that was “rewarded” for being discovered.
If I endure, it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt me...
It's amazing how quickly you shut yourself off from the past when you have something to do with your hands and head. You can survive everything, even the most terrible pain. You just need something to distract you.
You grow up when you are able to smile at someone who has hurt you.
The happiest people have the saddest souls.
Keep all the pain inside, people don't care about your feelings.
Let there be pain, let there be suffering. Pass through the dark night and you will reach a beautiful sunrise. Only in the womb of the night does the sun develop. Only in the darkness of the night does the morning come.
My soul paid for the revelation, choked from those spitting that it was “rewarded” for having been discovered…
Does it hurt? Difficult? And you smile! After all, you're still alive. And as long as he is alive, everything is ahead.
The soul is the biggest mystery. People do not understand where she is, but they feel how much pain she causes.
I'm wondering if I'm the only one trying to drown out the pain, with headphones at full volume?
The one who knows how much it hurts will not betray.
I want a heart made of granite so as not to feel resentment, pain, disappointment.
There is an end to everything in the world: love, tears, suffering, but there is no end to only one thing - memories.
Something hurts: not a tooth, not a head, not a stomach, no- no- no-… but it hurts. This is the soul.
No matter how much my heart hurts, you won't see tears, I'm a queen!
Mum, blow on my heart… as in childhood on my knee, so that it doesn't hurt.
You go where he might be, or where he has been, pretending that everything is really good. But you can’t fool yourself - in fact, all this is terrible, and very painful. And you can look good in any way you like, buy a new dress, get a new haircut, it will not remove longing in your eyes.
I really want to cry, but my pride won't let me.
Try to escape the rain if it's inside.
Tears are not a sign of weakness at all. They talk about having a soul.
There is no greater pain than the pain of a broken heart.
Everything seems fine to me, only winter is in my heart…
Inside me the world is thrown into turmoil. I watch, I listen, I wait. A second, a minute, an hour, a day passes, and the ditch of my fears grows like a hole...
If something hurts, be silent, otherwise they will strike right there.
The soul experiences an attack of acute pain from false faces, empty emotions, weak will…
There is a kind of sadness in the world that cannot be expressed either in words or in tears. It is impossible to explain to anyone, the pain settles as a heaviness at the bottom of the heart, like snow during a windless winter night.
Today I will fill the pain with hot tea, sprinkle it with chocolates and drive me out of myself with comedies.
And sometimes it's so sad, and sometimes it's so fun, and no one will guess what pain is in the heart.
I run from myself and my own thoughts, that I used to be wings for flight. And in fear of loneliness I rush to the despicable crowd, an old enemy. For help - to have at least someone nearby.
Sadness in the soul cannot be hidden behind dark glasses.
I am trying to learn how to hide the terrible pain behind a sincere smile…
The problem is that I suddenly didn't care about anything. I have no goals, no ambitions. I really don't like this.
Lips are broken into blood, pain lives in the heart, cold, broken ice is stored in the memory.
Gentle pain will remain forever in the heart.
It hurts, but it's okay. I'm used to.
Welcome to teenage heartbreak.
It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the lack of spring in our souls…
Cats scratch our souls — and sadness, turning darker into dull melancholy every minute, as if the sun is setting there, inside.
There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, but a whole ocean in the heart.
Blows in the back are most often delivered by those who are protected by the chest.
My heart sleeps for 24 hours in the arms of sadness…
Know how to forgive and let go so as not to increase the pain.
And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone just doesn't understand me... They often tell me that I'm beautiful... I'd trade beauty for happiness...
I feel loneliness in my soul. It hurts to sit and know that no one in the world cares about you. And the most annoying thing is that there is no one to even talk about this problem with.
Yes, it hurts, but I keep my back straight and don't show pain!
The one who cares is sad.
Time heals anything but the truth.
The heart is insipid, the soul is sad. Emptiness around - some strange feelings.
It's scary to lose someone you love, but it's even scarier to never meet him.
My soul hurts, but my heart believes in miracles…
If I am silent, it does not mean that I am not hurt.
Each of us is devoted. To someone or someone.
When there is pain and resentment in the soul, it is not clear how to live the next day smiling. Love will help you get through all the hardships, only she alone!
The happiest people have the saddest souls.
We take a lot from life, but then it can take something in return...
A person cannot move forward if his soul is corroded by the pain of memories.
I'm wondering, am I the only one trying to drown out the pain, headphones at full volume?
It seems to me that the most terrible habit of mankind is to say goodbye to each other forever.
There is too much alcohol in my city, and this pain, which suffocates more and more every day, from the fact that the closest people spit in your soul.
There is an end to everything in the world: love, tears, suffering, but there is no end to only one thing - memories.
When you are betrayed for the first time, it's like being shot point-blank. Immediate death. When you are betrayed twice, you no longer feel anything. You're already dead.
Rain in the soul, smile in the eyes; pain in the heart, peace on the face; and no one will know what torture, all your life before you to be like this ...
I smile to hide my pain. I laugh to hide my tears. And I dream to forget!
We live in a peculiar time: we are afraid to scratch the iPhone, but we are not afraid to give a shit about people's souls.
I can't scream, it hurts... that's it, I give up. I hope that in your heart you will forgive me, I believe. But I'm afraid to go back to the past, where I'm only sick of you...
It just hurts a lot and I don't have the strength to say: "enough, I've had enough."
The worst thing... is when you love each other, but both are proud.
Winter on the street, snow underfoot, pain in the soul,…
Do not regret that you hurt me with love.
Probably we are too proud to say to each other: “I miss you”…
How painful it is to be a friend with the one you love…
If a person brings a lot of pain, it doesn't matter how much joy he brings.
People don't notice what we do for them, but they notice what we don't do.
Even life itself loses its colors every day and turns into a huge disappointment.
Pain is never pleasant and instructive, because it sometimes kills even the strongest.
There are people who leave a part of you. You don't die, no Just not the same as before. You react differently to things. You think differently. Even the smile is different...
It's cold. I want to hide without showing with my eyes how everything collapsed there, inside.
In fact, there is no past and future, there is only a moment, the present, which we waste in vain on pain and resentment, which we just need to forget and move on.
It hurts like hell to miss someone who will never come back.
Empty heart and soul, When everything is there, but you are not.
A woman's resentment takes precedence over other feelings, including love. A noble and proud heart is not able to forgive a person who has betrayed her love at least once.
It happens that a person, by his behavior, by his words, gradually kills in us all the good that we felt for him.
You left me and my soul died…
Resentment… Pain… All tears have been shed to zero. From spiritual trembling, you can not hear your own voice. But you are dearer to me than all my nerves.
It's sad to meet those people who knew everything about you... even the most secret... and now, passing by, they don't even say hello.
Those who have not known pain will never know the real world.
Pain squeezed everything inside, it's better not to look into his sad eyes. He had never loved anyone as much as her. Ready to forgive no matter what.
The joy of love is great, but the suffering is so great that it is better not to love at all.
Sometimes pain is part of our lives. And we think that it will always be, because we do not remember life without pain. But one day, suddenly something changes, some strange, unusual feeling arises. And at that moment we realize that we are happy.
I feel as bad as ever. In the heart of sadness, resentment, anger. It would be better if I didn't exist. I want to get lost in the fog, dissolve in the air, so that they don’t look.
You need to cry when the rain is crying... Then it will not be clear which of you is shedding tears.
Stop living. No, do not put a noose around your neck, but stop feeling, stop reacting.
While I was alone, I forgot what the words mean: sadness, resentment, pain. But you came, breaking your heart into pieces and returning everything again.
We all say: life has brought us together, life has connected us, we have one path... And a couple of years will pass, we will meet on the street and we won't even say hello. Here is your life. ..
I was dead. It may sound strange, but the only way to survive was...
If there is love, one can understand and forgive, but it will be difficult to live without each other.
I will be the drunkest guest at their wedding and I will shout “Bitter” the loudest, because I will really feel bitter, very bitter…
Trampled? Get up! Can not? Stop doing that! Tears? Wipe! Painfully? Be patient! Can not? Prove it! Are you silent? Tell! Resentment? Forget! How? Somehow!
She looked at him with eyes full of tears, in which pain was read, but, without saying anything, she turned around and left.
I pretend everything is fine. Dying from within.
Now I am with you forever. Kiss hard. Your pain...
It is better to quarrel, cry from resentment, get angry, so that later you can feel happiness than to feel cold and indifferent.
Go away tears, because it is impossible otherwise, smile girl - the proud do not cry. And in spite of the offense, you must laugh, let your heart break from pain!
Scientific fact. When a person cries and the first tear drips from the right eye, it is from happiness. And if from the left, then from pain or grief.
If you are loved and you don't want to love, it is better to say and offend than to destroy a person later.
It looks like now is the time to add psyllium to your life.
The last ray of light went out, the evening spread like slime, one friend is a cigarette, and it poisons my life!!!!!!
Medvedev canceled winter time. Winter took offense and canceled spring weather.
Tears can mean more than a smile... Because we smile at everyone, but cry only because of those we love...
Thank you for the Pain... Hearing your voice - I understand... It's not your fault... I just dream a lot...
Resentment may go away.. but trust will never return!
Memories are crushing. Thoughts suffocate. Feelings kill...
It's hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember joy. Happiness leaves no scars.
Love is when he calls you a fool, but you are not offended...
You let people into your sea, and they kill your fish.
One who has nothing to lose can achieve everything, one who is not sensitive to pain, nothing hurts.
I'm not offended by men, it's just that they are all goats.
It is not difficult to swallow insults, it is difficult to digest them...
Unfulfilled hopes, even the most modest ones, always cause incredible mental pain...
Anyone can offend a girl. Repents one in a million.
Sad quotes about resentment and pain in the soul (200 quotes)
Heart breaks
Sad quotes to tears about love and pain that I had to face.
- Our souls suffer the most from other people's lies, empty promises and wasted time.
- The most terrible mental anguish is that which cannot be cured by time and alcohol.
- I don't want others to know how much pain I'm in... so I just look away and say it's okay.
- You can deal with this pain only when you learn to forgive.
- The soul is scarred, and the heart is in pieces - naivety has its price.
- Despite all this pain - somewhere deep in my soul I still have hopes and dreams...
- Those people suffer the most who have not learned to close their soul behind a lock.
- Those who swore eternal love usually hurt each other the most.
- Life never ends because of failure alone. Even if that failure cost you everything.
- I put on a smile, but forgot to wipe my tears… I almost fell asleep.
- Most people are too selfish to even try to understand someone else's pain.
- Pain is something that sometimes makes me feel alive.
- If something really happened, it's already over...
- If everything seems to be in order, then everything is probably in order...
Sad statuses about women's tears
that make them shed tears.
Girls have such tears that they definitely need to cry out, at any time of the day or night, to cry out so that everything inside burns out
Let weaklings with broken hearts cry, but I laugh. Because my heart is as cold as ice. If you don't come, someone else will. I'm too good for tears!
Tired of playing cheerful and cheerful when you want to sit in the middle of the street and sob bitter tears of loneliness.
One wise woman said: “There are 3 cases for tears: weddings, funerals and the birth of a child, and the rest is bullshit”
I'll leave with my head proudly clapping my heels And behind the door I'll slide down the wall in tears, but you won't see them anymore.
- Pillow sees women's tears Women's secrets are known by girlfriend For the rest under the instrument of torture - Only smiles, only smiles
Beautiful and sad quotes about the pain in the soul, which you would not even wish on your enemy.
- A person who has nothing to regret has nothing to live for...
- Love cannot live forever. Nothing can live forever.
These are the rules we have to play by.
- Do you want to understand what mental pain is? Try to imagine that you need to take shelter from the rain that is falling inside your house.
- There can be nothing real in the fake world of fake people with fake smiles…
- The most difficult decisions are made through the most intense pain.
- I experienced the most severe pain when I was deprived of the ability to dream.
- You try, smile, communicate, and in response - only pain. I'm tired.
- How can you love a person who only brings you pain? Here I don't know.
- It is not death that is terrible, but the pain that portends it.
- The most intense pain is usually experienced in response to the most innocent lie.
- Pain reminds us that we are still alive. And while we are alive, we still have chances for the future.
- I'd rather leave the pain of the departed for myself than nothing at all.
- I'm not afraid of mistakes, everyone makes mistakes.
I'm afraid of a mistake that I can't fix.
Sad quotes about resentment and pain in the soul (200 quotes)
Resentment is a reaction to injustice, an insult and the emotions that accompany it. The offended experiences anger towards the offender and self-pity. As a rule, resentment arises in a situation that cannot be corrected, in contrast to a complaint or reproach. Resentment arises only if we consider what happened to be unfair, otherwise grief arises. You will find sad quotes about resentment and pain in the soul in our selection.
Everything returns, and the pain caused by you, and the help provided by a kind hand.
Do you know when we finally lose our loved ones? When we no longer feel the pain of losing them.
I am covered in scars that hurt and ache… – Something is not noticeable… – My soul is covered with them…
Unspoken love is a heavy burden.
Driving a nail into a person's soul, remember that even pulling it out with your apologies, you still leave a hole there.
Time seems to heal. Doesn't he see me?
Revenge is the desire to share pain.
A spiritual wound, like a physical one, heals only from within by the protruding force of life.
I want a heart of stone so that I don't feel hurt, hurt, or disappointed.
The pain is strong, but your eyes are stronger.
I hate love… You delete his number from the phone book, but you remember it by heart, you want to forget these damned numbers, but your temples are pounding… Tears… Pain… Morning and again, everything from the beginning…
No matter how much my heart hurts, tears You won't see I'm a queen!
A fragment came out of the eyes, sooner or later the one in the heart will also come out! It will immediately become easy for you and you will go looking for a new pain.
Something hurts: not a tooth, not a head, not a stomach, no- no- no-… but it hurts. This is the soul.
I really want to cry, but my pride won't let me.
They hurt, and then they think that everything goes away from the word “I'm sorry”.
Sometimes good memories hurt more than bad ones.
There is no greater pain than pain in the heart, a broken heart…
I will hide this pain under the mask of indifference, under the mask of joy. I will live, but without you, just like you without me.
Know how to keep all the pain inside, people don't care about your feelings.
If something hurts, keep quiet, otherwise they will hit right there.
After pain and disappointment comes indifference.
When I feel bad, I begin to be silent. It's easier for me to lock the pain in myself. Without harming others. I don't care that it slowly eats me from the inside.
Tears? No, it's rain. Painfully? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They are not clear to me. Memory? You won't erase it. Heart? Broken…
Sooner or later you will be in the place of the one you hurt insanely.
It hurt too much the last time to risk it again.
Today I will fill the pain with hot tea, sprinkle it with chocolates and drive me out of myself with comedies….
When he left, he said that he never wanted to hurt me. People always say that before hurting you.
Pain is the reason why we feel human.
Sadness in the soul cannot be covered with dark glasses.
The funny thing is that a person drinks to drown out his pain caused by his own mistakes, and in a drunken state commits new ones.
It's amazing how quickly you shut yourself off from the past when you have something to do with your hands and head. You can survive everything, even the most terrible pain. You just need something to distract you.
Lips bloodied… pain lives in the heart… cold, broken ice is stored in the memory…
If you love someone, you should never hurt them. Never.
There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful.
Welcome to the teenage heartbreak …
If you really care about a person, then no matter how much pain he causes you, you will forgive him.
Never hurt a person when this person is ready for anything for you.
There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, but there is a whole sea in the heart.
Know how to keep all the pain inside. People don't care about your feelings.
I don't understand why they call it heartbreak. It feels like all the bones are broken too.
Pain! Sounds like a guitar string, Dull pain! How my heart hurts without you.
As long as you feel pain, you are alive. As long as you feel someone else's pain, you are human.
No one will ever experience someone else's pain, everyone is destined for their own.
You won't believe it, I didn't know what heartache was until I met you
It's better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals than a lie that soothes and then kills.
There is no greater pain than the pain of a broken heart.
And we must laugh in the face of insult, even though the heart will break from pain.
Darling, I brought you so much pain... where to put it?
The calmer a person is outside, the more pain he has inside.
There are no such physical and mental torments that would not pass with time or were not cured by death…
You have to pay for everything in this world, nothing is given for free. Little happiness - little pain, big happiness - big pain. The balance always converges.
Let them say anything to hurt me. They don't know me well enough to know what really hurts me.
Dear heaven, please stop displaying my state of mind. The rains have already arrived.
No one has yet been able to break out of a love trap without pain...
Any changes are accompanied by pain. If you don't feel pain, then nothing has changed.
Sometimes I wonder why me? What did I do wrong to deserve this?
There is often more pain in loud laughter than in silent tears. Yes, in general, laughter does not happen without a small pebble in the throat.
I didn't want you to get hurt. You yourself wanted me to tame you.
I am silent, and my heart is breaking ribs from the inside.
A soul that has never suffered cannot attain happiness!
Open your soul, come in, take, steal - I'm not afraid to become poor. There is too much war behind me... Draw me the sky, and draw the sun in it for me, And become a little in love with me...
I was crushed by my own love… As much as I loved, it hurt so much.
Pain is just weakness leaving your body!
When it hurts, don't show it, because when you finish it off, it hurts even more.
It hurts, my heart said. Forget it - time has calmed down. But I will come back sometimes, the memory whispered.
Pain is when your best friend betrayed you.
Whoever said that time heals all wounds lied. Time helps only to learn to endure the blow, and then live with these wounds.
Know how to forgive and let go so as not to increase the pain…
I love one pain, that sweet pain in the muscles.
There are moments in life when tears cloud the eyes, but it is a thousand times harder when the soul cries, but the eyes are dry.
Yes, it hurts, but I keep my back straight and don't show pain!
Never hurt your mother, because with every tear a minute of her precious life flows away...
And sometimes it is so sad. And sometimes it's so fun and no one will guess what a pain in the heart.
Do you know how painful it is? Cry ... So quietly cry from resentment, covering your mouth with your hand so that no one can hear you.
Distance is a reason for pain, but not a reason for betrayal.
Restrain yourself when it hurts, and not make a scene when it hurts - that's what an ideal woman is.
The heart is insipid, the soul is sad. Emptiness around - some strange feelings.
Each of us has a person who brought us a lot of pain, but he will forever remain in the hearts of those who brought a lot of happiness.
My soul paid for the revelation, choked from the spitting that was “rewarded” for being discovered.
If I endure, it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt me...
It's amazing how quickly you shut yourself off from the past when you have something to do with your hands and head. You can survive everything, even the most terrible pain. You just need something to distract you.
You grow up when you are able to smile at someone who has hurt you.
The happiest people have the saddest souls.
Keep all the pain inside, people don't care about your feelings.
Let there be pain, let there be suffering. Pass through the dark night and you will reach a beautiful sunrise. Only in the womb of the night does the sun develop. Only in the darkness of the night does the morning come.
My soul paid for the revelation, choked from those spitting that it was “rewarded” for having been discovered…
Does it hurt? Difficult? And you smile! After all, you're still alive. And as long as he is alive, everything is ahead.
The soul is the biggest mystery. People do not understand where she is, but they feel how much pain she causes.
I'm wondering if I'm the only one trying to drown out the pain, with headphones at full volume?
The one who knows how much it hurts will not betray.
I want a heart made of granite so as not to feel resentment, pain, disappointment.
There is an end to everything in the world: love, tears, suffering, but there is no end to only one thing - memories.
Something hurts: not a tooth, not a head, not a stomach, no- no- no-… but it hurts. This is the soul.
No matter how much my heart hurts, you won't see tears, I'm a queen!
Mum, blow on my heart… as in childhood on my knee, so that it doesn't hurt.
You go where he might be, or where he has been, pretending that everything is really good. But you can’t fool yourself - in fact, all this is terrible, and very painful. And you can look good in any way you like, buy a new dress, get a new haircut, it will not remove longing in your eyes.
I really want to cry, but my pride won't let me.
Try to escape the rain if it's inside.
Tears are not a sign of weakness at all. They talk about having a soul.
There is no greater pain than the pain of a broken heart.
Everything seems fine to me, only winter is in my heart…
Inside me the world is thrown into turmoil. I watch, I listen, I wait. A second, a minute, an hour, a day passes, and the ditch of my fears grows like a hole...
If something hurts, be silent, otherwise they will strike right there.
The soul experiences an attack of acute pain from false faces, empty emotions, weak will…
There is a kind of sadness in the world that cannot be expressed either in words or in tears. It is impossible to explain to anyone, the pain settles as a heaviness at the bottom of the heart, like snow during a windless winter night.
Today I will fill the pain with hot tea, sprinkle it with chocolates and drive me out of myself with comedies.
And sometimes it's so sad, and sometimes it's so fun, and no one will guess what pain is in the heart.
I run from myself and my own thoughts, that I used to be wings for flight. And in fear of loneliness I rush to the despicable crowd, an old enemy. For help - to have at least someone nearby.
Sadness in the soul cannot be hidden behind dark glasses.
I am trying to learn how to hide the terrible pain behind a sincere smile…
The problem is that I suddenly didn't care about anything. I have no goals, no ambitions. I really don't like this.
Lips are broken into blood, pain lives in the heart, cold, broken ice is stored in the memory.
Gentle pain will remain forever in the heart.
It hurts, but it's okay. I'm used to.
Welcome to teenage heartbreak.
It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the lack of spring in our souls…
Cats scratch our souls — and sadness, turning darker into dull melancholy every minute, as if the sun is setting there, inside.
There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, but a whole ocean in the heart.
Blows in the back are most often delivered by those who are protected by the chest.
My heart sleeps for 24 hours in the arms of sadness…
Know how to forgive and let go so as not to increase the pain.
And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone just doesn't understand me... They often tell me that I'm beautiful... I'd trade beauty for happiness...
I feel loneliness in my soul. It hurts to sit and know that no one in the world cares about you. And the most annoying thing is that there is no one to even talk about this problem with.
Yes, it hurts, but I keep my back straight and don't show pain!
The one who cares is sad.
Time heals anything but the truth.
The heart is insipid, the soul is sad. Emptiness around - some strange feelings.
It's scary to lose someone you love, but it's even scarier to never meet him.
My soul hurts, but my heart believes in miracles…
If I am silent, it does not mean that I am not hurt.
Each of us is devoted. To someone or someone.
When there is pain and resentment in the soul, it is not clear how to live the next day smiling. Love will help you get through all the hardships, only she alone!
The happiest people have the saddest souls.
We take a lot from life, but then it can take something in return...
A person cannot move forward if his soul is corroded by the pain of memories.
I'm wondering, am I the only one trying to drown out the pain, headphones at full volume?
It seems to me that the most terrible habit of mankind is to say goodbye to each other forever.
There is too much alcohol in my city, and this pain, which suffocates more and more every day, from the fact that the closest people spit in your soul.
There is an end to everything in the world: love, tears, suffering, but there is no end to only one thing - memories.
When you are betrayed for the first time, it's like being shot point-blank. Immediate death. When you are betrayed twice, you no longer feel anything. You're already dead.
Rain in the soul, smile in the eyes; pain in the heart, peace on the face; and no one will know what torture, all your life before you to be like this ...
I smile to hide my pain. I laugh to hide my tears. And I dream to forget!
We live in a peculiar time: we are afraid to scratch the iPhone, but we are not afraid to give a shit about people's souls.
I can't scream, it hurts... that's it, I give up. I hope that in your heart you will forgive me, I believe. But I'm afraid to go back to the past, where I'm only sick of you...
It just hurts a lot and I don't have the strength to say: "enough, I've had enough."
The worst thing... is when you love each other, but both are proud.
Winter on the street, snow underfoot, pain in the soul,…
Do not regret that you hurt me with love.
Probably we are too proud to say to each other: “I miss you”…
How painful it is to be a friend with the one you love…
If a person brings a lot of pain, it doesn't matter how much joy he brings.
People don't notice what we do for them, but they notice what we don't do.
Even life itself loses its colors every day and turns into a huge disappointment.
Pain is never pleasant and instructive, because it sometimes kills even the strongest.
There are people who leave a part of you. You don't die, no Just not the same as before. You react differently to things. You think differently. Even the smile is different...
It's cold. I want to hide without showing with my eyes how everything collapsed there, inside.
In fact, there is no past and future, there is only a moment, the present, which we waste in vain on pain and resentment, which we just need to forget and move on.
It hurts like hell to miss someone who will never come back.
Empty heart and soul, When everything is there, but you are not.
A woman's resentment takes precedence over other feelings, including love. A noble and proud heart is not able to forgive a person who has betrayed her love at least once.
It happens that a person, by his behavior, by his words, gradually kills in us all the good that we felt for him.
You left me and my soul died…
Resentment… Pain… All tears have been shed to zero. From spiritual trembling, you can not hear your own voice. But you are dearer to me than all my nerves.
It's sad to meet those people who knew everything about you... even the most secret... and now, passing by, they don't even say hello.
Those who have not known pain will never know the real world.
Pain squeezed everything inside, it's better not to look into his sad eyes. He had never loved anyone as much as her. Ready to forgive no matter what.
The joy of love is great, but the suffering is so great that it is better not to love at all.
Sometimes pain is part of our lives. And we think that it will always be, because we do not remember life without pain. But one day, suddenly something changes, some strange, unusual feeling arises. And at that moment we realize that we are happy.
I feel as bad as ever. In the heart of sadness, resentment, anger. It would be better if I didn't exist. I want to get lost in the fog, dissolve in the air, so that they don’t look.
You need to cry when the rain is crying... Then it will not be clear which of you is shedding tears.
Stop living. No, do not put a noose around your neck, but stop feeling, stop reacting.
While I was alone, I forgot what the words mean: sadness, resentment, pain. But you came, breaking your heart into pieces and returning everything again.
We all say: life has brought us together, life has connected us, we have one path... And a couple of years will pass, we will meet on the street and we won't even say hello. Here is your life. ..
I was dead. It may sound strange, but the only way to survive was...
If there is love, one can understand and forgive, but it will be difficult to live without each other.
I will be the drunkest guest at their wedding and I will shout “Bitter” the loudest, because I will really feel bitter, very bitter…
Trampled? Get up! Can not? Stop doing that! Tears? Wipe! Painfully? Be patient! Can not? Prove it! Are you silent? Tell! Resentment? Forget! How? Somehow!
She looked at him with eyes full of tears, in which pain was read, but, without saying anything, she turned around and left.
I pretend everything is fine. Dying from within.
Now I am with you forever. Kiss hard. Your pain...
It is better to quarrel, cry from resentment, get angry, so that later you can feel happiness than to feel cold and indifferent.
Go away tears, because it is impossible otherwise, smile girl - the proud do not cry. And in spite of the offense, you must laugh, let your heart break from pain!
Scientific fact. When a person cries and the first tear drips from the right eye, it is from happiness. And if from the left, then from pain or grief.
If you are loved and you don't want to love, it is better to say and offend than to destroy a person later.
It looks like now is the time to add psyllium to your life.
The last ray of light went out, the evening spread like slime, one friend is a cigarette, and it poisons my life!!!!!!
Medvedev canceled winter time. Winter took offense and canceled spring weather.
Tears can mean more than a smile... Because we smile at everyone, but cry only because of those we love...
Thank you for the Pain... Hearing your voice - I understand... It's not your fault... I just dream a lot...
Resentment may go away.. but trust will never return!
Memories are crushing. Thoughts suffocate. Feelings kill...
It's hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember joy. Happiness leaves no scars.
Love is when he calls you a fool, but you are not offended...
You let people into your sea, and they kill your fish.
One who has nothing to lose can achieve everything, one who is not sensitive to pain, nothing hurts.
I'm not offended by men, it's just that they are all goats.
It is not difficult to swallow insults, it is difficult to digest them…
Unfulfilled hopes, even the most modest ones, always cause incredible mental pain…
Anyone can offend a girl. Repents one in a million.
Heavy thoughts
Short and sad quotes about pain that you can't get used to.
- Have you ever wondered what exactly you did to deserve all this?
- It doesn't hurt anymore, I can't do it anymore. I hope you can understand it.
- Life has taught me to smile even when it hurts. A smile will hide any pain...
- The heart is perhaps the most painful organ. After all, it hurts brighter and stronger than any other parts of the body.
Sometimes you wish it didn't exist at all...
- Not everything can be forgotten, not everything can be forgiven. And this pain - I will not even try to forget. She is now always with me.
- The pain of unfulfilled hopes can even eclipse the pain of betrayal.
- You can't stick a knife in your back first and then sweetly ask for forgiveness. It doesn't work like that.
- It is a little easier for lonely people to survive in this world, because no one will betray them for sure ...
- Sometimes it seems to me that if I start banging my head against the wall, then it will not hurt me as much as with you ...
- Baby, love is always ends in trauma. It's just payback for happy days.
- To hurt the person who opened your soul, you need to sell your own.
- Pain is hard to forget, but happiness is hard to remember. How does it work?
- It doesn't seem to be sad anymore, it just hurts a lot. And I don't feel like breathing, as if.
Sadness because of lost love
When do people most often fall into melancholy? When they lose their love. If something similar happened to you, quotes about sadness and pain will help express your feelings.
- Love is leaving. And the empty space cannot be filled with anything. A new rough scar appears on the heart. It will never be as soft as it was before.
- Memories are my hell and my heaven.
- Now it seems to me that even if the sun is shining, the weather is still bad. Because our world is always refracted through the prism of mood.
- When you part with someone you used to love with all your heart, it seems that you will never be able to smile again. But this moment will surely come. May you never be the same. But you will again feel the fresh breeze on your cheeks and see that the sun is shining just as before.
- All my hopes were dashed when we parted ways. How to live on? I have not decided yet. So far, I have chosen a quiet existence and waiting.
Waiting to heal from the wound you inflicted.
- It's a pity that a leaf of magical plantain cannot be applied to a broken heart. It would be great if this way it would be possible to get rid of this darkness, which seems to follow me on the heels after our parting.
- I didn't think that when leaving, a person can take away all your happiness, steal the joy of life, steal the ability to smile sincerely.
- We broke up. And I have to learn to live again just like children learn to walk. Falling, but rising again. With tears because of failures, but with great faith that everything will work out.
- I can't be happy anymore. Maybe I'm wrong. But how to experience happiness when you know that there is such pain in the world. Pain that does not fit in your heart. Which tears the soul apart and sheds hot tears.
- I don't understand why I am in such pain. I must have made a big mistake in my past life. Or is it just a retribution for happiness, which the harsh life invariably demands from each person?
- If I could throw this pain out of my soul, uproot it, forget about what happened forever.
.. But it's impossible to do that. It remains only to grit your teeth and endure. And to believe that your tears shed now water the tree of happiness that will grow in the future.
Life throws up difficult trials for each person. The main thing to remember is that pain is just a temporary phenomenon. And resentment is an emotion that indicates what kind of behavior on the part of other people is absolutely unacceptable for you. Trust your emotions and remember: without grief there can be no happiness, and the darkest hour is before dawn!
It's hard to let go
Sad quotes with meaning about the pain that is so hard to forget.
- I am not a public trash can for you to spit on me...
- Remember: pain is best relieved not by alcohol, but by sweets.
- Do you want to hurt me? You can, of course, try, but I promise that it will hurt everyone.
- It's sad and I want to cry, but so that no one can see...
- Do you want the pain to end? Better remember it well so that there is no next time.
- Breaking a heart is a thousand times easier than putting it back together. Think about it before betraying.
- I want to scream, but I can't. He wants to cry, but his eyes don't give a damn ...
- Do I need to die so that you can finally leave me alone?
- The more it hurts, the more I loved... Little consolation, I know.
- It's not your time that heals... I don't know who invented this nonsense, but he obviously didn't understand what he was talking about.
- Nobody can suffer forever. Sooner or later it will end... Be patient a little more.
- I'm still trying to hide the pain with a smile, but I'm just as bad at it...
- It hurts the most not from betrayal, but from the fact that you stop believing in love...
Sad mood
Sad quotes about longing and pain, with which you have to go through life laughing.
- One can truly appreciate only that which cannot be returned…
- We hurt most of all those who were ready to sell their souls for us.