Nikki sixx quotes
Nikki Sixx Quotes - BrainyQuote
You can't pee like a puppy if you wanna run with the big dogs.
Nikki Sixx
If you don't deal with your demons, they will deal with you, and it's gonna hurt.
Nikki Sixx
It takes all kinds to make the world go 'round. If everyone was straight-laced and uptight, it would sure be a drag. We need a little tug of war in society.
Nikki Sixx
Beauty, to me, is kind, generous, and people that are humble.
Nikki Sixx
Ego is the great enemy. Ego will hold you back every single time.
Nikki Sixx
People say I have a distorted lens. I think I see things as they really are.
Nikki Sixx
There's always people saying that rock is dead, rock is over. People are always out to kill rock and roll.
Nikki Sixx
We all fall off the wagon. It's only one day; it's not the rest of your life. Pick yourself up and go again.
Nikki Sixx
You can get through anything if you want it bad enough.
Nikki Sixx
I'm not religious, but by nature I am spiritual. I'm an artist, and creativity seems to go hand in hand with spirituality. But I have a knee-jerk reaction against organized religions. Actually, I have knee-jerk reactions against anything that's organized.
Nikki Sixx
You get clarity as you get sober, and you get clarity as you get older.
Nikki Sixx
How can you have a rock n' roll circus without a midget?
Nikki Sixx
I think anything that's creative really takes my mind off whatever it is that I'm going through in my life. If you're going through heartbreak, and you can write a song, it's a wonderful win-win, because it takes your mind off the heartbreak, and you get to vent.
Nikki Sixx
I don't know if I believe in life after death so much as I believe that there is something out there.
Nikki Sixx
Who's the new Ramones, who's the new Guns 'N Roses, who's the new Motley Crue, who's the new Black Sabbath? They're coming, they're on the street, they're 16, 17 years old.
Nikki Sixx
When I go into rehearsal rooms and meet with bands, they're genuinely excited to be with me because of what I've done as an artist, not because of anything else.
There's that whole celebrity rock star thing, and artists are into artists who have been able to achieve success their way.
Nikki Sixx
I've always had an eye for the oddities in life.
Nikki Sixx
I forgive my mom for being a psycho and my dad for being a loser.
Nikki Sixx
It's interesting. People go to an animal shelter and pick a dog that's been kicked, beaten, and has lost a leg and an eye, and they'll take that dog home and give it love and support, but they don't do that with people.
Nikki Sixx
I've got so many mountains to climb and goals to conquer. I've got so many scars I want to leave on the planet. I just feel like I'm not there yet. I feel like I am just getting started.
Nikki Sixx
We did something this year that was not based on animosity.
Nikki Sixx
You want to love unconditionally everything you do, or don't do it.
Nikki Sixx
I love women. My life revolves around them.
Nikki Sixx
I can't stand people who try too hard.
Nikki Sixx
I never understood bands saying Nirvana had anything to do with derailing their career. Maybe those bands didn't have the goods.
Nikki Sixx
For those that don't know, my sister was born with Down Syndrome, and she was institutionalized in the very early sixties. Me, being just a small boy and being shuffled around between my mother and grandparents, I never knew her.
Nikki Sixx
For me, one of the things that I get excited about is getting in situations I shouldn't be in.
Nikki Sixx
There's no difference if you're a supermodel or if you've lost both your legs. What are you doing that's beautiful or ugly on the inside?
Nikki Sixx
If you were on the phone with me and Tommy right now, we would probably forget you were there, we'd just be cracking jokes. It's like Beavis and Butthead.
Nikki Sixx
I don't want to jump through hoops for people.
Nikki Sixx
It's just kind of known in the music industry that a farewell tour means 'for now.'
Nikki Sixx
Fans are so grateful when you go places they don't expect you to go.
Nikki Sixx
There's so much history amongst ourselve that reminds us of something, and we start cracking up.
Nikki Sixx
I remember opening up my first vinyl and seeing the incredible artwork it had. There's nothing like it. You also get that true gritty sound on vinyl that really makes a rock record sound great, which CDs can never achieve.
Nikki Sixx
I sport a cave-man mentality.
Nikki Sixx
The book is really, really dark, to the point where some people that I've talked to have said that it could be a series. And I'm like, Where? Vh2? It's a little hard for Vh2.
Nikki Sixx
I'm a sponge for information.
Nikki Sixx
When the addict gets recovery, his family gets recovery, right?
Nikki Sixx
Motley Crue, collectively and individually, have done things on our own terms.
Nikki Sixx
Traveling around the country, meeting fans and hearing their stories in person and on my radio show has reenergized my commitment to creating honest and inspirational content that not only serves my own creative purposes but can help and touch others as well.
Nikki Sixx
When Ozzy calls and asks you to go on tour, you say, 'When do I start?'
Nikki Sixx
I remember, when I was a kid, listening to the radio and hearing 'Big Bad John' by Jimmy Dean - and it just blew me away. I used to sit there and call the radio stations and request that song. And then the Beatles were obviously out already, but I really didn't know about the Beatles.
Nikki Sixx
Reflecting back, we all make mistakes; we all go through our stuff - relationships, financial, all kinds of stuff - and if you can grow from that and pass that message on, it's a pretty cool thing.
Nikki Sixx
Let me explain something: I'm not incredibly rich.
Nikki Sixx
I love Starbucks. Maybe that's a bit sad. But I definitely need my caffeine. It's what gets me out of bed in the morning.
Nikki Sixx
Artists are very young, and say, Um, ok, to these industry dudes.
Nikki Sixx
It's hard to find vehicles for your music.
Nikki Sixx
I'm not bothered by my appearance.
Nikki Sixx
Some cats, Iggy Pop, they're going to always have that hunger.
Nikki Sixx
Like all artists, I go through creative spurts.
Nikki Sixx
What's the best angle to cut someone's throat? Well, usually from behind. That's usually how it works.
Nikki Sixx
Through recovery, I've been able to do so much good stuff.
Nikki Sixx
I had to find the courage to turn my life around.
Nikki Sixx
Rock n' roll is dirty, and it's bad, and it's either clever or it's not clever.
Nikki Sixx
If your album sells, that's cool, more people find out about you, more people get turned on to what we're really about-which is a live rock and roll band.
Nikki Sixx
If you actually dissect the lyrics in 'Motley Crue', you'll notice that there's a lot going on beneath the surface.
Nikki Sixx
Do I think anything I ever do will be as big as Motley Crue? It's impossible.
Nikki Sixx
There's a pattern when tours start - a pattern of infighting, of making up, of breaking up, of addiction. There's a pattern of going to jail. There's a pattern of passion for music.
Nikki Sixx
It's really cool to know that there are so many people out there that are attached to me or projects that I've done to really feel that it's a personal relationship.
Nikki Sixx
I'm always willing to talk to somebody if they have something to say that is interesting.
Nikki Sixx
64 Inspirational Nikki Sixx Quotes On Success In Life – OverallMotivation
Nikki Sixx is an American musician, songwriter, radio host, and photographer, best known as the co-founder, bassist, and primary songwriter of the band Mötley Crüe. Prior to forming Mötley Crüe, Sixx was a member of Sister before going on to form London with his Sister bandmate Lizzie Grey. These Nikki Sixx quotes will motivate you.
Best Nikki Sixx Quotes
- “When You’ve lost it all….thats when you realize that Life is Beautiful.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “If you don’t deal with your demons, they will deal with you, and it’s gonna hurt.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Love those who hurt you the most, because they are probably the ones closest to you.They, too, are on a path, and just like you they are learning to walk before they can fly. Imagine of everybody you hurt in life turned their backs on you? You would be playing a hell of a lot of solitaire.
Love them no matter what.” ~ Nikki Sixx - “The trouble with asking questions is you sometimes get answers you don’t wanna hear.” ~ Nikki Sixx
“Perfection is unattainable, so I like to live in imperfection.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “I am inspired by thinkers. I am inspired by rebellion.
I am inspired by children. I have been inspired by love. I have been inspired by heartbreak. I try to take everything that comes at me in life. There have been times in my life that I didn’t handle things… right. But even though you stumble, you still kind of get through it.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Rock and Roll’s got to be like Jack Daniels. You’ve got to feel it burn.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Addiction – When you can give up something any time, as long as it’s next Tuesday.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Just let it happen and, I promise you, all that is magic will appear.” ~ Nikki Sixx
“Live in the moment. Moments make history.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “In life, when the baggage gets too heavy, you have to put it down.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Selling my soul would be a lot easier if I could just find it.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Which side of the blade is sharper? The lie or the truth? It all seems irrelevant when your jugular is sliced open and you’re lying in a pool of blood for the whole world to see.
” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “There is nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home. When you’ve lost it all, that’s when you finally realize that life is beautiful.” ~ Nikki Sixx Quotes
- “Raw and honest is what I go for [in my style of shooting]. I am looking for your inner beauty. The outside tells a story… But together is raw honesty.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Who’s the new Ramones, who’s the new Guns ‘N Roses, who’s the new Motley Crue, who’s the new Black Sabbath? They’re coming, they’re on the street, they’re 16, 17 years old.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “After I binged last night -or was it tonight – I was convinced yet again that there were people coming to get me. It was more than just shadows and voices, more than just fantasies….it was real, and I was scared to my core.My bones were shaking…m heart was pounding…I thought I was going to explode. I’m glad I have you to talk to, to write this down. I tried to keep it all together, but then I gave in to the manes and became one with my insanity.
” ~ Nikki Sixx
“Alcohol, acid, cocaine… they were just affairs. When I met heroin it was true love.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “I just think if I can go from being a homeless kid with a dream of being in the biggest band in the world and making that happen, I can do a lot of other cool stuff, too.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Some girl asked me for an autograph and I asked her why, she said because she admires me. I said she should see a shrink. Then she started crying and I started laughing.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “I am not a preacher. I don’t want to stand on a soapbox and tell people, “Don’t drink. Don’t use drugs.” With my kids, I say “Don’t drink. Don’t do drugs.” But when they turn 21, they can drink. I hope they never use drugs, but people make their own decisions. When they’re old enough, they are going to have the chance to make their own decisions. I just hope I have given them enough love and support, and the ability to come and talk to me if they need to.” ~ Nikki Sixx
“I can’t make anybody happy, so I try my best to be good at what I do” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “In the end, the whole Internet thing kills me, because you can use it as a positive thing or you can read into all the negativity.
And I think youve gotta put out positive energy, put out cool viral stuff, and then just stay out of peoples opinions.” ~ Nikki Sixx Quotes
- “Ozzy Osbourne and Motley Crue in New Orleans on Mardi Gras = bad idea!” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Sometimes I think I should just buy a blow-up party doll. Same level of intelligence, plastic, and full of air. The problem is, I’d probably fall in love.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “You want to love unconditionally everything you do, or don’t do it.” ~ Nikki Sixx
“Life is like a long ride to nowhere in particular.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “In the end, the whole Internet thing kills me, because you can use it as a positive thing or you can read into all the negativity. And I think youve gotta put out positive energy, put out cool viral stuff, and then just stay out of peoples opinions.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “When you’ve tasted excess, everything else tastes bland.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “I used to think the only way to be truly alive is to confront your mortality.
” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “When you can’t climb your way out of such a hole, you tend to crouch down and call it home.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Ego is the great enemy. Ego will hold you back every single time.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying says that death is the graduation ceremony, while living is just a long course in learning and preparing for the next journey. If we acknowledge death as the beginning, then how can we fear it?” ~ Nikki Sixx
“Friends tell each other what nobody else is willing to tell you.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “I was so happy every morning when I woke up that I was pissing smiley faces.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “What’s exciting about being an artist, still, and what I’m really finding is awesome is that you can do it until you drop. I don’t care how many lines I have on my face – I’ll keep doing it!” ~ Nikki Sixx Quotes
- “Sometimes [people] say the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. In my case, I am pretty fortunate.
[ My kids]’re pretty balanced, cool kids, going through pretty much the same thing all the other kids go through. There’s nothing unique about me as a parent. I am a parent. My kids are kids. We do the best we can do. I don’t think they know a lot about what I do, other than that I am in this crazy band, Mötley Crüe.” ~ Nikki Sixx
“I forgive my mom for being a psycho and my dad for being a loser.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Darkness can be funny. It can be quirky. There are different ways that that stuff comes out as a creative person. But the actual conflicted, twisted, decaying, rotting soul? That’s not me. No more.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “When I know too much I get bored too fast.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “I don’t fear death; I welcome it with open arms and a smirk. But until that wondrous day, I will continue to savor and celebrate all those who have graduated before me.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “You might as well learn about sex from Motley Crue than your parents because it’s a lot more interesting.
” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “There is something about spending Christmas alone, naked, sitting by the Christmas tree gripping a shotgun, that lets you know your life is spinning dangerously outta control.” ~ Nikki Sixx
“Overconfidence comes from fear and doubt, and you boast an ego when you’re feeling less than.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “We get paid in flesh. Our audiences are sluts and whores, each and everyone.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “I feel you see every crack and bruise with black and white [pictiures] and color distracts usually from the honesty.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Life can be cruel. It´s been my struggle, my personal battle, my obsession to make people see that different isn´t always bad.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “At birth, we are very much like a new hard drive – no viruses, no bad information, no crap that’s been downloaded into it yet. It’s what we feed into that hard drive that starts the corruption of the files.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “In my own life I like to be poised and have a positive outlook on life, and I’m leading by example to my children and people around me.
” ~ Nikki Sixx
“I don’t want to jump through hoops for people.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “I feel my spot is somewhere between a bass player and a rhythm guitar player. I play with a pick. I play very aggressively. I always have a distortion pedal in line, and I play less melodies and do more stuff against the guitars that create melodies.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “I remember opening up my first vinyl and seeing the incredible artwork it had. There’s nothing like it. You also get that true gritty sound on vinyl that really makes a rock record sound great, which CDs can never achieve.” ~ Nikki Sixx
“Every day, I wake up, and the first thing I think of is my kids.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “There’s a pattern when tours start – a pattern of infighting, of making up, of breaking up, of addiction. There’s a pattern of going to jail. There’s a pattern of passion for music.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “You grow, learn, and the more I can sit in silence and be comfortable with myself, the more I can make noise, as ironic and Zen Buddhist and satanic as it sounds!” ~ Nikki Sixx Quotes
- “UNUSED LYRIC I’ve never been to Eden But it’s nice I hear tell When I die I’ll go to heaven ’Cause I’ve done my time in hell” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “The more confident you are, the more you can let go and believe that the people you’ve chosen to be in your circle are able to do what they say they’re going to do and what they’re really good at.
It has made me a better band member, too.” ~ Nikki Sixx
“Motley Crue, collectively and individually, have done things on our own terms.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “I am the outcast come home to roost and the eggs of tomorrow are incubating in my fame. You hate me, you love me, you made me, and now I am in you. I am like that disease brewing in your loins and I think you like it.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Your shallow men shall dream, dreams, your insightful men shall see visions.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “My main camera is a Nikon D3. I use a French camera from the 1800s for wet plate photography, I use a Hasselblad sometimes. But to me the camera really doesn’t matter that much. I don’t have a preference for film or digital.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “What’s the best angle to cut someone’s throat? Well, usually from behind. That’s usually how it works.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “We were telling everybody we weren’t getting back together when we were in the studio actually recording.
We wanted to try it on, to see how it would fit.” ~ Nikki Sixx
- “Everybody needs some real rock in their lives…whether it’s bands like ourselves, Aerosmith or Stones…or new bands like Five Finger Death Punch, Avenged Sevenfold…it’s out there.” ~ Nikki Sixx
Comment Your Favourite Nikki Sixx Quotes!
13 quotes from Nikki Sixx - Rockcult
Who will be the new Ramones, who will be the new Guns 'N Roses, who will be the new Motley Crue, who will be the new Black Sabbath? Now you can meet them on the streets, and they are 16-17 years old.
There is nothing special about me as a parent.
I am a parent. My children are children. We do everything we can.
You want to either love absolutely everything you do, or not do it at all.
I don't want to jump through hoops to please people.
If you were on the phone with me and Tommy right now, we would most likely forget about you in our jokes. Just like Beavis and Butt-head.
How much luck can a person get? I was a fugitive and then a member of one of the biggest bands in the world.
I sold out every site. I have sold millions and millions of records.
For each tour there is a template - a template of strife, creation and destruction, dependencies. There is also a template for going to jail. And another template of passion for music.
When we were younger, small things were small things. But we turned them into big things. This is natural for youth.
People want to see an accident instead of a car race.
But when you're in one of the cars involved in the crash, it's not all that fun. I am enjoying the race.
You can hate us. I don't care if you hate us, but no one will ever sound like us.
I love Motley Crue! This group is just magical. It takes my breath away to think that I'm part of Motley Crue. In fact, for me there is only one real band - Motley Crue, everything else is just temporary side projects.
- The
Motley Crue is a large barge-like machine.
It takes a long time for her to turn around. Likewise for us. We've been going to do something with Mötley for a long time. But I am proud of it, moreover, some things I want to do for even more time.
Exclusively from my point of view, this is generally one of the most striking cases. The very fact that Rick said, “I lost my arm, but this is my band and I will play in it again.” And the group at the same time acted exactly as it is customary in the family. They replied: "We are with you, let's try." I mean, how fucking insane is inherently rock 'n' roll, if even a one-armed drummer is possible in it? It's hard to imagine such a thing. It's a miracle, nothing else. [about Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen losing his arm]
Vince Neil likes Nikki Sixx? – Celebrity.

Nikki stated that liked the fact that Vince had the unique, weird and weird voice of which was typical of Perry Farrell and Robert Plant. He added that he always feels grateful for the way Neil sings, which contributed to the exceptional sound of Mötley Crüe.
Here, how did Nikki Sixx choose his name?
Nikki was born Frank Carlton Serfino Feranna on December 11, 1958. his father - who abandoned him as a child - Frank soon dropped the name and officially changed it to Nikki Sixx in 1978.… At the age of 17, Sixx moved to Los Angeles to pursue a musical career.
Accordingly, who is Vince's girlfriend?
Rain Hanna , a girlfriend of Motley Crue vocalist Vince Neil, took to her Instagram account to share a moment from her daily life and reacted to it with her boyfriend Vince Neil.
Does Vince Neil have a daughter?
In April 1987, Neil married Sharise Ruddell, a mud wrestler and fashion model. The couple had one daughter , Skylar Linnae Neal (March 26, 1991 – August 15, 1995), before divorcing in 1993.
So who is the richest member of Motley Crue?
Tommy Lee is the richest member of Motley Crue.
As of 2021, Tommy Lee's net worth is $75 million.
Who is Vince Herbert with now?
Personal life. Herbert married singer Tamar Braxton in 2008. In 2013, the couple had a son, Logan Vincent Herbert.
What happened to Lisa Hogan and Daniel Smithers?
Smithers, 20, from Hermosa Beach, and his passenger, 18-year-old Lisa Hogan from Rancho Palos Verdes, both suffered severe head injuries . Investigators said Wharton, who had only minor injuries, registered a. 17 count of alcohol in the blood after the accident. The driver is considered to be under the influence of alcohol.
Is Tommy Lee still rich?
Tommy Lee is still rich, he still has a few tens of millions of dollars to spare. He has a net worth estimated at $70 million. . He is the richest member of the Motley Crue. He made most of his fortune through his career as a musician; from sales of his music, his live performances and royalties from his two bands.
Why is Tommy Lee so rich?
As of January 2020, Tommy Lee has net worth is estimated at $71 million . He made his fortune from his career as a musician, as well as from live performances and royalties from his two bands. His Generation Swine album earned $500,000.
What is Bon Jovi's net worth?
Jon Bon Jovi Net Worth: Jon Bon Jovi is an American rock star, singer, songwriter, record producer, musician, actor, and philanthropist with a net worth of $410 million.
Jon Bon Jovi Net Worth.
Net Worth: | $410 million |
Date of birth: | March 2, 1962 (aged 59) |
Gender: | M |
Height: | 5 ft 10 in (1.![]() |
Is Towanda engaged?
Towanda Braxton engaged Music producer Sean Hall , The family learns from the paparazzi. Another Braxton sister is walking down the aisle!
Why did Tamar and Vince break up?
A month after the announcement, she was leaving music to save her marriage - and just a month before his ninth wedding anniversary - the Maryland native filed for divorce from the music director. “I decided I didn’t want to get married just to say that.
How long was Motley Crew sober?
Nikki Sixx celebrated 20 years of sobriety by sending a hopeful message to those who are still struggling with addiction problems. Using the hashtag #sobrietyrocks, bassist Motley Crue shared an image of his personal 12 Steps watch, which showed he stayed sober for 240 months (or 7,306 days or 175,319 hours) as of July 240.
Who crashed Vince Neal's car?
Vince Neil, lead singer of Mötley Crüe, was arrested and convicted of several crimes, none as tragic as his conviction for manslaughter. Nicholas "Razzle" Dingli 's friend, the drummer for the Finnish band Hanoi Rocks, was involved in a drunk driving accident in 1984.
What is the salary of Nikki Sixx?
Nikki Sixx is an American musician, songwriter, author, fashion designer, radio personality, and photographer. Nikki Sixx has a net worth of $45 million . Sixx is best known as the co-founder, bassist and songwriter of the band Mötley Crüe.
What do the dots in Motley Crue mean?
Back in April 1981, Mick Mars suggested the name MOTTLEY CRU to his new bandmates. Then Nikki Sixx changed the spelling to Motley Crue and then they finished it by adding dots over the ö and ü, making it belligerent, aggressive German feel , inspired by the Löwenbräu beer they were drinking at the time.
What is the net worth of Bruce Springsteen?
Bruce Springsteen: $81 million .
How much is Ringo Starr worth?
In 2020, he was named the richest drummer in the world with a net worth of $350 million .
Ringo Starr.
Sir Richard Starkey Ringo Starr MBE | |
Starr in 2019 | |
Born | Richard Starkey 7 July 1940 Liverpool, England |
occupation | Musician, singer, actor, songwriter |
How did Bon Jovi get so rich?
Bon Jovi's net worth of $410 million is due to his long time in the industry. He gained great success and wealth as a recording artist . In 2016, Bon Jovi was listed as the 16th richest celebrity in America by Forbes.
Are Towanda and Andre still together?
Towanda Braxton admits that her marriage to Andre Carter was not a happy one. After 12 years of marriage, Braxton filed for divorce. She says that after the breakup, Carter was absent from the father and warned her before the divorce that he would not play an active role in their children's lives.
Are Towanda and Sean still together?
Towanda Braxton found love after her divorce.
And with her fiancé Sean Hall , she has a happy future. … Towanda also feels as if he is jealous of Sean's wonderful relationship with their children. She also claimed that Andre hasn't spoken to his kids since Sean was in the picture.
What does Trina Braxton's husband do?
Marriage of Trina Braxton and Gabe Solis
Solis was a software developer and worked from home , often taking care of her sons, while Braxton performed on tour as a background singer for her older sister, Toni.
Vincent Herbert still manages Lady Gaga?
Carter was originally hired in 2007 to represent Gaga. Vincent Herbert , who did her A&R at Interscope's Streamline Records and continues to work with the singer today. …
What happened to Vince and Tamar's marriage?
According to documents obtained by TMZ, Tamar Braxton is officially a free woman after a judge legally terminated her marriage to Vincent Herbert.