Narcissist con artist
Narcissists are VERY convincing liars, schemers, and con artists.
Narcissists are VERY convincing and polished liars/schemers, and EVERYTHING that they have told you was a LIE to manipulate your emotions or to cover up the truth about THEM. This was the PRISON the Narcissist used to hold you captive AND It was built from all of those lies, both the POSITIVE endearing ‘I Love You Lies’ and the disabling ones that managed you down every day to control and devalue you that took your worth away and erased your personality – or simple to CONTROL you and keep you under their abusive and needy agenda.
From my Book – Greg Zaffuto – Author – From Charm to Harm and Everything else in Between with a Narcissist!
So to start, you have to actualize that EVERYTHING WAS A LIE. Not almost everything, but EVERYTHING from ‘I love you’ to ‘I hate you, you are mentally ill, your friends hate you, my family hates you, the world hates you, etc.!’ Don’t forget all the other day to day lies, the lies about the affairs, the lies about STUPID stuff, the lies about accountability, the lies about other lies, etc.
All of these messages that the Narcissist was basically downloading into your head is all part of their delusional disorder based on LIES that they used to manage you down, gain power over you, and to control you. So when you refer back to these messages they put in your head and RELATE to them to try to resolve ANY of this, you are only listening to the same delusional lies that got you into this abusive relationship that is now still convincing you that you are to blame and everything bad and YOU have to accept responsibility here for the demise of this relationship. Those messages were designed to control and debilitate you or imprison you and they have – so replaying any of them will still keep you right in the abuse and behind those same bars and in that same prison.
As convincing as the Narcissist in your life was about their love for you it had absolutely NOTHING to do with love. Every single action employed by the Narcissist stems from a pathological need to control others AND all lies to bring their agenda to extort supply to fruition. In order to prove your love to a Narcissist, you had to surrender your identity and all of your power and control over to them. You handed over your life when you handed them your heart. That predator knew that if they conquered your heart then they had you where they wanted you. You became a slave to their needs and your only purpose was to enhance and embellish the Narcissist’s false image, take care of those needs, and accept their self-serving abuse. That prison they used to keep you captive was built from all of those lies – the POSITIVE endearing I love you lies and the disabling ones that managed you down every day to control you and eventually destroy you. Of course, none of this is ever presented to us within the real truth of just how disordered and damaging they really are because the Narcissist creates this extreme façade and uses manipulation AND THOSE LIES to con you into trusting them implicitly with THREE very thoughtful and well placed and deceptive words – ‘I Love You!’ They take you from Charm to Harm!
There is no “one” real person inside of the Narcissist that is fully functioning or normal but instead there are MANY made up facsimiles of people they imitate to cover up their dark reality to give them the ability to gain access into the lives of normal and healthy people. They are biologically human beings with needs, and they look like us and basically even act like us, BUT they do not THINK like we do. Seems complicated so how do they do it? When they meet you, they will carefully access so many parts of your life and morph right into your twin – and WOW you have so much in common. SO, it naturally follows that there is no proper internal mechanism that exists or functions as it relates to a Narcissist having a normal and functioning ‘personality’ that can relate in a healthy manner with the outside world and the people in it so basically the WHOLE relationship is based on manipulation to serve their agenda. The reality that seems to exist (and I am very loosely using that word reality) is a thin veneer or skin that is like a mask or costume they CREATE with those lies to manipulate people to fall for their life scam. Their façade is very interchangeable as well, so it completely fools the rest of the world and protects the Narcissist from being EXPOSED as dark, envious, and the loathsome person that they are.
This basically encapsulates the personality disordered and the truth about them as they relate to people and the world.
You have probably heard this many times and I will repeat it once more – they are like a chameleon that is able to change the color of its skin to match its environment and they are amazingly adept at this. The Narcissist disengages or detaches from their dark inner self and recreates an image to wear for the public or their immediate world. This image is constantly projected to essentially allow themselves to ‘fit in.” Of course, it is a good and likeable image that is very interchangeable AND even described as very charming but remember it was designed to camouflage themselves – and there you have it a different person for every different ‘need’. Unfortunately, what is hidden under that façade is a very dangerous individual. Personally, I would describe them as pathologically seductive because in reality they are con artists that are after something they need.
That ‘need’ is usually to trick their targets and use them as ‘Narcissistic Supply’ and just a major component of their survival. Basically, their functioning image is the biggest lie that this extortionist uses in their arsenal of deceit or ABUSE. They compartmentalize people to fit the many different and exacting needs they have that is personalized for each of us. Remember Narcissists are in every facet of life – be it a family member, a friend, a co-worker, perhaps a priest or preacher, attorney, doctor, next door neighbor, etc. Also remember that supply isn’t just limited to romantic relationships – if you have something they need or want, or they can better their social status by being in your company, or benefit by an association with you, they will be right there at your side getting whatever they are after. Once it is gotten they are gone and if you ever tried to make them accountable – YOU are gone as well.
So, there is no real person there just a needy void looking for a surrogate to supply them what they cannot achieve on their own and that would be you and I – now that is pretty messed up! The relationship with yourself, or the one that requires a conscience, morals, empathy, a soul, etc. , is a pretty important relationship to be lacking COMPLETELY, and pretty much a requirement or prerequisite to be a functioning human being and living life NORMALLY as well as interacting with others. If you don’t relate to your own self or your life in a healthy matter, how can you relate to anyone else in a ‘healthy manner OR any manner for that matter?’ JUST MY POINT – a Narcissist lacks the mechanisms needed to be a ‘fully functioning human being’ so they invent what they need as they go along in life and we play along or join in unknowingly with their toxic and destructive game while they run off with all the goods. With a Narcissist it is purely pathological in nature and basically EVERYONE is here to supply them OR fulfill their every need, be it financially as in a career, sexually to fulfill their physical needs, familial so ‘they’ have a proper ‘face’ to appear ‘normal, moral and ethical’, friends to help them shore up their façade and believe their ‘lies’, or whatever they can harvest and use from people to fill in the huge VOID that they are.
None of us serve anything more OR are more than a “bit part” in the Narcissist deranged and disordered life. We function to serve a specified need the Narcissist has at a specific time, AND they have multiple relationships going on to secure all the supply they can get – but we are none the wiser!
A Narcissist lacks all social skills/graces in the most extreme ways because underneath their ‘seductive’ façade, they don’t honor any human rights, respect individuality, or obey any written law. They live life in an extremely pathological and abusive manner. They imitate a functioning human being and take everything they want and need through some extreme and manipulative methods. They also get bored easily with their conquests SINCE they lack the mechanisms to form healthy bonds (and decisions), so they STRAY very easily to keep the excitement and adulation flowing in their world. Now it is bad enough they are life’s extortionist, but they also seem to envy and loathe all healthy loving people that would dare express their individuality, question them or demand accountability, so they lose their patience with us quickly and psychologically attack our minds in an effort to destroy our life as we know it – and if that doesn’t succeed they will just smear our integrity behind our backs. Remember they are also very protective with their big secret or lie about themselves – so if you catch on they are ready and loaded with an attack on your integrity that can literally destroy your life. Hmmm, it seems like they are very aware of what they are doing to always have a counteroffensive ready.
Like any other toxic bully, you have to disengage from the Narcissist COMPLETELY because if you don’t they will only attack you in unimaginable ways to destroy your COMPLETE integrity as well as your life. They have to win the battle they have with life, people and essentially the WHOLE world! You will ‘seemingly’ end up being the crazy one and the abuser because they will make you out to be everything bad/wrong just like a psycho bully would react to remove any blame from themselves and pass it onto you, basically their back-stabbing and smear campaign. Not a very pretty package at all. Just always remember, you haven’t done ANYTHING wrong to deserve this because they don’t function like other human beings. They don’t even have a clue what liking, caring or LOVING is so they live without it by pretending they know it, but you CAN’T pretend to love especially when you have no morals and it catches up with the Narcissist very quickly because they are so ‘out of control’ and careless.
Narcissists relate to other human beings as objects. You know objects, the things to use and ab-use for self-serving purposes. Things that have no rights, things that are inanimate, things that have no feelings. Perhaps a good example would be like a tool that performs a certain function, and we are just one of MANY of these “tools” that they USE.
So where did that ‘love’ go? Until the fact sinks in that the time they spent with us or anybody is never a ‘relationship’, but instead more of a pathological parasite feeding off of you/us, you just won’t “get” malignant Narcissism or that this is emotional and psychological abuse. You will keep acting on the premise that the Narcissist has some feelings JUST for you, or some sort of conscience, morals, ‘cares for’ or even loves you – and that premise couldn’t be further from the truth.
It NEVER makes sense to you, so you keep questioning or blaming yourself because that is what you have been conditioned to do as if everything is your fault. You are always wondering whether it is you, or it is YOU that has temporarily lost your ability to relate NORMALLY in your relationship, or better yet you are crazy like your Narcissist is telling you. NO, it is the Narcissist that is literally the ‘crazy one’ or clinically has the ‘personality disorder’. Well it is classified as a personality disorder but still in all it is CRAZY behavior or better yet dehumanizing, demeaning, debasing, and destructive, AND psychologically abusive to anyone that has any sort of connection with them. Control is power to an abuser so whether you are attacked physically with a fist or attacked mentally with hideous, destructive and manipulating words, it is abuse from a disordered person, one that is not a fully functioning human being that lacks total empathy and love for their fellow man/womankind.
You don’t intentionally CONTROL, harm, hurt, or destroy any creature on this planet for ANY REASON and Narcissists do it every waking moment of their lives. Knowledge is power so educating yourself to completely understand this abuse is the first step to getting your healthy mind back and starting out on your road to recovery – well that and no/minimal contact ALWAYS! Greg
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The Con Artist – Psychopath, Narcissist & Machiavellian ~ Patrick Wanis
The Con Artist – Psychopath, Narcissist & MachiavellianIn this week’s Success Newsletter, I would like to reveal the 3 key traits of the con man – the Psychopath, Narcissist & Machiavellian.
First a quick update:
“10 Reasons Women Have Affairs With Married Men”
Why do some women find married men so attractive? What is the lure of the man with the wedding ring? Why did actress Kristen Stewart have an affair with her movie director, a husband and father of 2 children, Rupert Sanders? There are 10 reasons why women cheat with married men.
“Cheating – Time To Confront The Other Woman”
The 2014 movie about discovering that your husband is having an affair is a comedy. In real life, there are no laughs to be had when you discover cheating and betrayal. Do you confront the other woman? Watch the video
Now, let’s talk about the 3 traits of the con man – the Psychopath, Narcissist & Machiavellian.
A con man is someone who deceives you for their own ends, their own benefits!
In last week’s Success Newsletter, “The Art Of The Con – 15 Ways To Protect Yourself From Con Artists”, I revealed that confidence tricks exploit typical human characteristics such as hope, optimism, trust, gullibility, greed, dishonesty, vanity, opportunism, lust, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, desperation, vulnerability, fear, emotional overwhelm, and naïvety.
Maria Konnikova, in her book, “The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It . . . Every Time”, states that the con man is characterized by the dark side or the Dark Triad: a combination of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy.
As I reveal the checklist for each of these 3 dark traits that characterize the con man, notice that they are also applicable to some politicians, attorneys and businessmen. Also notice that these are the traits that would be necessary for someone to be both adept and joyous at conning and defrauding people.
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1. The Machiavellian
Uses clever but often dishonest methods that deceive people so that he/she can win power or control
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469–1527) was an Italian politician and philosopher, famous for his political treatise, The Prince, whereby Machiavelli describes immoral behavior, such as dishonesty and killing innocents, as being normal and effective in politics. Machiavelli is the source of the phrase: “the ends justify the means”. Machiavelli promoted being feared over being loved.
“Machiavellian is someone who employs aggressive, manipulative, exploiting, and devious moves to achieve personal and organizational objectives. ”
– Richard Calhoon, marketing professor at the University of North Carolina. 1969
2. The Narcissist
Exaggerated sense of self importance
Need for excessive admiration
Extreme (almost violent) reaction to criticism
Sense of entitlement
Lacking empathy
Believing others to be envious of him
Arrogant, haughty, contemptuous behavior or attitude
Promiscuous behavior
3. The Psychopath
Psychopath is a word commonly used to label someone who exhibits antisocial behavior (sometimes violent behavior), is a pathological liar, superficial, a con artist, and someone who lacks empathy or remorse. In fiction, psychopath often refers to a serial killer.
The term psychopath was coined by German psychiatrists in the 19th century and referred to a mental disorder (a disease of the soul or mind.) American psychologists started using the term sociopathy in the 1930s to refer to a pervasive failure to adhere to societal norms in a way that could harm others.
However, today, no psychiatric or psychological organization has sanctioned a diagnosis titled “psychopathy.” The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) does not use the term ‘psychopath or sociopath; instead it refers to “antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).” Nonetheless, the word exists and it is used in the criminal justice system as well as in fiction and everyday usage.
Psychopathy and sociopathy generally refer to the same set of symptoms: sociopathy connotes social origins and early environment while psychopathy implies that there are psychological, biological, and genetic factors involved in addition to environmental factors. For a while, sociopathy was also used to denote white collar crime (i.e. non-violent.)
Neuroscientists now believe they have discovered a gene that is responsible for psychopathy: MAOA (monoamine oxidase A), the “warrior gene” which can turn a person violent when activated by environmental factors.
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Despite all of this controversy and confusion, there exists a checklist of the traits/characteristics that are defined as “psychopath” by Robert D. Hare, C.M. – a researcher in the field of criminal psychology. Hare developed the Hare Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-Revised), used to assess cases of psychopathy. A score of between 30 and 40 denotes psychopathy.
1. Glib and superficial charm – smooth talker, great story-teller, insincere & shallow words.
2. Grandiose self-worth – huge egos, confident, arrogant, feelings of superiority and entitlement; huge braggers of things they have done (and not actually done).
3. Seek stimulation or prone to boredom – risk takers, sensation seekers.
4. Pathological lying – skilled liars, unafraid of being caught; lie to manipulate.
5. Conning and manipulativeness – ‘callous ruthlessness’ – deceive, cheat, con, and defraud others for personal gain.
6. Lack of remorse or guilt – they feel pain for themselves but not others; cold-hearted with no empathy for their victims – only disdain for the their victims.
7. Shallow affect – friendly and charming with no feelings for others.
8. Callousness and lack of empathy – callous, heartless, contemptuous, indifferent and tactless.
9. Parasitic lifestyle – they live off others with no sense of responsibility or accountability; will manipulate and exploit others for their own gain.
10. Poor behavioural controls – aggression, verbal abuse, outbursts of anger and temper tantrums.
11. Promiscuous sexual behavior – sex encounters are often viewed as conquests and they boast about them; attempts to coerce people into sexual relationships.
12. Early behaviour problems – antisocial behaviour before age 13 – lying, stealing, cheating, vandalism, bullying, cruelty to animals or siblings.
13. Lack of realistic, long-term goals – lack real direction but talk about big plans; sometimes a drifter
14. Impulsivity – reckless & unpredictable, cannot control impulses, cannot resist temptation; seek instant gratification.
15. Irresponsibility – repeatedly fail to honour commitments or obligations – legally, morally and financially.
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions – no sense of duty or conscientiousness, deny their responsibility and even play victim.
17. Many short-term marital relationships – inability to maintain a long-term relationship.
18. Juvenile delinquency – crimes that are manipulative, aggressive, violent or callous between the ages of 10 and 18.
19. Revocation of condition release – probation may have been revoked due to lack of responsibility and accountability – failing to appear, etc.
20. Criminal versatility – often involved in diverse criminal activities, boasting about getting away with crimes.
Remember, don’t play with a con artist; they know what they’re doing, they believe that what they are doing is justified and they celebrate the con. You won’t win.
Who do you know that fits the bill of the dark triad – Machiavellian, Narcissist and Psychopath?
If you are feeling foolish, humiliated or ashamed because of a betrayal or con – book a one-on-one session with me.
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I wish you the best and remind you “Believe in yourself -You deserve the best!”
Patrick Wanis Ph.D.
Celebrity Life Coach, Human Behavior & Relationship Expert & SRTT Therapist
Patrick Wanis Ph.D.
Anointed “The Woman Expert” by WGN Chicago, Patrick Wanis PhD is a renowned Celebrity Life Coach, Human Behavior & Relationship Expert who developed SRTT therapy (Subconscious Rapid Transformation Technique) and is teaching it to other practitioners. Wanis’ clientele ranges from celebrities and CEOs to housewives and teenagers. CNN, BBC, FOX News, MSNBC & major news outlets worldwide consult Wanis for his expert insights and analysis on sexuality, human behavior and women’s issues. Wanis is the first person ever to do hypnotherapy on national TV – on the Montel Williams show.
What is narcissistic personality disorder, how to recognize it and can it be corrected
The label "narcissist" is often used to refer to people who seem self-confident, spend a lot of time talking about themselves, their success and career. However, this feature is much more complicated than it seems. A sense of confidence, a desire to share our achievements, and a desire for praise are quite adequate traits inherent in many of us. But sometimes it develops into a manic obsession with oneself or narcissism, which greatly interfere with establishing social connections, building a career and maintaining healthy relationships with loved ones. Zaborona journalist Polina Vernigor figured out when to sound the alarm, how to identify narcissistic personality disorder, and how to deal with narcissists.
What is narcissism?
This is a feature of the psyche, in which a person considers himself better than others, as well as generally unique and unsurpassed. It's about craving gratitude or admiration, wanting to be the center of attention, and expecting special treatment.
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), developed in 1979, is the most common way to measure this trait. The scores range from 0 to 40. Healthy people who score just over half of the scores may seem very attractive, especially during the first meeting, but end up coming off as arrogant. Such people may have uncomfortable or stressful personal relationships, but at the same time they remain fundamentally healthy personalities.
- Honoré Daumier The Belle Narcissus, 1842
Is this normal at all?
Basically yes. In fact, this is why we use the term “healthy people” in the previous section: narcissism is a collection of traits, and as long as it remains only on the scale of a person’s character, it does not pose a big problem. At least it does not require a decision in the office of a clinical psychologist - unlike narcissistic personality disorder.
What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
And this is a psychiatric diagnosis. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are in love with an idealized grandiose image of themselves. And they fall in love with this exaggerated self-image precisely because it enables them to avoid deep feelings of insecurity. But supporting their megalomaniacs takes a lot of work, and that's where manipulation and toxicity in relationships comes into play. People with narcissistic personality disorder are self-centered, lack empathy and consideration for others, and depend on praise and hobbies. They can be described as cocky, manipulative, selfish, and overly demanding. This way of thinking and behaving manifests itself in all areas of a narcissist's life, from work and friendships to family and love relationships.
There are many subtypes of NPD—some have been identified and validated by scientific research, while others have been informally named and popularized by various mental health professionals. Because of this, the number of narcissistic subtypes is difficult to count accurately. Although the subtypes cannot be clinically diagnosed, professionals still usually see patterns in the behavior of clients, so they deduce eight subtypes of narcissism.
- Salvador Dali Metamorphoses of Narcissus, 1937
Healthy narcissism. It is more positive than negative. The American Psychiatric Association has concluded that for a patient to be clinically diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, they must have at least 55% of the most common features of narcissism. At the same time, many of these features do not fit the classification of mental disorders. That is, if you have less than 55% of the signs of NPD, you are healthy. Psychiatrists believe that narcissistic qualities are inherent in any person to a certain extent. Recognition of your achievements, the desire to share them and receive praise are quite normal things, especially if they improve well-being.
Grandiose narcissism. Such patients are characterized by an overestimation of their abilities, an inflated sense of self-worth and, in fact, an unrealistic feeling of their own superiority over other people. At the same time, grandiose daffodils can be charming, but they often lack compassion. They demand attention, they like to see others offended and confused.
Covert/vulnerable narcissism. Unlike grandiose narcissists, these people tend to be shy and modest. Representatives of this subtype are inhibited, depressed, hypersensitive to evaluations and suffer from chronic envy. They vitally need the recognition of people and protection from criticism. Often covert narcissists feel the most miserable in the world.
Malignant narcissism. Actually they are called malignant, not to be called evil, because it sounds a bit rude. But it is true: they are manipulators with evil intentions, showing signs of sadism and aggression. This is the most dangerous and harmful to others subtype. Throughout their lives, people suffering from this disorder improve their manipulation skills, and therefore, during the first meeting, they may seem very nice and kind.
Sexual narcissism. These patients are overly fond of their own sexual prowess. They may be obsessed with their sexual activity and need for sexual delight from others. Sexual narcissists are serial scammers who use sex to manipulate people and can be aggressive in bed.
Somatic narcissism. Somatic narcissists base their self-esteem on the body. They feel more beautiful, strong or healthy than others. Somatic narcissists are often obsessed with their weight and appearance, as well as criticizing the appearance of others.
- Illustration for "Spring of Narcissus" from "The Romance of the Rose", 1380s
Cerebral/intellectual narcissism. Such people derive their sense of self-worth from their minds. It is about the belief that they are smarter than everyone else. To feed their ego, they will try to make others feel stupid.
Spiritual narcissism. Such people often use their spirituality to justify harmful behavior and use spiritual jargon to present themselves in a better light and to show superiority. Often they use vulnerable people to make them believe in their own worthlessness and in the high spirituality of the narcissist himself.
I have NRL. What threatens me?
Narcissists find it difficult to build healthy social bonds. Since the narcissist is overconfident and believes that he is better than others, this can lead to risky behavior. At the same time, such people usually show low levels of empathy, sympathy, shame, and guilt. That is why narcissism does more harm to those who surround the narcissist.
How do I know if I'm talking to a narcissist?
There are the most common and recognizable signs. Remember that only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. However, you will need these characteristics to identify such a person in your environment and build a relationship with him that will not harm you.
The main signs of daffodils
- Sensation of its own superiority over the other
- Manipulative behavior
- The need for
- Sympathy
- Higher -dimensional
- concentration of the surrounding
- Updrospital sensitivity to criticism
How to deal with narcissists?
The first thing to advise is to break off relations with narcissists, since they are not non-toxic. But there are many situations in which this advice will not work. There are several leading techniques that will help you protect yourself from the influence of such people and build safe communication with them.
Look at the root - Narcissists often try to create an ideal image of themselves. But if you always keep in mind who they really are and remember that they can manipulate or deceive, you will probably not be affected by their "charm".
Talk about yourself and your feelings. This rule works if we are talking about a person from your close circle - a partner or someone from relatives. Narcissists often like to bring the interlocutor to emotions - do not let them do this, do not encourage their behavior. Instead, try to calmly and kindly say what you don't like. Do not blame - use "I-messages": not "you talk a lot about yourself", but "I would like it if you were more interested / interested in my affairs."
But if you notice signs of narcissism in your manager or work colleague, the best way to communicate is not to show emotions and not get into conflicts and arguments, because most likely the person is just waiting. If you give him this, then you will stimulate such behavior in the future.
- Caravaggio. Narcissus, 1594-1596
Stand up for clear boundaries. People with narcissistic personality disorder have a poor sense of personal space and boundaries: they may rummage through your belongings, enter your personal space without permission, or do something that will disturb you. In this case, psychologists advise setting ultimatums. For example: "If you don't get your car out of my parking space, I will have to call a tow truck." But at the same time, it is important to keep your promise in order to prove the seriousness of your intentions.
Do not fall for provocations. If the game doesn't go their way, narcissists often manipulate to make you feel awkward. For example, they may try to make you feel guilty or ashamed. Remember that these are just their rules of the game: you don't have to accept them.
Find a source of energy. Communication with a narcissist (especially if it is a malignant narcissist) is very emotionally draining. It is necessary to constantly remember all possible scenarios for the development of events and resist manipulation - this requires considerable effort. To recover quickly, you need a source of energy: start going to sports or art classes, communicate more with people with whom you are pleased and comfortable.
Is it treatable at all?
Yes, psychotherapy. But there is a very important detail: in order to start treatment, the patient's desire is necessary. More often than not, narcissists either don't acknowledge their problem or get carried away by the fact that they are narcissists. However, psychiatrists argue that people with NPD often have problems with socialization, and sometimes this behavior is associated with moral trauma. Therefore, the likelihood that a person will reach a therapist is still there.
Could run non-stop for 70 minutes: Pierre Narcisse kept deadly diseases from his friends until the very end
Komsomolskaya Pravda
Zvezdyshaw-Businesses: Losses of Narcissus:
June 22, 2022 17:37
, ex-participant of “Odled scammers” spoke about Pierce NARCISSISE, Pierre NARCISSION TAKE Pierce NARCISS run for 70 minutes without a break Photo: Garik Bogomazov
The performer of the hit "Chocolate Bunny" Pierre Narcisse died in Moscow at the age of 45. According to the singer's wife, Pierre suffered from bronchial asthma and gout. The latter killed the resilient star of the Star Factory. But as it turned out, only the closest people knew about the serious illness. Narcissus never showed his friends that he was in pain, that he was in pain and short of breath. Therefore, for the singer's relatives, his early death was a shock. About this KP-Petersburg" said a former member of the group "Inveterate scammers" from St. Petersburg Garik Bogomazov.
- I knew Pierre when he was still starting to work as a presenter on MTV, it was the end of the 90s, we were writing the MTV anthem just then, - Garik Bogomazov told KP-Petersburg. - But we began to communicate more closely when we began to play in the same Starko football team, for which the artists play. We've been on the team for over 15 years. Therefore, it is a shock for me to find out that Pierre is gone and the reason for this is the disease. With me, he was always healthy and never complained of sores.
Pierre Narcisse and Garik (right) Photo: Garik Bogomazov
According to Garik Bogomazov, Pierre Narcisse always gave his best on the pitch. Of the 90 minutes of the match, 70 were worn all over the field. The singer did not like someone to replace him, letting him rest on the bench.
- Last week I was in Khabarovsk, where Pierre was before me, - recalls Garik. – I spoke to the organizers and they did not notice any changes in Narcissus. It didn't look like he was sick. He was healthy as an ox!
Pierre's health is also confirmed by Garik's director, Victoria Bogomazova. Artists rested together with their families.
- I wrote to him. He didn't complain, there was nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, he was very active: he ran, flights to Khabarovsk are also a long story, he generally had many flights. He is a touring artist, he was not forgotten, he had concerts, events, - Victoria sighs.
Recently, Pierre Narcisse was surrounded by family scandals. The wife complained to the media that he beat her and her daughter. They also wrote that he allegedly treated his mistress cruelly, almost to the point of rape. However, friends believe that in family life lately everything has been fine with him.
Pierre with his wife and daughter Photo: Oleg RUKAVITSYN
- I don't know anything about scandals, - says Victoria Bogomazova. - What I know and see: his wife Valeria was recently the host of the event. And Pierre was on it too. It has always been a close family. There were never any external signs of negativity.
According to his friends, no matter what they say about him, Pierre put his family above everything else.
- He was a wonderful family man, a good husband. I myself know his wife and daughter, - continues Garik. - He put a lot of effort into his wife's solo career and into his daughter's sports career. The girl achieved a lot in tennis thanks to her father. Yes, and after the tour, he always first of all called his family, worried. He was a pillar for his family, provided for it.
- Did Pierre have a dream that he did not have time to fulfill?
- He always had one dream - it's like any artist: more concerts and family well-being, - Garik admits. - He was one of those who live in the present moment and know how to enjoy today.
Pierre Narcisse, the author of the hit "Chocolate Bunny" has died
The author of the hit "Chocolate Bunny" Pierre Narcisse has died. He was 45 years old. Cause of death unknown
Pierre Narcisse died of the same disease that killed Yulia Nachalova
Pierre Narcisse's ex-wife told about his last days and illness (details)
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