Movies that cheer you up
Feel Good Movies To Make You Smile | Movies
Between the pandemic, multiple lockdowns, and all kinds of political upheaval, it’s been a very difficult couple of years to say the least – and we’ve never needed escapism more. That’s why Empire has pulled together a list of guaranteed feelgood movies – 30 films sure to bring a smile to your face (and maybe a few cathartic tears along the way) just when you need it the most. If you’re looking for groundbreaking edginess, difficult and demanding flicks, you won’t find those here – just pure, chicken-soup-for-the-soul warmth and goodness.
And chances are, you’ve seen most of these films before – but that’s the joy of a feelgood movie. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve watched Phil Conners wake up to the strains of ‘I Got You Babe’ in
Groundhog Day, how often you’ve escaped to the world of Soot Sprites and and forest spirits in My Neighbour Totoro, or how many times you’ve seen Andy Dufresne fight for his freedom in The Shawshank Redemption – returning to them feels like sinking into a warm bath, or a hug from an old friend. And beyond the old favourites we have recent recommendations too that are sure to worm their way into your heart – the joyful vibrancy of Crazy Rich Asians, or the dazzling wit and heart of Into The Spider-Verse.
Whether you’re looking for heart-thumping romances, soaring singalongs, family favourites, or attention-grabbing adventures, let cinema be your comfort blanket, your momentary escape from talk of outbreaks and downpours and presidential elections. Here are 35 films guaranteed to cheer you up.
It starts with high drama as Matt Damon's Mark Watney is left for dead on Mars by his astro-colleagues. But the process of his figuring out how to survive and the way his NASA colleagues on Earth and spaceship Hermes rally round to save him will have you cheering. It's smart people using their brains for pure good. Just don't have potatoes while you watch it.
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AKA the film that truly made Emma Stone a star. This update of The Scarlett Letter finds truth in high school and also boasts possibly the best parental pairing of the teen genre (Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson). It's constantly amusing, while Stone's charm shines through.
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It was once hard to imagine Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi's vampire flatmate comedy sparking not one but two TV spin-offs, but once you watch it, you realise why. Shadows is full of silly gags, wisely observed buddy comedy and the funniest clash between werewolves and the vampires since Underworld: Evolution. And this was intentionally funny.
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Yes, yes, Four Weddings has that pesky "funeral" in the title, and indeed Gareth's (Simon Callow) send-off is indeed targeted straight at the heartstrings. But it's earned, and the rest is such jolly, witty fun that you never mind the grief break.
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Sure, the first Toy Story is almost as good, but if you want pure Pixar magic, look no further. And this was a movie rescued from straight-to-video hell, no less. You already know you like Woody, Buzz and the rest, but Toy Story 2 cements that fact. Or why not just make it a double-bill with them both? Add the third if you're feeling emotionally strong (the incinerator and the finale are definitely tear-inducing).
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Set in the highly competitive world of a capella singing competitions, this sleeper hit is sold by a charming comic cast, led by Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson. It has the against-the-odds, little-guys-versus-the-big-baddies qualities of a great sports movie, but with cheesy pop hits instead of touchdowns and goals and that sort of thing.
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A musical written around the songs of The Proclaimers, the Scottish twins famed for their insistence on walking enormous distances, doesn't sound especially enticing. Try it though, because it's so enormously chirpy that it would be a hard-hearted grump who wasn't stamping along passionately by the time it comes to the big '500 Miles' sing-along.
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Whack on any Marx Brothers movie and lose the stresses of the world in a hail of masterful physical comedy. None of their films are what you'd call plot-heavy, they're just excuses for lots of sketches. This, about a dictator who declares war on a neighbouring country for personal reasons, might be a little too close to real-life politics right now, but it's nice to laugh about it rather than cry.
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Finally, a big-screen gay romance that doesn't end in tragedy. Greg Berlanti's high school rom-com is an unabashed, unashamed crowd-pleaser, starring Nick Robinson as Simon – a closeted all-American teenager who starts an email correspondence with another closeted kid at his school. Warm and funny, with a feelgood ferris wheel finale and an air-punching soundtrack courtesy of Jack Antonoff.
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It starts with emotional devastation, as in just a few minutes we follow Carl and Ellie Fredricksen from childhood, through marriage, struggles to conceive, and then Ellie's death. Once it's wrung you out, however, the rest of this Pixar masterwork lifts you with a story of a lonely child and a broken-hearted old man becoming friends on a mad adventure.
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A hallmark of feel-good movies is to have some poor downtrodden soul achieve a dream that seems impossible. That's exactly what happens when Billy, a kid growing up in a northern mining town where hope is in short supply, decides that he wants to become a dancer.
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The thing that makes this so feel-good is the performances. Marilyn Monroe was never more delightful than she was as unlucky-in-love singer Sugar Kane. Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon are comic genius as musicians on the run from the mob who go into hiding by disguising themselves as women. There's a vein of sadness running through it, but feel-good movies don't have to be relentlessly positive, they just need to make you see the world in a better light.
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Talking animals are almost always pleasing. They're particularly charming in this adaptation of Dick King-Smith's The Sheep Pig, in which a plucky little piglet avoids becoming a farmer's dinner by learning to herd sheep. It's a very sweet story made with enormous enthusiasm and a ton of visual wit.
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So many things to love in the tale of a boy who wishes to be older and turns into Tom Hanks. The giant piano! That weird song about rollercoasters and cocoa pops! Difficulty with canapés! It reminds us that we should enjoy the life we have now and not wish it away in a rush to get to tomorrow. Hanks is spectacular.
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This 2002 documentary will make you weep, but in a very happy way. It follows one year at a school in small-town France, where one teacher, Mr Lopez, looks after 200 children of varying ages. It's a beautiful account of how much one person can affect the lives of so many.
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A feel-good movie in the sense that it's so hilarious you won't be able to feel unhappy while it's on. There are no lessons to be learned from this film. Ostensibly this 1984 comedy is about a spy mission to rescue a scientist from some Nazis. Really it's just a big collection of absurdist gags, including the funniest ever use of a fake cow.
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A very unhappy family goes on a road trip so its youngest member, awkward little Olive, can enter a beauty contest. Life lessons are learned, bonds are formed and home truths are aired in a lovely film all about how bizarre and difficult families can be, but how nobody knows you better than the people forced to live with you.
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After years of rom-com wilderness came Crazy Rich Asians – delivering a swoon-worthy couple in Constance Wu's Rachel and Henry Golding's Nick, laugh-out-loud gags from Awkwafina, and a visual vibrancy that makes the genre come alive again. It'll leave you beaming – with a little happy-crying at the Mandarin cover of Coldplay's 'Yellow'.
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When failing actor Michael, played by a very game Dustin Hoffman, can't find any work he takes the bonkers decision to disguise himself as a woman in order to win the role of a lifetime. By not playing any of it as broad as that sounds, this becomes not only very very funny but also extremely moving. It's about upending the way the world sees you.
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With some feel-good movies you really have to go through the ringer to get to the heartwarming part. Shawshank is just such a film. There's plenty of death and injustice and abuse in the story of a wrongfully imprisoned man, but when you get to the moment he's finally freed all that misery is worth it. Honest.
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For about an hour The Lego Movie is just a surreal animated comedy, boundlessly creative in its madness. Delightful, silly and simple. Then something changes and it becomes not just a string of daft gags, but a story of fathers and sons, with a massive emotional wallop. It's still a massive injustice it wasn't even nominated for a Best Animated Feature Oscar.
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Politics in 2020 is an absolute car crash, but watching Jimmy Stewart take on government corruption in Frank Capra's big-hearted drama will give you the feeling that good still exists. Most of this list could have been made up of Jimmy Stewart movies. He is human serotonin.
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In this Preston Sturges classic Joel McCrea is a director of shallow comedy movies who is fed up with a career that has no real meaning, believing he should be making big important pictures. To prepare for said important picture he disguises himself as a homeless beggar to see how poor people live. What he finds on this ridiculous journey is that there are few things more important than comedy. If you can laugh, things will probably be alright.
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Cameron Crowe's comedy, featuring one of Tom Cruise's finest performances, is cheering on several levels. It's a rush for anyone who's ever dreamt of packing in a job they hate and following their dreams. It's a charming romantic comedy about second chances. It's a sports movie with a cracker of a big win. It's just the best.
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Sony's animated Spider-Man movie is a total triumph – dazzlingly animated, with side-splitting gags, loveable characters, and a twisty-turny narrative of constant invention and reinvention. It's relentlessly entertaining, and the 'What's Up Danger?' sequence will add extra years to your life, guaranteed_._Guarantee not actually guaranteed.
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Ferris Bueller is pure wish fulfillment. It's the fantasy we've all had of bunking off school/work and spending a day living life to the fullest. Nobody wrote teenagers like John Hughes and Ferris was his masterwork, a cocky little beggar who was nevertheless seductive and likeable, the self-confident popular kid we'd all like to be. Call in sick and spend the day watching this.
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It was only a modest success on release, but you should seek out John Carney's jaunty musical. A boy with a fractious home life, no friends at school and a keenness to impress an older girl forms his own band, inspired by the biggest groups of the 80s. Memorable songs, winning performances from an unknown cast and a relentless belief that things will be ok in the end make this an A+ mood-enhancer.
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This is the perfect romantic comedy. You could try to find fault with it but you would not succeed. As two friends bickering their way toward falling in love, Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal are effortlessly adorable. Nora Ephron's script is full of witty, beautifully observed moments, and nothing tops that final confrontation at New Year's Eve. You could watch it a million times and always be delighted anew.
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Ghibli's beautiful ode to childhood innocence and the majesty of nature is full of imagery to soothe your frazzled mind and ease your fractious soul. Bask in the creaky old house that young girls Satsuki and Mei move to for the summer with their dad, luxuriate in the gorgeous music by Joe Hisaishi, and feel the warm glow of the forest spirits as the girls meet an array of cute and cuddly Totoros. And did we mention the Catbus?
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The film starts with a little boy being read a story by his adoring grandpa. That framing automatically makes it comforting, sending you back to times when someone would tell you stories of magical things faraway. Then, of course, the story it tells is an enormously funny, deeply weird spin on traditional fairytales. You probably know every line, don't you?
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Some would argue that Frank Capra's Christmas classic is mostly not a feel-good film, given much of it deals with a man wanting to kill himself because he's buggered up most of his life. However, it's all about those final moments, the run through the snowy town to get to the family that loves him. At that point your heart soars and any attempt not to be swept up in its cheesiness is futile.
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Gene Kelly will dance all your cares away as he goes sploshing down the street, giddy with love for Debbie Reynolds. Singin' In The Rain is a bold, primary-coloured rush of unabashed enthusiasm. There is no room for misery here. There is no opportunity for your daily concerns to creep in. For 103 minutes you're going to have a lovely time and you have no choice in the matter.
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"If we're kind and polite, the world will be right." Everything about Paddington 2 exudes positivity – it's a film that abounds with sheer delight. Even Hugh Grant's luvvie villain Phoenix Buchanan is gloriously entertaining. With its pastel-perfect imagery, lovely evocation of picture-book London, and low-stakes, high-emotion plot (Paddington wants to buy the perfect gift for Aunt Lucy!), Paul King's film is the cure for pretty much any ailment. They should prescribe it on the NHS.
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Proof that feel-good doesn't have to mean saccharine. Bill Murray is the cynical weather reporter who gets stuck living the same day over and over again, until he eventually learns to enjoy the little things and stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. It's got an acid wit, but a big, soppy, optimistic heart.
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If this doesn't lift your spirits then you're beyond hope. It's everything you want in a feel-good movie. Charmingly oddball Amélie secretly helps people who are living unhappy lives, but can't work up the courage to fix her own issues, until love forces her to. It looks like a dream, Jean Pierre Jeunet's creativity is limitless and Audrey Tautou is weapons-grade adorable in the lead role. Everything about it is a joy. It could even cure the malaise of 2020, the worst year in history not to include an actual world war (yet).
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52 Happy Films That Will Lift Your Mood
It’s important to watch a feel-good, happy film once in a while, whether it's to cheer you up from the grey weather outside, a stressful day at work or just because you're in need of a good, old giggle.
Whether it's a romantic comedy like Jerry Maguire or La La Land to watch while tucked up in bed, or animated films like Up, Soul and Enchanted to accompany you while you sit with a takeaway in your pyjamas, there's nothing quite like a film to lift your spirits.
As we all know, life is better with cheer, laughter and a bit of a singalong.
In need of a mood booster? Here's our top picks of happy films that'll do just the ticket:
1) The Sound of Music, 1965
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A young novitiate, Maria, is sent by her convent in 1930s Austria to become a governess, and to a sizeable family, too.
She's enters the home of a widowed naval officer, Baron von Trapp, who has seven children with different personalities, who present more than a challenge for her in her first few days on the job.
As Maria navigates the home, immense emotions, tantrums, laughter, joy and despair of the family, she soon finds herself at a crossroads in life. Expect a singalong and lots of laughter.
2) Bride Wars, 2009
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Friendship woes and rivalry is at the centre of this bridal drama, which sees Devil Wears Prada alum Anne Hathaway and How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days' Kate Hudson portray longtime pals who face the ultimate test of loyalty.
Backstabbing, trickery and sabotage collide in a wildly entertaining showdown between the pair who dreamt of their wedding day from when they were just little girls.
3) This Is 40, 2012
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A follow on from Knocked Up, this film sees a married couple grapple with the reality of entering a new decade - their 40s.
As they approach their milestone birthday, we learn that their kids hate each other, their businesses are falling short and they are close to loosing their house. Not to mention, their relationship is on the verge of falling apart.
Starring Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann and Euphoria's Maude Apatow, it's a lighthearted take on real-life conundrums, following a couple's domestic journey after five years of marriage, as they tackle romance, parents and children in their own (sometimes self-sabotaging) ways.
4) Runaway Bride, 1999
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Julia Roberts plays the role of a woman who can't help but flea her wedding on numerous occasions, leading her to have a reputation for being a Runaway Bride.
Constantly in the tabloids, she catches the attention of charming reporter Richard Gere, who tracks her down.
With her tendency to leave a string of fiancés at the altar and his determination to secure a quality interview, what could go wrong?
5) The Women, 2008
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Mary Haines (Meg Ryan) grapples with the decision as to whether she should leave her cheating husband who is having an affair with Crystal Allen (Eva Mendes).
Along with the help of her supportive, unapologetic and brash friends, she tracks down Allen, and is forced to contemplate what she should do. Haines is also a talented fashion designer who takes time out to throw her energy into her work and career, before it's crunch time.
It's a joyous watch with a relatable and heartfelt storyline at its core.
6) How to Be Single, 2016
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A feminist take on a traditional rom-com, How to Be Single shows a group of friends approaching single life differently in New York City. Used to playing the field, toying with dating sites and then some, they go onto shake things up further.
Dakota Johnson, Rebel Wilson, Leslie Mann and Alison Brie star as a wild foursome who break boundaries. They are shocking, free-spirited and full of life.
7) It's Complicated, 2009
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Thought a film about a divorced couple had to be sombre? Think again, as Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin play a daring, scandalous and reckless one in this comedy.
Jane Adler (Streep) is a single mother-of-three to adult children, whom she shares with ex-husband Jake (Adler). While she is single after their marriage ends, he's remarried, with a much younger wife.
After reuniting at their son's university graduation, sparks fly, and thereafter, we see the two mixed up in a racy affair.
8) A Simple Favor, 2018This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
Stephanie Smothers (Anna Kendrick) is a widowed, single stay-at-home mum with a parenting vlog and small-town life, who befriends mysterious elitist Emily Nelson (Blake Lively), who also has a child at the same elementary school. Smothers is taken aback by Nelson and the glamorous life she leads.
Events soon take an unexplainable turn when Emily suddenly goes missing, leading Stephanie to investigate her disappearance.
It's gripping, fun and explosive.
9) Bridesmaids, 2011
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Whether you or a close one are getting hitched or not, this hilarious bridal film will have you in stitches. Themed around friendship, romance and jealousy, it depicts two longtime friends - one who appears to have their life together (Lillian), while the other is at war with herself (Annie).
From the moment Annie learns of Lillian's engagement, she's encounters a rollercoaster of emotions, taking stock of where she is in her own life.
Her thoughts and feelings play out in stupendously funny ways, as she rivals another woman from the bridal party to win over Lillian's attention.
10) Bridget Jones's Baby, 2016
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Hopeless romantic Bridget Jones returned for this wholeheartedly entertaining rendition of the film we loved from the Noughties.
Having left the latter films as a thirty-something who tirelessly seeks self-improvement and love, this time around she is navigating her 40s as an expectant mum, though she doesn't know who her baby's father is.
While a love triangle emerged between herself, Mark Darcy and Daniel Cleaver in the first two films, the paternity drama in this film involves Darcy and billionaire mathematician
Jack Qwant.
11) White Chicks, 2004
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Brothers Marlon and Shawn Wayans play FBI agents Marcus and Kevin who go undercover as two 'queen bee', elitist heiresses - twin sisters Brittany and Tiffany - to protect them from kidnapping plots.
Exploring privilege, race, scandal and relationships in a light-hearted way, it's a chick flick coupled with a crime drama - one full of action, laugh-out-loud lines and fierce characters.
It's the kind of movie to watch again and again.
12) The Devil Wears Prada, 2004
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Graduate Andy Sachs is an aspiring journalist with no experience of fashion and lands a job as an assistant to a notorious and icy boss at a high-fashion magazine.
Starring Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt, the latter of whom made her breakthrough in this film, it's a repeat watcher.
The film is based on the namesake novel by Lauren Weisberger, who was hired as a personal assistant to a renowned editor-in-chief and had to grapple with a demanding schedule and callous orders.
Watching ambitious Sachs navigate a career at a magazine, that couldn't be further from what she's used to, is insanely entertaining.
13) Clueless, 1995
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Cher Horowitz, a privileged high school student from Beverly Hills, and her friend Dion tackle teenage life – friendship, boys, sex and how to accessorise a plaid skirt – while trying to makeover new girl at school Tai, before realising they might need a lifestyle makeover themselves.
From the pure optimism of Cher, laugh out line one liners, and that happy making wardrobe - everything about Clueless will make you feel good.
14) La La Land, 2016
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Damien Chazelle's romantic musical comedy-drama sees coffee shop girl/aspiring actress Mia and die-hard jazz pianist Seb struggle to make their dreams a reality in Hollywood. Cue tap dancing, singing, musical numbers and Los Angeles shot at magic hour. The most beautiful film, ever.
Sun-drenched Hollywood cinema at it's best - anyone who doesn't feel happy watching Emma and The Gos together is the grinch personified.'
15) Up!, 2009
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Right, let's get it out of the way. Yes, you will be weeping buckets after that scene early on in the Pixar film but you'll soon feel inspired by Carl, a septuagenarian balloon salesman, who has always dreamed of traveling South America. Little does he know his life is about to be changed by an eight-year-old wilderness explorer named Russell. Oh, and a talking dog. This film is sure to turn that frown upside down.
16) Mamma Mia!, 2008
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Call us cheesy but the cast alone of the romcom-cum-musical has us smiling. Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and Julie Walters steal the show in this adapted-from-Broadway story. Non-stop ABBA tunes, the glorious sights of a Greek island and Colin Firth in platform boots. Enough said. Oh, and now you've got 2018's Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again to watch once you've finished the first.
17) Breakfast At Tiffany's, 1961
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Step back in time to this 1960s classic; a story that tells the life of eccentric socialite Holly Golightly who reluctantly falls for her neighbour, struggling writer Paul Varjak. The music alone will have leave you feeling nostalgic and with the urge to throw on a black dress and fetch a croissant. Pure perfection.
18) Pitch Perfect, 2012
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Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, Anna Camp and Brittany Snow are but a handful of stellar comedic actresses that star in this musical comedy film. The plot follows all-girl a cappella group, The Barden Bellas, as they compete to win Nationals. Sarcasm, self-deprecation and music at its finest. Sure, they're now working on the forth Pitch Perfect film (and you should definitely watch the other two), but this is still our favourite.
19) Toy Story, 1995
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Needs no explaining, really, does it? While you might need to grab the tissues at the end of this one, this comedy adventure film will have you reminiscing about your childhood and toys as you watch Woody and Buzz defeat the odds to become firm friends and devoted toys for Andy. As Woody says: 'Reach for the sky'. Has there ever been a more inspirational phrase?
20) Ferris Bueller's Day Off, 1986
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The high school boy who bunked off school for the day to hang out with his best friends Cameron and Sloane before graduation is one of the most inspiring and touching films of the century, teaching us all that there's more to life than rules and conformity.
21) It's a Wonderful Life, 1946
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Many make the mistake of reserving this film for Christmas and New Year but we think it's a timeless classic, perfect for all occasions. Watch as George Bailey learns how different his town would've been if he wasn't there - it's a story to warm the coldest of hearts and encourages us all to appreciate life that bit more.
22) Four Weddings and a Funeral, 1994
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Richard Curtis perfectly straddles the reality of humour and tragedy in life, depicting a group of friends who appear to be unlucky in love, until their luck changes. Rowan Atkinson's part as Father Gerald alone will have you chuckling along with the cast. Genius.
23) Little Miss Sunshine, 2006
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A family determined to get their young daughter into the finals of a beauty pageant take a cross-country trip in their VW bus. Starring Abigail Breslin, Paul Dano, Toni Collette and Steve Carell, this film is about dreams and illusions and the beauty of a dysfunctional family. Pure joy. Abigail Breslin literally brings sun in to the rainiest cold days in this heart walking family drama.
24) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, 2001
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One line of that iconic music and you'll be in your pyjamas, sat down on the sofa gorging on a Terry's Chocolate orange and wondering what life would've been like if you'd attended Hogwarts.
Take a journey with Harry, Ron and Hermione and relive your childhood once more. And no, we don't care if you prefer the books. It's essential viewing for improved happiness.
25) Matilda, 1996
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Danny DeVito, Roald Dahl, Mara Wilson – can you really get a better combination? This fantasy comedy is sure to cheer you up, with genius girl Matilda beating the odds (her horrid parents and Miss Trunchball) to find happiness with Miss Honey. The chocolate cake scene alone will make you feel inspired. Everyone together now: 'Bruce, Bruce, Bruce…'
26) One Fine Day, 1996
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After viewing this film you'll immediately be in search of a partner willing to pick you up and carry you through a puddle so not to damage your heels. It's inevitable.
Single Melanie (Michelle Pfeiffer) and (Jack) George Clooney are forced to take care of their children on the most important days of their careers and juggle looking after each other's sprogs amid deadlines and pressures from their bosses. Proof that work isn't your top priority.
27) Mary Poppins, 1964
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A spoonful of sugar really does help the hangover, a temperature or the grumps go down, and is perfect if you're feeling a bit under the weather. Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke are an essential pairing for a mood lifter.
28) Mary Poppins Returns, 2018
Decades after her first visit to the Banks family, Mary Poppins (this time played by Emily Blunt), returns to help young Michael’s (Ben Whishaw) children through a pretty scary point in their lives. With tunes and acting courtesy of Lin-Manuel Miranda (who plays chimney-sweeper Jack) and appearances from Julie Walters, you know this is a good’un.
29) Forrest Gump, 1994
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Overly sentimental? Perhaps. Heart-warming to the level it will make you want to hug a puppy? Definitely. This Award-winning film sees the astonishing life of Forrest Gump, a man who lives charmed life of success and love. A stunning film about overcoming adversity and the cards you were dealt with. 'Stupid is as stupid does,' says Forrest. Don't be stupid, watch the film.
30) Legally Blonde, 2001
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'Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill their husbands,' says Elle Woods. Well, happy people also watch Legally Blonde, the story of an innocent Beverly Hills sorority girl who defies judgement and heartbreak to become Harvard's top lawyer. She's a one girl revolution, after all.
31) Pride, 2014
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Based on a true story, this LGBT-related comedy-drama depicts a group of lesbian and gay activists who raised funds to help those affected by the British miners' strike in 1984. Tackling subjects of prejudice, homophobia and community spirit, this is essential viewing to restore your faith in humanity.
32) Bridget Jones' Diary, 2001
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This wanton sex goddess is a woman's life-long friend and confident who makes sense of life, love and London with a group of mismatched friends in the Big Smoke. Big knickers aside, this film will have you cheering for the underdog and debating who is hotter, Daniele Cleaver or Mark Darcy.
33) Sister Act (1 and 2), 1992 and 1993
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Guaranteed to put a smile on your face is Whoopi Goldberg, we believe. And if that won't do it, then surely the angelic tones of Lauryn Hill's voice will. So both the original and sequel of the Sister Act franchise makes this list. Deloris (Goldberg) ends up in witness protection and is reluctantly placed as a nun in a convent in a deprived area of San Francisco. But Deloris, with her singing credentials, soon invigorates the convent's choir and in the second film takes this same energy to a struggling school. The final performance of the schoolkids is a rendition of 'Joyful, Joyful' - need we explain again why this film makes the list?
34) Sing Street, 2016
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The film that will make you wish you'd formed a music band as a teenager, Sing Street is about a boy called Conor growing up in Dublin during the 1980s and starts a band to distract himself from his troubled schooling and strained family life, in order to get the girl. The fashion and music references to Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet are enough to get you dancing. Available now on Netflix.
35) Rush Hour, 1998
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Mismatched cops are on a mission to rescue the Chinese consul's kidnapped daughter. The perfect police pairing. There's no better classic comedy duo than Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. Broken up with the boyfriend? Bad grade at school? Crippling anxiety? Disconnect yourself from the world and switch this on.
36) The Blues Brothers, 1980
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In the mood for a pick-me up? Look no further than The Blues Brothers.
Aretha Franklin, Carrie Fisher, Twiggy, Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi star in this hilarious musical crime comedy. Jake and his brother Elwood are on a 'mission from God' to reunite their old band to play at a fundraiser to save their childhood orphanage.
37) Despicable Me, 2010
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Nothing defines happiness like a minion - fact. With the help of Gru, the world's most evil/adorable super villain/father and a group of yellow, denim dungaree-clad friends, you'll find it hard not to smile at this heartwarming animated comedy.
38) Julie and Julia, 2009
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If you love cooking, Nora Ephron, Meryl Streep, Stanley Tucci and Amy Adams, then this is the film for you. Adams plays Julie Powell, a young blogger who is desperate to emulate Julia Child's cooking skills. With a shared passion for food, this Ephron-written plot is sure to warm the cockles of your heart and feed your appetite for comedy and drama. Just make sure you have snacks at the ready.
39) Enchanted, 2007
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Never heard of a land called Andalasia? Neither had we until Princess Giselle (Amy Adams) stepped onto the scene in this adorable live action musical fantasy rom-com after she was banished by her evil Queen Narissa (Susan Sarandon). Despite being set to wed Prince Edward (James Marsden), the princess finds herself falling for New York-based businessman Robert Philip (Patrick Dempsey). With tunes like ‘Ever Ever After’ and ‘That’s How You Know’, this is a film you'll want playing all day long.
40) Crazy Rich Asians, 2018
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There’s a reason why we’re all obsessed with this rom com. Based on the 2013 novel of the same title by Kevin Kwan, the film has a stellar cast including Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Gemma Chan, Lisa Lu and Awkwafina. It follows New Yorker Rachel Chu (Wu) as she accompanies her boyfriend, Nick Young (Golding) to his best friend’s wedding in China and soon realises he’s wealthy beyond comprehension. With Sex and the City and Mean Girls vibes, we can’t get enough of this film.
41) Singing In The Rain, 1952
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Great dance moves. Check. Gene Kelly. Check. Matching yellow macs. Triple Check. Lifting the lid on the Golden Age of Hollywood during the transition from silent films to ‘talkies’, this award-winning film stars Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen and Debbie Reynolds as three friends bringing new life to the screen. With tunes like ‘Make ‘em Laugh’, ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Singin’ in the Rain’, this is one of our favourite feel-good films.
42) School of Rock, 2003
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Class in in session with this corker of a film. After Dewey Finn (Jack Black) gets kicked out of his rock band, he decides to pose as his friend Ned Schneebly and take a job as a teacher at Horace. It is there that he finds a group of students perfect to make up a band to compete in the Battle of the Bands. If only you watch this film for the line ‘you’re tacky and I hate you’ then it’s worth it.
43) Space Jam, 1996
For those who found happiness with the nostalgic escapism The Last Dance - Netflix's deep dive into the phenomenal Chicago Bulls team and their three star players Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman - provided, Space Jam should be next on your list.
Actually referenced in the docu-series, in between court practices Jordan entered the world of Looney Tunes, starring as himself and re-imagining what he did during his high-profile break from the sport in the mid-90s (joining forces with Bugs Bunny and co. to play basketball, of course).
44) Big, 1988
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If ever there was a lesson in the dangers of wanting to grown up too soon, this is it. Starring Tom Hanks as adult John Baskin, the film sees a young boy wish ‘to be big’ and his dreams come true, forcing him to learn the intricacies of life as a grown up, what it’s like to find love and make us all desperate to by a big piano in the process.
45) The Lego Movie, 2014
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While it might not be your usual choice of film, this 3D animated film is adorable and funny. It follows Emmet – a normal LEGO figurine – save the world and embark on an epic journey with his pals to stop the evil Lord Business. With a 96 per cent rating on Rotten Tomatoes’ Tomatometer, it’s sure to be a good option.
46) Jerry Maguire, 1996
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Starring Renée Zellweger, Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr, the film sees sports agent Jerry (Cruise) undergo a crisis of conscience and go independent from his company and set up his own business representing just one athlete. With lines like ‘show me the money!’ and ‘you had me at "hello"’, you’ll be quoting this film for weeks after watching.
47) Some Like It Hot, 1959
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Saxophone player Joe (Tony Curtis) and his friend Jerry (Jack Lemmon) witness a Mafia murder and escape from Chicago by disguising themselves as women and join an all-female jazz band to head to Florida. Joe falls for Sugar (Marilyn Monroe) while Jerry finds himself chased by a millionaire and his mobsters. This is a good old-fashioned romantic comedy worth watching.
48) Paddington 1 and 2 (2014, 2017)
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Make a marmalade sandwich, grab your duffel coat and sit down to watch Paddington Bear explore his new hometown of London with the Brown family and escape evil museum taxidermists, prison and thieves. With a cast including Jim Broadbent, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Ben Wishaw, Julie Walters, Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant, this is one for all the family.
49) Hidden Figures, 2017
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If you want to feel inspired, learn and ultimately come away with a big smile on your face this film is an ideal viewing choice. Taraji P Henson, Octavia Spencer and Janelle Monaé are phenomenal as three NASA scientists in the 1960s. At a time when segregation was still practiced in the US, these three African-American women defied the odds to successfully contribute to the Space Race with Henson's character Katherine Johnson devising the co-ordinates for astronaut John Glenn to orbit the earth and land safely (becoming the first American to do so). Oh, and it's a true story so you'll be left happy that these three brilliant women existed and paved the way for others.
50) 13 Going On 30, 2004
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We can't believe this movie is 17 years old either. Jennifer Garner's gives infectious energy as Jenna, a teenager who wishes to become 'thirty, flirty and thriving' when she's tricked and teased by the mean girls at school on her 13th birthday. What do you know? Her wish comes true and she's catapulted to the future where she has a dream job in fashion magazine 'Poise' in New York but... is best friends with the aforementioned mean girl and has lost touch with her best friend Matty and her parents. You'll want to watch Garner's 'Thriller' routine on repeat, eat 'razzles' and marry Mark Ruffalo after watching this film.
51) Soul, 2019
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This Pixar gem arrived on Disney + shortly after Christmas and soon enough it was all anyone was talking about, regardless of age. The film follows Joe Gardner (voiced by Jamie Foxx) an ambitious jazz artist who is disappointed with the way his career has turned out. After encountering a very intense life lesson - and little creature called 22 (voiced by Tina Fey) - his priorities and understanding of himself soon start to shift. Soul is honestly very good for the soul despite the underlying subject matter.
52) Eat, Pray, Love (2010)
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While Julia Roberts' signature smile alone might encourage one from you, it helps when the film the Oscar winner is starring in is just as smile-inducing. Based on the bestselling memoir, Roberts plays the author Elizabeth Gilbert who after finding herself in an unhappy and unfulfilled rut - and trying to process her divorce - takes time off work to travel. Where does she go? Italy to eat, India to pray and Bali where she realises she is finally ready to love. The film starts with heartbreak and ends in happiness, what more could you want?
Happy viewing!
Katie O'Malley Deputy Digital Editor Katie O’Malley is the Deputy Digital Editor, at ELLE UK.
10 films that lift your spirits and uplift your spirits
From touching indie dramas to hilarious coming-of-age stories.
Comedy indie dramas, witty feminist coming-of-age movies or so-awkward-it-is-funny family stories, you just have to choose. You may be looking for something lighter, but these ten films are both comedic and surreal, funny and touching, funny and deep at the same time, so you definitely won't have to compromise.
Birdman (2014)
Directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu, it won four Oscars in 2015: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Cinematography. This showed once again how much Hollywood loves films about Hollywood, even if these films are ridiculed by Hollywood. Made to document rehearsals for a Broadway play, Birdman focuses on the story of fallen actor Riggan Thomson (Michael Keaton) and his return to the stage. He is haunted throughout the film by the superhero he once played. A surreal and dark comedy that, among other things, gave us incredible examples of the acting skills of Emma Stone and Edward Norton - their characters are caricatures of this strange world that we are still forced to watch.
Tonya vs. The World (2017)
The true story of how American figure skater Tonya Harding became involved in a brutal attack on her direct competitor. This story could have been told in all seriousness, because the cases of abuse and manipulation that Harding was subjected to were not only real, but really serious. Tony's story is told with ambiguous black humor, and this makes the retelling of events especially impressive: from rehearsals with her spiteful mother (the incomparable acting performance for which Allison Janney won an Oscar) to the monstrous destructive relationship with her completely unintelligent boyfriend. "Tonya vs. The World" slides smoothly through fights to a rumbling soundtrack until it pauses to remind us that what we're laughing at may not be a joke at all.
Gloria Bell (2018)
This is an almost frame-by-frame remake of the 2013 Spanish film Gloria, created by the original director Sebastian Lelio in collaboration with indie studio A24, which has several hits to its credit (for example, the series " Euphoria" and the film "Lighthouse"). The main character - amazingly played by Julianne Moore - is a middle-aged divorcee who enjoys the life, freedom and parties of Los Angeles until she meets her soul mate, with whom she begins an uneasy relationship. The film has a fairly light narrative, turning the typical serious theme of single women into a comedy, sometimes reminiscent of classic films about male adventures, and it is done in the best way.
Fighting My Family (2019)
Directed by Stephen Merchant, this true story tells the story of a family of Norwich wrestlers who rarely watch not only their language, but also their thoughts. Their life changes drastically when their daughter is promoted to the big leagues, having entered the list of the American WWE Federation (World Wrestling Entertainment). A plot not often seen on screen: a working-class girl jumping above her head, Paige becomes the youngest Divas champion title holder. Brilliant cast (Lena Headey, Nick Frost, Jack Lowden and Vince Vaughn) and equally brilliant lines ("I've never had a rectal bleed before, but I'm pretty sure I'm not a fan of it.") - "Struggle with my family" will make you cry with laughter.
Lady Bird (2017)
Greta Gerwig's drama about a pretentious but adorable teenage girl who demands that her family name her Ladybug is a real breakthrough. Gerwig's directorial debut vividly reflects all the vicissitudes of late adolescence - it is a war to victory between parents and children. Saoirse Ronan in the title role is great in her own right, but the sparring matches between her and her mother (impeccably played by Laurie Metcalfe) are standard comedy, such as the scene in which Ladybug falls out of the car at full speed. Timothée Chalamet, Lucas Hedges and Beanie Feldstein also performed brilliantly in their roles.
Short (2015)
Based on the book of the same name by Michael Lewis (author of Liar's Poker and Moneyball), the film is about the 2008 financial crisis and the subprime mortgage scam in America. Despite the difficult subject matter of the book, director Adam McKay succeeded in adapting it in a fun way. Chameleon Christian Bale plays Michael Berry, an eccentric ex-doctor and investor who gambled in the mortgage market and made millions. The sharp script keeps the whole film in suspense, even complex financial slang does not frighten, because Margot Robbie explains it while lying in the bathroom.
The Uninvited Guests (2005)
Baby, it's wedding season! And by that we mean it's time to watch or revisit this funny masterpiece caricature of modern weddings. It stars Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson as two best friends who spend their summers showing up uninvited to strangers' weddings. Until they find themselves on one, where they find themselves in a difficult situation along with the whole family who arranged the holiday. At times, this film is hopelessly sentimental and tender, but there are several storylines that have not lost relevance in 15 years. And you will be incredibly funny, whether you are watching this film for the first time or for the fifteenth time.
Marriage Story (2019)
Of course, we understand that, first of all, the story of Noah Baumbach about a marriage destroyed from the inside is, first of all, tears that should not be feared. But at times the movie is incredibly funny. Nicole (Scarlett Johansson) and Charlie (Adam Driver) play a creative couple dealing with emotions at the end of their relationship, going through a custody battle over their son, and despite the good intentions, the story gets really nasty at times. The main target of the film's criticism is the American legal system, while also playing two brilliant and sarcastic roles - the couple's lawyers, Laura Dern (Oscar for her absolutely toxic Nora Fanshawe) and her opponent Ray Liotta.
Snatch (2000)
The 2000 film, starring Jason Statham as the boxer and Brad Pitt as the rugged wanderer, is a classic Guy Ritchie crime sitcom filled with snubs. "Should I call you bullet teeth?" Avi Denowitz asks Vinnie Jones' character in one of the scenes. "You can call me Susan if it makes you happy," he replies sarcastically. In many ways, the film sets itself the same goals and objectives as Richie's previous picture "Locks, Stock, Two Smoking Barrels", nevertheless, "Snatch" imprinted in the history of cinema a very British and very funny sarcasm.
Velvet Chainsaw (2019)
A satirical thriller that depicts the underground and sometimes criminal art scene in Los Angeles, strokes against the grain of both critics and collectors, and also reunites Jake Gyllenhaal and Dan (directed by Stringer). It ridicules pretentious installations, unceremonious art enthusiasts, and people asking “are these new persolas?” after noticing someone wearing light-sensitive glasses. Toni Collette, Zavi Ashton and Tom Sturridge play dealers trying to cash in on the works of an unknown dead artist. Fortunately, justice will overtake them: the work will come to life and go in search of scammers.
30 positive films to cheer up
30. Savages
- Russia, 2006.
- Comedy, drama.
- Duration: 100 minutes.
- IMDb: 6.6.
A group of friends of different ages and occupations organizes a camp on the coast of a warm sea. Throughout the summer season, they try only to relax and in no case talk about work and serious topics. But conflicts still happen.
"Savages" became the debut of theater director Viktor Shamirov in a big movie. Although in fact the film consists of small short stories that combine characters and scenes. But the most important thing in this work is the atmosphere of carelessness and hot summer.
29. Yesterday
- UK, USA, 2019
- Musical, melodrama, fantasy, comedy.
- Duration: 116 minutes.
- IMDb: 6.8.
Mediocre musician Jack Malik, who never managed to achieve fame, gets hit by a bus. When he wakes up, he discovers that the world around him has changed slightly. For example, everyone around forgot about the existence of The Beatles. Then Jack passes off the songs of the Liverpool Four as his own and quickly gains popularity.
Director Danny Boyle (Trainspotting) and screenwriter Richard Curtis (Four Weddings and a Funeral) made a good musical that made the dreams of many ordinary people come true: who didn't want to write some hit in the style of the Beatles? But more importantly, there are simply no negative characters in the film: it pleases with songs and talks about the choice between fame and honesty.
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28. Peter FM
- Russia, 2006.
- Melodrama, comedy.
- Duration: 86 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.0.
DJ of St. Petersburg radio Masha is going to get married. And the janitor Maxim plans to go to Germany and become an architect. But one day these two collide in the crowd: Maxim finds Masha's dropped phone, and they start talking. It's just that the characters can't meet.
Almost the whole picture the main characters are just trying to find each other on the streets of St. Petersburg. For the viewer, by the way, this is a good opportunity to admire the beauty of the city. And in parallel, a sweet and bright love story unfolds on the phone.
27. Three in a boat, not counting the dog
- USSR, 1979.
- Comedy, musical.
- Duration: 127 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.0.
Writer Jerome K. Jerome goes on a boat trip along the Thames with his friends George and Harris. Heroes regularly find themselves in difficult situations, from which they always witty extricate themselves, and meet many interesting people.
Soviet film by Nahum Birman based on the book of the same name by Jerome K. Jerome. And although the plot of the picture often departs from the original, the author of the film adaptation succeeded in the main thing: to amuse the audience with a story about the journey of three friends. But most of all, the film is loved for the leading roles: the famous Andrey Mironov, Alexander Shirvindt and Mikhail Derzhavin played the characters.
26. School of Rock
The School of Rock
- USA, Germany, 2003.
- Comedy, musical.
- Duration: 109 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.2.
Unsuccessful guitarist Dewey Finn is kicked out of his band and left destitute. Almost by accident, having got a job as a substitute teacher at school, he begins to teach children the only thing he knows himself - rock music.
Five-time Oscar nominee Richard Linklater knows how to shoot not only philosophical dramas and science fiction. His "School of Rock" is the simplest film that even representatives of different generations can easily find a common language. The main thing is to be on the same wavelength.
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25. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
- USA, UK, 2013
- Adventure, comedy, drama.
- Duration: 114 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.3.
Walter Mitty has worked in the negatives section of Life magazine for many years, although in his dreams he travels and accomplishes feats. But one day it turns out that the photographer did not send an important shot that should be placed on the cover of the latest issue. Walter has to go looking. And this journey will change the life of the hero.
The famous comedian Ben Stiller made a film based on the story of the same name by James Thurber. Moreover, the story has already been transferred to the screen once - in 1947. But the new version turned out to be much more elegant. The picture strikes with the beauty of the landscapes of Greenland and Iceland, and at the same time reminds that it is never too late to try to fulfill your dream.
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Young Gary in the USA in the 1970s easily makes business contacts and has amazing business sense. In parallel, he falls in love with Alana, who is much older than him. Friendship gradually develops between the characters, but perhaps they have too different views on the future.
Oil and Phantom Thread director Paul Thomas Anderson made the lightest and most nostalgic film of his career. It's just a story of first love and memories of the culture of the 70s. Moreover, the author invited novice actors to the main roles, but in the episodes in the film many stars of the first magnitude appear.
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23. For once in your life
Begin again
- USA, 2013.
- Drama, comedy, musical.
- Duration: 101 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.4.
It seems that the career of the once successful producer Dan Mulligan has collapsed. But he meets a young singer Gretta in a bar and realizes that the girl has great creative potential. An aging master and future star needs to team up and record an album.
This film by John Carney is literally imbued with love for music and creativity in general. And a separate plus is that the relationship of the characters is not tied to romance: this is a wonderful friendship of two talented people.
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22. Three plus two
- USSR, 1963.
- Comedy, melodrama.
- Duration: 99 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.4.
Three friends from Moscow go as savages on a summer vacation. But it turns out that their traditional place was taken by two girls. At first, the characters are negatively disposed towards strangers. But gradually two of them fall in love with their neighbors.
Andrey Mironov's massive popularity began with this film. So the audience has the opportunity to see the actor at the dawn of his career. But first of all, as in the case of "The Savages", the film is reminiscent of a pleasant summer vacation.
21. Camon Camon
C’mon C’mon
- USA, 2021.
- Drama.
- Duration: 109 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.
Radio journalist Johnny looks after his nine-year-old nephew while the child's mother is away. But the work does not wait, so the hero takes a young relative with him and goes on a trip to the United States.
The black and white picture pleases with stunning footage of American cities. But in the center is still the relationship of two characters of different ages. And it is interesting that the adult Johnny has a lot to learn from his companion.
20. Hello, I'm your aunt!
- USSR, 1975.
- Comedy.
- Duration: 98 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.5.
Unemployed Babs, hiding from the police, gets into a rich house and changes into a woman's dress. The owners mistake him for an aunt who came from Brazil. Now the hero has to play the role of helping two young men find their love.
A two-episode film based on Brandon Thomas' play "Charley's Aunt" has long become a classic of Soviet cinema. The picture is quoted even by those who have never seen it, for example, they repeat the phrase about Brazil, "Where there are many, many wild monkeys." But even those who have watched it more than once, the tape amuses with timeless humor and plot twists.
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19. What men talk about
- Russia, 2010.
- Comedy.
- Duration: 93 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.5.
Four friends go on a trip. They travel from Moscow to Odessa, where they are waiting for a concert of the Bi-2 group and a friend celebrating a birthday. The trip almost breaks down at the very beginning, and along the way, the heroes have difficulties. But still they move towards the goal, discussing various topics along the way.
The genre of road-movie, uncharacteristic for Russian cinema, was supplemented by the conversational genre in the hands of the comic Quartet I. The characters constantly discuss relationships, but sometimes they argue about art or food. In general, about everything that is close to almost every viewer. The film has two sequels, but still the first part is considered the most successful.
18. Rushmore Academy
- USA, 1998.
- Comedy, drama.
- Duration: 93 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.6.
Teenager Max Fischer devotes all his time to extracurricular activities, and therefore he has almost no time left to study. The hero must urgently improve his academic performance, but he is prevented by falling in love with the pretty widowed teacher Rosemary Cross.
This is the second directorial work of future auteur cinema star Wes Anderson. And we can say that it was from this film that the style of the director began to take shape: funny, but dramatic plots, many excellent actors, even in minor roles, and a bright picture.
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17. Man from the Capuchin Boulevard
- USSR, 1987.
- Comedy, western, melodrama.
- Duration: 98 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.7.
Intelligent Mr. First comes to one of the towns in the Wild West. He demonstrates to the local cowboys the latest achievement of mankind - "cinema" (that is, cinema). After the first fright, regular visitors to the saloons are delighted, and the local beauty falls in love with Fest. But not everyone is happy with progress.
Of course, Soviet comedy does not even try to correspond to the real history of cinema distribution. But on the other hand, she pleases with excellent songs, jokes and bright roles of Andrei Mironov, Nikolai Karachentsev and other favorite artists. And at the same time talks about selfless devotion to his work.
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16. Ove's Second Life
En man som heter Ove
- Sweden, 2015.
- Drama, melodrama, comedy.
- Duration: 116 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.7.
After the death of his wife, old Uwe Lindahl lost his reason for being. He locks himself in his house and comes out only to grumble at other residents of the village. Uwe even tries to commit suicide, but the family who has settled in the neighborhood changes his attitude to life. It turns out that the old man can and wants to help others.
Despite the dramatic plot, this film is still inspiring. He shows that you can always find the bright side in life and try to start from scratch. In addition, the authors do a good job of diluting the action with comedic elements.
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15. Midnight in Paris
Midnight in Paris
- USA, Spain, 2011.
- Comedy, melodrama.
- Duration: 94 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.7.
Screenwriter Gil Pender arrives with his girlfriend in Paris. In the evening, he goes for a walk alone and unexpectedly finds himself in the 1920s. Gil meets Ernest Hemingway, Salvador Dali, Luis Buñuel and his other idols. Gradually, the hero realizes that he does not want to return to his time.
One of the brightest works of Woody Allen in the 21st century is filled with an atmosphere of romance and magic. After all, who hasn't dreamed of talking to the great writers and directors of the past?
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14. Little Miss Sunshine
Little Miss Sunshine
- Drama, comedy.
- Duration: 101 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.8.
Young Olive dreams of winning the "Little Miss Sunshine" contest. And although her relatives are immersed in their worries, the family gathers and goes on a trip across the country to help the child.
A bright film about a girl who unites her loved ones with her positive and openness, became a box office hit in the year of release. And at the same time, the picture received two Oscars with four nominations. 2017
Well-bred Paddington bear has been living in London for a long time. One day, he finds an antique book in a shop and decides he should buy it as a present for his aunt. But while Paddington is saving money, the tome is stolen, and suspicion falls on the bear cub.
Sequels are rarely rated higher than the first parts. Paddington Adventures 2 is a happy exception. And this is well-deserved, because the continuation turned out to be even more fabulous and sweet.
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12. Full Moon Kingdom
Moonrise Kingdom
- USA, 2012.
- Comedy, drama.
- Duration: 90 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.8.
Boy Scout Sam Shikaski was turned down by his adoptive parents because of his complicated nature. But he meets the silent Susie Bishop and immediately falls in love. The couple decides to run away and spend time only together. Meanwhile, the police, the girl's parents and even scouts have to look for the children.
Like Rushmore, this film was directed by Wes Anderson. And those who liked these two tapes should pay attention to the rest of the director's filmography.
11. Rock and Rollers
Sing Street
- Ireland, UK, 2015.
- Drama, comedy, musical.
- Duration: 106 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.9.
Due to money problems, parents transfer teenager Conor from an elite school to a public one. At first, the young man is not met in the best way. But soon Conor falls in love with a beautiful girl and decides to form a rock band for her sake.
John Carney's work is filled with nostalgia for the music and style of the 80s. And besides, this is a story about the path to fame and, of course, the first romantic feelings.
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10. Alien
E.T. The Extra‑Terrestrial
- USA, 1982.
- Fantasy, drama, adventure.
- Duration: 115 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.9.
Aliens are secretly exploring the Earth, collecting plant samples. Suddenly, they are attacked by government agents, and as they flee, the aliens forget one of their own. He has to be saved by ordinary earthly children.
The classic film of the great Steven Spielberg could have looked very different: the director initially saw it as a darker sequel to Close Encounters of the Third Kind. But then the plans changed - and the result was a story of friendship that both children and adults like equally.
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9. Roman Holiday
Roman Holiday
- USA, 1953
- Comedy, melodrama.
- Duration: 118 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.0.
Young Princess Anna runs away during a diplomatic tour. She is simply tired of royal duties and wants to walk around Rome. When the girl falls asleep, she is discovered by local reporter Joe Bradley, who does not even immediately realize that he has stumbled upon a real sensation.
A light romantic comedy about a summer walk made actress Audrey Hepburn instantly famous. And even on the Roman street of Via Margutta, tourists and celebrities soon began to settle. After all, everyone wants to feel like in a popular fairy tale.
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8. Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day
- USA, 1993.
- Comedy, melodrama.
- Duration: 101 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.1.
TV commentator Phil Connors is filming a report about the celebration of Groundhog Day in the town of Punxsutawney. After working on February 2, he routinely spends the day and goes to bed. But the next morning, the hero realizes that he woke up again on February 2. Now Phil needs to figure out how to get out of this day.
The famous time loop comedy seems to have a fantastic basis. But in fact, this picture is about how not to get bogged down in endless gray everyday life and learn to notice the small joys of life.
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7. Before Sunrise
Before Sunrise
- USA, Austria, Switzerland, 1995.
- Drama, melodrama.
- Duration: 101 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.1.
Jessie, an American, meets Celine, a French woman, on the train. He persuades a new acquaintance to get off with him at the railway station in Vienna and walk through the streets of the city until morning. The couple talks about everything in the world and gradually gets closer.
Those who like this beautiful and calm film should watch two sequels: Before Sunset and Before Midnight. Interestingly, the action of each next part takes place nine years after the previous one. And they were really filmed with a difference during this period.
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6. Only girls in jazz
Some Like It Hot
- USA, 1959.
- Comedy.
- Duration: 119 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.2.
Unsuccessful musicians Joe and Jerry witness mafia clashes. To hide from bandits, they change into dresses and go on tour with a women's orchestra. It's just that it's hard for the heroes to resist the temptations, because now there are a lot of beautiful girls around them.
The legendary comedy couple Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon once again captivated the audience in the film by Billy Wilder, and they were accompanied by the main beauty of her time, Marilyn Monroe. Surely everyone knows at least a few jokes from this movie. And the final phrase “Everyone has their flaws” has become one of the most quoted in the history of cinema.
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5. Amélie
Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain
- France, Germany, 2001.
- Comedy, melodrama.
- Duration: 122 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.3.
Amelie has been a little strange since childhood: she lived in a fictional world and communicated with an imaginary friend. When the girl grew up, she managed to maintain optimism, and therefore decided to help others. But soon Amelie fell in love.
From the author of the gloomy "Delicatessen" and "City of Lost Children" Jean-Pierre Jeunet, it was strange to expect one of the most optimistic films. But his "Amelie", clearly inheriting the spirit of the old French comedies, has been delighting generations of viewers with its fabulous plot for two decades.
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4. Gentlemen of Fortune
- USSR, 1971.
- Drama, comedy, crime.
- Duration: 84 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.4.
The kind and intelligent head of the kindergarten, Yevgeny Ivanovich Troshkin, turns out to be very similar to the famous gangster named Associate Professor. Therefore, the police turn to the hero for help: he must ingratiate himself with the accomplices of the criminal and find out where he hid the stolen golden helmet of Alexander the Great.
The picture with the charming Yevgeny Leonov became the leader of the Soviet film distribution in 1972. And after that, the film quickly dispersed into quotes. Surely everyone at least once said or heard the legendary phrase "Who will plant him, he's a monument."
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3. Three Idiots
3 Idiots
- India, 2009.
- Comedy, melodrama.
- Duration: 170 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.5.
Farhan and Raju learn that their close friend Rancho has been found, who disappeared several years ago. They go on a trip to meet him again, and along the way they remember the tricks that the three of them once did. Men do not yet know that at the end of the journey an unexpected discovery awaits them.
The film became a real hit in her native India and received more than 30 nominations for various national awards. But in any other country, the film "Three Idiots" will be a pleasure to watch. After all, this is a tape that the desire for development and knowledge always leads to success.
- France, 2011.
- Drama, comedy, biography.
- Duration: 112 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.5.
After an accident, the aristocrat Philip was paralyzed, and now he constantly needs a nurse. However, from the many candidates, the rich man chooses the bully Driss, who is completely unsuited for such work. But it is with him that Philip begins to enjoy life again.
An amazing picture about the friendship of two completely different people based on real events. The life-affirming plot captivated the audience not only in his native France, but also in many other countries. And later there were even several remakes of this film. But the original still looks the most interesting.
1. Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump
- USA, 1994.
- Drama, melodrama.
- Duration: 142 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.8.
Idiot but kind Forrest Gump tells the story of his life to random acquaintances.