Most rare female personality type
What is the Rarest Personality Type?
Of all the 16 possible personality types, you might be curious to know which is least common and where your type ranks. Here’s everything you need to know about the rarest personality type, including traits, gender differences and other uncommon types.
Overall, the rarest personality type is INFJ
The rarest personality type is the INFJ personality type, known as ‘The Counselor’. INFJ is the rarest personality type across the population, occurring in just 2% of the population.
It is also the rarest personality type among men.
INFJ stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. This unique combination is hard to find in most people.
The INFJ personality type is characterized by their deep sense of integrity and their natural intuition. INFJs are skilled at interpreting the emotions and motivations of others and they work hard to help the people around them. This personality type tends to be idealistic and seeks out deep, meaningful connections with people.
They can often come across as quiet and gentle.
However, the situation is not clear cut
While INFJs are generally understood to be the rarest personality type, there are some other factors to bear in mind. Personality types can vary geographically with some personality types occurring more frequently and more rarely depending on the country, region or environment.
There are also some differences between the rarest personality type for men and women.
The rarest personality type for men
Like the general population, the rarest personality type among men is INFJ. Among men, INFJs make up just 1% compared to 2% of the general population.
There are some questions about why this might be. The INFJ type includes some personality traits that Western society typically views as feminine traits such as high levels of emotional intelligence and empathy. INFJs are known to be sensitive and quiet, often spending time listening to the concerns of others rather than sharing their own thoughts.
It’s possible that boys are raised in a way that encourages them to subdue these aspects of their personality. Maybe they are making choices or exhibiting behaviors that give them a different type on a personality test. We don’t really know why, but the data shows that INFJ is the rarest personality type for men.
The rarest personality type for women
For women, however, the rarest personality type is INTJ and ENTJ. Just 1% of women type as INTJ and ENTJ respectively.
Among women, INFJ is only the third rarest personality type with approximately 2% of women categorized as INFJ.
Both INTJ women and ENTJ women are extremely rare in the general population. It is not clear why this would be. However, the INTJ and ENTJ personality types are associated with being strategic, assertive and analytical. They tend to be less capable at reading their own emotions and the emotions of others. These traits are not typical of women in general, and it could be that – as with INFJ men – INTJ/ ENTJ women are changing their reported behaviors or honing their weaker skills to fit in.
The top 5 rarest personality types ranked
Curious to know the other rarest personality types? INFJ isn’t the only personality type that’s hard to find! There’s actually a large group of personality types that are pretty uncommon in the general population.
Read on to find out the top 5 rarest personality types, ranked from rarest to most common.
The INFJ personality type is the undisputed top 1 rarest personality type in the general population coming in at just 2%. INFJs are especially rare among men with only 1% of men qualifying as this personality type. It is slightly more common in women at around 2%.
Known as ‘The Mastermind, INTJ is the next rarest personality type in the general population and the rarest personality type among women. INTJs make up just 2% of the general population and account for 3% of men and just 1% of women.
Sharing the top spot for the rarest personality type among women, ENTJ is also one of the rarest personality types in the general population. Like the closely related INTJ, ENTJs come in at just 2% of the general population, 3% of men and 1% of women.
Another of the rarest personality types is ENFJ which can be found in just 3% of the general population. ENFJ is the second rarest personality type among men, occurring in just 2% of men. For women, the rate is a little higher at 3%.
ENTP snags the 5th spot for the top 5 rarest personality types. This personality type can be found in 3% of the general population. It is slightly more common in men, with 4% of men categorized as ENTP. For women, the personality type is rarer at just 2%, making it one of the rarest personality types.
Understanding the rarest personality types
Looking at the top 5 rarest personality types, it is possible to pick out some patterns in their style of thinking and behaving. The rarest personality types tend to be Intuitives and Judgers, rather than Sensors and Perceivers.
So what does that mean?
All the rarest personality types have one thing in common: they are Intuitives rather than Sensors. This is interesting because Intuitives tend to be more abstract in their way of thinking and processing information. They like to look for patterns and theories and are generally more concerned with the future than the present.
The more common personality types tend to be Sensors. Sensors process information differently than Intuitives, preferring to focus on what they can see, hear and feel. They are often described as more practical and they look to understand the world in a more hands-on way.
There is also a high prevalence of Judging rather than Perceiving types among the top 5 rarest personality types. The Judging/Perceiving dimension of the 16 type system describes how people prefer to structure their lives. Judgers tend to look for order and structure and will prioritize planning over spontaneity.
It is more common to find people who fit into the Perceiving personality type in the general population. Unlike Judgers, Perceivers prefer things a little less predictable. They value flexibility and prefer to adapt rather than plan.
How does your type compare?
While INFJ is the rarest personality type, that doesn’t make it any better or worse than the other personality types. Each personality type has its own strengths and weaknesses, whether it is more common or harder to find in the general population.
To find out more about the 16 type system, read this next or take the test to find out your personality type!
What It's Like Being an INTJ Woman
All introverts feel like outcasts at times. But there may be no one who feels more like an outsider than women of the INTJ personality type. While INTJ men can generally fit in with other men, many INTJ women don’t fit in with other women — or sometimes with anyone at all.
I can’t pretend to be able to fix that, at least not alone. As an INTJ man, I’m no spokesperson for the women of my personality type. But I can see that my female INTJ friends and colleagues really struggle to be understood, so I decided to recruit expert help in the form of career coach Penelope Trunk.
Trunk is an ENTJ personality, the INTJ’s extroverted twin. She also has one of the largest followings of female INTJ readers of any blogger in the world. Trunk got those readers because she gives INTJs exactly what we want: blunt, no-nonsense answers. I talked with Trunk about the difficulties that INTJ women face.
(What’s your personality type? Take a free personality test.)
Portrait of an INTJ Woman
Trunk said that INTJ women are right to feel like they don’t fit in — because they often don’t. “INTJ women just aren’t typical of women in general,” she told me. “INTJ is the rarest personality type for women.” In fact, at about 0.5 percent of the population, INTJ women might be the rarest of any gender/type combination (perhaps only rivaled by INFJ men).
That means, as an INTJ woman, you could easily go your whole life and meet only a few other women like you.
Trunk ticked off a list of ways that INTJ women stand out:
- Gray or black seems to be the unofficial dress code for all INTJs, and many INTJ women wear minimal makeup.
They prefer function over fashion. Many have a system for what to wear and when, so they don’t have to think about it.
- Many INTJ women don’t enjoy traditional female activities like shopping. They tend to shop alone, with a checklist, and get in and out as quickly as possible.
- Work and school are not social activities for INTJ women. They focus on accomplishing goals, and as introverts, they’re often alienated from the bonding that everyone else goes through.
- Many INTJ women are told they’re intimidating. People think their no-nonsense attitude is an act that they will drop sooner or later. But it’s just who they are.
- INTJ women smash gender stereotypes. Many are drawn to careers that aren’t “typical” female jobs, such as in management, information systems, the sciences, etc.
But the biggest difference between INTJs and other women is simply temperament. Most INTJ women aren’t “warm” the way women are expected to be, and they’re rarely the emotional partner in any relationship. INTJs do have deep emotional needs, like anyone else, but they generally prefer to keep their feelings private.
Trunk said this temperament is exactly what makes INTJ women generally so competent and successful in the workplace. “Every organization needs people who will make cool, dispassionate decisions,” she said. “INTJ women refuse to do the ineffective thing even if it’s the ‘feel-good’ thing.”
The Biggest Obstacle for INTJ Women
When I asked Trunk about the biggest obstacle for INTJ women, she didn’t even pause: “Being questioned for why they can’t fit in with other women.”
I took this answer to a group of nearly one hundred INTJ women, and they resoundingly agreed. Most have only a few female friends, and many were tomboys as kids. Over and over, I heard that female politics or “girl stuff” is like a foreign language, one they’re expected to speak but were never taught. Several even wondered how much more they could have accomplished with their powerful minds if they had been born male.
Instead, they’re constantly questioned for their blunt, sensible attitude. “If I were a dude, my workplace wouldn’t care about my demeanor and personality being the way it is,” one told me.
But it’s not just the workplace that’s hard. Relationships can be even harder. According to Trunk, “INTJ women don’t need a lot of the things out of a relationship that a traditional relationship provides. They aren’t going to take care of all their partner’s emotional needs, and they tend to be goal-oriented and financially independent. All they really need is love and support.”
In some cases, INTJ women are more fulfilled by their career than they are by their relationships, which can lead to being seen as emotionally stunted:
“Your family thinks it’s sad that you work so hard, and they try to get you to do things for ‘fun.’ Although everyone needs a healthy balance, what they don’t understand is that for you, working generally is fun.”
According to Trunk, this also leads to the biggest mistake INTJ women make. “They settle. They start to try to fake it, and they downplay their competence. They know it puts people off so they try to hide it.” Trunk said this gamble never pays off. “You can’t fake it. You’ll still seem different. So then you’re still the outcast but without the dazzling brilliance that people will respect about you.”
How to Be Happy as an INTJ Woman
To me, what Trunk described sounded like a catch 22. How can you find acceptance, if you’re an outsider whether you try to fit in or not? But Trunk said that fitting in with the female norm wasn’t the point at all. She offered several tips for finding acceptance:
1. Seek out other women with big goals.
“As an INTJ woman, your aspirations might be outside of traditional female roles, but you’re not the only one. Surround yourself with women with big ambitions — you’ll fit in.” Professional associations, women’s leadership events, and continuing education classes are all great places to meet ambitious women.
2. Give yourself permission to be you.
Many INTJ women don’t act like the “typical” woman, and sometimes they aren’t drawn to careers that are traditionally female — and that’s okay. Give yourself permission to do what works for you. As an added bonus, when you become more comfortable in your own skin, others will naturally respect and accept you more.
3. Seek a partner who understands your emotional needs.
Even though they tend to keep their feelings to themselves, INTJ women aren’t emotionless robots. They have emotional needs, too, and they want to feel loved and cared for, just like anyone else. If dealing with emotional matters isn’t your strong suite, consider seeking a partner or friends who can do the emotional “heavy-lifting” in the relationship.
4. Try meeting friends at work.
Being accepted and understood feels very good to an INTJ woman, but it can be hard to find that acceptance with family members. Instead, turn to the colleagues you admire the most. These are the people who will respect your natural competence and like your personality.
There’s a much bigger world out there than “girl stuff,” and there are both men and women who will appreciate you for who you are. There’s nothing wrong with you. In fact, the world could use more women like you.
Seminar for INTJs: Our partner Quistic offers a course for INTJ success. “Best Practices for Leveraging INTJ Strengths (and How to Be a Likable INTJ)” is a four-part webinar from career coach Penelope Trunk. Includes access to a private Facebook group with nearly 200 success-oriented INTJs. Learn more about the INTJ course here.
More INTJ Resources
- 5 Confessions of a Female INTJ
- 7 Secrets About Being in a Relationship With an INTJ Personality
- 24 Signs That You’re an INTJ Personality Type
- 12 Things the INTJ Personality Absolutely Hates
- 6 Things the INTJs in Your Life Probably Won’t Tell You About Themselves
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The 5 rarest personality types in men and women :: Infoniac
Nov 12, 2020 08:30 36252 Psychology, Personality
Incredible facts
Have you ever felt that is different from the rest of or your interests did not coincide with the interests of most of your friends and acquaintances?
Perhaps you belong to , one of the rarest personality types, and do not know about it.
According to the typology created by Isabelle Myers and Catherine Briggs , there are 16 personality types, denoted by 4 letters.
To understand your personality type, you need to take a test, which usually includes about 93 questions.
You can take a simplified version of the 4-question test on our website.
This will allow you to better understand yourself and learn about your strengths.
Pass a personality test.
© Getty Images Pro
Myers and Briggs proposed four key parameters that can be used to classify people:
I/E: Introversion or Extraversion
Introverts energize themselves by spending time alone or in small groups. They are more reserved and thoughtful.
Extroverts get energy from being around people in an active, lively environment. They are more expressive and frank.
S/N: Feeling or Intuition
Those with a dominant sensation of are focused on their feelings and are interested in information that they can directly see, hear and feel. They learn directly and are practical.
Those who have predominant intuition tend to have more abstract thinking. They are more interested in theories, patterns and explanations.
They are more concerned about the future than the present and are often referred to as creative people.
T/F: Thinking or Feeling
J/P: Judgment or Perception
Each of the letters means a style of thinking or behavior characteristic of a person.
So, what types of personality according to the Myers-Briggs typology are considered the rarest?
INFJ is the rarest personality type among men (1.2%)
Men who combine introversion, intuition, feelings and judgment make up only 0.5% of all men. This is a shrewd and sensitive type who seeks to push society towards progress and change. However, they are not mere bystanders.
Men of this type are future-oriented, have abstract thinking and believe in the best.
With an excellent understanding of people's emotions, they are very empathetic and easy to communicate, and at the same time able to influence people on an emotional level.
INTJ is the rarest personality type among women (0.9%)
Women who combine introversion, intuition, thinking and judgment make up only 0.9 percent of all women tested.
They are ambitious introverts, courageous individuals who do not care about the opinions of the masses, and they are not afraid to follow their own philosophy of life.
Women of this personality type have a strategic nature, avoid being in the spotlight and work in the shadows.
They are often seen alone, but this does not bother them at all. Every action they take in life is carefully thought out and planned.
5 rarest personality types
ENTP - 3.2% of the population
© Getty Images Pro
Strengths : Energetic, inventive, analytical thinking, change oriented, adaptable, independent, novelty seeker, verbose
Weaknesses : not sensitive, like to argue, intolerant, distracted, impractical
Celebrities : Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, Tom Hanks, Celine Dion
This personality type belongs to progressive people and innovators who are able to break stereotypes. One of ENTP's favorite activities is to connect with people, share ideas, and participate in discussions. These people have wit and competence in completely different areas, which allows them to deftly wield words during disputes.
On the other hand, the ENTP type likes to argue, which can lead to conflicts. Also, this personality type can quickly write people off if they can't be on the same level with them or don't support their ideas.
Interesting fact : ENTP refers to Type A people who are competitive, ambitious and even aggressive.
ENFJ - 2.5% of the population
© Tiero
Strengths : sociable, enthusiastic, idealist, empath, executive, imaginative, gratitude, tact
Weaknesses : overly idealistic, overly sensitive, overly disinterested, self-critical, difficult to make decisions.
Celebrities : Barack Obama, Sean Connery, Mikhail Gorbachev, Matthew McConaughey
They are natural leaders, but unlike the ENTJ type, they are more concerned with helping others achieve their goals than their own needs.
They are empathetic and charismatic. This personality type is often found among teachers, coaches and politicians. Although they are quite ambitious, they do not seek only personal gain and make efforts to improve this world by helping others reach their potential.
These are some of the kindest people, but sometimes they go too far in their desire to help and give themselves completely. Sometimes they are too hard on themselves.
Interesting fact : ENFJ type is very common among religious people and those who believe in higher powers.
INTJ - 2.1% of the population
© Getty Images Signature
Strengths: resourceful, insightful, logical thinking, independent, decisive, seeks understanding
Weaknesses : critical, arrogant, likes to overanalyze, not good at romance, hates strict rules
Celebrities and : Friedrich Nietzsche, Elon Musk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Isaac Asimov, Stephen Hawking
INTJs are great thinkers with a good imagination, which makes them great problem solvers. This is a fairly rare personality type, found in only about 2.1% of people.
Unlike other imaginative personality types, INTJs try to use their ideas to solve problems. They do not just dream, but are focused and work hard to realize their plans.
One of the disadvantages of critical observation of the world is that they are often characterized by pessimism. They can also be critical, seeing people as too lazy and selfish to achieve their goals. Another negative trait is the refusal to follow strict rules, restrictions and traditions.
Interesting Fact t : Being perfectionists, INTJs tend to do well in their studies and careers, earning some of the highest salaries.
ENTJ - 1.8% of the population
© Maria Sbytova
Strengths : ability to plan, foresight, determination, ability to think strategically, assertiveness, logical thinking, organization.
Weaknesses : critical, stubborn, dominant, intolerant, impatient, arrogant, cold, ruthless.
Celebrities : Steve Jobs, Margaret Thatcher, Whoopi Goldberg, Napoleon Bonaparte, Carl Sagan
People with this personality type make up only about 2 percent of the population. They are born leaders, charismatic and self-confident. However, sometimes they seem overconfident and adamant in their point of view.
ENTJs are goal oriented and many world leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs share traits of this personality type. When they are focused on something, they can achieve anything by pushing their team to better results. Despite their enthusiasm, they have difficulty coping with their emotions and may not realize that they are hurting loved ones.
Fun Fact : Because ENTJs work hard to achieve good results, they are less likely to be stressed by work and finances.
INFJ - 1.

© 74images
Strengths : Insightful, creative, serious, persistent, inspiring, loves languages and symbols
Weaknesses : Perfectionist, extremely secretive, burns out easily, sensitive, defensive
celebrities : Nelson Mandela, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Mother Teresa, Lady Gaga, Edward Snowden
This is the rarest personality type, found in only 1.5 percent of the population. They are dreamers who work hard to make dreams come true.
Most people of this type consider it their mission to support other people and are always ready to lend a helping hand. Although they appear soft on the outside, they can be described as quite tough and strong-willed, but they use their energy to make the world a better place, not for personal gain.
Despite the fact that INFJs tend to help others, they are introverts who guard their personal space.
Interesting fact : This type of personality is so developed intuition that others perceive them as almost psychics who just know some things that cannot be explained.
Here's how rare your personality type is:
Sources of information:
- personalitymax - The rarest personality types
- careerplanner - Personality types by gender
- truity - 16 personality types according to Myers-Briggs
- rarest - 10 rarest personality types
Author: Filipenko L.V.
We are in social networks
The rarest personality types in men and women: do you belong to them?
Have you ever felt that you were different from others or that your interests did not coincide with the interests of most of your friends and acquaintances?
You may be one of the rarest personality types and you don't know it.
According to the typology created by Isabelle Myers and Katherine Briggs, there are 16 personality types, denoted by 4 letters.
To understand your personality type, you need to take a test, which usually includes about 93 questions.
You can take a simplified version of the 4-question test.
This will allow you to better understand yourself and learn about your strengths.
Pass a personality test.
Myers and Briggs suggested four key parameters that can be used to classify people:
I/E: Introversion or Extraversion
Introverts energize themselves by spending time alone or in small groups. They are more reserved and thoughtful.
Extroverts get their energy from being around people in an active, lively environment. They are more expressive and frank.
S/N: Sensation or Intuition
Those who are dominated by sensation focus on their feelings and are interested in information that they can directly see, hear and feel. They learn directly and are practical.
Those who are intuitive tend to think more abstractly. They are more interested in theories, patterns and explanations. They are more concerned about the future than the present and are often referred to as creative people.
T/F: Thinking or Feeling
The thinker makes decisions with his head, he is looking for the most logical and rational solution.
The feeler makes a decision with his heart, he is interested in how his decision will affect people, and how it is consistent with his values.
J/P: Judgment or Perception
Predominance of judgment speaks of a person who values structure and order.
Those who are dominated by perception value flexibility and spontaneity. They like to leave a question open so they can change their mind.
Each of the letters means a style of thinking or behavior characteristic of a person.
So, what types of personality according to the Myers-Briggs typology are considered the rarest?
INFJ - the rarest personality type among men (1. 2%)
Men who combine introversion, intuition, feelings and judgment make up only 0.5% of all men. This is a shrewd and sensitive type who seeks to push society towards progress and change. However, they are not mere bystanders.
Men of this type are future-oriented, have abstract thinking and believe in the best.
Due to their excellent understanding of people's emotions, they are very empathetic and easy to communicate, and at the same time able to influence people on an emotional level.
INTJ is the rarest personality type among women (0.9%)
Women who combine introversion, intuition, thinking and judgment make up only 0.9 percent of all women tested.
They are ambitious introverts, courageous individuals who do not care about the opinions of the masses and are not afraid to follow their own philosophy of life.
Women of this personality type have a strategic nature, avoid being in the spotlight and work in the shadows.
They are often seen alone, but they do not care. Every action they take in life is carefully thought out and planned.
5 rarest personality types
ENTP - 3.2% of the population
Strengths: energetic, inventive, analytical thinking, change oriented, adaptable, independent, novelty seeker, verbose
Weaknesses: insensitive, argumentative, intolerant, scattered, impractical
Celebrities: Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, Tom Hanks, Celine Dion
This personality type belongs to progressive people and innovators who can break stereotypes. One of ENTP's favorite activities is to connect with people, share ideas, and participate in discussions. These people have wit and competence in completely different areas, which allows them to deftly wield words during disputes.
On the other hand, the ENTP type likes to argue, which can lead to conflicts. Also, this personality type can quickly write people off if they can't be on the same level with them or don't support their ideas.
Interesting fact: ENTPs are Type A people who are competitive, ambitious and even aggressive.
ENFJ - 2.5% of the population
Strengths: sociable, enthusiastic, idealist, empath, executive, imaginative, grateful, tactful
Weaknesses: overly idealistic, overly sensitive, overly disinterested, self-critical, difficult to make decisions.
Celebrities: Barack Obama, Sean Connery, Mikhail Gorbachev, Matthew McConaughey
These are natural leaders, but unlike the ENTJ type, they care more about helping others achieve their goals than their own needs.
They are empathetic and charismatic. This personality type is often found among teachers, coaches and politicians. Although they are quite ambitious, they do not seek only personal gain and make efforts to improve this world by helping others reach their potential.
These are some of the kindest people, but sometimes they go too far in their desire to help and give themselves completely. Sometimes they are too hard on themselves.
An interesting fact: the ENFJ type is very common among religious people and those who believe in higher powers.
INTJ - 2.1% of the population
Strengths: inventive, insightful, logical thinking, independence, determination, seeks understanding
Celebrities: Friedrich Nietzsche, Elon Musk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Isaac Asimov, Stephen Hawking
INTJs are great thinkers with a good imagination, which makes them great problem solvers. This is a fairly rare personality type, found in only about 2.1% of people.
Unlike other imaginative personality types, INTJs try to use their ideas to solve problems. They do not just dream, but are focused and work hard to realize their plans.
One of the disadvantages of critical observation of the world is that they are often characterized by pessimism. They can also be critical, seeing people as too lazy and selfish to achieve their goals. Another negative trait is the refusal to follow strict rules, restrictions and traditions.
Fun Fact: Being perfectionists, INTJs tend to do well in their studies and careers, earning some of the highest salaries.
ENTJ - 1.8% of the population
Strengths: ability to plan, foresight, determination, ability to think strategically, assertiveness, logical thinking, organization.
Weaknesses: critical, stubborn, dominant, intolerant, impatient, arrogance, coldness, ruthlessness.
Celebrities: Steve Jobs, Margaret Thatcher, Whoopi Goldberg, Napoleon Bonaparte, Carl Sagan
People with this personality type make up only about 2 percent of the population. They are born leaders, charismatic and self-confident. However, sometimes they seem overconfident and adamant in their point of view.
ENTJs are highly motivated and many world leaders, executives and entrepreneurs share this personality type. When they are focused on something, they can achieve anything by pushing their team to better results. Despite their enthusiasm, they have difficulty coping with their emotions and may not realize that they are hurting loved ones.
Fun Fact: Because ENTJs work hard to achieve good results, they are less likely to be stressed by work and finances.
INFJ - 1.5% of the population
Strengths: Insightful, creative, serious, persistent, inspiring, loves languages and symbols
Weaknesses: Perfectionist, extremely secretive, burns out easily, sensitive, defensive Mandela, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Mother Teresa, Lady Gaga, Edward Snowden
This is the rarest personality type, found in only 1.5 percent of the population. They are dreamers who work hard to make dreams come true.
Most people of this type consider it their mission to support other people and are always ready to lend a helping hand. Although they appear soft on the outside, they can be described as quite tough and strong-willed, but they use their energy to make the world a better place, not for personal gain.
Although INFJs tend to help others, they are introverts and guard their personal space.
Interesting fact: This type of personality has such a developed intuition that others perceive them as almost psychic, who simply know some things that cannot be explained.