Men commitment phobia
Eight Common Fears That Men Have of Making a Commitment
Source: Gustavo Linhares/Pexels
Over the years as a clinical psychologist and researcher, I’ve found that guys have eight common fears of commitment, all of which have their roots in childhood and adolescence. The process of picking, projecting and provoking these fears can lead men to recreate their negative relationship scenarios and sabotage themselves when it comes to romance and love. Unfortunately, if a man is not growing and working on his issues, he will often follow these same patterns over and over again with woman after woman—sinking his possibilities of committed love into the netherworld.
I know you may be all too familiar with men’s fears in this department, but bear with me. I want you to have a much deeper understanding of the minds of men. Remember, there is a matter of degree of difficulty: some men are truly mired in their issues, while others are growing and working on themselves. You want to determine if your prospective partner is in the mired-in-quicksand category so that you can get out quickly and cut your losses.
But if he is moving forward with developing himself, understanding these self-sabotaging patterns will help you know how to key into his psychology.
1. Fear of Rejection
This is a man who is afraid a woman will suddenly lose interest and abandon him. Because of this, he has a hard time having honest straight talk and is very afraid of conflict. When the inevitable disagreements and differences come up in a relationship, he stuffs his feelings and drifts away. He prefers email or texts when dealing with uncomfortable issues. He doesn’t have the courage to stand up to his partner, so problems fester and blow up. When tension reaches the boiling point, he doesn’t have the cajones to break up. Instead he becomes passive-aggressive, gently slipping away as his texts and calls fade out—or he quickly dumps you before you can dump him. Above all, he fears rejection, a feeling so painful, that it is almost like annihilation, like being completely destroyed. So he slithers around any direct conflict.
Many men suffer from some degree of this conflict-avoidant pattern. That’s because guys tend to have much more difficulty in dealing with stress. Research shows that after an argument, men’s heart rates and blood pressure readings get more elevated than women’s[i]. And they stay elevated. Why? Because men, unlike women, have a more difficult time soothing and quieting themselves down after any kind of upset. So they may pull away and distance themselves emotionally in order to calm down.
Fear of Rejection: The Story of Emmett
Emmett, one of my therapy clients, was a computer security expert who had a history of falling for gorgeous Asian women whom he believed were “out of his league.” Emmett met Riko, a much younger Japanese woman, online. He was awestruck by her delicate beauty. Riko looked up to Emmett and his great intelligence. Nonetheless, he told me in numerous sessions how he was sure she would get disenchanted and leave him. After several months, Emmett was very unhappy with Riko’s passivity during sex.
He shared his unhappiness with me but even after my prodding, he refused to tell his lover. Eventually, Emmett agreed to a joint session with Riko. He was very nervous that when he was straight with Riko she would storm out (like his mother, who had a difficult personality). But with support, he was able to speak his truth. Riko was fine about it. She had her own issues about Emmett’s lack of support for her work as a graphic designer. Whenever she brought this up, Emmett tended to clam up and withdraw. But he was committed to therapy and over time the couple worked together and to Emmett’s great relief, became engaged.
Fear of Rejection Warning Signs: He avoids angry exchanges like the plague. If there is a disagreement, he tends to pull away and use text/email or simply does not respond to your messages.
2. Fear of Being Controlled and Smothered
Because of the strong mothering pressure that most men experience growing up, fear of being controlled is also a common pattern. In my experience, men value their independence and freedom even more greatly than women. Remember that in order to define their own separate identities, they really had to pull away from their mother early on in their lives. This battle for a separate identity is, according to some scholars on gender differences, harder for men than women.[ii] As a result, many men grow up with a view of women as weights that hold them down or as controlling objects that won’t let them go. You can hear these fears echoed in the phrases men use, like, “the ball and chain,” and “she had me by the balls.” It’s easy to see then how marriage becomes the definite marker of an imbalance of power—where the woman-as-wife simply takes over the man’s life.
When the fear of smothering is very strong, it leads to classic commitment phobia. Talk of a future makes this guy quiet, nervous, upset or angry. He may be reluctant to act like he’s in a couple when you are with friends or out in public. He may only speak in the first person, saying “I” instead of “we” or “me” instead of “us. ” He may keep you away from his friends and family. Guys who are afraid of smothering may be in an on-again-off-again relationship for years—where he always seems to want you when you break up because he then feels free and unencumbered—yet he just cannot pull the trigger and commit when you are together because it feels like he is losing his independence.
If the relationship has progressed to having regular sex, he may need to make an escape by asking you to leave or going home instead of spending the night. He may feel distant and emotionally unavailable to you. He may say he is not sure what love really is or that he is incapable of experiencing love. This is the guy who comes right out and says that he does not believe in love and marriage or getting serious and settling down with one person.
No matter how much love he feels, this is a man who is terrified of jumping fully into a long-term relationship. Bottom line: he believes he can’t be himself and fully be with a woman. In his view, he has to give up the lead role in his own life if he is stuck in a supporting role with you and/or the children. It seems like his golf, buddies, bar days, sports, even the Super Bowl are going to be ripped away by the all-powerful, all-controlling vortex of the couple. For this man, commitment, love and marriage mean being trapped in a cage from which there is no escape.
Fear of Being Controlled: The Story of Jon
Jon, a 40-year old businessman had a series of relationships each lasting around six months to a year. He fell madly in love with brunette after brunette and pursued each of them vigorously until the moment things became serious and “her thoughts of marriage” were in the air. At that moment everything would reverse and he would feel like the hunted one instead of the hunter. Jon would become anxious, agitated and feel like he had to get away from each woman at all costs, as if his very life depended on it. In his last relationship, Jon claimed that he was forced into an actual engagement. But he was saved by an unlikely ally. He told me that right after he gave her the ring, he started having full-blown panic attacks. Jon described them as attacks in which he couldn’t breathe and his chest became so tight and painful that he thought he was having a heart attack. With these frightening symptoms, Jon felt like he had the excuse he needed. He told his girlfriend that something was really wrong with him and he broke up with her.
During therapy, Jon came to realize that his fear of being smothered had destroyed his last relationship and would prevent him from any chance at real love. Only then did he begin working seriously on facing and overcoming his severe commitment fears.
Fear Of Being Controlled Warning Signs: He may act like a super confident captain of industry until he has to say the three magic words or you want a definite date or commitment. Then he turns and runs for cover. Or he may act like your knight in shining armor where he takes orders from you, always looking to please you in a way that feels like he is one-down in the relationship. Until he balks when it comes to moving in together or getting engaged. Only then do you realize that his cooperation was an illusion.
3. Fear of Not Being Lovable
Because of not being prized and validated growing up, a man may have a core unconscious fear that he is simply not lovable. He feels insecure and not-good-enough. This type of guy is looking to you for approval, asking what you think, before he makes decisions. In the beginning, he tries hard and works overtime to make you happy. His feelings depend on what you think and feel. If you are sad, disappointed, afraid, he is really upset and takes it as a measure of his fundamental lack of worth.
The net effect is that he feels emotionally uncomfortable in the relationship, like it is not a good fit for him. He may feel like the woman is out of his league. So when it comes time to take that next step to commitment, to say the "L" word or talk about a future, he is passive, quiet and tends to pull away from you.
Another sign of this particular type is the man that cannot tolerate your innocent flirting with guys or talking about your ex. He gets depressed, moody and withdraws. If you cheat, forget about it: this man will not fight to win you back. Instead he will collapse internally under a mountain of self-hate.
Fear of Not Being Lovable: The Story of Jason
Jason, a 31-year-old internet marketer, suffered from a fear of not being lovable, or worthy. At a local bar, he met Felicia, a sloe-eyed and beautiful Pilates trainer. Jason was tipsy and confident as he swept Felicia away with his quick wit. They wound up sharing that first night together. Felicia pursued Jason, asking him to join her at various parties and events. Jason came along, but usually had a few drinks to loosen up. A few “good” months went by. One night, Felicia met her ex at a party and flirted with him. Seeing this, Jason sulked and withdrew from her. He was not responsive to any of her attempts to reconnect, even refusing to come over for “make-up” sex. A few weeks later, he called the whole thing off, rejecting Felicia apparently before she could reject him.
Fear of Not Being Lovable Warning Signs: He may be very quiet or shy. Or he seeks approval by doing things that are helpful or giving. He finds it hard to talk about his own wants and needs. He is more passive and tends to enjoy solitary activities including sports or computer games. He cannot handle any competition from other guys—it usually spells the end of the relationship.
4. Fear of Not Measuring Up
While the fear of not measuring up is closely related to the fear of not being lovable, it has its roots in men’s biology and in our culture. Men are biologically wired to perform and produce. Plus they have been taught by this materialistic culture that the measure of a man’s worth is how successful he is in terms of power and money. Men often feel they must succeed at everything they do: in school; sports; video games; relationships; as lovers; as parents; and, as breadwinners.
Some men feel that if they fail in any of these arenas, that they are losers.
The fear of not measuring up also has its origins in families where boys are driven to be perfect; to get all “A”s, to excel on the football field or by their mothers (often single or divorced) to be the “men of the house.” It’s very difficult if not impossible for a boy or even an 18- or 21-year-old to feel like a man. So you can understand how he might still feel like he isn’t man enough or that he doesn’t measure up.
This particular fear can make it very difficult to move forward into a committed relationship with a partner, no matter how terrific she is. At his core, this type of man is terrified that he can’t give a woman what she deserves or needs. His anxiety can be magnified if he is really smitten with her—so the more he is into her, the faster he thinks he will fail in some irretrievable way.
Often this type of guy needs a “trophy” girlfriend who is sexy and over-the-top beautiful to “prove” that he is measuring up as a successful man. He may or may not have real feelings for her, even if they are together for years.
Fear of Not Measuring Up: The Story of Wayne
Wayne, a 29-year-old event promoter had a strong fear of not measuring up. He grew up with a “Great Santini” father, a career military man who constantly pushed Wayne but rarely praised him. Yet, Wayne turned out to be very successful at a relatively young age winning over club owners with his brash can-do attitude. On top of that, Wayne had managed to win the heart of the stunning Li, a 30-year-old Broadway dancer, who had her choice of suitors. They had been together for two years, but as she pressed to move into his place, he nervously told her he was not sure, that he did not know what love really was. When Wayne’s business slowed down, he began withdrawing from Li so that they were down to seeing each other about once a week. Then, at one of his events, Wayne met a young model and took her right to bed. He began courting the new girlfriend while still maintaining some contact with Li. Finally, Li confronted Wayne and he confessed. Wayne tried to make it up to her but he refused to make a commitment for the future. After a few torturous months, Li told him that she was done. Li packed up the things she had left at Wayne’s apartment and slammed the door while he watched helplessly. That’s when Wayne came to see me.
After a few months of therapy, Wayne realized how he had self-destructed when his business started to fail. His fears of not measuring up had grabbed him by the throat and to make himself feel like a man again he went after the model. Unfortunately, that only worked for a short period of time. Wayne told me that he was ashamed that his fears had driven away the only woman he had ever loved.
With my encouragement, Wayne asked Li to come back. Actually, he begged her. Wayne also invited her to join him in a few therapy sessions. When Li saw that Wayne had true remorse and after he asked her to marry him (with a ring) she did forgive him. They continued in couple’s therapy until after they were married.
Fear of Not Measuring Up Warning Signs: He brags and may exaggerate his accomplishments to the point of lying about them. Winning at work or with women is critical to his feeling OK. If this type of guy experiences a setback in work, he may slink away in shame or like Wayne find another woman to boost his ego.
5. Fear of Being Found Out
As a man gets closer to a woman, he may fear that he will become exposed, because he has to reveal fears or feelings that are “unmanly” or a shameful family secret. This is especially true if he had difficult, demanding parents that shamed him when he cried or acted like a “wuss.” A similar fear of commitment can also develop when a man is ashamed about his history or family. He may harbor secrets about relatives who are in mental hospitals, in jail or just poor.
You may have seen this type of guy depicted on film or TV as the man who can only get married if he completely hides his past. On the award-winning series Mad Men, the super successful hunky lead, ad executive Don Draper, has completely hidden his background and even changed his identity including his name. For a long time on the show, no one, including his beleaguered upper-middle-class wife, knows his true history. Draper’s whole life is about keeping secrets, all driven by the fear of being found out. For this type of guy, opening up and expressing his deeper feelings is impossible because he will have to come clean. And in his world, confession is definitely not good for the soul.
Another variation of this fear has to do with an inner sense of having some horrible and unfix-able flaw. It might be a perceived physical defect like his height or the size of his “package.” Or it might be a feeling of intellectual inferiority, a sense of being a “B” player who’s not good enough to be an “A.” This type of man works harder, tries harder and puts down competitors with sarcasm or contempt.
In relationships, he will often project onto his partner by being super critical and judgmental and looking for her fatal flaw. Unconsciously, he doesn’t want to be with anyone who would be in a club that would have him. In therapy, he says that there are no great women out there and that he is super picky because he deserves “the perfect woman.” As he makes progress in therapy or some other growth process, he will admit that the truth is that he is afraid to commit because he’s afraid he will be found out as the imperfect man.
Fear of Being Found Out: The Story of Guy, the Little Napoleon
Guy was a lawyer who was somewhat short in stature, something that had bothered him since he stopped growing at 14. His brutal father, a big and burly Italian pizza restaurant owner, frequently beat him when he was a child. But Guy was tenacious, studied hard and made it into one of the top law schools. Years went by and with his hard work ethic and pitbull attitude, he became one of the top litigators in Philadelphia.
When I first met him, he was dressed impeccably in head-to-toe Armani. He had dated Sherri, a quiet social worker for three years. She looked up to Guy and was very shy socially. Guy complained that even though Sherri was kind and beautiful, that she was boring, especially in bed. According to Guy, his friends really liked her because Sherri had humanized him, that he was “tolerable to be with.” Guy told me all this with a smirk as if he gave a crap about “being more human.” I wanted to meet Sherri but Guy refused because then “we would gang up on him.” Despite my jokes about how he wanted two women to gang up on him, Guy really was afraid for Sherri to find out the truth about him: that he came from a brutal and humble family of modest means.
Finally, as Guy continued to waffle, Sherri got the courage to have “the talk.” Faced with what he saw as an ultimatum, Guy broke up with her. It was only then that Guy’s progress in therapy really began. He lost a great gal but the next woman he really liked learned about his sad but true history.
Fear of Being Found Out Warning Signs: He denies having any needy-type feelings, like being anxious, insecure, or lonely. He may not be able to use the "L" word. He is extremely judgmental about others, especially if they make demands of him.
6. Fear of Trusting A Woman
If a man had an erratic or manipulative mother and a history of being cheated on, used or disappointed by women, he may have major trust issues when it comes to making a commitment. Mistrusting all women, he vows never to be vulnerable again--because if he is, he will just be hurt. If he took a hit financially in a divorce and/or is wealthy, he may be afraid that women just want him for his money. He may fear that all women are mean, manipulative and exploitative.
Sometimes this fear can develop when a guy is stuck struggling to extricate himself from an ugly divorce or an angry battle with his ex over their children. He may come right out and say that he will never marry again.
Fear of Trusting a Woman: The Story of Kai
Kai was a flight attendant who navigated a difficult divorce from a very nasty alcoholic woman, who was very much like his raging mother. In order to get out, he basically caved in and gave his wife the house that he loved and “most” of his money. When he met Saidah, an earthy warm woman on one of his flights, he was entranced. They had a delightful six months together. But when she started asking about a future, he started to experience her as pushy, just like his ex. He said he didn’t think he would ever be able to live with a woman again—and definitely would never marry.
Saidah was patient and kind. She felt Kai would come around, especially if she nurtured him. But after two years went by with very little movement on Kai’s part, she gave him an ultimatum: move in together or break up. Kai felt put upon and abused. He went MIA, finally writing her a long goodbye letter. Saidah, on the other hand, learned her lesson and went to one of my trained love Mentors. She started dating guys who were more open to creating a committed love relationship.
Fear of Trusting a Woman Warning Signs: He talks negatively about his mother and/or exes. He feels like he has been victimized by women. He may come right out and say he doesn’t believe in love or will never marry.
7. Fear of Growing Up
A man may not feel like he is an adult who is ready to take on the responsibilities of a relationship, children and family life. This so-called Peter Pan syndrome may have its roots in various types of family dysfunction. He may have been coddled by his parents who protected him from the real world, from the possibility of failure. Any difficulty or trial at school might have been dismissed as someone else’s problem and never his responsibility. Or he may have never been encouraged to try something really hard like a competitive sport or an accelerated school subject where trying and not winning or getting a high grade is a real possibility. Or he may have been sickly and had overprotective parents who wouldn’t allow him to play with other kids and compete in sports. Other Peter Pan guys were just ignored by a divorced or missing father and an overworked Mom.
As a result of any of these dynamics, the young man fails to build up his identity as a competent and solid adult male. Internally, he feels like a child, a kid who wants to play, get high, sleep late and work menial jobs with little no responsibility. No wonder then that our Peter Pan is boyish in his leisure activities. He may be a video game addict, who is glued to his game console at all times. Or he may spend many hours watching or playing sports. Or he worries about his health while smoking pot every day. He may be still living at home into his 30s. This is a guy who wants to date and have fun, but balks when it comes to having a committed ongoing and serious relationship.
Fear of Growing Up: The Story of Jermaine
Jermaine was an eternal student, with a master's degree and not a pot to pee in. He worked at Starbucks and lived with his single mom, who was a teacher. His main passion was writing and although he had never published anything, he was always starting a new novel—“his big breakthrough. " When Shelly, a frustrated nurse whose dream was also to be a wife and mom, first met Jermaine in a graduate course, she was drawn to his creativity and over-the-top ability to spin yarns. He had a childish air about him that Shelly found endearing. Thus began an on-again-off-again relationship that lasted 10 years. During that time, Shelly would leave Jermaine because the relationship and his career were “going nowhere.” He would then pull his act together and get a full-time job. They would reunite, but never in a serious fulfilling way. Eventually, Shelly met with me and decided to end the relationship for good. Once she was finally free, she began dating men who actually had their own places and real careers that were also looking to be in permanent relationships. Eventually, through an on-line service, she met the “nerdy guy” of her dreams, a man who was successful and crazy about her. They are married and have adorable twin rascals.
Fear of Growing Up Warning Signs: He acts juvenile, makes ridiculous jokes or even burps or farts like a little boy. In a conflict, he tends to either quickly back down or have a tantrum to get his way. He may be very concerned with his bodily functions or getting ill.
8. Fear That He Can’t Make The “Right “Decision
This type of man has a very hard time making up his mind or trusting his own judgment. When he picks one movie to see, he immediately regrets not choosing another. He is not sure that the company he works at is really the best one for him. This guy is afraid of making a decision that forecloses on all his other options including choosing you. Every time he does so, he has a burst of anxiety and thoughts about other, “better” women.
Fear He Can’t Make the “Right” Decision: The Story of George
Leeza, a 40-something cosmetics manager at a department store, was a stunning blonde who met George online. George was a community college professor who was close to 50 and yet had never been married. Leeza was drawn to George’s brilliant mind and loved the fact that he didn’t have an ex or kids. George took her out for dinner and bought her expensive gifts at high-end department stores. At first, Leeza was blown away. But as the months wore on, she noticed that George was really very depressed and never seemed to enjoy the fantastic activities they shared. He was always worrying about work, reading his “Crackberry,” or quipping that the service or the meal wasn’t good enough.
After about nine months, Leeza wanted to know where things were heading in the relationship. George said that he just didn’t know for sure if marriage was for him, although he thought it was time and Leeza was really terrific. Leeza asked him to figure out where she stood but all he could say was that he was afraid of making a mistake. With the encouragement of her Love Mentor (see Chapter Five), Leeza finally left him and started dating other guys. George begged her to come back. After he went into therapy and attended some growth courses with her, Leeza did take him back, under the condition that they get engaged. George says it was the best decision he ever made.
Fear He Can’t Make the “Right” Decision Warning Signs: He is very intellectual. He tends to overly think things through and obsess. He is always second-guessing himself. Often this type of guy needs to be left to realize what he’s lost.
The Fear-O-Meter
You can think of the Fear-O-Meter as a continuum of intensity of the eight fears. They can occur at normal level, where they are being faced and overcome or they can be exaggerated to the point that the man is so neurotic as to be unable to move into a committed relationship.
Signs of Extreme Commitment Fears
When men’s fears of commitment are extreme, they can play out in many different ways. Some men become addicts: compulsive video game-players, eaters, drinkers, or workaholics. Others become argumentative, contemptuous, critical or domineering. Still others may act extremely passive or shy or withdraw from any meaningful conversations about the future. Some act more like hypochondriacs or child-like. Others disappear on you. Still others cheat. When fears are extreme and the guy is acting out in response to those fears there is often nothing that can be done. Their fear is operating at an unconscious level and therefore controls the outcome of any love relationship. In other words, it goes nowhere.
Once the deeper fear is triggered, whether it is by the prospect of seeing each other more regularly, discussing a future together, moving in or getting engaged, a man with extreme fear will at a fundamental level do all he can to pull back. He is not willing to examine himself, his motives or his fears. Here’s what you need to get: this type of guy is fundamentally happy with the status quo of his love life and does not want to change. Therefore, it’s best to get out quickly and cut your losses. No matter how hard or unfair it seems. You’re better off leaving because if you stay, all you will end up with is a lot of wasted years you can never get back, not to mention bitter disappointment and heartache.
Normal Fears
All of us are faced with two conflicting urges: to merge and become one vs. being independent and free. When a man and woman fall in love and come together, it is normal and common to have fears come up about losing one’s separate sense of self, one’s space, one’s own identity, and unique pursuits and interests. Both men and women experience these fears. This is reasonable—compromises have to be made in order to have a relationship. Time needs to be set aside. After all, how many times has it happened that you get involved with some guy and wind up having little time for your girlfriends?
It is normal in the development of a new relationship for your boyfriend to have doubts, to have some measure of virtually all the fears we have been talking about. The key variable here is this: If a man’s fears are at the normal level, they do not stop him from moving forward over time into increasing intimacy and commitment.
Sometimes it is hard to tell if a guy has an unworkable commitment phobia or more normal fears that he is willing to work on. You have to examine whether your boyfriend is trying to be self-reflective and willing to grow. Is he taking growth courses, on a spiritual path, or in therapy? In the last several months or year, is he making progress in his ability to move forward with you? In opening his social world of friends and family to you? In sharing his physical space? In his ability to discuss what he wants for the future? In his willingness to express love for you? Is he growing more open to taking the next step in moving forward together, i.e., moving in together or getting engaged? If he is moving forward in many of these ways, it shows that his fears are more manageable and in the normal range.
Helping Him Overcome Normal Fears
If a guy is truly into you and willing to grow, he will face down his fears and make it work with you. Especially if you accept his need for space and independence, validate his worth and continue to nurture yourself. Remember, he will tend to project his fears and negative expectations onto you and even unconsciously provoke you into being angry, critical or distant. If you understand this, you can practice loving kindness and not engage in that negative pattern from his past. You can show him that love is possible. You can gently let him know that, as James Baldwin says, To defend oneself against a fear is simply to ensure that one will, one day, be conquered by it; fears must be faced.[iii]
Helping a guy face his demons is not so easy to do. Especially when you have your own issues about love and commitment, as well as your own needs, as we all do. In my newly revised book, Love in 90 Days, I show you how to handle the baggage from your pastiv that will allow you the freedom to not drag old wounds or bitterness into your future. So you will be able to love from your best and highest perspective of self and, in so doing, inspire your beloved to find his strength and courage.
How to Identify and Deal With a Man With Commitment Issues
In This Article
We hear more and more about women who are in love with men with commitment issues. It does seem as if there are more commitment-shy men out there right now as compared to a generation ago. The ease and abundance of dating apps may be feeding into the problem.
Why commit to one great woman when the next one may be just one swipe away? Let’s take a deep dive into what causes commitment phobia and how to deal with a commitment-phobic man.
What causes commitment-phobic behavior
What causes commitment phobia to develop?
First off, let us be clear. Men with commitment issues will have these issues no matter what woman they are with. It has nothing to do with you. So please stop doubting your attractiveness, your intelligence, your great personality, your loving and generous nature. If a guy is scared of commitment, he displays this fear with every woman he dates.
Men with commitment issues are not born that way. Guys with commitment issues learn this behavior from life experiences such as:
Unresolved childhood trauma, such as witnessing their parents’ divorce, especially if that divorce was ugly and not managed with the child’s interest at the forefront.
Other childhood traumas including the death of someone close to the child, such as a sibling, or the sudden disappearance of a close friend or relative, or neglectful or abusive parenting.
Trauma in adulthood, such as being cheated on in a previous relationship. Having gone through a messy divorce can contribute to men with commitment issues.
Some men just value their freedom so greatly that they have commitment issues but these are not at all issues for them (but they are for the women that love them).
These men have an avoidant attachment style of interacting with women.
Also Try: Why Do I Have Commitment Issues Quiz
How can I identify a man with commitment issues
If you want to know if you are dating a commitment-phobic boyfriend, look to his past.
- Has he never been married or lived with a woman?
- Are his previous relationships short-lived?
- Does he have a history of moving around a lot, of frequent job changes?
- Does he say he doesn’t want to have any roots or ties and talks about his desire to be free to do what he wants when he wants?
There are more signs of commitment phobia that we will highlight later in this article, but if you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, it is likely that you are dating a man with commitment issues.
Don’t despair! We will look at some ways to get a commitment-phobe to commit if that is truly what you would like to see happening in your relationship.
10 signs of commitment phobia in men
Not all men with commitment issues display the same signs. But there is enough commonality amongst them that we have put together this list to help you identify the signs of commitment phobia.
1. Fear as the relationship progressesMen with commitment issues will be extremely loving and caring at the beginning of the relationship, especially before he feels he has “captured” you and made you fall for him.
Initially, guys with commitment issues are very open with their emotions and expressions of feelings for you. They seem to be 100% invested in you and the future of the relationship.
Be assured; these are real feelings for the man with commitment issues; he is not pretending. But soon, once he feels you getting too close, this will spark fear in him, and he will feel the need to sabotage the relationship.
Related Reading: How to Express your Love Through Words & Actions2. Mixed messages
You will hear mixed messages from men with commitment issues. Men with commitment issues want to feel close to their partner at the beginning, so they may tell you very early on that they love you and talk about a shared future.
But at the same time, men with fear of commitment will also say that they do not want to feel trapped, that they want to explore the world, that they want to “live life to the fullest”, meaning the ability to pick up and move when they feel like it.
3. You’re not introduced to friendsMen with commitment issues do not include you in their friend’s group. If you have been dating for a couple of months and he hasn’t introduced you to any of his friends, it is likely he has commitment issues.
4. No discussion about future plansMen with commitment issues do not include you in any future plans. Does your boyfriend never talk about living together or getting married? Is he perfectly happy with you, and he keeps separate places and sees no need to combine households?
Related Reading: Why Is It Hard for Men to Commit in a Relationship?5. Prefer LDR
They purposefully seek long-distance relationships, which give men with commitment issues plenty of breathing space and independence.
6. Prefer busy womenMen with commitment issues are drawn to busy women who have other commitments. They may seek divorced women with children, knowing that the children will be the woman’s first priority and therefore give the commitment-phobe a lot of time on his own.
7. They woo women activelyMen with commitment issues go way too fast in seducing a woman they are attracted to. They will be very charming and say all the right things to get her to bond quickly. They like the wooing phase of the relationship, but it doesn’t go beyond that.
Men with commitment issues will be very affectionate and loving, open with their expressions of love. But once they feel the woman is “hooked,” they will withdraw the very things that attracted her to him.
Men with commitment issues will break dates at the last minute and stop texting as much. They can even end up ghosting the woman when the fear of commitment becomes too intense.
9. Sabotage the relationshipMen with commitment issues will sabotage the relationship. If the relationship becomes serious, with talk of moving in together or marriage, they will start sabotaging it by becoming critical of you, self-absorbed, argumentative, rude, and treating you as low-priority.
The purpose of this bad behavior is to make YOU leave the relationship, making things easier for the man with commitment issues because it “wasn’t his fault that the relationship ended.”
Related Reading: Am I Sabotaging My Relationship Quiz10.

As the relationship progresses, their behavior becomes worse and worse. Men with commitment issues want to be out of the relationship but need the woman to make a move so that they don’t feel guilty.
20 ways to deal with a commitment-phobic man
If you sense you are dealing with a commitment-phobic man, but you want to move ahead with the relationship, you may be asking yourself, “Can a commitment-phobic change?”. It is possible, but you need to tread very carefully to fix commitment issues.
In fact, you may need to be quite stealthy and secretive in order to get a commitment-phobe to commit. Why? Because if he realizes what you are doing, he will run away. Such is his fear of commitment.
Let’s look at 20 ways how to deal with a commitment-phobic man, and maybe even get a commitment-phobe to commit!
1. Keep the relationship out of the bedroom at the beginningMen with commitment issues will come on strong, with lots of romance and loving emotions. They love to seduce their partners. If you typically jump rapidly into bed, take your time with the commitment-phobe.
Keeping your body to yourself, pacing the relationship slowly is a good commitment phobia treatment and may help move the commitment needle in your favor. Take your time.
Related Reading: How to Slow down a New Relationship?2. You set the pace of the relationship
Remember: men with fear of commitment will start strong. You need to slow things down and be the one controlling the pace if you want him to commit to you.
3. Stay independentAct as if you don’t need him. He is used to women bonding quickly with him. If you continue on with your own life, passions, outside commitments, this may change his commitment-phobic ways.
4. See other menKeep your other dating options open. This sends the signal that you are highly sought-after, don’t need the commitment-phobe, and, if it ends up that you do not move forward with the man with commitment issues, you have other men to date!
5.Lower your expectations. In other words, this relationship may not evolve into one involving commitment. But if you like this man, accept things as they are and enjoy the moments you have with him. Just don’t expect to fix commitment issues. You are not his therapist.
Related Reading: Glaring Facts About Expectations in Relationship6. You cannot change him
Realize that you cannot change him, no matter how much investment you are willing to make to be with him. In fact, withholding your love and attention may be the best commitment phobia treatment.
7. Don’t justify his wrong behaviorStop making excuses for his behavior. He isn’t calling you? Don’t say, “He is just really busy.” Did he stand you up on your last two dates? Don’t say, “Oh, he is so absent-minded!” When he shows you who he is, believe him.
8. Understand your level of patienceThink about your own level of patience. Are you willing to wait it out, to withhold your own loving nature, in order to bring him to a place of commitment? It may take a while.
Take care of yourself first. If the relationship is causing you more grief than joy, it may be time to think about your own well-being and end things. Your physical and mental health is of utmost importance, and only you can take care of it.
Related Reading: The 5 Pillars of Self-Care10. Talk it out
To fix commitment issues, communication will be key. See if the man with commitment issues is willing to discuss a possible change.
Ask him if he wants to change. Is he willing to work with a professional therapist to sort out why he is commitment-shy? Is he willing to work deeply on his emotional issues?
11. Communicate your feelingsShare with him how his behaviors affect you. Tell him you are willing to help him feel comfortable with getting close to you. Tell him you understand what may be behind his commitment issues but that you do not represent that same threat. You enjoy his company and do not intend to pull away.
Related Reading: How to Share Your Feelings With Your Spouse
Check out this video to learn more about how you can express yourself in the relationship without inhibitions:
Guys with commitment issues need a tremendous amount of space. You, on the other hand, may want to spend more and more time with him as you feel your attachment grow. Don’t do that.
To deal with a commitment-phobe, you need to honor their need for breathing room and independence. By making him miss you, he will naturally gravitate towards you. Let him figure out his need for you on his own; don’t push it.
Men with commitment issues that are rooted in childhood trauma put up walls to prevent hurt. By being honest and trustworthy with them, you show them that you are not one of those people that is going to hurt them. They can allow themselves to take down the walls with you.
Related Reading: 7 Important Tips to Build Trust in a Relationship With Your Partner14. Be sensitive to their commitment phobia situation
To build trust with your boyfriend, be mindful of things that may make him uncomfortable. He may not be open to doing “relationship things” like accompanying you to your cousin’s wedding or meeting your best friend. You can certainly ask him if he is open to this, but don’t feel bad if he declines.
15. Do as many fun things with him as possibleWhen you go out on a date, go out. Don’t stay at home, making him dinner and ending the evening watching a film.
Go out and do exciting things, like a museum visit or a boat cruise. He will associate these positive feelings with you, and you will show him that you are vibrant and plugged into the world at large.
Also Try: Do You Have Regular Date Nights?16. Don’t blame yourself
Realize his behaviors have nothing to do with you. He is hardwired this way. It isn’t because he doesn’t not want to be with you specifically. That’s his general behavior in any relationship. So, don’t doubt yourself and take the wrong steps to win him.
17. Make efforts if you see a future togetherTo win a commitment-phobe back, should you want to, work with them step by step. Show them small ways to commit to you, ways that are non-threatening to them. For instance, maybe seeing each other uniquely one night a week is enough of a commitment, to begin with.
Later, when the commitment-phobe is comfortable with that, you can gradually build up to more time together.
18. Respect what they are telling youWhen they say that their freedom is important to them, respect their wish. If, however, this is not something you are comfortable with, make your choice.
This relationship has to meet both of your needs, and you should not be sacrificing what is important to you in order to make things work.
Related Reading: Freedom in Relationships: The Irony of Having to Work for It19. Show support
Be supportive if he chooses to go to therapy. Don’t grill him on what he talked about with the therapist, but let him share what he is comfortable sharing with you.
20. Be preparedKnow, whatever happens, you will come away stronger. If you end up leaving the relationship, you will have learned so much about yourself. If you end up staying, you will have built up levels of patience and understanding that you never knew you had.
Related Reading: 15 Signs of Commitment Issues and How to Overcome ThemTakeaway
Dealing with a man with commitment issues is not easy. You will feel an entire range of emotions, from not understanding him to finally accepting him as he is.
Hopefully, along the way, you will continue to value yourself and what you seek in a relationship. Never forget: the best relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. Make sure you uphold your own values whatever happens in this relationship with a man with commitment issues.
TOP-20 male sex phobias at the beginning of a relationship
Phobia No. 1. Male phobia of becoming a victim of such an indecent girl who deftly plays the role of a decent one and thereby exposes a man to the sarcastic laughter of his comrades, who are surprised that such a girl ( previously prone to quick sex) managed to deceive him. In another way, I call it like this: a man's fear of finding out about his girlfriend is SUCH!
Phobia No. 2. Male phobia that the occurrence of sexual relations with a lady will immediately “trivialize” a love affair, put a girlfriend so pleasing to a man in the position of “like everyone else” and this will lead to a deterioration of this relationship . .. And this is nothing otherwise, a consequence of the illusion that all men and women can be divided into those "with whom you can only sleep" and those "with whom you can only be friends with pure love."
Phobia No. 3. Male phobia of the first to propose to a lady to establish a sexual relationship and thereby create an impression of himself in his girlfriend as a “sexual beggar” or “sexually horny hamadryas”, who has only one thing on his mind - sex! (All this is banal male modesty!).
Phobia No. 4. Male phobia of punishment for sexual acts in general (even if sexual acts are consensual!). And in this case, we are talking about the fear of the parents of a friend and the fear of police prosecution. And it is generated by such distortions in the process of children's upbringing, when everything connected with sex is bad and shameful!
Phobia No. 5. Male phobia of fear of appearing to his girlfriend as a kind of “sexual pervert” due to the presence of some specific sexual inclinations.
Phobia No. 7. Male phobia of being in bed with an erotically untenable “sexual log” lady and, accordingly, disappointing her. And it does not matter because of what this can happen: because of your own age, fatigue, low temperament or the lady's sexual tightness!
Phobia No. 8. Male phobia of being branded as a “sexual traitor” by a lady, who “first slept with her, and then, you see, left her”. It is especially common among those men who do not want to look bad in the eyes of the one with whom he first establishes intimate contact, and then ... will be forced to leave her and return to his “ex” ...
Phobia No. 9. Male phobia ... of responsibility for sex, that is, the fear that, having first “surrendered” to a man (at his numerous requests!) a lady will then solemnly impose on him many different burdensome duties for him. Phobia No. 10 she, because of her outstanding external data, is very necessary for him to strengthen his male authority).
Phobia No. 11. Male phobia of losing his male prestige if his girlfriend (with whom he will already have sex) starts dating a more successful man. But if (according to some men) there was no sex at all in these relationships, then no one “took the horns” to this man, and even if such an unfaithful girlfriend left, the man did not lose anything!
Phobia No. 12. Male phobia to be a sponsor and “stupid rich Pinocchio, who was deftly robbed by Fox Alice” at that age (from 20 to 50 years old) when women can still give men their sexual favors for free.. .
Phobia No. 13. Male phobia of financial self-doubt, which arises from the fact that a man admits that he is not able to “financially stretch” a relationship with a “dear woman”, the fear of a man not to keep such a “dear” woman near him. overly large fish”, which is accustomed to both luxury and male attention...
Phobia No. 14. Male phobia of sexual competition in general, fear of the possible loss of such a girlfriend with whom there is already a sexual relationship, an acute unwillingness to suffer because of jealousy to other men. ..
Phobia No. 15. Male phobia of losing one's leader status in a love relationship if the lady is either too strong mentally and volitionally or too caustic.
Phobia No. 16. Male phobia of married men to lose “left” love relationships because they turn out to be unpromising from the point of view of the female desire to start a family and then the lady will leave her partner.
Phobia No. 17. Man's phobia of becoming a father of a child and paying alimony when the man's plans do not yet have a desire to start a family.
Phobia No. 18. Male phobia of losing this relationship due to the fact that:
— either this man will not be accepted by the girl's family;
- or she "will have to be out of court" of his own family.
I call it the Romeo and Juliet syndrome.
Phobia No. 19. Male phobia of fear of responsibility for infecting a girlfriend with some kind of skin-venereal disease, fear of being considered sexually promiscuous and shamefully losing relationships.
Phobia No. 20. Male phobia of sex with virgins who can become attached to their first man and eventually make his life very difficult without providing good sex.
What are the men of the 21st century afraid of?
Selfishness, greed, weakness of character, irresponsibility, carelessness, despotism and bad habits. Perhaps this is the top quality that turns a man into a rather pathetic sight. Cowardice can also be included in this list with confidence - after all, the presence of fears and phobias does not add pluses to the treasury of masculinity and charisma. And if cowardice and fear of protecting one's family and country cannot be excused, then the fear of appearing weak, to take on leadership , failing at work or earning the stigma of being a loser are quite reasonable and typical. At the same time, psychologists assure that modern men are really afraid of a lot and often the list of fears can be quite significant. And they add - many men's anxieties are justified and are not a reason for women's contempt. What makes the stronger sex worry most often? Is it possible to say that our companions have the right to some fears, while others are unforgivable to them and make them look low in women's eyes? This question E- xecutive . en asked four experts - a female executive, a business coach, a psychotherapist and a psychologist - each of them presented their point of view on modern male fears.
The Right to Fear, or Leadership at Will
So the co-founder and managing director of the translation agency Cornerstone Translations Natalia Bagramyants is sure that any person, regardless of gender, has the right to fear. “There can be no classification - this is possible, but that is impossible. In the end, we are all human. But what kind of people, with what problems, at what stage of intellectual development, with what set of psychosomatic characteristics - this is a question that everyone answers for himself, thereby determining his own behavior and life principles, Natalia Bagramyants is sure. Speaking about whether there are categories of things and phenomena that a man is ashamed to be afraid of, the expert is sure that it is not his own fears and worries that should be ashamed at all: one's mistakes, it's a shame not to work, it's a shame not to have goals in life, it's a shame not to love anyone, it's a shame to ignore someone else's pain. There are plenty of other reasons to be ashamed."
How is fear formed, and what are men most afraid of? According to the business coach, coach Alexander Kichaev , as a rule, fear arises from a sense of one's own weakness, inadequacy, rejection, a threat to self-esteem, self-realization, in anticipation of losses or failure. “Such mental disorders are called a phobia, it is a strongly pronounced, persistent, obsessive fear, irreversibly aggravated in certain situations and not amenable to a full logical explanation,” the expert notes.
Fear of impotence and deceit
According to Alexander Kichaev, the set of fears in modern men is the most diverse - from touching concern for the health of aging parents to paranoid calculation of symptoms of fading male power.
“Let me list the typical fears of my clients. The leaders - the fear of sexual failure in bed. Then the fear of deceit, insincerity of women in personal and business partners. Fear of poverty, injury, disease. Fear of being run over by law enforcement agencies, as well as fights, hooligans. Fear of change. Less often - the fear of disappointment in oneself and in one's life, ”says Alexander Kichaev.
According to him, the reasons for this often lie in unexplored childhood fears. “So the fear of evil fairies and sorceresses, including Baba Yaga, develops into fear of a strict, domineering boss or wife. And sometimes even forms a masochistic need to obey a dominant woman. Hence the frequent attitude to avoid responsibility and fear of change, risk, ”says the specialist.
However, there are a number of fears that motivate you to achieve. “Thus, the fear of poverty serves as a good incentive for many to devote themselves to a cause, make a career and earn good money,” Alexander Kichaev concludes.
Fear of failure in a career and fear of public opinion
Speaking about what men fear most often, Natalia Bagramyants, in turn, notes: men, provided that we are talking about the classical traditional understanding of the masculine principle, in due to psycho-emotional reasons, they are not as prone to fears as women. “But still, men have their fears, or rather situations that worry them. I am not a psychologist, so I can only share my own observations. In the top of men's fears, of course, a stable place is occupied by the fear of not taking place in a career, which entails the inability to earn financial resources for oneself and family, the fear of “not getting” funds or “not killing a mammoth”, public opinion and the “loser” tail for backs have a very strong influence on men's attitudes, - says Natalia Bagramyants. - The next fear on the list is probably the fear of betrayal. It is difficult for men to come to terms with the fact that his woman, whom he won and gave him the skin of a mammoth, will betray him. Different variations are considered betrayal - from banal betrayal to a public statement "I said something in front of my friends." In general, public opinion is a very important factor in the formation of fear for men.”
The expert notes that men live and are brought up within the framework of a conditional society, it is difficult for them to say “I don't care what they think of me”. “There is a widespread belief that men are afraid of obligations, but this is not true - men are accustomed to taking responsibility from childhood: “help your sister”, “watch the younger one”, “give the girl a toy and find yourself another activity”, “you are a boy and don't cry," and so on. All these attitudes of upbringing are very correct and teach just independence, responsibility and readiness for obligations. But! A man, realizing the full responsibility of his decision and consequences, will never take on an obligation that is 99% will be unfaithful and unprofitable, in other words, a man does not marry a girl who, according to his parameters, is not suitable for him as a wife. Therefore, good advice to girls - if a man does not make you a marriage proposal, do not blame him for not wanting to make commitments, it is better to pay attention to yourself, look in the mirror, and best of all - analyze your own behavior and principles. Just for starters, make sure that your man is really a man who has more advantages than disadvantages, ”advises Natalia Bagramyants.
Fear of looking unmanly
The psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, author of 17 books on psychology Mark Sandomirsky also says that women often have a key influence on the formation of male fears. In his opinion, the main male fear of the 21st century is to lose masculinity in the eyes of women.
“In other words, look weak, a loser in the eyes of a woman, because then – “not a man”, “then she doesn't need me”, “I'll be left alone”, and so on. But this is on a conscious level. And at the subconscious level, behind this, like behind a screen, there is a fear of submission to a woman, a fear of being dependent. And if so, then exactly what a man is subconsciously afraid of, he gradually realizes, drifts into emotional dependence on a woman or replaces it with other types of dependence. What we fought for - we depend on it, in fact, ”marks Mark Sandomiersky.
According to him, behind all this, in most cases, infantilism is hidden, because modern men do not go through the harsh male school of life, which was previously called initiation, and also do not have before their eyes an example of a father - the latter or partially absent, he is too busy and does not participates in the upbringing of his son, or is completely absent, or is not an authority in his own family. In addition, according to Sandomiersky, it is also of great importance that the predominant role in the upbringing of the boy, starting with the family and further in educational institutions, is played by women, so men form the habit of obeying from childhood.
“Thus, the main male fear of the 21st century is the change in traditional gender roles in society, the feminization of men, as well as the growing social disunity – the lack of group male support and masculine identity. In addition, the crisis of the family as a social institution is affecting, in particular, this is relevant in the context of the problem of raising boys,” the expert concludes.
Fear of women and responsibility for the result
Men are often afraid of women, especially beautiful ones, psychologist, radio host is sure Evgeniy Sarapulov : “You have to match someone like that, but inside you feel that you can be no match for her. To feel weak, and if she still tells you about it and it will become the property of others - some men are very afraid of this. In part, a man is afraid because he does not believe that a smart and beautiful woman is ready to help him grow, develop and achieve a lot. He is afraid that she will simply not give him peace. But with a woman you can be in a productive partnership, this can give amazing results. But this means periodically transferring power to her, sometimes agreeing and constantly developing, and most importantly, not deceiving yourself and her. And a woman is intuitively very sensitive to deception. Therefore, one of the biggest fears of a man is the fear of being exposed, therefore we try not to let a woman close to our inner world, even a beloved one.
Evgeny Sarapulov is sure that beautiful women are a nightmare for many men. “A man is afraid to fall in love with a truly beautiful woman. Because it means acknowledging her beauty and the fact that one beautiful woman will be enough to live together. Often a man is ready to recognize something in the beauty of a woman, but not all. Because to accept the versatility of female beauty means to accept the need to create conditions for its protection, preservation and renewal, so that it remains fresh, juicy and periodically blooms. All this may seem burdensome for a man, because his such concern for the beauty of a woman is frightening, ”says the expert.
According to him, another man's fear - the fear of responsibility for the final result of the case - has its roots in two extremes: men either take everything upon themselves, or try to throw responsibility on those who can bear it instead of them.
“A man wants to have power in order to work less. And when the reins of power are concentrated in his hands, he can "shut up" a woman. At the same time, the woman is smart, capable and can become his deputy for almost any business. Therefore, when a man delegates his power, it means that he loses the opportunity to silence her,” says Evgeny Sarapulov. – Men tend to shirk hard work, although we are drawn to work constantly. We are often ready not to finish the job, because to finish the job means to take responsibility for the result. And when a man does not plow to the full extent and at the same time attracts a woman as well, this means that in case of failure, there will be someone to turn the arrows to. After all, we are not sure that, having brought the matter to the end, everything will be tip-top. No one is sure of this, because no one has absolute knowledge. But we want to feel perfect. Therefore, many companies fail, crises occur in the country - the reason is that men are afraid or do not want to bring things to a real end. As an example, I will give a situation from the movie "12" Nikita Mikhalkov . Remember, when at the end of the film everyone raised their hands to release the Chechen teenager from the charges, the retired officer played by Mikhalkov said that the matter should be brought to an end. And when he said this, all those present went back on their feet and began to make excuses, so as not to take responsibility for the work that really needs to be completed.
Fear of disrespect and inability to earn
Evgeny Sarapulov also notes these two types of fear separately: “The lack of respect and the inability either to earn as much money as one would like, or not to have the appropriate power to control the power of money, greatly frightens men. As for respect, as you know, people are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds. Outwardly, a man can produce the effect of a confident, strong. But will there be enough inner strength, moral, spiritual, to look at your best? This is a question that worries men.