Love break hearts
55 Broken Heart Quotes - Love Quotes About Healing a Sad Broken Heart
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Breakups are hard. These wise sayings will help you recover.
By Leah Hall
There's no way around it: breakups are heard. It's completely normal to feel sad and alone, even if you broke things off yourself. But although you feel depressed, sad, and alone, you're allowed to wallow and grieve. Take some time to miss that person, cry over some sad quotes, watch a sad movie while downing your favorite junk food if you need to. When you're feeling up to it, talk things through with a trusted friend or family member.
If none of the above sounds like the right way to go, consider that this could be a time of self-reflection or even a fresh start. You could lessen your rage with a nice run or a boxing class. Adopt some daily affirmations, or pick a favorite self-love quote that could become your new mantra. You can read some quotes about happiness and hope that they bring you joy, too. And you can read these quotes about the brokenhearted. In time, you'll feel better. We promise.
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Khadija Rupa
"And they can't understand, what hurts more—missing the other person, or pretending not to.
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Lisa Loeb
"Lovers in love and the other's run away. Lover is crying 'cause the other won't stay."
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John Green
"You can love someone so much, but you can never love people as much as you miss them."
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Anthony T. Hincks
"No matter where you go, you will always be in my heart."
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Luigina Sgarro
"When we miss someone often, what we really miss is the part of us that with this someone awakens. "
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John Cena
"You know someone is very special to you when days just don't seem right without them."
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Alfred Lord Tennyson
"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
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Ella Harper
"It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces."
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Faraaz Kazi
"Some people are going to leave, but that's not the end of your story. That's the end of their part in your story.
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Stephen R. Covey
"Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationship with others."
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Bette Davis
“Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.”
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Lord Byron
“The heart will break, but broken live on.”
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Sara Teasdale
“It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise.
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Miss Piggy
“Only time can heal your broken heart. Just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.”
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Sylvia Plath
“Perhaps someday I’ll crawl back home, beaten, defeated. But not as long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, beauty out of sorrow.”
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Marilyn Monroe
“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
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Margaret George
“The cure for a broken heart is simple, my lady. A hot bath and a good night’s sleep."
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Tin Man
“Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable.”
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William Faulkner
“The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten.”
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Christie Brinkley
“I’d rather have a broken arm than a broken heart. ”
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Eric Kripke
“It’s hard asking someone with a broken heart to fall in love again."
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J.S.B. Morse
“A broken heart is just the growing pains necessary so that you can love more completely when the real thing comes along.”
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Leo Tolstoy
“Doctoring her seemed to her as absurd as putting together the pieces of a broken vase. Her heart was broken. Why would they try to cure her with pills and powders?"
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Patti Roberts
“Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities.”
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Cassandra Clare
“Sharp are the arrows of a broken heart.”
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James Patterson
“This time I wouldn’t forget him, because I couldn’t ever forgive him—for breaking my heart twice.”
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Heidi Klum
“I’ve been heartbroken. I’ve broken hearts. That’s part of life, and it’s part of figuring out who you are so you can find the right partner.”
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Toba Beta
“Heaven doesn’t ignore cries of a broken heart.”
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Thomas Hardy
“If all hearts were open and all desires known — as they would be if people showed their souls — how many gapings, sighings, clenched fists, knotted brows, broad grins, and red eyes should we see in the market place!”
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Leo Buscaglia
“Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love?”
35 Birthday Quotes for Your Son
51 Broken Heart Quotes That Are Wise and Insightful
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No one likes a breakup, but these sayings will motivate you to move on and focus on self-love.
By Marisa LaScala and Katarina Avendaño
Oscar WongGetty Images
Whether it’s you first breakup or have had your fair share of them already, they unfortunately never get any easier. And although they hurt and leave you feeling like the world might end, they can often be a time of growth, transformation and self-reflection. No one likes growing pains, but it’s something that we all experience and come out stronger on the other side.
Even though breakups are a natural part of life, that doesn’t mean that you can’t feel what you need to feel on your journey to healing and recovering. There are tons of cathartic ways to overcome a breakup. For some, that means going on a total social media cleanse, giving yourself some TLC with a self-care routine and maybe even keeping these self-care quotes and peace quotes handy for reminders. For others, it can mean bingeing your favorite movies with a big, fuzzy blanket and reading over these comforting quotes while eating comfort foods. Whatever your cure is, just remember that this difficult time will pass, and to help you through it, we are sharing these broken heart quotes that will hopefully bring you some solace and help you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Who knows, you may even really enjoy being single, these empowering being single quotes are here to prove it!
Side note: If you need someone to talk to and help you through this difficult time, there are several resources that you can turn to. Visit and for immediate response crisis numbers — or, visit our guide on how to find the right therapist.
Betsy Farrell
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Faraaz Kazi
No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief.
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Raymond Lindquist
Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.
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Steve Maraboli
Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.
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Robert Frost
In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.
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Jean de La Fontaine
Sadness flies away on the wings of time
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Soo Jie
When you are in love, and you get hurt, it’s like a cut — it will heal, but there will always be a scar.
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Coco J. Ginger
When we are in love, we are convinced nobody else will do. But as time goes, others do do, and often do do, much much better.
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Federico Chini
With time the pain eases, the body recovers and the brain figures out new ways to go on.
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Carroll Bryant
The shattering of a heart when being broken is the loudest quiet ever.
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Patti Roberts
Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities.
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H.C. Paye
I’d rather love a million times and have my heart broken every time, than hold a permanently empty heart forever.
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Oscar Wilde
The heart was made to be broken.
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Bette Davis
Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.
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H. L. Mencken
Happiness is the china shop; love is the bull.
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Washington Irving
Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.
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Lord Byron
The heart will break, but broken live on.
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D.H. Lawrence
For my part, I prefer my heart to be broken. It is so lovely, dawn-kaleidoscopic within the crack.
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Junot Díaz
You ask everybody you know: How long does it usually take to get over it? There are many formulas. One year for every year you dated. Two years for every year you dated. It’s just a matter of willpower: The day you decide it’s over, it’s over. You never get over it.
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Miss Piggy
Only time can heal your broken heart. Just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.
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Sara Teasdale
It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise.
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Sylvia Plath
Perhaps someday I’ll crawl back home, beaten, defeated. But not as long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, beauty out of sorrow.
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Marilyn Monroe
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
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Margaret George
The cure for a broken heart is simple, my lady. A hot bath and a good night’s sleep.
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Rita Stradling
Nothing helps a broken heart like having someone wonderful give you theirs.
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The Tinman in 'The Wizard of Oz'
Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable.
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William Faulkner
The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten.
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Margaret Atwood
A divorce is like an amputation: You survive it, but there's less of you.
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Stephen King
Hearts can break. Yes, hearts can break. Sometimes I think it would be better if we died when they did, but we don’t.
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Christie Brinkley
I’d rather have a broken arm than a broken heart.
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W. Somerset Maugham
The greatest tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love.
35 Father's Day Quotes, From Wives to Husbands
Marisa LaScala Senior Parenting & Relationships Editor Marisa (she/her) has covered all things parenting, from the postpartum period through the empty nest, for Good Housekeeping since 2018; she previously wrote about parents and families at Parents and Working Mother.
Katarina Avendaño Senior SEO Editor Katarina Avendaño (she/her) is the senior SEO editor for Good Housekeeping, where she writes and edits lifestyle content and contributes to SEO strategy.
8 Things to Remember When Someone Breaks Your Heart - Soul Site
1. Don't let it turn you into a different person.
For example, I can't stand any kind of tragedy. I keep my emotions to myself, I get drunk in a black way, and then I look in the mirror and I don’t recognize myself at all. Some try to melt into the other person in order to lessen the pain. You can become angry, cynical, turn into only a shadow of your former self.
But the most valuable thing after parting is just yourself. Your goals, values, your personality - these are all things you should value the most, because they are all you have. Don't throw away pieces of yourself just because someone else didn't want them. Cherish what you have in yourself, because the day will come when the right person will fall in love with it.
2. Most relationships are not meant to last, and for good reason.
I hate to be realistic, but you probably didn't want this relationship to be yours forever. An important part of our life is development, which means you have to accept the idea that you can outgrow other people, just like they outgrow you. Can you really imagine yourself with your first love? The same feeling will be about this ex.
You are constantly growing and becoming who you should be, and the people who used to fit your life may no longer fit it. This is natural, albeit unpleasant. But you're not running from something special, you're heading for something better.
3. True love is worth parting for.
Before you meet your true love, you meet many other people. Your heart will be broken over and over again. Just let it happen. Because our heart can love endlessly, and love will be even more beautiful when you find your real one.
4. You can find other serious relationships.
And they don't have to be romantic. Unlucky in your personal life, focus on relationships with friends, colleagues, family. Do not limit yourself to romantic motives, look for good people not only for the sake of an intimate connection.
5. It's okay to cry.
Don't keep everything to yourself, despite all of the above, you have a serious reason to cry: you broke up with a person with whom you have many important moments. Feel it to the full so that you can turn the page.
6. Feelings are not bad.
You can live life and feel nothing, or you can feel everything, but accept the bad. Your heartache shows that you are brave enough to open up to someone. It shows that you are loyal enough to trust someone. Feel free to fall in love and experience pain while everyone else is foolishly trying to appear indifferent.
7. Parting does not define you.
You are so much more than your relationship. Even if a person breaks your heart, he cannot take anything from you from your essence - unless you allow it. Even your broken heart will love again. Everything depends only on you, but not on the one who left.
8. He's just a chapter in your book.
Your ex is just a page in a hundred chapters of your life. Of course, he may have had a strong influence on you, but your story does not depend on him. He is just another opportunity for you to improve on the path to who you should be.
8 things to remember when someone breaks your heart
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Heartbreak Quotes - Catchphrases
A broken heart is a good sign. A sign that you've at least tried to love someone.
An offended woman is very dangerous. And a broken heart is often too cruel.
A heart that is not broken by love is not yet a heart.
There is beauty in a broken heart. When only fragments remain in your hands ... You can decide which pieces you really need, and which ones you just like.
You know what happens when you let people into your heart. They break it and go away.
When you break someone's heart, don't say they don't have a soul. After all, he no longer has a heart, nothing will prevent him from becoming soulless.
People learned to break hearts much earlier, before they learned to split atomic nuclei.
My heart broke again, tired of collecting and gluing . .. Let everyone go through the pieces and cut themselves.
Why, when we accidentally prick our finger, we abruptly remove it. And when our hearts are broken, we are only more drawn to this person.
The best way to heal a broken heart is to break it again.
A broken heart can be glued together, but it will not beat, and it will remain motionless as a monument to pain and sadness.
Only those we love break hearts.
Now I would agree to go back to my childhood and fall ten more times, because knees heal faster than a broken heart.
Breaking other people's hearts, then manage to cover your own, because, sooner or later, someone will break it.
It hurts - my heart said, if you forget - time calmed me, but I will constantly be corrupted - my memory whispered!
Each of us has a red-hot needle in the heart.
We hide a bad mood behind smiles, a broken heart behind a beautiful appearance, but inside is just pain.
There are no goals for which one could break another person's heart.
A disgusting rule of life - they break your heart into small pieces, and then you spit in the face of everyone who loves you or achieves you.
Breaking a heart is easy, but hard to win.
Living with a broken heart is like living half dead, which is not the same as being half alive. Half dead is half dead. This is not life.
She has asthma and still smokes. She has high cholesterol, and she continues to cook with butter. She has a broken heart, but she still believes in love.
It is better to have a stone heart than a living one, but shattered.