Love sickness throwing up
Is Lovesickness A Real Thing? 9 Signs + How To Get Through It
What does it mean to be "lovesick"?
To be "lovesick" is to be so in love or miss the person you love so much that you are unable to act normally. While not a clinically recognized mental health condition, research on lovesickness suggests that it's a real disorder1, characterized by a number of mental and physical symptoms that can range from mild to extreme.
In general, psychotherapist Annette Nuñez, M.S., Ph.D., tells mbg that lovesickness happens when your romantic feelings for someone completely take over your mind and body. From obsessive thoughts to feelings of anxiety to loss of appetite, lovesickness can be all-consuming.
Just as being brokenhearted can quite literally disrupt your heart health (aka "broken heart syndrome"), lovesickness, too, has physical effects. According to the aforementioned research, there is a general agreement on symptoms of lovesickness across different cultures, including fever, agitation, loss of appetite, headache, rapid breathing, and palpitations.
Nuñez adds that it's important to note being lovesick is not the same as genuinely being in love. "There's a clear distinction because when you genuinely love somebody, you're not obsessing about them," she says, noting that when someone is lovesick, they're often seeing the object of their affection with rose-colored glasses.
In this way, lovesickness is similar to limerence, or an intense infatuation. As couples' therapist Silva Depanian, LMFT, previously explained to mbg, "Many people don't really recognize the existence of limerence and simply consider someone experiencing it to be a 'hopeless romantic' or 'passionately in love.' But limerence and love are not the same thing. If anything, limerence can be considered the fool's gold of love."
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Signs you're experiencing lovesickness:
Irrational behavior
When one is lovesick, they may exhibit strange or irrational behavior due to the level of infatuation they have with a person, Nuñez says. On the extreme end, one might go as far as following their crush somewhere, showing up to their job, or spending two hours getting ready to go to the store just in case they bump into them.
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Along with affecting behavior, being lovesick can cause a range of physical symptoms. Nuñez says nausea is a telltale sign, whether it's a mild case of butterflies or feeling like you may actually throw up. It's that feeling of nervousness in the pit of your stomach, caused by the infatuation or obsession this person activates in you. This can also lead to loss of appetite, she adds.
Difficulty sleeping
If you're lovesick, you may find thoughts of this person keep you up at night. This can, of course, lead to difficulty sleeping, Nuñez notes, as well as a lingering feeling of fatigue the next day. And the longer the bout of lovesickness goes on, the more exhausted you may become.
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If you're having trouble sleeping (or if you're simply displeased with the way things are going with your love interest), you will likely feel irritable, Nuñez explains. She adds this can affect your behavior even further, potentially exacerbating irrational behavior or other symptoms.
The research on lovesickness indicates headaches aren't uncommon when one is lovesick, and Nuñez echoes this. Headaches may be especially prominent if you're having difficulty sleeping—and they'll also contribute to irritability, too.
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Obsessive thought patterns
Another trademark of lovesickness is obsessive thoughts about the person in question, Nuñez explains. "You start obsessively thinking about somebody, similar to limerence," she says, adding that the thoughts start affecting your life negatively because you have a hard time focusing on anything else but them.
Activation of attachment styles
Many people who deal with lovesickness may find they aren't operating within a secure attachment style and further, may be dealing with an anxious attachment style. "People have a fear of abandonment, right? So you create this fantasy in your mind that you attach to, and it's almost like you try to gain a sense of control in your mind with the obsessive thoughts," Nuñez says.
Controlling behavior
Along with trying to "control" their mental landscape with thoughts and fantasies about a person, someone who is lovesick may exhibit other controlling behaviors in an attempt to gain the sense of control they're lacking in the relationship, Nuñez explains. This can look like trying to control your environment, whether you're fixated on cleaning or throwing yourself into a project.
Projecting fantasies
Last but not least, Nuñez says lovesick people have a tendency of projecting a fantasy onto the object of their affection.
"It's like a false reality that you're creating and living in and functioning off of, as opposed to what's really going on," she notes, adding, "A lot of our obsessive thoughts are fantasies or ideas of who we think this person is, as opposed to the reality of who this person is."
How to get through it:
Go no-contact.
If you're tired of being lovesick and want to move on, one of the quickest roads to recovery is by going no-contact, according to Nuñez. She recommends going at least 30 days without reaching out, adding that it can take up to 28 days for new patterns in your life to stick.
And as licensed marriage and family therapist Linda Carroll, M.S., LMFT, previously told mbg, "The intensity of your desire to strike back, call your lover, etc., is not related to the wisdom of doing it."
Don't look at their social media.
Along with not reaching out, Nuñez advises against social media stalking—it's only going to add more fuel to your lovesick fire. "Social media can be a curse in that sense that, you know. You're constantly trying to see what they're doing," she adds. (Here's more on how social media can affect relationships.)
Notice your thought patterns.
Start to become aware of those looping thought patterns around this person, Nuñez suggests. This takes a degree of mindfulness, but when those thoughts pop up, try to distinguish reality from fantasy—which brings us to our next point.
Take the person's words and actions at face value.
According to Nuñez, it's all too easy to project fantasies onto the objects of your affection, and then you don't see them clearly. As such, it's important to take their words and actions at face value, without convincing yourself they meant something else, or they'll come around eventually. If the affection isn't reciprocated, you'll have to accept it eventually.
Clear your head.
Do whatever it is you have to do to clear your head when you're in the throes of the heartache. Letting go of a big crush isn't easy, but it is possible. "Go for a walk, or write a mantra down that's very meaningful to you," Nuñez says, adding you can write it down and leave it somewhere you'll see it to remind you to keep your composure.
Understand your own nonnegotiables.
When we find ourselves lovesick, it can be a result of placing too much importance on the other person and/or the prospect of a relationship, so much so that we ignore our own needs. So, figure out what your nonnegotiables are, Nuñez says. If you expect a mutually loving relationship with respect and admiration, don't convince yourself this person is going to suddenly show up for you in that way, and know that by letting it go, you'll be open to someone who can meet your needs.
Focus on your self-worth.
And of course, relating to the previous point, take some time to really focus on yourself, your needs, and your own self-worth. When we boost our sense of self-worth, we don't tolerate less than we deserve. From a place of self-love, you can better set boundaries, walk away from relationship dynamics that are draining you, and find a fulfilling relationship with someone who doesn't leave you lovesick.
The bottom line.
Being lovesick isn't a pleasant experience, but real love should be. If a particular relationship dynamic with a crush is leaving you lovesick with no signs of improvement, it's likely in your best interest to invest all that time, energy, and attention into yourself. It may take some time, but eventually, your symptoms will fade.
Signs, What to Do, More
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Love can feel pretty wonderful — when all goes well, that is.
If your romance follows a rockier path, you might notice your inner compass needle swinging more toward abject misery than euphoric joy.
Maybe you haven’t yet found the courage to confess your love, or you have summoned the strength to share your feelings, only to face rejection.
Perhaps you’ve fallen for a person you know you can’t be with, like your boss or a friend’s partner, or someone you just know will never return your feelings.
An unexpected and unwanted breakup can also give rise to emotional turmoil and physical distress.
Any of these situations can leave you feeling somewhat unwell in mind and body. For example:
- You can’t eat or sleep.
- Your emotions show up way more intensely than usual.
- You just can’t concentrate on anything except the person you love, even if they don’t return your feelings or (worse yet) have absolutely no idea how you feel.
Sound familiar? Here’s a possible diagnosis: Lovesickness.
Below, you’ll find more details on exactly what it means to be lovesick and what you can do to recover.
People use the term lovesick in different ways.
You might hear it used to describe the range of feelings that accompany the early stages of being in love, such as:
- excitement
- lust
- euphoria
- jealousy
- attachment
- irrational or impulsive urges
These effects of love usually go by another name, though — we’ll get into that in more detail below.
Lovesickness generally refers to the more unpleasant aspects of love.
This ailment involves all those unwanted feelings you might experience when your passion doesn’t play out as planned, without the enjoyable effects of a mutual attachment.
It’s natural to feel sad and disappointed when you like someone who doesn’t feel the same way. The pain and frustration of heartbreak or unrequited love affects everyone differently, but the sting often lessens within a few weeks or months.
Not everyone coping with rejection will become lovesick, but you can often recognize the condition by its more intense symptoms.
The effects of lovesickness might stick around until they begin to affect your day-to-day life, and these symptoms can have a very real impact on your health and wellness.
And then there’s limerence
Some people also use the term lovesickness to refer to a phenomenon known as limerence.
Psychologist and professor Dorothy Tennov pioneered the research on this condition, introducing the term in her book “Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love.”
Tennov defines limerence as an involuntary fixation on another person. This fixation can feel a lot like love, but it has more of an obsessive component.
In a state of limerence, you desperately long for the other person to return your feelings and feel terrified they’ll reject you. Your mood often depends on how they treat you.
If they smile or speak to you, you might feel on top of the world. If they ignore you or seem indifferent, you might feel distressed or physically pained.
Other key symptoms of limerence include:
- intrusive or obsessive thoughts
- shyness around the person
- a tendency to focus only on their positive traits
- physical symptoms like sweating, dizziness, a pounding heart, insomnia, and appetite changes
Lovesickness is nothing new. This malady dates back to some of the earliest writings, in fact, though it sometimes went by different names.
You’ll find descriptions of the condition in ancient medical texts and classical literature, from Greek philosophy to Shakespeare to Jane Austen.
Research traces the concept of lovesickness to Hippocrates, who believed that lovesickness, like other illnesses, resulted from an excess or imbalance of certain bodily humors.
Galen, another notable ancient physician, was one of the first to diagnose lovesickness and other conditions where physical symptoms resulted from emotional causes.
From culture to culture and era to era, the general symptoms of lovesickness remain much the same.
If you’re lovesick, you’ll probably notice some of the following signs:
- insomnia
- loss of appetite
- restlessness
- flushed or feverish skin
- racing pulse, pounding heart, or unusually rapid breathing when thinking about the person
- dizziness, shakiness, or weak knees when encountering them
- pain or tension in your head or chest
- nausea or stomach distress
- increased tearfulness, or the sense you’re constantly on the verge of tears
You might also notice mood changes brought on by thoughts of the person you love.
Your emotions might range from a general sense of longing to frustration, anger, nervousness, and anxiety, and sometimes even hopelessness and despair.
Languishing over lost love can leave you feeling pretty rotten, to the point where you might begin to wonder whether you’re coming down with some type of flu.
Running a fever, which can sometimes happen with lovesickness, might only reinforce your concerns.
Love can’t give you the flu. But the hormone fluctuations associated with love and heartbreak — particularly the stress hormone cortisol — can prompt physical symptoms that affect your long-term health.
Lovesickness can also make you sick indirectly. A lack of sleep, good nutrition, or adequate hydration can absolutely worsen your health.
What’s more, changes in mood, such as irritability or a general sense of melancholy, can begin to affect your relationships with others or your performance at work and school.
Difficulties in these areas of life can eventually increase stress and affect your health, especially if your thoughts of love get in the way of regular self-care.
Serious cases of lovesickness can get intense. You might have trouble talking about anything besides the person you love and the relationship you want to develop.
Lovesickness can make it hard to concentrate and distract you from your responsibilities. You might forget important appointments, chores, errands, or plans with friends.
It’s also common to feel anxious about the outcome of your love.
Lovesickness can also involve difficulty getting over someone after they reject you.
Whether that’s an ex-partner who ended your relationship or someone you fell for who didn’t return your love, trouble moving on from the heartbreak could prompt feelings of melancholy or depression. Some people even have thoughts of suicide.
For those in the throes of limerence, persistent intrusive thoughts can fuel anxiety and rumination.
Some people attempt to resolve these thoughts with avoidance strategies or compulsive behaviors. These might seem to offer some temporary relief, but they generally won’t help long term.
Lovestruck and lovesick aren’t entirely unrelated concepts, but they do refer to separate states.
Falling in love prompts your brain to ramp up production of certain hormones, including dopamine, oxytocin, and norepinephrine.
So you’ll probably experience some level of surging emotions and temporary changes in mood and behavior as a natural consequence of falling head over heels.
When this happens, people might say you’re lovestruck or struck by Cupid’s arrow. (Cher and Nicolas Cage offer another name for this state of mind: “Moonstruck.”)
Lovesickness, on the other hand, tends to follow heartbreak, rejection, or unrequited love, so it carries more of a negative connotation. It might also involve mental health symptoms, including anxiety and depression.
Not everyone who falls in love will experience lovesickness, even after rejection, but some degree of lovestruck-ness is pretty universal — everyone has hormones, after all.
The early stages of a relationship usually involve some degree of infatuation. For example:
- You think about your partner nonstop and feel euphoric when you’re together.
- They seem like the most amazing person in the world — you even find their quirks endearing.
- When you have to take a break from each other to attend to the responsibilities of daily life, you think about them so intently you have very little brain space left for what you’re supposed to be doing.
- You might notice some forgetfulness, increased energy, and less of a need for sleep or food.
- Friends and loved ones might say you seem distracted or beg you to stop talking about them for “just 10 minutes, please.”
This fixation can show up in physical ways, too.
You might notice signs of arousal as soon as you see them or, let’s be honest, whenever you think about them or remember your last encounter. When together, you might find it impossible to keep your hands off each other (or make it out of bed).
All of these things usually feel pretty good, and most people enjoy being in the honeymoon phase.
This stage can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, but it usually passes once the relationship stabilizes and things become a little less rosy and a little more realistic.
If you think lovesickness sounds pretty awful, you might wonder whether pursuing love is really worth it.
Finding real, sustainable love can take time and effort, but romance isn’t all rejection and misery.
Each time you develop a crush or more intense liking for someone and follow up on those feelings by confessing your love, you’re making an attempt to find the romantic connection you desire.
You may not find this love without running the risk of potential rejection. For many people, the eventual outcome of lasting love is worth the risk of potential rejection or lovesickness.
Even if your crush doesn’t pan out, it may not necessarily feel bad. People who love the butterflies, energy boost, and euphoria that accompany their crushes might feel pretty fantastic in the thick of a crush.
Crushes can also teach you more about what you want (and don’t want) in a romantic partner. They can also lead to new friends.
Sometimes, the romance flops, but you find yourself connecting with your ex-crush in a completely platonic — but still rewarding — way.
In spite of lovesickness’ lengthy history, experts have yet to discover any real cure. Absent a vaccine or other quick fix, you’re left in the healing hands of time itself.
Lovesickness generally does ease eventually, much like the common cold. Here’s what you can do in the meantime to get some relief.
Embrace your creativity
Turn your feelings into something tangible by getting in touch with your creative side.
Art, journaling, poetry or short-story writing, and making music are all great ways to experience and express difficult emotions.
Listen to music
Cheery, energizing music might lift your spirits, but if you’d rather treat your senses to a favorite heartbreak playlist, go for it. Research suggests listening to sad music could also have a positive impact on your mood.
Set boundaries for yourself and stick to them
Giving yourself time to heal involves creating some space. In other words, you’ll want to avoid texting, calling, and checking up on them — in person or on social media.
It’s also wise to wait on friendship until you’re feeling better.
Take care of your needs
You might not feel much like eating but try to plan balanced meals and snacks to help maintain good health.
Going to bed at the same time every night can make it easier to get the sleep you need.
Meditation and sunshine are other simple, low-cost methods to help boost a low mood.
Try positive distractions
Exercise, favorite hobbies, and time with friends can all help distract you from feelings of lovesickness and help improve your outlook.
A good book or favorite movie can also help you cope when you want to stay in and process your emotions alone.
We won’t lie. Heartbreak can take weeks, even months, to heal. This length of time varies from person to person, so there’s really no way to predict how long lovesickness will last.
If unwanted physical or emotional symptoms linger for more than a week or two, professional support can help.
Therapists are trained to help people navigate all the messy aspects of love, so your therapist won’t laugh at you or tell you it’s all in your head.
They will:
- help you explore any patterns or underlying factors that might contribute to or complicate your symptoms
- teach you coping skills to manage the most distressing moments
- offer support with building skills for healthy, fulfilling relationships
- help you address any mental health symptoms that accompany heartbreak
If you experience obsessive or intrusive thoughts, compulsions, or thoughts of suicide along with lovesickness, it’s best to seek support right away.
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, a prevention hotline can help.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24 hours a day at 1-800-273-8255.
During a crisis, people who are hard of hearing should call 1-800-799-4889.
Click here for more links and local resources.
If you’re feeling a little lovesick lately, take heart. It won’t last forever.
To heal more quickly, treat yourself to some rest and relaxation, draw emotional support from friends, and remember to take care of your basic needs.
Crystal Raypole has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy. Her fields of interest include Asian languages and literature, Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health. In particular, she’s committed to helping decrease stigma around mental health issues.
what is it, exists or not
Hanahaki is talked about a lot these days. It is believed that this disease occurs due to unrequited love and can be fatal. Does hanakhaki exist in real life and is it possible to cure the disease, said doctors Vikrant Mahajani, Francesc Claret and Ekaterina Kulakova.
The history of the emergence of hanahaki, its nature
What is hanahaki? Hanahaki is a fictional disease that is accompanied by chest pain, coughing up flower petals in the early stages. It leads to death by suffocation with whole inflorescences, impossible to extract at a later date. The term comes from the combination of the Japanese words "hana" - "flowers" and "khaki" - "spewing".
The disease progresses rather quickly. According to the Learn From Doctor portal, in rare cases, this fictional disease can be treated with surgery. But after the cure, the patient is threatened with a complete loss of the opportunity to experience romantic feelings.
The first mention of hanahaki appeared in Japanese comics. Who Invented Hanahaki? This disease was invented by the author of the comic book series "The Girl Who Spit Out Flowers" Naoko Matsuda. The idea was quickly picked up by other manga authors as well as independent fans of the genre. Hanahaki has been the subject of hundreds of works, fanfiction and videos.
How do you get hanahaki disease? To get hanahaki disease, you need to fall in love unrequitedly. A fictitious disease occurs only if the one who has been loved does not have the slightest hint of romantic feelings for the one who has loved. Even if warm friendly relations reign between the patient and the object of love, illness cannot be avoided.
How does Hanahaki disease manifest itself? Hanahaki manifests itself in the form of symptoms that occur as the disease progresses:
- chest pain, difficulty breathing;
- cough and choking;
- coughing up flower petals that have sprouted in the lungs;
- increase in output colors;
- regurgitation of whole inflorescences interspersed with blood;
- complete cessation of breathing.
In addition to these symptoms, in some works hanahaki is accompanied by tremors, lowering of temperature, fever, loss of appetite and hallucinations. Interestingly, there is no specific flower that a person suffering from hanahaki coughs. It can be roses, chrysanthemums or other flowers. But quite often we are talking about the favorite flower of the lover or the common favorite flowers of the lover and the object of adoration.
BlogJunta points out another curious detail: as a rule, people who suffer from hanahaki disease try by hook or by crook to avoid a cure. It is better for them to die than to forever lose their feelings for the object of their love.
How hanahaki disease manifests itself: Pixabay / AnnaliseArtHanahaki - myth or reality
Of course, skeptics deny the existence of hanahaki disease, and this disease is not included in the WHO International Classification of Diseases. But it is obvious that with such a metaphor the author wanted to emphasize the experiences and torments experienced by a person suffering from unrequited love.
When a feeling arises in the soul, people really feel a pleasant sensation. But as soon as the lover is faced with a lack of reciprocity, he experiences real heartache and cannot fall in love again for a long time.
Is Hanahaki disease possible in real life?
Hanahaki disease is impossible in real life. But many of its symptoms were experienced by every person. Experiencing unrequited love, people feel irrepressible pain. History knows cases when, for one reason or another, people were close to death due to lack of reciprocity. However, as soon as reciprocal feelings flare up, unfortunate lovers are healed before our eyes. According to The Voice Mag magazine, the following celebrities were on the verge of life and death from unrequited love:0005
- Britney Spears;
- Eminem;
- Halle Berry.
Although the hanahaka disease is fictitious, in real life there are diseases that correspond to the fictional hanahaka as closely as possible. For example, the infamous Adele Hugo syndrome, named after the daughter of the legendary writer, who suffered from unrequited love.
Today, science knows cases of a disease called broken heart syndrome. Although the sick do not spit flowers when unrequited love, as Vikrant Mahajani writes, they suffer from the development of real physiological and psychological diseases, such as cardiomyopathy. Unfortunately, in real life, people die from unrequited love. According to the candidate of medical sciences Francesc Claret, the woman died of a myocardial infarction, which arose as a result of unrequited love. There was no previous history.
Broken heart syndrome resembles hanahaki: Unsplash/Giulia BertelliCan hanahaki disease be cured
The mythical hanahaki disease can be cured naturally and medically. In the first case, there are only two forecasts:
- Favorable. On the website of the Training Center for Film and Television, make-up artist Ekaterina Kulakova notes that if a reciprocal feeling of love arises, the patient gets better every day, the amount of flower discharge decreases, and the disease goes away by itself.
- Lethal. In this case, feelings remain unanswered, and there are so many colors in the body that its vital activity stops due to respiratory arrest.
In the event of a sad development of the disease, invasive surgery will become an uncontested measure. The sooner the doctor can intervene, the longer the patient's life will last. The doctor will regularly remove flowers and inflorescences from his body. In rare cases, a complete cure after surgery is possible, but it is fraught with the fact that the patient will never be able to love again.
Hanahaki disease is a beautiful legend that exists only in manga pages and anime frames. It is a great happiness that no one in reality is destined to experience the symptoms and consequences of such a disease. However, thanks to such deep metaphors, it is easier for people to understand themselves and survive the difficult moments of unrequited love.
Original article: https://www.
Cholelithiasis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
General practitioner
Iraida Viktorovna
Experience 24 years
District physician of the highest category, member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists
Make an appointment
Gallstone disease is also known as cholelithiasis in specialist circles. In general, this is a disease that is directly related to a violation of human metabolism. The classic sign of gallstone disease is stones that form in a person's gallbladder or in the ducts that remove bile from the body. If a malfunction is detected in the human body and the metabolism is significantly disturbed, then this can lead to the fact that the composition of bile will also change. If a failure occurs, then over time the bile begins to thicken, and the acid precipitates. After such a transformation, the liquid hardens and stones form. Stones not only do not allow the body to function calmly, but also contain cholesterol, harmful salts.
People who suffer from cholelithiasis and know what it is, note that the number of stones can be different, just like their sizes. Some doctors find hundreds of very small stones like sand, while others have only a few, but the size of a large walnut. Quite often, stones are located in the gallbladder, causing a number of other chronic diseases. There are cases when specialists in the clinic find stones in the bile ducts of the liver.
Classic gallstone disease is a disease that can and should be treated under the supervision of a physician. If you immediately pay attention to some signs and react in time, you can soon forget about the problem forever. Often, in a person suffering from this disease, the gallbladder becomes inflamed and the flow of bile into the stomach is disrupted. There are also severe cases when the patient ignored all the signs or was engaged in home self-medication. In such cases, the stone can block the outflow of bile completely and cause the development of obstructive jaundice.
It is important to note that both gallstone disease and obstructive jaundice are not to be trifled with, because the latter is a disease that can lead to death. In general, ignoring the disease can lead to a number of other serious complications, such as, for example, peritonitis, toxic shock, body imbalance and death. Women are often more affected by this disease. It can even be caused by pregnancy. But there are a number of other factors, such as diet, lifestyle, environment, genetics, chronic diseases, that can cause gallstone disease to develop. In general, everyone can get sick with this disease, regardless of age or gender, so it is important to pay attention to the symptoms that appear.
Most often, the onset of the disease occurs in people who are overweight or, on the contrary, have lost a lot of weight, as well as in women whose age has exceeded 60 years. Diabetes mellitus can also cause a complication in the form of gallstone disease, so one disease can cause another to develop. If the disease is not cured and the gallstone disease continues to progress, then gallbladder cancer may well develop.
Symptoms and signs
According to experienced specialists and doctors, often at the stage of their manifestation, stones that are in the gallbladder do not cause any symptoms of gallstone disease at all. The main symptom appears only when the stone begins to gradually get out of the bubble. The stone comes out through the bile ducts, which are in the body of every person. The channels themselves are quite small and narrow. Due to a stone getting into one of the ducts, such a main symptom appears as a sharp pain due to the fact that the stone or all of them are stuck in the duct.
The main symptoms of gallstone disease:
- sharp pain in the abdomen. Basically, the pain is felt in the upper right side near the hypochondrium;
- a symptom such as pain in the back or right shoulder blade.
The disease itself can also spread to a feeling of discomfort in the shoulders;
- Nausea and vomiting are frequent, but such symptoms are justified only if bile is noted along with the exiting mass.
There are several stages in which cholelithiasis can develop, each of the stages has its own cholelithiasis symptoms and cause. For example, if the patient is only at an early stage and thinks to fight the disease, then a doctor is needed. As mentioned earlier, at first, the disease does not manifest itself in any way and the course of gallstone disease can be without symptoms. Sometimes it also happens that the disease develops on its own and even at later stages does not make itself felt. Then it can lead to cancer and death.
If pain in cholelithiasis has not been experienced, then the disease can be detected only by accidentally contacting a doctor. Then an X-ray examination will help to identify the stone carrier, which did not show any symptoms. But most often, after some time, the patient still feels some signs of gallstone disease. In addition to the above nausea, vomiting and pain in the ribs, there may be constant bitterness in the mouth or even a feeling that something is moving under the skin.
When the stones begin to actively move along the channels and a manifestation of cholelithiasis occurs, then one of the symptoms of cholelithiasis, which will help determine cholelithiasis, is colic. During colic, the patient goes to the doctor with a complaint of pain from the ribs to the shoulder blades. Basically, the pain manifests itself after eating, so it can appear at any time, the head may still hurt. Accompanied by a feeling of pain again with nausea or vomiting.
In order to accurately identify the symptoms of the disease and determine the further treatment of the disease, the doctor sends the patient for testing and consultation with a specialist. The first thing that helps to make an accurate diagnosis is a physical examination. With its help, the doctor can accurately identify some of the signs that confirm the presence of the disease. Only technology can confirm the presence in the human body of Murphy, Zakharyin - clear signs of problems with the gallbladder. Professional diagnostics by a doctor in Moscow allows you to determine the level of skin soreness and the degree of muscle tension in a person, this is very important if the gallbladder area is being considered.
In the real presence of the disease, a specialist may notice xanthemas, yellowness on the skin, and this is a clear sign of cholelithiasis. A general blood test can identify problems and the presence of stones in the body. If the patient currently has a clinical exacerbation, then the blood will quickly indicate all problems and inflammations, but only a professional can deal with them. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis only on the basis of blood tests. But he will indicate the presence of leukocytosis in the blood, bile and other aspects that only a specialist understands.
The most maximum amount of information during the diagnosis is given by ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. With the help of ultrasound radiation, the gallbladder is examined, and the doctor can determine whether there are echo-tight formations in the patient's body. This complex name refers to already known stones that are deformed on the walls of the bubble and change its motility. In addition, if the patient has already noticed heart problems during the check-up of other diseases, then ultrasound will help to find out the level of cholesterol.
During gallstone disease, the patient must constantly take tests, as their results can affect all treatment. If you refuse procedures or come unprepared for testing, this can affect all diagnostic results. The fact is that, as mentioned earlier, cholelithiasis develops gradually and manifests itself at different stages or does not manifest itself at all, so a blood test and urine test can help.
Such a diagnosis of gallstone disease as MRI is also considered successful, but this is a kind of analysis that the doctor recommends doing only one or several times, since this can adversely affect the body. CT of the biliary tract is also actively used in a specialized clinic, but only by the decision of a specialist, which was transferred to the doctor. Such an analysis carries quite a lot of information, since it reveals whether there are any disturbances in the work and circulation of bile using special methods and approaches.
Without diagnostic studies and specialized analysis, the patient may have some complications of the disease, which at first, general tests do not reveal. Most often, due to gallstone disease, as a result, if specialized treatment is not used, inflammation of the gallbladder may begin. The lumen of the bile ducts in the body of a sick person can become blocked and this in turn causes pancreatitis.
It is best to undergo a diagnostic examination in a timely manner in one of the professional clinics, take tests, follow the doctor's advice. One analysis of gallstone disease from all that a medical institution offers can help a specialist choose the right direction in treatment. Then it will be faster, easier and even cheaper to get rid of the disease, since the prices for treatment depend on the level of the neglected case.
If the diagnosis of gallstone disease reveals certain symptoms of the disease, then it is quite logical that there are also reasons due to which the disease begins to progress. If the quantitative ratio of bile components is violated, then the creation of flakes automatically begins in the human body. These peculiar hard flakes, as the results of the analysis show, turn into stones along with the development of the disease. Most often this happens due to the fact that a person suffers from impaired cholesterol metabolism. If there is too much cholesterol, then because of this reason, bile is modified and stones appear in it.
A person suffers from an excess of cholesterol for the following reasons:
- the body suffers from obesity due to malnutrition, the reason for everything is the huge consumption of foods that just contain a large dose of cholesterol;
- the amount of bile acid has decreased, due to which the body has ceased to function normally, and the bile does not receive the elements it needs;
- in human blood, the volume of phospholipids has decreased, which has led to the fact that cholesterol cannot harden and settle in the body;
- bile began to stagnate and the whole reason is the improper circulation of fluid throughout the human body.
It is important to note that bile can stagnate both mechanically and functionally, therefore, when prescribing treatment, the doctor pays attention to this. If we are talking about the fact that the bile in the human body has stagnated for mechanical reasons, then an additional tumor may occur, sometimes the lymph nodes increase. Patients often complain of scarring, persistent swelling and other discomfort, which becomes another cause for concern.
As for the functional stagnation of bile, here the problem lies in the fact that the motility of the gallbladder was upset, and the bile ducts clogged. This is where genetics can play a role. If a woman or a man has a predisposition to gallstone disease. It is important to note that malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, sudden weight loss or weight gain can affect the development of the disease.
Nowadays, effective treatment of gallstone disease is more than real if you use the services of a professional clinic that offers innovative treatment methods. Many books and scientific articles are written about how to treat the disease, but there are general rules that you should rely on. If the patient first needs to simply identify the presence of stones in the gallbladder and at the same time he does not have any complications, then specific treatment is not required. In this case, such a method of treating gallstone disease as waiting is used. This is a special tactic, during which the doctor monitors the change in the human body and tries to cure it with medication.
If gallstone foreign bodies were noticed by a specialist during the examination or acute cholecystitis was diagnosed, then a method such as surgical removal of the gallbladder is used. This is a more complex approach in the treatment of gallstone disease, because it requires urgent surgical intervention. The fact is that it is the gallbladder that becomes the catalyst for the development and formation of stones. There are several types of surgical intervention, with one of which a specialist is determined after a thorough examination of the body. To do this, you need to get checked, because the wrong methods of treatment can lead to cancer.
In the clinic, only the most effective and modern principles of treatment are used. The use of such a method of treatment as lithotripsy is considered progressive. Its main qualities are characterized by the fact that this method is used if there is one calculus. It is important to note that, in principle, there are a lot of treatment methods that can be used to treat gallstone disease.
It is impossible to check absolutely every approach, because the treatment and the gallstone process must follow the same plan. Through trial and possibly error, the attending physician will determine the best conditions for the treatment method that the clinic can offer. Of course, first of all, they try to eliminate the disease with medication and with the help of physical therapy, but sometimes this leads to the appearance of new stones. In this case, it is best to resort to surgery and further postoperative recovery.
Doctors involved in the treatment of this disease
If we consider the question of which doctor treats gallstone disease, then it is impossible to name only one specialist. The fact is that this disease is treated by both a gastroenterologist and a surgeon. In addition, the therapist must monitor the success of the treatment. In general, a gastroenterologist deals not only with the treatment of gallstone disease, he also specializes in other problems that may arise with the organs of the digestive system.
If we talk about the doctors of the treating clinics in general, then it is best to study the list of proposed specialists, since in the medical center each patient receives individual care. Initially, you can try to decide on the attending physician on your own, having studied the specifics of each activity. The modern clinic offers a wide range of specialists, which is constantly increasing.
So, already at the first appointment with the doctor, you can determine the symptoms, hear the testimony, choose the appropriate diagnostic methods and discuss the prices for treatment. Further, if the patient is satisfied with everything, the specialist begins to conduct an operative technique or prescribes an ultrasound scan, after which an active fight against the disease is carried out. If it is impossible to cure the disease with medication, then the surgeon intervenes in the treatment and promptly removes the gallbladder. This is a team work of doctors, during which each patient will receive due attention and an individual approach.
In the presence of gallstone disease, experts recommend several indications that will help alleviate the disease or they can be used as a preventive measure.
Tips and preventive measures:
- it is recommended to eat less foods that contain a high dose of cholesterol, because it is because of it that stones begin to actively form;
- it is best to monitor the level of bilirubinemia, because this also plays an important role during the prevention or treatment of the disease;
- bile should never stagnate in the human body;
- in order to maintain health and not suffer from this disease, you need to monitor body weight and eat a balanced diet;
- with cholelithiasis there should not be a sharp weight loss or weight gain;
- it is recommended to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, exercise, so that in the future there is no metabolic disorder;
- one of the main indications is that it is worth paying attention to all the symptoms and solving the problem in a timely manner;
- a person with a genetic predisposition to gallstone disease needs to visit a doctor periodically.
There are several contraindications that should never be forgotten by a person suffering from gallstone disease. The first thing every doctor focuses on is constant observation. The disease should not proceed on its own. If it has already been identified through suitable symptoms or professional diagnostics, it is imperative to contact a general practitioner or gastroenterologist in order not to allow the disease to go to another stage. Surgery is not always necessary for the treatment of gallstone disease, so it is experienced professional supervision that can help to avoid this.
It is impossible not to visit an ultrasound every six months, since it is precisely such an assessment of organs and possible stones that can help find out whether a person has a pressure sore or not. It is not recommended to constantly change doctors, so it is better to immediately choose a specialist with whom it will be comfortable to cooperate. If gallstone disease is detected in a patient, then he is strictly forbidden to engage in serious physical exertion. With such a disease, one cannot work in the garden, because because of this, everything can only worsen and this will interfere with treatment.
It is important to remember that cholesterol is strictly forbidden to the patient, because of this, one should not exchange a diet for malnutrition. It is best not to lead an active lifestyle during diagnosis and treatment. In addition, after the operation, the patient definitely needs a long recovery.
Cost of initial appointment, research, treatment
With regard to treatment in the clinic, it is not possible to give a certain and exact cost of treatment for each patient who wishes to apply for services. Everyone seeks individual help with their stage of the disease, so the price may vary. It is most correct to pay attention to the table, which shows the entire cost of treatment with any of the doctors. Already at the first appointment or having decided on the diagnosis, research, it will be possible to understand how much the treatment will cost.