I hate this world and everyone in it
Therapist says this simple exercise can lead to a longer, happier life
Alexandra Hraskova | Twenty20
Even after being in the field of therapy for nearly 24 years, I still can't help but feel unsettled and completely caught off guard every time I hear someone say, "I hate people."
This negatively charged statement causes me to involuntarily sit up straight in my chair because, at my core, it can be difficult to fathom. Sure, people can frustrate, hurt and anger one another, but the vast majority of us are doing the best we can.
Over the years, I've found that many people who proclaim their hatred are simply attempting to express frustration, or they erroneously believe it will protect them from pain. In today's world of constant change, fear and uncertainty, it has become an increasingly common behavior.
However, this pessimistic worldview carries unnecessarily harmful consequences; it can keep people stuck in a defensive, narrow and unhelpful posture. As a result, it can negatively affect both their work and personal lives.
...many who proclaim their hatred are simply attempting to express frustration, or they erroneously believe it will protect them from pain.
Researchers have found that this type of cynicism can also show up as a temporary symptom of burnout: When we are living in a state of time scarcity and overwhelm, we lose sight of our values and need for connection, and other humans can begin to feel like distractions and stressful obligations.
Escaping the 'I hate people' mentality
Our beliefs are powerful in that we unknowingly morph thoughts into facts. We also unconsciously search our environment for further evidence that our beliefs are true. If we are holding firm that "people suck" (another one that raises my hackles), we will certainly find evidence to back up that claim.
Conversely, if we believe people are innately good, we will encounter more validation to fill up that bucket of beliefs. Wouldn't you much rather live in a world with benevolent folks?
Fortunately, our mindset around this is largely under our control. Regardless of our overall worldview of humanity, with brief practices we can shift it more toward the positive.
Our beliefs are powerful in that we unknowingly morph thoughts into facts.
Research backs up this assertion. According to a study led by Barbara Fredrickson, a professor who researches positive emotion, adopting a "loving-kindness meditation ritual can produce positive emotions in a way that outpaces the hedonic treadmill effect."
("Hedonic treadmill," also called "hedonic adaptation," is what psychologists refer to as the human tendency to quickly become used to changes — positive or negative — in order to maintain a stable level of happiness.)
According to Fredrickson and her team of researchers, when we experience more positivity, we are more receptive to social support and live longer, happier and more successful lives. Overall, these benefits promote increased life satisfaction and a reduction in depression and other health issues.
The 'kindness-mindful' break
It is certainly more challenging to summon and bestow kindness when you are busy or overwhelmed, especially for those who have that "I hate people" mentality.
But by taking a quick and mindful break, you can usher some feel-good, contagious compassion into any part of your day — and significantly boost your happiness at the same time.
Chade-Meng Tan, a former mindfulness pioneer at Google and the author of "Search Inside Yourself," teaches this brilliant and highly effective "kindness-mindful" exercise:
- Sit for a few minutes with eyes open or closed. Wish happiness for yourself and allow that intention to assimilate.
- Choose someone for whom it's easy to send kindness. Perhaps it's a loved one or good friend. Wish this person happiness. Notice any body sensations that arise as you do. Imagine how they might feel receiving it.
- Choose a neutral person, someone you don't know well.
Now wish them happiness.
- If you are feeling brave, choose a somewhat difficult person and send them this kindness. Remind yourself that this person, like you, really just wants to be happy. If you observe resistance or tightening in the body, take a deep breath and relax those muscles. This is a gentle practice not meant to be forced.
- Finally, imagine wishing happiness for all people in the world, including yourself. Send it as far and wide as you would like to imagine.
I urge you to do this exercise every day for a week — in the mornings, at work, or in the evenings — and watch your capacity for kindness and compassion expand.
Shonda Moralis, MSW, LCSW, is psychotherapist, award-winning author and women's mindful empowerment coach with over 20 years of experience. Her newest book, "Breathe, Empower, Achieve: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Women Who Do It All," published by The Experiment, offers insight into how to ditch your stress without losing it all.
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“Why Do I Hate Everyone?” 9 Reasons You May Feel This Way and How to Overcome These Feelings
Advice Home
By ReGain Editorial Team|Updated October 17, 2022
Everyone gets irritated with other people at some point or another, but for some, this can develop into strong negative feelings and what feels like complete hatred for another individual. It’s normal to dislike people and even develop stronger feelings towards individuals who have done something serious to negatively affect you or others. When you start to have angry feelings and feel like you hate everyone in general, this can cause some challenges in your life, affect your regular interactions with those around you, cause issues with your physical health, and may point to emotional processing difficulties. However, you need to decipher whether you truly hate others or if something else may be bothering you. Suppose it truly is hatred that you’re feeling so often. In that case, there are quite a few reasons why you may feel that way and some solutions to overcoming those sentiments to have healthier relationships and happier experiences.
Do You Hate Other People?
Constant Negative Emotions Can Impact Your Life - Don't Let It
Take The First Step With ReGain
You may need to ask yourself if you hate other people or if there may be other factors causing you not to want to be around folks or must deal with them as often. Plenty of us must regularly interact with others in our homes, workplaces, out in public when we have to run errands, or even on the internet when browsing social media regularly. Every individual is different and has their own ideological differences that you may not always agree with. We’re not guaranteed to like every person we come across. Still, sometimes these interactions can cause so much consistent frustration and drain your emotional energy so quickly that you become angry and grow to feel like you hate everyone. At times, this may seem to be the case, but there are also a few other factors that may make you think you hate others when you’re just exhausted from the interactions you’re having so often.
- Being an Introvert– Most of us have heard the terms “introvert” and “extrovert” Extroverts are generally considered outgoing while introverts keep to themselves, which accurately sums up the two types. Although introverts may have a close group of friends and occasionally step outside of their comfort zones for various reasons, they often prefer solitude and feel drained after being in social situations. If you’re introverted and experience this “social drain” phenomenon, you might become agitated at times by other people and may almost feel like you hate everyone.
However, it likely just means that you need more “recharge” time after interactions than you initially thought so you can decompress and lower your stress levels. Introverts are also notoriously shy and have difficulties opening up to others. This can reduce the quality of their social interactions and make them perceive that others are being overbearing or invading their personal space when they’re simply trying to be friendly or get to know them better. This can cause a good deal of distress. Sometimes, one’s internal defense mechanisms will set off anger and outrage at another person, making them feel uncomfortable, thereby leading to some potentially strong feelings of dislike for another person.
- Burnout– Burnout from social interactions is real and can easily lead you to think you hate people. Sometimes certain jobs require a lot of social interaction, either over the phone or in person, and not everyone you speak to or come across is going to be pleasant or even nice. You may have a family with some strong personalities that can become exhausting after you’ve been around them too long.
You may even have to deal with people as you visit certain stores or drive from one place to another, and these strangers can be irritating even at a distance. (Think about road rage; that is a situation that can make you feel some strong emotions about other people!)
- Social Anxiety– Social anxiety may also be a contributing factor to your feelings. While most people with social anxiety experience fear, nervousness, or other common feelings associated with anxiety, it’s also possible for some of these individuals who get overwhelmed by social situations to react angrily. When you consistently feel angry as a defense mechanism, you may grow to feel like you hate whatever is setting off your condition, especially when people are involved. Rather than being fearful or overwhelmed in a more scared manner, you may end up trying to avoid situations involving other people with a mindset of strongly disliking them and getting angry by blaming your anxiety and stress solely on a specific person or the general population.
- Having a Stressful Job– Some of the most demanding careers or jobs that involve dealing with other people can quickly lead to angry feelings in a person’s life. While this allows many opportunities to meet new and exciting people and have positive interactions, it often allows many negative ones. You may not truly hate other people, but when you’re in a situation that allows you to have far more unpleasant interactions with other individuals than the average person may experience, you may feel like you hate everyone.
How Hatred Can Affect Your Body, Your Mind, And Your Relationships
You may find it quite difficult to experience many positive emotions if you’re constantly consumed with anger and disgust for other people, which recent articles show can affect many areas of your life. Hatred is an incredibly strong emotion and can affect the body as well as the mind. When you experience such a strong emotion, your body’s “fight or flight” response is triggered. Feeling this consistently can contribute to high-stress levels, anxiety, depression, insomnia, weight gain, mental illness or personality disorders, and even chronic illness. Mentally, aside from anxiety and depression, you may also experience restlessness and paranoia.
These effects of regularly feeling hatred can easily decrease your quality of life, as well as affect your relationships. It’s difficult to connect to another person if you’re consumed with negativity. And suppose you’re already in a relationship and prone to feeling hatred as a response to any unpleasant interactions with your partner. In that case, this greatly inhibits your ability to approach any problems reasonably and work towards healthily resolving conflict and restoring the quality of the relationship that the two of you have together. Love is so strong of emotion that it can easily be twisted into hatred when things go south in a relationship, and this can limit your ability to have a healthy partnership with another person. In the worst cases, you may even find yourself in a “love-hate” relationship, which can be highly toxic and potentially even abusive.
9 Reasons You May Feel Like You Hate Others and You Can Overcome These Feelings
There are quite a few reasons that you may grow to feel like you plain hate other people, but there are also solutions to all these potential triggers:
- Needing to Take Some Alone Time:Whether you’re an introvert by nature or you happen to deal with a significantly overwhelming amount of people regularly, it’s easy to experience burnout and need to take the time to step away to take a deep breath, recharge, and carve away some time for a bit of self discovery. Not everyone can be expected to handle a large volume of interactions without becoming socially and mentally exhausted from it. The fix for this often comes in the form of alone time. Make it a point to set aside time for a bout of isolation to relax, unwind, and reset so you’re better prepared for handling your interactions with others the next time it’s required of you.
- Needing to Learn To “Agree to Disagree”: The vast majority have different views on things in life, which is often due to several different factors. Many people have different beliefs, different upbringings, and different experiences that affect how they think and feel about things. Sometimes they may have some strong opinions that conflict with your own. There’s nothing wrong with a healthy debate, but allowing arguing and differing views on an issue makes you feel like you hate someone who isn’t accomplishing anything, nor is it good for your overall health. This is often seen online and on social media. Some people also love to provoke others who they know have a strong opinion on something. These kinds of interactions can easily provoke a person’s anger and make them feel compelled to lash out and passionately hate whoever has offended them or dared to challenge their perspective. Rather than indulging in bickering and hostility, the best option to help you become more accepting of others and less irritated with them, in general, is to learn how to agree to disagree.
Rarely will people see eye to eye on every issue that life has to offer, but it’s okay to still get along with others who don’t see things the way you do. Agreeing to disagree means simply accepting that someone has views different from your own, but that doesn’t always mean they are horrible or deserving of hatred. Everyone has beliefs and experiences that affect how they feel about certain things. The healthiest and most mature response to this is acknowledging your differences and proceeding forward, interacting peacefully, distancing yourself, or walking away if approached with aggression on a topic.
- Focusing on The Negative Instead of focusing on The Positive:Some people struggle to focus more on the negative throughout their day than the positive. This can lead to feelings of strong dislike for the people and things around them. This requires a shift of perspective on your part to overcome it. Some people you’ll have to deal with will have strong personalities or maybe strangers simply having a bad day.
Though they may not be pleasant when you encounter them, you’ll need to start working on not letting one bad instance in your day ruin the other hours in which you’re awake (or bother you even days later). Take time to calm yourself down from being irritated or upset with someone you’ve interacted with, and try to think of the good things you’ve experienced and are thankful for during your day. Was your coffee great this morning? Was the weather nice? Did you get to read another chapter of that book you like? Did you see a cute dog in your neighborhood on the way to work? Instead of focusing on how annoying or rude someone else was and wallowing in anger or other negative emotions, shift your perspective and thinking and acknowledge the little things and the good things that occur in your day-to-day life instead of giving so much attention to the bad.
- Holding Onto Anger Instead Of Forgiving The People That Did You Wrong:On a more personal note, sometimes feelings of hatred for another person can be due to personal experiences with them, such as them having said or done something to hurt you deeply or to cause problems in your life at some point.
Although these feelings are often quite justified, holding onto all that anger will only hurt you more than it will ever affect the person those emotions are directed at. Finding a way to allow yourself to forgive a person that has hurt you will greatly decrease your emotional distress and give you freedom from dwelling on negative emotions that may be impacting your own life, relationships, and happiness long after an unpleasant interaction with the person you can’t stand has taken place.
- Needing To Make Some Changes:Sometimes, some larger changes may need to be made in your life, especially if you’re struggling with having a particular profession or other activities that may amplify your anxiety, stress levels, and negative emotions in regards to other people. Suppose you have a job that requires you to interact with others either in person or over the phone, causing you to become deeply unhappy and feel like you hate other people. In that case, it may be time to consider finding a new job that is less stressful and more suitable for your emotional and social needs.
- Needing to Set Boundaries:Much social stress leading to intense feelings of dislike for people can be due to not setting and enforcing boundaries with those around you. Some people are agitated by physical touch and need to express their need for distance and strictly verbal contact healthily. Some people may have friends, family members, bosses, or coworkers who ask too much of them and their time. They need to express their need for respecting their boundaries when it comes to not being overworked and pulled in too many directions regularly. You may worry that speaking up or disappointing those around you will only cause further problems. It may not always go over smoothly, but insisting upon being treated concerning your needs as an individual is necessary to avoid excess stress unpleasant feelings for other people.
- Lacking the Understanding for Why You Feel Negatively Towards Others: If you feel like you hate everyone—or a large number of people—but aren’t sure why, it may be time to interrogate the reasons behind the hatred.
Many people are afraid of the unknown, which sometimes can be distorted by anger and turn into hatred or discrimination. It would be wise to take some time to reflect on why you may dislike certain people. Is it their appearance, voice, or mannerisms? Do they remind you of someone who evokes a negative reaction from you due to your own experiences in life, and therefore you dislike this unrelated person as well? Maybe they have other traits that are like a familiar source of negativity to you. Many discrimination, often leading to hatred (seen in hate groups and the like), come from not understanding the differences between what you are most familiar and comfortable with and those that aren’t similar to you. It sometimes stems from simply being unfamiliar with certain beliefs, cultures, or other defining factors. In these cases, it’s best to educate yourself on the things you don’t know about to understand better why some people are the way they are. Not all words and actions should be taken personally when it may be completely normal for the person you end up directing your negative feelings.
One of the more common factors in hating someone else also is recognizing in them something that we don’t like about ourselves, and this is an opportunity to reflect and realize what is bothering you and make changes on your end if it’s such a significant problem that you feel the need to project your lack of satisfaction with yourself onto someone else. We also may be blind at times to the idea of others experiencing mental and physical health challenges that we don’t know about, which can easily affect their behavior as they interact with others and us.
- Being Taught Hatred:Unfortunately, we live in times where hatred and a lack of empathy can sometimes be taught and passed down by family members or others we may have looked up to throughout our lives, whether they intended to or not. Luckily, though, we also live in a world where we can overcome these instilled sentiments and learn to love and accept others for who they are. If you’ve heard nothing but bad about a person or group of people, it may be a good time to investigate the information you’ve been taught about why you should feel the way you do towards them.
Misunderstandings and preconceived notions will only hold you back from learning more about others, their backgrounds, and their cultures and keep you from learning about what makes each person unique in their way.
- Envy and Jealousy: It’s easy to feel like life is unfair when friends, family, or other people in your life have something you want but don’t have. Whether they have money, a nice car, or an attractive partner, jealousy can escalate into more extreme feelings of dislike at times. Sometimes a person may inherit what they have from those who came before them, but plenty of people work hard to earn the things they have in life. If you’re struggling with jealousy, it is easy to pay attention to what someone else is doing or whatever they may have, but it may be more helpful to focus on your own life instead. If you’re feeling unhappy, you can set some goals for yourself that will help you get closer to getting what you want or remind yourself of the wonderful things you have accomplished.
If you’re jealous of someone’s looks, remember that you do not have to look exactly like them to be attractive in your unique way. If someone makes more money than you do, you can try to find ways to improve your financial situation or think about the things you have in your life that bring you joy. Often, feelings of hatred based on jealousy or envy can originate from feelings of insecurity. This can often be remedied by taking the time to counter negative thoughts or putting in work to better yourself and your situation.
How ReGain Can Help
Constant Negative Emotions Can Impact Your Life - Don't Let It
Take The First Step With ReGain
Suppose hatred or a constant, strong dislike of other people seems to affect your life, mental and physical health, and relationships. It may be helpful to seek professional treatment and emotional support through online therapy. There are many licensed professionals available to assist in helping you cope with your emotions and find healthy solutions to the problems associated with these feelings and the life factors that may be contributing to your sentiments. ReGain has mental health professionals available remotely, making reaching out for advice (or even someone to vent and talk to) convenient, regardless of your schedule or location. If you want to foster healthy relationships with other people and receive guidance on implementing the changes necessary to have a more positive, fulfilling life, online therapy can be an incredibly powerful tool.
Commonly Asked Questions
Why do I hate everyone in my family?
There are many reasons you may feel like you hate everyone in your family. And, unfortunately, home may have been the site where you learned how to hate others. Often, thinking back on when these feelings arose can help you identify what lead to them—and how to fix the problem. Perhaps your family did not express empathy when you had concerns about certain issues as a child. Maybe they were too hard on you or simply did not provide a loving home. Think about how your family interacted with you and showed you love. It may be hard to express empathy for them now if they never showed you empathy in the past.
How do I stop hating everyone?
When you feel like you hate everyone and want to put a stop to it, it’s important that you consider where those feelings come from. Hatred can be damaging to your physical and mental health and has serious implications when it comes to relationships.
Sometimes, feelings of hatred can be a result of mental health concerns. Mental health concerns like social anxiety tend to make you feel nervous and fearful in circumstances where you’re expected to socialize. You may eventually start feeling hateful towards others because of this—almost as though you hate everyone. If you feel nervous or tense in social situations, or you’re thinking you may have another mental health concern, consider reaching out for treatment. There are other mental health conditions that may be leading to hatred of others. Depression, substance use disorder, ADHD, and a variety of other mental health concerns can lead to disordered thinking and, subsequently, hatred. A mental health professional can give you the treatment you need when you’re feeling negatively toward others.
You may have also been taught to hate a group of people since you were young, without truly knowing why. Sometimes, home is the site where people learn to hate others. Hateful feelings can be passed down from generation to generation. If you’re feeling like you hate everyone, ask yourself where you learned that behavior. Whether they intended to or not, your parents may have instilled negative feelings toward people.
For more information about hate in relationships, take a look at applicable medically reviewed articles from this site.
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Is it OK to dislike everyone?
Why do we dislike people for no reason?
Does depression make you dislike people?
What does hate do to the brain?
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Why do I hate crowds?
How do I stop hating?
Speak With A Licensed Therapist
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The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. You should not take any action or avoid taking any action without consulting with a qualified mental health professional. For more information, please read our terms of use.
The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. You should not take any action or avoid taking any action without consulting with a qualified mental health professional. For more information, please read our terms of use.
I hate everything. I hate my lonely life. I hate this world and want to see it burn in hellfire. I hate couples in love on the street, from which I can not pass. I hate God for making me so flawed that I can't even help
Requests for helpWrite your story
Almost committed suicide two years ago, stopped himself at the last moment. Mother felt sorry for herself. But now I'm thinking about it again. And why should I live if life is one continuous suffering and loneliness? In 28 years of my life, I have never been in a long-term love relationship with a girl. Well at least not a virgin.
I take care of my appearance, take on more work, go to psychologists. Out of desperation, I even took up occult practices, but so far I don’t see the result I need from them. Yes, I believe in all this supernatural: in God, Satan, etc. How many times I asked God to set me up with a girl, but he never helped me. Am I asking too much? I just wanted to have a wife and first child at my age. And yes, of course, I did not sit at home on the couch, but met and talked with the girls myself. There were signs of attention and sympathy from them, but the end is always the same - after a meeting or two, interest in me disappears. Either "I like you as a friend", or generally ignore and cold, as just recently. Why am I so worse than everyone else? Anyone has a relationship: alcoholics, drug addicts, recidivist criminals, everyone. Except me.
I hate everything. I hate my lonely life. I hate this world and want to see it burn in hellfire. I hate couples in love on the street, from which I can not pass. I hate God for making me so flawed that I can't even have a relationship with a girl. But most of all I hate myself. Thoughts of suicide are getting stronger. I am still fluttering, some hope for an improvement in the situation is glimmering, but every day it is less and less. They say suicides go to Hell? Well, I'm not afraid. God turned away from me, so maybe Lucifer will be more favorable. Think of me what you will after this.
Morning Star , age: 05/28/2021
I want to support you. If you ask God, but he still does not give you what you want, then there are reasons that you do not know about. And it is true. Give up occult practices, otherwise you will go to hell. Look at the post-mortem experience of people who have been to hell. And the desire to go to hell will disappear for sure. You are not ready for a relationship, this is evident from your letter. And if you have them, then this will not bring you real happiness. Happiness is possible only with God! Trust God, calm down, just live now. You understand, to build good relationships and for marriage, you need a lot of strength, patience, the ability to forgive, care, love, give your time and attention to a person. This is a huge work, you just don’t know it, because so far there is only one. Love is when you give, but do not want to receive. God can give everything, anything, but will it bring you happiness? You need to work on yourself, learn to love people, relatives, do good deeds, help others. All of this should be done in family life. And if you don’t want to change for the better, and do something for others, then decide for yourself whether you need a family? For example, I was also myself, and God gave me a husband through my prayers.
I am grateful to God for this! but years later, I understood why he was in no hurry to give me a couple, there were many problems in myself, I have a complex character, unfavorable for family life. That's how interesting, God still gave me what I asked for, and I saw for myself that marriage is a huge mental work. All the best to you, believe in God, trust him, maybe he has prepared the most beautiful wife for you, the time will come and you will meet.
Bee, age: for 05/30/22/2021
You have not lost anything absolutely. Just a relationship for the sake of a relationship because it’s customary to bring nothing but disappointment. Not because you are bad people. It’s just that you are different. they say that in order to achieve a goal, you need to give it up. The obsession with relationships itself, so that it doesn’t happen in the shortest possible time, leads to nervousness. This is felt on a subconscious level when communicating and on dates. Insincerity, false pretense appears. leads? Only to disappointment in yourself and in everyone and emotional burnout. It is worth accepting the situation as it is. Postpone this desire for relationships at all costs for the sake of the fact of the relationship itself. high-quality, sincere and mutually agreeable. This is where there will be a high probability of meeting your person. Moreover, at the moment when you don’t count on it at all. Random dialogue somewhere in social networks, not even on a public or dating site. meeting on the street or at work. So I had my first relationship at the age of 26.
Sergey, age: 05/22/2021 33
Dear Morning Star, hello! You write about hate. Hate yourself and the world around you. I understand you, I was depressed, and these feelings are very familiar to me. But there is such a thing as substitutive feelings. And, most likely, behind your hatred of everything that exists, including yourself, there is pain, great mental pain and loneliness, disbelief that you can be helped. You are desperate. I also remember this myself. But everyone's life is different, for example, the owner of this site, Dmitry Semenik, first married at 46, and is absolutely happy in family life. You gave up early, Morning Star. I understand that you do not want to do anything, because everything in your eyes has become meaningless, because you have already tried so hard. This is depression. And it is being treated. Either psychologists, or psychiatrists, or both. Suicidal thoughts are a sign of moderate to severe depression. Trust me, I have 3 suicide attempts under my belt. And the fact that he regretted his mother is right. My mom is suicidal. And I have to live with it to death. This is real hell. Your problems from the height of my experience do not seem to me insoluble. Yes, life crisis, Yes, heavy, but there is a way out! You asked for help here - it means that part of your personality still wants to live. Healthy part. The part that hurts is striving to get away from this huge pain into death.
But this is a mistake of thinking! Pain can be cured in another way - psychotherapy and medicines. The most important step - accepting the problem and understanding the need to help you - you have already done! Do the second - contact a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, a suicidologist, a helpline, a priest - you see how many ways! I coped with depression and suicidal tendencies - so you can too! Death is worth living, but love is worth waiting for!
Lyasine, age: 41 / 05/22/2021
As for occult practices. You write that you don’t see results from them. Well, you won’t see them. Only sect leaders, psychic sorcerers and other charlatans get the result from them. The results are financial. The rest get financial ruin, debts and mental problems. But not a solution to their problems .I recommend watching the documentary Going to Hell
Sergey , age: 33 / 05/22/2021
Hello! I think I can feel your pain. I ask you to stop, for your own sake, you are the most important person in your life. Relationships are always difficult. Don't think of yourself in any negative light, because you don't. I really believe that there is a time for everything and there is no need to wait. You just live, enjoy life, such people always attract other people. Try to let go of this situation and not bother with it, otherwise this thought will consume you. Just live, everything is fine :)
Panic, age: 05/30/2021
You are looking for love, but you yourself hate everything and everything. It doesn’t happen like that. Everyone advises you very correctly: take a step back, you don’t need to so desperately desire something and ask so hard. When you ask God for something, you must always end with the words: yes it will be Your will! The Lord gives us what is useful to us in a certain period of life. If he does not give it yet, then it is not useful.
You can’t ask God and engage in occultism at the same time. So you won’t get anything, only trouble on your own head.
I will advise you, calm down, humble yourself, live, enjoy life, thank God for what you have and do not think about what you do not have. Over time, it will appear if it is useful to you.
First of all, love yourself, your family and this world. If it doesn’t work, try to go to a psychotherapist, you may have to drink antidepressants, but don’t be afraid, people need them in situations like you have now.
I wish you good luck and love!!!
Arina, age: 50 / 05/22/2021
Hello . God hasn't turned his back on you at all. He loved and loves you always. It's just that you yourself built a wall of resentment, anger, hatred between yourself and Him. Moreover, occultism is a diabolical teaching and it is an abomination before the Lord. And in vain do you think that God created you flawed. We ourselves make ourselves what we want to make ourselves and listen little to what God wants for us. The most terrible thing that is in a person is his selfishness. After all, even Lucifer, whom you mentioned here, was created by God as the most perfect angel, the Angel of Light, as it is written about him in the Bible. But in the future, this angel became proud and even wanted to become higher than his Creator. His own selfishness manifested in him and he was thrown to the ground. As a result, Lucifer, aka Satan, decided to take revenge on God - also through God's creations - people. And now he rejoices for every person whom he manages to steal from the Lord. Believe me, Satan does not need you, the main thing for him is to avenge his overthrow. His task is to steal, kill and destroy, and also doom people to eternal suffering in hell. So there is something to think about.
Ivan 54, age: 55 / 05/22/2021
I understand you very much. I understand that it is impossible to love this world if you hate yourself and consider yourself flawed. After all, we are part of this world, if there is hatred inside, then our whole world will be saturated with hatred. Therefore, you need to start digging in this direction, look for good qualities in yourself, notice them and cultivate them with love, as if you are nursing your favorite plant. For example, you are currently not popular with women, but you are purposeful. You can’t get hung up on one of your shortcomings, because some shortcomings cannot be corrected, but it’s very possible to poison your life. We all have flaws and virtues, this is normal. Some shortcomings can be corrected. And every person in this world has his own people who will love him with his shortcomings.
It is very good that you are looking for the reasons for your dissatisfaction with life. Try to study world religions more deeply, pay attention that all world religions are built on a constructive approach to life, i.e. the main idea is “do not harm yourself and people”. Sects and other occult trends are aimed at destructiveness: giving money to someone in order to get something, in order to force another person to do something. Would you like to be deprived of your will and forced to do something at the request of another? Probably not. God gave us will as a great wealth, and because of this we can make decisions in our lives. But we do not have power over other people, we do not have full power over circumstances. Occult practices will not help you get what you want. You may even at some point feel that you are succeeding in something. But this will only be an illusion or the machinations of demons. You can't make a deal with the devil, you'll lose. But psychological health problems can appear. Ask any psychiatrist, most patients in psychiatric clinics are people who have practiced witchcraft. Now I'm not talking about frank charlatans who earn money on this by deceiving people. I mean people who seriously believe in the power of demons and take it seriously. The human psyche is not able to withstand such things. Take care of your health! Both physical and psychological!
Wait for the girls! You are still very young, and girls at your age are still very young and stupid, they don't know what they want yet. And you probably don't know either. Girls mature by the age of 28-30, they are looking for guys a little older, 32-38 years old, respectively. So a little later you will see that it is very popular. The main thing is that you yourself decide on your inner attitude towards yourself and towards this world. Because the relationship with a partner will largely depend on what you yourself experience for yourself, for the world and for your partner.
I wish you good luck and make the right choice! Remember that many have faced similar problems, and many have managed to find the right, constructive solution! God's help!
Katya, age: 42 / 05/22/2021
Hello Morning. The very first, well done, that he wrote here.
You stay here, don't leave, they will write to you and support you.
1. Like it or not, you are now depressed. You go to psychologists. I hope they are "good" and really professional.
2. Perhaps it is better to go to a psychiatrist to prescribe pills, antidepressants.
I'll tell you a secret of what to do to be loved, to meet love.
The secret is simple, but to achieve it you need to work hard.
To be loved, you must love yourself!
Fall in love with yourself. Accept yourself the way you are. Do not scold yourself, do not call yourself names, do not rot yourself (sorry for the rude word).
You must learn to treat YOURSELF with respect. With love. After all, this is a MIRROR reflection :)) UNDERSTAND?
The way you treat yourself is how people treat you.
You must fill yourself with love for yourself. First of all, you should be wonderful and comfortable with yourself. You must learn to enjoy your life! After all, this is YOUR life, to wake up and be happy with yourself. That's when you are filled with love for yourself, then your life will begin to glow with all the colors of the rainbow. And you will meet your girlfriend. But understand, she must see a Man who treats HERSELF with dignity and respect.
And another little secret. This is already an easy secret, but very valuable: never, ever, speak badly about yourself to anyone, with disrespect, even as a joke. Never!
Hug you. Everything will be fine with you and you yourself will write here on the forum :) support others.
Ksenia, age: 54 / 05/22/2021
Hello dear Morning Star.
It doesn't matter at all who thinks about whom and what, including us about you. In the head of any person can be anything, you can’t keep up with everyone to please. Yes, and it is absolutely not necessary to do this, a completely ungrateful and useless occupation at best, at worst - severe forms of depression from excessive suspiciousness, for example. When a person, following his thoughts, begins to "think out" for all their emotions, actions, words, etc., not without outside help, of course.
It is important what consequences our actions may have. If a person believes in the existence of a Higher Mind, then it may be quite natural to be interested in the laws that this Higher Mind controls. Also, if there is an understanding that this Mind has a direct opposite, then it is also better to learn more about it, it is always better to choose from real facts, and not far-fetched own ideas. The facts may be, among other things, from the testimonies of people who have experienced certain spiritual laws on themselves.
Occult practice did not pass me by, for example, once. After the conspiracies of one "healer", an unsuccessful suicide attempt, thank God! Reading the stories of people like me, I saw a lot of similar symptoms and consequences. I, like many others, seemed to be forcibly drawn to suicide. I realized that this was some kind of delusion, an illusion that I didn’t want this in real life, but the thoughts were so intrusive that it happened anyway. Oh, if I knew then what to do, how to correct the situation, but unfortunately, I didn’t have the Internet or church literature at hand then, it was the end of the Soviet godless period. Surviving after the attempt, I went on in a completely natural way, depending on my spiritual state, rolled "downhill", as they say, and rolled until I became completely ill. But the way out of this state is much longer, painful and difficult in the opposite direction than if I then immediately turned to God for help. The deeper we dig a hole for ourselves, the more difficult it is to get out of it in the material world. There is a specialized site https://zagovor.ru/main/postle-gadan on which there is a lot of useful material on various kinds of occult topics, mostly real stories of people who have come into contact with the spiritual world of evil. Read, please, dear friend, there are things that are better to part with, the sooner the better. You have a real choice to be smarter than many like me who didn't try to fix this very serious mistake.
After all, what is sin, it is a mistake. Man is created in the image and likeness of God, and when we sin, we inflict wounds on our soul, open access to it to our enemies to one degree or another. With occult practices, in general, direct access, with one's own hand, into their vile and vile paws. Approximately, as in production, if you violate the safety rules, then there will inevitably be some kind of trouble, or even tragedy. And of course, at the same time, you always want to find someone else to blame, instead of yourself. Conscience may quietly somewhere and suggests that this is wrong, but pride requires something else. There is an article about it on the site "Antidepressant number one" in the "Treatment of depression" section. https://pobedish.ru/main/depress It is she who is pride, or rather, pride claims that hell is not scary, there is nothing to be afraid of, suicide is almost the best solution...
But according to all major religions, the post-mortem experience of many people throughout the history of mankind is very scary, especially for suicides. Any earthly suffering in comparison with the suffering for a suicide in hell is nothing, just a moment. There is material in the section of the site "about death" and other sections, including from people who tried to commit suicide. There is also enough material on this topic on another specialized site Memoriam.ru https://memoriam.ru/zhizn-after-smerti-est. In addition, there are great chances of becoming an invalid, greatly complicating the future and earthly life, but at least there remains the possibility of repentance.
The fate of the relatives of a suicide is hell even during earthly life, many cannot endure such pain, they leave behind, and eternal hell follows. Read, please, I beg you all, and I beg you too, the section of the site "The Fate of Suicide Relatives", there are real stories of people, their life ends the minute they learn about death...
Of course, we all have this passion is pride to one degree or another, which separates us from God through rejection of His will, internal protest, and even rebellion, through disbelief, lack of faith, doubts, and in the modern world there are so many bright things, scientific and technological progress has turned so much many people think that the religiosity of a person seems to be forgotten in the Middle Ages. But the key word is "it seems", they say, it is necessary to be baptized at such moments.
Professor AI Osipov in lectures "Religion and atheism" (they are freely available on the Internet in audio, video, text format) argued, including from a scientific point of view, shows the complete failure of atheism, it is anti-scientific. Scientific and technological progress is still unable to create even one living cell. Maybe for now ... Clone, supplement, change can be from what has been created, but not created. Scientists have calculated, with all the information available in world science, the mathematical probability that a living cell was accidentally born in a chemical broth during evolution (which also has a huge number of questions, for example here https://realisti.ru/main/nauka?id=182 ) and it is equal to one chance in ten in eighty to some extent, I do not remember exactly. Those. the utterly astronomical number of accidents that atheism believes in must have happened to just one living cell at a time. And then what can we say about a person in whom the most complex physical, chemical, mental and spiritual processes operate? And about the entire universe, in which, according to scientists, there is also incredible Intelligence in everything, from the molecular structure to the macro-objects of the cosmos, while the case that atheism believes in is stupid and unpredictable. In nature, there is no chaos of chance, it has an absolute order in everything. Except for a person, of course, who, according to the Bible, is given by God the freedom of choice, and hence the possibility of making mistakes, which we all regularly make.
Atheism is also a faith, but it has nothing in its arsenal, except for the proud and groundless denial of God. Well, this is not how God should behave, if He exists according to atheism, he must behave as atheism indicates. I summarized, sorry, so as not to go into details, the lectures have it all, very interesting, in my opinion, and accessible if you want. There are also comparative lectures on religions, it is better to choose the right path to God right away.
A person by himself can be self-sufficient, regardless of the circumstances of life. We, out of ignorance and according to our passions, are primarily chasing circumstances, we spend a huge amount of time, effort, health on this, we often burn out internally along the way. But in reality it is better to have a solid foundation under your feet, which only God can give. And everything else is gradually built from this foundation. The sacraments of the Church (Confession, Communion), prayer purify our souls, unite with God, which gives protection to one degree or another of our spiritual growth from our own passions, which torment us in the first place. Not the circumstances of life, but passions (from the word suffering). Please go to the temple, dear friend, talk to the priest, ask for prayers and advice for yourself on how to start participating in these Sacraments and live with God, this can qualitatively change your life, if you want, of course. You won’t be forcibly sweet, therefore, although God infinitely loves his creation of man, he cannot violate our will, even to save.
Ask God regularly for help, Mother of God, how much time and effort your rehabilitation will take is difficult to say, but the sooner you start, the better. Do not listen to "your thoughts", they all lie, suicide is not a game, courage in this case is not kind, not from God, it can be a severe tragedy for you and for your environment. A good selection of material on Realisti.ru https://realisti.ru/main/happy on many important life issues. May the Lord help you to understand everything and in all good undertakings!
Vitaly, age: about 50 / 05/22/2021
Hello. Do you think all the couples that you see on the street get married and they love to the grave? They also break up, quarrel, ignore each other, find others. And I think it hurts just as much when your loved one leaves. And this unfortunately happens not infrequently, especially among young people. Love comes, goes and comes again with a new partner. Unfortunately, that's how it is. You envy less, but rather look further for your love. You don't have to focus on relationships. Just meet, chat, laugh... I think you have a hobby. Take up your favorite hobbies. It seems to me that you are fixated on the topic of relationships and this is bad. Lucifer will definitely not be kinder to you. Try to go to the doctor, talk to a psychologist. I wish you to find your happiness in this world. Save and save you God and your guardian angel
Evgenia, age: 30 / 05/23/2021
The same as mine ... I also live alone, I also dream of a family, a child. Take a look around what's going on! Girls are no longer girls, some... everything has its time for you! God, I think he can see everything ... imagine you are married, have a child and something went wrong and you decided to commit suicide ... and what about a wife and a child without a father? You have not grown strong and have not become ready for the family ... the time has not come yet, it seems to me. And it will come only after you realize the understanding of the family. Good luck and strength to you! And everything will work out! Believe me, it's a big problem.
Lee, age: 20/23.05.2021
Relationships are an important part of life. But far from the only one. Do you have any interests, hobbies? Perhaps you like to travel, read books, do some interesting and useful things? Fill your life with what you like, do what you love (it can be a job or a hobby), do not think about relationships and they will appear on their own. At some subconscious level, people feel that a person is focused on relationships, so they feel some responsibility, it is more difficult for them to build communication. Let go of the situation, stop thinking about it and everything will definitely work out!
Hold on, never give up! You will definitely come to your happiness!
Natalia, age: 05/31/2021
Hello. I agree with you that it is very difficult to create a family now. And it's not just you, Morning Star. Unfortunately, the time has come when purity, innocence is considered something shameful, now marriages are not created, because most young guys and girls are infantile, lack of initiative, but they are liberated, to say the least, as an example, my relative, the guy of all 18, brought a girl of the same age to the house, both study at a school, do not work and do not want to, no worries, no hassle, no help. In front of my grandparents, they both lock themselves in the bathroom, having fun there for an hour. They live on full provision, no responsibility, duties, not to mention modesty and politeness, ethics.
And I can tell you, do not despair and do not reduce your life only to relationships with girls. If it doesn't work, then it's not time. If possible, of course, get acquainted, you can ask colleagues or relatives about good, unmarried young ladies, communicate, meet, but do not make it all the only meaning in life. Find some hobbies, hobbies, you can join good volunteer groups, sports, for example. To go on excursions, to a sanatorium somewhere. Expand your social circle. I wish you success!
Irina, age: 05/24/2021 33/24
Hello. Occult practices are a microloan with huge interest. The benefits are a little bit to lure, but the problems begin. Everything obtained by turning to demons cannot bring any benefit. Well, evil cannot give birth to good! After the formal result, it comes out sideways. The child recovers, but then suddenly dies, the husband stops drinking and goes to another. There are no happy families on love spells, a love spell is violence against a person, like an abduction, but you won’t be forced to be nice.
Better turn to God. On the contrary, it is a deposit at huge interest. Also think about what kind of search program you have. You can't just look for someone. Who suits you? If you are soft in character, don't act like a brutal, it doesn't look bad. Soft, calm like no less. Choose a girl who is against abortion and depravity.
Wild Angel, age: 05/21/2021
Look, boy, you're only 28 years old. When I met my husband, he was 30. He was a fresh and cheerful young man who was sure that his true love was waiting for him ahead - and he was right. I was 26 and this was my first relationship. Both of us didn’t even think that “God never gave us a loved one” - it was too early to judge, because we are so young! Life is not something that has not yet been lived, but only begins.
Ladies, as a woman, practical advice: work on yourself, not on relationships with girls. Develop and improve yourself, keep working on yourself, you are great. And don't try to stop anyone. True love will come at the right time and be mutual.
Zamira, age: 47 / 06/11/2021
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History of misanthropy. Where does misanthropy come from and what can be good in it - Knife
Who is misanthrope ? In Ushakov's dictionary, this word has three meanings:
- misanthrope,
- unsociable,
- one who suffers from misanthropy.
In the first of them, attention is focused on the emotional component of this concept - you need to sincerely hate individual representatives of the Homo sapiens species and all of humanity. The second emphasizes the marginal position of the misanthrope - on the periphery of society, away from people. And the third contains a hint that this is a condition similar to a disease that one can "suffer".
Misanthropy seems to be a very modern type of thinking, especially if you continue to read the news, but all three interpretations recorded in the explanatory dictionary have already developed in ancient times.
Lucian's misanthropy is a creative force
The first misanthrope in history was named Timon, and he was from Athens. This character, undoubtedly important for European culture, appears in many works not only of ancient literature, but also of the literature of modern and contemporary times.
One of the earliest texts in which the figure of the Athenian misanthrope appears is the dialogue of Lucian of Samosata "Timon, or the Misanthrope". The plot underlying this work is widely known.
The rich man Timon generously presents his friends, convinced of their sincerity and devotion, and having distributed all the treasures, he discovers that the flatterers, greedy for profit, have left him.

In search of roots for subsistence, the former nobleman discovers a treasure sent to him by Zeus and declares a new attitude to life:
“Let me have a name - the most pleasant of all - Misanthrope - a misanthrope, and the distinctive features of behavior - gloom, severity, rudeness, anger and unsociableness."
This mentality of Timon is justified by the plot, and the unfair attitude of people towards him causes sympathy even in the host of gods. This irreconcilable misanthrope intends to direct his anger in a destructive direction:
“If I see someone dying in the fire and begging to put out the fire, I will put it out with tar and oil. <…> He would get what he deserved.”
But the dialogue can also be interpreted in a symbolic way. In "Timon" Lucian shows a whole suite of human vices, and the misanthrope's revenge on the human race takes place on two levels - real and allegorical.
The literary device used by the author is known to the modern reader from fables: the physical reprisal against traitors symbolizes the deliverance, purification of humanity from envy, flattery, greed and other vile manifestations of our nature and gives hope for rebirth.
This is how the creative potential of a seemingly destructive phenomenon is revealed. Misanthropy gives impetus to personal transformation: hating human vices, it is easier to get rid of them.
Ulrich Horstmann, a German professor and specialist in English literature, discusses the constructive component of this phenomenon. He perceives misanthropy as a certain type of thinking:
“Forays into forbidden, untolerable, closed areas of consciousness,” Horstman says in one interview, “would not cause condemnation if it were not for those who pragmatize the situation, perceive it as an imperative , call to action".
He notes the "preventive" effect of a misanthropic way of thinking, which can become a kind of warning and force a person to abandon destructive actions.
The destructive potential of misanthropy according to Shakespeare
The destructive beginning of misanthropy is shown, perhaps, in the most famous adaptation of the plot about a misanthrope - in William Shakespeare's play "Timon of Athens":
I hate people, misanthrope
If you were a dog, I could have at least a little
love you.
Even when the former nobleman regains his fortune, Timon's hatred of people does not weaken.
If the protagonist of Lucian of Samosata is limited only to reflections on the evil human nature and the desire to harm their own kind, then Shakespeare's hero actively contributes to the destruction of mankind: he gives money to Alcibiades to wipe Athens off the face of the earth, and bribes the courtesan, inciting her to infect everyone syphilis.
Such is the classic superhero of our time - a typical villain, such as the Penguin, the enemy of Batman, no doubt continues this tradition.
The misanthrope's self-hatred
The perception of the misanthrope as unsociable, shunning human society is already presented in Lucian's dialogue:
"Let Timon grow rich alone... let Timon be his own neighbor and neighbor, rejecting other people."
Social isolation is the destiny of a misanthrope, and he will even take care of his own funeral himself. This motif also appears in Shakespeare:
I hate this false world!
So, Timon, prepare your grave,
You will lie down where the sea foam will scatter
O grave stone.
However, in the English playwright's play, it becomes much more complicated: Shakespeare's Timon is a suicide. The reason for his voluntary departure from life is self-hatred:
Timon hated himself and all his kind
! Perish the human race!
Ulrich Horstmann also speaks of this destructive feature of misanthropy directed at the misanthrope himself: “If I despise the human race, then I must be aware that I myself belong to it. ”
The words of the researcher can be confirmed by the remark of Apemantus, a kind of double of Timon from Shakespeare's play:
You rejected yourself,
Back when you were yourself.
The misanthrope as a marginal
Refusal to identify with humanity — and from oneself — makes the misanthrope a marginal.
Professor of Philosophy, lecturer at the Humboldt University of Berlin Michael Pauen defines people like freaks, loners who do not feel like they belong to society, but only use society to isolate themselves from it.
There are at least two explanations for this. On the one hand, the very position of the misanthrope makes it necessary to establish a distance between him and those who bring him suffering.
On the other hand, on the periphery of the life of misanthropes, taught by the bitter experience of interacting with people, they are pushed by their conscious refusal to participate in the game, which for thousands of years has been played by the majority of thinkers - carriers of an optimistic worldview.
Misanthropes in a society naively striving for happiness become outsiders. Pessimistic thinkers who challenge the statement "being is beautiful" are a marginalized group.
In the book “Pessimism. History of Philosophy and Metaphysics from Nietzsche to Spengler" Michael Pauen argues that the Leibnizian attitude "we live in the best possible world" turns into a legitimate lie, because in this case individual suffering is inevitably devalued and ignored.
The very situation, when we are expected to love people and virtue, and an optimistic view of things and faith in progress should satisfy and reassure, can become a trigger for misanthropic impulses.
We constantly encounter such irritants in everyday life: social networks create the illusion of total happiness and prosperity that the consumer society promises us. Contemplation of cultivated pleasures often leads to depression and misanthropy - some fail to meet the unspoken standards of success, others simply do not want to participate in a session of collective hypnosis.
See also:
Digital hygiene: how to use social networks without letting them use you
Plato: hatred of people is a psychological problem
The tendency to stigmatize misanthropy is already outlined in Plato's Phaedo dialogue. A philosopher familiar with ancient tragedies analyzes Timon's story with amazing psychological accuracy:
exactly the same then another. If someone experienced this many times... such a person... being deceived, would end up hating all people in general... "
But individual particular cases do not give us the right to conclude that human nature is bad and vicious. Therefore, the misanthrope in Plato appears limited, too naive when choosing friends:
completely good or bad, both are small, and people who occupy the middle between one and the other are numerous.
Generalizations made on the basis of negative experience are indeed a terrible sin in philosophy and logic, but the psychological background of this problem, as old as Plato's dialogues, is clear: the trauma received as a result of getting close to another can form the basis of hatred of people.
Cicero: hatred of people is a mental disorder
The point of view of Plato, who explained misanthropy not by the bad nature of man, but by his inability to understand people, is developed by Mark Tullius Cicero in his philosophical treatise “Tusculan Conversations. Book IV. About passions. The Roman thinker pathologizes this trait, interpreting it as a kind of mental defect:
“…diseases arise from fear — such is misogyny… such is the misanthropy in general, which we know from Timon the misanthrope, such is inhospitality — all these diseases of the soul are born out of a certain fear of things that a person hates and avoids.”
Calling misanthropy "a disease of the soul", in his other work, the philosophical treatise "On Friendship (Lelius)", Cicero claims that only abnormal people who have lost their inner balance hate people. Their behavior only causes resentment and thus turns out to be outside the category of socially acceptable.
With the light hand of a Roman orator, misanthropy moves from a philosophical to a psychopathological plane - this is how the third line of interpretation of this phenomenon arises.
Misanthropy is a devilish delusion
The Christian Middle Ages goes even further along the path outlined by Cicero, considering misanthropy a devilish delusion. Love is the only feeling allowed in relation to man, God's creation. And hatred for people is from the evil one.
The world was created by a merciful God, which means that His children are good by nature - this attitude underlies the optimistic worldview in general. And anyone who thinks otherwise is trying to challenge a fundamental religious premise. And they must burn at the stake.
Interestingly, the proclamation of love for people as an unshakable ideological postulate led to selection on an unprecedented scale: apologists of Christian doctrine who believed in the beautiful nature of man burned witches and heretics with a sense of accomplishment.
Machiavelli's cynic: how to destroy ordinary people
Interest in the problem of misanthropy, which worried even ancient thinkers, was revived in the Renaissance - it is no coincidence that the participants of the Council of Trent in 1546 argued that the largest work of the Italian thinker, philosopher and politician Niccolò Machiavellian Sovereign" written by the hand of Satan.
The generally recognized misanthrope, the author of an odious essay, indeed, was far from having a high opinion of human nature:
“It can be said of people in general that they are ungrateful and fickle, prone to hypocrisy and deceit, that they are scared away by danger and attracted by gain.”
Therefore, there is no reason to respect a person - on the contrary, human stupidity and malice should be suppressed, and subordinates deserve to be manipulated by those in power. So, in the 17th chapter of "The Sovereign" "On cruelty and mercy and what is better: to inspire love or fear", Machiavelli, although he calls on rulers to execute subjects only in case of "inevitable necessity", however, he clarifies that "even more important . .. not encroach on the property rights of subjects, because people usually forgive and forget even the death of their parents rather than the loss of a fortune.
The cynicism of the Italian politician was so blatant by the standards of that era, when goodness was absolutized, that not only some contemporaries, but also descendants made attempts to interpret the treatise "The Emperor" as a satire.
One way or another, in his writings Niccolo Machiavelli, with unprecedented frankness, raised the problem of the relationship between moral norms and political conformity. A pronounced misanthropic attitude as the underlying reason for the cynical position of the Italian philosopher affected the reputation of those who do not like the human race.
The ideas of this outstanding misanthrope do not lose their relevance. Political technologists around the world draw practical advice from his main work, The Sovereign, and the first PR agency in Russia, which has been consulting on political issues since the late 1980s, does not even hide its commitment to the views of the Italian thinker. And it is called ingeniously and simply: "Niccolò M".
Love for humanity: Kant and Hegel
Already in the Enlightenment, a good attitude towards one's own kind extended so far that any manifestations of misanthropy or individualism stopped.
“Practical love is the obligation of all people towards each other,” moralized Immanuel Kant in his Lectures on Ethics, who considered hatred of a person to be terrible and worthy of contempt.
After all, every individual living on earth must positively identify himself with society (in the broadest sense of the word), and not separate himself from it.
According to Michael Powen, this position is most fully and consistently expressed in the works of one of the founders of classical German philosophy, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. The basis of the thinker's worldview is an optimistic view of the world, which is generally inherent in the Enlightenment. The history of mankind is seen as a kind of theodicy, the justification of God, and proof that the world is beautiful.
Hatred of humanity vs. love for a person
In the optimistic paradigm of thinking, the killing, violence and suffering that people inflict on each other is perceived as minor collateral damage, and humanity is forced to put up with it.
Neglect of the individual, when the suffering and well-being of a single individual, his negative experience are taken out of the brackets, in favor of the general, leads to the fact that some thinkers and poets drop out of the ranks of philanthropists. So, Friedrich Schiller, who in his "Ode to Joy" declared: "We are all brothers among ourselves," wrote in a letter to a friend: "I enthusiastically accepted the world in open arms, in the end I felt only a cold block of ice on my chest."
Striving for another and openness to the world (which turns into bitter disappointment) are two different impulses: love for an individual and hatred for the whole of humanity do not contradict each other.
Jonathan Swift: people are depraved, greedy, stupid and stink
"I love John, Jill and Jack, but I deeply hate humanity," wrote Jonathan Swift, another acclaimed 17th-century misanthrope.
The Irish satirist sent the protagonist of his novel "Gulliver's Travels" not only to the land of Lilliputians and giants, but also to the noble horses, the Guingngmas, who kept disgusting Yahoo people as pets.
In a fairyland, Gulliver comprehends the true human nature: people are depraved, greedy, stupid and stink.
In the "Satirical Pamphlet" the projector concerned about the public good, on whose behalf the narration is being conducted, even calls for cannibalism. He suggests that the Irish poor should sell children to be eaten by members of the upper strata of English society:
“One child can make two dishes for dinner if guests are invited; if the family dine alone, then the front or back of the baby will be a completely acceptable dish, and if you also season it with a little pepper or salt, then you can successfully eat it even on the fourth day, especially in winter.
Because of such texts, which were sometimes perceived by contemporaries as too straightforward, Swift gained a reputation as a misanthrope.
The historical context sheds light on the reasons for the satirist's misanthropy: he was horrified by the suffering people inflicted on each other. So, after the release of the Act of Parliament of 1652 "On the Disposition of Ireland", all the inhabitants of this region who participated in anti-English uprisings were completely deprived of their land, as a result of which tens of thousands of people died of starvation.
Swift, by suggesting to his compatriots, in his usual grotesque way, simply feed their children to the English, exposes the cynicism and cruelty of the newly minted landlords.
Historical and literary paradox: the one who drew public attention to the real manifestations of misanthropy was known as a misanthrope.
Philip Mainländer: a person is good only if he is not there
On a par with Jonathan Swift and other enemies of the human race was also the German thinker of the 19th century Philip Mainländer, one of the representatives of the pessimistic direction. In his "Philosophy of Liberation", dated about 1870, he writes: "I would like to destroy all fleeting impulses that can distract a person from the search for the quiet night of death."
The "liberation" given as the title of Mainländer's treatise can only mean that the world, and with it human suffering, will cease to exist.
The pessimistic philosopher dreams of this, because life is suffering, God is dead, and the best outcome is the apocalypse:
“Everything that exists in the world is generated by evil: the whole world, the state of mankind, laws and the natural order of things “It’s all just evil.”
Only what is not good is good. The same applies to the "crown of creation." Mainlander distances himself from humanity not in fantastic travels, like Swift's Gulliver, but in his own mind, based on the fact that he, the world and people do not exist.
Hatred of humanity is a reality of the 20th century
Performatives like “I love you” or “I hate you” play an important role in the communication of individuals, but how are they related to feelings towards the whole species of Homo sapiens?
According to Mainländer (and the Buddhists), humanity does not exist at all. And even if you do not believe them, there is still no subject called this collective noun, with which we enter into communication - there is only a generalization, an abstraction, and it is absolutely “indifferent” to be loved or hated. This means that anyone who is skeptical or hostile towards such a collective quasi-subject does not cause him any pain.
At the same time, if you think about it, the horrors of the 20th century (for example, colonialism, National Socialism, Stalinism) were not perpetrated by clear-cut misanthropes.
On the contrary, tyrants who committed monstrous crimes against entire nations pursued very specific goals and were sure that they sincerely love humanity, wish it a better future and give their lives for it.
“Why, then, did they cut people’s throats?” - wrote in the middle of the 19th century the thinker-provocateur, the founder of the philosophy of individualist anarchism Max Stirner.
Love for humanity sometimes turns out to be fatal for some of its representatives. Misanthropy, on the contrary, can correct this attitude and become a kind of philosophical therapy that creates a distance between the thinker and the object of his study - a person.
Is misanthropy possible in the digital age?
Misanthropy exists in a paradigm of thinking in which the question of the true nature of man is still important: what is he really, good or bad? In the 21st century, in the world of big data, where behaviorism and the concept of post-truth come to the fore, such a formulation of the problem seems simply impossible.
A person's intrinsically valuable existence is replaced by self-presentation on the Internet, he turns into an object or (at best!) an actant.
Health insurance companies collect customer health data through fitness bands without our consent in order to develop the most successful marketing strategy. The dystopian plot from the Black Mirror in 2015 about the latest technologies that exclude misanthropic outcasts from society has become a reality in China, where social rating is about to affect the access of an individual with “unacceptable” behavior to vital goods.