Martin luther king jr integrity
The many qualities of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s leadership | News, Sports, Jobs
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrated numerous leadership qualities during his fight for equal rights and over the course of history. He showed great courage over his lifetime by challenging the authority with his numerous protests and marches for many issues he believed in. He took many controversial stands among opposing Americans on many issues over history, some of those including equal rights and segregation.
He showed determination by never giving up on his fight for equal rights for everyone, and trying to end segregation for all Americans. He also was determined to not let what others did, said or called him or any of his family sway his judgment in his fight for equal rights. He showed loyalty by continuing to fight for his beliefs even after numerous arrests and attacks on himself, his family members and followers during the marches and speeches he made in many cities.
He showed great passion by educating himself on many issues. As well as continuing to protest for equal rights, ever after his home was bombed. He continued his fight for many years of his life for many issues in America.
Many people have learned great lessons on how to be a leader because of many things he did. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. showed respect and honesty by never resorting to violence even though he had much violence tossed in his face. He believed in nonviolent protests and made sure others followed him in this quest. His greatest leadership quality was integrity, which he showed when he gave his life for what he was fighting for. He also showed integrity by taking responsibility for his actions.
One of my favorite quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is … “Our lives began to end the day we became silent about things that matter.” Therefore no matter what issues I choose to help my community in by being a leader, I would begin by making sure I have many of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s leadership qualities.
If I were in a leadership role for changing something in our community, I would make sure that everyone was there during a protest. I would respect the voices of my community by making sure I spoke of their behalf and for their beliefs in whatever we were protesting.
I would also educate myself on the issues, so I am able to better lead the community. I would show courage by standing up for the community on any issue we thought needed to be addressed at that time. I would also make sure we lead a peaceful and nonviolent protest at all times. I would make sure the city knew of any marches or protests we had planned so that streets could be closed off to help protect the community and the people. I would try to ensure that all of the people are treated equally during the protest.
I will end this on another famous quote … “Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better,” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
In which if I am ever in a leadership role, I will display many of his qualities.
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Important Lessons from Dr. Martin Luther King
by jtt5181
Great leaders always leave their mark on the world with people remembering their messages, motivations, and ideas years after they have passed. This is exactly the legacy of Martin Luther King or MLK. Martin left his legacy all over the United States, he still has buildings, monuments, streets, named after himself because of the impact he made and because of the leader he was. He exemplified a multitude of the traits we have learned from this week’s lesson such as drive, honesty and integrity, and a desire to lead (PSU W.C 2020 L2). Due to these exemplified characteristics his lasting impressions are still relative today although leaving us fifty-two years ago.
The first trait mentioned above that MLK exemplified his actions of was his drive. He had total commitment to his cause, his most notable speech “I have a dream” is still recited today and is one of the most notable and powerful speeches in United States history. He was a voice for so many people when they did not have one, he was the leader of a movement with an entire population of the United States behind him. He served as the catalyst for the civil rights in 1964. He led a social movement unlike any before, and his drive was the reason is had the lasting impressions that it has today. Even though his life was constantly threatened, and he put himself at risk every day and every time he gave a speech, he still put that behind himself and led a group of people and changed the world.
Another example of an excellent leader which we have explored in this week’s lesson was that of honesty and integrity which was another trait that MLK had shown numerously throughout his life. He was true to his intentions and never hid or dismissed any of his thoughts in fear of putting his own life at risk. “I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation” was a quote from his speech at the Washington Monument in front of two hundred and fifty thousand people. He was not scared that vocalizing his wants for equality could hurt him, instead he was honest and stayed true to his beliefs which is a quality of an excellent leader.
Finally, the third trait I believe he exemplified of a tremendous leader was a desire to lead. Obviously, he had an immense desire to lead. He stood in front of hundreds of thousands of people to speak of an issue that was only preached about in front of small communities. As said before, he was the face of the entire movement. It was because of him that our whole world changed, and it was because of his desire to lead and change the world for his children, and his grandchildren. Without his desire to lead our world could look a lot different. He was a truly magnificent leader.
Overall Martin Luther King will be remembered forever, whether it was for his bravery, courage, or persistence he will be forever the one who changed the United States for the better. His leaderships style will also be remembered forever, he has shown an abundance of qualities of a great leader, more than highlighted in this blog post.
Northouse, P.G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice. 7th Edition. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Pennsylvania State University World Campus (2016). PSYCH 485 Lesson 2: Emotional and Social Intelligence. Retrieved from
Toren, Adam. “3 Important Leadership Lessons From Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” Entrepreneur, 20 Jan. 2020,
30 inspiring quotes from Martin Luther King Jr., which once again emphasize his wisdom
In this time of anxiety and doubt, the words of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. will come in very handy - they convey calmness, clarity and unity. On January 15, he would have turned 92 years old, but the life of a pastor and humanist ended when he was only 39 years old: he was shot on April 4, 1968.
Below you will find the most important and poignant quotes from the American preacher and public figure.
1. "A person's ultimate measure is not where a person is in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he is in times of challenge and contradiction."
2. "At the end of everything, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. "
3. “If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, go; if you can't walk, crawl; but by all means, keep moving.”
Sam Pollard's recently released MLK/FBI biopic, based on recently declassified files, shows how the US government followed and harassed King, from wiretapping to suicide suggestions.
By the way, King's eldest son, Martin Luther King III, told CNN that if his father were alive, he would be disillusioned with the US. “My father always believed in the people of our nation. Of course, he would be very disappointed with the way we are behaving today,” King III emphasized. “He understood that we are the United, not the divided States of America, and he would certainly say that we should turn to face each other, and not attack each other.”
According to blogger and writer Shoal Richards, the deaths of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, Breonna Taylor on March 13, and others "irrevocably opened the eyes" of many people to the reality of life in the United States for black people. However, he noted that the ongoing changes are a long way, which will not bring visible results either now or in a year.
Phil Stanziola
4. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hatred cannot drive out hatred: only love can do that."
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5. in accordance with their personal qualities”
6. "The time is always right to do what is right."
“I hope that as many people as possible will continue to study systemic racism by reading informative books. For example, "How to be anti-racist" by Ibram Candy or "White Fragility" by Robin DiAngelo. I hope as many people as possible will continue to stand up to racism and act as strong allies, even though some of their friends and family only roll their eyes when they hear about it,” explained Richards, who is confident that the anti-systemic movement racism does not die out, but continues through people engaged in self-education.
According to Richards, mass protest by "people of all races" is the most effective way to "demand meaningful change" in the country.
“I hope that people will continue to have important discussions about race, even if these discussions are uncomfortable and difficult. And most of all, I hope that people will not get tired and will not give up this long journey, which is designed to change America. This is how we should fight racism, and like any other meaningful change, it will take a lot of work.” Remember, change doesn't happen overnight. Efforts are required to create a more humane world.
Yoichi Okamoto
7. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
8. "A person will not begin to live until he can rise above the narrow limits of his individualistic interests and move on to the broader interests of all mankind."
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9. “Never, never be afraid to do the right thing, especially when the welfare of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are nothing compared to the wounds we inflict on our souls when we look the other way."
Nobel Foundation
10. “We fooled ourselves into believing the myth that capitalism grew and prospered because of the Protestant ethic of hard work and sacrifice. The fact is that capitalism was built on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor - both black and white, both here and abroad.
11. “Non-violence is a powerful and just weapon. Indeed, it is a weapon unique in history that cuts but does not injure, and ennobles the person who wields it.”
12. “The more unrest, the more repression, the danger of a right-wing takeover and the likelihood of a fascist society.”
Rowland Scherman
13. “I decided to go through life with love. Hatred is too heavy a burden."
14. “There is nothing more dangerous in the world than sincere ignorance and honest stupidity.”
15. “The function of education is to teach a person to think intensively and critically. Intelligence plus character is the goal of true education.”
Minnesota Historical Society
16. "History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of the period of social transformation was not the harsh cry of bad people, but the terrifying silence of good people."
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14 quotes from ancient thinkers who learned the essence of life 2000 years ago. An almost universal way to find simple answers and unfinished solutions. Nothing hurts some people more than having to think."
18. "Never give in to the temptation to become violent. "
Dick DeMarsico / Library Of Congress
19. "Shallow understanding on the part of people of good will is more frustrating than absolute lack of understanding on the part of people of ill will."
20. "We must accept finite disappointment, but never give up infinite hope."
21. "If a person does not understand what he is ready to die for, he is not fit for life."
Rowland Scherman
22. “He who passively accepts evil is just as involved in it as he who helps to commit it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it cooperates with it.”
23. "Let no one drag you so low as to hate him."
24. "Forgiveness is not a random act, it is a permanent attitude."
Marion S. Trikosko
25. "The greatest tragedy is ... not the cruelty of bad people, but the silence of good people. "
26. "There comes a time when one has to take a position that is neither safe nor prudent nor popular, but one must take it because it is right."
27. “Like everyone else, I would like to live a long life – longevity is important, but I don't worry about it now. I want to do the will of the Lord."
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
28. "Change does not roll on the wheels of inevitability, but comes as a result of continuous struggle."
29. "The ancient law of 'an eye for an eye' will cause everyone to remain blind."
30. “Non-violence is absolute commitment to the path of love. Love is not an emotional outburst, not empty sentimentalism. It is the complete surrender of one's existence to the being of another."
Cover: 1Gai.Ru / Dick DeMarsico / Library Of Congress
Article Source: 30 Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr. That Show How Exceptional He Was
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Martin Luther Shepherd (Martin KingLuther King (January 15, 1929, Atlanta - April 4, 1968, Memphis). Great Americans. 100 outstanding stories and fates
Shepherd Martin Luther King (Martin Luther King) (January 15, 1929, Atlanta - April 4, 1968, Memphis). Great Americans. 100 outstanding stories and destiniesWikiReading
Great Americans. 100 outstanding stories and destinies
Andrey Gusarov
Martin Luther King
(January 15, 1929, Atlanta - April 4, 1968, Memphis)
“Although we face difficulties today and will face them tomorrow, I still have a dream. This dream is deeply rooted in the American Dream.
I dream that one day this nation will stand up and live in accordance with the true meaning of its principle: "We take it for granted that all men are created equal." I dream that one day in the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at a fraternal table.
I dream that the day will come when even the state of Mississippi, sweltering in the heat of injustice and oppression, will turn into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I dream that the day will come when my four children will live in a country where they will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by their personality.
I am dreaming today!” said Martin Luther King, Jr., standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on August 28, 1963.
The future preacher and defender of the rights of the Negro population of America was born in the family of a pastor. His parents Martin Luther King Sr. and Alberta Williams King named the boy Michael. The father will change his son's name in 1934 during a trip to Germany for the Fifth World Baptist Congress in memory of the great reformer Martin Luther.
Martin Luther King
At 13, Martin Jr. entered the Lyceum at the University of Atlanta. At this age, he was skeptical about the church and many of its dogmas, but over time he understood a lot and even decided to enter the seminary. At fifteen, King entered Morehouse College and three years later was ordained as a minister in his father's church. Martin graduated from college in 1948 with a bachelor's degree in sociology. By this time, having made the final decision to follow in his father's footsteps, he goes to the Crowther Seminary in Chester and three years later receives a bachelor's degree in divinity. After graduating from Boston University, Martin Luther King Jr. received a doctorate in theology.
During his studies at the university, Martin met Caretta Scott, a conservatory student. Having shown the girl to her parents - she specially went to Atlanta, the young priest proposes to her. The wedding took place at the bride's mother's house on June 18, 1953. After completing their studies and receiving diplomas (Caretta studied singing and playing the violin), the King family leaves for the city of Montgomery, Alabama.
At the new location, King began to serve as a pastor. The first political action in which he took part was a march against racial segregation in public transport. The reason for the speech was the arrest of black Rosa Parks, who did not give way to a white man on the bus. Two years later, he headed the human rights organization "Leadership Conference of Christians of the South." For several years, King has been doing a lot of public work, constantly speaking at rallies and meetings. At 19In the year 60, he travels to India, where he gets acquainted with the life and struggle of Mahatma Gandhi. Martin Luther King's most famous speech was the "I Have a Dream" speech delivered in Washington to 300,000 demonstrators.
This activity of King was appreciated by the international community. He received the Nobel Peace Prize.
The tragedy happened in Memphis in April 1968. Since the end of February, protest marches by striking scavengers have taken place in the city. The workers demanded equal wages for whites and blacks. King provided great moral assistance to the strikers by participating in their demonstrations and holding rallies. On April 3, he returned to Memphis and gave a talk at the Mason Temple. The preacher is staying at the Lorain Motel, no. 306.
On the evening of April 4, 1968, Martin was standing on the second floor balcony. Turning slightly to musician Ben Branch in the room, he said, “Ben, be sure to play 'Take My Hand, Precious Lord' at today's meeting. Play it really well." At that moment, a bullet hit the right side of the neck. King was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, but nothing the doctors could do to prevent his death.
In his last sermon, delivered a few hours before the killer was shot, King said, “Like anyone, I would like to live a long life. Longevity matters. But I don't think about it now. I just want to do the will of the Lord. He allowed me to climb to the top of the mountain. And I looked around. And I saw the promised land. I may not get to her with you. But I want you to know that we as a people will make it to the promised land! And I'm so happy today! And I don't worry about anything! I'm not afraid of anyone. My eyes have seen the majesty of God."
This text is an introductory fragment.
MARTIN LUTHER AND KATHARINA VON BORA Dr. Martinus and Mr. Katharin Tell me, what do you think: how much in life is determined by childhood, happy or unhappy, by the position of parents, high or low, and even by one's social position? A lot of people will say - everything,
ROME, APRIL 8, 1968
ROME, APRIL 8, 1968 Flu-like condition at night - aching in the bones and tickling in the throat, heralding a cold. So I stayed at home, lit a memorial candle for my father, who would have been a hundred years old today, and poured a libation in his honor. He often said that
ROME, APRIL 9, 1968
ROME, APRIL 9, 1968 Feeling better overnight, but hoarseness appeared. These sudden colds are like a lottery in which more or less favorable lots are drawn. If nothing is done at all, what the ancients called "running current" may happen,
ROME, APRIL 9, 1968
ROME, APRIL 9, 1968 Slept restlessly. Here I have architectural dreams, not so much of erected buildings as of crushed masses that are still heaving, despite the fact that they are already half weathered. The hoarseness persists. Such ailments help us to see
ROME, APRIL 12, 1968
ROME, APRIL 12, 1968 Good Friday. It was raining. I spent the day at the villa to catch up. Wrote letters, among others to Mrs. Nai. The break will do me good, because with my flu condition I moved quite lightly, especially in churches from
APRIL 27, 1968
APRIL 27, 1968 With the Roselius in Anzio. We met Gustav René Hocke there and dined at the Garda, the most beautiful fish restaurant in the town, whose tavern sign was woven from ropes. A bright, cheerful, pergola-like terrace stands on supports; it opens
ROME, APRIL 28, 1968
ROME, APRIL 28, 1968 At night in Quilumbo, it grew and grew prettier; now there was even a church with bells ringing. Festive meal with black servants; Violetta entered and directed the table setting. She was en grande tenue; I especially liked that in the left
ROME, APRIL 29, 1968
ROME, APRIL 29, 1968 On the forum. Fennel blooms with yellow shoots; the acanthus curves in green shafts and stretches out the heads. On the arch of Titus, all new details, for example, the continuation of the folds of clothes over the edge, into the third dimension. It is probably so well preserved due to the fact that
KING MARTIN LUTHER (b. 1929 - d. 1968) One of the most prominent civil rights activists in the United States. Pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. Second Southern American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize (1964) after William Faulkner. Killed by racists. April 4, 1968
King Martin Luther (1929-1968) American clergyman and civil rights activist
King Martin Luther (1929-1968) American clergyman and civil rights activist Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Martin (originally Michael) Luther King was the eldest son of a Baptist pastor. When the boy was six years old, his father changed his and his name to
KING MARTIN LUTHER (1929-1968) Baptist pastor. One of the organizers and leaders of the non-violent struggle for the civil rights of blacks in the United States. Nobel Peace Prize 1964 years old. Murderers.Martin Luther King is one of the most prominent people of our time. Not being
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