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Welcome to the first of many nerd / geek specific test available at You have probably taken the Nerd Test available on this site, but many have said that it is too generic and not specific enough. Well this quiz attempts to narrow the geek / nerd definition to just the computer subset. Please, be advised, the answers to the questions will not be supplied at the end of the quiz. This means you will have to work harder (i.e. cheat more) to increase your score.
Have fun and share this test with others!
First of all, do you feel that you are a computer geek?
I don't know, that's why I am taking this quiz. Doi!
Do you have boy or girl parts? (Does not impact score, just used for statistics)
Not Applicable
Are you an old fart? (Again, does not impact score, just for stats)
Less than 13
13 - 15
16 - 18
19 - 22
23 - 27
28 - 32
33 - 40
Over the hill
Do you have a weblog (blog)?
Do you host your own weblog (blog) on your own server?
Do you read other's weblogs (blogs)?
What is your primary means of communication?
Direct talking
Internet Chat
Is that your only mean of communication?
How are you connected to the Internet?
Don't know
Corporate LAN
DSL / Cable Modem
Wireless phone
Other Other >= 1Mbit/s
Is Bill Gates your hero?
Who's that?
No, he's evil
What about Linus Torvalds?
Who's that?
Yes, I bow to him
What about this guy?
Um, who is that?
Who was that guy?
Bill Gates
Linus Torvalds
Seymour Cray
Thomas Watson
Steve Jobs
What time is it right now?
2am - 4am
4am - 7am
7am - 5pm
5pm - 9pm
9pm - 12am
ROT13 this:
OMG! Why am I taking this quiz?!
ROT13!??! I'll ROT you!
Books can smoke
Geeks are great
Foots bay tower
What does this do:
echo $dorks==$geeks?"yes":"no";
I don't know
Outputs yes
Outputs no
How many of the released volumes of TAOCP have you read?
What is that?
About 10 pages of the 1st Volume
All Six of them
Is 2448 - 1111 cool?
Numbers suck!
No, that is so old school
Yes, I am a believer
What is this test? How did I get here? Mommy!?
Convert this from ASCII to English:
There once was a man from Nantucket. ..
I Are Dummy
I Eat Frogs
What does ASCII stand for?
All sugar can injure igloos?
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
American Standard Code for Information Integration
Alliance Standard Code Interchange Integration
Did you Google the last question?
No, I just guessed
No, I knew it
Yes, Google is Godlike
Yes, but I am still not sure my answer is right
Google this:
Nerd Quiz
No way
I did, and now what?
I am going to take those quizzes
I have already done all of those
Is Google god-like?
No way
Oh yeah!
As of right now, how long have you been in front of this computer without getting up?
Less than 30 minutes
About an hour
About two hours
About three hours
more than 3 hours
Not including "work," how long do you spend on the computer daily?
Less than an hour
About two - three hours
About four to five hours
About six to seven hours
more than eight hours
About what percentage of your work / classes involves computer use?
Much less than 25%
About 25%
About 50%
About 75%
Practically 100%
It is 3am on Saturday. .. What are you doing?
Web surfing/blogging/chatting
Playing in a MMORPG
Stumbling home from a party
Stumbling home from a LAN party
Playing with myself
Something else
Now it is 3am on a school night. Now what are you doing?
Web surfing/blogging/chatting
Playing in a MMORPG
Stumbling home from a party
Stumbling home from a LAN party
Playing with myself
Something else
Which word best describes your significant other (SO)?
I have no SO
Geek / Nerd
Hunk / Pretty
A Dell
Honestly, do you really have a significant other?
I already said no
You caught me
In your home, how many computers do you have?
2 - 3
4 - 5
More than 5
How many of them run Linux?
3 or more
Do you have any dual boot systems (i. e. Windows / Linux, etc...)
Run that by me again
What operating system are you taking this quiz on?
MacOS / OS X
How many CPUs does the computer you're on have?
I don't know
More than 2
WAY more than 2
Have you ever had an argument about which operating system is better?
Yes, and always win!
Do you curse Windows and what it represents?
...but use Windows anyway?
No way!
Can you write computer programs?
I said no!
Specifically, can you write BASIC programs?
Um, no!
No, argh!
. ..PHP?
Why do you keep asking! I said NO!
I give up
...C / C++?
...Assembly, without any references?
No Way!
Yes, I am a CP/M god!
Have you ever typed a batch file in DOS?
Have you ever typed script in Linux/UNIX?
If given the choice, would you be a Computer Scientist
Yea right!
How about a Computer Engineer
No Way!
Which job would you choose if money was not part of your decision?
Computer Engineer
Click Here (a new window should open)
What are your thoughts?
I am not clicking that!
Kinda funny
It's the truth man!
Click Here (a new window should open)
What are your thoughts?
I am not clicking that!
Identify what's in the following picture
A vending machine.
A computer?
Speaking of computers, what was the first programmable, electronic, digital computer's primary function?
Projectile paths
Pac Man
Finding prime numbers
Cracking codes
Speaking of Pong... Have you ever played it?
Don't know
Yes, on a classic Atari
Speaking of Pong... Who patented the idea?
Atari, Nolan Bushnell
Nintendo, Sui Nagasaki
Greenoid, Ralph Nader
Magnavox, Ralph Baer
Sientell, George Costanza
Have you ever played games on a Commodore 64?
Don't know
Have you ever programmed a Commodore 64?
Have you ever connected to the Internet with a modem with speeds of 1200baud or less
Don't know
What's a baud anyway?
A bit per second
Carrier shifts per second
Have you ever corrected a computer salesperson on technicalities?
Yes, and was handed an application
Do you find yourself ever saying "lossy compression" when talking to others?
Do you know what "lossy compression" means?
Ok, smart one, what does it mean?
I already said I don't know
Compression that is lossy, duh!
Compression with some data loss
A compression scheme that retains all original data
Are you still taking this quiz? Wow, you are a computer geek!
Which HTML tag is used to insert an image into a web page?
Don't know
<image . ..
<img ...
<a image ...
<pict ...
How often do you back up your important documents?
What does CD mean to you?
Certificate of Deposit
Compact Disc
Change Directory
Carrier Detect
Did you laugh at any of these questions while taking this quiz?
A bit
Yes, because the truth is funny (sometimes)
Do you have a question to put here?
Nope, this quiz blew me away
Yes I do
Yes, and it would be WAY better than anything above!
If you score high, are you going to show your Graphic Prize to others?
Please allow a few seconds to process your score before clicking twice.
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NerdTests. com - A quiz site for nerds and geeks!
1. Have you ever been called a 'geek' or a 'nerd'? | Yes No |
2. Have you ever played War Hammer? | Yes No |
3. Do you know how to program a calculator? | Yes No |
4. Do you often correct people on spelling or grammar? | Yes No |
5. Have you ever solved a Rubik's cube? | Yes No |
6. Do you enjoy jigsaw puzzles? | Yes No |
7. Do you know the difference between ROM and RAM? | Yes No |
8.![]() | Yes No |
9. Are you a member of any fan clubs? | Yes No |
10. Were you in the 'clever' class for maths at school? | Yes No |
11. Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons? | Yes No |
12. Do you like Star Trek? | Yes No |
13. Do you use computers on a daily basis, outside of work? | Yes No |
14. Have you ever won a spelling or maths competition? | Yes No |
15. Do you visit museums of your own free will? | Yes No |
16.![]() | Yes No |
17. Have you ever worn a costume 'just for fun'? | Yes No |
18. Have you ever been to the cinema on your own? | Yes No |
19. Would you turn down a party invite if you were near the end of a good book? | Yes No |
20. Have you read a comic after the age of 14? | Yes No |
21. Have you ever fantasised about working for Microsoft? | Yes No |
22. Do you believe in 'The Force'? | Yes No |
23.![]() | Yes No |
24. Have you ever watched anything on the Sci-Fi channel? | Yes No |
25. Do you own a Slinky? | Yes No |
26. Do you own more that 1 kind of dictionary? | Yes No |
27. Do you like number puzzles? | Yes No |
28. Have you ever considered trying out for Mensa? | Yes No |
29. Are you already a member of Mensa? | Yes No |
30. Do you wear a bum-bag when you are on holiday? | Yes No |
31.![]() | Yes No |
32. Have you ever collected anything? | Yes No |
33. Could you write a basic computer programme? | Yes No |
34. Have you ever designed a robot? | Yes No |
35. Have you ever attempted to build a robot? | Yes No |
36. Do you have more than 2 e-mail addresses? | Yes No |
37. Do you know the value of Pi beyond 3.14? | Yes No |
38. Have you ever worked in a 'geeky' job? | Yes No |
39.![]() | Yes No |
40. Have you ever 'been friends' with someone on the internet? | Yes No |
All-Russian Olympiads for children
What could be better than watching your child or pupil puff with interest over some task. What could be brighter than the lights in his eyes when he receives praise or a reward for this work. And certainly nothing can compare with the pride of realizing that this is his own merit, that he is one of the few who have received such recognition.
Children's quizzes and competitions are an amazing key that can open the heart of a student to science in general and study in particular. Participation in quizzes for most children is a very exciting process, they are happy to join in solving charades and crossword puzzles, finding the right solutions. Using them as a technique in the educational process can increase the level of perception, as it involves involuntary memory and analytical and synthetic processes.
All-Russian children's quizzes on the Internet
Very often the concept of "children's quiz" is inseparably associated with a certain level gradation, for example, regional and so on up to international. In this case, not all participants of the previous rounds go to each next stage, but only the winners. The only inconvenience is the long breaks between stages, during which children who do not have enough interest can simply lose interest in what is happening.
The site "YOU ARE A GENIUS" offers an alternative approach to participating in competitions, including all-Russian quizzes for children of different ages.
What are the advantages of our quizzes for children:
- the registration system is very simple and everyone can handle it;
− Internet quiz for children is carried out promptly, which means that the result will not have to wait long;
- the all-Russian quiz is as accessible as any other - anyone who has registered on our website, applied online and paid a symbolic fee can take part;
- on our site the number of attempts to participate in any kind of competition is not limited;
- the most important thing is that there are only prizes here, no general list - “you are 791st, congratulations!” or something similar.
Our quizzes give creative children the opportunity to show all the facets of their talent, test their knowledge and horizons, replenish their personal achievements with high-level certificates and just have fun.
Concept "quiz" appeared in the 20s of the twentieth century.
Authorship belongs to a well-known at that time Soviet journalist and publicist Mikhail Koltsov.
The word was coined for the headline of a newspaper section, which contained all sorts of questions on intelligence, interesting charades and puzzles. Moreover, one of its employees, Viktor, selected materials for this section of the newspaper. It was from his name that the word "quiz" appeared.
Later, a second connection was found, with the word "victory". Because Victor in Latin means a winner. This word eventually began to denote all games that involve any questions and answers.
Quizzes for children are not just questions from various sections of knowledge. This is a competition, a struggle with oneself, an attempt to answer more questions.
Thanks to quizzes, children will be able to better navigate in various areas of knowledge. They will awaken the curiosity of the child, his interest in knowledge, perfectly develop the erudition of the children, which, of course, will also please parents.
Children always remain children and they just need a variety of game moments, quizzes. For primary school students, this is especially important, since they are just beginning to enter the school education system, and this transition should be smooth and interesting.
This can be done by introducing cognitive and game moments into the educational process. For example, by captivating children with all sorts of tournaments, competitions, each of which will measure a new round in the development of the student over himself. The same goes for high school. But today's kids are often so busy that they simply don't have time for long-term side projects. An alternative is online quizzes for students with diplomas. They usually do not last long, and the results are announced as soon as possible. In addition, such events do not provide for the direct presence of the participant at the venue of the tournament. Everyone applies online and participates remotely, in comfortable conditions, which removes the stress factor that often interferes with not very self-confident children.
All-Russian distance quizzes for schoolchildren - no limits for activity
The site "YOU ARE A GENIUS" is already well known to many preschoolers and their parents. For them and not only on our site there are many opportunities to test their strength, horizons, creativity, get a lot of positive from their own activities and a certificate confirming the high level of achievements. It is the turn of schools to show their capabilities. All-Russian quizzes for younger students are waiting for new participants. To do this, you do not have to go anywhere - we offer remote quizzes for schoolchildren of different age groups with fast processing of results and obtaining diplomas.
Preschool age is that golden time when a child is most susceptible to all kinds of influences. It is during this period that the primary system of values and motives is formed, which largely determines further activity. That is why it is important from an early age to form in a child the need to develop and improve, learn new things and test his strength. All-Russian quizzes for preschoolers are your reliable assistant in this. We share your desire to captivate and "inspire" the younger generation. Our online preschool quizzes cover a wide range of interests, with something for everyone. It is very easy to take part. It is enough to read and follow the registration instructions, download tasks and upload your answers to the site.
Among our offers you will find remote quizzes for preschoolers, middle-aged children and educators.
Quizzes for preschoolers - we reach the next level easily.
When forming a system of values and motives, it is important to build their hierarchy, to achieve an understanding that one can be more significant than the other. This will help teach children how to properly distribute forces and set goals in the future.
The site "YOU ARE A GENIUS" offers all-Russian quizzes, including those for preschool children. Such competitions bring your pupils to a qualitatively new level, creating completely different, but no less comfortable conditions for competition. The All-Russian quiz has a higher level of difficulty and usually includes several qualifying stages. Our quiz allows everyone to test their strength at such a high and prestigious level. By submitting an application for participation, you will get the opportunity:
- check your horizons;
- to compete at the highest level in comfortable conditions;
- to receive an All-Russian Diploma.
What do the Olympiads mean for children
What could be better than watching your child or pupil puff with interest over some task. What could be brighter than the lights in his eyes when he receives praise or a reward for this work. And certainly nothing can compare with the pride of realizing that this is his own merit, that he is one of the few who have received such recognition.
Olympiads and competitions are an amazing key that can open the heart of a student to science in general and study in particular. Participation in Olympiads is a very exciting process for most children, they are happy to join in solving charades and crossword puzzles, finding the right solutions. Using them as a technique in the educational process can increase the level of perception, as it involves involuntary memory and analytical and synthetic processes.
All-Russian Olympiads on the Internet. Very often, the concept of "Olympiad" is inseparably associated with a certain level gradation, for example, regional and so on up to international. In this case, not all participants of the previous rounds go to each next stage, but only the winners. The only inconvenience is the long breaks between stages, during which children who do not have enough interest can simply lose interest in what is happening.
The site "YOU ARE A GENIUS" offers an alternative approach to participation in competitions, including the All-Russian Olympiads for children of different ages.
What are the advantages of our Olympiads for children:
- the registration system is very simple and everyone can handle it;
- the Internet Olympiad for children is held promptly, which means that the result will not have to wait long;
- the All-Russian Olympiad is as accessible as any other - everyone who has registered on our website, applied online and paid a symbolic fee can take part;
- on our site the number of attempts to participate in any type of competition is not limited;
Our Olympiads provide an opportunity for creative children to show all the facets of their talent, test their knowledge and horizons, replenish the treasury of personal achievements with high-level certificates and just have fun.
The concept of "Olympiad" appeared in the 20s of the twentieth century.
Authorship belongs to a well-known at that time Soviet journalist and publicist Mikhail Koltsov.
The word was coined for the headline of a newspaper section, which contained all sorts of questions on intelligence, interesting charades and puzzles. Moreover, one of its employees, Viktor, selected materials for this section of the newspaper. It was from his name that the word "quiz, olympiad" appeared.
Later, a second connection was found, with the word "victory". Because Victor in translation from Latin is a winner. This word eventually began to denote all games that involve any questions and answers.
Olympiads for children are not just questions from various sections of knowledge. This is a competition, a struggle with oneself, an attempt to answer more questions.
Thanks to the Olympiads, children will be able to better navigate in various fields of knowledge. They will awaken the curiosity of the child, his interest in knowledge, perfectly develop the erudition of the children, which, of course, will also please parents.
Children always remain children and they simply need a variety of game moments, quizzes, olympiads. For primary school students, this is especially important, since they are just beginning to enter the school education system, and this transition should be smooth and interesting.
This can be done by introducing cognitive-game moments into the educational process. For example, by captivating children with all sorts of tournaments, competitions, each of which will measure a new round in the development of the student over himself. The same goes for high school. But today's kids are often so busy that they simply don't have time for long-term side projects. An alternative is Internet Olympiads for schoolchildren with diplomas. They usually do not last long, and the results are announced as soon as possible. In addition, such events do not provide for the direct presence of the participant at the venue of the tournament. Everyone applies and participates remotely, in comfortable conditions, due to which the stress factor is removed, which often interferes with not very self-confident children.
All-Russian distance Olympiads for schoolchildren - no limits for activity
The site "YOU ARE A GENIUS" is already well known to many preschoolers and their parents. For them and not only on our site there are many opportunities to test their strength, horizons, creativity, get a lot of positive from their own activities and a certificate confirming the high level of achievements. It is the turn of schools to show their capabilities. All-Russian Olympiads for junior schoolchildren are waiting for new participants. To do this, you do not have to go anywhere - we offer remote Olympiads for schoolchildren of different age groups with quick processing of results and obtaining diplomas.
Preschool age is that golden time when the child is most susceptible to all kinds of influences. It is during this period that the primary system of values and motives is formed, which largely determines further activity. That is why it is important from an early age to form in a child the need to develop and improve, learn new things and test his strength. All-Russian Olympiads for preschoolers are your reliable assistant in this. We share your desire to captivate and "inspire" the younger generation. Our Internet Olympiads for preschoolers cover a wide range of interests, where everyone will find something for themselves. It is very easy to take part. It is enough to read and follow the registration instructions, download tasks and upload your answers to the site.
Among our offers you will find remote Olympiads for preschoolers, children of the middle age group, as well as educators.
Olympiads for preschoolers - we reach a new level easily. When forming a system of values and motives, it is important to build their hierarchy, to achieve an understanding that one can be more significant than the other. This will help teach children how to properly distribute forces and set goals in the future.
The site "YOU ARE A GENIUS" offers All-Russian Olympiads, including those for preschool children. Such competitions bring your pupils to a qualitatively new level, creating completely different, but no less comfortable conditions for competition. The All-Russian Olympiad has a higher level of difficulty and usually includes several qualifying stages. Our Olympiad allows everyone to test their strength at such a high and prestigious level. By submitting an application for participation, you will get the opportunity:
- check your horizons;
- to compete at the highest level in comfortable conditions;
- to receive an All-Russian Diploma.
Online quiz "Known and unknown Sergei Yesenin". Answers to questions
Memorable dates. Voronezh Territory
- November 11 – 90 years old (11/11/1932)
- Penzin Stal Nikanorovich was born (11/11/1932–08/03/2011), film critic, film critic,
- November 13 - 235 years (11/13/1787)
- years ago (11/2/13/1787) Voronezh City Duma was formed
- November 13 - 135 years (11/13/1887) 13).11.1887 - not earlier than May 1945), publicist,
- I. N. Kramskoy.
- November 17 - 370 years (11/17/1652)
- ago (7(17).
11.1652) the city of Ostrogozhsk was founded, the center of the county (1652–1928), Ostrogozhsky district (since 1928).
Read more»
Other calendars
Recommended reading
- Thematic reviews
- New arrivals
- Anniversaries of books
- Polite Voronezh
Memorable dates of the military history of Russia |
- Watching historical documentaries
- Children's Cultural Forum (Moscow)
- Arctic Challenge Project
- Mobile application "NEB Light"
- International Award "#WE TOGETHER"
- National project "Demography"
Electronic resources and services
- Electronic catalog
- Electronic library
- Electronic document delivery
- Virtual Help
- Book renewal on-line
- Virtual Exhibitions
- Internet resources
- Subscription resources
- Periodicals
- Consolidated catalog of libraries in Voronezh
- Virtual Reading Room
- Interactive Reading Room
- Library Internet Projects
- Wi-Fi with authorization
- How to register
- Library structure
- Operating time
- Projects
- Competitions
- Quizzes
- Donors
- Donate a book to the Library
- Libraries of the Voronezh region
- Blogs
Photo galleries
Centers. Clubs
- Nikitinsky Poetry Club
- Cinema club "Kinokod"
- Cinema Club "Slovo" named after Vladimir Shuvaev
- Guitar Music Club
- Star of Hope Club
- Club of board game lovers "Learn to think boldly!"
- Computer courses (center "Perspektiva")
- Information and service
- Public Legal Information Center
- Environmental Information Center
- Conservation and restoration
- Education and Outreach Center "Language and the world of man"
Online quiz "Known and unknown Sergei Yesenin". Answers to questions
1. Where and when was Sergei Yesenin born? (Sergey Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinov, Kuzminskaya volost, Ryazan district, Ryazan province, September 21 - October 3, 1895 years)
2. What were the names of his parents, who were they by origin? (Father Alexander Nikolaevich Yesenin came from a peasant family. Mother - Tatyana Fedorovna Yesenina, nee Titova, came from a peasant family)
3. In what educational institutions did Sergei Yesenin receive his education? (Sergey Yesenin studied at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School from 1904 to 1909. From 1909 to 1912 he was educated at the second-class Spas-Klepikovskaya school. In 1913 he studied at the historical and philosophical department of the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky)
4. What did Grandma want Sergei Yesenin to be when he grows up? (village teacher)
5. How many sisters did the poet have and what were their names? (Alexandra and Katya)
6. What was your favorite dish? (favorite dish was boiled potatoes)
7. What affectionate nicknames did Sergei Yesenin call the youngest of his sisters, Alexandra? (Shurenok, Shurevna)
8. Yesenin dedicated poems to his sisters, what kind? (Yesenin wrote four lyrical poems dedicated to Sister Shura - “Oh, how many cats in the world . ..”, “I have not seen such beautiful ones ...”, “You sing me that song that before ...” and “In this world I am only a passer-by ... ". Sister Catherine Sergei Yesenin dedicated the poem "Letter to Sister")
9. Name the first poem by Sergei Yesenin that appeared in print. Where was it printed? What pseudonym is it signed by? (poem "Birch" in the children's magazine "Mirok" under the pseudonym Ariston in January 1914)
10. Which literary direction can be attributed to the work of Sergei Yesenin? (Imagism)
11. Which of the Russian poets did Sergei Yesenin meet in March 1915, about which he later wrote in his "Autobiography" that for the first time in his life he "saw a living poet"? (Alexander Blok)
12. What is the name of Sergei Yesenin's first book? (Yesenin's first book was called "Radunitsa" and was published at the beginning of 1916)
13. Whom and where did the poet serve during the First World War? (as an orderly on the military hospital train No. 143)
14. Who was Sergei Yesenin's first best friend? (Esenin's first best friend was Grigory Panfilov. They studied together at the seminary in Spas-Klepiki. It was Grigory who Sergei showed his first poems and listened to all the advice of his friend)
15. Sergei Yesenin's favorite writer? (N. V. Gogol)
16. What was the name of the literary and artistic magazine of the group of Imagists? What year was the first issue published? (“A hotel for travelers in the beautiful”, 1922, Moscow)
17. Under the influence of what work of the famous Russian writer did Sergei write the poem “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry”? (Novel "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol)
18. Who is the poem dedicated to, in which there are such lines "You remember, you remember everything, of course ...". (The poem "Letter to a Woman" is dedicated to Yesenin's wife Zinaida Reich)
19. In what magazine of the Russian abroad were Sergei Yesenin's poems published? ("Russian Book", Berlin)
20. What are the musical works that were written on the poems of Sergei Yesenin? (Songs and romances were written to Yesenin’s poems, including: “The golden grove dissuaded you,” Hear the sleigh rushing”, “You are my fallen maple”, “Fun”, “Queen”, “Birch”, “Moscow” and others.