Married couple friends

How To Make Friends As A Couple or When You're Married

If you want to know how to make friends as a couple or make friends as a married person, then this article is the perfect read for you. It may sound like a simple process on paper, but it can be a little challenging in practice. A lot of married people who are looking for a couple friends to hang out with know it. You must know it too. That’s what we’ll work on today.

It’s a good and healthy thing for couples to have other friends outside of their relationship. While a lot of couples consider their partners their best friends, it’s generally a better situation if you also have other people to talk to.

Making friends as a couple or as a married person can come with its challenges. For one, most couples and married people are considerably busier than single people. They spend more time building their careers among other things and rarely have time for socializing. Most married people’s routines go as follows: Wake up, prepare for work, go to work, go home, rest, sleep, and repeat. Socializing is rarely placed in the equation.

This doesn’t mean it’s something they never do, though. While they still find time to socialize, single people just have more time to socialize compared to that of married people.

If you’re someone who’s married or in a couple and are looking to meet other people to build friendships with, follow these ten tips to learn how to make friends as a couple or as a married person.

1. Talk To Your Partner About The Idea

First and foremost, if you’re looking to go out and socialize to make couple friends, you need to consult your partner before you do so.

Talk with your significant other about the prospect of making friends. Make sure your expectations and goals are the same. Discuss what kind of friends you both would like to have; what kind of activities you’d like to share with them; what kind of values and principles you’re looking for in the other couple; etc.

After that, you can start drawing out a plan. What will you do to make it happen? Are you both committed to keeping your radars up? Are you both committed to making plans, going out, meeting new people, and doing the effort to build the friendship?

If both of you can’t split the effort into two, then that’s okay. Maybe one of you has less time than the other to socialize or is less sociable, or simply lack the motivation to.

However, one thing to make sure your in agreement in is this: if one of you goes to the lengths of meeting other couples, making plans, and arranging things, then the other one not only has to show up, but will also have to engage, be friendly, and make the effort to build the friendship.

The most frustrating thing in this process is if only one in the couple does all the work, and the other person declines to make any effort at the last mile, especially when you’re actually on the double-date or social gathering.

So, in general, make sure your goals are aligned and that you agree with what each of you will do to reach that goal. Making friends as a couple should be a double effort. Both of you should be willing to commit to the process.

2. Don’t Limit Making Friends With Other Couples Only

Don’t limit yourselves to making friends with couples only. If you do, it adds a lot of pressure on both of you and your interactions with other couples will become a little bit forced — as if it’s an audition, an interview, or worse, a first date.

Instead, be flexible in your goals towards making friends. Aim to befriend both couples and singles. Do not entirely cut off singles or people who can’t bring their significant other. That way, you’re not putting too much pressure on the social interaction.

Limiting your socializing with couples only will place a sign on your head that says “I’M ONLY OPEN TO MAKING FRIENDS WITH OTHER COUPLES”. That’s an energy you will unknowingly project and other people will most definitely sense it. Instead, you want to give the impression that you don’t mind having a few singles in your friend group as well. That you’re willing to be friends with anyone regardless if they’re single or in a relationship.

Remember, some of your potential couple friends do have other dear friends that are single. You do not want them to feel like they have to choose between seeing you and seeing their single friends. Who knows, maybe their single friend can end up being your friend too!

3. Invite People Out And Have Them Bring Their Spouse

Many people who go out to meet new people don’t immediately include their significant other to their new friend group. That means many of the people you meet or will meet in the future who appear single may have a significant other. It’s something that you will casually discover along the way as you keep hanging out with them. The opportunity to hang out with them both in the future will eventually present itself and you have to take advantage of it when it does.

This is one of the first things that you can or should do. Before you go out to actively meet other couples to build friendships, seek the friends you already have first. Another thing you can do is if you meet someone along the way who’s single, you can encourage them to bring their significant other the next time you hang out. You may have a lot of friends who are in relationships. Maybe they also want other couples to hang out with.

Start asking any of your friends who are in relationships if they have any plans going on. If any of them are available, you can say something like “oh me and (your partner’s name) are planning to visit a winery this weekend. It’ll be fun if other people could come with us. Do you and (their partner’s name) want to come along?”

You can do this with any of your friends who are in relationships. If you haven’t met a friend’s partner yet, then this is a good opportunity for you to meet and get to know them. On the other hand, if you’ve met them already, then just simply use the social activity as an opportunity to get to know them better. Something like this can be a groundwork towards possible friend group in the future.

4. Locate Famous Hang Out Places

You can use websites or apps for this one. There are a lot of them out there that are dedicated to helping people find “hotspots” for socializing.

Places like bars, clubs, wineries, beaches, and museums are just some of the best places couples hang out. You and your partner can go to those places too. Enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere, then socialize with as many people as you can.

Websites like Meetup, Eventbrite, and Facebook are perfect for this. Browse these sites for events or places that hold gatherings, or for places that most people in your community go to.

5. Do Your Favorite Activities As A Couple

If you and your partner have a hobby or an extracurricular activity that you both regularly do, use that as an opportunity to socialize with other people. Keep doing the things you love to do and you’ll meet others who share your enthusiasm towards that.

For example: let’s say you and your partner love to go scuba diving. The next time you dive, do so with other groups. Find other divers or join a club that dives together. This way, you’ll be able to do your hobby regularly and have the chance to meet other people in the process. You can do this with any hobby. You can even do it with more than one activity if you and your partner do a lot of things in your free time.

Another thing you can do is join a class; if there’s anything you and your significant other want to do but haven’t been able to do so. Chances are, you’ll be able to meet a lot of people in that class who are just as eager as you to learn. Get to know them early on and you’ll have the chance to master the craft together. That is a very good way of building a friendship and friendships like those tend to have a higher chance of remaining strong for a long time.

This is one of the most fun parts of having friends as a couple. Doing things with the person you love is fun already in itself, but more fun can be had if a lot of people in one place all do something they all love, especially if they’re friends. That’s something you can experience, just have socializing in mind the next time you go out to do an activity.

6. Host Parties

It’s a good opportunity to go out, attend parties and events to meet other people, but you’ll be at a bigger advantage if you’re the one hosting the party yourself. You and your partner should consider hosting your party and inviting as many people as possible. Make sure your guests are also allowed to invite other people, to allow a higher chance of meeting more new people.

You are at an advantage when it comes to socializing when you’re the one hosting because you’re playing the game at your home court. You can either do this in your own home or at a place you’re very familiar with.

Being the host also means everyone at the party will feel obligated to come up to you. People will thank you for hosting the party, for inviting them, and for being the reason why they’re having a good time that night. You and your partner will have every opportunity to make friends with EVERYONE at that party.

There are a lot of things that you can do to make the party interesting, but serving food and drinks and having music played in the background is always enough. Those three are enough ingredients to formulate an amazing party. Everyone just needs to be talking to each other, getting to know one another. That’s where you come in.

Make sure everyone gets the chance to get to know everyone. Introduce people to each other. When someone arrives and you don’t know who it is (someone else at the party invited them), don’t wait for the person who asked them to come to introduce them. Go ahead and introduce yourself, and your partner of course, then introduce them to everyone else.

Doing something like this will give you the appearance of a party connoisseur. An outgoing person. Someone who has amazing social skills. Once you’ve done all that, you can then proceed to go up to each one of your guests to socialize.

7. Take A Vacation

Another amazing way to make friends when you’re married or as a couple is to travel. You get a chance of meeting other travelers when you travel. If one traveler meets another in a foreign place, there’s generally a higher sense of friendliness. People’s moods are better and the atmosphere is more fun-filled than usual.

Although you’ll have very little chance of meeting people who live around you abroad, don’t let that stop you. If you’re a frequent traveler, then this is a good opportunity to have people to discuss your travel adventures. You can even discuss possible future travel destinations.

Once you hit it off with people you meet when traveling, you can then ask for their contact information. Who knows? You may cross paths again the next time you and/or they travel. They may even ask you to visit their home town and you can do the same as well.

Another amazing thing that can happen if you’re being friendly abroad, is you’ll get the chance to befriend locals. Once you find a place you love and you end up befriending the locals there, your next travels to that area will become so much more fun and interesting.

8. Be More Involved In Your Community

Be more involved in your community to get the chance to make couple friends with the people who live close to you. You can also use online websites and apps for this.

Seek out events and activities that are being held by or for your community and be sure you and your partner take the time to join it. If there are events you both are uncomfortable with, then that’s fine. Skip that. But there are many others that you can join and find the ones you and your partner are comfortable with and join that.

Many events and extracurricular events are usually held in communities around the world. Feeding programs, learning centers, fitness programs, sports programs, etc. Find the ones that suit you and your partner. It’s better if the event you’ll join is something you’re passionate about too. You’ll have more fun that way.

Once you’re at the event, be sure you and your significant other go up to other people when given the chance. Make couple friends or single friends by approaching anyone you can. Introduce yourselves, ask why they decided to come to the event, and divulge your reasons as well.

Events like these are a great way to make friends as a married person because most people who attend community events are the ones who have their own families. Those who contributed a lot to the community or will be impacted most if anything were to happen to a community.

9. Don’t Let The Pressure And Stress Get To You

Making friends as a married person can be quite challenging. It can be demanding mentally and physically. For you to succeed and to make couple friends, you’ll have to be willing to exert extra effort. This is why a lot of people feel stressed when doing this task. Or will feel pressured because they haven’t found the friends that are right for them yet.

Don’t let the pressure and stress get the best of you. Just stay relaxed and move at your own pace. Study and research, just as you’re doing now, and apply them in real life.

If you’re feeling the stress and pressure right now, here are a couple of tips on what you should do and talk about when you’re actually in front of other couples trying to make friends:

Talk about your favorite activities

Earlier we talked about how you can meet people while doing the things you love. This time, when you meet other people, talk about your interests and see if it aligns with them. If it does, then ask them out and see if they’d be willing to do them with you and your significant other. This serves as a signal to others that you like to hang out as a couple. It also allows others to say the kinds of activities they like.

Use small talk as a build-up

Once you meet other couples, do small talk for the sake of getting to know them more. Small talk topics like where they’re from, what they do, what their interests are, and so forth are enough to lay the groundwork.

Slowly make the conversation more interesting and go into more meaningful topics as you go along. This will give you all a sense that you’re progressing. That you’re gradually becoming closer.

As you do that, try and find things you have in common with the other couple. This can be very fun if it’s a quirky habit that your significant other has, and the other couple can relate.

Be open

You must remain open, vulnerable, and approachable whenever you’re out socializing. Try and share an embarrassing story or a funny memory that once happened to you and/or your partner. This shows that you’re open, that you don’t take yourself overly seriously, and that you’re relatable. You all will have a good laugh in the process, and thus will start to form a friendship forming.

Relate to each other

One of the best ways to make couple friends or to make friends as a married person is to relate to others. Since you’re in a couple trying to make friends with other couples, why don’t you share something that other couples will relate to?

For example, You can talk about how you and your partner met. That will allow and encourage others to also share how they met. It’s always interesting to know and talk about the story behind how people meet, and that might be something you can connect on.

10. Socialize Individually

Another thing you shouldn’t limit yourself is to only socialize as a couple. Socialize individually too. You can go out yourself, hang out with your friends, meet new people, and eventually, invite other people to hang out with you and your partner. Your partner can and should do the same as well.

As mentioned earlier, you can meet people without knowing they’re in a relationship because they’ve chosen not to bring it up yet. Once they do, you can then let them know you’re married or in a relationship as well. That will create a mutual ground between you and them. You can then open up the idea of the four of you hanging out together.

Being married or being in a relationship is an amazing thing, but it doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to do things individually. You can and socializing can be done individually too. If you’re able to hang out as a couple every once in a while and hang out individually on other times, then it means you’re in a relationship that’s dynamic, healthy, and trusting.

11. Try an App for Making Friends As a Couple

As we mentioned in our list of apps for making friends, Party of 4 is for couples only. It’s an app to find friends based on your location and the phase of life you’re in (for example: if you have kids, no kids, etc.). It’s an app for finding platonic friendship only (strictly enforced). Make a profile today and start swiping!

Swipe through couples that are:

  • NEAR YOU: Simply set your radius and start swiping. Find those friends right around the corner who can pop by for an impromptu hang out.
  • IN THE SAME PHASE: Simply set your filters and start swiping. Kids? No kids? Just moved to a new city? Find friends who are in the same phase of life as you.
  • ‘DOUBLE TENS’: Swipe on couples you BOTH find interesting. Have you ever been on a double date and one person is a solid 10/10 on the ‘cool scale’ but their partner is a 2/10 at most? We’ve been there too! Simply start swiping and find your ‘Double Tens.’
  • INTO THE SAME ACTIVITIES: Check out a couple’s bio to see what they enjoy doing. Then match with your new brewery friends, or new golf friends, or new foodie friends. Whatever you and your partner enjoy doing, find another couple to do it with!

Download the free app and start swiping!


Making friends as a married person is challenging, yes, but it’s very satisfying if you succeed. It’s also beneficial for you and your partner in the long run. Just imagine having the option to either do things with just the two of you or to have more people in the mix whenever you’re planning to do something. It’s a beautiful dynamic and you can do it as well as long as you follow the tips here.

If you want to learn more about socializing, how to make friends, and how to improve your social skills faster, check out the other articles on this website. Check the ebook too. Those will help you become the most socially skilled person you can be and will help you make friends as a married or in-a-relationship person.

Making Friends When You're Married

- Chris MacLeod, MSW

It hardly happens to everyone who's partnered up, but some people who are married feel their social lives have gotten into a rut and that they have a harder time making new friends. Sometimes just one member of the couple feels a bit lonely, while at other times both partners wonder why they can't seem to get a social life going.

Reasons it can be so tricky to make friends after you're married and settled

There are a lot of factors that can come together to make this happen, and lend support to the idea that it really is harder to make friends after your 20's. This article will cover them, then make some suggestions.

Lack of time

  • Your partner takes up time that you could have spent with friends or meeting new people. That's totally normal and happens to every couple to one degree or another, especially once they live together.
  • On the whole, people who are married are busier. They're usually at a place in their lives where they have more obligations and responsibilities. They have full-time careers, and may have to work extra hours. If they have kids, that's incredibly time consuming. They may have a house which requires a fair amount of upkeep. They still have to make space to spend quality time with each other. All in all they don't have tons of spare hours to put themselves out there to try to find some new buddies.

Growing apart from friends who have different lifestyles

  • Married and single friends sometimes fall out of touch. It goes both ways. Married people will complain their single friends don't invite them out anymore, that it's like everyone's decided that now that they're hitched they must have instantly turned into stodgy homebodies. On the other hand, single friends can speak of how once a friend got married it became way harder to get together with them. They may have started only hanging out with other couples. Married people may feel their priorities have changed, and they can't relate to the partying-centric lifestyle of their single friends.
  • All this can go double once kids enter the equation. Parents and childless friends may mutually feel they don't have as much in common anymore. Naturally parents are way harder to make plans with as well.

Growing apart from friends who can't hang out with both members of the couple

  • Someone's spouse may not click with their friends, and those buddies get pushed out of the picture. It may not even be that one partner expressly forbids their spouse from seeing their friends. Instead it could be that, say, the husband notices his wife doesn't click with one of his mates, and so unconsciously prioritizes spending time with the ones she does get along with. He may still want to see his other buddy, but just not have the time leftover to do so.

Someone's partner provides enough socializing for them

  • Some people don't have a naturally high need to socialize, and all the time they spend with their spouse, perhaps combined with the conversations they have at work, meets most of their social needs. Their partner may not 100% fulfill their requirements, but enough that even if on one level they feel bored and want some new friends, they aren't socially "hungry" enough to really go after it.
  • Related to the above, there are people in serious relationships who never became fully comfortable with socializing or making friends. When they met their partner they found they could spend most of their time with them to meet their interpersonal needs, and they put working on their social difficulties on the back burner. Years later they may decide they do want to form other relationships, but realize they aren't really sure how.

One partner doesn't feel the need to be as social as the other

  • This ties into the previous section. If both people in a couple aren't particularly social that's a good match. They can happily hang out together and not involve anyone else very often. Where a problem can arise is when one member of the couple wants to be around people a lot, but the other doesn't. The less-social partner may not have many friends of their own and be fine with that. They may not want to attend big get togethers, or only want to pop in for two hours max. The more social spouse can often do their own thing and hang out with their friends by themselves. However, while they may love their partner for who they are overall, they may also feel held back in a way, because a bunch of their social options and avenues for making friends are cut off.

Being in a new city

  • Couples sometimes move to a new city, maybe because one of them got offered a job or was accepted to grad school there. Especially when they're occupied with their kids, it can be really tough to form a new social circle from scratch in this situation.
  • A milder version of this issue can occur even if the couple moves to the distant suburbs of their home city. Suddenly it gets that much harder to visit with everyone.

The difficulty of making friends as a couple

  • Couples often want to make friends with other couples, so they can do couple things together. This isn't always easy though since not everyone may get along. Two guys may hit it off, but their wives may have little to say to each other. Or the two pairs may get along well hanging out one-on-one, but as a foursome the dynamic may not work well (e.g., three of the people may want to drink and party together, while the fourth is more reserved and low key).
  • The two members of the couple may have totally different tastes in friends and the type of people they attract, and so the chances of meeting another similar pair are unlikely.
  • One member of the couple may not have very mainstream interests, and so odds are they won't click with the husband/wife of their spouse's friend. A common example is a guy who isn't into typical male stuff like sports. He can't bring up the local team to easily connect with his wife's friend's husband, the way some other guy may be able to.
  • If one person in the couple is friends with someone, their significant other may not enjoy feeling like they're being pushed to hang out that friend's partner, all in the hope that they'll hit it off and then everyone will be able to go on double dates all the time and stuff. Some guys joke that it feels like they're being set up on an adult play date ("I'm going over to Lisa's house. You should come and help Dominic put his new shed together!")
  • If one member of the couple isn't as social as the other, they may have little desire to make couple friends to hang out with, even if their partner would like that.
  • Once again, with kids involved it can be even trickier. Even if every adult in two couples gets along, their kids may be mismatched ages, or not really like each other. If you're getting a babysitter and going out to dinner that's one thing, but if you want to go on vacation together it may not work if your kids are going to fight or complain the whole time.

Having mentioned all this, it can really make you envious of those people who made a bunch of friends in high school, all stayed in the same area and kept hanging out, and then all got married and started having kids at around the same time.

Article continues below. ..

Advice on finding friends when you're married

Here are my thoughts on making friends when you're married, or in a relationship that's essentially the same as being hitched. Before I get into some more specific stuff, the concepts from my general articles on making friends are background reading. You've likely seen them already, but if not here are the main ones:

How To Make Friends And Get A Social Life
Places To Meet People
Making Plans With People

Accept that it may be harder to form friendships, and that that's okay

Everything I suggest below is with the full understanding that it often is harder to make friends when you're at the stage in your life where you've gotten married. Having a career, a live-in spouse, and possibly kids makes it all more challenging, compared to what a typical college student has to deal with. I realize some of the points below have that wonderful "easy for you to say" quality to them.

However, I think it's totally fine if someone's social life hits a quiet patch for a while. If you've just moved to a new area, or are starting a career, or have two toddlers at home, it may just not be the most social phase of your life. Everyone has ebbs and flows in the number of friends they have, or in how often they go out. If you're patient and don't take it all as a sign that you're unlikable and never meant to have friends again you'll pull through.

Also, it's okay if you're actually comfortable with your social life falling to the wayside. You're reading this article, so you likely want to make friends, but I'll mention this anyway. I think sometimes couples are perfectly happy to de-prioritize their social life at times, but feel guilty, like they "should" want to meet people or go out more. If you're busy and content with spending most of your time with your spouse and preschoolers, and only seeing an old friend or two every three weeks, that's okay.

Make trying to meet people a priority

When you don't have a ton of free time, when you're fried and want to veg during the spare moments you do have, when you know you can always fall back on hanging out with your partner, it's easy to fall into a homebody routine where you don't go out and actively try to make friends very often. If meeting new people is important to you, you may have to force yourself out there a bit, and push against that natural, comfortable inertia of wanting relax and stay in.

You have to consciously make socializing a priority. If you're tired on a Thursday evening, catch a second wind somehow and make yourself volunteer at that film festival anyway. Go out with your spouse to that event where you may meet other couples, even if it's tempting to tell yourself you'd rather not inconvenience your mom by asking her to watch the kids. Do what you can to free up time for yourself in other parts of your life.

As well as going out, do your best to try to make yourself available to invitations from people who are interested in hanging out with you. If you're busy it can be easy to unintentionally give the impression that you're not keen on spending time with someone, by always having to turn down their invitations and then not making an effort to follow up and suggest an alternative. Many potential friends will try to arrange something with you a few times then conclude you seem like you've got too much going on and give up.

Don't limit yourself too much by only wanting to be friends with certain types of people

Not everyone does this, but some folks only want to make friends with other couples, or people who are also married, or who have kids themselves. They may seek out couples because they feel their social life should revolve around doing things with their partner. They may believe they'd relate better to someone who understands what it's like to have children (childless friends are sometimes notorious for glazing over whenever the kid anecdotes come out).

I don't think there's anything wrong with having an idea of what type of friends you want to make, but it may cause you to overlook some awesome people. That fun woman at your job may not be attached herself, dashing your dreams of going on double dates with her and her partner, but she may be really interesting to hang out with one-on-one, or with her friends. Those childless newlyweds you and your spouse met the other week may not perk up with glee at the idea of hearing about temper tantrums and cute new vocabulary developments, but that doesn't mean you can't all go bowling or to the theater together, or have some drinks and chat about other stuff.

I don't think there's a magic way to hit it off with other couples

Like I mentioned above, it's harder for a couple to make friends with a second couple compared to one person hitting it off with another. I don't think there's any particular trick to making it easier though. It's like trying to make friends on your own. Some people you'll get along with, some you won't. Sometimes you'll click with one member of a pair individually, but when your partners are added to the mix it doesn't work.

Keeping in mind that it mostly just comes down to meeting enough prospects, here are a few things that may make the process slightly easier:

  • There are three basic ways to meet couples: 1) You and your partner can go out together, chat up other couples, and invite them to do couple-centric activities with you, 2) You can make friends individually, suggest you do something with your spouses, and see if everyone clicks, and 3) Ask your spouse if his or her existing friends have any significant others who may want to do something as a foursome. I think each option is as likely to work as the other. Though with the first you can at least get a sense of the inter-couple compatibility right away.
  • There's often a big difference between four people all hanging out together and four people splitting off into pairs and socializing separately. Everyone may have fun and get along fine when you're in a group, but the dynamic may turn awkward when, say, your husband is now expected to make one-on-one conversation with your friend's partner for three hours, while you and her go to the back porch to talk. The same thing applies to three or more couples hanging out. As a mixed group things may go great, but the example husband may not thrive hanging out with just a bunch of other guys.
  • If the first time hanging out with another couple only seems to go okay, see if you can give it another chance. Everyone may need time to get used to each other, or you could try another activity (e.g., a couple that didn't have fun going to a loud party together may enjoy hanging out at home and watching movies).
  • If you're all hanging out together, it's not essential that every relationship be equally as strong. That may be expecting too much. For example, the husband from one couple may get along with the wife from the other one, but honestly feel pretty lukewarm toward her. They may never become soul mates, but for the purposes of doing double dates, they gel well enough.
  • You and your spouse should be aware of your own social skills and how that may impact an interaction with other couples. Think of yourself like a combined social unit, and a weakness from one of you may sour the impression you create. Like one of you may be a bit too prone to arguing your opinion, or overeager to share tasteless jokes. Or the problem may be in the interactions between you, like if you're always bickering in front of people when you're out together.

If your spouse isn't that social and you are, they may be able to compromise a little, but overall you may need to accept them for who they are

I discuss this issue in more depth in this article. Basically if you and your spouse differ in how naturally social you are, each preference isn't really better or worse than the other, and one partner can't justify trying to force the other over to their side. I think what works best is a mix of compromising and accepting your differences. You may be able to reach an agreement where your less social spouse agrees to go out with you at least occasionally, because they realize it's important to you (and you in return give them time where they can have the space they need). However, on the whole you might need to accept that they have their own style, and that they may never be a route to creating the kind of social life you imagine for yourself. You may need to learn to make friends on your own, or come to peace with the fact that you'll often be hanging out with people without them.

If your social life has been in a rut for quite a while then you may need to work on more of your social skills then just the friend-searching part

Some people realize their social life isn't what it used to be within months of getting married or having kids. For others the situation has been stagnant for years and years, and they may just be addressing the problem now. If that's the case it's likely there will be more you need to work on then just learning the principles of finding friends and putting yourself out there. Other aspects of your people skills may have atrophied during the time you were in a rut. You may have developed some negative or limiting attitudes during that time. You may have never had the chance to fully hone some interpersonal skills, because once you got married and could spend time with your spouse, you stopped working on them. If so, you need to be patient with yourself and set aside time to work on those issues.

how to find friends for a married couple?

  1. Forum
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  3. Marriage

we are already old)))) we are 37, we have two children. because of her husband’s work, they moved to another city from Moscow. And ended up in a vacuum. At work, the husband is the boss, and it’s difficult for him to make friends there. I have a small house, but we live in new buildings. And few people settled here ....
The problem is that we have always lived surrounded by friends, acquaintances.

where and how can you find friends, buddies?

At work. Do you visit the
network anywhere else? I found my last friend in one society / club (I don’t know how to call it in Russian).

my husband can't work at work (although he is VERY sociable) he is a visitor there, the boss .. in general, a stranger. there is also a difference in mentality. I am sitting at home with a small one. There is no one in the yard, a new building. I’m on Eve on the Internet, on Facebook and on Skype. There are only old friends there. But they are all really far away. We are ready to go out somewhere, go. then(((

Look for local communities. Try to communicate, get acquainted, take a closer look. Nowadays, this is much easier than it was 20 years ago.

We also moved, I met the same mothers on the playground, then the husbands got to know each other, there were common interests; sports clubs are also a place to meet.

I can imagine what it is.... My husband and I have already moved 4 times during our short life together (7 years). And always all over again. And we have already managed to visit the new building. We moved from district to district, but all the same, when the children are, then this also matters. Plus, in the new building, everything was constantly being renovated ... it was fun with a small child. We have been in last place for almost a year, I haven’t really met anyone. The area is relatively new (about 4 years old), everyone has apparently already got to know each other, and my daughter is no longer quite small (3.5 years old), you won’t meet such people on the site anymore. Hanging out with her mostly. All this is hard morally, at least it was for me. Now my daughter is starting to go to kindergarten, maybe she’ll be able to go to work soon (in the next half a year), maybe it won’t be so important who walks on the site. Good luck and patience, try to find the same mothers on the site, maybe somewhere in the nearest areas. If it’s a new building, then many people are bored there and many don’t have friends. Just in the new building, I quickly found myself a company, the children quickly became friends, went to visit each other, it was good.

In the same situation, only .... the problem is divorce and the fact that the whole company stayed there and died. The new MCH, with whom we have been living for a year, does not have his own companies, friends, buddies are not considered, especially since they are either single or with children (we do not have children).
I don't have my girlfriends, I have colleagues, acquaintances, but it's real to go for a walk with someone = there are none. .
age already over 30.

Where are you geographically?

and I'm under forty... I'm only friends with those with whom I work... I go for walks with my lover, because the rest of the time I'm busy up to my neck... and there is no time for empty talk...

aftar, maybe you can find some kind of hack ... you won’t have time for friends ... or you and your husband need friends, because they are tired of each other to death

)))) there are people who have enough communication at work and in the family, and there are those who still need friends, buddies. I need girlfriends to have a gossip, to gossip.


Well, you don't need friends, but acquaintances, friends. Finding them is much easier. It's strange that you still haven't met anyone for a chat and a beer to drink. Hm.

well, I don’t need to have a lover yet, I’m either going out with my husband or with my girlfriends-friends. it was not possible to make friends ...
what is easier to find is debatable. where ?? I go to fitness, but there is somehow no time for communication: they came, quickly changed clothes, went to the gym, after that everyone scatters about their business. There is no one in the yard. More precisely, there is one young mother, but she has a lot of friends of the same age (they are 20) or the nanny walks. where and how to meet?

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Morgan le Fay

Where do they live? Get off your computer!!! Take a look around and find out!




Morgan LE FAY

Where do they live? Get off your computer!!! Take a look around and find out!



what does STRONG friendship mean?))) look for people with the same interests, as I understand it, you simply lack communication, not sincere conversations.


everything was easier with MCh with friends - on the one hand, he has his own company, I have my own + common friends (2 married couples, with both of them he met at work and introduced me to this circle)



from the bay of floundering, one does not become friends.



Few people noticed that the author is looking for people of the same level of development as her. young people who think that this is a real vacation....



hello =) and we are just from Krasnoyarsk!

everything was easier with MCh with friends - on the one hand, he has his own company, I have my own + common friends (2 married couples, he met both at work and introduced me to this circle) 9November 01, 2012

everything was easier with MCH with friends - on the one hand, he has his own company, I have my own + common friends (2 married couples, he met both of them at work and introduced me to this circle) Hello, fellow countrymen! :) Before moving to Krasnoyarsk, we had no problems with friends, we had someone to have fun with. And now it seems that all people have already broken into companies that are difficult to squeeze into. All people at work and school already have their own circles of communication, so it's hard for me to understand how to "enter" a circle.

and you will hardly find a like-minded person among women 25-30 years old who have children. if a woman has a child, then it is clear that she is most interested in life. need a peer.

and why do you need a common social circle? we have a great gathering at ng with different companies - he invites his people, I invite mine, everyone is having fun and everyone is happy. we celebrate big companies, and then again everyone communicates with their own.




and why do you need a common social circle? we have a great gathering at ng with different companies - he invites his people, I invite mine, everyone is having fun and everyone is happy. we celebrate big companies, and then again everyone communicates with their own.



We are considering this option, but we want to find friends with whom we will always be together. My parents had such friends at our age. So they carried this friendship through life. I have always admired their mutual assistance. And I communicate with the children of my parents' friends as with my own friends, it's wonderful!









Author, my husband and I are like you :) There are also no friends of couples who love a quiet normal vacation. Mostly my husband has his friends, I have mine. We are from Krasnoyarsk, we are 24 experts

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    Family psychologist

    220 answers

  • Vladimir Titarenko

    Fitness nutritionist

    2 answers

  • Maxim Sorokin

    Practicing psychologist

    778 responses

  • Sergey Veksler


    23 answers

  • Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh


    145 answers

  • Letosheva Tati

    Expert in Eastern practices

    6 answers

  • Maria Burlakova


    213 answers

  • Alla Buraya


    79 answers

  • Irina Gudkina


    19 answers

  • Yulia Lekomtseva


    258 responses



June 22, 2019, 18:35


6 03 December 2021, 00:07


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I really was like that in my youth (now 40) ... BUT I always had close friends. But now I have moved away from them.

I am for the advice to search the Internet first. The easiest way to find friends with the same interests!

Well, after finding them, do whatever you want!

I just want to write "in the library", but I won't.

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