Larry david personality type
The MBTI Types Of Curb Your Enthusiasm Main Characters
The compulsions and psychological troubles of Larry David and his cast of celebrity friends have been put on full, uncomfortable, and hilarious display since 2000 via HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry and his buds play exaggerated versions of themselves, and through their performances as wealthy liberals in Los Angeles, they highlight the strange, complex nature of life in the 21st Century.
RELATED: Curb Your Enthusiasm: 10 Enduring Life Lessons from the Show
While the characters in the show often make poor, ill-informed choices, Curb still does a good job of tearing apart the social customs and mainstream ideas most people accept as truth. Now that the show is in its 10th season, it's the perfect time to analyze each main character according to their MBTI® type.
Larry David - ISTJ
Larry is the multi-millionaire co-creator of Seinfeld who spends a lot of time playing golf, orchestrating all kinds of creative projects, and meeting friends for lunch or coffee. He lives by his own rules and customs, and he often finds himself in awkward situations because he's unwilling to bend to the beliefs espoused by society at large.
As an ISTJ, sometimes known as an inspector, Larry is meticulous and organized. He doesn't like messes, he's observant, and he generally dislikes large groups or parties. Larry is also extremely judgmental and maintains eccentric views about how to interact with those around him, often blaming others if things don't go as planned.
Cheryl David - ESFJ
Cheryl begins the series as Larry's wife, but as the show progresses, his idiosyncrasies come between them, and she files for a divorce. Cheryl is an on-again, off-again actor and environmental activist who enjoys helping others and engaging in the kinds of social functions that drive Larry crazy.
Cheryl is the ultimate ESFJ, the caregiver, who tries to readjust Larry's often misguided views. She is outgoing, vivacious, and enjoys philanthropic ventures. She's also very sensitive, and she eventually calls it off with Larry because her emotional needs weren't being met.
Jeff Greene - ESTJ
Jeff is Larry's manager and close friend, and he proves to be hard-working and dependable, at least where Larry's involved. Jeff has a tumultuous relationship with his wife, Susie, and he engages in various extramarital affairs throughout the show. He often gets wrapped up in Larry's various schemes or wraps Larry up in his various schemes, and they both usually end up in trouble.
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Jeff is the director, an ESTJ, who tries to use his confidence and leadership skills to navigate life. On the flip side, he can be quite bossy and argumentative. He blows his lid pretty quickly, taking it out on those around him through bombastic yelling fits.
Susie Greene - ENTJ
Susie is the least restrained character on the show, screeching and cursing over the slightest inconvenience or indiscretion.
She knows her husband Jeff is a liar and a cheater, and she goes through life suspicious of his every move. She can't stand Larry, and she never fails to let him know how she really feels.
Susie's commanding presence in Curb Your Enthusiasm makes her an ENTJ, the kind of self-assured and assertive person who wears outlandish clothing and drops f-bombs left and right. She's also impatient and aggressive, but who can blame her when she spends most of her time around Jeff and Larry?
Leon Black - ESTP
Leon is Larry's housemate and confidante. Leon's family moved into Larry's house after Hurricane Edna, and when the rest returned after their home was rebuilt, Leon decided to stay. Outgoing and confrontational, Leon adds fuel to Larry's burning old man fire.
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ESTPs are persuaders, full of energy, enthusiasm, and openness. Leon sometimes serves the role of Larry's strong-arm, doing the dirty work Larry is often too scared to complete. Impulsive and competitive, Leon loves women, arguing, and putting himself in the middle of the drama.
Richard Lewis - INFJ
Richard Lewis plays a dramatized version of himself, a hypersensitive comedian recovering from decades of drug and alcohol abuse. He's one of Larry's oldest and closest friends, but they have a complicated relationship that usually involves Larry's callousness hurting Richard's feelings.
As an INFJ, Richard is an idealistic and emotional artist who wears all black and loves to wax poetic about life and love. This drives Larry crazy, but Richard is far too philosophical to notice. Richard has many girlfriends over the course of the show, and it usually gets dicey when they meet the very judgmental Larry. One thing both men have in common is that they are extremely neurotic.
Ted Danson - ESFP
Ted Danson is the handsome, successful, and fully-haired secret nemesis of Larry. Despite being old friends with him, Larry is insanely jealous of Ted's gregariousness and positive reputation around town. While Ted abides by social customs, never rocking the boat, Larry is constantly embroiling himself in embarrassing messes.
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On Curb, Ted separates from his wife Mary and begins dating Cheryl, which sends Larry over the edge. As an ESFP, or performer, Ted is warm, outgoing, and optimistic. He's always smiling, always grounded, and always willing to forgive Larry.
Marty Funkhouser - INFP
Funkhouser is one of Larry's oldest friends, a sweet, sensitive man who puts up with Larry's nonsense. He thinks Larry is his best friend, which Larry constantly contests, and Funkhouser's blind loyalty to Larry proves just how dedicated he is to his relationships.
INFPs tend to be focuses on feelings, especially the feelings of others. Funkhouser is devoted to his family, and he's devastated when he and his wife end up getting a divorce. Early in the series, he calls himself an orphan after both of his parents die within the same year. Larry tells him he's too old to be an orphan, but the sentiment is a testament to Funkhouser's inner nature.
Nat David - INTP
Nat is Larry's aging father who becomes a widower early on in the show after Larry's mother dies. He wears large, black-frame glasses and puts a lot of stock in Judaism. Nat also has severe glaucoma, and Larry does his best to help his dad get the medical assistance he needs, even going as far as buying marijuana for him long before the days when it was legal.
The introverted Nat is an INTP, a man of the Silent Generation whose mental faculties are diminishing. He's prone to self-doubt, depression, and the type of neurotic over-analysis he clearly passed down to his son.
Wanda Sykes - ENTP
Comedian Wanda Sykes plays Cheryl's friend in Curb, and she spends most of her time on the show calling Larry out for his choices. Wanda always seems to be around whenever Larry does something stupid, especially when race is involved.
ENTPs are extroverted, creative conversationalists who love using their debating skills. Wanda often comes after Larry with complete insensitivity to his feelings, which she believes is justified by his status as a privileged white man. However, she proves to be a reliable and true friend to Cheryl, and she even pulls through for Larry a few times.
NEXT: Curb Your Enthusiasm: The 5 Best (And 5 Worst) Episodes
Larry David? | Typology Central
- #1
Larry David fucking rules, Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of the best shows on television. His demeneor and attitude towards life is interesting because I, an INTP with ENTP qualities, tend to see a lot of myself in him, how he always goes on long tirades to explain that what he did was right, how he questions social norms, how he doesn't really realize the implications of what he's doing, or he does, and he does those things anyway just to see what would happen. Any input on this?
Glowy Goopy Goodness
- #2
Heh, there have been threads on this before, and although no one agrees with me I see Larry David as an INFJ that is living out his revenge fantasies. He says in interviews that this is the person he wishes he could be, but he never acts on his fantasies.
I have to say that as an ENTP I don't relate too much to him. While I say what I want and don't care what people think, Larry David obsesses over what people think. He also obsesses over little things that seem trivial to me. On the other hand his thought process is eerily similar to my INFJ wife.
Freshman Member
- #3
I went for ENTP first, but lately I think he's just a really arrogant and unusually self-confident INTP.
He's soooo Ti almost all the time; most of the show's humor is based on that.
New member
- #4
I think he's an INFJ with developed Ti.
New member
- #5
I love Larry David! It makes me pleased that he may be the same type as me. He thinks about things the same way as I do but I wouldn't say a lot of what he says (I'm too worried about hurting other people's feelings). My boyfriend (ENTP) reminds me a lot of him too. Sometimes when we are talking to each other we go on tangents where we both sound like Larry David and I think if anyone else listened in, they would be horrified.
I would definitely say ENTP over INTP though. INFJ maybe. Just a very insensitive one.
Freshman Member
- #6
I don't know where you guys get INFJ at all. He's constantly trying to explain to people logically why they shouldn't feel how they do, and much of the humor comes from his hilariously undeveloped Fe.
When his Fe does come out it's typically immature and very unaware of context, typical for a tertiary/inferior function (INTP's inferior Fe.) I don't know how you guys can get INFJ at all.
ENTP is much more possible than INFJ, but still doesn't quite work because he doesn't use all that much outward Ne. I don't see anything other than INTP working here.
New member
- #7
simulatedworld said:
I don't know where you guys get INFJ at all.
He's constantly trying to explain to people logically why they shouldn't feel how they do, and much of the humor comes from his hilariously undeveloped Fe.
When his Fe does come out it's typically immature and very unaware of context, typical for a tertiary/inferior function (INTP's inferior Fe.) I don't know how you guys can get INFJ at all.
ENTP is much more possible than INFJ, but still doesn't quite work because he doesn't use all that much outward Ne. I don't see anything other than INTP working here.
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I think INFJ because his show is so focused on social mores. I don't think about these things as much as he does, and I'm an ENTP with a fairly developed Fe. I think he could be an INFJ who resents being one.
Freshman Member
- #8
BlahBlahNounBlah said:
I think INFJ because his show is so focused on social mores.
I don't think about these things as much as he does, and I'm an ENTP with a fairly developed Fe. I think he could be an INFJ who resents being one.
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I don't know about David's real life personality, but his character on the show is horrifically out of touch with social mores.
Not INFJ. The main theme seems to be Ti showing how ridiculous it thinks most social mores are.
New member
- #9
simulatedworld said:
I don't know about David's real life personality, but his character on the show is horrifically out of touch with social mores.
Not INFJ. The main theme seems to be Ti showing how ridiculous it thinks most social mores are.
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Just to be clear: I think Larry David, the real person, is an INFJ. Not the character. I think the character is an NT.
Glowy Goopy Goodness
- #10
BlahBlahNounBlah said:
Just to be clear: I think Larry David, the real person, is an INFJ.
Not the character. I think the character is an NT.
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I'm not sure the character on the show is really typable. All the scenarios come from INFJ revenge fantasies. Larry gets to live out on TV all of the things he doesn't have the guts to do in RL. So he's either a really neurotic NT, or a really insensitive NF.
Habitual Fi LineStepper
- #11
I've always thought both George and Larry David, the television personalities, were INFJs who primarily operated within the whole tertiary temptation Ni-Ti loop. Personally, I don't think xNTPs would care enough to get in to the situations he gets himself into, and I agree with LL in that his episodes are basically revenge fantasies.
Minister of Propagandhi
- #12
Seems INTP to me. Ti seems clear, and as a writer, his observations and humor centers around it. With Ni vs. Ne, Ne is more apparent, especially in his back-and-forth banter, speculating over different interpretations, mulling over possibilities. And his Fe is weak (kinda what Curb is based on, but exaggerated).
So there is just more reason to suggest INTP instead of INFJ.
simulatedworld said:
I went for ENTP first, but lately I think he's just a really arrogant and unusually self-confident INTP.
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Creating the best sitcom of all time will do that.
New member
- #13
ajblaise said:
Seems INTP to me.
Ti seems clear, and as a writer, his observations and humor centers around it. With Ni vs. Ne, Ne is more apparent, especially in his back-and-forth banter, speculating over different interpretations, mulling over possibilities. And his Fe is weak (kinda what Curb is based on, but exaggerated).
So there is just more reason to suggest INTP instead of INFJ.
Creating the best sitcom of all time will do that.
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I agree. His Ti/Ne is pretty obvious. Plus his Fe is almost non-existent. George Costanza was an INTP from what I can tell and was loosely based on LD himself. It would make sense for him to be INTP irl. It just seems to fit.
Personality type and your special superpower
Based on your MBTI® psychotype
Every person dreams of identifying and realizing their potential. This is a natural desire and desire to live life usefully. You will learn how personal characteristics according to the Myers-Briggs typology are connected with the presence of superpowers from the article.
But first, let me remind you of an important point. Personality type influences our choices and aspirations, but does not limit them. nine0011
If you are an INFP, you are most likely looking for work that benefits others and is in line with your inner values. You will strive to fulfill this need in your work and in everything you do.
Being an INFP does not mean being unable to be an organizer, analyzing complex events and phenomena, or not experiencing pleasure from communicating with other people. INFP, with the necessary skills, is able to perfectly cope with tasks that would seem to be inherent in people of the opposite warehouse, but still, his special superpower always lies in natural features. nine0005
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Celebrities among ISSTJ: Giorge Washington.
ISTJ - Concentration
These are attentive and thoughtful individuals. They are observant, study the situation in detail and nuances. They act clearly and accurately. ISTJs are often laconic. They are slow to share an observation or assessment. But they are always masters of their craft. Involving such a person in the project, you can be sure that he will make sure that everything works like clockwork. nine0005
ESTJ celebrities: Michelle Obama.
ESTJ - Organization
Such people are a godsend in an environment that needs to be put in order. ESTJs are able to soberly assess the situation, prioritize, assess the degree of importance of details and put everything on the shelves. These are leaders who quickly gain authority with their inherent rationalism and practicality. ESTJs are distinguished from the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types by their exceptional ability to use administrative resources. nine0005
ISTP celebrities: Michael Jordan.
ISTP - Resourcefulness
Even in the most critical and intractable situations, ISTPs keep a cool mind. They know how to abstract from emotions and focus on choosing the most effective solution. Psychologist David Keirsey calls these people "tool makers." These are fearless people who are not afraid of the complexity of technology, equipment or high demands on the level of skill. The more difficult, the more interesting for them. Such people learn quickly. nine0005
ESTP celebrities: Theodore Roosevelt.
ESTP - Agility
Such people can be compared to a self-learning computer program. They quickly plunge into the context of the situation, subject it to mathematical analysis and bring to the surface a ready-made solution. These are crisis managers, dexterous and maneuverable, you can safely rely on them in a critical situation.
ISFJ celebrities: Mother Teresa.
ISFJ - Devotion
ISFJs are compassionate and attentive to the problems of society. Not limited to the superficial notion that someone - humans, animals, the natural world - is suffering. They immerse themselves in the study of the problem in detail and actively participate in its solution. These are people who are devoted in showing concern for others, but meanwhile are not inclined to show their merits.
ESFJ celebrities: Larry King.
ESFJ - Helping Others
These active people actively help others. But at the same time they are far from abstract ideas. Organizers and strategists, ESFJ prefer concrete measures and practical methods in solving problems, making well-thought-out plans for getting out of a crisis situation. They will always make sure that their activities reach everyone who needs care. nine0005
ISFP celebrities: Marilyn Monroe.
ISFP - Passion
ISFPs are often outwardly reserved, but those who get to know them better know that they are very sensitive and passionate natures. These are individualists who combine the artistic nature of the artist, practicality and determination. Their passion knows no external obstacles, they persistently go to the goal and remain steadfast and devotion even in difficult circumstances.
ESFP celebrities: Richard Branson. nine0003
ESFP - Optimism
These people fundamentally disagree with the Chinese proverb: "God forbid we live in an era of change!" Although there is instability around and the future is unknown, the prospect of future changes inspires them. Natural optimism and curiosity allow you to discover new reserves for action in yourself and inspire and support those who are prone to despair and indulge in self-pity.
INTJ celebrities: Isaac Newton.
INTJ - Strategy
These people look to the future. They easily capture trends and needs and form a goal, which they persistently pursue, constantly trying different methods and means. INTJs are result oriented and highly organized towards achieving them.
ENTJ celebrities: Napoleon Bonaparte.
ENTJ - Efficiency
ENTJs are visionary and determined people. Having set a goal, they go to it without hesitation, discarding emotions and not going into unnecessary details and details. These are strong leaders who are alien to doubt and self-doubt. nine0005
INTP celebrities: Albert Einstein.
INTP – Analytics
“In everything you want to get to the very essence” - this is how almost every INTP can say about himself. Whether it is a scientific study or a heart drama, they see logic in everything, discover relationships, establish cause and effect. the solution to the problem is original and often unexpected for others. The whole complex thought process INTPs tend to keep in themselves and bring the finished result to the surface. nine0005
Notable ENTPs: Benjamin Franklin.
ENTP - Innovation
ENTPs are curious and open-minded individuals. A crisis situation is a new opportunity for them. Each problem and difficult situation is an opportunity to offer a new unique solution. Logic, intuition are successfully combined in them with natural charm and charm.
INFJ celebrities: Mahatma Gandhi.
INFJ - Vision
INFJ have a global vision of the situation in its development and perspective. The nature of human passions is revealed to them at a glance. These are psychologists, writers, philosophers, humanists who show humanity the way to self-improvement. nine0005
Famous ENFJs: Martin Luther King.
ENFJ - Empathy
ENFJs are perceptive and perceptive people. They easily convey the mood of the interlocutor and the atmosphere that reigns in the team. They will always give wise advice and find a vector of behavior that satisfies, motivates and unites all participants in the situation.
Celebrities among the INFPs: Princess Diana
INFP - Integrity
In any activity, INFPs are guided by moral values. They will not take on a project in which they will feel ambiguous in terms of honesty and decency. If the work has the values of public good and helping others, then they are enthusiastic to show passion, dedication and ingenuity. nine0005
Famous ENFPs: Walt Disney.
ENFP - Imagination
ENFP will keep you busy. They always tend to come up with something original and interesting to make the lives of those around them full, rich, shining with all the colors of the rainbow. With them, even the routine will seem like an amazing adventure.
Elena Lustina
Founder of "Personality Code". Psychologist, Trainer,
MBTI® Certified Practitioner
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David Larry, similar celebrities and people
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Larry David
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is an American actor, screenwriter, comedian and producer. Known as a screenwriter and executive producer of the television series "Seinfeld" and screenwriter of the show "Comedians".
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