L tyrosine weight loss dosage
L-Tyrosine Dosage for Weight Loss – Mind Lab Pro®
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Weight loss is a common goal for many of us at some point in our lives. We’ll try anything to speed the process up. Soups, smoothies, shakes, special diets. You name it. But have you heard about L-tyrosine and how it may help you lose weight?
L-tyrosine is involved in regulating your mood, brain function, and metabolism, all of which play a role in the weight loss game.
In this article, learn about the scientifically proven benefits of taking L-tyrosine as a supplement and how much you should be taking to achieve weight loss. But first, let’s find out more about what it is and the role it plays in your body.
What is L-Tyrosine?
L-tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid that is made by the body from another amino acid called phenylalanine. It helps with the production of important hormones and brain chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, which help nerve cells communicate and are involved in regulating our mood and cognitive abilities.
These include:
- Dopamine: plays a role in how we feel pleasure and is also important for our memory, focus and learning.
- Epinephrine: is a hormone, also known as adrenaline, and is involved in the fight-or-flight response. It helps prepare the body for action in response to stress, by stimulating the nervous system.
- Norepinephrine: also known as noradrenaline, is both a hormone and neurotransmitter. It acts similarly to adrenaline, preparing the body for fight or flight.
- Thyroid hormones: play a crucial role in regulating metabolism.
As the body makes L-tyrosine on its own, you don't necessarily need to get it through diet, although consuming extra can help improve your energy, mood, and mental performance. By speeding up your metabolism, it can also assist with weight loss.
Eating protein-rich foods, or taking a supplement, can increase your L-tyrosine intake. Let’s find out more about the amazing benefits of this important amino acid.
Benefits of L-Tyrosine
Help manage stress
Everyone's experienced stress at some point in their lives. Many of us experience it daily. Stress negatively affects brain function, such as memory, attention, and ability to think clearly. Which often only perpetuates our stress, as we cannot perform at our optimal capacity.
Stressful situations increase the release of catecholamines - hormones and neurotransmitters made by the brain, nerve tissues, and adrenal glands that help the body respond to physical or emotional stress. These include dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline, as mentioned above.
These important catecholamines become depleted under stress, which results in cognitive decline. To help your body cope with stressful situations, these substances must be restored. As L-tyrosine is involved in the production of all three, taking a supplement can help alleviate stress and protect against irritability, fatigue, and other mental side effects of stress
Helps fight depression
A lack of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain can contribute to depression. To treat this common mental illness, antidepressants are often prescribed which target the production of these neurotransmitters to increase their levels and improve mood.
L-tyrosine increases the production of neurotransmitters that are involved in depression. Therefore, taking a supplement may help reduce symptoms. According to one study, l-tyrosine is especially effective for treating dopamine-dependent depression2.
If you are on medication already, consult with your doctor beforehand. While L-Tyrosine is known to have antidepressant effects, it should not be taken in place of antidepressants.
Improves mental performance
Not only is dopamine involved in feelings of pleasure, but it also plays a part in our thought processes, including memory and learning. It also enables us to focus and find things interesting. If you think about it, learning about something you find interesting gives you pleasure - dopamine is responsible.
As discussed earlier, L-tyrosine is needed to make dopamine. According to research, supplements can improve mental performance and benefits memory in young adults by increasing the production of dopamine. This is especially apparent during highly cognitive demanding situations, in which more dopamine is required3.
The effects of L-tyrosine on thinking and memory in older adults have been found to differ, although supplementation still improves overall mental performance4.
Enhances athletic performance
Athletes often take supplements containing L-tyrosine for its potential to improve cognitive performance. After all, if you have the mental energy and focus you are more likely to physically perform better and push yourself harder. Nothing beats a bit of determination in a workout!
In one study, a small group of soccer players who took L-Tyrosine supplements before exercise experienced better mental performance and improved mental and physical effort5.
Increases energy
L-tyrosine provides a boost of energy by regulating the production of neurotransmitters and hormones that can help improve alertness, focus, and brain function.
This is especially apparent during times of sleep deprivation. According to one study, participants that were sleep-deprived and who took a tyrosine supplement experienced much better mental performance than those who didn't6.
Supports weight loss
L-tyrosine supplements are believed to help with weight loss due to their effect on metabolism. This is because l-tyrosine is used to make thyroid hormones such as triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which play an essential role in regulating all metabolic processes.
Low levels of thyroid hormones can slow down your metabolism and change the way the body processes fat, leading to weight gain. L-tyrosine supplements can support the production of thyroid hormones to speed up your metabolism.
Evidence suggests that when taken in combination with other fat-burning substances, such as caffeine and capsaicin, l-tyrosine is even more effective for achieving weight loss7.
Although, people with thyroid conditions such as an overactive thyroid should be cautious about taking tyrosine, as it might increase thyroxine levels too much. It can also interfere with thyroid medication. Always consult with your doctor before use if you have a thyroid condition.
Dosage and Supplement Information
As discussed above, L-tyrosine is commonly taken as a supplement to improve mental performance, energy, and weight loss. It can also be used to treat an inherited disorder called phenylketonuria, in which the body is unable to synthesize tyrosine from phenylalanine.
How Much L-tyrosine Should You Take for Weight Loss?
In line with current research, it is advised to take a standard dose of 100-150mg per 1kg of body weight to achieve weight loss. This would be roughly 7-10 grams for a person weighing 150 pounds and 9-13.5g for a person who weighs 200 pounds.
When Should You Take It?
For best results, L-tyrosine should be taken on an empty stomach in order to avoid interference from other amino acids in foods. As it has stimulatory effects, it is best to take it in the morning so that it doesn’t affect your sleep.
The effects can be felt within 30-60 minutes, depending on the size of the dose you take and when you last ate.
Food Sources of L-Tyrosine
L-tyrosine is primarily found in protein-rich animal foods, but also smaller amounts in some plant foods. Top food sources of l-tyrosine include:
- Dairy products such as yogurt and milk
- Meat
- Fish
- Eggs
- Nuts and seeds
- Whole grains such as oats and quinoa
- Beans and legumes
Other nutrients including vitamin B6, folate, and copper are also necessary for the process of converting tyrosine into neurotransmitters. So it is important to consume enough of these in your diet as well as l-tyrosine itself.
All of the foods listed above contain these nutrients, so if you include them in your diet you can safely assume you are eating all you need to optimize the effects of tyrosine.
Are There Any Side Effects to L-Tyrosine?
Very few side effects of L-tyrosine supplements have been reported and they are generally considered to be safe by the Food and Drug Administration. However, some people claim to experience mild side effects including:
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Heartburn
It is recommended to avoid taking large doses for extended periods, as it may interfere with the absorption of other amino acids and increase the likelihood of side effects.
L-tyrosine is an amino acid that is required for the synthesis of important neurotransmitters and hormones that regulate mood, mental performance, energy, and metabolism.
Taking L-tyrosine as a supplement can help improve attention, focus, memory, motor skills, energy, and pretty much all aspects of brain function! Aside from this, it can help speed up your metabolism.
With greater determination and drive, alongside an optimized metabolism, l-tyrosine supplements can help support you on your weight loss journey. Be sure to stick to the recommended standard dose and don’t be tempted to take more, as this may lead to a number of unwanted side effects.
Mind Lab Pro incorporates L-tyrosine in its innovative nootropic formula, for sharper brain function, better focus and mood, and to support long-range brain health. Take this supplement daily to help you perform at your best all the time!
- Young, Simon N. "L-tyrosine to alleviate the effects of stress?." Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 32.3 (2007): 224-225.
- Mouret, J., et al. "L-tyrosine cures, immediate and long term, dopamine-dependent depressions. Clinical and polygraphic studies." Comptes Rendus de L'academie des sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la vie 306.3 (1988): 93-98.
- Colzato, Lorenza, et al. "Working memory reloaded: tyrosine repletes updating in the N-back task." Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 7 (2013): 200.
- Kühn, Simone, et al. "Food for thought: association between dietary tyrosine and cognitive performance in younger and older adults.
" Psychological research 83.6 (2019): 1097-1106.
- Coull, Nicole A., et al. "Effect of tyrosine ingestion on cognitive and physical performance utilising an intermittent soccer performance test (iSPT) in a warm environment." European journal of applied physiology 115.2 (2015): 373-386.
- Neri, David F., et al. "The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended wakefulness." Aviation, space, and environmental medicine (1995).
- Belza, A., E. Frandsen, and J. Kondrup. "Body fat loss achieved by stimulation of thermogenesis by a combination of bioactive food ingredients: a placebo-controlled, double-blind 8-week intervention in obese subjects." International journal of obesity31.1 (2007): 121-130.
L-Tyrosine for Weight Control – Health Information Library
Why Use
Why Do Dieters Use It?*
Some dieters say that L-tyrosine helps stimulate weight loss.
What Do the Advocates Say?*
Since it is a precursor to substances like epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, L-tyrosine may be a good supplement choice for those trying to lose weight because, theoretically, it may help speed metabolism. However, it should only be considered for people who also suffer from symptoms such as fatigue and depression.
There are no studies specifically showing that L-tyrosine helps to promote weight loss.
L-tyrosine is best taken without food. Because it can be stimulating, especially when used in large amounts, it should not be taken in the evening. As is the case when supplementing with any individual amino acid, it’s possible to upset the balance by taking just one.
*Dieters and weight-management advocates may claim benefits for this supplement based on their personal or professional experience. These are individual opinions and testimonials that may or may not be supported by controlled clinical studies or published scientific articles.
Dosage & Side Effects
How Much Is Usually Taken by Dieters?
Most people should not supplement with L-tyrosine. Some human research with people suffering from a variety of conditions used 100 mg per 2. 2 pounds of body weight, equivalent to about 7 grams per day for an average-sized person. The appropriate amount to use in people with PKU is not known, therefore, the monitoring of blood levels by a physician is recommended.
Side Effects
L-tyrosine has not been reported to cause any serious side effects. However, it is not known whether long-term use of L-tyrosine, particularly in large amounts (such as more than 1,000 mg per day) is safe. For that reason, long-term use of L-tyrosine should be monitored by a doctor.
Interactions with Supplements, Foods, & Other Compounds
Vitamin B6 , folic acid, and copper are necessary for conversion of L-tyrosine into neurotransmitters.
Interactions with Medicines
As of the last update, we found no reported interactions between this supplement and medicines. It is possible that unknown interactions exist. If you take medication, always discuss the potential risks and benefits of adding a new supplement with your doctor or pharmacist.
More Resources
Where to Find It
Dairy products, meats, fish, wheat, oats, and most other protein-containing foods contain tyrosine.
See a list of books, periodicals, and other resources for this and related topics.
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Dosage & Side Effects
Health Information Library
tyrosine - complete information about the amino acid in the Encyclopedia Evalar
L tyrosine is an optically isomeric form of the aromatic amino acid tyrosine. The substance is involved in lipid metabolism, regulates appetite, improves melanin synthesis, normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland.
The amino acid L tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid, as it is produced in the body. The disadvantage is partially compensated with protein food. The compound was first discovered in cheese by the German scientist Liebig. Tyrosine is needed to build protein molecules in all tissues, is part of enzymes, and can partially replace molecular crosslinks in case of a lack of other substances in the body.
Synthesis and role in the body
For the formation of tyrosine, phenylalanine is necessary - an essential amino acid, without which synthesis is impossible. Phenylalanine is needed for the structure of protein compounds, and all of its unused residue is converted into tyrosine. Thus, with a deficiency of the precursor substance, a deficiency of tyrosine occurs.
With the participation of L tyrosine, hormones are produced in the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. During the enzymatic transformation, the skin and hair pigment, melanin, is produced.
The adrenal glands under the action of tyrosine produce hormones of the catecholamine group: adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine. These are neurotransmitters that control the functioning of the nervous system, stimulate the brain, improve the passage of nerve impulses. With an increase in physical activity, the production of catecholamines increases, this allows the body to adapt. The faster the endocrine system responds to stress, releasing the necessary substances into the blood, the easier it is for the cardiovascular system and muscles to cope:
Adrenaline - is produced during severe stress or sudden physical impulses. This increases the permeability of cell walls, accelerates the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates for more energy. The body's endurance during this period increases.
Norepinephrine - secreted during moments of aggression, stress, prolonged hard physical work, injuries. Increases muscle endurance, constricts blood vessels.
Dopamine - improves the absorption of glucose in tissues, stimulates cellular nutrition, constricts blood vessels, causes a feeling of pleasure. Takes part in the formation of growth hormone.
In the thyroid gland, tyrosine is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These are iodinated amino acids necessary for normal growth and development of tissues, normal mental activity, regulation of metabolism and maintenance of normal body temperature. Substances of this group increase the body's sensitivity to adrenal hormones.
Effects on body systems
Normalization of the concentration of L tyrosine affects the functioning of all body systems:
Cardiovascular. The compound helps regulate blood pressure, reduces the risk of hypertension, improves vascular tone, nutrition at the cellular level. The frequency and intensity of vegetative-vascular spasms decreases, the heart muscle strengthens.
Nervous. L tyrosine enhances adaptability to psychological and physical stress, stimulates the brain, increases concentration, helps fight depression and the effects of stress.
Endocrine. With the participation of tyrosine, hormones are synthesized in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, sex glands in men and women. Their normal work supports cognitive, motor functions, regulates metabolism, helps to form the correct immune response to various types of pathogens.
Metabolism. Under the action of the substance, the breakdown of fats is enhanced and carbohydrate metabolism is normalized. This leads to a decrease in appetite and utilization of lipid deposits.
An excess of tyrosine leads to dramatic weight loss, insomnia, distracted attention, and increased excitability. This condition is associated with an increased concentration of thyroid hormones and requires correction.
The daily minimum requirement for an adult is 60 mg, and at high loads, severe decompensation or in a stressful situation, the consumption can increase to 4 g.
Consequences of deficiency
Insufficient concentration of L tyrosine can lead to a decrease in concentration, loss of endurance, apathy, and with prolonged deficiency, there are:
Puffiness, drowsiness, dry skin, pallor, weight gain. This increases the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension.
Violation of the liver, kidneys. At the first stage, glucose is no longer absorbed, the cells experience a lack of nutrition, and the work of the excretory system is inhibited.
Food sources
Despite the fact that L-tyrosine is synthesized by our body with the participation of phenylalanine, most often this amount is not enough for the normal operation of all systems. To partially compensate for the deficiency, eating foods such as:
Pork, beef, lamb.
Chicken, turkey, duck.
Fish and seafood.
Cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir.
Nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, legumes.
In addition to food sources, you can compensate for the lack of L tyrosine by taking food supplements in the form of capsules, tablets, lozenges.
BAA with tyrosine
These are balanced drugs that are used for conditions such as:
deterioration of cognitive functions, memory, attention;
loss of working capacity, endurance, with constant fatigue;
sudden mood swings, depression, phobias.
In childhood, drugs are prescribed for hyperactivity, increased excitability, difficulty in perceiving new information. L-tyrosine is also indicated for age-related disorders of the brain and nervous system. To enhance the effect in additives, in addition to tyrosine, phenylalanine is present.
The method of application for each additive is indicated in the instructions. In most cases, dietary supplements are drunk in the morning, an hour before meals. Wash down with water or juice at room temperature. The average course duration is 30-45 days.
Side effects and contraindications
Dosages and duration of administration are selected by specialists. The drugs did not reveal any side effects while following the selected scheme.
Possible contraindications:
Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Taking antidepressants based on monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
If the start of supplementation with L tyrosine coincided with the appearance of other symptoms, it is recommended to stop taking it and seek the advice of a doctor.
L-Tyrosine 500 mg from Evalar Laboratory is made from premium quality raw materials from a Swedish manufacturer. The uniqueness and high quality of the components of the drug ensure its high efficiency and bioavailability for the body.
NOW L-Tyrosine, L-Tyrosine 500 mg - 120 Capsules0009
An effective drug that normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland in case of insufficiency of its function is "L-Tyrosine" in capsules. This amino acid is a mild psychostimulant, has antidepressant properties, harmonizes the synthesis of hormones and increases the efficiency of the mental system. A multifunctional compound in the form of capsules is useful for individuals who load their body with regular exercise, have problems with the adrenal glands or thyroid diseases. You can buy L-Tyrosine (500 mg) from the American manufacturer of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes NOW Foods on our website. Here, the attention of buyers is also presented with instructions with recommendations for use, customer reviews are shown and current prices are indicated.
Useful properties of the active ingredient and indications for use
L-Tyrosine in capsules is used to harmonize hormonal levels and metabolic processes. It improves the function of the thyroid gland, increases efficiency, performance, provides a burst of energy. The use of a supplement containing 500 mg of L-Tyrosine in capsules allows you to achieve the following effects and changes in the body:
- speed up metabolism;
- reduce weight;
- normalize pressure;
- increase vitality;
- expand the body's internal reserves;
- prevent overwork;
- improve the transmission of nerve impulses;
- stabilize the emotional state and cheer up.
In sufficient quantities, the amino acid L-Tyrosine produces a rejuvenating effect. The product helps fight laziness, depression, increases resistance to stressful situations.
Supplement "L-Tyrosine" in the form of capsules is recommended for people who regularly experience intense physical and psycho-emotional stress. Indications for the use of the product are: reduced efficiency and low productivity, chronic fatigue and constant drowsiness, thyroid disease, slow metabolism, alcohol or drug addiction, problems with the adrenal glands, hormonal disorders. Capsules "L-Tyrosine" are taken to improve mood and performance, improve mental activity, activate the synthesis of adrenaline.
The dietary supplement is not a drug. The product is taken to enhance drug therapy or to prevent diseases.
Instructions for use and contraindications
The dietary supplement is taken daily 30-40 minutes before meals. The number of doses varies from 1 to 3. The optimal dosage of the product is 1 capsule (500 mg). Please note that the amino acid L-Tyrosine is not compatible with MAO inhibitors.