Wife willing to do anything
5 Things Your Wife Needs Most
When my wife and I first got married, I was convinced that I knew how to be a great husband. However, it didn’t take long to see that I still had a lot to learn about caring for this beautiful lady I had chosen to be my wife.
Now that we’ve been married for over 15 years, I can honestly say that a good amount of our growth can be credited to the fact that we’ve learned that the other spouse’s needs are quite often different than our own. We’ve found that when we fail to realize what our spouse needs most, it can lead to unnecessary friction, frustration, and even resentment in our hearts towards one another.
As men, we are wired with different needs than your wife. While there could be many things included in this list of what women need, here are five of the top things I’ve learned that my wife needs most.
1. Sleep.
While the average person needs 7-8 hours of sleep a night to function at peak performance, women are naturally drawn towards needing more sleep than men. Many days, my wife will go to sleep before me, and also wake up after me the next morning, and guess what… it’s okay. Our wives need the extra rest, and we should be pleased for them to get it when possible.
2. Words of Affirmation.
Your wife needs to be told that she is loved, that she is beautiful to you, and that she is valued.While as men, we enjoy our wife re-affirming us and our roles, we need to make sure that we are constantly feeding affirmation into her heart and life as well. She thrives upon being affirmed by you. This could be by way of daily compliments, praise in front of the kids, or handwritten notes of love and affirmation. Your wife needs to be told that she is loved, that she is beautiful to you, and that she is valued.
3. Quality Time.
More than anything else your wife wants from you, she wants more of you, and specifically, more of your time. She wants you to talk to her, to spend time with her, and connect with her on an emotional and spiritual level as her husband. The only way that this can happen is through intentional spending and sharing regular moments of time, prayer, and dreams together.
4. Detailed Communication.
As men, we’re satisfied with coming home, giving our wife a kiss, and hearing the words, “How was your day?”…“Good”, and we’re good to go. But more than your wife needs your lips at the end of the day, she needs your ears. She has plenty of things to say if you’ll actually ask questions and make yourself available to just listen. She also wants to know more details, not less, about you and your day as well. A good husband must learn to be both a good communicator and a good listener.
5. Non-Intimate Physical Affection.
Every day, your wife needs you to hug her, to give her a kiss, and to tell her that you love her. She needs non-sexual expressions of your physical affection. This might include brushing up against her as you walk by in the kitchen, wrapping your arm around her on the couch, or simply holding her hand while walking together through the store.
All of these things non-verbally communicate your love. They communicate to her that she is yours, and you’re thankful for it.
Your wife wants to do everything together? Try saying “no” -- Aleteia
It's a genuine desire that men don’t always share...How can you explain this to your wife and still avoid a fight?
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Many women complain that their husbands do not feel the need to share more of their life with them. “I feel that my husband is a married bachelor! I know that he loves me, but I would really like us to do more things together: have fun together, pray together and go shopping together. I miss him when he is not around.” When this happens, the man begins to fear that he is being stifled and refuses to be “stuck” in an alienating union and the woman begins to wonder whether he truly loves her.
In his book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,” author John Gray provides us with a simple (some would say simplistic) explanation: The way men and women see a relationship is initially radically different. From time to time, a man feels the need to withdraw to his “cave” the author tells us. As people used to say in the past, men compartmentalize – when they’re at work, fishing, or at a meeting they forget their wives, who seek a closer bond and desire their presence. As for women in general, they crave the constant presence of the person they love and cherish. Men would gladly say that a couple needs to take breathers – with good times spent in each other’s company and the time spent away from each other.
But, maybe we should look for the answers elsewhere? The problem of a couple does not so much consist of “doing everything together,” but in “doing everything depending on the other.” Doing everything together is impossible, especially today, when professional and associative activities do not allow us to be constantly by each other’s side. Love birds who are embarking on their life together and declaring that “We will never leave each other’s side” should realize that life draws us apart as much as it brings us together. Yet a wonderful union to which all the loving couples aspire is possible, as long as each of us is thinking of the other.
Hence, in his professional or charity activities, the man should never forget that he is married. “What advice would my wife give me in this or that situation?” he should ask. He should abstain from acting in his own name only: he should do it for the both of them. Similarly, when a woman goes to Mass during weekdays, she should not lose her time regretting that her husband is not by her side. She should remember him in the prayers that she will say to God.
This kind of spiritual union can transcend the times spent apart. Still moments of intensive communication are necessary inside the couple. They allow for reciprocal harmony in beliefs, ideas, expectations and aspirations, in joys, and in pain.
Does our relationship with God not resemble that of a married couple in many ways? It may not be as intense, and yet despite His silences, it is as rich and as profound.
Father Denis Sonet
How to save a marriage that is on the verge of divorce?
If a relationship is at an impasse, only two people can save it. Since the two of them are able to keep the family on the verge of divorce, they need to act together. This is not easy to do, so the couple will have to be patient and tune in to long and fruitful work to restore harmony. But if love has been preserved in the marriage, it is worth trying to save him.
Why people get divorced
Husband and wife need to sort things out and understand why they want to separate. The investigation should begin by looking for the causes. Although each couple is unique, problems in relationships always develop according to similar scenarios and have similar reasons:
- Cheating is the most common reason for breakups, even in loving couples.
The pain of betrayal is so strong that many are unable to overcome it and move on.
- Frequent conflicts and quarrels are another factor that can lead to thoughts of separation. A favorable atmosphere in the family is the main condition for happiness and mutual understanding in relationships.
How to forget your wife after a divorce: effective methods
- Alcoholism and other types of addictions also lead to separation. An unhealthy hobby of one of the spouses affects not only the relationship, but also the quality of life. Addiction destroys all areas of life.
- Lack of understanding of what is happening in relationships and lack of knowledge about how they can be restored. Due to the fact that the spouses do not see it possible to correct on their own what does not satisfy them, they decide to break the connection. But this is not an option, because without understanding what is happening, you can face the same problem in future relationships.
- Lies destroy mutual trust, the foundation of a happy marriage. A divorce can be delayed for a long time, but it will happen sooner or later, because deception does not make it possible to get closer and be happy.
- The mismatch of life goals is the reason why it makes no sense to work on the restoration of feelings. For example, if one partner wants children and a house outside the city, and the other wants to devote his life to traveling, then a full-fledged family will not work.
- In the case of prolonged financial or housing problems, relationships can also collapse. If the spouses are unable to agree and reach a compromise, a breakup is the only way to improve the situation.
- A popular reason for divorce is the cooling of feelings, the lack of mutual sympathy. For example, cardinal changes in the appearance of one of the spouses.
- Quite often separation is the result of long-term dissatisfaction with sexual life.
Passion leaves the relationship, so partners no longer want intimacy.
- Excessive interference in the marriage of relatives, such as the parents of the husband or wife, is a common cause of divorce, especially if the spouses live with them.
- Lack of attention to each other, too different interests and hobbies lead to cooling and loss of love. As a result, divorce becomes only the actual confirmation of the absence of true intimacy.
- Dissatisfaction and disappointment in relationships due to inconsistencies in household habits, views on raising children and other disagreements in which a compromise cannot be reached is another factor that provokes separation.
After discovering the root causes of the protracted crisis, you can understand how to restore relationships on the verge of divorce. This will help you find the right direction and develop your plan to save your marriage.
How to divorce your husband: effective recommendations
If one spouse wants a divorce
Regardless of who initiates the separation, if one of the partners wants a divorce, the other one is unable to do anything alone. Restoring harmony requires joint efforts and mutual desire. But not everything is so hopeless. A partner who wants to save the marriage has the opportunity to influence the situation. Psychologist's advice will help him in this:
- it is necessary to start constructive communication;
- find out why the partner is initiating the divorce;
- it is important to say about your readiness to change, to make relationships better.
You can involve a family therapist in the work on relationships. Even if the marriage cannot be saved, psychotherapy will make the separation less painful and will also help to avoid a repetition of the situation in the future.
Advice for women
A family is a great value for women, so they are often ready to make concessions in order to avoid divorce. It is possible to influence the spouse's decision, for this you need to take several steps:
- Take care of your external attractiveness.
- Try to rekindle the extinguished fire of feelings.
- Do not impose, give a man the opportunity to independently analyze and make decisions.
- It is worth warming up the interest of the husband, making him fall in love again.
- It is important to forget about claims and criticism.
- It is necessary to start paying more attention to the relationship and to the spouse so that he feels his value and significance in the life of a woman.
It is the woman who is able to create the most favorable emotional atmosphere in marriage, so her actions will not go unnoticed. But if the spouse has already made a final decision, it will be extremely difficult to convince him. In such a situation, there is no question of choice - to divorce or save the family, because the partner does not want this.
Advice for men
If a wife wants a divorce, and a man wants to save his family, he is also able to influence his wife's decision. Overcoming problems in marriage is the responsibility of two, but the husband is able to change what he can. Here is what a man can do to save his family from divorce:
- find out what exactly does not suit his spouse;
- pay more attention to her;
- make her feel loved and appreciated;
- give her what she lacks.
You can do something alone so that the family on the verge of divorce does not fall apart. If a spouse notices positive changes in a man, she may reconsider her decision.
If both want to keep the relationship
A protracted crisis is easier to overcome if the couple start working on it together. To save a marriage when both husband and wife want it, you can do the following:
- start spending more time together;
- pay attention to each other;
- restore romance, arrange surprises for each other, go on dates;
- join forces to solve everyday problems;
- agree to discuss any problems, and not be offended;
- stop criticizing each other, changing the pretentious tone to a constructive style of communication;
- find common interests, common ground;
- eliminate routine and boredom from relationships;
- harmonize sexual life.
When two people are working on a relationship, it is important to learn how to reach a compromise. These are solutions that do not fully satisfy anyone, but are the arithmetic mean. The ability to give in is the foundation on which you can build a happy marriage, even if the family is already on the verge of divorce.
Lack of attention
Couple's busyness causes priorities to shift. Spouses are so mired in solving everyday problems that they cease to be interested in each other and forget about elementary signs of attention. If the wife and husband want to save the family, then it is worth reconsidering their attitude towards marriage. You do not need to have any specific knowledge or skills to do this.
It's simple - you can make your tired wife her favorite tea, help with housework. The wife may become more interested in her husband's affairs, offering support and care. Elementary simple signs of attention in everyday life can save a marriage on the verge of divorce and even make it happier.
Extra control
Relationships in marriage should be close, but without violating personal boundaries. If a husband or wife wants to divorce, the family can be saved by changing the attitude towards the personal boundaries of the partner. Excessive control is a sign of a lack of trust and low self-esteem. It is realistic to eliminate this negative factor - you need to start working on developing trust and increasing self-esteem.
Do's and Don'ts
All efforts to avoid divorce from your wife and save your family can be canceled by mistakes made in the process.
If a husband wants to save his family, you should not shift the responsibility for marital problems to him alone. Similarly, with a spouse - in an unhappy marriage there is no one guilty, both partners are responsible.
There are other mistakes that can provoke deterioration in relations and speed up divorce: It is not always possible to restore relationships. You need to be able to understand when everything is over, and stop in time, not waste your emotional resource on futile attempts. Starting to work on relationships, you need to develop an effective strategy. Consistency and taking into account all the nuances will help return love to the family and avoid divorce: Going through these stages in a relationship, the partners will get closer, gradually eliminating all the shortcomings in marriage. This does not mean that quarrels and conflicts will completely disappear from the family, on the contrary, they will be present, but they will no longer be able to have a destructive effect on relationships. Betrayal of one of the partners is an objective reason for divorce. It makes no sense to think about how a marriage can be saved from divorce under such conditions: But if the deceived party has the strength to forgive, and the cheating partner is ready to correct himself, then everything can be restored. To avoid a break, do the following: Dissatisfaction with family relations pushes spouses to betray. It is necessary to look deeper for the reasons and begin to work through all the problematic areas of family life in order to avoid a repetition of the situation in the future. Marriage does not collapse overnight, and if you work regularly on relationships, you will be able to avoid separation. Here's how to get back on good terms with your wife: Love is not always a solid foundation for relationships. So that the family does not fall apart, you need to put a lot of daily work, patience, respect and understanding of each other's needs into it. This is the only way to prevent divorce and build a happy relationship. Especially when it seems that everything is serious: there are certain plans, sincere desires to be together always. But mutual ambitions, inability to hear each other and many other circumstances can prevent even a harmonious and loving couple from building a happy union. In this case, it is necessary to admit in time: relationships need to be saved, and this is a daily and difficult work for both men and women. Let's take a closer look at how to save a relationship, a marriage on the verge of divorce. The main signs that the tandem is on the verge of breaking up : Before starting the rescue operation, you need: Let's try to figure out what is the peculiarity of active actions for both sexes. The main advice is as follows: The main advice of a psychologist: So, what not to do: Try not to beat around the bush, pretend that nothing is happening. In the further preservation of relationships on the verge of divorce, much depends on what were the reasons for the failed separation. Understanding them, in fact, is the key to adopting the right strategy to restore the former union. Problems that may arise include lack of trust and over-involvement of one of the parties. Remember that distrust, overcontrol, and conflict are the first steps to betrayal, which usually starts with you telling the other person about it. On the other hand, if you see that your partner is less interested than you in maintaining the tandem, it may be worth admitting to yourself that further "collaboration" does not make sense . Quite often unhappy couples continue relationships and are constantly on the verge of breaking up. What are the reasons for such behavior: Unfortunately, there are situations when an attempt to save a partnership or marriage is doomed to failure. If all dreams of a wonderful and bright future together are collapsing in a series of delusions, you should not put off the final break indefinitely. You need to be able to say goodbye to a person forever in time. Do not hesitate to do this in cases where the other side : For tips on how to keep a family on the brink of divorce, you will find in the video: So what is the secret to saving a relationship between a man and a woman and how do you know if it is necessary? In order not to regret anything, think carefully . Only painstaking work and regular self-improvement will help you find a clear answer to the question of how to build a strong and, most importantly, happy family. After all, the present - based on mutual respect and trust - always makes sense to save, no matter what the ups and downs of the seething whirlpool of life. Psychologist and psychotherapist, provides individual and group counseling for children. The priority area of work is solving the problems of parent-child relationships, childhood neurosis, psycho-emotional development disorders, difficulties in the relationship between mother and child. Adblockdetector According to statistics, almost every second family in our country gets divorced. According to statistics, there are fewer men than women. They have more chances to choose. And that matters too. Although the representatives of the stronger sex are also thinking about how to improve relations with their wife on the verge of divorce, especially if the value of the family is great for them or they still love their partner. And this is really the most important thing. It is important how to save a relationship with a loved one on the verge of breaking. So, what to do if the relationship is on the verge of breaking up? To begin with, to understand the reasons for what is happening. Crises in family relationships are a frequent occurrence. For some, they occur immediately after marriage, for others - after a certain period. The most popular causes of crises: If you understand the causes of crises and you are ready to put up with such a situation, then you need to save your family. To do this, you need to try to understand that your partner is the same person as you. Psychologist's advice on how to save a marriage will definitely help you: If your partner is not inclined to frankness, teach him from the very beginning of marriage to discuss everything that concerns family life. And then he will get used to the fact that you always do it together. Conflict will never solve family problems. It only aggravates them, leads to a break. Therefore, by all means avoid quarrels and reproaches. Just start talking. It is best to distribute responsibilities at the very beginning of marriage and forever. Then there will be no temptation to say that at first it was not so! If you still didn’t do this at an early stage, try to negotiate later. But this must be done together. Nobody likes being discussed behind their backs. Therefore, your partner, having learned about this, will certainly be dissatisfied and angry. And especially because his relatives are a priori dear people for him. But you, maybe not so far. So always be careful what you say. Interest begins with small things. Even if it seems insignificant to someone, you still show it in relation to your partner. It is best to go to a place where you have never been together. Or, conversely, where they often visited. In the first case, your sensations will be new. In the second, there will be a chance to walk through romantic places and remember happy days. It also helps a lot. Just don't do all this for show during a relationship crisis. It will be good if at the beginning of marriage you start a special photo album, where you will post not only photos, but also jointly written comments on them. There, everyone will write down their impressions and leave love notes. And then you can return to them again. What is written with his own hand (and even with a photo) is perceived quite differently. Anyone who sees and feels gratitude from a partner will definitely try to reciprocate. And if you start to please your spouse with his favorite buns and buns, baked with his own hands, then he will choose gifts for you and make surprises with special care. Advice for children whose parents want to get divorced Marriage and family are a value in the life of every person. When the question “Save the family or not?” The answer is yes. Of course, only if there are feelings or hope for their revival. It is better to prevent a crisis and a divorce than to think about how to get your husband back after a divorce. After the official break in relations, it will be much more difficult to do this. Sometimes it's just worth thinking about. And I myself am the same as I was at the very beginning of the relationship? Maybe I have become different? So why, then, do I expect the person I live with to treat me the same way? If something goes wrong in our family, we are both responsible for it. But someone has to be wiser. And start all over again. 36,320 CheatingQuestion to the expert My wife is eight years younger than me. Yaroslav, 48 years old Dear Yaroslav, we can agree with one thing right away - this is really a crisis, a crisis in relations with his wife. And it doesn't matter if it came at 40 or at any other age. A crisis is always a danger, in this case you will have to evaluate and decide for yourself what dangers this crisis carries and how to deal with them. Let's take a look at what you will need to consider when choosing your next steps. I will assume, based on your words, that you love your wife and consider divorce one of the dangers, and therefore are looking for opportunities to return everything to normal. If your goal is to save the marriage, then you will have to take into account that this requires the desire of both spouses, otherwise everything will turn into “violence” against those who no longer need this relationship. It is important to understand what your wife wants. The way you've described her behavior doesn't sound like someone trying to save a relationship. But you can only find out for sure as a result of a frank conversation about your future together. I will note right away that talking about what is happening to her, discussing the relationship that you have become aware of with another man can intensify the crisis in the relationship. Therefore, try to take everything that happened for granted and concentrate on the future.
Stages of rebuilding relationships
This terrible word is treason
General recommendations: how to prevent divorce
Relationship psychology: how to keep a marriage on the brink of divorce?
Signs of discord in relationships
What to do before taking action?
What to do if the other half wants to leave?
The main tool for settling any disagreement is an honest conversation. It is necessary to prepare for honest revelations - only in this way will the desired results appear.
Here's what to understand:
For a man
What should not be done to save the union?
Consequences of keeping the family on the verge of breaking up
Reasons that keep people together
What relationship does not make sense to maintain?
Video on the topic
Give yourself time to process your emotions, understand their openness, think about how to correct mistakes, gain independence and change your appearance and behavior.
How to save a family and restore harmony in relationships?
And this, of course, is very bad. Worst of all, people have stopped even trying to coexist together, the preservation of the family no longer seems important and meaningful. Most often it is women who are worried. They think about how to save a family and marriage on the verge of divorce. This is because a woman is a mother and wants her children to have a father. In addition, wives are more emotional than their spouses, and the question of how to improve relations with a husband on the verge of divorce or a crisis in family relations is often relevant for them.
Love is the main thing. It is she who should influence the decision to stay together. And then, if you are thinking about how to save your family from divorce, you will definitely succeed, provided that your soul mate also loves you.
Why a crisis occurs in relationships
The lovers feel like they are getting to know each other for the first time. And indeed it is. They usually don't live together yet. And even if living together does happen, it cannot hurt, because the young couple still enjoys communicating with each other. And when married life comes, people are already fed up with the company of a partner. Joint worries and chores appear. The routine begins. Every day becomes similar to the previous one (breakfast, work, dinner, lessons with a child, money chores and much more). Some people are happy with this situation, some are not. If people are not ready for the diversity of their everyday life, for being interesting for their soul mate, then they become bored with each other. And then the partners can start looking for something interesting on the side, in the company of friends, in a different environment, outside the home. There are misunderstandings, there are betrayals. More often than not, the women in these stories suffer the most because the man is free to move.
And the wife has responsibilities towards the children. She can't act like a husband. And then grievances contribute even more to the manifestations of the crisis.
Or the wife rushes into additional earnings, and then reproaches her husband for earning more than her husband. The ground for a crisis is favorable. In general, here a young family needs to calculate their strength before taking loans. You need to understand who is capable of what. Can a husband earn more? Is the spouse ready to save and so on.
This is a very common cause. As a rule, people do not know in advance if they can have children when they get married. No one is specially examined for this. And then, when there is a need for children, mutual claims begin. It is rare that one of the spouses remains married if the other is infertile. Also, not everyone agrees to artificial insemination, if it is possible. And it is quite infrequent that a child is adopted from an orphanage by mutual agreement (more often - if both are barren). However, there are cases in which a husband and wife can have children, but one person does not want this (burden himself with responsibility, delays the timing of conception, etc.). And then also conflicts begin that lead to a crisis in the relationship.
How to save your family
And he has the same emotions.
In addition, the illusion of compatibility, coexistence is lost. And it is very important for the development of marital relations.
Is she always busy? Doesn't provide you with the comfort you needed before? Or maybe you yourself do nothing to earn extra money for family needs? And she has to work? Therefore, she simply has no time to create comfort for you.
But she herself once allowed this to happen! There is something that both are related to. These are the duties of raising and educating children. There should be no compromises like "I make money, and you look after the child." Children are a shared responsibility, so both father and mother are equally responsible for their development.
Offended by such an attitude of the son-in-law towards their precious daughter, the parents begin to interfere in the affairs of the family and thereby make the situation even worse. Or the wife may start telling her father-in-law and mother-in-law how bad their son is for this and that. No man will tolerate this. In addition, you yourself have made your choice of spouse or spouse. You knew the person with whom you connected your life (and if you didn’t know well, these are your personal problems, not your parents’). Therefore, express all claims only to each other, but not to relatives, who, as a rule, cannot behave adequately and not interfere in your family affairs.
Sometimes people, preoccupied with the burden of everyday problems, completely forget to simply ask how the other half is doing at work, with friends, etc. And this is an important component of family relationships. So, the husband does not ask his wife if she is satisfied with her work, maybe she has problems? The wife is not interested in fishing, hunting of her husband, and this is his beloved hobby. No need to dive into the details of your partner's hobbies. But just to find out how the fishing went, what you liked, to look at a photo or video together (men love to shoot their trophies), it will not be difficult. This will certainly create the illusion of interest and have a beneficial effect on the development of relations. Ask him how he got to work. Ask her how her colleagues appreciated her new dress. And the effect is obvious. Both will be happy.
But only so that it does not take the form of a daily interrogation, but is appropriate. You know your loved one, so you will understand when it is necessary to take an interest in his affairs, and when it is better not to touch.
And ride together. Be surprised and rejoice in everything as if for the first time.
Such things are noticeable. Let this be the principle of your life. Behave like this all the time. Once you find a hobby, you may be distracted and have a different look at your family life.
Don't forget the little things too. Say compliments to your partner, please with small surprises. Just be careful about who you go through life with.
"A cheating wife - a midlife crisis?"
We have been living together for 23 years. She is a beautiful, young woman. I recently fell in love with a married man. Apparently he only wanted her for sex. He got his and fled. Accidentally found their correspondence and learned everything. But while I am silent, I pretend that I do not know anything. Now the wife suffers, loves him, is ready for all humiliations, just to be with him. She does not pay attention to me, constantly distances herself, does not want to be around. Is this the crisis of 40, as she tells me, or is it all over, time for a divorce? I love her very much. Is it possible to return everything to normal?