Journaling reflection questions
32 Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection and Self-Care
There’s nothing like cracking open a new journal, grabbing your favorite pen, and sitting down for a writing sesh.
It’s a tried-and-true form of self-care. Research shows that journaling can help you achieve your goals, increase your emotional intelligence, boost your confidence, and even heal from difficult experiences.
But a common challenge people run into when they want to start a journaling habit: What do I write about?
That’s where guided self-reflection prompts and questions can help you out. When you're feeling overwhelmed or do not know what to do, taking a moment to pause and reflect is one way you can ensure you're checking in with your needs and moving forward with your journey.
'Facing your front' is the mantra that emboides this—and it's the mantra behind actor Ncuti Gatwa, star of the Netflix show "Sex Education."
"Don't look right and don't look left, because these are other people's journeys and if you're looking at their journeys, you're going to get lost. So face your front and worry about what you're doing," Gatwa shared in Teen Vogue. "You don't need to compare yourself. Your journey is fine."
Here are 32 of our favorites to help you kick off your next journaling session and reflect on your personal journey. They’re inspired by our Daily Discussion feature in the Shine app—a safe space where you can reflect on a new self-care question daily with a global community of supportive people.
Pick one or a few of these questions, and give yourself permission to free write your answers without any judgment or pressure. The goal: Simply see what you can learn about yourself and the way you take care of yourself.
1. What makes you feel powerful?
2. What makes you feel calm?
3. What makes you feel in control?
4. How do you encourage yourself when you're trying something new?
5. What's a choice you can make this week based on your needs?
6. How do you shift your mindset if it isn't working for you?

8. How can you celebrate yourself today?
9. What does your situational best look like today?
10. What helps you slow down and feel more present?
11. What can you do today that you didn’t think you could do a year ago?
12. What's a goal you want to accomplish and why?
13. How do you put yourself first without feeling guilty?
14. How do you practice self-acceptance?
15. How do you stay focused and steer clear of distractions?
16. How do you trust yourself to make big decisions?
17. How do you set boundaries and avoid absorbing someone else's emotions and stress?
18. How do you savor the time you get alone?
19. How do you notice when you're nearing burnout?
20. How do you share your feelings with the people who care about you?
21. How do you swap envy for joy when other people accomplish things?
22. How do you advocate for yourself?
23. How do you forgive yourself when you make a mistake?

25. How do you practice self-love and self-kindness?
26. How do you calm your nerves in a difficult situation?
27. How do you make the time you spend with people more intentional?
28. How do you embrace your authentic self, even if it looks different from what others expect?
29. How do you set and protect your boundaries?
30. What new opportunities have come out of challenges you’ve faced?
31. How can you step outside your comfort zone to grow?
32. How do you remind yourself that you're enough?
Read next: 25 Best Journals and Planners for a New Chapter
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70+ Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection
Well Being4 min read
Here are 70+ journal prompts and ideas to help you self-reflect and introspect to understand yourself better.
Let’s spend some time self-reflecting today.
Here is a list of 70+ journal prompts and ideas to help you introspect and discover yourself.
Writing is an effective way to become more aware of ourselves and these prompts will give you direction in this process.
Bonus! Download this free Printable Gratitude Weekly Worksheet that has prompts for a whole week that you can keep reusing to upscale your gratitude practice.
- What makes you feel calm?
- What makes you feel in control?
- What makes you feel powerful?
- How do you encourage yourself when you're trying something new?
- How do you stay focused and steer clear of distractions?
- How do you savor the time you get alone?
- How do you swap envy for joy when other people accomplish things?
- How do you set boundaries and avoid absorbing someone else's emotions and stress?
- How do you trust yourself to make big decisions?
- How do you forgive yourself when you make a mistake?
- How do you advocate for yourself?
- How do you make the time you spend with people more intentional?
- What new opportunities have come out of the challenges you’ve faced?
- How do you embrace your authentic self, even if it looks different from what others expect?
- How do you remind yourself that you're enough?
- How do you calm your nerves in a difficult situation?
- When do you feel happiest in your skin?
- If you were stranded on a desert island, what are the one thing and the one person you would choose to have with you and why?
- If you could relive an experience in your life, what would it be?
- What does growing older mean to you?
- How do you handle a bad day?
- Are you a city, a country, or a beach person?
- Are you an introvert or an extrovert? How has it shaped your life?
- What are your top life hacks?
- If you had a theme song, what would it be?
- How does it feel to be the age you currently are?
- Write about a book, movie, or song that has made a huge impact on you.
- What is your earliest childhood memory?
- What do you wish others knew about you?
- If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
- Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction? Why?
- Describe your dream life.
- What do you struggle to love most about yourself? What can you do to begin to love that part of yourself?
- What are the five things that you currently accept about yourself?
- What are you holding onto that you need to forgive yourself for?
- What do you judge yourself for? How can you let go of that judgment?
- What are your talents?
- What is one thing you can do today that will make you feel great?
- What clothes do you love wearing and feel good in?
- What do you love about your mind?
- What do you love about your body?
- What do you love about your personality?
- What are the 5 things that your past self would love about your current self?
- What is a challenge that you have overcome?
- What makes you unique? How can you use this uniqueness more in your life?
- What would you do today if you loved yourself?
- What’s a commitment you can make to yourself to love yourself every day?
- What did you love to do as a child? How can you bring more of that into your life?
- How do you treat people that you love? How can you treat yourself the same way?
- What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
- What natural gift would you most like to possess?
- If you were given $1 million that you had to spend on yourself within a year, how would you spend it?
- How do you define love?
- Write about a person you admire.
What qualities do you share with this person?
- What scares you?
- What would you like to do more of?
- What would you prefer to do less of?
- How have you grown in the past two years?
- How would you like to be remembered?
- What makes you feel most energized?
- What has caused you happiness and joy this week?
- What is the one thing that you want to go back in time and change?
- What frustrates you the most?
- What will that one message or letter that you wish to give to your childhood self?
- What’s your favorite self-care activity?
- How will someone closest to you describe you?
- When was the last time you helped someone? What did you do?
- Which dream of yours do you wish to come true?
- If you win a lottery today (a big one) where would you invest it?
- Think of the happiest moment in your life and reflect on it.
- What is your most treasured possession and why?
- Name one moment that you are truly proud of.
Why are you so proud of it?
- What are you most grateful for?
And, that's all! Have a wonderful journaling time! It's going to help you a lot through life. I wish you the best :)
👉 Continue reading: 50 Insightful Self-Love Journal Prompts For Self-Development
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Aarushi Tewari
The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.
Questions of Philology - magazine | TRUE - Intelligent Case Study System for Scientometric Data
Due to technical work in the data center, the ability to upload and download files is temporarily unavailable.
Indexing: List of VAK (January 1, 1970-), List of RSCI (January 1, 1970-)
Journal activity period: not specified
- Other journal titles: "Questions of Philology", Questions of Philology ISSN 1562-1391, Questions of philology of the IYA, IYA RAS, RALN, Moscow ISSN 1562-1391 show completely.
.., Questions of Philology, ISSN 1562-1391, 2008. IYa, IYa RAS, RALN, Moscow
nine0014 Added to the system: Afonin Sergey Alexandrovich - ISSN: 1562-1391
Editorial Board
- Alpatov Vladimir Mikhailovich, from January 1, 2016 nine0015
- Bitkeeva Aisa Nikolaevna, from November 1, 2013
- Kovshova Maria Lvovna, from January 1, 2013 nine0015
- Sigal Kirill Yakovlevich, from October 18, 2012
- Babenko Natalia Sergeevna, since January 12, 2005 nine0015
- Alpatov Vladimir Mikhailovich, January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2015
- Oreshkina Maria Vasilievna, from January 1, 2000 nine0015
Articles published in the journal
- 2022 About the new "Big Persian-Russian Dictionary" (BPRS) V.
B. Ivanova
- Molchanova E.K.
- in magazine Questions of Philology , Volume 77, No. 1, p. 65-67
- 2022 About the new "Big Persian-Russian Dictionary" (BPRS) V.
- 2022 Change of artistic paradigm in the prose of Timur Pulatov (to the release of the novel "Red Storm")
- Shafranskaya E.F. nine0015
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 2, p. 53-59
- 2021 On the Study of the Phenomenon of Love in Foreign Literature of the 20th Century: Some Observations nine0015
- Litvinenko N.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1(73), p. 73-77
- 2021 From homo economicus to homo sapiens nine0015
- Bodrunov S.D.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 12, p. 18-31
- 2021 The Role of Migration in the Appearance of Foreign Language Neologisms in Cookery: Based on the Material of the Russian Language nine0015
- Anumyan K.
S., Karabulatova I.S.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1 (73), p. 15-19
- 2021 nine0048 The Role of Migration in the Appearance of Foreign Language Neologisms in Cookery: Based on the Material of the Russian Language
- Anumyan K.S., Karabulatova I.S.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , volume 73, no. 1, p. 15-19 nine0020
- 2020 "Mari diaspora and the Mari language: the problem of preserving national identity"
- Kondrashkina E.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1(69), p. 44-54
- 2020 "Republics with three state languages (Crimea, Mari El, Mordovia): similarities and differences"
- Kondrashkina E.A. nine0015
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1 (69), p. 54-55
- 2020 "Roller coaster" and "Russian roulette" as a reflection of the national mentality nine0015
- Basko N.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1(69), p. 138-142
- 2020 Poetry and Prose in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Account of King Edward the Confessor nine0015
- Matyushina I.G.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 2, p. 55-67
- 2020 Adygs: some ethnolinguistic processes nine0015
- Kolesnik N.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , volume 1, No. 1 (69) -2020, p. 80-81
- 2020 nine0048 B.V. Choban-zade - Crimean Tatar scientist
- Alpatov V.M.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1 (69)
- nine0047 2020 To the question of the sociolinguistic situation of the Pamir languages of Afghanistan
- dodyhudoeva L.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1, p. 82-90
nine0014 - 2020 On the Development of Analytical Forms of the Passive in the Zoroastrian Dari Language
- Molchanova E.K.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1, p. 143-147 nine0015
- 2020 On the Development of Analytical Forms of the Passive in the Zoroastrian Dari Language
- Molchanova Elena Konstantinovna
- in magazine Questions of Philology , No.
1, p. 143-147
- 2020 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic: modern problems of language life
- Kolesnik N.G. nine0015
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 2(70), p. 11-19
- 2020 How to study the Russian picture of the world?
- Alpatov V.
M. nine0015
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1 (69)
- 2020 Kalmyk language: past and present
- Bitkeeva A.N. nine0015
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1(69), p. 38-43
- 2020 Iranian Zoroastrian Culture: Raising Children
- Molchanova E.
K. nine0015
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1, p. 147-153
- 2020 Iranian Zoroastrian Culture: Raising Children
- Molchanova Elena Konstantinovna nine0015
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1, p. 147-153
- 2020 Principles of functional-typological classification of languages nine0014 Mikhalchenko V.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , volume 69, no. 1, p. 17-20
- 2020 Problems of gender relations and stereotypes in the Iranian folklore of Central Asia (based on the fairy tale "Vodareg") nine0015
- Dodykhudoeva L.R.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 1, p. 152-158
- 2020 Coexistence of Old English and Old Norse dialects in the British Isles nine0015
- Matyushina I.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , No. 2, p. 30-48
- 2020 Thematic terminological group "Language planning" nine0015
- Kirilenko Svetlana Vladimirovna
- in the journal Questions of Philology , volume 69, no. 1, p. 75-80
- 2020 nine0048 Attitudes towards the minority (Buryat) and majoritarian (Russian) languages in the Republic of Buryatia
- Khilkhanova E.
V., Khilkhanov D.L.
- in the journal Questions of Philology , volume 1, no. 69, p. 69-73 nine0020
Workplace Reflection of documents in regulated accounting: user manual
Products 1C
1С:ERP Enterprise management 2
Let's consider in detail how to set up the reflection of documents in regulated accounting in 1C:ERP. nine0003
In section Regulated accounting , block Accounting and tax accounting click on Reflection of documents in reg. accounting .
Figure 1 - Location Reflection of documents in reg. accounting in 1C: ERP
We go to Reflection of documents in reg. accounting . We select the organization for which the reflection of documents in the regulation is required. accounting and the date to which the reflection will be made.
Figure 2 - Filling in Reflection of documents in reg. accounting
How to set up document verification
In section NSI and administration - Regulated accounting it is possible to set up document verification, for which we check the box Document verification . You can set the check to prohibit editing or only with a notification, without prohibiting editing.
Figure 3 - Configuring document checking
If the checkbox Checking documents is checked, then a green check mark appears on the right side of the document command bar in each document. Immediately after creation, the document enters status Unchecked .
Figure 4 - Reflection in the setting document Checking documents accounting .
Figure 5 - Document verification statuses
Which register reflects the document verification status
Document verification status by organization is recorded in the information register Document verification statuses (Functions for a technical specialist / Information registers / Document verification statuses). nine0003
Figure 6.1-6.2 - Document verification statuses
Here you can also see who and when changed the status of a particular document.
Changing and checking the status of a document
So, in the workplace Reflection of documents in reg. accounting in Checking documents there is a document that requires verification (Fig. 5). We follow the hyperlink to this document, if necessary, make changes to it and confirm the verification of the document by pressing the green checkmark Change of document check status on the document command bar.
Figure 7 - Change of document verification status
We check the document status change in Document verification status and see that the status has changed to Checked , who checked and the date of verification is also recorded.
Figure 8 - Checking the document status change
accounting via hyperlinks in Checking Documents opens Journal of regulated accounting documents , in which, using the filter by cell Check status , you can list all documents with the status Checked , Not checked and On re-check .
Figure 9 - Displaying a list of documents with the status Checked
When you click on the hyperlink Documents requiring verification , the same Journal of regulated accounting documents will be displayed accordingly , but already filtered by check status Not checked .
Figure 10 - Displaying the list of documents with the status Unchecked
I.e. as the work with documents proceeds, entries are made in the information register Document verification status . The nuance is that it is impossible to track the history of status changes, only the current status will be available for viewing.
How to check documents in bulk?
To comprehensively check all documents with status Unverified , in Journal of documents reg. accounting select all records in the tabular section with selection by status Not checked (to select all rows, while clicking on the tabular section, press Ctrl+A).
Figure 11 - Mass verification of documents
Checking the reflection of documents in accounting
accounting - Reflection of documents , which displays:
- documents awaiting automatic reflection;
- documents not reflected in the accounting;
- reflected documents.
Figure 12 - Block Reflection of documents
The corresponding hyperlinks display the same Journal of regulated accounting documents, but with a filter on the field Reflection status . The reflection status can take on the values “For reflection”, “Reflected”, “Accounts not specified”, “Reflected manually”, “Requires confirmation”. nine0003
Figure 13 - Statuses of reflection in the Formation of postings for documents
Status To reflection is assigned to the document during initial posting and reposting.
When a document with the status "For reflection" is reflected in accounting, the document goes into the status Reflected .
If an error occurs, this is the status Accounts not specified .
Posted manually means that the status of the document is posted manually. nine0003
Requires confirmation - when the document is reflected manually, and then processing is carried out in the background, for example, restoring calculations or simply reposting the document.
Let's look at an example: we will make changes and re-post the document, generate Postings of regulated accounting on it and a notification-hint appears about changing the document and the need to correct the postings or confirm the relevance of the current ones.
Figure 14 - Checking regulated accounting postings after reposting document
Checking. Our modified document is now in the workplace Reflection of documents in reg. accounting in block Manual change of posting documents and acquired the status Requires confirmation , which is visible in Register of documents of regulated accounting with the appropriate selection.
Figure 15 - Transition of the document to the status Requires confirmation
For the document in the status Requires confirmation the system asks the user if the changes are relevant. And there are two ways of reflection in accounting:
1. The user can agree to the changes by clicking on Confirm the relevance of entries in Regulated accounting entries. After confirmation, the document will return to the status Reflected manually , because we had a green checkmark activated for Manual adjustment of postings .
Figure 16 - Confirmation of the relevance of transactions with the sign of manual adjustment
2. The user can first uncheck Manual correction of transactions , after which the system will ask: “The document will be reflected in the accounting automatically. Continue?". We agree and press Yes .
Figure 17 - Cancellation of manual adjustment of postings
After that, the document will be reflected in accounting automatically and will receive the status Reflected .
Figure 18 - Transition of a document to the status Reflected
How to understand what status of reflection in the regulated accounting is the document
In any document, through the menu Reports go to Document movements . We are interested in the information register Reflection of documents in the register .
Figure 19 - Opening Document Movements
It is by the status of the document recorded in the information register Reflection of documents in regular accounting that the system understands that the document either needs to be reflected, or it is already reflected in the accounting. In our example, the document already has status Mirrored .
Consider the relationship of actions with the document and the acquired status of reflection in reg. accounting:
- Posting - the document will be displayed in the register in the status To be reflected and the inscription will appear in the regulated accounting postings Awaiting reflection in accounting .