Is jennifer lawrence bipolar

Jennifer Lawrence Gets Candid About Burnout And Mental Health Struggles

As one of the world’s most in-demand actors, Jennifer Lawrence has long been at the beck and call of producers and the wider industry at large. Now, the new mum is reclaiming her own time and identity following a hiatus from acting.

By WH Staff | Oct 10, 2022

Just a few years ago, Jennifer Lawrence was everywhere. If not demanding all attention on the big screen, then peering out from billboards and glossy fashion magazines. Her allure was impossible to resist, and while she’s long been known for her acting chops with an Oscar to her name already at the tender age of just 32-years-old, perhaps what has made her all the more endearing to fans is her personable charm; she’s straight-talking and self-deprecating, appearing as the glamorous Hollywood actor she is without a hand out to distance herself from strangers. Instead, Lawrence comes across as the friend we all want to be and wish we had, something the actor has continued to spark thanks to her vulnerability and openness.  

Now, Lawrence is once again getting candid with fans and film-goers alike. In a recent interview with Variety, the actor opened up about her mental health and personal experience with burnout as she said after starring int he first instalment of The Hunger Games, she felt she lost control of her career. 

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“I think I lost a sense of self control. Between The Hunger Games coming out and winning the Oscar [for Silver Linings Playbook],” she told Variety. “I became such a commodity that I felt like every decision was a big, big group decision.”

To put things into perspective, Lawrence starred in a staggering eight films between 2012 and 2015, two years that coincide with the first and last films of The Hunger Games series. It’s understandable then, with such a work schedule, that the actor expressed a feeling of burnout throughout much of it. “When I reflect now, I can’t think of those following years, [because there was] just a loss of control,” says Lawrence. 

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It led Lawrence to step away from the camera, taking a hiatus from acting. In 2022, Lawrence welcomed a baby boy, something that was made all the more special due to her previous experiences with miscarriage in the past. In taking that time away from acting though, Lawrence managed to reclaim not only time to herself, but also reclaim her identity as she worked to define who she was as a person – not merely Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar-winning actor. Speaking about this time in her life now, she says: “It feels personal for me for the first time in a long time.

Naturally, the time off has also been well spent with her child as Lawrence adapts to this new period of life as a mum. Speaking about becoming a mum for the first time, she expressed that she had fears she wouldn’t love her baby as much as her cat. “It’s so scary to talk about motherhood. Only because it’s so different for everybody,” she said in an interview with Vogue. “Fortunately, I have so many girlfriends who were honest. Who were like, ‘It’s scary. You might not connect right away. You might not fall in love right away.’ So I felt so prepared to be forgiving.”

“I remember walking with one of my best friends at, like, nine months, and being like, ‘Everyone keeps saying that I will love my baby more than my cat. But that’s not true. Maybe I’ll love him as much as my cat?’”

jennifer lawrence

But even despite her concerns, Lawrence admits that she did fall in love with her son right away. “The morning after I gave birth, I felt like my whole life had started over. Now is day one of my life. I just stared. I was just so in love.”

Speaking about how parenthood has changed her, Lawrence said: “My heart has stretched to a capacity that I didn’t know about.”

In order to help support Australians suffering with poor mental health, Lifeline has been offering support and suicide prevention services for the last 59 years through phone, text and online chat, Lifeline’s 24-hour service.

To make a difference, you can donate to Lifeline to support the 10,000 volunteers and 1,000 employees working to ensure that no person in Australia faces their darkest moments alone.

If you or someone you know needs help, phone 13 11 14 (24/7), text 0477 13 11 14 (24/7) or chat at (24/7).

Eight Celebrities with Mental Disorders

5 minutes

What celebrities with mental disorders do you know? In this article, we talk about some of those who've decided to make their illness visible in order to break taboos.

Last update: 10 August, 2022

One in four people will suffer, throughout their lives, from a mental disorder, as indicated by WHO data. Furthermore, we’re vulnerable to suffering from them, regardless of our socioeconomic status, culture, or lifestyle. In this article, we meet eight celebrities with mental disorders.

Indeed, all of these disorders have been recognized by the celebrities concerned. In fact, many of them have decided to make their illness visible in order to break taboos and thus normalize this type of disorder, making it clear that it’s possible to lead a normal life and even succeed at the top, despite them.

There are probably many more celebrities with mental disorders that we don’t know, but here are eight of them.

Billie Eilish, Tourette’s Syndrome

Billie Eilish suffers from Tourette’s syndrome. The singer decided to share the news among her Instagram followers in order to connect with those who also suffer from the syndrome.

This syndrome is a neurological disease that usually manifests initially in childhood and adolescence. It involves multiple motor and vocal tics that last more than a year. There are also other symptoms such as coprolalia (proffering insults and obscenities involuntarily).

Megan Fox, schizophrenia

Considered one of the sexiest actresses in the world, this actor confirmed in an interview that she suffers from bouts of schizophrenia. She also explained that she suffers from auditory hallucinations, paranoid delusions, and social dysfunction.

Her diagnosis hasn’t been 100 percent confirmed. In fact, she confirmed that doctors didn’t know exactly what was happening to her. However, the actor herself states that she constantly struggles with the idea that she suffers from borderline personality or schizophrenia.

Photo by DFree /

Jennifer Lawrence, ADHD

Jennifer Lawrence was diagnosed with ADHD in childhood. She says that her relatives nicknamed her ‘Nitro’ for being as explosive as nitroglycerin.

ADHD is a chronic, lifelong disorder that’s treatable. In adulthood, the more hyperactive-type symptoms usually subside (something that doesn’t happen so easily with attention deficit disorder).

Photo by Andrea Raffin /

Catherine Zeta Jones and Demi Lovato, bipolar disorder

Catherine Zeta Jones received her first diagnosis of bipolar disorder in 2011. Since then, she’s been hospitalized four times. By her own admission, the fact that she was able, as a professional actor, to identify herself as suffering from this disorder was really liberating. She also explained that tremendous ups and downs occur in bipolar disorder. She’s decided to make her disorder public in order to make the disease visible and de-stigmatize it.

The actor and singer Demi Lovato was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the same year as Catherine. For her, the diagnosis was liberating, although she doesn’t feel as if she identifies with it. For her, it’s something she has, not something she is. The singer learned of the diagnosis after undergoing detoxification treatment for substance abuse, eating disorders, and self-injurious behavior.

Photo by Joe Seer /

Greta Thunberg, Asperger’s syndrome

The young Swedish activist, Greta Thunberg, has become famous for her fight against climate change. In addition, she also gave visibility to Asperger’s syndrome when she confirmed that she suffered from it. She was diagnosed four years ago.

For Greta, this syndrome is like a ‘superpower’ that helps her see the world and its problems with clarity and determination. On her Twitter account, she wrote: “…I have found a meaning, in a world that sometimes seems shallow and meaningless to so many people”.

Photo by Daniele COSSU /

Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz, OCD

Leonardo Di Caprio has suffered from OCD since he was a child. The actor acknowledges that he suffers from the disease to a manageable degree. When he filmed The Aviator, he admits that he manifested certain compulsions. For example, he had to go through the same door several times or step on all the chewing gum he saw on the floor. His compulsions meant that it took him a minimum of ten minutes to get from the dressing room to the recording set.

Cameron Díaz is another celebrity with a mental disorder. She also suffers from OCD. More specifically, she suffers from mysophobia, which is a type of OCD where obsessions and compulsions related to cleanliness appear. The actor has an obsession with germs and cleaning, which means she’s always washing her hands. She explains it in this way: “I’m not afraid of germs, I’m just aware of them. I don’t go near other people’s fluids unless I know them very well”.

Photo by The Image Worx /

Final thoughts

Mental disorders vary greatly in degree, type, the intensity of symptoms, and interference in the sufferer’s own life. The most important thing for a sufferer is to be able to receive a proper diagnosis and ask for help to learn to live with the disorder while maintaining a good quality of life.

Anyone can suffer from these kinds of disorders, even celebrities. However, they don’t mean that life has to be difficult and that you can’t be successful at work and enjoy a full life.

It’s extremely important to talk about mental health and mental disorders to normalize them and make them visible. Above all, to break the stigmas and taboos associated with them.

Cover photo by Denis Makarenko / Shutterstock.comIt might interest you...

Mariah Carey, Catherine Zeta Jones, Kanye West and other stars with bipolar disorder

In the past few months alone, bold confessions about unbalanced psycho-emotional state Mariah Carey, Kanye West and Elon Musk. Bipolar disorder - this disease in different years has been diagnosed in many celebrities. Who else is suffering mood swings, suicidal and manic-depressive psychosis, accompanied by fits of anger, - we tell in our material. nine0003

Kanye West

40-year-old rapper just recently He said that he suffers from bipolar disorder. He sang about it in a song from his new album (by the way, in it he also touched on the topic suicide). According to him, this disease was diagnosed in him a year ago, However, the doctor’s conclusion did not upset him at all, but rather the opposite, even pleased.

As I sang in the song from the new album, this is not a disorder, but a superpower,

- said West. nine0003

The behavior of the musician has long alarmed his family. He's pretty aggressively behaved with his mother-in-law Kris Jenner and sometimes left rather rambling messages on your Twitter.

Kanye West

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2001, but singer told about this very recently. In an interview with People magazine, she said that for many struggled with this disease for years. According to her, for a long time she did not want to put up with the diagnosis, and therefore seek professional medical help returned only after many years. nine0003

Until recently, I lived in isolation, denial and constant fear that someone will expose me. It was too heavy a burden for me had to carry. And at some point I realized that I can no longer do this. do. Then I asked for help and underwent a course of therapy. I surrounded myself positive people and returned to what I love so much - I began to write poetry and music,

she confessed.

Mariah Carey

Now the singer continues treatment with medication. And although she sometimes depression occurs, Mariah becomes irritable or hyperactive, she feels much better. nine0003

I am currently on medication that does not make me feel tired or lethargic. Finding the right balance is what is very important, says the singer.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Bipolar disorder almost caused divorce Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas. In 2010, the wife of the actress was diagnosed throat cancer. This terrible news was the cause of the greatest stress experienced by star. As a result, in 2011 she applied for help from specialists and underwent a course of treatment in a psychiatric clinic. This was not enough, and in 2013 due to constant depressions The Zeta-Jones couple separated for a while. But, fortunately, with the time of passion subsided, and now the acting couple is still happily married. nine0003

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Britney Spears

Early popularity, first millions earned at a young age and public recognition strongly influenced the psyche Britney Spears. She cut her hair bald, was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and even tried to settle accounts with life. The doctors agreed that the star fell into postpartum depression caused by bipolar disorder. All this is dear to her it was worth it deprived custody of children. A few years later, thankfully, the 36-year-old star is back. to normal life and quit bad habits. nine0003

Britney Spears

Elon Musk

The founder of Tesla decided about his illness tell on Twitter last year. He confessed that he was suffering from manic-depressive psychosis and is often stressed. True, was it he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder by specialists, unknown. Myself Musk, when asked if he had ever suffered from it, answered the following:

Yes, but maybe not medically. I dont know. Bad mood dependent on bad events. If you're buying a ticket to hell, it's not fair to blame hell. nine0003

Elon Musk

Demi Lovato

In the life of 25-year-old Demi Lovato, things are not going smoothly at all. In spite of success and popularity, the star is experiencing many problems. Here are several she has been battling alcohol and drug addictions for years (she and at all was hospitalized due to a drug overdose), and in addition, suffers from bipolar disorders.

When I was diagnosed, I felt relief. I realized that it's my fault disease, not my temperament. Nobody should be ashamed to talk about this. Bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance in the body that need to be treated nine0003

— confessed she.

Demi Lovato

Drew Barrymore

With this disease Drew Barrymore has been living for almost 30 years - for the first time she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder" at the age of 14 after a repeated suicide attempt. Actress, who became a star at a very young age, became addicted to drugs at an early age, alcohol and now and then fell into depression.

The truth is, you will never be cured. You just learn how to deal with problems that exacerbate your illness, nine0003

she said.

Drew Barrymore

Mel Gibson

In 2010, it became known that the famous Hollywood actor Mel Gibson regularly raised his hand to his wife Oksana Grigorieva. The explanation for this behavior appears to be was simple: Gibson suffered from manic-depressive psychosis and, according to him, Admittedly, he often experienced mood swings. True, he is not treated planned and, according to the sources, did not seek help from specialists addressed. nine0003

Mel Gibson

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van Damme showed signs of manic-depressive psychosis still in my youth. He was diagnosed with a cyclic type of bipolar disorder with suicidal tendencies. To cope with this, he was helped not only by the discharged doctors medication, but also active sports.

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Kurt Cobain

As a child, the leader of Nirvana was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, and a little later and bipolar disorder. But Cobain was not treated. In spite of successful career, he struggled with depression throughout his short life and at the age He committed suicide at the age of 27 (although not everyone believes in this). nine0003

Kurt Cobain

Jim Carrey

It is hard to imagine that this famous comedian also suffered from depression and bipolar disorder. He admitted that on set he seemed cheerful and carefree, like many heroes of his films, and at home he received antidepressants. In the end, realizing that in this way the problem cannot be solved, he turned to professionals for help.

Instead of sitting on medications all your life, it is better to turn to to a psychotherapist to finally deal with the problem, nine0003

- spoke Jim carrey.

Of course, his death played a significant role in what happened to the psyche of the actor. ex-girlfriend Catriona White, who took her own life in 2015. And although in her suicide note, she did not blame her lover, but, on the contrary, admitted him in love, he probably felt guilty in this terrible incident.

Jim Carrey

Ben Stiller

It's hard to believe, but this comedian also suffers from a mental disorder. disorder. nine0003

I've always been a difficult guy. I think it's called "bipolar manic depression." My family has a rich history in this sense,

- he admitted in an interview with GQ magazine a few years ago.

Parents Ben Stiller also spoke openly about their treatment for depression, but never did claims to have bipolar disorder.

Ben Stiller


The fact that the American rapper also suffers from mental illness has become known thanks to his mother, who wrote about it in the book "My son Marshall, my son Eminem "(My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem). According to her, The artist has been battling depression for most of his life. nine0003

Himself Eminem did not openly say that he knew firsthand about bipolar disorder, however in a joint release with Rihanna The song Monster has these lyrics:

'Cause what I love is killing me
And I can't beat it
My obsessive-compulsive disorder is reverberating in my head.


Sinead O'Connor

In 2007, the Irish singer revealed that she was suffering from bipolar disorders. And ten years later, she published a video in which admitted that she tried to commit suicide several times suicide. nine0003

I fight, I fight, like millions of other people ... I understand that some not even half of what I have, but it's so hard ... There is no one in my terrible life, I'm alone. Nobody needs me because of my illness... — she said in the video.

Two days after this video message, the star delivered to the hospital, where she was treated not for the first time.

Sinead O'Connor

By the way, old Hollywood stars also suffered from bipolar disorder, including Frank Sinatra and Vivien Leigh, as well as some politicians and artists: Ernest Hemingway, Winston Churchill, Vincent van Gogh, Ludwig van Beethoven and even supposedly Napoleon Bonaparte. nine0003

Sources: WebMD,

David Russell's comedy "Silver Lining Playbook" was released

Former teacher Pat Solitano spent some time in a mental hospital due to outbursts of aggression, both motivated and completely reckless. During his absence, his wife left him, sold the house and left. He, having returned under his parental roof, is full of faith that his wife will return, you just need to be positive, lose weight and calm aggression. Instead of a wife, however, fate sends him a young woman with the same broken life - in this role, Jennifer Lawrence. The film received fantastic reviews in the American press. The most toothy and arrogant critics could not help but delight. And in the Los Angeles Times, the review was even entitled: "Pure Gold." nine0003

Starring Bradley Cooper is one of the kings of modern comedy. So, in any case, it was decided in the industry, over and over again offering him grateful and funny roles in The Naked Drummer, The Hangover, Team A. Only in recent years - after the "Area of ​​Darkness" - he began landing deep dramatic roles in "Words" and now in "Silver Lining Playbook", where he proved himself to be a versatile artist.It seems that Cooper is repeating the biography of Tom Hanks, who began as a desperate comedian and turned into a great dramatic actor. 0003

This is my third meeting with Bradley Cooper: before the release of The A-Team, The Hangover and now.

Spectators are accustomed to seeing Bradley Cooper as a victorious handsome man, an idol of women... ... You might think that I'm chasing ladies twenty-four hours a day, and I'm also working.0003

That's what I'm getting at. The hero of the film does not have a drop of victoriousness, and he is mentally ill. He has a manic-depressive disorder, which has now been given a more correct name: "Bipolar Disorder", which did not make him any more pleasant. The authenticity of your game is simply breathtaking.

Bradley Cooper: David sent me tons of brochures, videos, interviews. Some of the materials we looked at together, some - just me. The main conclusion that I made: for work, all these materials are not worth a penny. For one simple reason: there are no identical psychoses, because there are no identical people. And when it dawned on me, it became easier to work: I was no longer building a disease, but an image, that is, I was doing what I can do professionally. nine0003

And yet, after your previous roles, the choice of an actor for this role was a surprise - it is too far from what you have played before. Of course, artists like to change roles so as not to drown in clichés, but this danger did not threaten you: each of your comedic roles was independent. What, the soul requested drama?

Bradley Cooper: For me, the role of Phil in The Hangover is no less significant and no less important than the role of Patrick Solitano. I have never prioritized drama over comedy, and vice versa. But in this case, and I was sure that this role was created for Mark Wahlberg: in "The Fighter" he showed himself to be the ideal Russell actor. But then Robert De Niro came into play: he began to promote me in every possible way, and I myself resisted most of all. I just didn’t believe that I could play adequately, but Bob said: “Stop twitching! You are a Philadelphian, your hero is a Philadelphian. You went to the same schools, grew up on similar streets and rooted for the same team.

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