Is he worth my time quiz
Am I in Love or Lust? I Psych Central
Relationship Quiz: Am I in Love or Lust? I Psych Central- Conditions
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Medically reviewed by Karin Gepp, PsyD — By Psych Central Staff — Updated on May 23, 2022
Entering a new relationship can be exciting and bring up a bunch of positive emotions. If you’ve recently started dating someone, you may ask yourself: Is it love or just lust?
Lust is mainly sexual or physical, with no desire to bond with the person on a deeper level. Love, in contrast, involves feelings of intimacy, vulnerability, and putting in the effort to build a stronger connection.
Certain signs may help you figure out whether you’re feeling love or lust toward your new partner. This relationship test can help.
This brief questionnaire is designed for anyone who might be wondering whether they’re feeling lust or love for the person they’re now dating.
This love or lust quiz is meant to help you answer questions like:
- Am I falling in love?
- How do I know if I’m in love?
- Is it lust?
This “am I in love quiz” is not meant to tell you if you should stay in your relationship long term or not. But you can use this lust or love quiz to find out how you might be feeling right now toward the person you’re dating.
Depending on your responses to this love test, you can also understand whether you’re in love with your partner or experiencing lust.
Keep in mind that every person approaches dating, love, and their unique love language differently. So be sure to trust your gut and deeply assess your emotions before deciding if you’re willing to commit to this person.
If you always ask yourself this question or you typically experience conflicting emotions in relationships, speaking with a therapist can help you navigate dating in healthier ways.
Answer the questions below honestly about the person you have feelings for, and we’ll score the quiz and let you know the likelihood of love.
This online screening is not a diagnostic tool. Only a trained medical professional, like a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.
Ready to start therapy? Our Find a Therapist resource may help.
Last medically reviewed on May 23, 2022
Medically reviewed by Karin Gepp, PsyD — By Psych Central Staff — Updated on May 23, 2022
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The Loneliness Quiz I Psych Central
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Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD — By Psych Central Staff on November 18, 2020
For each item, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the statement. This takes most people about 3 minutes to complete. Take your time and answer truthfully for the most accurate results.
This online screening is not a diagnostic tool. Only a trained medical professional, like a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.
Last medically reviewed on November 17, 2020
Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD — By Psych Central Staff on November 18, 2020
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10 psychological tests to help you get to know yourself better
March 12, 2021 Education
Questionnaires to test intelligence, anxiety levels, conflict levels and more.
1. Raven IQ test
This test will help you determine how smart, quick-witted and logical you are. It consists of 60 tasks, the complexity of which gradually increases.
Each question is a picture with symbols or shapes connected to each other. Your task is to understand how they are located, and then insert the missing element into the image.
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2. SMIL test
This questionnaire will be useful to make your comprehensive psychological portrait. You will be able to find out the type of personality, dominant character traits, communication style, propensity to take risks, level of self-esteem ... And that's not all!
True, to get the coveted result, you have to work hard: the full version of the test consists of 567 statements. You will have to choose whether you agree with them or not. But there is also an abbreviated version for express diagnostics of 65 questions.
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3. Thomas-Kilmann test
Find out how prone you are to conflict and how you behave when things get heated around you. Check which style of disagreement resolution suits you best: confrontation, compromise, or silence.
The questionnaire consists of 30 pairs of statements. In each question, you will need to choose the answer that most accurately characterizes your behavior.
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4. Test "House, tree, person"
Drawings of a person can tell a lot about his inner world. Check it out for yourself: draw a house, a tree and a person on paper, and then find out what it all means.
After interpreting the results, you will receive information about what lies in your subconscious, how comfortable you feel in society, what worries you and other interesting data.
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5. Interpersonal Relationship Questionnaire
This test will help you determine your level of socialization. Check how easy it is for you to get close to people, how much they influence you, and how great your need for communication and attention is in general.
Be as honest as possible when taking the test. Answer the way you really think, not the way others expect you to. Then the results will be more reliable.
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6. Activity style questionnaire
Activity style is the means and techniques by which a person achieves the set results. Answer questions about your temperament, character and interests, and then find out if you are an activist, thinker, theorist or pragmatist.
After passing the test, you will receive a detailed description of your type, and you will also find out what can reduce and increase your effectiveness in achieving your goals.
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7. Taylor Anxiety Scale
Sometimes healthy anxiety can be helpful. It helps to be more attentive and more careful in unforeseen situations. But if anxiety arises for no reason and exceeds reasonable limits, it greatly complicates life. The test will help you find out if you are prone to this disorder.
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8. Boyko test for diagnosing burnout
Fatigue, irritability, poor sleep and inability to concentrate on the task at hand are true companions of emotional burnout. If you find yourself experiencing at least some of these symptoms, take the test and see if it's time for you to take a vacation and have a good rest.
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9. Test of meaningful life orientations
This short survey will help determine the overall level of meaningfulness in your life. It will show how productive, rational and eventful the already lived part of it is, and will also make it clear what are your chances for a happy bright future.
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10. Diagnosis of irrational attitudes
Each of us has certain attitudes from childhood that sometimes prevent us from adequately perceiving reality. With this test, you can find out what negative biases you have, how they affect your worldview and what to do to get rid of them.
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10 serious psychological tests you can take online
January 26, 2021 Life
Questionnaires used by practicing psychologists will help you look deep into yourself. The main thing is not to try to make a diagnosis “by profile picture”.
1. Sondi test
The test is aimed at identifying psychological abnormalities. It consists of several stages. At each of them you will be shown portraits, from which you will need to choose the least and most pleasant in your opinion.
This testing method was developed by psychiatrist Leopold Szondi in 1947. The doctor noticed that in the clinic, patients communicated closer with those who had the same diseases. Of course, the Internet test will not give you a diagnosis - it will just help to detect some tendencies. Moreover, depending on the state of the psyche, the results will be different, so you can take the Szondi test in any incomprehensible situation.
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2. Beck Depression Scale
As the name suggests, this test measures how depressed you are. It takes into account the common symptoms and complaints of patients with this disease. When answering each question, you have to choose the closest one from several statements.
The test is worth taking even for those who are absolutely sure that they are healthy. Some of the statements in the questionnaire may seem strange to you, but many of them are true for a person with a disease. So if you think that depression is when someone is depressed from idleness, it's time to rethink your attitude.
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3. Zang (Zung) scale for self-assessment of depression
Another test related to depression. It is shorter and easier to understand than the previous questionnaire. If you like an integrated approach in everything and are not ready to be content with the results of one test, you can combine them.
The author of this test is psychiatrist William Zang, also known in Russian psychology as William Tsung.
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4. Beck Anxiety Scale
The test allows you to assess the severity of various phobias, panic attacks and other anxiety disorders. The results are not very telling. They will only tell you if you have reason to be concerned or not.
You are to read 21 statements and decide how true they are for you.
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5. Luscher color test
This test helps to assess the psychological state through the subjective perception of color. Everything is very simple: from several colored rectangles, you first choose those that you like more, and then those that you like less.
Based on the results of the Luscher test, a specialist will be able to give recommendations on how to avoid stress, but you just look deeper inside yourself.
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6. Projective test "Cube in the Desert"
This test looks less serious than the previous ones, and it really is. It consists of fantasy exercises. Few questions, but the result is simple and clear.
You will be asked to present a series of images, and then they will give you an interpretation of what you were imagining. This test, most likely, will not discover America, but will simply introduce you to the real you once again.
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7. Eysenck's temperament test
You have to answer 70 questions to find out whether you are choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic. At the same time, the test determines the level of extraversion, so you can find out if you are an introvert or just temporarily tired of people.
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8. Extended Leonhard-Shmishek test
The test helps to reveal personality traits. The final grade is set on several scales, each of which reveals one or another aspect. Separately, it is checked whether you sincerely answered questions or tried to be better than you really are.
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9. Heck-Hess neurosis rapid diagnostic method
This scale will help determine the degree of probability of neurosis. If it is high, then it may be worth contacting a specialist.
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10. Hall's Emotional Intelligence Test
Emotional intelligence is a person's ability to recognize the moods and feelings of others.