What is my spirit totem
What Is My Spirit Animal | Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals
Connect Deeply With Your Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals!
Discover hundreds of articles that empower you to run free with your animal spirit guides! Learn from their ancestral wisdom and use it to create the life you want, now!
Take the Spirit Animal Quiz & connect with your animal spirit guide, today! This Spirit Animal Test can help you understand your life’s purpose and path ...
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Wondering how to find your Spirit Animal? Discover many different ways to connect with your animal spirit guide. Detailed Spirit Animal meditation included! ...
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Learn the spiritual symbolism and meaning of your Animal Spirit Guide, Totem, & Power Animal. Hundreds of in-depth Spirit, Totem, & Power Animal Meanings! ...
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Learn about all 12 Native American Zodiac Signs & Native American Astrology! In-depth info on the personality, traits, & compatibility of each birth totem . ..
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Having dreams about animals? Learn to analyze and interpret your Animal Dreams using our dictionary. Tons of Animal Dream symbols and meanings! ...
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With so many wonderful, interesting, and fun animal holidays there are to be celebrated, I thought it would be helpful to keep a calendar of them here! This page has national, international, and world animal days. If you know of ...
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With so many wonderful, interesting, and fun pet holidays there are to be celebrated, I thought it would be helpful to keep a calendar of them here! This page has national, international, and world pet days. If you know of ...
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For as long as I can remember, I've loved quotes and sayings. Because of this, I spend far too much time on Pinterest! LOL So, of course, I just had to add an Animal Quotes & Sayings section. I sure ...
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Discover how understanding Animal Facts and Trivia can help you understand your Spirit, Totem, & Power Animal better! . ..
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Find your Spirit Animal by birthday! Complete list of Zodiac & Birth Animal Totems. Western, Native American & Celtic Zodiac. Chinese New Year Animals, too ...
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Read the Newest Animal Spirit Guides Tutorials & Articles!
Welcome to your Spirit Animalscopes! This is your unique astrology forecast that’s part horoscopes, part tarot reading, and lots of Spirit Animals! I combine these three modalities to give you a broader overview of the energies for your zodiac sign ...
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Welcome to your Spirit Animalscopes! This is your unique astrology forecast that’s part horoscopes, part tarot reading, and lots of Spirit Animals! I combine these three modalities to give you a broader overview of the energies for your zodiac sign ...
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Welcome to your Spirit Animalscopes! This is your unique astrology forecast that’s part horoscopes, part tarot reading, and lots of Spirit Animals! I combine these three modalities to give you a broader overview of the energies for your zodiac sign .
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Welcome to your Spirit Animalscopes! This is your unique astrology forecast that’s part horoscopes, part tarot reading, and lots of Spirit Animals! I combine these three modalities to give you a broader overview of the energies for your zodiac sign ...
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Welcome to your Spirit Animalscopes! This is your unique astrology forecast that’s part horoscopes, part tarot reading, and lots of Spirit Animals! I combine these three modalities to give you a broader overview of the energies for your zodiac sign ...
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Spirit Animal Quiz based on real personality types by Bernadette King
For some, a Spirit Animal is an otherworldly guide who appears to offer love, healing, and support during difficult times. To others, a Spirit Animal is the same as a Totem Animal – it’s who you really are. This spirit animal quiz is designed for the latter – to help you discover your truest nature, the animal who lives inside.
Are you ready to meet your Spirit Animal – your ‘self’? Scroll down and let’s play! Also, click to learn how you can integrate the teachings and energy of your Spirit Animal into your life!
Loyal Friend
Shaman Healer
Root - Survival
Sacral - Emotions
Solar Plexus - Personal Power
Heart - Love & Compassion
Throat - Communication
Third Eye - Psychic Power
Crown - Enlightenment
I'm Nostradamus reincarnated
I gotz some Spidey Senses!
I find it highly illogical.
Psychic schmycic!
Do. Or do not. There is no try.
Never give up, never surrender!
I need a nap!
Ragnar Lothbrok
Screaming for help!
Not getting involved!
By Air
By Land
By Water
With My Mind
Walk beside me and be my friend.
To infinity and beyond!
So many choices, so little time!
It's a love/hate thing.
If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?
Share the quiz to show your results !
Spirit Animal Quiz
You are %%personality%%!
But I'm also %%personality%%
After taking the Spirit Animal Quiz your awareness of Spirit Animals, Totems and Power Animals grows. The discovery of any of these Beings brings excitement and natural curiosity. The Spirit Animal Test opened a door, but you probably have lingering questions. How exactly do you go about integrating the energy and medicine of the animal guides into your daily life?
First, understand the way Spirit Animals, Totems and Power Animals interact with you is distinctly personal. Spirit animals come for a time to teach a lesson or help with particularly difficult situations. A Totem is an animal that you are born with – you have a soul contract with that creature and it will influence your life from giving you counsel to healing and support. A Power Animal is one whose medicine and magic you call upon for assistance. Be aware that a Power Animal may say “no” for any variety of reasons, but the key to all three of these scenarios is respect and acceptance. You are entering into a relationship with a Spiritual Being and that relationship is truly sacred.
At the outset once you’ve taken the Spirit Animal Quiz and have a feel for the right direction, there is no need to rush it. Think about when you meet someone for the first time. That same cautious, gentle approach works well for Animal Totems and Guides too. Pay attention. Listen more than you talk. And remain watchful. All of these allies can come in any number of forms from advertising to a song, product names and bumper stickers. The key is what Animal provides a repeat performance that you cannot help but notice. If this is the same animal that came out of the Spirit Animal Test – you have a BINGO!
One of the most common methods of integrating your Animal companion into your life is by daily meditation. Sit comfortably, breathe deeply and visualize the animal in as much detail as possible. Breathing is particularly important because animals recognize stress and nervousness, which can hinder your encounter. In your mind’s eye offer a sign of welcome and hospitality. The image you’ve devised may begin moving or making noise or simply sit there and asses you. This is your first letter of introduction. Be patient. The more often you give time to mindful meditation (with intent) the better your communication and understanding becomes.
Another vital element for integrating your Spirit Animal and Guide is educating yourself about this creature in nature. What are its behaviors? How does it communicate? How does it move and recognize others of its kind? Is it solitary or communal? Knowing these elements about your Spirit companion improves your ability to understand its messages and apply them as applicable to your circumstances. When you are uncertain about a message’s meaning, go back to your resources and see if you find the information that has you saying, “ah ha!” afterward.
We also recommend that, when practicable, you go somewhere that you can see your Spirit Totem or Power Animal in person. Many times you will find these physical creatures respond to you because they recognize your Animal Aura and energies. Spiritual Seekers often tell stories of the lion that kept rubbing its head in front of them at the zoo and wouldn’t leave, for example. Or being out for a walk where your bird totem lands near your feet and sings you a song. These are very special moments. Treasure them.
Around your home and other spaces where you spend a lot of time, find ways to honor your Spirit Animal. Be it through color, images, sacred stones and crystals that vibrate with the Animal’s energy, etc. There are so many housewares now that depict animals – including plates, spoons, cups and glasses just to name a few. When you use these items or look at them, take a moment to breath in your Power Animal’s vibrations. Harmonize your aura to that energy and enjoy your day all the more!
While it’s great that you can take the Animal Spirit Test online in privacy, not all of us have environments in which we can blatantly display or passion for a particular creature. If you are in this situation one simple resolution is getting an animal carving that you carry, or a piece of jewelry that depicts the Animal (so it literally stays in contact with your body). There are numerous outlets that provide a variety of images and media so look with a sensitive eye until you find the one that really resonates with you. Then whenever your Animal Spirit comes to mind, touch the carving or jewelry and reconnect.
Music and nature sounds may also prove to be a good ally in your quest to integrate your Spirit Animal more completely. Music is a powerful language that crosses barriers including spiritual ones. There are all manner of CDs that have nature sounds, at least one of which could be your Animal Guide’s natural environment! Think of going to sleep with that sound, and visiting your Animal in the dream realm feeling as they do in their space.
Another technique used by Shamans is mimicking their Animal. After studying the creature’s movements (perhaps on a Nature channel) try moving as your Animal does. Breath deeply of your primal nature. Make sounds, scratch – whatever feels right. This method can be used in ritual as a means of calling your Animal friend too!
It is extremely important that throughout your adventures in getting to know your Animal Spirit and applying its lessons that you keep intention and awareness in your heart. Be specific. Be thankful. Remember that this relationship is a two way street. You should call on your Animal companion sometimes just to hang out rather than “get” something. This appreciation improves your relationship and the results.
Last but not least keep a journal and go back and read it periodically. You will be able to see with your own eyes how your relationship with your Animal Spirit, Totem or Power Animal grew each time you opened your awareness in a new way.
Your spirit animal
Totem animals carry meaning, wisdom and power. The definition of a totem animal is like a journey inward. As the bond between you strengthens, so will the importance of this process.
Take this quiz to go beyond general animal symbolism and discover the true nature of your spirit animal.
What is your favorite natural element?
Most of the time I feel in harmony.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
I tend to be more "down to earth" than "head in the clouds."
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, this is definitely not about me
I find it difficult to connect with other people.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
I often do things without a definite plan or schedule.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
Sticking to the "usual" and "correct" plan is not for me. In such cases, I do not feel like myself.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
Quite often, ideas and solutions come to me out of nowhere.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
I become happier when I help others.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not exactly. Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
"Measure seven times, cut once" - it's about me.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
I like to inspire others.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
I am always looking for something new.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
My life goes at a fast pace.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really.
Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
Which of the following would you prefer to do in your spare time?
Go outside and take a walk in a nearby park.
Engage in creativity, create an element of arts and crafts.
Spend time at home playing video games or watching a movie.
Go somewhere to have fun with friends.
Read your favorite book while sitting comfortably in an armchair.
I need a lot of time in silence and solitude to recover.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, this is definitely not about me
I am looking for answers to the mysteries of the universe.
Yes, absolutely true
More likely than not
Not really. Rather not
No, it's definitely not about me
- Snake2003230HealerSnake totem animal personifies vitality and pure energy. In many cultures, the snake is considered a powerful totem representing the source of life.
When this spirit animal appears in your life, it likely heralds the emergence of healing skills, significant life changes and increased energy.//www.arealme.com/spirit-animal-quiz/show/1.png
- Deer3142313SensitiveIf your spirit animal is a deer, it means that you are very sensitive and have a strong intuition. Thanks to the closeness with this animal, you go through all the difficulties with dignity. Moreover, you have the art of being both decisive and careful in your decisions.//www.arealme.com/spirit-animal-quiz/show/2.png
- Raven2233310RevolutionaryRaven, flying into your life, brings magic into it. It ignites magical energy, becoming one with your intentions and will. At such moments, you are able to achieve significant changes, and your dreams can become a reality. Raven will help you look deep within yourself and open doors to the power of healing.//www.arealme.com/spirit-animal-quiz/show/3.png
- Eagle3313131The WatcherThe Eagle is a messenger of inspiration.
Able to soar to heights that other birds can only dream of, the eagle is a powerful totemic animal that allows you to study the smallest details from a wide perspective. When this graceful hunter comes into your life, it's time for you to take a close look inside yourself. Allow yourself to follow your heart, and the possibilities that seemed impossible to you will suddenly appear before you.//www.arealme.com/spirit-animal-quiz/show/4.png
- Butterfly4223123FlexibilityButterfly is one of the most symbolic totemic animals, which means the coming personal transformation. If your spirit animal is a butterfly, you should pay attention to those areas of your life or personality that need deep changes or transformation. Perhaps this totem will focus your attention on personal growth, and also help you become more open to continuous life development. An important message that the spirit of the butterfly carries is the ability to go through significant changes with grace and ease.//www.
- Dragonfly3324222Bright DragonflyTotem symbolizes your ability to adapt. As a spiritual animal, the dragonfly is associated with the symbolism of change and light. The appearance of this spirit animal in your life brings more lightness and joy into your life. Being close to a dragonfly totem signifies your tendency to delve deeply into and study your emotions, which allows you to shine with your true colors.//www.arealme.com/spirit-animal-quiz/show/6.png
- Bat your life promises change. This totem animal asks you to pay attention to the signs around you. Making the transition to something new may seem intimidating at first, but you must let go of those habits that are no longer leading you along the path of your calling. They will only hinder your growth.//www.arealme.com/spirit-animal-quiz/show/7.png
- Cat4114404BalanceFeline wisdom speaks of action and the courage to explore the unknown. Those whose spiritual animal is a cat are able to strike a balance between independence and togetherness.
Harmonious relationships between light and darkness, action and observation are also attributes of the feline spirit. Follow your spirit animal and embark on a deep journey of self-discovery//www.arealme.com/spirit-animal-quiz/show/8.png
- Dragon1320002PowerThe dragon is a creature shrouded in mystery. It has been inextricably linked with many legends and folk tales throughout its history. This is a powerful and bewitching creature that is respected in many cultures. The dragon is either revered or greatly feared. This is one of the most important totems. The dragon has a variety of emotions and traits that are embodied in some qualities - most often it is strength, courage and endurance. Dragons are messengers of magic and a symbol of inner balance. If a dragon has appeared in your life, he asks you to connect to your psychic nature and allow yourself to look at the world through the prism of magic and mystery.//www.arealme.com/spirit-animal-quiz/show/9.png
- Hummingbird0231001NimbleThe spirit of a hummingbird symbolizes the joy of life and the lightness of being.
If your spirit animal is a hummingbird, then you should enjoy life by putting aside negative emotions and expressing love more fully in your daily activities. symbolizes a deep connection with wisdom and intuition. The spirit of the owl guides you and allows you to see reality without illusions and deception.//www.arealme.com/spirit-animal-quiz/show/11.png
- Peacock1001124Self-esteemPeacock is the epitome of beauty. This graceful animal speaks about self-love by its example. Moreover, this spiritual being is a symbol of honor and dignity. Peacock speaks of the importance of tackling life's challenges and overcoming the unknown with courage and confidence. When the peacock gracefully integrates into your life, you may be entering an age of rebirth. If you feel a strong affinity with your totem, then you have a strong connection between the past and the present, which gives you the ability to influence the future. Like your totem, you must be confident in everything you do.//www.
- Bear1230421InvincibleIn the realm of spiritual animals, the bear symbolizes strength and fortitude. This animal has been worshiped throughout time as a powerful totem that inspires those in need. The bear gives courage to face adversity. This spirit animal, in touch with the earth and the cycles of nature, is a source for maintaining physical and emotional health.//www.arealme.com/spirit-animal-quiz/show/13.png
测一 测 你 的 图腾 是 哪 只? 測一 測 你 的 精神 圖騰 是 只 靈獸? spirit animal quiz - What is my spirit animal?を 正確 に 診断 ます!? Teste do Animal Espiritalquiz Per Riconoscecee Il Proprio Animale Guidatest- Jakie Jest Twoje Zwierzę duchowe. สัตว์ จิตวิญญาณ ประจำ คุณ คือ อะไร Eule, Reh Oder doch drache? Finde jetzt heraus, welches Tier dein Tiergeist ist!¿Cuál es mi Espíritu Animal?ما هو الكائن المقدس الذي يلائم شخصيتي؟Kuis Roh Hewan - Apa Roh Hewanku?Kuiz Semangat Haiwan - Apakah Semangat Haiwan Saya?Ruh Hayvanı Testi - Hangi hayvan senin ruh hayvanın?Spirit Animal Quiz - Wat is mijn Spirit Animal?Quiz sur Les Animaux Spirituels - Quel est Mon Animal Spirituel ?Hva er ditt totem?Andedjurstest - Vad är mitt andedjur?Spirit Animal Quiz - Hvilket dyr er du?Mikä on toteemieläimesi?
Your spirit animal:
Try againwhat it is and how to recognize it
In many legends of the world, including religious ones, there is an idea of connection between man and nature, with the animal kingdom. What is a totem animal and how to determine your powerful patron? The choice and technique for unlocking the potential of a personal totem was explained by Sigmund Freud, Ted Andrews and Irina Shishkina.
Totem animal in a person's life
As a personal spirit, amulet and guide, a totem animal accompanies a person from the moment of his birth to his last breath. Whose invisible power influences people and how is it expressed?
What is a spirit animal?
A totem is a person's guardian spirit, which appears in the form of an animal. He comes to a newborn baby, helps him become an adult, strong, successful person, accompanies and protects him on the path of life. A patron from the subtle world has certain habits, strength and influence.
Totemism as a religious and social system originated centuries ago. It can be traced in the history of the tribes and peoples of America, Australia, Africa, India, existed in Ancient Greece and Rome, left a mark on a number of religious teachings. He writes about this in the book “Totem and Taboo. Psychology of primitive culture and religion" Sigmund Freud.
The cult of the clan totem allowed people to preserve culture, integrity, common traditions and property, strengthening their ties and faith in the strength of each member of the clan. The totem was called upon during wars and natural disasters, called during celebrations and meals, songs, dances and laudatory odes were dedicated to it.
Songs, dances and laudatory odes were dedicated to the totem: PexelsThe need for a totem can be traced today. In the age of scientific and technological progress, many people, bound by laws and regulations, are returning to their roots. So the search for the unity of the human animal is now gaining its relevance. This is what the author of the book “Define Your Totem. A complete description of the magical properties of animals, birds and reptiles" Ted Andrews.
What kind of totems are there? There are group, sexual and individual totems. Their number and types depend on the chosen system. For example, sixteen totem animals participate in the cycle of the Slavic horoscope according to the year of birth, and twelve according to the sign of the zodiac.
Why is it important to know a totem
A totem animal unites the energy of a person with higher powers, allowing him to gain their protection and power. Total bad luck in life can be the result of delusions, wrong actions, lack of support and a wise mentor nearby. The idea that a totem animal will help overcome all adversity inspires and gives hope.
Here are the main advantages of having a personal totem:
- Gives strength, energy and confidence on the way to the goal.
- Helps in self-expression. If a person is a loner, and his totem is a wolf, it is easier for him to accept and realize himself.
- Unites individuals, creates ideal marriages and alliances of people with the same or friendly patron animals.
- Facilitates self-knowledge and enhances magical rituals.
Turning to the totem, you can bring love, wealth and good luck to life.
- Protects the house, sharpens intuition, protects from damage and the evil eye.
To enhance the beneficial effect of the totem, you must have figurines or illustrations depicting this animal at home. It is not for nothing that the flags of many countries of the world emblazoned with images of an eagle, a lion or a snake, as the totem animals of the nation. Regular rituals and offerings of gifts, mentioning the totem in thanksgiving words and rituals strengthen its strength and significance in human life.
If we move away from the mystical aspects of the totem, even simple everyday actions become a sign of worship of one or another animal, for example:
- Collecting porcelain elephants.
- Adoption of another puppy or cat.
- Love for amulets with bird feathers.
- A selection of reptile leather accessories.
Such following the unconscious needs allows you to find harmony, to feel more attractive, strong and protected person. You can see your totem by plunging into a meditative state. It is possible to "order" a meeting with a totem in a dream.
To simplify the choice of a protector, you can take a test for a totem animal. Having recognized your patron, you need to learn how to communicate and activate his power in the way that the author of the book The Big Book of Totem Laws advises. Practices" Irina Shishkina.
You need to be able to communicate with a totem and activate its power: Unsplash/Helena LopesDefinition of a personal totem
Each person has a personal totem - an animal that suits him in terms of energy, inner essence, zodiac sign, year of birth or other signs. How to recognize it and not make a mistake in choosing? This will help different classifications.
How to recognize your totem animal by date of birth?
This method is the easiest and most popular. You need to know your year or full date of birth in order to use the Zoroastrian, Oriental, Totem, or Slavic calendar of totems. The day and month of birth will help you choose a totem according to your zodiac sign.
The totem animal according to the most ancient Zoroastrian calendar is calculated as follows:
- Fox (1933, 1965, 1997).
- Dolphin (1934, 1966, 1998).
- Vepr (1935, 1967, 1999).
- Owl (1936, 1968, 2000).
- Falcon (1937, 1969, 2001).
- Deer (1938, 1970, 2002).
- Baran (1939, 1971, 2003).
- Mongoose (1940, 1972, 2004).
- Wolf (1941, 1973, 2005).
- Stork (1942, 1974, 2006).
- Spider (1943, 1975, 2007).
- Serpent (1944, 1976, 2008).
- Beaver (1945, 1977, 2009).
- Turtle (1946, 1978, 2010).
- Magpie (1947, 1979, 2011).
- Belka (1948, 1980, 2012).
- Raven (1949, 1981, 2013).
- Rooster (1950, 1982, 2014).
- Bull (1951, 1983, 2015).
- Badger (1952, 1984, 2016).
- Camel (1953, 1985, 2017).
- Ezh (1954, 1986, 2018).
- Doe (1955, 1987, 2019).
- Elephant (1956, 1988, 2020).
- Horse (1957, 1989, 2021).
- Cheetah (1958, 1990, 2022).
- Peacock (1959, 1991, 2023).
- Swan (1960, 1992, 2024).
- Lynx (1961, 1993, 2025).
- Donkey (1962, 1994, 2026).
- Bear (1963, 1995, 2027).
- Eagle (1964, 1996, 2028).
The Eastern calendar has a different pattern:
- Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020).
- Bull (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021).
- Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022).
- Cat (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023).
- Dragon (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024).
- Serpent (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025).
- Horse (1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026).
- Goat (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027).
- Monkey (1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2027).
- Rooster (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2028).
- Dog (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2029).
- Boar (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2030).
Indian totem horoscope offers its own version of the totem:
- Otter (20.01-18.02).
- Wolf (19.02–20.03).
- Sokol (03/21–04/19).
- Beaver (20.04–20.05).
- Deer (May 21–June 20).
- Woodpecker (21.06 -21.07).
- Salmon (22.07–21.08).
- Bear (22.08–21.09).
- Raven (09/22–10/22).
- Serpent (10/23–11/22).
- Owl (11/23–12/21).
- Goose (22.12–19.01).
Slavic horoscope offers unusual totems:
- Dark Elk (1944, 1960, 1976, 1992, 2008).
- Stinging Hornet (Wasp) (1945, 1961, 1977, 1993, 2009).
- Lurking Lut (Wolf) (1946, 1962, 1978, 1994, 2010).
- Fiery Veksha (Squirrel) (1947, 1963, 1979, 1995, 2011).
- Pearl Pike (1948, 1964, 1980, 1996, 2012).
- Bearded Toad (1949, 1965, 1981, 1997, 2013).
- Wild Boar (Boar) (1950, 1966, 1982, 1998, 2014).
- White Owl (1951, 1967, 1983, 1999, 2015).
- Hissing Adder (Snake) (1952, 1968, 1984, 2000, 2016).
- Crouching Fox (1953, 1969, 1985, 2001, 2017).
- Curled Hedgehog (1954, 1970, 1986, 2002, 2018).
- Soaring Eagle (1955, 1971, 1987, 2003, 2019).
- Spinning Mizgir (Spider) (1956, 1972, 1988, 2004, 2020).
- Screaming Rooster (1957, 1973, 1989, 2005, 2021).
- Golden-horned Tur (Bull) (1958, 1974, 1990, 2006, 2022).
- Fireman Horse (1959, 1975, 1991, 2007, 2023).
The totem is also calculated according to the zodiac circle. What are the totem animals according to the zodiac sign? Here is their list:
- Aries (March 21 - April 20) - hawk and tiger.
- Taurus (April 21 - May 21) - beaver and wolf.
- Gemini (May 22 - June 21) - panther and deer.
- Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - dog and woodpecker.
- Leo (July 23 - August 21) - salmon and peacock.
- Virgo (August 22 - September 23) - bear and eagle.
- Libra (September 24 - October 23) - panda and raven.
- Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) - snake and lion.
- Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22) - a cat and an owl.
- Capricorn (December 23 - January 20) - horse and goose.
- Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) - an otter and a bear.
- Pisces (February 20 - March 20) - fox and wolf.
You can find out your totem animal by date of birth, in a dream or through meditation. You can assign it based on current needs. Having decided on a patron, use his power to improve the quality of life, protection and inspiration.
Original article: https://www.