Is beating your meat healthy
5 Facts That Prove Masturbating Is Really Good For You
As if you needed any more reasons to do it…
(Photo: Getty)We’ve told you more than once just how healthy having sex is (because it’s that good for you), but we haven’t talked much about how healthy masturbating is. And that’s what we’re going to do today–we’re going to go over the health benefits of jerking off.
I mean, all healthy men masturbate. Anyone who denies it is a liar. That’s why you should know all the salutary things this wholesome activity does for your body.
As new research from Men’s Health and Medical Daily points out, here are five reasons why self love is the best love:
1. It lifts your mood.
Getting off treats your brain to a hearty cocktail of neurotransmitters like dopamine and oxytocin, which are known to brighten your mood, increase feelings of satisfaction (obviously), and put your brain’s reward center to good use.
“An orgasm is the biggest non-drug blast of dopamine available,” says Dr. Gloria Brame, a clinical sexologist. “A brain scan of someone having an orgasm looks like a heroin addict’s.”
That sounds like a bad thing, but it’s not. A heroin addict’s brain gets absolutely drenched in dopamine when they shoot up, which is why they feel so goddamn good when they’re high. Just think of orgasms as heroin without the the overdoses and syringes and stuff.
2. It helps you last longer.
You know what’s a good idea? Some self love before a hot date. Seriously.
As the owner of a penis, you already know that round two lasts longer than the first time around, and you also have more control the second time.
“[Masturbating] an hour before a date will give you more control,” Brame says, suggesting a little me-time beforehand is the best way to get ready for a date.
Moreover, Ava Cadell, Ph.D. says you should train yourself by timing how long it takes you to orgasm, and try to last longer each time you beat off. For example, if you’re in O-land in two minutes, go for three minutes the next time. It’s all about control, my friends.
3. It makes your erections extra hard.
As you get older, your entire body loses muscle tone. And when I say entire body, I mean all over, including your dong. This is also true for women, which explains why older ladies pee a little when they sneeze, laugh, or do literally anything, actually.
Anyway, masturbating (and having sex) puts your pelvic floor muscles to work, thereby strengthening them to prevent incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
“It keeps the angle of your dangle perky,” says Brame, suggesting the idiom “use it or lose it” definitely applies to your dick.
4. It boosts immunity.
When you blow your load, your body temporarily increases its production of cortisol, says hormone specialist Dr. Jennifer Landa. Cortisol, which is your stress hormone, is crucial for your ability to react to everyday stress, and in small doses, helps regulate and maintain immunity.
“Masturbation can produce the right environment for a strengthened immune system,” Landa says.
Nice. And it doesn’t even look any more ridiculous than using the Shake Weight…
5. It prevents cancer.
Not ejaculating regularly causes the fluid in your prostate to become stagnant and full of yucky viruses and bacteria, which can lead to serious health problems like cancer. Yikes. Nobody wants cancer down there.
Researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health recently found that men in their 20s who ejaculated at least 21 times a month were 19 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer, and that number increased to 22 percent for men in their 40s. Another study also found that men who jerked off over five times a week were 33 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer.
That said, you should probably rub one out a couple times a week. You know, for your well-being and prosperous longevity.
Be well, gentlemen.
Tags: Masturbate Masturbation Maxim Man news Science News Sex AdviceBeat your meat – Control the virus! – High Street Gent
Fake news. Or is it? For us men, masturbating is a big part of our lives, but we feel we can’t talk about it and to be honest, the whole situation is surrounded with shame and uncomfortable willy talk. Why?
Back in 2018, we worked with Men’s Health and ran a survey to address the situation – you can read that survey here – but as lockdown hit, we ran another study to see if ‘pulling the pud’ could beat the virus!
From April – May 2020, we interviewed 152 men to understand their perception of masturbation, how they masturbate, how it affects their relationship, and what’s changed in restricted times.
It’s safe to say we’ve all been ‘at it’ a lot more, and boy have we been thrashing ‘em out! Luckily for you, this masturbation reality check, comes with health benefits too.
Do all men masturbate?
No shocks here, 100% of the guys we spoke to masturbate! It’s certainly deemed a must for all men.
And that’s fine!
There’s often a taboo that comes with pleasuring yourself, and a shame that surrounds the act. All you need to remember is that your todger is there to please you. Don’t worry about playing with yourself, after all it’s consensual!
FACTS: Masturbation won’t cause unsightly hair to grow on your palms, but it may help you boost your immune system and beat off at least one type of cancer. That’s according to two studies that examined the effects of masturbation on the immune system and the incidence of prostate cancer. In this time of COVID-19, travel restrictions, and self-quarantines, many people are looking for every opportunity to bolster their immune systems – so get tugging!
You & your mates are all at it!
Men we asked in 2018 masturbate an average of 6 times per week, but during the virus this has grown to 9x a week. It varies massively on sexual appetite, age and relationship status.
That being said, we found men in their late teens and early forties pull their puds on average once a day!
Even men in relationships wank!
Does your relationship status matter when it comes to solo sex? No, we found singles report masturbating 21 times monthly and those in relationships masturbate 10 times per month on average.
In fact, we found men living alone (regardless of relationship status), were bashing the bishop most, clocking up 2 or 3 per day.
Turns out we look forward to doing it!
81% said they look forward to being able to masturbate at an open opportunity, with most of the chaps pre-planning when they can toss their todger and feel good.
A vast majority of men said ‘boredom’ was the main reason for reaching into their pants more times since the pandemic began, but still managed to climax every tine, during alone time whilst wrestling the snake.
How Long For?
Before lockdown, on average, men spent 20 minutes beating themselves off, with some millennials spending over an hour fondling their junk and ‘edging*’ – that statistic in lockdown has decreased to lads spending around 14 mins, but obviously an increased frequency.
When asked how quick you can bring yourself to orgasm, if aroused, our survey found it would take most men around 2-4 minutes.
Why have we been doing it more?
The most common reasons for masturbating? The survey found the top three reasons were: relieving sexual tension, stress and boredom. Sounds about right!
More 30-40 year olds reported masturbating because they enjoy it, with one participant saying “I love doing it.”
51% of over 40s and 46% of over 50s said sexual appetite and stress relief were main factors to lead them to pleasuring themselves.
Hey, we’re all human.
We’re creatures of habit
A whopping 78% percent of the men in the survey have a masturbation routine, which makes sense, because why fix something that isn’t broken?
Most men find morning or evening times in the bathroom, away from family and partners is safer. 87% use porn, 58% use their imagination, 34% think of a past experience, 26% look at pictures, and 19% use sex toys.
Caught out!
57% of chaps in the survey had been caught masturbating by a partner, parent or friend at least once in their lifetime.
3% of those were caught out at the moment of climax. *Insert awkward jizz face here*.
As we reach the climax…
It’s totally normal to masturbate! 100% of males agreed masturbation is a healthy part of their lives and of being a man.
Masturbation is good for your health, both mentally and physically. And it’s pretty much the safest sex out there!
When you have an orgasm, your body releases endorphins, which are hormones that block pain and make you feel good. The good feelings that accompany an orgasm happen whether you’re by yourself or having sex with a partner.
Plenty of research has shown the health benefits of masturbation. Masturbation can:
- release sexual tension
- reduce stress
- help you sleep better
- improve your self-esteem and body image
- help treat sexual problems
Besides, the NHS even says that sexual arousal sends the heart rate higher, and the number of beats per minute reaches its peak during orgasm.
So if you are feeling a little under the weather, or simply want your immune system firing the way it should, simply whip out your play mate and enjoy the time indoors.
…so what are you waiting for? Go knock one out now and report back!
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Complete rejection of meat hits health more than cigarettes. New Research
From Masterweb
26.11.2018 20:30
Can vegetarianism lead to a lower quality of life?
Every month, controversial food news and research appears in the blogosphere, writes Big Think. Fish is injurious to health. Fish is good for health. Coconut oil is a superfood. Coconut oil will give you a heart attack. Red meat... Algae... and so on.
Unfortunately, studies that are published in the media are often based on very little data or without taking into account additional factors. This is especially true for foods, because, in addition to their composition, we are also influenced by the environment, activity level and genetics. Some people simply digest certain foods better than others. Thus, the ideal diet does not exist.
Michael Pollan's advice “Eat food. Not much. Mostly plants" has become the mantra of the modern age. The first part of it is a reminder to eat real food, not processed chemicals that dominate supermarket shelves. The second is personal responsibility: don't overeat. Recognize the connection between emotional problems and drinking.
Now, what does "mostly plants" actually mean?
A team of Austrian researchers from the Institute for Social Medicine and Epidemiology at the Medical University of Graz studied more than 15,000 Austrians aged 15 and over.
Of these 15,000+ Austrian citizens, the team analyzed data from 1320 people: 330 vegetarians and 330 carnivores who ate a lot of fruits and vegetables, 330 carnivores who ate little meat, and 330 who ate a lot of meat.
They adjusted for age, gender, and socioeconomic factors when comparing groups. In the end, 76.4 percent of this group were women, with 40 percent under the age of 30. Another 35 percent were between the ages of 30 and 50.
Interestingly, despite the positive promises associated with vegetarianism, the group found the following:
Overall, the results showed that vegetarians report subjectively poor health, seek medical attention more often, have more chronic conditions, and have lower overall quality of life.
They also found a "significantly higher risk" of cancer in vegetarians, as well as higher rates of anxiety and depression. Another study was mentioned that shows an increased risk of psychiatric disorders in vegetarians. Vegetarians take more medication than even casual meat eaters.
But there is good news. Vegetarians have a lower body mass index and suffer less from problems with cholesterol, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

They also have higher socioeconomic status, although the correlation may not be of equal causation: many lower-income workers may not be able to afford high-quality plant foods.
Vegetarians also treat their bodies better: they exercise more and smoke and drink less.
The correlation between BMI and meat is also clear. Carnivores who eat a lot of meat have the highest BMI, while pure vegetarians have the lowest. Again, correlation and causation are not clear, as meat eaters also show much higher levels of alcohol consumption, which is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to gain weight.
Interestingly, vegetarians are vaccinated and visit the doctor less often than other groups, which may also affect their health. Given the dubious marketing tactics of "health food" brands that claim "food is medicine" and call their products "superfood", it's no surprise that some vegetarians believe their diet is a panacea.
The command's output is clear:
Our study has shown that Austrian adults who eat a vegetarian diet are less healthy (in terms of cancer, allergies and mental disorders), have a lower quality of life, and need regular treatment.
This means that the diet must be balanced! And a complete rejection of meat is just as harmful as its overabundance.
How do you eat?
The problem of proper nutrition: what should be proper nutrition?
When you embark on the path of proper nutrition, you do not even suspect what problems with your head and psyche it can turn into. And it will turn around if you blindly follow what is being promoted through social networks. Let's take it as an axiom: proper nutrition in its modern interpretation has little in common with a healthy diet.
Website editor
weight loss
Proper nutrition
healthy eating
Tatiana Kurbat
Fitness blogger, graduated from health fitness courses (direction - bodybuilding) of the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture.
What is
proper nutrition and what is it eaten with?This is a strictly limited diet, which consists of a meager set of allowed foods. These products are most often steamed or baked. The list that you can definitely include vegetables, egg whites, oatmeal, whole oatmeal, buckwheat, brown or wild rice, bran and fiber, fish and seafood, turkey. The chicken is already in question - antibiotics and hormones. Cottage cheese and milk, too - swelling from them, and lactose intolerance suddenly bloomed in full bloom. Everything else is impossible - well, or in a very meager amount.
There is another food filter - the glycemic index. An indicator that refers to carbohydrate products and shows the strength and speed with which they affect the rise in blood sugar levels and, as a result, insulin release.
What should be the right diet? The calorie content of a healthy diet (hereinafter referred to as PP) varies, as a rule, from 800 to 1500 kcal per day. Particularly courageous accelerate to 1700 kcal. But if you need to lose weight quickly, then most often it is 1200 kcal per day.
All food is necessarily weighed down to the gram and is tested for compliance with KBZhU (calorie content, proteins, fats, carbohydrates). That is, if a losing weight girl decided that she eats within 1200 per day, then she, in spite of everything, must fit into the limit. At the same time, get into the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This is where applications like FatSecret or MyFitnessPal come to the rescue, where you can calculate the calorie content of almost any product or dish. With large errors, but the adherents of the PP turn a blind eye to this.
Proteins are absolutely safe, according to the PP.
Carbohydrates are stored in fat, so they need an eye and an eye. Fats are also dangerous, so it is better to exclude them altogether or leave light inclusions in the form of a tablespoon of flaxseed oil in the morning on an empty stomach or oily fish once a week.
Divide the daily ration into 5-6 meals. You need to eat every 2.5-3 hours. Skipping food, as connoisseurs and experts assure, will certainly lead to the fact that the metabolism (aka metabolism) will turn on the stopcock. And everything that we eat later will certainly be transformed into fat.
There is also such a thing as a cheat meal, aka a sanctioned binge. But the cheat meal sounds trendy. This is when once a week a PP-adept allows himself to eat whatever he wants in one meal. In unlimited quantities. Even swallow a cake, even a frying pan of fried potatoes.
Separately, I want to say about salt, which is completely excluded. This most often leads to a violation of the water-salt balance in the body, which will inevitably cause swelling. Those edema that look like extra pounds of fat, with which an even more fierce struggle subsequently begins. Useless, really.
What is the result of cutting calories, avoiding fats and carbohydrates?
If you look at proper nutrition soberly, and not under the influence of euphoria from kilograms melting on the scales, you will notice that this is, in fact, a low-calorie diet with a very meager set of products. Doctors call this a deficit mode.
There is no question of protein deficiency - the PP diet excludes this.
With a carbohydrate deficiency, a person does not receive the necessary amount of energy for a normal life - not to mention that he does not have enough fuel for training. But everyone who sticks to PP knows that carbohydrates are stored in fat. Therefore, they calculate to the gram.
With a deficiency of fat, the body turns off the light on several floors of its house at once: it stops producing hormones, pauses the reproductive function, saves on skin quality, lets hair float freely, slows down the speed of the brain, impairs memory - and that's not all. Simply put, serious malfunctions begin in the body. They only let you know about themselves not the next morning, but after a few months - when the "margin of safety" ends.
It turns out this situation: we like what we see in the mirror, but our body feels very, very bad from the inside. Only we don’t hear and don’t feel it, because we get into the strongest dependence on a new body image - thinner, with a clear muscular relief, on which jeans of the 2005 model are easily fastened. And this dependence is many times stronger than the alarm signals that the body sends.
And this is where the head and body are torn apart. At some point, they stop being friends and each begin to live according to his own program: the head is afraid of everything that does not fit into the framework of the PP, and the body tries to survive in these conditions. It is to survive, I emphasize. It suffers and becomes depleted, receiving a meager and monotonous set of macro- and micronutrients.
Pleasure from food
As a person who has experienced this same PP for more than a year, I can say for sure: the feeling of guilt towards oneself in this story happens much more often than the pleasure of eating. You eat an apple and frantically calculate in your head whether it fits into your daily calorie intake. You come to an event and when you see the food, you start to get nervous. You snap for sweets (because you can’t help but snap) and then reproach yourself for it, promising to definitely increase the portion of cardio at the next workout. You are constantly in a duel with yourself and with your food.
At the same time, it is food that becomes the center of your universe: buy groceries for the week, prepare food for tomorrow or for the whole week, weigh portions, arrange in containers, set alarms on your smartphone for each meal, take everything with you, eat the contents of the container, wherever you are - at work, in the store, in the subway, run into the store again. And so every day.
And this is against our nature. When something goes wrong, the body resists and starts behaving harshly and unpredictably. We understand that everything was started for the sake of the cherished XS. And for him it looks like an attempt by the hostess to kill him.
Food should give pleasure just like other human physiological needs! If you perceive food as proteins, fats and carbohydrates in strictly permitted proportions, you already have problems.
The moment you catch yourself feeling guilty about what you have eaten, you can start sounding the alarm: your head and body have lost mutual understanding. And then either you pull yourself together, or sooner or later a psychotherapist will have to do it.
Eating disorders
This is what doctors call all patterns of eating behavior that go beyond the normal. Here and orthorexia, and anorexia, and bulimia, and compulsive overeating. There are many more eating disorders, but these are the most common.
And if anorexia is visible to the naked eye, because a person literally loses weight to the bones, then the same orthorexia or compulsive overeating is a problem inside a person.
Fortunately, today the image of the ideal body has changed, and girls are no longer chasing bones and skin. Therefore, anorexia nervosa is becoming less common and, as a rule, among adolescents.
But mental disorders are gaining momentum, which are not so obvious outwardly, but which are fraught with great danger to a person.
A girl who sits on the PP and trains regularly is most likely a perfectionist. She got used to the fact that everything is fine and even perfect. Everyone admires her success. Therefore, when problems begin in her head, she does not even allow a thought to openly ask for help.
How to admit to everyone that she is weak and needs support? No, she will do everything herself.
Sooner or later, problems with kilograms begin - they grow. An intense desire to control body weight leads to the fact that the measures become more and more stringent. The calorie content of the diet drops even more, cucumbers and water actually remain on the list of allowed foods, food breakdowns are increasingly occurring. Then a deafening feeling of guilt, again restriction in food, again a breakdown - and so on in a circle.
But it all started harmlessly: weigh food, count calories, eat every three hours, don't eat nasty things.
You can try to help yourself by expanding the boundaries of what is permitted and honestly lifting tough prohibitions. But awareness is important here. Pretending that you allowed yourself carbohydrates at night is not the same as allowing them and relaxing. Only when the body believes you will it go to reconciliation.
Doctors' articles will also help - there are a lot of them on the Internet.
You can read the book of psychotherapist Svetlana Bronnikova "Intuitive Eating" - there all eating disorders are sorted out by the bones. And recommendations are given for each. You can contact a specialist if you have a good one in mind. But in no case should you withdraw into yourself and keep the problem inside.
Proper nutrition for women is healthy nutrition
Only after going through all the stages of PP, I realized that it has nothing to do with healthy nutrition. Healthy is intuitive. When you eat when you feel hungry, when you get joy and pleasure from food. When the built-in calculator does not work in your head at the sight of a plate. When you are not afraid to eat extra fruit, because it will not fit into KBJU. When you perfectly understand which food is harmful and which is healthy, but at the same time you don’t live only with thoughts about food, containers and PP recipes, you don’t hang on specialized online stores. You just live. And you rejoice. And don't blame yourself. And you train for pleasure, and not in order to work off what you eat.
Think about it if you're on a PC.
Instead of P.S.: how not to become a victim of proper nutrition
1. Counting calories and weighing food is, in principle, normal, if not delayed. It is enough to indulge in a month just to understand what, for example, 100 g of buckwheat or fish looks like. But do not turn your life into an endless pursuit of KBJU.
2. What does good nutrition do? Know that so far there is not a single adequate scientific study that would confirm the benefits of fractional nutrition. But doctors, as one, say that frequent snacking is constantly elevated insulin and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
3. Avoid hard prohibitions. A common truth: the more you forbid something to yourself, the more painful the breakdown will be later.
4. Without fanaticism! We all understand what unconditionally unhealthy food looks like - we refuse it. We don’t go to extremes, we don’t bake amaranth flour cookies with the addition of protein and stevia.
5. We eat according to our feelings - when we feel hungry, not according to the alarm clock.
6. We eat without haste. That is, if we eat, then we eat, and do not scroll through social networks or anything else on a smartphone. So the understanding that you are full will come faster.
7. We don't make a cult out of food and we don't get hung up on every calorie. The body is still more cunning, and it will take its toll - no matter how you resist.
8. Trying to come to terms with the fact that a healthy body is not a fat-free body. This is the most difficult in the whole story, but you have to work with your head and the perception of the reflection in the mirror.
9. Find a nutrition system for yourself that you can easily last for several years. On which both your brain and your body will be pleasant and comfortable.