Introvert personality test myers briggs
The Myers & Briggs Foundation
Extraversion or Introversion
The first pair of psychological preferences is Extraversion and Introversion. Where do you put your attention and get your energy? Do you like to spend time in the outer world of people and things (Extraversion), or in your inner world of ideas and images (Introversion)?
Extraversion and Introversion as terms used by C. G. Jung explain different attitudes people use to direct their energy. These words have a meaning in psychology that is different from the way they are used in everyday language.
Everyone spends some time extraverting and some time introverting. Don't confuse Introversion with shyness or reclusiveness. They are not related.
Take a minute to ask yourself which of the following descriptions seems more natural, effortless, and comfortable for you?
Extraversion (E)
I like getting my energy from active involvement in events and
having a lot of different activities. I'm excited when I'm around
people and I like to energize other people. I like moving into
action and making things happen. I generally feel at home in the
world. I often understand a problem better when I can talk out
loud about it and hear what others have to say.
The following statements generally apply to me:
- I am seen as "outgoing" or as a "people person."
- I feel comfortable in groups and like working in them.
- I have a wide range of friends and know lots of people.
- I sometimes jump too quickly into an activity and don't allow enough time to think it over.
- Before I start a project, I sometimes forget to stop and get clear on what I want to do and why.
Introversion (I)
I like getting my energy from dealing with the ideas, pictures,
memories, and reactions that are inside my head, in my inner world.
I often prefer doing things alone or with one or two people I
feel comfortable with. I take time to reflect so that I have a
clear idea of what I'll be doing when I decide to act. Ideas are
almost solid things for me. Sometimes I like the idea of something
better than the real thing.
The following statements generally apply to me:
- I am seen as "reflective" or "reserved."
- I feel comfortable being alone and like things I can do on my own.
- I prefer to know just a few people well.
- I sometimes spend too much time reflecting and don't move into action quickly enough.
- I sometimes forget to check with the outside world to see if my ideas really fit the experience.
Adapted from Looking at Type: The Fundamentals
by Charles R. Martin (CAPT 1997)
Myers-Briggs: 8 Introverted Personality Types
“It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinions; it is easy in solitude to live after your own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) organizes personality into 16 distinct types, based on Carl Jung‘s theory of psychological type. We all exhibit different “preferences” for ways of being and interacting with others in the world. The idea behind personality type is that characteristics that appear uninterpretable or even odd, make sense when we consider these behaviors through the lens of personality.
People are not usually “always” one way or the other. We can act different ways in different situations and around different people. This is highly adaptive and enables us to alter our behaviors to fit different social contexts. For example, someone who might identify as being highly introverted might be able to utilize extraverted tendencies adaptively when he or she needs to engage in an important public speaking event.
The Myers-Briggs concept of introversion (vs. extroversion) involves a tendency to derive energy from time spent alone; time spent around other people may be experienced as emotionally or psychologically draining. These individuals tend to be sensitive to their environments and may even report being easily “over-stimulated” by the amount of sounds, smells, colors, and interactions taking place around them. A newer concept called the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) goes into greater detail with this aspect of introversion (not all introverts have this experience).
Introverted individuals generally prefer to take time on their own to contemplate or reflect upon ideas before taking decisive action. They are also usually more comfortable after a decision has been made. It is not uncommon for introverted people to experience liking the “idea” of something better than the “real thing.”
ISTJIntroverted / Sensing / Thinking / Judging – (16. 4% of males, 6.9% of females)
ISTJ’s are quiet and serious, generally interested in a peaceful and secure way of life. They are known for their responsible, dependable, and thorough natures. They are logical, practical, and work steadily towards goals without much distractibility. They are often interested in supporting traditions and establishments. ISTJ’s usually take great enjoyment out of order and organization in both their home and work lives.
ISFJIntroverted / Sensing / Feeling / Judging – (8.1% of males, 19.4% of females)
ISFJ’s are quiet, conscientious, and kind. They are responsible in nature and are committed to meeting their obligations. They have a tendency to put the needs of others above their own. Stable and practical in nature, they value security and traditions. ISFJ’s tend to have a rich inner world and are highly attuned to the feelings of others. They usually are very interested in ways of serving others.
INFJIntroverted / Intuitive / Feeling / Judging – (1. 3% of males, 1.6% of females)
INFJ’s are quietly forceful, sensitive, and original. They seek out meaning in the connections between people, ideas, and possessions. They are curious to understand the motives of others and generally have great insight into other people. They are conscientious in nature and committed to their firm values. They tend to develop a clear vision about how to best serve the common good and then are organized and decisive in the ways in which they choose to implement this vision.
INTJIntroverted / Intuitive / Thinking / Judging – (3.3% of males, 0.8% of females)
INTJ’s are independent, original, determined, and analytical. They have a great ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. They easily see patterns in external events and are able to explain these patterns thoroughly. When they are committed, they are capable of organizing a job and carrying it through to fruition. They tend to have high standards for their own performance as well as the performance of others. They are natural leaders, but they are willing to follow if they trust existing leaders.
Introverted / Sensing / Thinking / Perceiving – (8.5% of males, 2.4% of females)
ISTP’s are quiet and reserved, interested in the way that things work. They are highly skilled with mechanical work and may be interested in/talented in extreme sports. They are flexible and tolerant, and tend to quietly observe until a solution becomes clear. They are interested in cause and effect and tend to organize facts using principles. They can be perceived as somewhat detached or analytical, and they excel at finding solutions to practical problems.
ISFPIntroverted / Sensing / Feeling / Perceiving – (7.6% of males, 9.9% of females)
ISFP’s are quiet, serious, sensitive, and kind. They dislike conflict and are unlikely to engage in activities where conflict is likely to occur. They are loyal and faithful, with a particular appreciation for the aesthetic. They tend to be flexible and open-minded, and are likely to be creative and original. They prefer to have their own space and work within their own time frame. They appreciate the present moment and enjoy what is going on around them in that moment.
Introverted / Intuitive / Feeling / Perceiving – (4.1% of males, 4.6% of females)
INFP’s are reflective, quiet, and idealistic. They are loyal to their values and to the people who are important to them. They tend to have a well-developed value system, which they strive to live in accordance with. INFP’s are loyal, adaptable, and laid-back (until one of their values are threatened). They have an interest in understanding and helping others.
INTPIntroverted / Intuitive / Thinking / Perceiving – (4.8% of males, 1.8% of females)
INTP’s are original, logical, and creative thinkers. They tend to get very excited about ideas and theories. INTP’s usually value logic, knowledge, and competence. They are quiet and reserved, and may be difficult to get to know well. They are usually individualistic and are uninterested in either leading or following others.
If you felt that you identified as an introvert in my recent post, Understanding the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which specific introverted type stood out to you the most? For some, a brief description of their Myers-Briggs type is a bit of an “a-ha!” moment.
For others, they may identify with features of multiple types. It is important to remember that no one type is “better” or “worse” than any other. Each type has specific strengths and weaknesses; they are simply different.
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If you are interested in taking the official MBTI personality assessment, you may take it at MBTI Online for $49.95. For an unofficial version of the Jung Typology Test, you may take it for free at HumanMetrics.
MBTI Statistics
The Myers & Briggs Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Featured image: Solitude by patdebaz / CC BY 2.0
Jung and Briggs-Myers Personality Test
This free personality test will determine your personality type in four letters using Jung's typology, which was perfected by Myers, Briggs, von Franz and van der Hoop. Our test is one of several ways to determine your Jungian personality type, which is similar, but not identical, to the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) ® MBTI test), the Jung Type Indicator and similar materials.
The IDR Labs Personality Test is the property of IDR Labs International.
Our test is one of the few free tests of this type that is statistically controlled and reliable. Despite this, please note that the test is only a kind of indicator that can only roughly determine your inherent qualities.
The Myers & Briggs Type Indicator and MBTI test trademarks are owned by the Myers & Briggs Foundation, the United States of America and other countries. The MBTI test was published by The Myers-Briggs. The Young Type Indicator is owned by Psytech International.
All personality tests, whether they are official tests such as the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and Jung Type Indicator tests, or free online tests such as this one, are merely indicators that can only tentatively determine your personality type. None of the tests can determine your personality type with absolute accuracy and reliability and replace a detailed study of the works of Myers, Briggs, von Franz, van der Hoop and Jung.
As the publishers of this free online personality test by Jung, Myers, Briggs, von Franz and van der Hoop, we have made every effort to ensure that this test is accurate, complete and reliable.
Like the "official" Jung typology tests and other professionally designed tests, our free online test has been statistically controlled and extensively reviewed to ensure maximum accuracy of results.
To create this test, we used the typology of C. G. Jung's psychological types presented in his work Psychological types and the typology of Isabelle Briggs Myers, co-author of the MBTI® test, which she published in her work Everyone has their own gift . In addition, van der Hoop's works Orientation of consciousness and Character and subconsciousness also had a significant influence on the creation of this test.
This test is based on widely accepted theories, namely the confirmed personality type theories of Jung, Meyers, von Franz, and van der Hoop, and not an approximate version of Jung's typology.
Our free online test also uses van der Hoop's work and tries to pinpoint psychological personality types according to his work.
The developers of this free online test are graduates who have experience with numerous personality tests and have also worked professionally with personality typology testing. Before taking our free online test, please note that while the four-letter result may be consistent with other official test results, it should not be confused with the Briggs-Myers, Gray-Wheelwright, and Young Type Indicator. The results of our online personality test are provided "as is" and should not be construed as providing professional or certified advice of any kind. For more information about our online personality test, please see our Terms of Service.
Take a minute to take this quiz and find out your personality type
Find out who you really are.
There are three ways to understand and appreciate individual personality traits and find your purpose in life: introspection, coaching and testing, writes India Times.
Ideally, of course, all three methods should be used. However, not everyone can afford a personal coach.
Great news: there is the easiest way to find out who you really are. To do this, you need to answer the questions of the online test and get your verdict.
Of the many personality assessment tools available, the Myers-Briggs or MBTI is by far the most widely used and well known.
MBTI test (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) was created by Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabelle Myers Briggs. It is based on the ideas of Carl Jung and allows you to identify 16 personality types, depending on the combination of 4 traits.
How does it work? Based on your answers to a series of suggested questions on a specific system, your personality type is determined according to four criteria.
- E (Extraversion) - I (Introversion) Extraversion - Introversion.
- S (Sensing) - I (Intuition)
- T (Thinking) - F (Feeling) Thinking - Feeling.
- J (Judging) - P (Perception) Judgment - Perception.
Extraversion (E) - Introversion (I).
An extrovert is an outward looking person, open to the world, directed towards people. A problematic extrovert is a stupid, superficial and poorly controlled person.
The opposite of an extrovert is an introvert, a person turned inside himself. A problematic introvert is closed from the world, running away into himself, interested in himself first of all. Adapted introvert - sees others.
Sensation (S) and Intuition (I).
Sensation and Intuition describe a way of orienting yourself in a situation. S-type people primarily judge situations based on the facts they have, as well as on the information they receive through their senses—sight, hearing, touch, and so on.
Type N people, on the other hand, tend to speculate and theorize, they have a better imagination, and they see the whole picture globally, rather than focusing on the here and now.
Thinking (T) and Feeling (F).
Thinking and Feeling describe a fairly well-known opposition. Type T (Thinking) people make decisions based on logic, carefully weighing all the facts.
Such people can analyze well, they are often more objective. And people of type F (Feelings) put human emotions in the first place, and not only their own, but also others. These people know how to empathize and empathize.
Judgment (J) and Perception (P).
Type J people prefer order and stability in everything. They tend to carefully plan their actions, set a goal and work consistently to achieve it.
The strength of Type P people is multitasking. They are able to adapt well to new conditions and are not afraid of "chaos" in their lives. Thus, various combinations of the above types gives us 16 personality types, for example, INTF or ENTP.
Various combinations of the above types give us 16 personality types:
salesforce.com1) Humanist personality type (INFJ).
Those who belong to this type are very educated and tactful, polite and able to sympathize (empathy), they feel people on an intuitive level and see in detail the subtleties of relationships.
2) Lyric personality type (INFP).
This type perfectly feels the “right moment”, and is also able to see in detail the development of any situation thanks to its predictive abilities.
3) Seeker Personality Type (ENTP).
This is an irrational type, not burdening himself with stereotyped thinking. He sees several options for solving a particular problem at once and realizes the potential hidden in each object.
4) Personality type Entrepreneur (ENTJ).
An entrepreneur is distinguished by business logic. Those who belong to this type perceive everything around them as a kind of resource - informational, human, temporary.
5) Logic-sensory extravert (ESTJ).
An extrovert type, able to act both independently and by organizing the work of other people. The presence of creative sensory allows him to make the work not only effective, but also comfortable.
6) Mentor personality type (ENFJ).
This type lives mostly with emotions and, like no one else, feels the energy and emotional atmosphere, which he very skillfully manipulates. Knows a lot about art and the intricacies of aesthetic life.
7) Logical-intuitive introvert (INTJ).
Those who belong to this type are unlikely to pursue selfish interests or fame. Such people love quality and punctuality, conscientiousness and fairness, they are very responsible.
8) Personality type Critic (INTP).
Has an excellent ability to see the various shortcomings in a given situation, which makes him a constructive critic. Often such a person is perceived as pessimistic.
9) Personality type Master (ISTP).
For this type, comfort is most valuable, they highly value harmony and tranquility in everything. Such people would rather enjoy life peacefully than conquer new heights.
10) Personality type Advisor (ENFP).
He is great at seeing hidden possibilities, be it an object or a situation. People of this type are not alien to fantastic ideas that at first glance seem impossible. They are extremely curious.
11) Personality type Inspector (ISTJ).
Your strong point is concrete logic, that is, careful study of any issue and event. You are a responsible person, not throwing words into the wind. You tend to strive for order.
12) Guardian personality type (ISFJ).
Your strong point is the ability to give a fair moral assessment of a person's actions.