Ideal personality type
Ranking the 16 Myers and Briggs Types from Most to Least Polite
Some personality types are known for being extremely polite in every situation while others couldn’t care less what people think of them and their manners. While politeness depends a lot on culture and upbringing, some personality types are definitely more polite than the rest!
What Personality Types are Most Polite?
Ever wondered which of the 16 personality types are most and least polite? Check out this list and see if you agree with the ranking!
People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly. This personality type embodies the politeness of the past, always keeping the utmost respect for social rules. They behave in exactly the way that is expected for every situation, making ESFJs the most polite personality type of all 16.
Thanks to their ability to intuit other people’s emotions, INFJs are usually very polite and sensitive. This personality type tends to be reserved and private so you can expect any exchange with them to be courteous. INFJs will very rarely let you know what they’re thinking, making them extremely polite, especially around strangers.
3. ISFPs
ISFPs are spontaneous and creative, always seeking beauty in their surroundings. They tend to be quiet and respectful, with a strong moral compass that sees them behave in a way that is polite in most scenarios. This personality type can sometimes be too polite, however, to their own detriment. In their attempts to avoid conflict at all costs, ISFPs will often submit to the ideas and interests of others which can put them in uncomfortable situations.
As a compassionate and caring type, INFPs are usually very polite. They are sensitive to the feelings of others, so they are careful with their wording and how they approach difficult topics. The only time INFPs let their politeness slip is if they feel their values are being challenged. In these situations, they can react strongly and will fiercely defend their right to an opinion.
At the top of the list of priorities for ESFPs is making sure they and everyone around them are having a good time. This fun-loving personality type loves surrounding themselves with positivity and enthusiasm so they can usually be relied on to be polite and convivial. The only time the politeness might slip is when they get bored, which can happen easily. Then you might find yourself dropped like a tonne of bricks as they go in search of a new source of entertainment… which is not so polite!
Integrity and honesty are two of the core characteristics of the ISFJ personality type. ISFJs always take care to conduct themselves with the utmost decency. At the same time, their practical and straight-shooting personality type means that sometimes they can be a little too honest.
This personality type can also fall into the habit of disapproving of change, making them overly traditionalist and can come across as impolite.
ENTPs are easy going and adaptable. Criticism just bounces off them like water off a duck's back. This means that ENTPs are rarely impolite deliberately. On the other hand, they also have a natural stubbornness where they can come across as being impolite in some circumstances, especially if you try to challenge them.
Known for their optimism and upbeat personality, ENFJs are known for being fun to be around. They are very aware of the needs of others and this makes them naturally polite. Where their politeness slips it's when they’re in a rush. ENFJs tend to take on lots of activities and responsibilities so they can get overwhelmed. You might find they’re often running late or hurrying past you without holding the door, or even forgetting your name. Don’t worry, deep down they don’t mean anything by it. They’ll do their best to be polite when they have less on their mind.
Quick, charismatic and a little chaotic, the ESTP personality is one of the most dynamic and bold of all the 16 types. This type isn’t afraid to get straight to the point. They value directness in their communication and this can sometimes come off as impolite. However, if you can get into the groove of the ESTP way and keep up with their fast-paced lifestyle, you’ll forgive their impoliteness because you’ll be carried away by their playful, infectious personality.
10. ISTP
ISTPs are known for being adaptable and super practical. This personality type is often reserved and rules with common sense. They value their personal space hugely which means that ISTPs can often push other people away. While this has a perfectly reasonable motive, for personalities who aren’t used to it, ISTPs can come across as rude.
11. ENFP
Talkative and a bit self-absorbed, ENFPs aren’t always the most polite personality type. ENFPs have a tendency to talk about themselves a lot and they’re not great listeners. They can also take things to heart quickly, building up resentment towards people who they think have done them wrong. This personality type is fun and their energy is electric but they’re definitely not winning awards for being the most polite personality type!
12. INTJ
Where INTJs slip up is in the air of superiority they can give off. INTJs have a strong belief in their own intellect and a high level of self-confidence. When you pair that with their low emotional EQ, you get a personality type that often rubs people the wrong way. Though they don’t mean to be impolite, INTJs can often come across as know-it-alls.
13. ENTJ
Of all the personality types, ENTJs are arguably the ones who care least about other people’s opinions of them. This is not a personality type who sugarcoats things or cares what others think of them. They are decisive, assertive and extremely blunt. Once you realize this is just the ENTJ way then you’ll be fine. But if it’s your first time encountering one, you’d be forgiven for reading their super dominant persona as impolite. Where ENTJs save themselves is with their charisma, which helps them win people over regardless of how polite they are.
14. INTP
As one of the most logic-based personality types, INTPs can be blind to the needs of others. Where INTPs slip us is when they are completely absorbed in their own imaginations. They tend to be insensitive and hyper critical of other people and this means they’re not always fun to be around.
15. ISTJ
What drives ISTJs is their sense of duty. They are meticulous and detail-oriented in their approach to work and they are committed to upholding their responsibilities. These are brilliant strengths but they can also lead ISTJs towards conflict. This personality type has a tendency to be inflexible and tactless and this can often make them seem difficult to outsiders.
16. ESTJ
ESTJs have a huge number of strengths, but politeness isn’t necessarily one of them! This personality type prizes efficiency, dedication and focus above all else. What this translates to is a tendency to be perfectionists and workaholics who can come across as more than a little intense. ESTJs can also be judgmental of others who don’t follow their beliefs and can come off as narrow-minded.
These are the 16 personality types from most to least polite as I see it! What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
Which Personality Type is Your Perfect Match? | Personality Perfect
There are a number of things that make a successful relationship. Compatibility in values and personality are arguably the most pivotal, though. This is where Myers-Briggs can help. By checking your relationship compatibility, you’ll quickly know if you’re looking at Happily Ever After or Begrudging Tolerance for (another) Six Months.
Check out our brand-new guide to love & relationship compatibility between each and every persona below. You’ll soon know if it’s worth hanging your hopes on a long and happy union, or whether you should renew your Tinder membership.
The Inspector – ISTJ
An ISTJ could be a hugely appealing partner or a terrifying one. It all depends on your perspective, and what you value.
This personality type tends to be very conservative. An ISTJ will rarely hold any affection for fluffiness of nonsense, and they may come up short in terms of romance. However, what you can be assured of is that an ISTJ will be hugely loyal. The love of formality and structure that governs this personality dictates that they’ll be wholly monogamous.
If you’re looking for a fun loving, footloose and fancy-free partner, look elsewhere. You won’t find an ounce of spontaneity or romance in an ISTJ. If you value stability and conventional family values, however, they are the ideal personality to share your life with.
More ISTJ personality type >
The Counselor – INFJ
If quirkiness is important to you in a partner, look no further than an INFJ. This personality type is famed for their sideways view of the world, and they ooze creativity and imagination from every pore.
Of course, you may need to temper this creativity from time to time. An INFJ likes to see the world the way they feel it should or could be, rather than how it is. This means that you’ll have to be the supposed bad guy occasionally, regardless of whether you consider this to be fair
An INFJ is not necessarily one the world’s great doers, but they are very deep thinkers. If that’s appealing to you, and you’re prepared to pick up their slack, they can make great partners.
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The Mastermind – INTJ
The INTJ can sometimes be a challenging partner. If you ever feel that your INTJ wishes you were not there, you may be onto something. It’s nothing personal. This highly reserved personality profile just finds any social interaction to be draining.
If you are dating an INTJ, never try to drag them along to a party filled with strangers. It will be their personal hell, and you’ll just end up frustrated at their visible discomfort. If you enjoy discussing facts and theories, however, you’ll share many an enjoyable evening with this personality type.
Another advantage of dating an INTJ is that you can relinquish any responsibility for planning, if that’s not your forte. These individuals can plot every decision down to the Nth degree. If you permit an INTJ partner to do this, however, do not deviate from their plan. This personality type loathes uncertainty.
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The Giver – ENFJ
Dating an ENFJ means dating a people-pleaser. This personality type is charming and outgoing, and will be guided by a firm and unshakable code of ethics. You can trust an ENFJ partner to always think of you, and to value your views and needs at least as highly as their own.
ENFJs can frustrate some partners, however, with their abstract thinking. This is not a personality type that looks at the world around them and takes decisive action. Instead, the ENFJ lives in a world of, “what if?”
Sharing your life with an ENFJ means that you may need to spend a lot of time calming down an anxious partner. This personality type will often muse – and worry – about what could happen one, five or ten years in the future. Thankfully, the ENFJ’s pleasant nature ensures that this foible is just part of their personality package, rather than a fatal flaw.
More ENFJ personality type >
The Craftsperson – ISTP
An ISTP is, as a wise man once said, like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get.
On the surface, this personality type is purely logical. They may even appear cold to a potential romantic partner, upon first impressions. Peel back the layers of an ISTP, however, and you will find a joyful and spontaneous soul.
The ISTP may spend Monday drawing up a household budget, and filling in their tax return six months early. On Tuesday, however, the ISTP could walk through the door with a bunch of flowers and airline tickets for a surprise vacation in Paris. Life is rarely dull with this personality type!
The ISTP likes to retain an air of mystery, and will not always show their true colors when first meeting somebody. If you are interested, however, stick around for a while. They may take a while to open up, but when they do, the rewards can be great.
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The Provider – ESFJ
The ESFJ is everybody’s friend, and if you’re lucky, something a little more. Shrinking violets need not apply when it comes to dating an ESFJ, as the social nature of this personality type may intimidate the shy. Overall, however, the ESFJ is defined by an easy-going and charismatic persona.
What you will need to bear in mind is that the time and attention of an ESFJ will always be in demand. This personality type likes to stay busy, and will generally have a wide circle of friends. As naturally outgoing and nurturing types, an ESFJ may also be drawn to a time-consuming and caring occupation.
Do you have the patience to fight for your partner’s attention? You may be competing with a constant stream of family parties, work functions and volunteer activities. Life with an ESFJ is rarely quiet, but if you can keep up, you’ll have a great time.
More ESFJ personality type >
The Idealist – INFP
If you have no tolerance for dreamers, then an INFP partner is not the one for you. This personality type is the archetypical introvert, and will avoid personal conversations where possible. An INFP may also struggle to make decisions quickly, which may be frustrating to some.
Where this personality type comes into their own, however, is in the realms of imagination and spiritualty. Once an INFP becomes comfortable in your company, you may find yourself lost in their theories and fantasies.
Even the most mundane activity or incident can have a deeper metaphorical meaning, according to an INFP. This can make for a beautiful spiritual connection, if you are similarly inclined.
More INFP personality type >
The Performer – ESFP
If you’re going to date an ESFP, prepare for your social circle to expand drastically. This personality type is hugely outgoing and loves people – and people tend to love the ESFP right back.
You will find that your partner is often in the spotlight as the center of attention. Whether you are comfortable with this is down to you. As such a sociable personality type, the ESFP is bags of fun. They can, however, also leave their partner feeling second best.
This is not their intention, and is not done with malice. It’s just that an ESFP is born to work a room. That does not always leave time for one-on-one quality time with a partner.
More ESFP personality type >
The Champion – ENFP
Perhaps more than any other personality type, the ENFP will fight tooth and claw to maintain their individuality in a relationship. An ENFP will always think of themselves as an, “I”, no matter how hard you push them to consider your unit as a, “we.”
This is nothing personal, and it doesn’t mean that the ENFP is non-committal. They just find it incredibly stifling to be forced into a box, and expected to live a conventional, routine life.
The good news is that an ENFP relies heavily on their instincts surrounding people. If you make a good impression on this personality type, you are clearly doing something right! ENFPs are rarely interested in anybody with a cookie-cutter persona.
More ENFP personality type >
The Doer – ESTP
If you are planning to date an ESTP, you better prepare yourself for a hurricane of activity. This personality type is not interested in sitting down and making plans for the future. They’re barely interested in sitting down at all!
ESTPs will always be seeking their next adventure. The train isn’t stopping, and you can either hop on board or get off. This could be a blessing for a short-term union, as it’s guaranteed to be a period of fun and adventure.
If you’re looking for something with a solid future, however, you may need to force an ESTP to act against their nature to think about such things. This will not come naturally, or easily, so you may need to make some of the running.
More ESTP personality type >
The Supervisor – ESTJ
The ESTJ is an ideal partner for somebody that loves tradition. This personality type believes in honesty and integrity at all times, and makes a great moral compass. The right thing to do is not always the easy thing to do, but an ESTJ will not let that stand in their way.
Having an ESTJ for a partner will also ensure that you’ll have an on-hand sounding board and counselor at all times. What you will need to remember, however, is that so will everybody else!
This personality type will always look to help a friend – or stranger – in need. Some people may consider this to be at the detriment of their own relationship, if they are not comfortable with sharing.
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The Commander – ENTJ
If you have a submissive personality and are looking for somebody to help you take charge of your life, an ENTJ may just be your soulmate. These individuals are born to lead, and while they constantly look to take the next step in their life, they will happily bring a partner along for the ride.
An ENTJ makes a great partner for somebody that struggles to make decisions. In a period of indecision, the ENTJ will assess the facts and make a choice based on logic. In fact, they will positively relish the chance to overcome an obstacle.
This will only work if you are prepared to surrender control of your destiny, though. A feisty and opinionated individual and an ENTJ can resemble the mythical irresistible force and immovable object!
More ENTJ personality type >
The Thinker – INTP
If dating an INTP, you should strive to appeal to their keen love of all things logical. This personality type is at their happiest when they can see and decipher a pattern, and react accordingly.
This desire to deconstruct does not make INTPs particularly handy around the house. Don’t rely on them to stay on top of day-to-day mundanity, like remembering to take out the trash. Allow an INTP the opportunity to find a creative solution to a problem, however, and they’ll be work tirelessly to do so.
Routine and structure will be important if you date an INTP – and so will honesty. This personality type can usually spot even the smallest white lie from ten paces. Don’t claim that you were delayed in the office when you pop out for a drink after work. You will be caught out!
More INTP personality type >
The Nurturer – ISFJ
Relationships are supposed to be a matter of give and take, but the ISFJ tends to lean more heavily on the side of giving. This personality type is generous almost to a fault, and will always see the best in any situation. An ISFJ can almost be a parent as much as a partner.
As big-hearted, sensitive and compassionate individuals, ISFJs make great and loving partners. However, this good nature can also be taken advantage of if the ISFJ is not careful.
This personality type will always look to bring out the best in their partner, and help them to realize their goals. They just need to cautious that they do not spend so much time nurturing somebody else that their own needs are not met.
More ISFJ personality type >
The Visionary – ENTP
ENTP personality types are unique and contradictory by their nature, which befits their status as one of the rarest personality types in the world. Although they are extroverts, don’t expect a great deal of small talk from an ENTP partner. Somebody of this profile will not be much of a party animal, and will rarely enjoy large crowds of strangers.
What you can expect from an ENTP, however, is plenty of scintillating conversation. If you’re looking for a partner to feed your brain, you’ll find it here. This personality type craves mental stimulation, and loves nothing more than staying up long into the night discussing life, love and the pursuit of happiness.
Another defining factor of the ENTP is their rational mind. Life with this personality type should be comparatively harmonious. ENTPs are not led by emotion, and they won’t hurl plates at the wall during a disagreement. They will, however, be logical and calculated in their approach to all things. You may never win an argument in your household again!
More ENTP personality type >
The Composer – ISFP
Despite being introverted by nature, an ISFP makes a very sociable and interactive partner. They may not be immediately chatty and approachable, but once they warm up to you there may be no stopping the fun.
Unlike many introverted personality types, ISFPs live for spontaneity and adventure. This means they make excellent friends as well as partners, and they’re sure to be the life and soul of any party – if they feel comfortable with the people that surround them.
Where an ISFP makes for a less-than-ideal partner is if you’re looking for somebody build strong foundations for the future. This personality types lives for the moment, and adopts a Que Sera, Sera approach to tomorrow. That could be frustrating for a more grounded personality type.
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Personality types - personality models used in sociology as images, samples, bases for grouping and other things in describing, classifying, ordering, studying various sets of individuals. Social personality type is a product of a complex interweaving of historical, cultural and socio-economic conditions of people's life.
In sociology, various variants of the social typology of personality are considered. For example, Eric Fromm considers the social type of personality as the dominant type of character - this is a form of connection between the individual and society, "the core of the character structure that is inherent in most members of the same culture, in contrast to the individual character, which is different for people of the same culture" . The value of the social character, according to E. Fromm, is that it allows you to most effectively adapt to the requirements of society and gain a sense of security and security. Analyzing the history of mankind, E. Fromm identifies several types of social character: receptive (passive), exploitative, accumulative and market. Max Weber takes the specifics of social action as the basis for typification, more specifically, the degree of its rationality, Karl Marx - formational and class affiliation.
In sociology, modal, ideal and basic types of personality are distinguished. The modal personality type is the one that really prevails in a given society. The ideal personality type is not tied to specific conditions. This is a type of personality as a wish for the future, for example, a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality by K. Marx or a new person by E. Fromm. The basic personality type is the one that best meets the needs of the current stage of social development. In other words, the social type of personality is a reflection of how the social system influences the value orientations of a person and, through them, his real behavior.
Also in modern sociology, personality types are considered depending on their value orientations.
Idealists, on the contrary, have a strong critical attitude towards traditional norms, independence and disdain for authorities, and attitudes towards self-development at all costs.
Traditionalists are mainly focused on the values of duty, order, discipline, obedience to the law, and the severity of such qualities as creativity, the desire for self-realization, independence, in this type of personality is very low.
Hedonistic materialists are oriented primarily towards obtaining pleasures "here and now", and this pursuit of "life's pleasures" takes the form of satisfying consumer desires first of all.
The frustrated type of personality is characterized by low self-esteem, oppressed, depressed well-being, a feeling of being thrown out of the stream of life.
Realists combine the desire for self-realization with a developed sense of duty and responsibility, healthy skepticism with self-discipline and self-control.
Social typology of personality. - Sociology. Lectures.
One of the central tasks of sociology is the development of personal typology. Studying various groups of people and their social functions, sociology is interested in their generalized, typical features. The problem is to determine the features of a certain abstract personality, with the greatest completeness expressing the essence of a given social group. Social personality type is a product of a complex interweaving of historical, cultural and socio-economic conditions of people's life.
In sociology, there are various options for the social typology of personality. So, M. Weber typification is based on the specifics of social action, the degree of its rationality, K. Marx - formational and class affiliation. E.Fromm (1900-1980) defined a social personality type as the dominant type of character that is inherent in most members of the same culture, in contrast to the individual character, which varies from person to person. The value of the social character, according to E. Fromm, is that it allows you to most effectively adapt to the requirements of society and gain a sense of security and security. Analyzing the history of mankind, E. Fromm identifies several types of social character: receptive (passive), operational , accumulative , market .
In modern sociology, a typology of personality has become widespread depending on value orientations: 1) traditionalists are mainly focused on the values of duty, order, discipline, law-abiding, and their desire for self-realization and independence is less pronounced; 2) idealists have the critical attitude to traditional norms, independence and disdain for authorities, attitudes towards self-development at all costs are strongly expressed; 3) for frustrated personality type is characterized by low self-esteem, oppressed, depressed state of health, a feeling of being thrown out of the stream of life; 4) realists combine the desire for self-realization with a developed sense of duty and responsibility, healthy skepticism with self-discipline and self-control; 5) hedonistic materialists pleasure-oriented: this pursuit of the pleasures of life most often takes the form of satisfying consumer desires.
Sociology also distinguishes modal , ideal and basic personality types. Modal - a type that really prevails in a given society or social groups. The ideal personality type is not tied to specific conditions, for example, K. Marx's comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality or E. Fromm's "new man". Basic type best meets the needs of the current stage of social development. A system of social, legal and moral norms, reflected in constitutions, laws, public consciousness, various types of worldviews, etc., is associated with the basic type of personality. The social type of personality is a reflection of how the social system forms the value orientations of a person and through them influences his real behavior.
So, market relations contribute to the development of pragmatism, cunning, prudence, selfishness, careerism and forced cooperation. And the sphere of family and personal life forms emotionality, cordial affection. At the same time, in sociology, the reverse mechanism is also well known - the influence of personal qualities on the emergence and development of social (including economic) relations of a certain type. M. Weber argued that it was the changes in the sphere of consciousness, the restructuring of value orientations and attitudes towards work that gave impetus to the emergence of capitalism. A complex of certain personal qualities can accelerate social development, or, on the contrary, hinder it or make it completely impossible.
Foreign sociology studies the social characters characteristic of representatives of certain social groups: the type of "man of organization", "model personality", the main type of personality, etc. There are applied developments (typing) that serve as instructions for managers. An example is the popular work Types of People and Business. Its authors provide an answer to the question of how sixteen personality types determine success at work. Some foreign researchers distinguish six main types of personalities: theoretical , economic , political , social , aesthetic and religious . The prevailing social orientations are taken as the basis for distinguishing these types. For example, the type of economic person is characterized by the search for material well-being.
The works of such Russian thinkers as N.A. Berdyaev , I.A. Ilyin , N.K.0034 , V.V. Rozanov , A.F. Lazursky, M.M. concepts are widespread in which personality types are carriers of signs of certain communities (classes, social groups). The stratification of society makes inevitable the formation of different types of personality (the personality of a worker, an intellectual, a manager, a doctor, an engineer, etc.). There are many national personality types.
In modern Russia, the concept of a marginal (borderline) type of personality has developed, which broke with its social environment, but did not adapt to the new one. Currently, there is a radical break in the previously established personal-typological structure of society. The social statuses of social groups and social types of individuals are changing.