What does infp mean personality type
All About the INFP Personality Type
The INFP Personality Type
INFPs are imaginative idealists, guided by their own core values and beliefs. To a Healer, possibilities are paramount; the realism of the moment is only of passing concern. They see potential for a better future, and pursue truth and meaning with their own individual flair.
INFPs are sensitive, caring, and compassionate, and are deeply concerned with the personal growth of themselves and others. Individualistic and nonjudgmental, INFPs believe that each person must find their own path. They enjoy spending time exploring their own ideas and values, and are gently encouraging to others to do the same. INFPs are creative and often artistic; they enjoy finding new outlets for self-expression.
What does INFP stand for?
INFP is one of the sixteen personality types created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, creators of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®). INFP stands for Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, and Perceiving, which are four core personality traits based on the work of psychologist C.G. Jung.
Each of the four letters of the INFP code signifies a key personality trait of this type. INFPs are energized by time alone (Introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), make decisions based on feelings and values (Feeling), and prefer to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and organized (Perceiving).
The INFP personality type is also called the "Healer" because of their sympathetic idealism and gentle compassion for other people. Other nicknames for the INFP include:
- The Thoughtful Idealist (MBTI)
- The Mediator (16Personalities)
INFP Values and Motivations
INFPs value authenticity and want to be original and individual in what they do. They are often concerned with a search for meaning and truth within themselves. Following tradition holds little appeal for the INFP; they prefer to do their own exploration of values and ideas, and decide for themselves what seems right. INFPs are often offbeat and unconventional, but they feel no desire to conform. The INFP would rather be true to themselves than try to fit in with the crowd.
INFPs are accepting and nonjudgmental in their treatment of others, believing that each person must follow their own path. They are flexible and accommodating, and can often see many points of view. It is important to the INFP to support other people; however, the INFP may react strongly if they feel their own values are being violated. They especially hate being steamrolled by people who insist there is one right way to do things. INFPs want an open, supportive exchange of ideas.
How Others See the INFP
INFPs may initially seem cool, as they reserve their most authentic thoughts and feelings for people they know well. They are reflective and often spiritual, and often interested in having meaningful conversations about values, ethics, people, and personal growth. Typically curious and open-minded, the Healer continually seeks a deeper understanding of themselves and of the people around them. They are passionate about their ideals, but private as well; few people understand the depth of the INFP’s commitment to their beliefs.
INFPs are sensitive and empathetic, and engage themselves in a lifelong quest for meaning and authenticity. The mundane aspects of life are of less interest to this type, and they are more excited by interesting ideas than by practical facts. They typically accept others without question, and may take special interest in offbeat points of view or alternative lifestyles. They often have a special affection for the arts, especially the avant garde, as they love experiencing new concepts in self-expression.
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How rare is the INFP personality type?
INFP is the ninth most common type in the population. They make up:
- 4% of the general population
- 5% of women
- 4% of men
Famous INFPs
Famous INFPs include Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn, Fred Rogers, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Tori Amos, Morrissey, Chloe Sevigny, William Shakespeare, Bill Watterson, A.A. Milne, Helen Keller, Carl Rogers, and Isabel Briggs Myers (creator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).
INFP Quotes
"INFPs excel in fields that deal with possibilities for people."
- Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing
"Healers care deeply—passionately—about a few special persons or a favorite cause, and their fervent aim is to bring peace to the world and wholeness to themselves and their loved ones."
- David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II
"Clearly INFPs are best when whatever they're doing serves their personal values."
- Otto Kroeger, Type Talk at Work
Facts about INFPs
Interesting facts about the INFP:
- On personality trait measures, score as Artistic, Reflective, Careless, Sensitive, Flexible, and Appreciative
- Among least likely of all types to suffer heart disease
- In men, among least likely to report chronic pain
- Second highest of all types to report marital dissatisfaction
- Among most likely to have suicidal thoughts in college
- Tend to be more successful than the average in learning a foreign language
- Among types most likely to be dissatisfied with their work
- Personal values include Autonomy and Creativity
- Overrepresented in occupations in counseling, writing, and the arts
Source: MBTI Manual
INFP Hobbies and Interests
Popular hobbies for INFPs include poetry, creative writing, music, photography, theater, and visual art.
INFP-T vs. INFP-A Personality Type
By Dr. A.J. Drenth
The INFP personality type is creative, idealistic, empathetic, and individualistic. INFPs are among the most open and curious of the 16 personality types, bringing an explorative attitude to their life and work.
Unlike more conventional personality types, INFPs insist on paving their own unique path in life. They strive to ensure that their work and relationships are in alignment with their deeply-held values and reflect who they are as individuals. Seeking a life that moves and inspires them, many are drawn to artistic, religious, or humanitarian endeavors.
Like other introverts, INFPs feel they must “find themselves” before fully committing to a career or relationship. Unfortunately, the process of clarifying their identity and vocation rarely proceeds as quickly as they would like. Indeed, it can take years, sometimes decades, for them to figure out who they are and what they want out of life. For this reason, many INFPs are well-described as “seekers,” avidly searching for self-insight and self-direction.
The term “INFP” is by no means a new one. The 16 types were first proposed by Myers and Briggs in the mid-20th century as part of their attempt to standardize and apply the seminal work of Carl Jung. Only recently, however, has the notion of two INFP types—the INFP-T and INFP-A—been put forth by the website, 16 Personalities.
According to 16 Personalities, the T variable stands for “turbulent” and the A for “assertive.” In this post, we will explore the INFP-T vs. INFP-A personality types, including considering why the former appears to be more common among INFPs.
INFP-T vs. INFP-A Personalities
According to Google’s data, nearly 80% of web searches pertain to the INFP-T rather than the INFP-A type, suggesting that the majority of INFPs score higher in turbulence and lower in assertiveness. INFPs are not the only personality type exhibiting lower levels of assertiveness, however. The other three “IP” types —ISFPs, INTPs, and ISTPs—also tend to be less assertive. This is explainable, at least in part, by the fact that IPs tend to introvert (i.e, inwardly direct) rather than extravert their judgments. Unlike INFJs, who are more inclined to directly express their feelings and judgments, INFPs will usually “bite their tongue” or express their concerns in more roundabout ways. This lack of verbal assertiveness is why INFPs often test as Type 9 on the Enneagram, a type commonly known as “The Peacemaker.”
The minority of INFPs who are verbally assertive may be more self-assured or show greater development of their inferior function, Extraverted Thinking (Te). It is largely through the development of this function that INFPs learn to better express themselves to others—a skill which constitutes an important part of their growth and development. So even if INFPs are less assertive in their younger years, they can strive to develop this capacity as part of their self-growth.
Like INFJs, INFPs also tend to be “highly sensitive persons” (HSPs), which means they are more sensitive and have stronger responses to a variety of stimuli than other personality types. This, in combination with their strength of feeling, leads INFPs to experience inner waves of sensations and emotions (i.e., “turbulence”).
Unfortunately, other personality types (especially thinking types) may fail to appreciate the positive aspects of INFPs’ sensitivity, perhaps viewing them as moody or emotionally volatile. But the truth is their sensitivity allows INFPs to experience life in a deeper and more nuanced way than other types, contributing to their acumen as writers, artists, parents, therapists, and the like. Their sensitivity is thus best conceived as a strength, one that not only enhances and enriches their own lives, but the lives of those around them.
If you want to learn more about INFPs, you’ve come to the right place. We have written extensively about the intuitive (N) personality types and about INFPs in particular. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to explore our in-depth INFP profile.
Our In-Depth INFP Profile →
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3 INFP Roles: Artist, Scientist & Empath
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INFP Idealist | Identity Code
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The INFP type is also called Intermediary.
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Make the most of 's knowledge of the Personality Code for the 16 areas of life with the INFP Idealist's Guide.
INFP is a person who:
- I (introversion) - focused on the inner world
- N (intuition) - likes to work with ideas and abstractions
- F (feeling) - trusts his feelings in making decisions
- P (perception) - prefers freedom and unpredictability.
In Russian corresponds to the type of intuitive ethic introvert irrational.
INFPs strive for harmony in all areas of life, which is why they are often called Idealists. These are creative individuals who are guided by their values and beliefs in making decisions. Reality is seen not as an opportunity to enjoy life here and now, but as the potential to create a better future. Idealists are constantly in search of truth, and seek it on their own, adhering to an individual style.
According to INFPs worldwide:
- 4% of the total population
- 5% of women
- 4% of men
People with this personality type are sensitive, caring and compassionate. Since personal growth is paramount for themselves, they want the same for others. Independent and freedom-loving, Idealists also respect the right of others to self-determination.
INFPs spend a lot of time looking for implementation, generating ideas, setting priorities, and redefining values, and gently encourage others to do the same. These creative people like to find new and new ways for self-expression. But because of their craving for something new, Idealists often remain unreleased due to the inability to put their ideas into practice and complete what they started.
The inner world of a person is the subject of the greatest interest for them. Throughout their lives, they constantly strive to understand themselves and those around them more deeply. Idealists are honest, sensitive, and empathic, sensitive to the moods and thoughts of others, and find it difficult to say “no” and fight back against people who violate their boundaries.
Famous personalities of this type include:
- Princess Diana
- Sergei Yesenin
- William Shakespeare
- Hans Christian Andersen
- Joan of Arc
The mundane aspects of life are less interesting for this type, they are more concerned with interesting ideas than practical facts. Idealists are concerned about spiritual life, so their material well-being often leaves much to be desired.
Toward Others Idealists tend to be open and friendly and may have a special interest in beliefs or alternative lifestyles that are unfamiliar to them. This explains their interest in various creeds, social and cultural groups. Idealists try to see the grain of truth in everything, draw parallels and look for correspondences, building and supplementing their concept of worldview.
Tradition does not appeal to INFPs. Idealists prefer to explore values and ideas themselves and decide for themselves what is right. If most people think the same way, this is more reason for them to doubt their rightness, rather than agree with it.
- Optimism and faith in people. Idealists sincerely believe that people are naturally good, and negative qualities are manifested due to the impact of life's difficulties. Therefore, by working on yourself, you can improve the situation for the better.
- Orientation towards harmonious relationships . People with this personality type do not seek power, dominance, control, or direction. They are for a dialogic equal approach and cooperation.
- Open and flexible . People of this type easily adapt to changes, tend to change and circumvent rules that are ineffective and do not work.
They also tend not to impose their rules on others. As long as their cornerstone principles are not violated, they will always support others in making an independent decision.
- Creativity and creativity. With imaginative thinking and the ability to detect patterns, Idealists create coherent concepts and artistic worlds. These are creators with an original vision.
- Passion and dedication. If they are busy with work that is fully consistent with their values and beliefs, then they devote themselves to their favorite business without a trace.
- Diligence and patience . They tend to set themselves global goals and go towards them, overcoming difficulties and failures.
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INFP - Inspired Idealist | GameTree Wiki
INFPs (also known as Dreamers, Idealists, Mediators, Empaths, Humanists, EII, Dostoyevskys) are determined people who sincerely want to make the world a better place. Their main goal in life is to find the purpose and meaning of their existence. They constantly ask themselves what they can give to humanity. At their core, they are dreamers and idealists with vivid emotions and imagination.
This type of personality is characterized by individualism, which keeps, as a shrine, its uniqueness and self-expression. Moreover, they hate to be imposed; this is due to their beliefs of equal personal space. Since they value their space but are socially active, they prefer to be in a group of people, but not in the spotlight.
In these groups, INFPs use their intuition about people. They rely on this intuition in their endless search for the meaning of life. This personality type is very good at turning their thoughts into different forms of art, such as poetry or paintings. In terms of sympathy, they tend not to absorb other people's emotions, but to display the emotions of another person themselves. These qualities, for example, are one of the reasons for the creation of Japanese Anime, which is ardently loved by the INFP. Their idealism translates into high standards for themselves and their work for others.
INFPs prefer games with deep character development and great story over fast games that require active skill. These game aspects are most often found in the RPG genre, which, in fact, is especially to the liking of the INFP. When it comes to multiplayer, INFPs prefer cooperative games and support roles in them, as they avoid conflict and do not like to be in the spotlight.
Machines, by their mechanical nature, are completely inhuman. That is why for this type of racing genre is too distant and insensitive.
Despite their abstract and creative minds, which are very well suited to strategy games, INFPs play them much less than other idealists, as the genre is too impersonal for them. However, the situation is very different with open world games, where INFPs are free to create their own stories.
As a dark horse fan, this type is not afraid to waste time on unpopular titles, discovering new and niche games.
Why you need to be a friend to INFPs
1. They will help you understand your best side.
INFPs celebrate individuality, theirs and yours. They will give you the strength to be yourself and not judge yourself strictly for those things for which you are ashamed of yourself.
2. They are loyal and kind.
Getting INFP to open you is a value in itself. What you will discover after is a real friend who will follow you to the ends of the Earth.
3. Inspiring to be looked after
In addition to never judging your negatives, INFPs will admire your strengths. This is a real self-esteem boost when someone admires you, which will allow you to achieve even more.
4. They make you shine
INFPs strike a good balance for those who like to be the center of attention. You will also discover something new from their politeness and caring.
5. Artists
INFP is the type who is most likely talented and creative in drawing and as a writer. It can be very exciting to watch a person who creates art.
How to make friends with INFPs
1. Beware of their comfort zone
Although they never judge others, INFPs guard their rich inner world because they value it above all else, which makes them vulnerable. Don't criticize this guy or ask them personal questions once you've met him. Let this guy decide when to open.
2. Open up
If you open up to this type, then they, instead of harming you, will become your loved ones. Everything emotional is sweet nectar for them. For them, what is more important is not what you love, but why.
3. Do a project with them
Since many INFPs love creating characters, writing stories, this is a good activity to share with them. You can join them or take on a different role in the project. The opportunity to share something with them is very close.
4. Discuss big ideas with emotion
For this type of “deep conversations” will help you connect. It can be any topic, both personal and global.
How to make friends if you are INFP
1. Deal with depression
Because you idealize everything and everything, it's easy to lose hope when the rest of the world is not as beautiful and good as you would like it to be. Your type gets depressed more easily than others, so it is important to have good friends who will always support you.
2. Don't keep it to yourself
You have many gifts to share with the world. Often the world is callous, but that's because others are scared too. If you open up first, then others will feel safe too. You are more likely to receive the majority of the criticism for your methods, not your intent. Do not forget that healthy criticism is a help for your self-development.