I care about


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I CARE - Through Veterans' Eyes A message from VA Secretary Denis McDonough I CARE Overview Core Values


VA’s Mission

To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise: “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s Veterans.

“Our department remains fully committed to fulfilling the sacred obligation that we have to those who serve in uniform.” ~VA Secretary Denis McDonough

Our VA Mission and Core Values

No organization can succeed without values to match its mission. Our mission, as the Department of Veterans Affairs, is to care for those “who shall have borne the battle” and for their families, caregivers and survivors. Our core values focus our minds on our mission of caring and thereby guide our actions toward service to others.

VA Core Values describe how VA will accomplish its mission and inform every interaction with our customers. These Core Values are: Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence — better known as “I CARE.” VA’s Core Values will continue to serve as the right guide for all our interactions and remind us and others that “I CARE.”

  • I care about those who have served.
  • I care about my fellow VA employees.
  • I care about choosing “the harder right instead of the easier wrong.”
  • I care about performing my duties to the very best of my abilities.

Established Ethics Directive

Core Values, Core Characteristics, and Customer Experience (CX) Principles of the Department — I CARE Core Values and Characteristics are codified in our VA regulations at 38 C.F.R. Part 0 and define the standards of ethical conduct and related responsibilities of all VA employees. These regulations include CX Principles — Trust, Ease, Effectiveness and Emotion — as guiding principles for how all employees deliver services to Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors.

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  • Health Care:
    1-877-222-VETS (8387)
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  • Veterans Crisis Line:
    1-800-273-8255 Press 1

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Read online “I care about the planet”, Irina Zhukova – LitRes

© Zhukova I. S., text, 2020

© Design. LLC Eksmo Publishing House, 2020

* * *

Every step matters

Beaches full of plastic. Global warming causing glaciers to melt. Chemicals and microplastics in cosmetics. Pesticide-contaminated fruits and vegetables from plantations where workers are exploited.

Every ninth person in the world goes hungry, while some revel in abundance. Countless animal species are threatened with extinction, and forests are being mercilessly cut down.

Is this how we imagined the future of our planet? Do we want to live in this world, only aggravating the situation, and leave it to our descendants in this form?

Anyone who wants to do something for a better future must act now. And this requires a sincere desire to help. Of course, we can't turn into cloak-fluttering saviors of the world overnight, but every little step counts.

If you ask the cafeteria to pour coffee into your thermo mug instead of a disposable cup from today, you've already done your part. This will create less plastic and aluminum waste and help stop widespread deforestation.

Vegetarian meals will brighten up your daily life, and besides, by giving up meat, you will save the environment and benefit your health. Instead of filling your closet with cheap mass-market items, you can buy quality clothes that you can wear for a long time. In this way, you do not support the spraying of pesticides and insecticides in the fields, protect your skin and provide a fair reward for seamstresses working in textile factories.

And if you follow these little things, you will make our world a little better.

Your decisions will make a big difference!

In this book, you will learn how to make your daily life sustainable - morning coffee, commute to work, school or university, lunch break, shopping and household chores. Start doing good today and help make a positive impact on the world. Do it for nature, for animals, for your loved ones. And especially for myself.


Benefiting society, avoiding plastic or doing something for your own health? The following symbols, which appear next to each piece of advice in this book, show what your responsible and environmental actions are impacting.

Benefiting society

Protecting the environment

Reducing plastic waste


Water management

Animal welfare

Health benefits

Saving energy

Also on the pages of this book you can find information boxes that will help you learn more about the causes and solutions of various problems that await our world.

You will be able to recognize them thanks to this sign.

How else can I help the planet? At the beginning of the day, there are several procedures that you can do with nature in mind. This chapter is about warm showers, coffee pods, and bamboo toothbrushes. In addition, here you will learn about sustainable fashion. Good morning and have a nice day!

Coffee first

Brew coffee in a cezve or use a French press [1] to dispense with coffee capsules. In addition, such coffee is more aromatic and invigorates better!

Do you know about coffee capsules that can be recycled? In Russia, only one environmentally responsible company is engaged in this - Nespresso. Capsules and caps are made of aluminum, and the company itself collects them from customers for recycling.

If you prefer tea to coffee, choose high quality tea. Organic teas are significantly less affected by pesticides than conventional teas.

Are you too lazy to wash the teapot every time you drink tea? Then try special strainers for brewing tea. Try to choose a metal strainer so that it will last you longer. In addition, due to its size, such a thing helps you to use less dry tea and save on constant trips to the store.

If you're brewing Turkish coffee or using a French press, you're probably wasting a lot of coffee grounds, which is also a useful resource. Instead of throwing your used coffee grounds straight into the bin, use them as a fertilizer for your plants or a natural scrub with a pleasant scent.

Enjoy good coffee without forgetting the Fair trade!


Our supermarkets offer a huge range of food from all over the world. This is only possible because many people are involved in the production of these products - especially in poor rural areas. Those who benefit from this should think about and care for the workers, paying them fairly.

Products that are certified and meet the standards receive the Fair trade mark. Fair trade standards ensure the sustainability of producer organizations, especially in emerging markets, by helping from a social, environmental and economic point of view. The human being is central to the values ​​of Fair trade. Environmental standards help protect natural resources, limit the use of pesticides and chemicals, and ban genetically modified seeds. Workers are paid a living wage. In addition, the seal ensures that all trade relations are transparent.

Fair trade products such as coffee, cocoa, chocolate, exotic fruits and more, you can consume with a clear conscience, as everyone involved in the production of this product is valued.


Hardly anyone likes to take a cold shower in the morning, but make sure you don't use too much hot water. Try to use less water, especially hot water, while you shower. Our dwindling supply of fresh water will thank you!

Reduce total shower time. You have no idea how songs in the shower waste your water and money. Reducing your shower time by just one minute can save up to 150 gallons (roughly 600 liters) of water per month. You can set a timer for, say, 5 minutes to feel more motivated and in better control of yourself.

Look at towels from an environmental point of view: choose those made from tencel [2] and organic cotton. They not only do not contain plastic fibers, but they are also softer and more pleasant to the touch.

In order not to waste water washing your towel once again, make sure that it dries quickly and does not have time to start bacteria in it. To do this, after use, do not throw the towel in a lump, but hang it on a heated towel rail or battery.

Use a solid shampoo instead of the usual liquid shampoo in a plastic bottle. So you save space and do not produce more plastic waste.

One of the contaminants that is often overlooked is disposable razor machines and shaving cartridges with a large number of blades. The plastic case of the cassette will decompose in nature for centuries. Use a T-shaped steel safety razor, this will significantly reduce the amount of debris, as well as save on blades, without compromising the quality of the shave. A razor with careful use can last its owner a lifetime, and one blade - from one to six months.

If you use regular razors, try extending their life and sharpen their blades by running them over a denim item such as jeans or your denim jacket a few times. Don't worry, your clothes will be fine and your razor will last a while longer.

Brushing teeth

Bamboo wood toothbrush perfectly cleans teeth and keeps them white. Then what's the point of using a regular plastic brush?

Turn off the water when brushing your teeth! Take water in a glass.

Buy dental floss, preferably natural and without plastic packaging.

An alternative to toothpaste in plastic tubes is a dentifrice tablet. First, it must be chewed, and then you can brush your teeth as usual. You should also pay attention to the toothpowder in a glass jar from the environmentally responsible cosmetics company Mi&ko.

Get back to your roots! The roots and branches of the arak tree can be used to brush your teeth. This alternative to the toothbrush is called a miswak.

Use natural herbal tooth cream instead of toothpaste.


To make the base powder you will need:

• White clay

• Soda

• Coarse salt

In proportions 2:2:1, mix and grind the powder in a coffee grinder.

You can use the base as a finished powder by transferring the powder to a container with a tight-fitting lid. But you can also complicate recipes by adding certain components to it.

Recipe No. 1. Whitening.

Add 1 part activated charcoal and tea tree oil to the resulting base. Mix the resulting mixture again in a coffee grinder.

This powder whitens teeth, although you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly after brushing.

Recipe No. 2. Fragrant.

Add 2 parts dry sage and 1 part peppermint to the base. Add essential oils, use peppermint or citrus oil. Mix in a coffee grinder and sift through a sieve to make the powder homogeneous.

After using this mixture, the mouth feels fresher for longer and tastes better.


Bamboo is often seen as a decorative element in gardens or in oriental restaurants. However, it is capable of more, bamboo is a great alternative to plastic, as well as a fast-growing raw material for various everyday products: from furniture to a toothbrush.

Bamboo, despite its considerable size, is not a tree, but a grass. It grows in tropical climates and China is the main exporting country of bamboo. Bamboo can grow one meter in a day (!), so it can be cut generously without endangering the ecosystem.

When a bamboo stalk is cut, the plant does not die: many types of bamboo have large roots, and therefore the plant quickly renews the supply of essential nutrients and continues to grow. Moreover, bamboo grows so fast that pesticides are almost never sprayed on it, since this is not necessary. Bamboo cultivation has an extremely low impact on the environment.

Bamboo production in China is not yet very industrialized, and therefore this business is carried out by farmers who grow bamboo in small quantities, cut it themselves and collect it for sale.

Give bamboo a try, it's much better than plastic and you can replace your toothbrushes, plastic bowls, mugs, disposable cutlery and more with bamboo products.

The book "When I care about others. Useful fairy tales (cover)" Spielman K