How to treat love addiction
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SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
Also visit the online treatment locator.
SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357) (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service), or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.
Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 (HELP4U) to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.
The service is open 24/7, 365 days a year.
English and Spanish are available if you select the option to speak with a national representative. Currently, the 435748 (HELP4U) text messaging service is only available in English.
In 2020, the Helpline received 833,598 calls. This is a 27 percent increase from 2019, when the Helpline received a total of 656,953 calls for the year.
The referral service is free of charge. If you have no insurance or are underinsured, we will refer you to your state office, which is responsible for state-funded treatment programs. In addition, we can often refer you to facilities that charge on a sliding fee scale or accept Medicare or Medicaid. If you have health insurance, you are encouraged to contact your insurer for a list of participating health care providers and facilities.
The service is confidential. We will not ask you for any personal information. We may ask for your zip code or other pertinent geographic information in order to track calls being routed to other offices or to accurately identify the local resources appropriate to your needs.
No, we do not provide counseling. Trained information specialists answer calls, transfer callers to state services or other appropriate intake centers in their states, and connect them with local assistance and support.
Suggested Resources
What Is Substance Abuse Treatment? A Booklet for Families
Created for family members of people with alcohol abuse or drug abuse problems. Answers questions about substance abuse, its symptoms, different types of treatment, and recovery.Addresses concerns of children of parents with substance use/abuse problems.
It's Not Your Fault (NACoA) (PDF | 12 KB)
Assures teens with parents who abuse alcohol or drugs that, "It's not your fault!" and that they are not alone. Encourages teens to seek emotional support from other adults, school counselors, and youth support groups such as Alateen, and provides a resource list.After an Attempt: A Guide for Taking Care of Your Family Member After Treatment in the Emergency Department
Aids family members in coping with the aftermath of a relative's suicide attempt. Describes the emergency department treatment process, lists questions to ask about follow-up treatment, and describes how to reduce risk and ensure safety at home.Family Therapy Can Help: For People in Recovery From Mental Illness or Addiction
Explores the role of family therapy in recovery from mental illness or substance abuse. Explains how family therapy sessions are run and who conducts them, describes a typical session, and provides information on its effectiveness in recovery.For additional resources, please visit the SAMHSA Store.
Last Updated: 08/30/2022
SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
HomeWelcome to the Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, a confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance use/addiction and/or mental health problems.
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The Locator is authorized by the 21st Century Cures Act (Public Law 114-255, Section 9006; 42 U.S.C. 290bb-36d). SAMHSA endeavors to keep the Locator current. All information in the Locator is updated annually from facility responses to SAMHSA’s National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS). New facilities that have completed an abbreviated survey and met all the qualifications are added monthly. Updates to facility names, addresses, telephone numbers, and services are made weekly for facilities informing SAMHSA of changes. Facilities may request additions or changes to their information by sending an e-mail to [email protected], by calling the BHSIS Project Office at 1-833-888-1553 (Mon-Fri 8-6 ET), or by electronic form submission using the Locator online application form (intended for additions of new facilities).
Treatment of love addiction in St. Petersburg ❤ getting rid of love addiction with hypnosis
is a mental and sexual attachment to a partner with obsessive thoughts, pathological jealousy, suffering and pain. Other names for love addiction are emotional dependence, "drug love", addiction to a love subject.
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Causes of love addiction:
- Childhood psychotrauma
- Lack or absence of love in childhood
- Immature, unstable psyche - anxiety, insecurity, complexes, low self-esteem
- Emotional attachment to mother
- Neurotic problems - neuroses, panic attacks, depressions
How to overcome love addiction
Love addiction, especially in long-term relationships, turns into a painful obsessive condition that requires treatment with the participation of qualified specialists. The main methods of therapy are:
Drug therapy
Working with a psychologist 07
Author of the article: Mukminov Albert Alekseevich
Psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist
Types of emotional dependence:
- Loss of one's individuality (living the life of another person, giving up one's interests, friends)
- Capture of the partner's personality (overcontrol of the partner, obsessive jealousy, imposition of interests)
- Partner suppression (inflicting mental and physical pain on a partner)
Signs of love addiction:
- burst of energy and euphoria when there is unity with a partner, especially at the beginning
- emotional emptiness and suffering at separation
- a good start and deterioration of relations in the future (quarrels, even at a meeting, joy is fleeting and with a bitter tinge)
- obsessive thoughts and actions - imaginary scenes of partner meeting with another person, calls, SMS, checking social networks
- other interests (friends, career, development) are pushed aside
- anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, depression, suicidal tendencies
- jealousy, attempts at control, need for approval, low self-esteem, other addictions
It is easy to make a diagnosis of love addiction:
- in case of love addiction with the development of relationships, even meetings do not give the former positive emotions.
If people really love each other, they feel good both together and separately;
- love gives harmony, confidence, positive. And love addiction increases tension, causes uncertainty, anxiety;
- love gives inner freedom and spiritual intimacy, and love addiction is characterized by dominance and submission;
- love leads to success and personal growth, and love addiction very often worsens health, finances, career;
- love gives strength and the ability to create, and love addiction suppresses and destroys, even the mood can change because of the look, voice, praise.
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Advantages of Veramed Medical Center in getting rid of love addiction
Veramed in St. Petersburg provides patients with quality treatment for love addiction due to the following advantages:
"Veramed" employs
specialists, psychotherapists with extensive practical experience.
Getting rid of
from dependent and obsessive states is our main profile.
In the treatment of
hypnotherapy is used, which gives the fastest and highest quality results.
Cost of services
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Regressive hypnosis
Session, 1.
5-2 hours
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Our doctors
Was treated by Dr. Albert Alekseevich for love addiction.
There were problems with the Husband. I found out. that he has a mistress and I was wildly afraid that he would leave me, and I had no idea how I could live without him. My life has become hell. I followed him. I checked his phone, and then made scandals and tantrums. When I realized that I couldn’t cope with this myself, I went to the clinic, my friend advised me to contact Dr. Mukminov, she was treated by him for panic attacks. An excellent specialist, tactful, calm, and most importantly a high-class specialist. God bless him all the best.
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Tatyana R.
My wife cheated on me with my colleague, with whom I later still communicated, not suspecting anything.
As soon as I found out, I got divorced and quit. But 6 years after that, my personal life did not develop. Memories of betrayal did not recede for a day. Realizing that it was useless to fight on my own, I signed up for a consultation at VERAMED. I cannot express my gratitude to Arkady Vladimirovich in words! With the help of hypnosis, he saved me from obsessive thoughts, and life immediately went uphill!
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Get out of love addiction | PSYCHOLOGIES
291 841
Know Yourself Man and Woman
Svetlana came for a consultation to get rid of her addiction. She is 40 years old, she does not drink, does not take drugs, but she feels like a real addict. “I can’t imagine a day without Vadim. As soon as he leaves for the weekend to meet with the children from his first marriage, and I’m already crying, I feel like I’m not needed by anyone ... And I constantly call him. I wouldn't wish that kind of passion on anyone."
Even if the absence of a loved one is difficult to bear, then the thought that he can stop loving is unbearable for a dependent person, and the departure of a partner becomes a catastrophe. Love becomes a force that cannot be controlled. “I want him to love me to death,” says 34-year-old Olga, “otherwise he’d rather die.”
Suffocating hugs
Love addiction, like other addictions, makes a person strive for the object of passion, while forgetting about himself. A person obsessed with love is often unable to take care of himself: he eats poorly, sleeps poorly, does not pay attention to his health.
Neglecting himself, he spends all his life energy on his partner. .. thereby causing him to suffer. All attention, all thoughts and feelings are focused on him and only on him, everything else seems meaningless and boring.
“Dependent people cannot define the boundaries of their personality, they seize a loved one, leaving him no free space,” says Valentina Moskalenko. “When love turns into complete control over a partner, it interferes with the development of a full sexual and love union.”
Often there is dependence on a partner who treats the lover badly. Contrary to popular belief, everyone is at risk of becoming a victim of such passion: men and women, young and mature, rich and poor.
Another case is when violent emotions generally become the meaning of existence. Such a person literally “falls” into love. This leap is often driven by the need to dampen the sense of the meaninglessness of life.
“We are looking for in romantic love not only earthly love and human relationships. We are looking for religious experiences and a passionate desire to comprehend our inner world in it, ”says the American Jungian psychoanalyst Robert Johnson.
In his opinion, passionate love, like true faith, can temporarily free us from contradictions and doubts and, like a guiding beacon, illuminate our life, giving it wholeness and certainty, giving us the opportunity to rise above the level of everyday life.
“Everything that belongs to everyday life becomes unbearable,” says Valentina Moskalenko. “Man lives only for this jump.” These two situations have a common denominator - the suffering generated by addiction.
Thirst for sacrifice
People get addicted not only from tender, loving relationships. The opposite and no less frequent case is dependence on a cruel, rude partner.
Before work, Marina covers her bruises with foundation and thinks: “Of course, with my figure… But in fact, he is good…”. Anatoly habitually slouches when his wife calls out, sighing to himself: “Of course, with my salary…”
Living in unbearable relationships, enduring humiliation and even coldness and severity of parents.
“If a person is driven by a desire to fill that long-standing spiritual void, then no treatment, even cruelty, can sober him up,” says Valentina Moskalenko. - His feelings (as if through the mouths of his parents) tell him: "You deserve it, you yourself are to blame."
“Those who become dependent on a “sacrificial” position unwittingly choose aggressive partners for themselves, simultaneously provoking them to humiliating, cruel behavior, adds transactional analyst Vadim Petrovsky. “In order to get rid of such dependence, first of all, it is necessary to realize one’s desire for suffering, inherent in childhood, in order to stop communicating with a partner from the position of a victim.”
Steps to liberation
The psychotherapy of too much love applies the principle of the medieval physician and alchemist Paracelsus: everything is poison, everything is medicine, both are determined by the dose. In other words, moderate use is good, but abuse is disastrous.
“As paradoxical as it may sound, you shouldn't love too much,” says Valentina Moskalenko. - Pay attention to love songs: many lyrics exalt the model of dependent relationships. For example, the classic "White light has converged on you like a wedge." To understand that such a perception of love and such an attitude towards a loved one is destructive for both, to recognize one’s own dependence on a partner is a difficult but necessary first step towards healing.
The next step is to awaken the senses and establish a relationship with yourself. “During therapy, I felt like a refrigerator that had finally been defrosted,” says 36-year-old Anastasia. “Suddenly she raised her head and saw: there were people around!”
“Psychotherapy helps a person realize who he is, where he is going in life and who he needs as a companion,” explains Valentina Moskalenko. “After all, an addicted person often lives as if under anesthesia, all his feelings are suppressed, because they are too painful. ”
A love addict strives for ideal relationships that he lacked in childhood
Dealing with long-standing experiences and paying attention to the current situation is the task of the third step. Repressed feelings are often found to be related to childhood experiences: the love addict seeks some kind of ideal relationship that he lacked in childhood.
The child might have been frightened that he was abandoned when his parents went to the store, because he was not told that they had gone away for a short time and would definitely return. If parents considered themselves victims of circumstances, they themselves were dependent on love, alcohol, whatever, then they could not teach children to be responsible for their lives.
In other cases, parents simply did not give us enough love and affection, and now we spend all our energy on making up for this lack of love.
“But don't think that in this case you will suffer all your life,” says Valentina Moskalenko. “An adult is able to cope with his love addiction: to think about why relationships make him suffer, stop blaming himself and understand that he is worthy of love - the way he is.”
Smooth approach
The opposite of addiction is not absolute freedom or isolation. During psychotherapy, people learn to build relationships that develop gradually - starting with falling in love, through gradual rapprochement and the development of trust.
It is important that each partner moves towards the other at his own speed, in contrast to the situation of love addiction, when a person instantly closes the distance and "sticks" to the beloved.
“The psychological benefit of an addict is that he completely entrusts another to take care of himself: “I had a bad life, and now you will love me,” comments Valentina Moskalenko. “But no one from outside can make us happy. We can only find the keys to true happiness within ourselves.”
About the expert
Valentina Moskalenko — addiction specialist, author of the books “When there is too much love” and “Addiction: a family disease?”, leader of psychotherapeutic groups and seminars at the Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology.