How to tell if you really love someone quiz

Am I In Love? - Quiz

Have you recently been wondering, am I in love? Perhaps you've finally met someone that you really connect with, and you're trying to figure out are you in love, or is it just infatuation. Find out with this love quiz if it's the real deal!


Are You In Love?

It's not always easy to answer the question, am I in love. To get a better idea, you can get some answers with this how to know if you love someone test. The is it love quiz asks simple, straightforward questions to get you the clarity you've been searching for.

Fun Love Quiz

Don't take this fun love quiz too seriously. It's for entertainment, but it can help push you to start considering more deeply where you are in the relationship you're in right now. Are you in love? Answer honestly, and we will let you know what think!

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After you finish this am I in love quiz, and you'll get an answer customized to your situation and the ability to share the same love quiz with your friends. Send it to your partner, and see what they get as a result of the is it love quiz too!


Remember that it's just a quiz! It was made for entertainment. There's a grain of truth in every result but don't treat it too seriously as it is not supported by any scientific research. So just have fun and if you like it, share it with your friends!

Are you in a place where you're wondering, am I in love? How can you tell when you're falling in love or if the relationship you're sharing with your partner is true love?

The butterflies and excitement you feel when you think about the person you're dating can cloud your judgment on whether or not the one you are with genuinely loves you back or if you are both just in a stage of infatuation.

Take this quick, fun, and relatable quiz to find out if it's true love or if the partner you are in your current relationship with is someone that's going to come and go in your life.

Make sure that you're as honest and accurate as you can be with your answers to get the most authentic results. After you're through, you will have a more definite answer about your relationship, including whether or not it is finally time to say, 'I love you!'

It's a big step, and you want to make sure you wait until the right moment so that you don't scare your partner away before you even get to the good part. Falling in love can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be. We're here to help you answer the question, am I in love?

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Your opinions

Am I In Love? I guess so! Deep true love according to this love quiz, but I don't want to admit it... But here I am waiting for him to send me a message.

I took this how to know if you love someone test and I got deep true love. thing is though, I'm only in high school. I've been crushing on this person for years, and I've taken this quiz several times with the same result...looks like it's time to make some moves lol

Wow... I got "In Deep, True Love." I guess I should've known. These love quiz results really opened my eyes. Thank you Quizony!

After taking this is it love quiz I found out I am head-over-heels in love. Great. NEVER should've signed up for that dating app. I think I'm going to be sick 🤣

Yes so true deep in love! Love my hubby, #WifeGoalMet

I'm in romantic love and I'm just 20 according to the love quiz. I've liked this boy and he's the sweetest thing ever and I've known him before we were even born because our parents were friends. He is cute! I hope I have a future with him.

Am I in Love...I guess I'm in romantic love, don't know if it's a good thing because I don't know if he feels the same way.

Am I in Love Quiz

When you have a crush, feelings seem to get magnified by 100. You may have thought they were cute before, but now they’re GORGEOUS. Or maybe their jokes that you use to smile at now leave you in a fit of laughter. Infatuation does that to you, and makes it hard to get a real sense of your feelings. Sometimes you might really be falling for someone and feel like you’re truly in love, and other times, you’re actually just in love with the idea of the person.

So, to help you sort out your true feelings and find out if you’re actually in love, or if it’s simply a big ’ol crush, take this quiz to help you determine what’s really going on.

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If you answered mostly with the first column…

Your feelings are the real deal. It’s not just because they’re cute, or they’re on the soccer team, or have that cool senior thing going for them. You’ve found someone you can trust and with whom you can share personal things that you’ve never felt comfortable sharing with anyone else. They’re the person you go to when you have good news or bad, and you literally don’t know what you’d do without them in your life. Even if you’re not ready to say “I love you” just yet, that kind of intimacy, trust, and deep connection are the foundation for lasting love.


If you answered mostly with the second column…

Hold tight — it sounds like it might just be a passing crush. It might be that you don’t know them well enough to be sure that your feelings are based on anything real, or if it’s more of a superficial infatuation. When you’ve been crushing on someone forever and then actually start hanging out with them, the excitement of the dream coming true might make you think you’re more into them than you actually are. It’s important to take it day by day! If it doesn’t work out, don’t despair; you can still learn a lot about yourself and the world of relationships from a crush. And, who knows, as time goes by, a deeper relationship might grow.

Lara Solanki/Netflix

Kristin Koch

Editor in Chief

Kristin Koch is the Editor in Chief  of Seventeen, overseeing the content and editorial operations for all of Seventeen's digital and print efforts. Before coming to Seventeen, Koch held editor positions at Glamour, Vanity Fair, and The Knot. In 2016, she founded lifestyle blog, Closetful of Clothes, where she covers everything from style and interiors to travel. A Chicago native, Koch graduated from Colgate University with a degree in History. She loves pizza, rom-coms and HGTV. 

Leah Campano

Associate Editor

Leah Campano is an Associate Editor at Seventeen, where she covers pop culture, entertainment news, health, and politics. On the weekends, you can probably find her watching marathons of vintage Real Housewives episodes or searching for New York City’s best almond croissants. 

Quiz: Do I love him

The line between falling in love and love is quite thin and barely perceptible. Therefore, having met a new man or feeling problems with a long-term partner, a woman may begin to doubt: do I love him? The test will tell you if you are experiencing true love or if this is a temporary attraction. What is the name of the feeling you are experiencing right now? How strong is it, resistant to life's difficulties and time?

1. Who is this man to you?

An ally with whom you would like to overcome the difficulties of life together.

Ideal, the best thing that could happen to you.

One of the many variants of fate.

The source of your happiness.

2. Your man has bought glasses that he really likes, but obviously doesn't fit. Will you point it out?

Yes, you understand that you will be ashamed next to him in such glasses.

Yes. You want to help him look his best.

No, you are very afraid of offending him.

No. Your man has impeccable taste.

3. Would you like children from him?

Yes, but if he does not want children, then you will sacrifice your desire and refuse this idea.


Yes, you think he will be a good father.

Perhaps, but not now.

4. You and your boyfriend have the only day off of the week. You want to go to the cinema to see the premiere of a new melodrama, and he wants to go to the decisive football match. You don't like each other's ideas. Where will you end up going?

Persuade the chosen one to go to the cinema, because you have wanted it for so long, and this is also a premiere!

You won't go anywhere. If you can't come to an agreement, then it's better to spend time together at home.

For a football match. You really want to please your loved one and will do everything to make him feel good with you.

Everyone will go where they want, and in the evening, devote time to each other.

5. What do you think about the shortcomings of your man?

You are sure that your man has no minuses and he is always right.

You try to accept all the negative traits of a man, because no one is perfect.

You do not like some of the qualities of your chosen one, because of which you sometimes quarrel, but in general you are optimistic about everything.

You think that he will change for the better as soon as his feelings become more serious or you move on to the next stage of the relationship (cohabitation, marriage or the birth of a child, for example).

6. Do you have secrets from your man?

Yes, you don't talk about certain things so as not to disturb your loved one.

Yes, everyone has skeletons in their closet.

No, you feel obliged to tell him absolutely everything, even though you let him have his secrets.

Not at all. If you didn’t say something, it means that you simply didn’t remember or there was no right moment.

7. Can you remember how your feelings for him developed from the very first meeting?

At first you tried to get to know him better, but when feelings appeared, you went into these emotions with your head.

Nothing special, just got to know each other or you don't remember.

You've been eyeing him for a while, trying not to rush things.

You felt from the very first sight that this is your man, and fell in love.

8. There is nothing to eat at home, your man is hungry, and you are exhausted after work and do not want to cook dinner. How will you do it?

Offer to order takeaway or dine at a cafe.

You're going to cook anyway. Your man should always be fed.

Do nothing. If he is hungry, he may well cook something for himself.

Do something very easy on a quick hand so as not to disappoint your boyfriend.

9. He swore he would call you at lunchtime. It's almost evening and still no call. Your thoughts?

Be offended because he didn't keep his promise.

You will be very worried. Did something happen to him? Or is he offended by you for something?

You will think that he just got busy and forgot. Call him yourself.

Well, I didn't call, so I didn't call. You will quickly forget, as you have enough things to do.

10. Can you admit the thought of cheating on your man?

No, you are afraid to even imagine betrayal towards him. He's the very best.

No, you think that betrayal is below your dignity.

If you're in trouble, you'll be happy to try your luck with another guy.

Only if he changes you or hurts you very badly.

11. You went to the store together to buy you a dress. After inspecting the goods, it turned out that you and your chosen one chose two different options. And each of you is not satisfied with the choice of the other. How will you do it?

Buy the dress he likes. You want to always be the most beautiful in his eyes.

Buy the dress you like best. After all, it's up to you to wear it.

Buy both to please yourself and him.

Go to another store to find a dress that you both like.

12. He had a bad day and took it out on you. What is your reaction?

Silently slam the door. You don't have to listen to it.

Let it cool down and then calmly ask what's wrong.

You will justify him and try to please him so that he feels better as soon as possible.

You will burst into tears or start shouting at him in response, because you are offended.

13. Your former partner invited you to a business meeting and promises you a good job offer. Your current man doesn't like it. He asks you not to go. How will you do it?

Go to the meeting, but don't tell the guy about it so as not to upset him.

Explain that this is a good opportunity and offer to go together so that your man is less nervous.

Don't go because you don't want to do anything that might upset your boyfriend a little.

You will go no matter what. This is a very profitable meeting, and you are not going to lose the chance just because someone is too jealous.

14. Your best friend didn't like your man very much. She hints that it would be better for you to leave. What is your reaction?

Seriously think about her words and become more careful to look at a friend or move away from him.

Gently tell her that this relationship concerns only you and your man, and you will solve your problems yourself.

Quarrel with her, because your boyfriend is very good. And in general, she most likely just sunk into him herself and wants to beat him off.

Try to convince your friend that she is wrong, list the pluses of your chosen one.

15. Imagine that he has made the decision to leave you. How will you react?

Get upset, but soon forget about it. The sea is still full of fish.

It seems to you that life is over and no longer makes sense.

It will be hard for you to come to your senses, but you will thank him for everything that was, and try to move on.

You will have a tantrum, you will try to do your best to keep him close to you.

16. He forgot about the anniversary of your acquaintance and came home without a present. What do you think?

You are not particularly offended, because, to be honest, you yourself forgot about it.

Be a little upset, but remind him of the date and suggest that together they decide how they can spend the rest of the evening to celebrate the anniversary.

Take offense. How could you forget such a day?!

Decide that it's your fault, because you didn't remind him, and he's been so busy lately and generally tired.

17. Your man has a bad cold, and you have to hand in an important project at work today. How will you do it?

What job?! Of course, you will stay with your loved one and will court him all day.

You will go to work, but you will write or call all the time and worry about how he is there without you.

Try to get time off from work. If it doesn't work out, then hand over the project, and then take off early and buy drugs on the way home.

Go to work. He's a big boy, he can heal himself.

18. You had an argument with a work colleague and now you are in a bad mood. Who will you first tell about the problem?

A friend or mother, because they understand you best.

To my man. You always share things like that with him and tell each other about how your day went.

Not to my boyfriend. He has enough problems of his own and you don't want to bother him.

Either a man or a girlfriend - depending on who you see first or who calls first.

19. Did you tell your parents about him?

No, and you haven't thought about doing it yet.

Yes, you immediately said that you had met the man of your dreams.

Yes, but not immediately, but when your feelings become more serious.

Yes, but rather because you tell them everything.

20. Imagine that you don't like his friends. What will you do?

You will often point out to him that his friends are a bad influence on him, and you wish him the best.

You will say this directly and avoid meeting them.

You think that such a situation is impossible by itself, because he chooses the best.

Say that you don't really like his friends, but he has the right to decide with whom he communicates and with whom he does not.

Jealousy test or how jealous are you?

Absolutely all people sometimes experience jealousy. But everyone has their own - someone has more, someone less, some - only to a loved one, others - to everyone in a row. Someone is jealous of even a personal thing, while someone is ready for a free relationship with certain rules. The jealousy test will show your level of this feeling, as well as how well you control it.

1. How will you behave if your couple suddenly starts flirting with someone else?

Talk about this situation at home, away from prying eyes.

Don't say anything.

Angrily express in front of a stranger what you think about all this.

2. Your couple is invited to a hen/stag party, where 100% will be a striptease. What is your reaction?

Let go, but you will call and worry.

Let go with peace of mind, let him have some fun.

You will demand that he/she does not go there.

3. How would you react if your partner expressed a desire to communicate with their exes?

They would get angry, start a quarrel, believing that this is a personal insult to you.

They would explain that you don't particularly like it, but they would hardly insist on stopping such communication.

Would have reacted with indifference. He/she has every right to communicate with whomever he wants.

4. Do you believe in friendship between men and women?

Only if both have their own partners.

Yes, and such friendship is even better and stronger.

No. Passion, love, sex, hatred are possible between them, but not friendship.

5. Have you ever had a public row because of jealousy?

Yes, you did, but you had a terrible day and it just piled up.


Yes, it happened more than once.

6. How do you feel about your partner's past?

Sometimes you think about the past of your couple, but rather in order to see the mistakes in those relationships and avoid them in yours.

You don't care at all.

You don't like the idea that your partner had someone other than you, and you often think about it.

7. Have you ever rummaged through your partner's gadgets looking for evidence of infidelity?

It happened once or twice, but you are not proud of it.

Yes, you think you did the right thing by trying to find out if he/she is doing something behind your back.


8. Have you been cheated on in the past (not necessarily by your current partner)?



You never thought.

9. Have you ever been told that you are very jealous?

It was, but rarely and for obvious reasons.

No, you are generally considered a non-confrontational and calm person.

Yes, you hear that often.

10. You don't particularly like the fact that your partner communicates with the opposite sex (without flirting). Will you tell him/her about it?

Whatever you say! Such sociability usually ends badly.

No, let him guess.

You will say it, but try to convey it calmly.

11. Your partner stayed at work for an hour or two all week, arguing that he needed to finish an important project. What do you think about it?

Try to understand and help in any way you can (make dinner, take a bath, etc.).

You won't be too upset, because you will spend time alone with your own benefit.

We should check the name of this “project”.

12. Your best friend refused to go to the movies with you. And on the day of the movie premiere, you saw him/her with another person. What is your reaction?

You are very offended and angry because you were exchanged for someone else.

Let him go with whomever he wants - his/her right.

You'll meet later and ask who it was because you're curious.

13. Someone called your partner in the middle of the night. Your thoughts?

“Probably just the wrong number.”

“It doesn't matter who is there. Rather, they would stop calling, I want to sleep. ”

"Surely this is a lover/mistress."

14. He/she sees friends for the third time in a week, although you have never even gone for a walk together. How will you behave?

Say nothing: if he wants to communicate with his friends, let him communicate.

Make a scandal. It hurts and hurts you to endure such an attitude.

State directly what you don't like and ask for a meeting.

15. Could you get into a fight or even just push a too obsessive opponent or rival?

Yes, you could show me who's in charge here.

Only in a fit of very strong emotions or for the sake of protecting a partner.

Under no circumstances would you do that.

16. Did you intentionally introduce your girlfriends/friends to him/her?


No, you don't see the point in that.

No, suddenly they will take away more, let your friends remain only with you.

17. How often do you call your partner to check where he is and with whom?

If you have doubts about fidelity, you will call very often.

You rarely call first.

A couple of times a day, no more.

18. You seriously suspect him/her of cheating. How will you behave further?

Try to calmly discuss the topic and find out the truth.

Do nothing, time will tell.

Arrange a scene of jealousy, you will ask for all the details.

19. At the party, your couple was invited to a slow dance. How will you react?

Don't let him/her go anywhere. Nothing to dance with others.

Release with a promise that the next dance will be yours or that you will also go dancing with someone.

Quietly let go, you didn't really want to dance anyway.

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