Do i have a phobia of needles quiz

CTRN: Change That's Right Now


Online Test

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Aichmophobia Online Test

Complete this test to determine whether or not your case of needle phobia is severe.

You would need to see a doctor to be formally diagnosed an aichmophobe, this online test will quickly determine whether action is needed.

This online test is 7 quick and simple questions.

Trust your intuition. You’ll find you immediately know the answer to each, and trust what comes to you. Don’t ‘over-think’ it.

In a minute when you are done with the test we will give you immediate results and some recommendations. The good news is that no matter the result, needle phobia can always be overcome.


How anxious do you feel when you think about needles or pins?

A.     Extremely anxious

B.     Very anxious

C.     Somewhat anxious

D.     A little

E.     Not at All

Here, give your first, instinctive answer to the question:
Out of 10 how serious is your needle phobia?

A.     9 or 10

B.     7 or 8

C.     5 or 6

D.     3 or 4

E.     1 or 2

How bad are your symptoms of needle phobia?

A.     The symptoms are really bad and I have used drugs

B.     The symptoms are really bad but I've avoided using meds

C.     The symptoms are uncomfortable and I've used drugs

D.     The symptoms are uncomfortable but I've not used meds

E.     I don't really experience significant symptoms

Do you dramatize situations involving needles or pins in your mind… Do you see pictures or movies, or hear self-talk or other dialog in your mind?

A.     Yes, all the time and the feelings are powerful

B.     Sometimes and the feelings are bad when I do

C.     Sometimes, but the feelings aren't that bad

D.     A little

E.     Never

To what degree has this issue impacted your relationship with your family, friends & co-workers. Do you find it difficult to explain what you are going through, or even keep it a secret?

A.     Extreme impact on relationships

B.     Significant impact

C.     It has made things difficult at times

D.     A little, not too bad

E.     None

Overall, when you think about the impact this is having in your life how bad is the problem?

A.     It's ruining my life

B.     It has considerable impact and has to be dealt with

C.     Life would be a lot better without it

D.     Its not great but I'm OK

E.     No impact really

In our experience, clients who overcome this experience benefits in many areas of their lives, not just in situations that used to make them aichmophobic. Even if you were only to get rid of needle phobia, how much better would things be?

A.     Dramatically better. This will be a huge change for me

B.     A very big improvement

C.     A significant relief. These situations are very uncomfortable for me

D.     Better

E.     It wouldn't really make much difference

You have finished the quiz.

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CTRN: Change That's Right Now


Online Test

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Trypanophobia Online Test

The purpose of this test is to give a quick indication of whether this trypanophobia is serious, to help you decide what action, if any, you should take.

To get a medical diagnosis of trypanophobia, of course, you would need to speak with your physician. But this test can give you a good indication of whether or not you should be taking some kind of action.

There are 7 questions that make up this online test.

Trust your intuition. You’ll find you immediately know the answer to each, and trust what comes to you. Don’t ‘over-think’ it.

The good news is that no matter how serious your Trypanophobia, it can now be overcome surprisingly quickly and easily.


How anxious do you feel when you think about injections?

A.     Extremely anxious

B.     Very anxious

C.     Somewhat anxious

D.     A little

E.     Not at All

Here, give your first, instinctive answer to the question:
Out of 10 how serious is your trypanophobia?

A.     9 or 10

B.     7 or 8

C.     5 or 6

D.     3 or 4

E.     1 or 2

How bad are your symptoms of trypanophobia?

A.     The symptoms are really bad and I have used drugs

B.     The symptoms are really bad but I've avoided using meds

C.     The symptoms are uncomfortable and I've used drugs

D.     The symptoms are uncomfortable but I've not used meds

E.     I don't really experience significant symptoms

Do you dramatize situations involving injections in your mind… Do you see pictures or movies, or hear self-talk or other dialog in your mind?

A.     Yes, all the time and the feelings are powerful

B.     Sometimes and the feelings are bad when I do

C.     Sometimes, but the feelings aren't that bad

D.     A little

E.     Never

To what degree has this issue impacted your relationship with your family, friends & co-workers. Do you find it difficult to explain what you are going through, or even keep it a secret?

A.     Extreme impact on relationships

B.     Significant impact

C.     It has made things difficult at times

D.     A little, not too bad

E.     None

Overall, when you think about the impact this is having in your life how bad is the problem?

A.     It's ruining my life

B.     It has considerable impact and has to be dealt with

C.     Life would be a lot better without it

D.     Its not great but I'm OK

E.     No impact really

In our experience, clients who overcome this experience benefits in many areas of their lives, not just in situations that used to make them trypanophobic. Even if you were only to get rid of trypanophobia, how much better would things be?

A.     Dramatically better. This will be a huge change for me

B.     A very big improvement

C.     A significant relief. These situations are very uncomfortable for me

D.     Better

E.     It wouldn't really make much difference

You have finished the quiz.

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What a horror! Define your phobia

What a horror! Define your phobia

We are all afraid of something: someone - to fly, and someone - to ride elevators. Such phobias are understandable, because to some extent all this poses a threat to life. However, there are irrational fears - strange and completely inexplicable. For example, Alfred Hitchcock was afraid of eggs, and Nikola Tesla was afraid of pearls. We have compiled a joke test that will determine your secret phobia.

Start test


You have two hours of free time. Where are you sure you won't go?

To a party To a new automated co-working space with a gadget at every turn To a date To any public place Where there is no connection and electricity


You are stuck in an elevator with 5 people. What worries you the most in this situation?

They move and dance out of boredom The fact that my phone will soon run out of power The fact that they are looking at me Everyone is buried in their gadgets Maybe I will like one of these people


Which accommodation would you definitely not choose?

Just not some "smart house" An apartment on the ground floor. They will constantly look through the windows! House / apartment in a party area. Dance every day! Go crazy An apartment in a house where a pretty neighbor or neighbor lives. A house in the mountains or in the forest. There is no communication, no comfortable conditions there. There are a lot of people and views ... robots will be the waiters ... there will be dancing (and they will start, so it's better not to come) ... I'll like someone


What do you think is strange?

The fact that people in the age of technology live without gadgetsThe fact that people are constantly looking at each otherDancing. Why not just listen to music? Why is it necessary to move under it? Any kind of romantic acquaintances: in dating applications or in real life That a person cannot spend a single second without his gadget!


Your perfect day off is over

Alone anywhere In silence: you can go to nature, or you can go to the museum In nature In a trendy coworking place With good friends


You want a radical change in your life. However, what are you sure you won't do?

Become an artist, politician, public speaker or any celebrity I'm definitely not going to be a hermit in the mountains Becoming a dancer... Not going to master any digital professions Meet anyone worries about everything…

In general, everything. The zoom calls themselves, gadgets in general The need to turn on the camera The fact that my gadget can run out of power, but there is no charge Extra movements of my interlocutors, especially dance ones The fact that I will have to get to know someone


How do you see the post-apocalyptic dystopian world?

Robots rule the world A world where an endless music and dance party takes place! There is not a single gadget left in the world, we have returned to life before civilization Millions of people are in the same bunker and do not have the opportunity to retire All happy and in love

TEST: What is your phobia?

Where do you want to go right now?

What do you do in your free time?

I sit at home alone, read books, watch TV

It is not very comfortable for me to sit at home, I try to get out somewhere I don't like being outside

If you have an hour of free time, where would you definitely NOT go?

To the city center, where there are always crowds of tourists

I will definitely not wander aimlessly along the street

To the zoo

I don't know, but I'm definitely not going to sit somewhere in the building, I'd rather get some air

When can you suddenly feel your weakness and vulnerability?

If the weather is bad, everything around is gray, there is no mood

If, for example, I encounter a boss

When I see something that I cannot control

Sometimes it seems to me that everything around me is somehow pressing on me

Do you like going to the mall?

All right. I travel in transport, so the crowd is not terrible for me

Only if in the morning or on weekdays, when there are not very many people

No, thanks, I'm very uncomfortable there

Everything is OK until someone appears on the horizon with a barking hairy creature on a leash

Choose the scariest one for you horror:

Cabin in the Woods

The Walking Dead

Van Helsing


You're choosing a new apartment, but then you notice something that makes you decide not to. What could it be?

Cobwebs in the corner

Low ceilings

Noisy neighbors

Windows do not close well

In the middle of the night you can wake up from the fact that:

It was raining heavily

dreamed that my apartment came to life

One of the relatives came into the room

How do you usually sleep?

I cover my legs with a blanket, that's enough

I usually sleep without a blanket, only if it's very cold

When the light is on, nothing is scary

I wrap myself in a blanket from head to toe

Which of these do you think is the height of stupidity?

When a person cannot spend even a minute without his phone

Go camping for a week, live in a tent and without a soul

Have forty cats

Stay at home in elephant weather

In childhood, everyone wrote an essay on the topic "Who am I I will when I grow up. " Let's think about who you don't want to be?

Everyone wanted to become astronauts, but I'm not one of them

Trainer - too exotic

Teacher - clearly not my profession

Being a climber means being crazy

Fear associated with space

Obsessive fears associated with space are one of the most common phobias. It can be claustrophobia, and fear of open spaces, heights, and even anxiety at the sight of hospitals. A person with this fear is forced to resort to avoidance behavior, which leads to a decrease in the number of social contacts, limiting the "comfort" zone, complete or partial isolation. With such a phobia, you can and should fight using various psychotherapy techniques. Tell your friends about your fear, they should know how to keep you calm!

Fear associated with society

Social phobia is one of the most common among all kinds of mental disorders. This group of fears includes the fear of the crowd, men, women or children. It is expressed in the fear of society, in fear of performing social activities or performing any actions in front of many people, getting their negative assessment or facing negative emotions in their address. With such a phobia, you can and should fight using various psychotherapy techniques. Tell your friends about your fear, they should know how to keep you calm!

Fear of animals

Zoophobia, the fear of animals, is one of the largest groups of phobic disorders. Naturally, fears of representatives of the animal world are easily explained. Our ancestors quite rightly feared meeting with predators, because it could threaten their lives. This reaction was fixed on a subconscious level, and our contemporaries, who live in cities and do not run the risk of encountering a dangerous animal, can experience real horror and bouts of irrational fear at the mere thought of “our smaller brothers” - from insects to completely peaceful pets. With such a phobia, you can and should fight using various psychotherapy techniques Tell your friends about your fear, they should know how to keep you calm

Fear of natural phenomena

Fear of nature is quite easy to explain.

Learn more