How to spell manipulative
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[ muh-nip-yuh-ley-tiv, -yuh-luh-tiv ]
/ məˈnɪp yəˌleɪ tɪv, -yə lə tɪv /
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influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others for one’s own purposes: a manipulative boss.
of or relating to manipulation of objects or parts of the body; serving to manipulate: spinal manipulative therapy.
Usually manipulatives . any of various objects or materials that students can touch and move around in order to help them learn mathematical and other concepts:the use of blocks, flashcards, and other manipulatives in the classroom.
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Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Origin of manipulative
First recorded in 1815–20; manipulat(e) + -ive
OTHER WORDS FROM manipulative
ma·nip·u·la·tive·ly, adverbWords nearby manipulative
maniple, manipulable, manipular, manipulate, manipulation, manipulative, manipulator, Manipur, Manisa, Man is the measure of all things, manit Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
Words related to manipulative
canny, considerate, devious, scheming, shrewd, wily, contriving, designing, guarded, premeditating, artful, careful, cautious, chary, circumspect, crafty, cunning, discreet, gingerly, guileful
How to use manipulative in a sentence
It’s time for platforms to take note and take responsibility for these needed changes, and opportunities will arise for smaller, emerging platforms taking a different, less-manipulative approach.
3 reforms social media platforms should make in light of ‘The Social Dilemma’|Walter Thompson|October 22, 2020|TechCrunch
They should review their most manipulative technologies that cause isolation, depression and other issues and instead find ways to promote community, progressive action and other positive attributes.
3 reforms social media platforms should make in light of ‘The Social Dilemma’|Walter Thompson|October 22, 2020|TechCrunch
Both search engines use the BERT algorithm – which means keyword stuffing, manipulative link-building schemes, and other questionable tactics won’t work.
Five excellent tips to optimize SEO for Bing – not Google|Justin Staples|October 16, 2020|Search Engine Watch
You could view the male mouse’s pheromones as merely communicative, or look deeper and see them as manipulative.
The Dark Side of Smart - Facts So Romantic|Diana Fleischman|September 15, 2020|Nautilus
At last, the microblogging platform got updated and any information that was verified as false or manipulative gets instantly deleted.
How Twitter is contributing to support masses during the Coronavirus outbreak|Harry Liam|May 22, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Many say the adopted children are so manipulative that parents are seen as predators by counselors or social workers.
Judge: Rehoming Kids Is Trafficking|Tina Traster|December 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And for the sin of being manipulative or hurting others to protect our own egos.
Jews and Non-Jews Need to Repent for the Sins of the U.S. and Israel|Rabbi Michael Lerner|September 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In order for the populace to lead balanced and productive lives, manipulative forces must provide scripted risk.
They Saw Our Sports Problem Coming|T.D. Thornton|September 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Nobody doubts his manipulative skills or his single-minded agenda to advance the interests of the corporation he created.
Murdoch on the Rocks: How a Lone Reporter Revealed the Mogul's Tabloid Terror Machine|Clive Irving|August 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Game of Thrones had an overly sensual libertine while House of Cards had a manipulative psychopath.
It Ain't Easy Being Bisexual on TV|Amy Zimmerman|August 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And Renaissance Europe thought this a small price to pay for manipulative perfection.
The Stones of Venice, Volume III (of 3)|John Ruskin
One aspect of play particularly should have a large place in education; namely, the manipulative tendencies of children.
The Science of Human Nature|William Henry Pyle
Even greater manipulative and horticultural skill was represented in the chrysanthemums I saw at the Imperial garden party.
The Foundations of Japan|J.W. Robertson Scott
Consequently the slide-maker must sedulously cultivate cleanliness and manipulative care.
The Barnet Book of Photography|Various
However, whatever be the manipulative processes, the result is the same, and appears to be extremely satisfactory.
British Manufacturing Industries|L. Arnoux
Manipulative Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
ma·nip·u·la·tive mə-ˈni-pyə-ˌlā-tiv
: of, relating to, or performed by manipulation
Osteopathy emphasizes manipulative techniques to correct abnormalities thought to cause disease and inhibit recovery. Carol L. Otis et al.
especially : serving or intended to control or influence others in an artful and often unfair or selfish way
a clever and manipulative child
manipulative behavior
Simpleminded as his critics found his ideas and remarks, cynical and manipulative as he may have been in actuality, he seemed to believe every word he said. Arthur Miller
manipulatively adverb
manipulativeness noun
Word History
First Known Use
1834, in the meaning defined above
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The first known use of manipulative was in 1834
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“Manipulative. ” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 10 Dec. 2022.
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27. Manipulative techniques in PR practice
Manipulation - view hidden psychological impact to control human behavior.
Manipulator task not only to hide true purpose, but also to hide the very existence of manipulation. The person being manipulated must to think that he himself wanted to do what What does the manipulator want from him?
So any manipulation has two purposes: the first is the management of people's behavior, second, people should not realize that their behavior is controlled.
TARGET FIRST: PERCEPTION. Unlike feelings, which reflect only certain aspects objects and phenomena (shape, color, sounds, changes in space and time and etc.), perception forms a holistic image. . Often on the TV screen you can see a man in a bathrobe and white hat that talks about advantages of another panacea. How as a rule, this person is an ordinary actor. Or, at worst, a photogenic manager PR agencies. But in context with white with a dressing gown he creates a false reality: the viewer perceives his words as doctor's advice. Next, the installation installed in our consciousness yet ancient philosophers: EXPERTO CREDITE - "trust knowledgeable". The key word here is "trust!". It is for this that PR people pay money. A similar approach - name of domestic product production is written in a foreign language. The product is perceived as imported - for many, this is a guarantee of high quality. Another option is to refer to an undefined authority. Who among us has not heard of that "scientists have established", "research showed", "experts say". The following information is perceived as an established fact, but with facts as you know, arguing is stupid.
It should be noted one more moment. There is some minimum level of external influence, which can be perceived and processed brain. This is the so-called threshold. perception. It is defined by two main factors: brain activity (in the state of sleep, perception drops sharply) and attention.
TARGET TWO: ATTENTION. Any kind of mental activities aimed at any an object. Man perceives, imagines, remembers something. Such attention there is no object. It regulates the degree intensity of mental processes: we are watching closely we think. The level of attention depends on human needs - he draws attention to what is important to him and ignores irrelevant details. The efforts of PR specialists are directed mainly to grab and hold attention. People are known to pay attention everything unusual and non-standard. It is difficult for a person to immediately form image of an extraordinary situation, get the answer to the question: "What is it?". To figure out what's going on, compelled to continue to perceive, to raise its intensity. In modern advertising we often see tricks like deliberate spelling and logical errors: "inverted" words, replacement of letters Russian alphabet in Latin. Sometimes overkill happens. Recently PR people have adopted such technique as "crisis imitation". Rumor has it that the company there were serious problems. Attention the press is provided - the best information reason than a crisis situation, not come up with.
And readers love scandals than stories of labor victories. Subsequently, the information either "turns out false" and easily refuted, or The company is reported to have successfully dealt with the crisis. In both cases attention problem solved.
TARGET THREE: IMAGINATION. Imagination is a factory new images. building material serve as images that already exist in memory. When for the functioning of the logical and emotional spheres lack images, created by perception, this deficit filled with imagination. Range images, in terms of their correspondence reality, infinite: from absolutely fantastic (anyone saw, for example, the Serpent Gorynych?) before quite real. To create illusory comparisons are often used with an undefined standard. Is being done a statement that our product is better, and not specifies which is better.
Another path of influence on imagination - artificial formation states of dissatisfaction. Using manipulative techniques, can be forced a person to want what is really he does not want.