Casual conversation starters
166 Conversation Starters For Virtually Any Situation
A good conversation starter can transform an awkward, stilted conversation into an interesting, enjoyable discussion.
That's important in sales, as having several conversation starters up your sleeve will help you form connections with prospects, referrals, and potential partners. In other words, your ability to start a conversation translates to real business.
Take a look at our list of 166 conversation starters and find your favorite one-liner to kick start your next conversation.
Table of Contents
Conversation Topics
Conversation Starters to Use at a Conference
Conversation Starters to Use at an Industry Event
Conversation Starters to Use at a Networking Happy Hour
Conversation Starters to Use at a Social Event
Questions to Start a Conversation
General Conversation Starters
- What's the most interesting thing you've read lately?
- What's a fact about you that's not on the internet?
- Do you listen to any podcasts? Which ones?
- If you were in charge of the playlist, which song would you play next?
- What's the best gift you've ever gotten?
- What's your favorite part about living in [city]? Least favorite?
- Are there any common misconceptions about your job?
- Why did you come tonight?
- If you had to sum up this event in three words, which would they be?
- Are there any upcoming events you're planning on going to?
- What conference — real or imaginary — would you absolutely hate to miss?
- If you were giving a presentation, what would the topic be?
- Great [shoes/haircut/shirt]! Where'd you get it?
- I'm trying to plan my next trip — have you traveled anywhere interesting lately?
What makes a good conversation starter? While there isn't an exact formula, you can tailor your questions for different situations. For instance, the conversation starters you use with your friends will differ from, say, your boss.
Here are the common types of questions:
- Open-ended: A broad, open-ended question typically generates a far more engaging answer than a closed, yes-or-no one.
- Non-routine: Breaking out of the standard weather and job-related questions will jolt the person you're talking to out of autopilot. You'll also make yourself more memorable.
- Professional: Some topics are more suited for your friends and family than strangers or near-strangers. Your questions should never make your conversational partner uncomfortable.
- Relevant: If you can, start a conversation about something timely or specific, such as your location, event, industry, jobs, or current interests. The other person will find it easier to contribute.
Conversation Topics
So, you want to start a conversation. But what should you talk about? Here are some topics to kick off a conversation.
If you're attending a conference or event, you can ask questions about the event itself, its location, your industry, the other person's objectives, what they've learned, and more.
At an industry event, talk about the latest news or technology in your industry. Ask how your industry is evolving, and what changes people are most excited about.
Is a person using a phone, tablet, or electronic device you're interested in? Ask them about it.
Ask if they recommend any books, blogs, podcasts, or videos. You might find a mutual interest that you can talk about.
Fun Facts
Start conversations about where they work, their favorite food and restaurants in the area, or chat about something they learned recently. Fun facts are ideal for networking events or happy hours.
To start great conversations, borrow from this list of 166 conversation starters.
Conversation Starters to Use at a Conference
Conferences are chock-full of opportunities to ask thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging questions. You can discuss the specific event, its location, your industry, the other person's objectives, what they've learned, and more.
Keith Grehan, an account manager in HubSpot's Dublin office says:
"I approach conference introductions the same way I approach outbound calls, by having a reason to call/initiate the conversation. Ideally, I'd know something about the prospect, their company and the challenge/hot topics in their industry and use that as a jumping off point. If, however, I was at an event and didn't have a chance to complete prior research, I introduce myself and ask, ‘What are you hoping to get from the day?' It's a great place to start."
- Which [speaker/panel] are you most excited for?
- Which [speaker/panel] did you most enjoy? Which did you find the most useful?
- If you could meet one speaker from this event, who would it be?
- If you could have your entire company watch a single session from this event, which would it be?
- If you were giving a presentation, what would the topic be?
- How does this conference compare to others you've attended?
- If you were running this conference, what would you do differently?
- What did you think of the talk [length, structure, style]?
- Have you gone to this conference before? What's changed?
- What's the most surprising thing you've learned? (If the conference isn't over, add "so far?")
- Why did you decide to attend?
- Are you planning on coming back next year?
- Are you here with other people? Do you prefer going to conferences solo or with a group?
- Are you doing any non-conference activities while you're here? (Alternatively: "Did you fit in any non-conference activities?")
- Is this your first time in [city]? What do you think of it?
- Are you from the area? (If yes: "Do you have any [food, museum, shopping, music] recommendations?" If no: "Where are you from?")
- Do you think the conference could benefit from being a day [shorter, longer]? Why?
- I wonder how many people would have attended this conference eight years ago — what do you think?
- I wonder how many people will attend this conference in eight years — what do you think?
- Do you go to a lot of conferences?
- What's the first conference you ever attended?
- Would your company ever host a conference? (Or if they're from a large organization: "Does your company host conferences?")
- What conference — real or imaginary — would you absolutely hate to miss?
- Do you think [industry] needs more conferences? Less?
- What's the primary reason you chose to attend [conference name]?
- Do you have any plans to explore [city]?
- What's your biggest takeaway from [speaker/panel]?
- Will you come back to this event next year?
- Have you met/seen any of the speakers before?
Conversation Starters to Use at an Industry Event
Attending a highly specific event like a forum comes with some advantages. For one, you usually have a pretty good sense of which roles and interests the other attendees hold. When you're blanking on topics, use this information.
- Have you been to any events hosted by [organizer] before?
- Why'd you decide to come to this forum?
- Is [theme of event] a major professional focus of yours?
- Why do you think they chose this specific theme?
- By any chance, have you read anything good about [theme of event]?
- Do you attend any other forums?
- Are there any upcoming events you're planning on going to?
- Had you heard of [speaker] before this?
- Why do you think they chose [speaker]?
- Have you ever organized an event like this? What surprised you about running the scenes?
- If you could only remember one fact or insight from this [morning, afternoon, evening], what would it be?
- What were your thoughts on [specific point speaker made]?
- Do you have any predictions for how the discussion will go? (Or if the event is wrapping up: "Did the discussion meet your expectations?")
- You look so familiar! Did you go to [previous event]?
- What are your favorite and least favorite things about working in [industry]?
- How long have you been in [industry]? Have there been any significant changes since you entered this space?
- If you could spend an entire day talking to any expert in our industry, who would it be?
- If you were in charge of this forum, and you had an unlimited budget, what would you do differently?
- Did you disagree with any of the points made?
- Did this event change how you think about [industry] and/or your role in [industry]?
- Do you frequently go to these types of events?
- How'd you learn about this forum?
- I'm in the market for a new [phone, computer, notebook, etc.
], and I noticed you're using an [iPhone 12, Moleskine notebook, etc.] — would you recommend it?
- If you had to sum up this event in three words, which would they be?
- What new projects do you have lined up?
- Which skills in [industry] do you think will be most in demand in the next five years?
- Do you listen to any [industry]-specific podcasts?
- Where do you like to get your [industry]-related news?
Conversation Starters to Use at a Networking Happy Hour
Socializing with strangers who already express an interest in connecting is always a little easier — or at least, more relaxed — at the end of the day. And, in the case that the majority of attendees are local, you've got a ton of built-in questions about the city, how long they've lived here, what they like to do in the area, and so on at your disposal.
As a general rule, your questions should be a little lighter than the ones you'd use at a conference or speaker event. Happy hours are for mixing work and play, so match your tone accordingly.
Grehan has advice for those preparing for networking happy hours as well. He says:
"At a happy hour, it's important to be more informal. People have had a long day of research and attending seminars, so having someone open with a different topic than the event or what they do for a living can be a breath of fresh air. If anything funny happened or if something didn't go well during the event, a joke about it is a good opener -- nothing brings people together like complaining after a long day!"
- What's keeping you busy lately?
- Did you come here from work?
- What's your favorite part about living in [city]? Least favorite?
- What do you think of this venue?
- If you could only attend one type of networking function for the rest of your life, would you choose breakfasts or happy hours?
- Have you tried any of the food? What's good?
- What did you get done today?
- Why did you come tonight?
- How long have you lived in [city]?
- Why did you move to [city]?
- Do you think [city] is a place most people move to, or from?
- Where did you move to [city] from? What do you miss about your last town — and what were you happy to leave behind?
- If you could recommend only one [restaurant, coffee shop, bar] in [city], which one would you choose?
- As [day of the week]s go, how was yours? (For example, "Did you have a good Monday, as Mondays go?")
- At this time on a typical [day of the week], what would you be doing?
- I have a semi-important decision to make, and I'd love your input: Should I have [appetizer #1] or [appetizer #2]?
- I just learned "happy hours" were invented in the 1920s on naval ships.
To make sea life a little less boring, sailors got daily breaks for wrestling and boxing matches. Do you prefer the modern or original version?
- If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
- What's the last new skill you learned?
- Are there any skills you thought would be crucial to your job that turned out to be unimportant?
- Are there any common misconceptions about your job?
- I read an article claiming nowadays everyone has a side project (or four). Do you agree? Are you working on anything on the side?
- Wow, I see a lot of phones out — the email addiction is real! Do you think your company could survive if your CEO banned internal email?
- Do you think you're the only [title] in the room?
- If someone was making a movie about your current job, what genre would it be? What would they call it?
- I love your [tie/bracelet/shoe/attire]! Where did you get it from?
- What would you be doing at this time on a normal day?
- It's nice to meet you.
How has your day been?
- Wow, that drink looks good. What is it?
- What a great place for an event, right? Have you ever been here before?
Conversation Starters to Use at a Social Event
You might not think of your friend's BBQ or neighbor's block party as prime networking events — but as the most successful reps know, great sales opportunities can appear in unlikely places.
However, steer away from job, career, or industry-related questions. Since you're at a social event, less serious subjects are far more appropriate (and fun). Building rapport is your primary mission — after the party, you can figure out which new connections might benefit from your product.
- If you were in charge of the playlist, which song would you play next?
- You look like you could be in [random occupation]. Am I anywhere close?
- If there was $200 at stake, would you be willing to prepare the food using only lunch meat, the contents of the freezer, and basic kitchen staples?
- Have you tried any of the [appetizers, drinks, sides, etc.
]? Any recommendations?
- Do you have a signature drink? (Gesture to their glass.)
- Is your [day/night] going like you expected?
- Do you prefer hosting events or attending them?
- Games at parties: Yay, or nay? Why?
- Are you a cat or dog person? Do you have any pets?
- If you had to switch outfits with one person here, who would it be?
- Do you know most of the people here?
- If you could invite anyone to this party and they were guaranteed to show up, who would you ask?
- I'm trying to plan my next trip — have you traveled anywhere interesting lately?
- What do you think are the top three ingredients for a successful party?
- Would you rather only host fancy dinner parties or theme parties for the rest of your life?
- Great [shoes/haircut/shirt]! Where'd you get it?
- What are you reading?
- Are there any Netflix/Hulu/television series you'd recommend?
- If you were stuck on a desert island with four items of your choice from this room, what would you bring?
- What's the last movie you saw in theaters? Was it worth the trip?
- What do you not do? (Smile while you ask to show you're being humorous.
- Have you been to any great restaurants lately?
- Where's your favorite vacation spot?
- Got any fun plans for the weekend? I need some inspiration so I don't end up on the couch with some Netflix and Ben & Jerry's.
- Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin?
- Did you fulfill your childhood dream?
- What's the best gift you've ever gotten? My friend's birthday is coming up and I'd love some ideas.
- Are you looking forward to anything in the next few weeks?
- Are you looking forward to anything in the next few weeks?
- How do you know the host?
- Are you keeping up with [sports team/TV show/news] recently?
- Have you tried any new restaurants lately?
- [For couples] How did you two meet?
- Are you having a good time?
Questions to Start a Conversation
Sometimes, a simple introduction is the best way to proceed. But, then what? Open-ended questions are your friend, in these situations. Sales expert, and author of "Networking in the 21st Century," David J.P. Fisher explains his strategy for navigating professional gatherings:
"The most powerful way to start a conversation at industry events is the simplest: introduce yourself! Simply saying, ‘Hi, my name is ______' invites them to respond with their name, and now you have a conversation. It helps to have an open-ended question for follow up after that. Something like, ‘What do you think of the event so far?' or ‘Which has been your favorite session?' works well."
- What's the most interesting thing you've read lately?
- How many days do you think it takes you to scroll a mile on your phone? One day? One week?
- What's a fact about you that's not on the internet?
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- Do you have a go-to conversation starter for these types of events? What is it?
- Which blogs do you read?
- Do you listen to any podcasts? Which ones?
- You remind me of a celebrity, but I'm having trouble remembering their name… Whom are you normally compared to?
- Did you hear about the trend of dinner party hosts banning small talk? Would you ever try that?
- Would you recommend the last documentary you watched? Why or why not?
- What's something in your industry you consider underrated?
- What are your company's unique traditions?
- If you could only [read, watch, listen to] one genre of [books, shows, music] for the rest of your life, which would it be?
- On what topic do people always come to you with questions?
- If you could spend one month at any period in the past — and you were guaranteed not to suffer any harm or change the course of history -- when would it be?
- If you weren't in [X profession], which one would you be in?
- Who was your childhood hero?
- Do you have a secret talent?
- What's the best event freebie you've ever gotten?
- If you could publish a book on any subject, what would it be?
- Let's say you could invite any three people in [industry, role, organization] to dinner.
Who would you ask?
- What's the last thing you learned outside of work?
- How do you feel about unlimited vacation policies? Do you think they work as intended?
- What's one company perk you'd love to have?
- Have you taken any professional development courses lately?
- If you could be a fly on the wall for a C-suite meeting at any company, which company would it be?
- Do you prefer working remotely or in-person — and why?
- What's one thing you'd love to be an expert at?
- If there were no dress code, how would you dress for work?
- Tell me about the best boss you ever had — what made them so great?
- What’s the quality that people admire most about you?
- What is one non-work related goal that you would like to achieve in the next five years?
- Suppose you get to redecorate the conference room — what would you do?
The Ultimate Conversation Starter
Last but not least, the ultimate networking question that you can ask anyone, anywhere, anytime:
What do you love about what you do?
This question gives people the chance to dig into their passions — automatically putting them in a good mood and making them more likely to enjoy your conversation. Plus, it's a fresh twist on an old standby. You'll instantly stand out from the hordes of other people making small talk.
Topics: Building Rapport
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57 Killer Conversation Starters So You Can Talk to Anyone
Table of Contents
- Conversation Starters for Any Situation
- Keep the Conversation Going
- Take Your Conversation to a Deeper Level
- Conversation Starters for Work Appropriate Topics
- Conversation Starters for a First Date
- Conversation Starters for Kids
- Funny Conversation Starters
- Calendar Specific Conversation Starters
- Birthday Party Conversation Starters
- Tinder, Bumble and Other Dating Conversation Starters
- BONUS: How to Master Small Talk
How can you have dazzling conversations with everyone you meet? I have a few tips and tricks to using easy conversation starters that lead to amazing and memorable conversations.
A good conversation starter topic can make a normal conversation great. I have broken down this post into different types of conversational situations you might find yourself in. These conversation starters can help spark interesting, deep, and memorable conversations with anyone.
And while you’re at it, take this free conversation course on the go to level up your social skills along with your new conversation starters.
Learn the three steps to amazing conversation
Make every conversation count. Never have an awkward silence or boring conversation again. Discover our 3-step, science-backed formula to mastering conversation without losing your authenticity.
Conversation Starters for Any Situation
Let’s start with some killer conversation openers. These are great for simply opening a conversation with someone new or someone you haven’t seen in a while. And they’re far more interesting than the standard “Where are you from?” and “what do you do?” those are so boring. Try these instead.
- Tell me about you. This is a great one because it invites the other person to tell you something that they want to share. If they want to tell you about their job, they can. If they want to tell you about their kids, they can. And it’s a great way to know what’s at the top of someone’s mind.
- Working on anything exciting lately? This is my alternative to “what do you do?” Asking if someone is working on anything exciting helps the other person talk about something good in their life, as opposed to just giving you a boring update.
- What’s your story? This is an interesting conversation starter because it invites someone to tell you a story about them, and you never know what exciting thing they might tell you.
- What personal passion project are you working on right now? This is one of my favorites. You never know what secret side hustle someone has. I love asking this one to people I already know in one context, like work, but would love to know more about them personally.
- How do you know the host? This one can be modified to any kind of event. If you are at a party, hopefully you both have the host in common. If you are at a networking or work event, you can modify it to “How long have you been a part of this organization?”
- What was the highlight of your day today? This is a nice alternative to asking “how are you?” and it gets more interesting answers.
- What was the highlight of your week? This is a great one to ask instead of the standard question “How are you?” or “How’s it going?” It helps people share a positive story instead of just giving an autopilot answer of “Fine” or “Good.”
- Have you been to an event like this before? This one can be modified for most types of events, from birthday parties (did you come last year?) to networking events (do you come every month?).
- What was the high-point and low-point of your day so far? This one is great if you have a talker.
If you are speaking with an extrovert, asking questions for them to ruminate and expand on will tickle their fancy. Extroverts love this question.
- Has this been a busy time for you? I don’t always like to ask people about being busy, but I use this conversation starter if someone seems distracted or not engaged. Sometimes acknowledging their busy-ness can hook them in.
- How’s that drink / appetizer / artwork / game? One of my favorite context cues is asking about whatever someone is holding or doing. Ask them about their wine. Ask them if they like the artwork they are looking at. Ask them if the food is good. These are very easy openers.
- Having fun? A really easy cold approach opener is to look for someone who is by themself, but looks like they are having an okay time. It’s easy to sit next to someone at a table, or stand next to someone at the bar and simply ask, “Having a good time?” or “Enjoying yourself?” It’s a nicer opener than just “How are you?”
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Keep the Conversation Going
Okay, those are my twelve killer openers. How about getting more personal? My next set of conversation starters are to help you continue the conversation.
- What are you doing this weekend? Ever had that awkward lull in a conversation? This conversation starter is always welcome. And, if it is a Monday or Tuesday, you can modify it to ask “Did you do anything fun this past weekend?” Sometimes, I also try “What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?”
- What are your favorite restaurants around here? I almost always ask for personal recommendations. They make great conversation starters. Why? I always get great tips! And if someone doesn’t have an answer because they are new to a city, you can talk about where they came from. Win-win!
- Keeping up with __sport / tv show / news__ recently? If you are up to date on news or sports, you could also ask your partner if they keep up as well. If so, great, you have a lot in common.
If not, you can tell them about it!
- Can you recommend any unique cocktails / appetizers / desserts here? Another great way to get recommendations is asking what to order or grab from the buffet. If they haven’t eaten yet, you can go grab some food together.
- All the food looks so good… I’m not sure what to get! What are you thinking? Or what have you tried? A variation of asking for a recommendation is asking simply for advice on what to order. Even at networking events, you can walk up to the bar to get recommendations.
- What a beautiful / cool / ugly / bizarre venue. Have you been here before? One thing you will always have wherever you are, is context. Whether you are in a house, a restaurant, or a ballroom, there is always something unique to comment on and ask about.
- Did you see that viral ____ YouTube video? It was all over my social media today. If there is a great video you just watched, bring it up.
If they have seen it you can laugh together. If they haven’t, you can show them!
- I’m making a coffee / going to grab a drink, does anyone else want one? This one is fantastic because you can use this to address an entire group–maybe your new team on your first day at a new job, or a group of people you are sitting with for a presentation at a conference. This can be a good way to test the water and open up further conversation with the people who join you on your coffee run.
When in doubt, if you feel a little awkward asking personal questions right out of the gate, use your environment and surroundings to create conversation. Comment on the food and drinks. Ask about the venue or location. You also can ask general interest questions, such as their favorite sports team or YouTube video.
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Take Your Conversation to a Deeper Level
Now let’s get to the deep conversation starters.
Let’s say you have been speaking to someone for a while, or it is a friend you have seen many times before and you need MORE to talk about. These are my deep conversation starters. In my book Captivate, I break down every interaction into 3 phases. The first 5 minutes — this is during your first impression when you are getting to know someone. The first 5 hours — this is when you start meeting for coffee, working together, or going on dates. And last, the first 5 days –that’s when you truly find friends, partners, and long time colleagues. These questions will help transition you from the first 5 hours to the first 5 days.
- If you had to pick any character in a book, movie, or TV show who is most similar to you, who would you choose? Why? This is great if someone has just talked about an actor or book or movie. It tells you a lot about a person to hear which character they feel most like.
- When you were growing up, what was your dream job? Is any part of that still true? I love asking this one anytime someone has just mentioned something about their childhood or growing up.
It also helps you talk about whether their current job is similar to their original dream.
- What’s your biggest fear? Whew, this one is deep, but soooo good! It always sparks great conversation.
- What’s your biggest regret? Talking about regret can really help you get to know someone and their past. Only ask this if you really want to get to know someone!
- Who is your role model? If you are talking about an inspiring person, a boss, an author, or even a celebrity, you might be able to ask the person about their role model. This is a great way to talk about who inspires you too!
Remember: Be bold. Ask the deep stuff. If you are not real, the majority of conversations can hover on the surface-level topics. It’s refreshing to talk about more meaningful areas of our lives. It’s true, some of those conversation starters may be a bit forward, but if the conversation is progressing well, I encourage you to try them. You never know what you will find out!
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Conversation Starters for Work Appropriate Topics
The most successful professionals know how to both be productive at work and be likable. How can you do this? You have to use the right conversation starters to open genuine, authentic conversations in the office. I love all of the conversation starters I have already mentioned for trying with your office colleagues, but here are a few more.
- Is there a charitable cause you support? Sometimes at work all you talk about is… well… work. This question is great to learn what someone is passionate about outside of work. Make sure you have your favorite charity picked out before you ask so you have a great answer too!
- I’m a bit nervous about the _____. Have you ever done it before? Sharing personal information to others can increase how likable you are perceived to be, and can help form new social bonds.
You can use this trick to start a conversation at work with a colleague, and get some good advice on whatever challenge you’re currently facing–whether it’s a new piece of software or a difficult client.
- What has been the best thing about working here? This is especially helpful if you are starting a new job. You can also use this one if someone new has joined the team and you want to share your favorite thing with them.
Have you learned any insider tips about working here? You never know what you are going to hear with this conversation starter! It’s a good one! I love to ask for insider tips and insider knowledge.
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Conversation Starters for a First Date
So you’ve ordered your drink and found a nice table. You know how to flirt, but do you know what to talk about on a first date? The best conversation starters for dating are ones that can give both of you an insight into the other’s personality and life.
- What job did you want to do when you were a kid? Maybe they wanted to be an astronaut, or a vet. You can ask follow up questions too. Are they still interested in space studies? What changed when they grew up. Do they love the job they are in now? This type of conversation starter can open up topics such as future goals and professional development too.
- If you had to pick one–skydiving, bungee jumping, or scuba diving–which would you do? This first date question is great to figure out if your date is an adventurer. It might turn out that they have done one or more of these things already. Or, they might be terrified of the idea of any of them. And if you are adventurous, good news: adventurous people are usually considered more attractive. Either way, you’re bound to get a great answer and an insight into the way they approach risk.
- What’s the most important thing I should know about you? On a first date, you are trying to really get to know each other.
Basically, you are trying to suss out if someone would be a great fit for you (and you for them). This question is a great way to get to the heart of the matter.
- When you were a kid, what did you think your life would look like now? The ideal conversation starter for a first date is a Trojan Horse –something light and whimsical–and,actually, it’s a good excuse for you to share your aspirations with your date and open up potential conversations about your childhoods, education, or hobbies.
- Which of your family members are you most like? Are they particularly close to their mom, their dad, their great aunt? This question gives you an idea of their family setting, and also gives them an easy opportunity to describe themselves simply. They might say they are most like their godfather because they love books, or like their brother because they have a crude sense of humor. Their relationships with key people in their lives is likely to give you some insight into how their relationship might look like with you.
There are so many great conversation starters that can be used on a date. We even have a dedicated post on first date questions if you need even more ammo!
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Conversation Starters for Kids“Sure, I don’t mind babysitting for the night.” The words kind of slip out before you can think it through, and you’re left with a kid you don’t know. Is Batman still cool? Are Dinosaurs? Is it even still cool to say cool?
Don’t worry, we’ve got you. With these great conversation starters with kids, you’ll never run out of discussion topics. If it feels awkward, remember that research suggests back and forth conversations with children helps boost their brain development.
- Do you think there are aliens on other planets? This one is fun and there is no wrong answer; either way, the conversation will be great. If they say no, ask them why; if they say yes, ask them to think about what life on another planet might look like.
Kids’ answers are usually surprisingly profound and creative.
- If you were an animal, what animal would you be? Why? This is an easy way for a child to tell you about their personality. They might relate to a puppy because they’re playful and run around a lot, or a fish because they love swimming. Also consider, what would you be? They’ll probably ask you back, so make sure you have a good answer.
- When you’re a grown up, what type of house will you live in? This is a more exciting take than the “what do you want to be when you grow up?” question. Loads of adults will ask that–b o r i n g. Instead, ask about what their house will look like. Do they want a swimming pool, a garden full of jungle plants, a slide from their bedroom into the living room? Encourage them to get creative. It might give you some fun home decor tips too.
- Who would win in a fight, a robot or a dinosaur? You can take cues from things around you–do they have some toys in the room, or a superhero on their shirt? Use this to form a question, the sillier the better.
You’ll make them laugh, and they’ll rate you as the coolest grown up.
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Funny Conversation StartersFunny conversation starters can be used in (almost) all of the situations above and they serve only one purpose: to make people laugh.
Laughter is important for bringing people together, so you’re sure to be the life of the party with one of these funny conversation starters.
- What was your worst fashion disaster? Everyone has a few outfits from their past that seemed like a good idea at the time. This conversation starter will help you get to know what the people in your life were like before you met them. It will probably come with a few great stories about their days as an early 2000s emo or 1960s mod. What makes this funny conversation starter especially useful is it can cross the age divide, bringing older members of the party into center stage with fashion faux pas from the past.
- What’s the most embarrassing thing you did at school / when you were a kid? This conversation starter works best in groups, when people will have time to think of their own story while laughing at the others sharing theirs. Reminiscing about the past can make people feel calmer (so it may be worth cracking open this conversation starter on a tough day at the office).
- If you had a reality TV show about your life, what would your theme song be? It’s a good way of talking about music without asking people what bands they like (which can be a bit stilted and boring), and it short-circuits any indier-than-thou posturing in the name of fun. Bring it to life in the style of a ‘90s sitcom by probing people on the cheesy clips that might accompany their montage bonus points if you get your friends to suggest your theme tune).
- What’s your plan if there was a zombie apocalypse? Honestly, you’ll be surprised by the amount of detail people can go into it while describing their remote getaway or elaborate escape routes.
This funny conversation starter can turn raucous as you pick holes in each other’s doomsday survival plans.
It might sound counterintuitive, but despite learning some great conversation starters, keep it relaxed and natural. Keep these ideas somewhere in the back of your head for lulls in conversation and awkward silences;don’t try to crowbar them into a conversation that is naturally flowing in a difficult direction. Just be yourself, have a genuine interest in people and their lives, and try to learn about them.
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Calendar Specific Conversation StartersYou can also use time to help you think of great conversation starters. These are really helpful to have in your back pocket. Whenever there is an upcoming holiday or special event, I use these as a basis for fun and light-hearted conversations. Here is a calendar-inspired conversation starter list for you. Remember you can be creative with these as well. If there is ANY holiday or event coming up, be sure to ask about it!
- January: What’s your New Year’s Resolution?
- February: Do you usually celebrate Valentine’s Day? Do you think it is a real or fake holiday?
- March: “I went to the coolest Irish bar last St.
Patrick’s Day. Doing anything fun this year for it?”
- April: How long did you believe in the Easter Bunny?
- July: What’s the best fireworks display you’ve seen on the 4th of July?
- October: What’s the best Halloween costume you ever had? Or Do you like haunted houses or scary rides?
- November: What’s your favorite Thanksgiving Dinner food?
- December: How does your family celebrate the holidays?
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Birthday Party Conversation StartersIf you have a birthday or are celebrating someone else’s birthday, I always ask these to get the conversation going:
- To the birthday person: “What was the highlight of your last year?” Or, “What do you want to achieve for next year?”
- To fellow celebrators: “How do you usually celebrate your birthday?” Or, “What was the best birthday you ever had?”
- To everyone else: “What was the best (or worst) birthday gift you ever received?” This is a great one to do around a dinner table.
The answers are always hilarious.
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Tinder, Bumble and Other Dating Conversation StartersTinder can be a challenge to having deep conversations — but it can be done! The best conversation starters on Tinder or other dating apps isn’t always a cheesy pick-up line. Instead, you want an opener that works twofold. You want to communicate that you have taken the time to read their profile and learned something about them, and also to tell the other person something about yourself. It’s a win-win, and the conversation will flow naturally from there once you have found some common ground.
Choose one of these great conversation starters to open a conversation on Tinder, and modify it to show your own personality. You just have to fill in the blank:
- You have a ___? Me too! Tell me more. Anything you have that is similar to the person you are interested in is a great conversation starter on Tinder.
We like people like us. This is known as the similarity-attraction effect. Fill in the blank with your similarity, and then ask for more details.
- Hey – you’re a _______? That sounds really interesting. What’s your favorite thing about your job? People love talking about themselves. Keep this in mind when you’re starting conversations online too. People are more likely to respond to you if you ask a question. It goes without saying, but modify this conversation starter depending on their profile.
- Sorry if this is a bit forward, but I’m going to try out that new _____ that opens downtown next week–would you like to come? Straight to the point, this conversation opener makes it clear that you’re interested in a genuine relationship and would like to meet in real life. Make sure to keep your language casual and friendly, and you’ll ace it.
- Hey, how is your week / weekend going? This one is nice and simple, but can open a conversation to a lot of different directions–perhaps they’ve had a weekend stuck in the office working, or they’ve had an amazing week of sales.
It’s important to give them some information to reply to, too.
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BONUS: How to Master Small Talk
Are you bored of the following questions:
- “How are you?”
- “How’s the weather?”
- “The traffic here was pretty bad, huh?”
I used to dread getting these questions. But fear not! I now LOVE getting asked these normal conversation starters, all because I found one AMAZING trick to change them from boring to magical! Watch my video below to find out how:
Any and all of these conversation starters will work for you, if you are courageous enough to drop the boring ones and get to the good ones. Most people are so relieved to have you start and continue the conversation anyway! Remember, you also want to have YOUR answers to these questions ready to go. If someone doesn’t know their answer, you can jump in with yours to make them feel more comfortable. Good luck! Can’t wait for you to have your next convo.
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300 Cool Ways to Start a Conversation So You Can Talk to Anyone: Current School News
Filed in Articles by TMLT Editions March 11, 2022
– Starting a Conversation –
Are you looking for starting a conversation with a girl, starting a conversation for dating, or maybe a good starting conversation for texting?
We have prepared this article to tell you about all the deep conversation starters you might have been looking for.
The reason for writing this article is because many people are skeptical when it comes to how to start a conversation, we decided to present you with 300 great ways to start a conversation so you can talk to anyone.
Always know this, conversation is undoubtedly the most decisive aspect of any relationship.
Even if the relationship is based on a business partnership, casual acquaintance or close friend, it is very important to communicate with each other.
This is the only way to truly get to know someone and the most effective strategy for strengthening relationships.
What are conversation starters?
Initiating a conversation is a statement, question or hint used to start a discussion. Chat starters can help lead to great conversation in any new text, dating app, networking event, or in-person conversation.
Below we have provided a large number of good conversation starters, deep conversation starters, conversation starters for couples, conversation starters with a girl, and many more.
Let's take them one by one. And once you're done digesting the information provided to help you start a conversation, you'll never run out of words.
Starting a conversation for children
If you meet a child or child, it may be difficult for you to move forward if you don't know the right words to start a conversation.
So we've provided you with tips on how to start a good conversation with your child so you don't run out of words.
1. What is your favorite song? Why do you like it?
2. What was your best holiday?
3. What is your favorite thing to do in the car?
4. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? What would you do?
5. Tell me about the best and worst moments of your day.
6. What is your favorite game?
7. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
8. What is your favorite cereal? Why?
9. What is the dumbest face you can make?
10. Where do you like to go by car?
Good conversation starter
Getting to know someone new in any capacity can sometimes be stressful and frustrating. If you are in a professional situation, you are probably wondering how to stand out as a candidate. If you're on a date, you hope the discussion goes smoothly and that the other person likes you.
1. Tell me a little about yourself.
2. Have you done anything interesting lately?
3. What made you smile today?
4. How did you meet the presenter?
5. What is your preferred method of social media?
6. Can you tell me about the last good book you read?
7. Are you a Podcast listener? Which one is your personal favorite?
8. What do you think is the best Netflix show right now?
9. Have you had any interesting trips lately?
10. What do you think is the best film of the year so far?
11. What kind of music would you like to listen to right now?
12. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
13. Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert?
14. What would you be if not for your current job?
15. Can you tell me about your craziest hidden talent?
16. Is there something about you that people are always shocked when they find out?
17. What aspect of your job gives you the most satisfaction?
18. Where do you want to be in five years?
19. What superpower would you like to have?
20. If you had no money, where would you go? vacation?
21. What decade would you like to live in if you could travel through time?
22. What's the best Amazon purchase you've ever made?
Deep Conversation Snack
Deep Questions will allow you to connect with someone spiritually, intellectually, intuitively, and emotionally. He has the potential to initiate a deep dialogue that will help in the development of meaningful relationships and invaluable connective tissue.
1. What would you try to do if you only had a year to live?
2. Do you believe in any afterlife?
3. What do animals have if we have heaven and hell?
4. Is there an afterlife or is it an idea created by our consciousness?
5. How do you think your death will affect those close to you?
6. Are you convinced that people will be punished for their misdeeds?
7. Do you believe that we will be rewarded for our good deeds?
8. What will you remember for the most honorable act you have done?
9. How important is the battle between good and evil?
10. Do you think you will be remembered for a long time?
11. Whose life would you have the greatest impact on if you died?
12. How many people do you think will come to your funeral?
13. How would you engrave your name on a tombstone?
14. What would be your parting words?
15. Who do you think will benefit from your will?
16. What is the best way to die?
17. Would you rather die in glory or sleep peacefully?
18. What will people say about you in your obituary?
19. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
20. Would you like to know when and where you will die?
21. Have you ever experienced the death of someone close to you?
22. Do you have a fear of death?
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Couple Conversation
Even if you've been together for a long time, it can be difficult to figure out how to find out more about someone if you don't know what to ask.
Take a look at the list below for some ideas for questions to ask your partner!
1. Have you ever wanted to be someone else in a different place?
2. What is the best thing that could happen in your life?
3. Have you ever had an inner battle that you didn't tell me or anyone else about?
4. Tell me the biggest lie you've ever told.
5. Is there anything you would like not to do?
6. Can you tell me about the craziest sexual experience you've ever had?
7. You or me? subconsciously ashamed of everything we do?
8. Have you ever had a serious argument with a member of your family?
9. What is the most traumatic experience you have ever had?
10. What is the best sex you have ever had?
11. Do you really despise someone?
12. What would you do if you had unlimited resources?
13. Have you ever had your heart broken?
14. Can you tell me about the worst relationship you have ever had?
15. Do you think it is necessary to give people another chance?
16. What would be the last thing you would do?
17. What is your annoyance?
18. Have you ever suffered from depression? Why?
19. Can you tell me about the best time you ever had?
20. What do you consider the happiest time in your life?
21. Have you ever taken either of your parents to a pickle?
22. Have you ever deceived a friend or relative?
23. What do you think is your mission in life?
Starting a conversation with a girl
If you're looking for a way to start a conversation, think about the situation you're in. Small chats can be tricky, especially if you don't know where to start. See how to get started below.
1. Have you ever had a pickup line leading to true intimacy? If so, what is the line?
2. What is it about a girl that charms you?
3. What is my favorite feature?
4. How do you like to spend your time?
5. Can you tell me about your criminal pleasure?
6. How long has it been since you last went on a date?
7. Do you have a celebrity crush on a girl?
8. Do you have anything interesting planned for tomorrow?
9. Describe your day to me.
10. What are you doing these days?
11. Can you tell me about the best and worst things that happened to you today?
12. What qualities do you look for in a woman?
13. Can you tell me about the strangest thing you have ever done in bed?
14. What is your favorite restaurant and when do you think we will go there?
15. What is your favorite meeting place? (whatever they like to do, like their favorite place to run, their favorite place to get sushi, etc.)
16. Do you enjoy cooking?
17. What decade would you like to live in if you could travel through time, and why?
18. If you had to choose an actor or actress to play you in a film about your life, who would you choose? Why?
19. Tell me something about yourself that most people don't know.
20. Can you tell me what you do for a living?
21. What are your favorite activities?
Funny conversation starters
Funny or funny conversation starters can be used in any personal or online conversation.
A fun conversation starter helps you skip the pointless conversation and jump straight to the heart of the conversation.
A funny start to a conversation is a nice way to start a discussion because it usually starts with a humorous question.
1. Make a fantastic knock-knock joke.
2. Do you believe you can survive the zombie apocalypse? Why do you think?
3. Do you think a squirrel would have a very high or very low voice if it could speak?
4. What animal would be the rudest if it could speak?
5. What would you call yourself if you had to change your name to something completely different?
6. What would you name the current chapter of your life if you had to name it?
7. Tell me a funny but embarrassing joke.
8. What is the most embarrassing thing about your teenage self?
9. What did you think was cool as a child, but not now?
10. Can you think of a funny reason why you left the party early?
11. Can you tell me about one of your most humiliating periods?
12. What is everyone doing that makes them look stupid?
13. What hasn't happened yet but would surely bring the Internet to its knees?
14. What is the most bizarre dream you have ever had?
15. What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?
16. Can you tell me the funniest story you've ever heard?
17. What is the funniest message you have ever received?
18. What is the craziest way to hurt you?
Starting a conversation on Tinder
Fun tinder conversation starters are unique in that they allow you to ask flirtatious yet pleasant questions to the person you've met.
1. Do you have a good luck charm? If yes, what is it and where did you get it?
2. Here's a fun question: what movie title best describes your life?
3. Fun question: when you go grocery shopping, what do you get?
4. I have a joke for you.
Guess who's on the other side of the door...? (* Don't forget to find the knock knock joke.)
5. I have just returned from a trip to XYZ. Where would you like to go next?
6. I really liked the photo of you doing XYZ! What else do you like to do in your free time?
7. I really liked your photo of you doing yoga! What else do you do to relax and de-stress?
8. I love your XYZ profile picture! What is the most beautiful place you have ever seen?
9. I am hungry and need motivation right now. What are your favorite kitchen combinations?
10. What would be the most annoying animal if it could talk?
11. Who would you like to have dinner with if you could sit down and eat with anyone (dead or alive)?
12. What would your personal talisman be like if you had one?
13. Imagine that a magnificent feast is arranged in your honor; what will be served?
14. What do you think the ideal bar should look like?
15. It's quite heavy raining here today, so what do you like to do on a rainy day?
16. I just read XYZ! What was the last book you read?
17. Choose one celebrity to play you in the remake of life.
18. Random question: What mythical creature would you like to see come to life?
19. Reddit is really crazy. I came across this funny XYZ subreddit. Which of your favorite subreddits do you visit frequently?
Fun Conversation Starters
Seriously, fun conversation starters are a great tool to make yourself more memorable when you first meet people, give a presentation in front of a large group of people, or communicate at an event.
Most of us view the workplace as a serious, unfunny business environment, but humor can be especially useful in a professional setting to bring lightness to stressful situations and break the ice.
1. Come up with a cool knock-knock-knock joke.
2. Do you think you would survive a zombie apocalypse? Why or why not?
3. If a squirrel could talk, do you think it would have a very high voice or a very low one?
4. If animals could talk, which animal would be the rudest?
5. If you had to change your name to something completely new, what would your new name be?
6. If you had to name a chapter of your life right now, what would it be called?
7. Tell me an awkward but funny story.
8. What is the most embarrassing thing about adolescence?
9. What did you think was cool as a kid but isn't really cool now?
10. What funny excuse did you come up with to leave the party early?
11. What was the most embarrassing stage you experienced?
12. What do everyone who looks stupid do?
13. What hasn't happened yet but is sure to break the internet?
14. What was the craziest dream you had?
15. What is the funniest joke you know?
16. What is the funniest story you know?
17. What's the funniest text you've ever received?
18. What is the dumbest way to get hurt?
Start a conversation for Crush
You all know how difficult it is to navigate the butterflies that accompany a crush on someone.
The hardest part is not knowing if they like you back! The questions on the list below are great to ask your crush to determine if you have chemistry and quickly spark a conversation when you're together.
Because a small chat isn't always easy, a good initial conversation can go a long way in establishing a connection with someone.
Asking a smart question and finding common ground is a great way to make the discussion easier and more interesting.
Review the lists below to come up with one or two simple questions to ask your crush when you're trying to figure out if they're interested or not!
1. When you were a child, where did you grow up?
2. Do you have brothers or sisters?
3. If you are still in school, what topics or specialties do you enjoy?
4. If you are not in school, what do you do for a living?
5. What are your favorite activities?
6. Have you ever visited a state or country outside of your state?
7. Do you like to travel?
8. What foods do you like to eat?
9. What movie can't you live without?
10. Who is your top five musical favorites?
11. I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you visited your fellow angels in Heaven?
12. Did your face light up when you saw my name on your phone?
13. Are you by any chance hungry? I'm hungry, but no one wants to go to Chipotle with me.
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Best Conversation Participants
Trying to meet someone new in any capacity can be nerve-wracking and difficult.
If this happens in a professional environment, then you are wondering how to stand out as a candidate.
Also, if it's a date, you hope the conversation goes smoothly and the other person likes you.
If it's looking for a new friend, then you're wondering how to connect with someone in a non-embarrassing way.
Talking is sometimes not easy, especially if you are struggling to start a sincere conversation.
If you're looking to meet someone new, be sure to read this article to find conversation starters that work for you and tips to help you make them easier!
1. Do you believe in aliens?
2. Do you like to travel?
3. Do you have brothers and sisters?
4. Based on this, if your life were a movie, who would you like to play as yourself?
5. Have you ever traveled outside of a state or country?
6. How old were you when you found out that Santa Claus didn't exist, and how?
7. If you could change your name, what would it be?
8. If you could spend a week in someone else's place, who would you choose and why?
9. If you were a superhero, what superpowers would you like to have?
10. If you were marooned on an island, which 3 people would you choose to stay with you?
11. If you were to die and be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would you like to be?
12. If you are in school, what subjects do you like or specialize in?
13. If you do not attend school: Where do you work?
Strange conversation starters
There are many strange questions you can use to start a conversation. This confusing question is related to the weird questions you use to start a conversation. Let me share with you below.
1. What kind of music would you play in heaven if you were God, and what song would you play in hell if you were God?
2. What imaginary universe would you like to live in and why?
3. If you were to get a tattoo right now, what would it be and where would it be on your body?
4. Have you ever had strange feelings?
5. What would you bring if you had a magic box that could bring back any inanimate object you have lost in your life?
6. What did you do recently that made you doubt that you are a good person?
7. What time do you prefer to arrive at the airport?
8. What specific experience could you use to help restore peace if there was a global catastrophe and only a few people survived?
9. How would you rate your ability in D&D (and other RPGs)? So what are the stats for Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, Intelligence, Strength, and Wisdom (or Will)?
10. How well is your house protected from zombie attacks?
Likes and dislikes of the beginning of a conversation
When a discussion reaches an impasse, you need to ask the right questions. A smart question can drag out a discussion for hours, even if you're talking to an old friend or a new person you've just met.
1. What is your favorite meal?
2. What is the name of your favorite book?
3. What is your favorite color?
4. What is your favorite movie?
5. What is your favorite summer activity?
6. What do you like most about the winter season?
7. What kind of music do you like to listen to while driving?
8. What is your family's favorite holiday?
9. What is your favorite childhood memory?
10. What is your favorite vacation spot?
Other things to talk about
Stupid questions to start a conversation
There are some stupid questions that look great when used to start a conversation. Most of the time, this encourages the person you're chatting with to be active, and that's always fun. But it all depends on the mood and the situation.
1. Which Pokémon have you chosen as a starter?
2. When you were a child, what was your favorite ice cream truck treat?
3. If you had to describe the Internet to a caveman, what would you say?
4. What would you do if you found a penguin in the freezer when you got home?
5. How did you meet Tim Curry?
6. In which book would you like to spend the rest of your life?
7. In what order do you take the eggs out of the box?
8. What was the last thing you stole?
9. When was the last time you tried something new?
10. How many books do you need to have before you can buy a bookshelf?
11. Which cool girl is your favorite?
12. What kind of soup do you like?
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Frequently Ask questions
Why questions Break the ice With a stranger?
Here is a list of leading questions to use in social situations:
1.Do you have a personal hero?
2. If you could act in a film of your choice, which film would you choose and which character would you like to play?
3. If you could only choose one place to stay for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
4. If you could instantly become an expert in any subject, what would it be?
5. If you could live in any decade, which one would you choose?
6. If you could meet a historical figure, living or dead, who would you choose and why?
7. If you could learn a certain skill instantly, what would it be?
8. If you had a talk show, who would be your first three guests?
9. If you were an ice cream flavorer, what would you be and why?
10. What is your favorite movie?
11. What was your favorite lesson at school?
12.Which vacation do you remember the most?
13. What is your favorite animal?
14. What is your favorite app on your phone?
15. What is your favorite book?
16. What is your favorite holiday?
17. What is your favorite personal item and why?
18. What is your favorite department in a bookstore or library?
19. What is your favorite item you bought this year?
20. Who was your favorite teacher as a child? Why?
What can be a reason to talk to a clumsy teenager?
1. Do you cook? If you could cook something for yourself, what would you cook?
2. Do you like to read? What is your favorite book?
3. If you could meet someone alive or dead, who would it be?
4. What do you like to do in your free time?
5.What is your favorite holiday? Why?
6. What is your favorite season and why?
7. What is your favorite food?
8. What is your favorite movie? Why?
9. What is your favorite TV show? What is your favorite TV character? What do you like about them?
10. Who is your favorite actor/actress? What do you like the most about them?
How do I initiate a conversation in a Facebook group?
This badge will be displayed for members who have joined the group within the last two weeks. Starting a Conversation: Recognizes participants who are starting meaningful group discussions. This badge will be shown to members whose posts have received the most likes and comments in the last month.
What is a great conversation starter?
Great conversation starters are the kinds of questions you put in to help you start a conversation with someone, regardless of their age, gender, class or religion, etc.
, without the person getting bored with the conversation .
What are some of the best conversations on TV shows?
To keep your TV interviewer from getting bored, you should come up with some interesting questions to bring up the program and the person you're talking to.
So I've listed some of the best TV show conversations below.
1. What would you be doing now if you weren't working here?
2. Which path did you take to become [job title]?
3. What surprised you the most about your current job?
4. What is the strangest request you have ever received from your boss?
5. Which would you prefer: four ten-hour days or five eight-hour days?
What are some good, witty things to start a conversation?
In my opinion, a variety of topics can be the most effective conversation starters.
A compliment can break the ice, but it's too easy to nod or say thank you and then walk away.
Questions are likely to be successful. The question you should ask depends on many factors.
1. Where did you go?
2. Who are you trying to communicate with?
3. Why are you trying to communicate with them?
Perhaps the question should be based on your current general experience, such as where you are (bar, bookstore, work, school?) or an event you attend (concert? party?). People are different from each other.
Not every way to start a conversation works for everyone and always.
4. “Is this your first time at a concert?”
5. “Do you think the book you are holding is worth reading?”
6. “About what exactly?”
7. "Is there anything decent to eat here?"
8.Is this the best restaurant in town (xyz style)?”
Before asking a question, start with a compliment, e.g.0586
10. “This book looks great!”
How interesting is it to talk about films?
Here are some basic ways to learn about a person's film preferences.
1. Are you a fan of action movies?
2. Are you a fan of romantic comedies?
3. Are you a big comedy fan?
4. Do you like scary movies?
5. Do you enjoy watching animal documentaries?
6. What films do you like to watch?
7. What films do you like?
We're glad we could help you by giving you 300 of the best ways to start a conversation so you can talk to anyone. If this article was helpful to you, we encourage you to share it with someone through any of the social media share buttons below.
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Tags : best conversation starter, conversation starter, conversation starter for couples, conversation starter for lovers, conversation starter girl, deep conversation starter, funny conversation starter, funny conversation starter , good conversation starter, conversation starter with a tinder
Random questions to ask
Life is about moments and connections. These moments and connections largely depend on your relationships with other people. These relationships largely depend on how you communicate with others.
You must not underestimate the ability to strike up a conversation. Others live seemingly shy and quiet, but the truth is that you just don't know how to start talking to people. This is a dilemma that you sometimes cannot face.
Want to learn the basics of how to start a conversation? Starting a conversation
Don't worry anymore, we've prepared a list of amazing random questions that you can ask anytime, anywhere! These simple questions, if asked correctly, can definitely make your day, brighten your mood, and strengthen your bonds!
Random questions to ask on the bus
Here are some great questions to ask your neighbor on the bus. Others may prefer to take a nap during their bus rides, but some people find this an opportunity to take some time out to socialize with others. After all, bus rides can take hours!
Which Shameless character are you?
Carl or Mickey? Which Shameless character best reflects your personality? Take this quiz now and find out which Shameless character you are!
Start quiz
1. Where are you going?
After all, you are traveling! You can ask strangers you just met and want to be friends with about this.
2. Have you ever been to _ _ _ _ _ ?
The perfect question to start talking about places you've been to. Who knows? You might plan to travel there together!
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you be?
Another great travel question that could also pave the way for future trips together!
4. What is one thing you always carry with you wherever you go?
This will fully show what you are talking about, where you got it and when you started using it.
5. City or village?
This travel question will allow you to get to know your friends better. It would be interesting to ask this question to everyone you travel with and let them explain why!
Random questions to ask at work
Work life can be mundane, tedious and boring. Small talks and banter with co-workers can make a big difference in your day, so work on your relationship with them!
N e w !
1. What's for lunch?
Agree, there are times when all you think about is food. Talking about what you're having for lunch is great fun, especially when you get it to really satisfy your cravings afterwards!
2. Would you rather have more time or money?
If you ask this juicy question at work, it will really make you think about your life priorities!
3. Would you rather have a new house or a new car?
It's a good motivation to think about your goals while you're doing the right thing!

This is actually a riddle that is sure to take the pressure off the office and start a riddle game that will energize your day!
5. What would you like to tell your family?
There are things you feel more comfortable sharing with your friends at work. Open up to them, these are the people with whom you spend your eight waking hours. They can give you great advice!
📖 Here is a list of the best hypothetical questions
Random interview questions
If you are a candidate who just wants to be more prepared for an interview, you can review them and give your own answers.
1. Where do you see yourself in five years?
The company you are applying to just wants to know your goals and priorities in life. And do they have a place in the near future.
2. Why should we hire you?
This is not an easy question, no matter what, because you don't want to seem too arrogant and at the same time want to sell yourself! Just find a balance between the two.
3. Why did you leave your last job?
You just need to be honest about it, describe what happened and how you dealt with it before deciding to leave.
4. Why do you want to work with us?
You don't wanna say that you're just here for the money because that would reflect badly on your personality. You should do your research and make sure to always make the interviewer feel your eagerness to work with them.
5. Describe how you deal with a difficult work situation.
Make sure it reflects the ideals you stand for and that it is related to the position you are applying for.
👉 We offer you: What can we talk about | 1000+ great conversation ideas
Random questions to ask on a date
There can be a lot of things on a date. It can be romantic and exciting. but it can also be intimidating and embarrassing. Here are the questions that will guarantee you great and meaningful conversations with your date!

This is an effective introductory question. You can ask about your favorite color, food, song, ice cream flavor and more! Will tell you how to make him happy in the future!
2. Name three things you are afraid of.
If you ask about someone's fears, they will open up to you, feel comfortable with you, and eventually feel safe with you.
3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
You can feel the cheesy pickup line, but it really gives some girls butterflies! With just the right amount of flattery, a dashing smile and poetry, you can do it!
4. What do you think would be the most romantic place for us to travel together?
Even if it may not happen soon, planning ahead will keep you both looking forward to something in the future. It might inspire you to get into a relationship!
We offer you: Strange questions
5. What do you find hilarious that most people don't?
This question will confirm your interest in really getting to know this person. This is an unusual question, and the fact that you ask it will mean a lot to your date.
Random questions to ask while watching movies
Obviously, you can ask these questions after you enjoy the movie you are watching. You will be surprised how pleasant it is to discuss what you just watched together!
1. What is your favorite part of the movie?
This will no doubt be the first question that comes to mind, some of you will even have the same answers and you will be glad to know!
2. Who is your favorite character and why?
This will help you get to know your friends and family better. You will understand which character they may refer to and why.
3. What is the moral lesson of history?
Of course, after the film, everyone will definitely have an awareness!
4. Could you change any part of the film?
We just can't help it, but we want to be directors, don't we? It's part of the whole movie!

Some movies will really make you want more. They are so good at it! You will enjoy spending countless hours trying to guess the plot of the next movie!
👉 We offer you: Funny questions about the icebreaker
Random questions to ask at home
Deepening family relationships is vital to a happy life. Talking to your parents, grandparents, siblings will make you feel connected to them. You can ask these questions while you eat, do housework, or watch TV together.
1. How is everything at work/school?
It's okay to know how things are in your family's daily life. Remember, you should always be ready to help each other. That's what a family is for!
2. If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Dreams and fantasies for the family - it's free. You'll love laughing about the trips you'll take, the new furniture or home equipment you can finally afford, or all the food you'll eat together if you win a million dollars!

Good food always brings people together, because a family that cooks and eats together gets fat together!
4. What movie are we watching tonight?
It's great for the whole family to decide which films to watch next. At first you won't have the same choice, but sooner or later you'll compromise sooner or later. Watching it together is the best part!
5. What annoys you the most?
It would be great to just be honest about your feelings, especially with the people you live with! This will make it much easier for you. You will also understand your parents and siblings better by talking about it.
These random questions will increase self-esteem and improve interpersonal skills. What's more, it can also make you the best company for your friends and family.
You will realize how many things to discuss and how much time you are wasting just sitting with your eyes on your phones. It's time to get out and connect with others.