How to show caring
6 Ways to Show You Care
Wondering how you can show someone in your life that you care about them? Here’s a few suggestions that may help you do just that.
1. Do It, Don’t Say It.
You know that old common wisdom, “Actions speak louder than words”? Well, it’s true. While you can apologize for not doing something until you’re blue in the face, you’ll gain so much more appreciation by another in your life by simply doing it in the first place. Yes, it means you have to work harder to keep on top of things to begin with, even with simple things like taking out the trash or running that errand you said you would. But the reward is that your loved one will know you care because you just did it without being asked or reminded to do so.
2. Refuse to Argue and Pick Your Battles.
Arguments are a constant source of relationship strife, even amongst family members or friends. You may say, “How can I just stop arguing?” Easy, because engaging in a conversation with another person is a choice we make (whether we always do so consciously or not). Make a conscious effort to note when you’re entering into an argument, and then just stop. Remember, not every argument is worth engaging in — so don’t feel like you have to get into an argument just because someone else is asking for one. “Sorry, I can’t talk about this right now, let’s talk more about this later…” or “You’re right, I’m wrong, I’m sorry” will put a sudden halt to the argument. Which leads us to…
3. Apologize Often, Even If You’re Not Wrong.
Why should you apologize even if you’re not “wrong?” Well, it depends on your point of view. Is being “right” more important to you than your loved one’s feelings? Is being “right” something you’ll be proud of when you’re on your deathbed — “Well, hell, I may have caused her a world of hurt, but at least she knew who was right!” Apologies are simple, free, and entirely within your world of control. Handing them out just as freely and easily will, in the long-run, make you feel better and also make your loved ones feel better. It shows you care more about them rather than winning any particular (all-too-often, silly) argument. (As with all things, when taken to an extreme, this is also not particularly healthy behavior, but do know when to pick your battles.)
4. Do Something Unexpected.
Most people love a surprise, especially when that surprise is something that helps them or makes their life a little bit easier, if just for a minute. It could be as simple as a card to show appreciation “Just because,” or offering to watch the kids one night when it wasn’t your turn. It could be saying, “Hey, I’ll cook dinner tonight” or “Hey, I’ll take out the trash,” and then just doing it. Even simple actions can speak volumes, especially if the other person has had an especially difficult day. Imagine if it were your night to cook but you’ve had an especially difficult, stressful day. Your significant other knows this, and offers to cook instead. It’s a great expression of caring, even when it may seem too obvious or simple.
5. Sharing is Caring.
Sound trite? You bet it does, but guess what, it’s also true. It’s so much easier to eat the last cookie, or to get a glass of water just for yourself. But it shows you care when you offer someone else the last cookie or ask the other person if there’s anything you can get them while you’re up. Simple acts of kindness are the ones we so easily overlook in everyday life. Yet they speak volumes to others in our lives.
6. Wake Every Morning with An Appreciation for The Other Person.
Being grateful for the people and things in our lives is one of the most simple ways to achieve a sense of daily happiness. You don’t have to engage in huge displays of love or affection. Simple actions, like saying, “I love you” or packing someone’s favorite lunch may be all that’s needed. Often time, living with someone day in and day out can breed a certain familiarity (or, as the old saying goes, “contempt”). Keep that in mind, acting in a manner consistent with someone who loves another, not someone who is keeping silent score. Even if your partner never knows it, it’s a way of showing you care that can be just as important as any outward, direct display.
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Showing you care to those in your life on a regular basis is more challenging than it sounds. The people we hold closest and dearest to us are often the ones we expend the least amount of effort in displays of caring and affection. Yet, most people appreciate and need the occasional display of caring.
It’s not hard, but it does take a conscious effort on our parts, and one that we may need to remember to do at least once a week, if not every day.
28 Thoughtful Ways to Show Someone You Care • Fortune & Frame
There are certain people in our lives who make the world a bit more tolerable. They may be the peanut butter to your jelly or the Sonny to your Cher. Especially through the past few months, the ones close to you may have been your shoulder to —virtually—lean on. Maybe it’s your parents, siblings, friends, or your partner—who gets you through when the going gets rough.
Pair an activity gift with a material gift to make it extra meaningful.
Although your love for these people may be boundless, it can sometimes be hard to express how much they mean to you. Plenty of movies and TV shows have spent huge amounts of airtime focused on what happens when someone doesn’t successfully communicate their feelings. So how do you show someone how much you care?
The answer? In a million little ways.
There isn’t one singular grand gesture that will ever be able to encompass everything you want to say. That being said, we’ve come up with a few ways to help you show that special person—or people—in your life that you care about them, and are there for them just as much as they are there for you.
Can’t Say It? Write It Down
Our Envelope Fortune Locket alongside sweet notes from my female a cappella group, The Sirens.
Words put to paper can be an effective way to tell your friends you care. It can become a keepsake they will cherish forever. Whether you write a song, poem, or letter, writing something down immortalizes it. Taking the time and effort to put pen to paper translates in a way that a text never could.
In college, I was a part of an all female a cappella group called The Sirens. When the coronavirus hit, my senior year ended prematurely. While at home, I was surprised by letters from my fellow Sirens telling me their favorite memories of us and wishing me well on my journey forward. Each time I received a letter my day became a little brighter. In the words of one of our favorite songs, I know I’ll have them in my life “always forever”.
Another way you can give your friends a reminder of how much you care is by writing a personalized note.It’ll be like they are receiving a golden letter in the mail from you each time they open it.
Always Just a Phone Call Away
Express your feelings with words inside our Turning Corners Fortune Locket.
Living away from our loved ones can make it easy to feel disconnected from them. However, we are lucky to have technology on our side. The occasional surprise phone call or FaceTime reminds people that they are on your mind. Not only is the phone call in itself a gesture, but you also get to catch up with someone and delve into what's going on in each other's lives. Hearing someone’s voice can be cathartic, especially if you haven’t talked in awhile. A simple catch up session can easily turn into hours of laughter and stories to cherish.
Our Turning Corners Fortune Locket is a jewelry piece from our personalized locket collection. It's a symbol of how through everything, your loved ones continue to be there for you, whether in person or virtually.
Surprise Them With Small Gifts
Jewelry, flowers, and a personalized message in this locket makes for an extra special gift.
After a long day (or few months), nothing is more appreciated than a surprise package of your favorite things. If your best friend is a chocolate fiend, show her you care with a load of Snickers, Reese’s, brownie mix, and any other chocolate snacks she may love.
Your dad had a rough week at work? Get him his favorite six-pack of beer. (My dad is partial to Blue Moon—he even named his band in college after it). Your pregnant wife is crampy and tired? Buy her a bouquet of her favorite flowers or get her jewelry to make her feel beautiful even on days where she feels down. Getting a random gift is one thing, but when you get a thoughtful gift, it proves how well you know your loved ones.
Shower your girl with a combination of favorites with our Flowered Vines Fortune Locket. Jewelry, flowers, and a personalized message all in one makes for an extra special gift.
Lend a Helping Hand
Remind your girl that she is a staple in your life with a necklace that can be the staple piece of any outfit.
One of the best ways to show your significant other that you care is by taking some work off their shoulders. If your wife or girlfriend usually cooks dinner, maybe take it upon yourself to do the cooking one night. Make a meal worthy of Emeril and “Bam” you will definitely get at least a smile. Doing your significant other’s laundry is another great way to show you care. Just make sure you know what clothing is dryer-approved first! Something that seems so simple means the world, and will remind her or him how much you love them.
Classic gestures such as lending a helping hand will never go out of style, and neither will classic pieces of jewelry like the Classic Fortune Locket. Remind your girl that she is a staple in your life with a necklace that can be the staple piece of any outfit.
Quality Time Creates Quality Memories
Gift her a mini time capsule, aka our Capsule + Wand Bracelet.
There are five love languages and everyone relates strongly to one of them; my favorite is quality time. Acts of service and receiving gifts are also great, hence why they are mentioned above, but there is something endearing about spending time with your partner.
There’s a saying, “It’s not about having time, it’s about making time.” We all know life can get insanely busy, that’s unavoidable. When, despite all the craziness, someone sets aside even just an hour or two it means so much. Making time for people you care about, demonstrates that no matter what is happening in your life they are always a priority. And you will be able to create memories to last a lifetime. Use the time you have set aside to go on adventures or do fun activities. Quality time doesn’t have to be a long time together, but it has to be meaningful. When it comes to quality time, creating memories with a little effort can go a long way.
Some high schools have time capsules buried for each class to remember the good old days. But what if you want a time capsule once we are living our adult lives? Our Capsule + Wand Bracelet is a wearable time machine to keep memories with loved ones close at hand.
Perfect the Art of Listening
What note would you store inside our Sphere Secret Ring?
Listening is so much more than just letting someone talk without interruption. A true listener is somebody who engages and actively shows that they are hearing what the other is saying. It shows you care when you are able to give advice, consolation, or whatever is needed after a long rant.
Think of how many times your mom has listened to your problems, and imagine how much it would mean if you listened to her hardships for once. Show your mom you care by asking her to tell you about what is going on in her life or how her day was. Want bonus points? Bring up something she said days before to prove how well you were listening.
So many great stories can come out of actively listening whether they stay between you and your loved one or not. Inside jokes, silly secrets, and private moments can all be kept curled up in our Sphere Secret Ring.
Simple ways to show loved ones you care
- Take a mental health day together doing something relaxing that you both love: bake cookies, read a book together, go for a walk and enjoy nature.
- If you know a family member is having a bad day at work, you can offer to pick them up.
Or text them during their shift so they know you're thinking about them.
- Tell a story or ask them to tell one of their favorites.
- Make an effort to get to know older family members by asking questions about their life. Getting to know someone on a deeper level will improve your relationships and bring you closer together.
- If your loved one is a parent, offer to look after the children, so they can take a break.
- Affirm your relationship with them by planning your dreams together and setting future goals.
- If you're with a life-long friend, you can reminisce about the past, like memories from high school.
- Invite them over for dinner.
- Spend the afternoon making DIY friendship bracelets.
- Sometimes best friends are busy and it's too easy to let life pass us by. Make a plan to see each other once a week and stick to it. Remember the actions of actually seeing each other is more powerful than the promise.
- Cook their favorite food and watch their favorite movie together.
- Create a mixtape filled with their favorite songs.
- Emotionally invest in their life goals by hearing all about them, then ask how you can help them toward achieving them.
- Although you might live together, a card expressing your gratitude for your partner can be an unexpected, but sweet, gesture.
- When you've lived with your partner for a while, you get a sense of the little things that make them really happy and sometimes the little things make the biggest difference.
- Text them cute notes throughout the day so they know you're thinking about them.
- Improve your relationship by taking the 5 Love Languages Couples Quiz. If you can discover how your person loves to send and receive love, you can show them how much you care every day.
- Read the same book together and check in with each other to discuss it.
- Write a heartfelt letter to them.
- Check-in with a text or email and ask how they are and how they need you.
- Use social media to show you care about your partner or friend. A post is a public display of your affection, thanks, or gratitude for them.
- Send a care package filled with some of their favorite, most comforting items: new socks, some chocolate, and a cute note.
Looking for more thoughtful ways to show you care? Read…
- Gifts to Cheer Her Up
- The Importance of Female Friendships
- Self-Care Quotes
- Gratitude Quotes
More important than all gifts: 15 ways to show care for loved ones
A small effort for good: do not ignore the calls and messages that relatives or friends send you, even if it does not happen at the right time. You don't have to respond in the middle of the day with a detailed account of how you are doing. Just make it clear that it is important to you that someone cares about your fate or how your day goes. It is not so difficult to answer: “I am very pleased that you remembered me, everything is fine, but there is a lot to do”, “Thank you for writing, let's call you in the evening”, “It's great that you are in touch! Let me know how you're doing and I'll get back to you later." Or just send a heart.
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Even if you don't consider March 8 or Hug Day to be significant holidays and get goosebumps at the sight of clumsy postcards with poems, this is no reason to leave your loved ones who celebrate these holidays without congratulations. Save a dozen or two beautiful concise pictures with balloons or motivational slogans from Tumblr or Pinterest in a separate folder and send them with a couple of warm words to your loved ones on important dates.
If a loved one is going through a difficult period in life - divorce, dismissal, health problems - keep in touch and regularly ask how things are going. If a loved one is sick, help find or call a doctor, go get medicine or order food. If a friend feels bad after parting with her beloved, send her affectionate messages and distract her from painful thoughts. You don't have to become a sister of mercy to all friends forever. At the same time, the ability to be there in difficult moments works for relationships like a film developer: it shows who really loves and is ready to share time and spiritual strength for the benefit of a dear person.
Believe in your loved ones and motivate them to believe in themselves. Congratulate them on accomplishments they are proud of, whether it's a new job or finally mastering a difficult asana. Be interested in what they dream about and help them make a plan to move towards this goal. Perhaps you cherish a similar idea, and making it a reality with someone close will be much easier. Sometimes just a few words of encouragement are enough to fill you up with enthusiasm and energy or start making a dream project come true.
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Crazy dancing until dawn, fishing in the country and the first perch caught, a spontaneous trip to another country, a big culinary experiment - with each of your loved ones you have some kind of big or small joint story, with memories of which is good for the soul. Do not keep these memories to yourself - remind your family and friends about them, especially those with whom you rarely see each other. The good old days are called that because their echoes bring joy and a sense of unity with loved ones and remind you that your relationship has been tested for years.
Support can be expressed not only by approval or unconditional consent - sometimes simple attention and the ability to be a listener are much more valuable. No matter how absurd the idea of a friend or relative may seem to you, suppress the initial impulse to bombard him with pragmatic arguments against. Listen to the end, delve into the matter and ask questions. So you can understand the motivation of your loved ones, and they will get a look from the outside - sometimes completely unexpected, which had not occurred to them before.
People change and acquire new and sometimes unusual habits and interests throughout life - you and your loved ones are no exception. Even if you don't like what your loved one does, refrain from snorting contemptuously or speaking negatively. Instead of convincing or shaming, think about why it is difficult for you to accept changes in loved ones and why it causes you such irritation. Remember that your friend or relative is an adult, capable of making their own decisions about how to live. You do not have to share someone else's choice, but accepting and respecting it is the key to a good relationship.
If loved ones complain about something that worries them, they may be upset by your “This is nonsense, there’s nothing to even worry about” or “Oh, well, these are stupid things that you invent” - this way you underestimate the significance of their feelings, which , in fact, are quite real, if they dared to voice them. Patience and acceptance is the best manifestation of caring, so instead of criticizing, show unconditional love and help with advice - but only if it is asked for.
Actually, it doesn't really matter what exactly you compliment: the very fact of attention that you have shown is valuable. When you praise someone's sweater, car, scientific paper, or ability to do the splits, the recipient of the compliment is actually hearing "I respect you and admire your choices and accomplishments." Even if it's a grouchy old lady whose taste is exactly the opposite of yours, praise the color or design of her shirt, the shiny teapot, or the thick seedlings on the window. An insignificant effort for you, but for her it can become a rare and precious manifestation of kindred love.
Each of us lives in our own information flow, which is formed from our environment in social networks - and seems natural to the whole world around. But this is not so: your friends or parents are probably subscribed to completely different media resources and people, and many interesting news may pass them by. Live reviews of people you know inspire much more trust, so take your time and share with your loved ones what you are interested in. Tell us what you remember about a dramatic movie that is at the box office, what a fascinating article on psychology or a book you read, and what kind of exhibition is taking place in the nearest museum - and you will have something to discuss with your loved ones at the next meeting.
It's better to show them once than to write messages to each parent for 10 minutes about how things are going, or to describe a dress to a friend on the phone. To save time, make general chats on Telegram or WhatsApp: one for family, one for best friends, one for your company. Be the first to send pictures of kids, food, and places of interest while traveling, the second to send photos from the dressing room, bookstore, or gym, and the third to choose a place for a vacation, New Year's holidays, or just laugh at memes that resemble mutual acquaintances.
© Genessa Panainte/Unsplash
There are times when you need to tell your loved ones something unpleasant or fight back if they overstep the bounds of tact. If you feel that you are walking on very thin ice or start to boil, do not be rude and, when explaining your position, choose your words carefully. In cases where you have to tell the bitter truth, do not hide behind value judgments or instructions like “You would be fine ...”, “It would be better ...” or “It’s impossible!”. Be honest about your feelings: “This hurts me,” “I care about your health,” “I get angry when you try to make decisions for me.”
When texting with family and friends, try to replace the faceless “Everything is fine” and “Things are OK” with small details that can make your loved ones feel involved in your life. “I’m eating Caesar, what do you have for lunch?”, “I’m going to the cinema to see Fantastic Beasts, but how is your weekend?”, “I’ve made an appointment with the dentist, I’m worried!”. So you give them a chance to show sympathy, express support and just an excuse to talk about themselves.
Basic etiquette is a way to let your loved ones know that you care about their comfort and appreciate the time they spend with you. Step back with questions if you are not in a hurry to share the details of personal affairs. Do not demand an immediate response to your calls, letters or messages, especially during business hours. Do not show up unannounced and try not to be late for meetings.
Friendship with blood vows and the joy of staying together around the clock is usually the prerogative of teenagers and newlyweds. Everyone else (and you too) needs personal space and the ability to manage their own lives. Therefore, for a warm friendship, it is important to let go of the desire to control everything and everyone and work on jealousy. Our loved ones have every right to be friends with people other than us and have interests that do not coincide with ours.
When you feel the need to be alone with yourself, it is better to talk about it directly and not grow resentment, waiting for your partner or mother to guess to take the children for a walk or let you go to a bar with your girlfriends in the evening. If your loved ones are craving a meeting or communication, and you are in the “Don’t get in, it will kill” mood, don’t come up with awkward excuses and say straight out that you are tired after a difficult week, you want to gather your thoughts and air out alone.
Thank your loved ones and remind them how important it is for you to have them in your life. Behind a pile of everyday affairs, the impulse to say thank you is often lost - and meanwhile, this is a brilliant way in its simplicity to show love to a loved one and give him an invaluable feeling that he brings someone benefit with his existence. Gratitude does not have to be for something material. Say thank you for listening to you, keeping company over a cup of coffee, a couple of kind words made your day better, for good advice, or simply for the fact that your loved one is always somewhere nearby, even if he lives in another country.
How to learn to take care of your family and yourself
- Caring for loved ones
- Remote support
- How to take care of yourself
Caring for loved ones is an important part of our lives. Help and support helps to overcome various difficulties, events and hardships. Showing concern for a husband or wife allows partners to gain a sense of support, happiness, confidence , understanding, and, most importantly, come not only to solve any problems, but also finally enter into harmony. So how do you learn to take care of your family and yourself? Read the article.
Caring for loved ones
The manifestation of care begins with small steps , which at first glance may seem like a trifling matter. But for a loved one, every moment will be important both emotionally and physically.
Importance of caring for relativesTry to be there when the person needs you. It is important to support a partner or friend during a difficult period of life: job loss, illness, divorce or separation. If a loved one falls ill, you can call a doctor and buy medicines or products .
The manifestation of care consists in simple heart-to-heart conversations . Discuss ideas or goals and celebrate achieving them. Sometimes a few words of support are enough for a person to believe in himself and begin to make his dreams come true. Interest is an important point, it is thanks to this that the interlocutor feels important and necessary.
For each completed stage, you need to praise partner , compliment, thank and say words of approval. Do not judge your loved one and do not devalue his problems. This will help to overcome a variety of troubles and hardships in life.
Respect for personal boundaries, time and rhythm of life is the key to good relationships. If you show courtesy, then this means that your opponent is completely indifferent to you.
Sometimes it is necessary to remain silent a little and not rush with questions and conclusions, so as not to knock a loved one off the mood and aggravate the situation
Spending time together is also caring. Create shared memories : visit an event or workshop, go to nature, plan a long-awaited trip.
Support at a distance
It is important not to forget to take care at a distance . For example, when the husband leaves for a business trip to another city or country. For a girl to take care of a man, sometimes it’s enough just write a couple of lines to your beloved. To do this, now there are social networks and instant messengers where you can communicate 24/7, including leaving voice messages. In a message, you can talk about your day, discuss a series, or send your favorite song. The person reading the message will be able to relax, let go of their emotional burden and feel safe .
How to take care of yourself
Showing concern for relatives is a noble deed. But do not forget about yourself, because internal resources are always restored too slowly, and the rhythm of life, competition and stress do not contribute to either good health or excellent mood.
You can take care of yourself in various ways:
- It is important to listen to your body and inner voice . Overload and negativity should be avoided. If you get sick, then take a sick leave to recover, if you are tired, take a break from business and arrange a day off for yourself. Understanding Physical and Emotional Needs - Key health and longevity .
- It is necessary to please yourself as often as possible . Arrange unplanned weekend trips or massages, and indulge in small purchases that you have long wanted to purchase.
- Try to protect yourself from harmful and irritating factors . Minimize contact with unpleasant and toxic people, stand up for your boundaries. Do not forget about the "internal protection" - do not find fault with yourself and criticize less.