How to self diagnose adhd

Adult ADHD Test | ADDA

Are You Wondering if You Have ADHD? This Test May Help

ADHD Test Facts

Who created this assessment?

The World Health Organization* has prepared a self-screening questionnaire you can use to determine if you might have adult ADHD. The Adult Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener will help you recognize the signs and symptoms of adult ADHD. 

Is this test a diagnosis?

No. Diagnosing ADHD requires extensive knowledge, skills and training and ADHD must be diagnosed by a certified professional like a medical doctor or psychiatrist.

What if the results say I have ADHD?

This test is not a diagnosis, so you do need to find a professional to confirm these results. We recommend printing your results and sharing them with your healthcare provider. In the meantime, ADDA has lots of programs, groups, and information on ADHD.

What if the results say I do not have ADHD?

This test is not a diagnosis. If you are having symptoms of Adult ADHD it is best to bring this up to your doctor. Many health conditions may mimic ADHD. Some are medical emergencies and some are more common like allergies, lack of sleep, and stress. It’s important to speak with a healthcare professional. 

ADDA gets ADHD, so ADDA gets you.

Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a relatively common, often unrecognized condition. It affects 4.4% of U.S. adults, but most adults with ADHD live with the symptoms and suffer the often-devastating effects of ADHD in their lives without identifying the source of their struggles. Instead, their difficulties are attributed to their own shortcomings. Once diagnosed, many adults are happy to learn that they do not have a character flaw as aptly described in the title of one popular book on ADHD, “You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!” (a classic book for adults with ADHD).

Yes, Adult ADHD Exists

Many adults who suffer from untreated ADHD avoid diagnosis or treatment due to the negative stigma associated with ADHD. Many people dismiss ADHD as little more than laziness targeted as a marketing opportunity by pharmaceutical companies. However, many years of scientific research confirms adult ADHD does indeed exist, and that ADHD diminishes adults’ quality of life. Regardless of the stigma surrounding ADHD, knowing about your adult ADHD is preferable to struggling unawares. With an accurate diagnosis, many treatment options and coping strategies become available. ADHD is not a “one size fits all” disorder and many factors must be considered before a definitive diagnosis is made and an appropriate treatment is found.

It’s Better to Know

An ADHD diagnosis is not a death sentence, nor does it guarantee a lifetime of taking pills. Medication is not always effective, and there are many adults with ADHD who do not want medication as part of their treatment plan. However, without knowing you have adult ADHD, there’s certainly nothing anyone can do to help. If you do have ADHD, you can rely on ADDA, the world’s only organization dedicated exclusively to helping adults with ADHD. ADDA provides accurate and science-based education on treatment alternatives such as CBT, ADHD coaching, and medication, and as scientific research has proven the benefits of additional treatments, ADDA has also expanded its education efforts to include strategies such as mindfulness practice, exercise, diet and therapy.

The World Health Organization Adult Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener


The World Health Organization has prepared a self-screening questionnaire* you can use to determine if you might have adult ADHD. The Adult Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener* will help you recognize the signs and symptoms of adult ADHD. The ASRS is comprised of 6 questions that are ranked on a scale of 0 to 4. If you have at least 4 of these 6 symptoms significantly, you may have ADHD and should seek out a formal diagnosis. When you complete this Adult ADHD questionnaire, if the results seem to indicate you might have ADHD (that is, four or more of your answers in Part A are located in the grey boxes), then bring a copy of the questionnaire with you when you seek diagnosis to help with the diagnostic process.

A Good Starting Point

This screening test is a symptoms checklist for adult ADHD and not a diagnostic test. A full assessment and potential diagnosis of ADHD is not accomplished using an online test or during a quick doctor’s appointment. A thorough evaluation usually takes more than one visit, and must be done by a professional who is trained in ADHD*. Other conditions can sometimes resemble ADHD, so it is important to work with a professional who is able to rule out these other conditions and make the appropriate diagnosis.  Many psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and some general practice physicians are trained to diagnose adult ADHD. A thorough assessment requires a complete physical and psychiatric medical history as well as screening to rule out any possible physical disorders. All assessments should include an extensive interview with you and often with your significant other (other people are often more aware of your behaviors and struggles than you are), and the application of various symptom-rating scales. For accuracy, it is common to use more than one scale to confirm results.

*Note: The professionals qualified to diagnose ADHD, especially ADHD in adults, are defined differently by the governing bodies of mental and/or medical health professionals on a state-by-state and country-by-country level. The list of approved professionals to perform ADHD diagnoses therefore varies with each jurisdiction. The process of diagnosing ADHD, particularly in adults, requires extensive knowledge, skills and training, not only to identify ADHD properly, but to separate comorbid conditions and correctly distinguish and diagnose other conditions which may mimic ADHD. Check with your local health care governing body for a definitive list of care providers deemed qualified to diagnose ADHD.

Take the Test

To take the test, please download the Adult ADHD Questionnaire*. This link will download a PDF containing the adult ASRS questionnaire, which you can print and complete by following the instructions. Please note this test is a starting point, not as a diagnostic tool. This score is not intended as a mental disorder diagnosis, or as any type of healthcare recommendation.

You’ll Need Adobe Reader

You will need Adobe Reader in order to open and read PDF files including the ASRS. You can get Adobe Reader here (a new window will open so you can download and install it without leaving this page). To open the file in your browser window, simply click on the link. However, if you want to download the file to view later, then right click on the link and choose “Save Target As” or “Save File As.” Then select where you want to save the file on your hard drive. Once you have saved the file, locate where you saved it, and double click to open it. To print the ASRS, select the “Print” option from the menu.

* Ustun B, Adler LA, Rudin C, et al. The World Health Organization Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Self-Report Screening Scale for DSM-5JAMA Psychiatry. 2017;74(5):520–526. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.0298

Do I Have ADHD? Take Our ADHD Quiz to Screen for Sumptoms

Answer the quiz questions below to see if you have symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Medical ReviewerBarton Herskovitz, MD

Who Is This ADHD Quiz For?

This simple assessment is for adults who think they may have symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Below is a list of questions that relate to life experiences common among people who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Please read each question carefully, and indicate how often you have experienced the same or similar challenges in the past few months.

How Accurate Is It?

This quiz is NOT a diagnostic tool. Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed by qualified mental health professionals.

Psycom believes assessments can be a valuable first step toward getting treatment. All too often people stop short of seeking help out of fear their concerns aren't legitimate or severe enough to warrant professional intervention.

How Is ADHD Treated?

Treatment for adult ADHD typically involves medication, psychotherapy, and/or psychoeducation. There is no cure for ADHD, but a combination of these treatments can effectively reduce symptoms and improve work and home life.

Your privacy is important to us. All results are completely anonymous.

Alchemer is an advanced survey platform for professionals. scalable. secure. integrated. Please take my survey now


I thought ADHD was only in kids. How many adults have ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is primarily diagnosed in children ages 4–17 but according to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 4. 4% of adults aged 18-44 have ADHD. ADHD is a neurological disorder present from birth and has a strong genetic component. If your symptoms are being caused by ADHD, they may have been present but not noticed in childhood. Many parents of children with ADHD are diagnosed when their child starts to struggle at school and are referred to a specialist.

Is ADHD a mental illness?

ADHD is a neurological condition. While it technically falls under the umbrella of mental illnesses most practitioners see it as a behavior disorder rather than a mental illness. ADHD is associated with behavior problems caused by working memory and executive functioning deficits (i.e. the ability to plan and be organized). It also commonly co-occurs with mental illnesses including bipolar disorder, social anxiety disorder, substance use disorder, and learning disabilities. Another term that is gaining acceptance that may more accurately describe ADHD is neurodiversity. Neurodiversity is a term that describes people who think and learn differently.

What is ADD behavior?

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is one of the three subtypes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and is no longer an acceptable acronym (in the clinical sense). Today it is referred to as ADHD predominantly inattentive type. While it has many overlapping symptoms, ADHD predominantly inattentive type lacks the hyperactivity piece but includes distractibility, impulsivity, trouble focusing (unless it’s something you find very interesting), and executive functioning challenges, meaning you have trouble planning, following instructions, and being organized.

Is it possible to have a successful life when you have ADHD?

Absolutely. Many people with ADHD thrive and often it’s because of (not despite) their ADHD symptoms. People with ADHD in business are known to be strategic, outside-the-box thinkers who have an enviable ability to handle many different tasks. People with ADHD are often very creative and have a unique ability to make connections others fail to see. Celebrities like swimmer Michael Phelps, Will Smith, Justin Timberlake, Emma Watson, and Zooey Deschanel all have ADHD.

Is ADHD something you can develop as an adult?

No, if you are experiencing symptoms of ADHD as an adult you had it in childhood and either found ways to work around your difficulties or had mild enough symptoms they were overlooked. This is especially true in women/girls females who often manifest their symptoms by turning inward and keeping their problems hidden. They also typically lack the hyperactive component. It's important to note that depression, anxiety, and some mood disorder can resemble ADHD so it's important to rule out those causes of your symptoms. Research shows that ADHD is largely hereditary so if you have a child diagnosed with ADHD, you or the child’s father may have it as well. Untreated ADHD can strain relationships and contribute to other challenges so if you suspect you have ADHD seek the guidance of a licensed mental health care provider.

How accurate is this ADHD quiz and what do I do with the results?

This online assessment is not a diagnostic tool. Only a licensed mental health provider or doctor can properly diagnose ADHD. You can use the results of this ADHD test as a way to start a conversation with a partner, relative, therapist, or medical doctor.

Who can diagnosis ADHD?

ADHD cannot be diagnosed by a blood test. Share your symptoms with your doctor who can conduct a physical exam, review your medical history, and rule out other causes of your symptoms. You may be referred to an ADHD specialist for further testing after an initial consultation with your doctor.

What if I do not have insurance and/or can't afford a doctor to diagnose and treat me for ADHD?

Research has shown that interacting with others that share similar challenges can be a helpful source of knowledge, camaraderie, and effective coping strategies. Connect with support groups online through reputable organizations like CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness). Apps can also be a helpful tool. Many are designed to help you cope with related anxiety, stress, insomnia, and organizational challenges. For a list of mental health apps visit

Notes: This article was originally published December 30, 2021 and most recently updated June 28, 2022.

Attention Deficit Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (abbreviated as ADHD) are certain disorders in the psycho-emotional development of a child. The first symptoms begin to bother from the age of three: the baby cannot sit still and tries in every possible way to attract attention to himself by deliberate disobedience.

Many parents do not consider it necessary to deal with hyperactivity in children, attributing bad behavior to a difficult age. However, in the future, the disease turns into serious problems for the student: inability to concentrate, poor progress, frequent criticism from teachers and friends, social isolation, and nervous breakdowns.

Hyperactivity is a dysfunction of the central nervous system. If left untreated in childhood, the disorder can greatly affect the quality of life of an adult. Therefore, it is worth seeking the advice of a specialist and conducting a comprehensive corrective therapy if you suspect a child has ADHD.

The development of ADHD is hidden in several reasons that have been established by scientists on the basis of facts. These reasons include: genetic predisposition; pathological influence.
Genetic predisposition is the first factor that does not exclude the development of malaise in the patient's relatives. Moreover, in this case, both distant heredity (i.e., the disease was diagnosed in ancestors) and near (parents, grandparents) play a huge role. The first signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child lead caring parents to a medical institution, where it turns out that the predisposition to the disease in a child is associated precisely with genes. After examining the parents, it often becomes clear where this syndrome came from in the child, since in 50% of cases this is exactly the case. Today it is known that scientists are working on isolating the genes that are responsible for this predisposition. Among these genes, an important role is given to DNA regions that control the regulation of dopamine levels. Dopamine is the main substance responsible for the correct functioning of the central nervous system. Dysregulation of dopamine due to genetic predisposition leads to the disease of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Pathological influence is of considerable importance in answering the question about the causes of the manifestation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Pathological factors can serve as: the negative impact of narcotic substances; influence of tobacco and alcoholic products; premature or prolonged labor; interrupt threats. If a woman allowed herself to use illegal substances during pregnancy, then the possibility of having a child with hyperactivity or this syndrome is not excluded. There is a high probability of the presence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child born at 7–8 months of pregnancy, i. e. premature.


Attention deficit disorder is expressed primarily in hyperactivity and inattention of the child. These are the main symptoms of the disorder.

Signs of hyperactivity:

  • A constant feeling of internal restlessness causes the child to fidget in a chair, jerk his legs, wave his arms or fiddle with something.
  • Feelings of anxiety increase when adults are forced to be quiet and calm. This causes a backlash: the children respond to the request not to make noise with stormy laughter, stomping or jumping up from their seats.
  • Hyperactivity is expressed in impulsive behavior. For example, a child shouts out an answer in class before the teacher has finished speaking the question. Or he may get into a fight because he is unable to wait his turn in the game competitions.
  • Inattentiveness inherent in the hyperactivity syndrome is expressed as follows:
  • Any task tires very quickly, just a couple of minutes after the start. It is almost impossible to focus on learning a new subject. Usually children are able to keep their attention on what they are really interested in. But in a child with ADHD, boredom and an absent-minded look appear in any activity, even in the one with which he “fired up” in the first minutes.
  • Concentration problems develop distraction. Sitting down for homework in the language, the child opens a math notebook and does not notice that he is writing the text on a sheet in a cage. He forgets to write down information in a diary, he may forget his textbook and notebooks on his desk, or he may not hear a request addressed to him.
  • Very poor memory noted. Trying to learn something by heart, a child can repeat a phrase twenty times and not reproduce it after a minute. This happens due to constant distractibility: children mechanically pronounce the words they are learning, but mentally follow the crawling fly on the wall or listen to the sounds from the street.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed using a questionnaire, behavioral observation of the child, and MRI brain examination.

Asking questions to parents, the medical specialist builds a clinical picture, differentiating normal behavioral symptoms from actual abnormalities, in order to accurately determine whether it is ADHD or normal puberty.

Frontal brain scan serves both to investigate attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The best treatment option for ADHD is a complex - psychological correction in combination with medications.

A lot depends on the actions of mothers and fathers. Do not constantly scold the baby for wrong actions and inappropriate behavior. It is much more useful to offer your help in cleaning things or preparing for school, to praise for the diligence shown and overcoming difficulties. It is very important to emphasize every achievement, no matter how small, and give the child confidence in their own abilities.

Praise the child for any possible reason - he washed his cup after himself, put away his toys, wrote neatly in a notebook or helped his mother set the table. Do not skimp on words of support even in case of failure, because adults quite often make mistakes and minor misconduct.

Relaxing music, board games, and a warm bath can alleviate irritation or dissatisfaction.

A daily routine put together will help the child gain peace and confidence, it is important for him to understand his duties and their sequence. It is useful to teach the student to make a list of upcoming tasks, given their importance. In order not to postpone the started lesson, the unobtrusive help of parents will also be required.

Communication is an important component of normal family relations and the normalization of a child's behavior.

Raising a child with Attention Deficit Disorder is not easy, but do not forget that this diagnosis is not a death sentence. It's just a disease that can be treated.

ADHD in adults - treatment, symptoms, diagnosis

Make an appointment

Treatment of ADHD in adults

Rehabilitation clinic "A NEW DAY" specializes in the treatment of adults with ADHD. We have developed and effectively applied a set of rehabilitation measures for ADHD.

Individual approach

Each patient has his own doctor - a neurologist. He knows everything about the patient and his disease, if necessary, he can make adjustments to the course of treatment at any stage. The main thing is the result. At the end of the course of treatment, individually developed recommendations are issued.

Treatment is always complex

Taking into account the variant of the course, the age of the patient, the severity of manifestations, the most appropriate methods and their combinations are selected:

To correct motor activity and impulsivity, special methods of exercise therapy (LFK), stabilometry with biofeedback (BFB) are used.

In everyday life, ADHD patients are not recommended to engage in those sports that involve a competitive nature and have a pronounced emotional component, for example, martial arts, team games. Useful jogging, swimming (non-competitive), cycling, skiing.

To improve the psychological and emotional state, reduce anxiety, overcome depression, sleep disorders, various methods of psychotherapy are used. The choice of a technique suitable for a particular patient is carried out by a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Relaxation techniques: special relaxation massages, relaxation sessions, medical treatment.
Cognitive training is used for attention deficit. Acupuncture (IRT) is traditionally used to restore the regulation of many organs, including the brain.

Innovative techniques

Translingual neurostimulation (TLNS) is an effect on the brain through the stimulation of tongue receptors. This is an advanced innovative technique, most effectively used in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, and as we know, ADHD belongs to such diseases. The use of TLNS allows you to restore the regulation of excitation-inhibition processes in a short time, which ultimately leads to an improvement in the course of ADHD, the best psychological and motor correction. In addition, TLNS has a positive effect on cognitive functions, such as concentration and memory, improves sleep, allowing the body to restore its neurotransmitter stores and have a good rest.

Continuity and recurrence

ADHD has a favorable course when properly treated. It is important to maintain the results achieved. To do this, at discharge, we give detailed individually developed recommendations. As long as there is any residual symptomatology, courses of treatment should be repeated, as a rule, 2-3 times a year.

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+7 (812) 603-70-10

Attention deficit disorder in adults

ADHD is a childhood-onset neurological behavioral disorder characterized by difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention, excessive motor activity (hyperactivity) and incontinence (impulsivity).

In recent years, the frequency of ADHD has increased, including among adults. It used to be thought that by adolescence, the symptoms of ADHD would significantly lessen or go away. However, now these ideas have changed: in 30-70% of cases, ADHD persists into adulthood. Most often this is due to insufficiently effective treatment in childhood.

More about ADHD

All processes occurring in the nervous system are based on two oppositely directed mechanisms: excitation and inhibition. Normally they are balanced. However, the formation of the nervous system does not occur immediately after birth. The brain is mainly formed before the age of 8 years, but finally only by the age of 25. Therefore, in children, arousal and inhibition often get out of control, in some cases leading to ADHD. Over time, the brain matures and the symptoms of ADHD improve or go away on their own. But even in an adult, cognitive, behavioral, and motor
disorders resulting from ADHD. That is why the prevalence of ADHD in adults, although it has increased in recent years, still remains much less than in children.

In general, the manifestations in children and adults do not differ, but there are features.

First, if a child does not have ADHD, then an adult will not develop this disease. Therefore, ADHD in adults is not a separate disease, but disorders that have persisted since childhood.

Secondly, in adults, attention disorders prevail over manifestations of hyperactivity. It is difficult for such people to concentrate and maintain attention, so many activities that require concentration may not be available to them. Hyperactivity can be manifested by restlessness, so sedentary sedentary work is not suitable for them.
Impulsivity can be manifested by conflicts in the family and at work.

And thirdly, the presence of ADHD in adulthood requires careful examination to exclude other disorders, incl. mental illness.

Manifestations of ADHD depend on the course of the disease.

Types of ADHD in adults

With a predominance of attention deficit disorder (deficit)

With a predominance of hyperactivity

Mixed ADHD

Symptoms of ADHD in adults

Symptoms of inattention (in adults - at least 5 symptoms for at least 6 months):

  • Inability to pay attention to details, inattention errors
  • Inability to maintain attention for a long time Often cumulative
  • the impression that he does not listen to addressed speech
  • Inability to follow instructions, algorithms, for example, to fulfill conditions tasks
  • Resistance to getting involved in tasks, avoiding or active resistance
  • Frequent loss of things, especially those necessary to complete tasks
  • Easy distractibility to extraneous stimuli or thoughts (“hovering” thoughts)
  • Routine forgetfulness (errands, chores, being late)

Symptoms of hyperactivity (in adults, at least 5 symptoms for at least 6 months):