How to protect your home from negative energy
9 Doable Ways To Protect Yourself From Negative Energy Daily
Place symbols of protection in or around your home.
Every religion and mystical tradition contains well-known symbols of protection. Find one or two that resonate with you, and place them on a wall, near an entryway, or in the garden of your home. As an angel person, I keep angel figurines around my home and find comfort in their gentle reminder. As someone of predominantly Irish and Scottish heritage, I also have a few Celtic crosses hanging in my office.
Try to maintain a peaceful energy in your home.
Let me start by stating the obvious—it's not always possible to keep the peace at home. Nor is it always healthy, when an argument or expression of painful emotions is what's really called for. Overall, it's nice to feel your home is a pleasant sanctuary you can retreat to, so promote kindness and courtesy as much as possible among pets, roommates, guests, and family members.
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Keep stones of protection in key spots around a space, on your person, or in your car.
People I know who are very sensitive to ghosts and energy, in general, swear by black tourmaline. Get a big chunk of this inexpensive stone and put it near your bed or by an entryway. I like to keep lots of little stones and crystals on the windowsills of every room in my home—it's both pretty and protective!
Other great stones for protection are black obsidian, black onyx, and smoky quartz. I personally also like to use rose and clear quartz for protection. Keep a smaller piece of black tourmaline in your purse or backpack, and a piece of smoky quartz in the glove box of your car. A friend had a challenging new manager at work, so they put a piece of black obsidian inside their desk and that manager stopped approaching their desk! It doesn't always work in every situation or with every person, but it's usually worth a try.
Call in angels.
Archangel Michael is the go-to for protection, a warrior archangel with the heart of a teddy bear. This archangel can even be a lovely sleep aid for some energy-sensitive people if you feel anxious falling asleep, are sleeping in a new space like a hotel, or experience nightmares. When you call on archangel Michael in your thoughts, you might feel an energy shift in the room. If you suspect some strange energy or even a ghost, again call on angels. Try to meet a wandering spirit with as much compassion as possible, and don't pay it any more attention than necessary. Call on angels to then lovingly help this soul transition to the other side. This is a process I outline in more detail in my book Angel Intuition.
Keep spaces tidy, organized, and aesthetically pleasing.
Clutter, excessive trash or dust, and lots of broken objects can attract unwanted energies. It's not about being a neat freak or a hard-core minimalist.
Simply do little things to straighten up and keep order, like making your bed, loading the dishwasher, or organizing stacks of bills. If you are trying to protect yourself from negative energy, remove any objects in a space that make you feel negative, like the rug you never liked to begin with or a picture that reminds you of a difficult time. Zhuzh up spaces with colors and patterns you love and objects that make you feel happy or cozy. Add fresh flowers or plants for extra zing and positive vibes!
Use natural light and nature sounds to air out the energy of rarely used spaces.
I'm lucky enough to have a spare bedroom—that does not get much use. When guests are there, it's a lot of healthy activity in the space. Otherwise it sits dormant. Occasionally I make a point of using it as a reading room or for video chatting with loved ones, opening the blinds to let in natural light, and playing some soft, healing music or nature sounds. (I also keep a few crystals in there. ) Unused or rarely used spaces can sometimes attract odd energies that may view the space as a safe place to camp out. You can call in a spirit guide to anchor the space or put some spirit animal figurines or images in the space to protect it.
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Clear the energy of a space with a physical clean, or with smoke, sound, or water.
My favorite way to clear the energy of a space is by giving it a surface, or even deep, clean. I love the light, expansive energetic feeling of a home or office that's just been cleaned or tidied! You can also clear the energy of a space by burning natural incense in it, ringing a bell, or spraying aromatherapy. If you are moving around the space while clearing, send out loving energy or repeat an uplifting mantra like, "Love anchors this space." Often spaces will have a calmer energy afterward.
Learn how to say no to others to protect your energy.

Saying no when yes is not an authentic answer is how you become your own superhero. It can sometimes take the courage and strength of a superhero to do this, though! Practice saying no in small ways—like to a neighbor or coworker who asks for yet another favor when you're already busy and stressed—to build up your stamina for saying no in bigger ways. This prevents drains on your energy and also sends out the message to others that you have healthy boundaries—then they may begin treating you in a healthier way.
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Observe all common sense and conventional methods of protection.
Studies show that one of the best ways to keep your car, home, and digital spaces safe is by observing the obvious, like locking doors and windows, keeping porch lights or motion-sensor lights on, checking accounts regularly, etc. While this might seem like very practical advice, there's an energy component here too. Not only will people be more inclined not to break in if they physically try a door and find it's locked, but energetically you are sending out a message people may sense on another level.
In general, keeping your earthly life orderly, taking care of more mundane responsibilities, and being pragmatic complements your mystical development and energetic attunement!
The takeaway.
So many things in life are out of our control. While there is no talisman against negative experiences, try a few of the suggestions here and notice if you experience less negative energy.
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Remove Negative Energy From Your Home
Every item on this page was hand-picked by a House Beautiful editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.
Because nothing is worse than feeling bummed out in your own house.
By Lauren Smith McDonough
Everyone experiences gloomy Sunday afternoon feelings from time to time. But if your home feels like it's been in a constant state of the blues, it's time to banish those negative, sad, and downright depressing vibes that can have a dramatic effect on your mood once and for all. Trust us, you do want to try these techniques at home.
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Try airing everything out.
The first step to moving negative air out of your home: "Open up all the windows and create a draft to let the air come through, even if it's freezing outside," says Silvia Christmann, Growth Coach and health and happiness guru. "Fresh Air is everything." While you're at it, shake out your pillows and blankets, too.
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Carefully burn some incense.
This fragrant smoke has long been a spiritual and meditation practice — so why not try it at home? Christmann says it'll help elevate the energy: "Nag champa is best used in a clean home for meditation as it's property creates a calm and serene atmosphere," she says.
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Be sure to repair or remove broken things.
Even though you've been meaning to get around to fixing that office chair, it might not be worth holding onto. "Broken things bring that stuck and negative energy into your home," says Anjie Cho, Feng Shui and holistic living expert and founder of Holistic Spaces.
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Spray orange essential oil around your home.
If there's something about the smell of oranges that reminds you of smiles and sunshine, you're not alone. "Not only does it clear the negative energy, but it uplifts your mood," says Cho. "You can diffuse drops into water or use an organic essential oil spray."
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Remove clutter as soon as possible.
Yes, there's a reason you feel so good after you clear off your counter. "Objects retain lots of energy and physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually block our 'path' forward," says Maureen Calamia, a re-nature Feng Shui consultant. Oh, and did we mention clutter makes you feel tired and stressed, too?
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Smudge your entire home with sage.
A popular Native American technique for removing bad energy is lighting sage, then blowing out the flame. "The smoke is what you will use to clear your home," says Calamia. "I always start at the front door and work my way around in clockwise direction." After "smudging" the entire home, visualize your intentions for your home as the smoke filling every crevice.
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Protect your space with crystals.
Sadly, you can't just pick out your favorite color for this practice. "Black Touraline is known to ward off and dissolve negative energy," says Christmann."While Rose Quartz replaces negative emotions and feelings with positive ones." She recommends keeping them close to electronic devices if possible.
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Ring a bell in your room.
It sounds almost too simple, right? "Just give [your bell] a ring in each corner of the room and in your doorway," says professional psychic, Melissa Mattern. Then, set the intention in your mind for the sound waves to move the bad energy out, and the good energy in.
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Paint your walls yellow.
Color plays a pivotal role in your home. And, according to interior designer Ana Zuravliova, yellow neutralizes bad energy. "From an interior design viewpoint, this color will also make your space appear bigger and add a warm tone to a room," she says.
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Salt the corners of each room.
To absorb the negative energy of previous owners, the experts at Energy Muse recommend pouring salt into the four corners of your rooms, then letting it sit. After the 48 hours, either vacuum or sweep the salt and throw it away in the trash.
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Start with a clean slate.
When someone purchases a new home, Colin T. McDonald, a NYS Licensed Real Estate Salesperson, always recommends they clean and wipe down surfaces before moving their belongings into the home. "This will aid in removing any type of negative energy from the previous owner," he says.
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Remove sharp corners.
One of the most important rules in Feng Shui is to remove as many sharp angles and edges around your home as possible. Zuravliova acknowledges this isn't easy, but says it's worth it: "Using round lampshades or decorating with circular objects, such as vases, jewelry boxes and round tables, will go a long way towards bringing positive energy into your home," she says.
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Add more mirrors.
To add positive energy (also known as chi) place mirrors around your home — but remember to avoid ones with sharp edges. "This will not only help you create more positive energy in your decor, but it will also help to cleanse the mind," says Zuravliova.
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Stick with neutral colors.
Think about it: Dark, rich colors are full of personality. But sometimes, when you're already overwhelmed by life, that's the opposite of what you need to create a relaxing environment. "Steer clear of anything dark that might feel negative and make spaces appear smaller than they actually are," says McDonald.
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Protect your entrances.
Doors and windows to the outside act as entrances for energy. To keep these areas purified, the experts at Energy Muse recommend filling up a bucket of water with lemon juice, salt and white vinegar, then wiping doorknobs and windows with your mixture. Afterwards, pour sea salt by all of your entrances and cover it with a doormat to prevent negative energy from entering.
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How to protect the house from negative energy
Negative energy is all phenomena that negatively affect the emotional, physical and psychological state of a person. It is they who deprive a person of peace of mind, peace, cause anxiety
A house for a person has always been a haven of peace and tranquility. A home is a place where a person rests from work and enjoys communication with relatives. Therefore, it is important that good energy circulates within the walls of the house.
The dwelling must be cleared of bad vibrations, this also applies to the workplace.
Let's look at the simplest methods of how to effectively protect yourself from "bad" flows and negative emotions.
How to deal with bad energies?
First of all, you need to protect your state of mind and peace. And the following methods will save you from negative vibrations and help you see the world from the good side.
Get rid of fears
The main source of negative energy in life is all sorts of fears, doubts, negatively charged thoughts. It is possible to defeat them only by accepting them. It is necessary to try to identify the cause of all concerns and solve the problem. Only after that you will feel the long-awaited relief, calmness and satisfaction.
Laugh more
Negative energy and laughter are incompatible. This was talked about in old fairy tales. Great method, by the way. nine0003
With oil
Carry thyme aromatic oil with you and apply it to your body. In esotericism, this remedy is used to drive away negative vibrations.
How to protect your home from negative energy
Keep a branch of a rue plant at your work place or carry it with you. Rue is believed to protect against negative energy.
Wormwood will also work well with this. nine0003
Indoor plants
Plants purify indoor air, remove negative energy and generate positive energy.
How to protect your home from negative energy
Cleaning the house
A house can be filled with negative energy when there are constant conflicts, quarrels, negative emotions. Existing in such an atmosphere is harmful to physical and spiritual health. nine0003
Throwing away rubbish
Rubbish and dust in the home create an unfavorable atmosphere. A space clogged with unnecessary items, things that are not used - all this creates an unhealthy energy. Make it a rule to systematically clean your home with an audit of cabinets, drawers and shelves.
Open windows and doors
Air must be free to enter the premises. Airing helps to remove negative energy. And let the sunshine in. nine0003
Incense has always been used in ancient religions and practices. They help to clean the atmosphere in the house and remove bad vibrations.
How to protect your home from negative energy
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How to protect your home from negativity: 10 tips
The energy flows circulating in your home can be extremely unfavorable for your physical and mental state. It is easy to notice when relatives quarrel, conflict and experience negative emotions towards each other. How to clean the house from bad vibrations.
Do you notice that various conflicts, disputes and quarrels often occur in your house? These facets of communication create flows of negative energy in the home. But you can let clean air and natural light into the rooms - then the housing will be cleansed of negative flows. Here's how you can protect yourself from invisible negativity. nine0003
Your home is a haven of peace and tranquility. This is a place where you rest from work, enjoy communication with the closest people. And no one would want negative energy to circulate within the walls of his house.
It is desirable to clear your home and even your workplace of bad vibrations so that the day develops positively, fewer unforeseen and unpleasant events occur.
There are simple methods to effectively protect yourself from "bad" currents and negative emotions. nine0003
Essence of negative energy
This name combines all the phenomena that negatively affect the emotional, physical, psychological state of a person. Bad vibrations deprive a person of peace of mind, peace, cause anxiety and even depression. This is reflected in performance: for example, you can lose concentration.
Protection from negative energy
It is necessary to fight against negative energy, protect your state of mind and peace. Here are methods that will save you from negative vibrations. In addition, you will see the world from the good side and insure against stressful situations. nine0003
Fear away!
One of the main sources of negative energy in life are various kinds of fears, doubts, negatively charged thoughts. It is possible to defeat them only by accepting them. It is necessary to try to identify the cause of all concerns and solve the problem. Only after that you will feel the long-awaited relief, calmness and satisfaction.
Positive attitude
Proven method. How you relate to problems and life in general, with such success you will cope with all the troubles. Negative energy and positive are incompatible. nine0003
People's experience
Carry garlic with you (one clove is enough). It has long been believed that garlic drives away negative emotions and bad currents. You need to wrap the garlic in a handkerchief and put it in the pocket of your coat or bag.
Carry thyme (thyme) aromatic oil with you. In esotericism, this remedy is used to drive away negative vibrations. It is enough to apply a couple of drops of the specified product on the skin of the wrist or behind the ear. Keep in the workplace or carry with you a sprig of the rue plant. Rue is believed to protect against negative energy. nine0003
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Getting rid of negative flows in the home
A house can be filled with negative energy when there are constant conflicts, quarrels, and negative emotions. Existing in such an atmosphere is harmful to physical and spiritual health. Of course, you can not build relationships by magic. But it is in your power to get rid of material generators of negative vibrations in the walls of the house. nine0003
Throwing away rubbish
Material waste, dust in the home creates an unfavorable atmosphere for existence. A space clogged with unnecessary items, things that are not used - all this creates an unhealthy energy. Make it a rule to systematically clean your home with an audit of cabinets, drawers and shelves.
Open windows and doors
Air must be allowed to enter the premises. Airing helps to remove negative energy. And let the sunshine in. nine0003
Incense has always been used in ancient religions and practices. Thus, they cleaned the atmosphere in the house and removed bad vibrations.
The use of aromatic oils and fragrant mixtures will relax, help to cope with anxieties and unpleasant emotions that have accumulated during the day.