How to get back at someone who broke your heart

5 genius ways to seek revenge on an ex who broke your heart


Jack Roskopp, Digital Content Editor, Graham Media Group


Tags: Valentines, Holidays

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‘Don’t get mad, get everything’

Jack Roskopp, Digital Content Editor, Graham Media Group

Tags: Valentines, Holidays

There's a line in the classic movie "The First Wives Club" that will forever ring true about breakups: "Don't get mad, get everything."

It's never fun when an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend breaks your heart. Not only is there the awkwardness of having to tell your friends and family that it's over, but you're also incredibly sad and depressed about the whole situation.

You can do a few things, however, to ease your heartbreak. They say that revenge is a dish best served cold, but what kind of revenge are we talking about? Eating your feelings surely helps, but the scale unfortunately never lies. You can go full Beyoncé on them and start "lemonading," but having to replace car windows after you smash them with a baseball bat could get expensive.

So don't worry, you heartbroken jellyfish. Luckily for you, we have assembled a few different ways for you to have your best revenge on that scrub who broke your heart.

1.) Name a cockroach after your ex

Besides the obvious LOL factor of naming a nasty bug after your ex, last year, the El Paso Zoo would literally feed the cockroach that you named your ex after to a meerkat on Valentine’s Day on a live camera. How perfect!

No word on whether they’ll be doing it again, but we love the energy here.

2.) Or name a snake after your ex

Paula Abdul told us that snakes are cold-hearted, just like your exes, so why not name a snake after them? The Sydney Zoo once held a contest in which the winner got to name a snake after their ex. It may not be as satisfying as watching a cockroach named Chad get eaten by a meerkat, but this would do, too.

3.) Change your Netflix password

If you've been in a long-term relationship, chances are you might have shared a Netflix or Hulu password with your ex. There's no better way to serve revenge than when they're ready to watch "The Office" for the millionth time and they can't get their Michael Scott fix. Burn!

4.) Upgrade your life

Beyoncé once said, "Best revenge is your paper," and truer words have never been spoken. If your significant other dumped you, then it's time to upgrade your life! Get your hair done, maybe hit the gym a few times or maybe even apply for a better-paying job. Use your heartbreak to fuel your comeback.

5.) Go public

First of all, you should only go public if your ex cheated on you. If it was just a sad "it's not you, it's me" situation, then stick to Facebook, but if this person went behind your back and cheated, then you need to go big or go home, like one woman did at a football game. She held up a sign that read, "My cheating ex-boyfriend is watching from couch instead. " Totally genius.

And please, comment below if you have any ways that are perfect for getting back at your ex.

Graham Media Group 2019

About the Author:
Jack Roskopp

Jack is a Digital Content Editor with a degree in creative writing and French from Western Michigan University. He specializes in writing about movies, food and the latest TV shows.

People Share How They Got Revenge On Someone Who Broke Their Heart

Thank You

Shutterstock / ESB Professional

“My ex boyfriend cheated on me with someone, so obviously we broke up. Since we were in different cities, I used to get his updates from mutual friends. One fine day he called me and started narrating that how his current girlfriend dominates him and I was the best he could ever get.

Frankly, I did become a little weak but since he was telling about his then girlfriend so I didn’t had an opportunity to go back. Call me stupid, but I was so madly in love with him, that I was ready to be back even after knowing that he cheated. His calls continued, but every time he was telling about his then girlfriends and the problems with them only. As a human being with a heart, I listened and always gave him a crying shoulder (yes, I go out of my way to help people and I don’t think that makes me spineless).

Fast forward few years, I got married to ‘the man’ and he made me realize what love actually is. The ex was in touch with me on and off, which ‘the man’ knew too. He use to call/message me when he was very low emotionally or terribly wrecked in a relationship (he had a couple of girlfriends, after we broke up).

One fine morning, I called him (the ex) up. He was little low as his then girlfriend refused to spend New Year’s Eve with him and chose to go to some destination with one of his male friends, or something like that. I remember my exact words, ‘Sheesh, thank you for cheating on me. Thank you for breaking my heart. If you wouldn’t have done all that, I would have never met my husband and wouldn’t have realized that what love is and that I deserve love, happiness and moreover the respect. Thank you for pushing me away.’ This was almost two years back and that was the last time we spoke. He never contacted me post this conversation.

So living well, and letting your ex know about it, is the best revenge.”

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I Got The Money

Shutterstock / Jason Stitt

“Yeah yeah let it go, be a better person, show them what they’re missing. These answers are of course all mature and correct but when you have a sense of injustice it’s really hard to do that. All you want is to get back some control. Here are the two rules of revenge.

Rule Number One-Patience

My advice is be patient. Yes don’t let it consume you. Don’t go crazy stalking them. Don’t waste energy on them. But be patient and know that one day the opportunity will come.

Rule Two-Load the weapon, don’t pull the trigger

I have taken revenge three times in my life. I’m pretty easygoing, focus on the bigger picture etc but sometimes you need to take revenge. VERY IMPORTANT- the best revenge is when it absolutely can not be traced back to you. The other person has to believe that they’re just having a bad day/week/month. This means no keying their car, calling their work or all the other impassioned things you want to do. Create a situation and let them pull the trigger.

Do I sound like a psycho yet?

My ex-husband got deported for not having the correct visa in Canada. Relationship broke down, he cost me a lot of money, lied to me, didn’t work, etc. Anyway, divorce happened and he continued with the same old pathological lies that he was a changed man, he would send money for the divorce just let him know,etc. Three weeks after I asked for a divorce, he was in an online relationship with another woman. Strike one.

I gave him months to get together $300. I was going to fill out all 11 forms necessary for the divorce. I had done my research to save us both money so we didn’t have to use a lawyer. All he had to do was send money and accept the papers being served on him.

He blocked me. Didn’t send money. I had to beg and plead with him through his mum to just let someone give him some papers and that was it. It took a lot of tenacity and anxiety. Strike two. I had enough. Couldn’t waste anymore time on him and paid for it all myself and got the divorce but didn’t tell him. Now I just waited.

I kept an eye on his girlfriend’s Instagram. Nothing much happening apart from a few jewelry gifts from him here and there. I knew it wouldn’t be long. Then bingo. I found out they were engaged. I should be happy for him but wait, as far as he knew, we were still married. And his social media status was public. And he thought he had blocked me. Oh sorry? You didn’t know he was still married? New fiancée and friends.

I understand this goes against rule number two and I sound more psycho than I actually am but it worked!! Five days later I received the money for the whole divorce. Three days after that I sent the divorce order and told him we’d been divorced for over a month.

Revenge was served. It probably didn’t affect him too much but I got the control back and that’s what revenge is about.”

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He Couldn’t Let It Go

Pixabay / JerzyGorecki

“There was a really beautiful, popular girl my friend, ‘Rohan,’ had a serious crush on. He asked her out several times but she was always ‘busy’. She never really discouraged him though, I think she liked the attention.

One day Rohan got ahold of two tickets to a sold-out movie. He bought them from a friend who had to go out of town for an emergency. Rohan immediately called the girl of his dreams and of course, she accepted. He was thrilled and everything seemed fine.

The night of the show they’re at the theater waiting for the show to begin and she suddenly says, ‘Oh, I see my friend, I’ll be right back!’

You guessed it, she never returned. Rohan stayed at the seats since that’s the only place she would logically look for him. When the show ended, Rohan ever the gentleman, waited for a long time so he could drive her home. But saw no sign of her. She didn’t answer her phone or texts. So he left feeling so hurt.

By the next morning, he was rightfully angry! She called him around noon apologizing and saying she ran into her ex they had a long talk and worked out a lot of stuff and lost track of time. She had actually missed the movie and blah, blah, blah.

He accepted her apology and asked if they could try again. She accepted and told him how very nice and forgiving he was. She had underestimated him! So the next Saturday evening he took her to a very expensive restaurant. He was polite and chatty the whole way up there. He made the reservation in her name.

They were seated, ordered food, ate, and then Mike excused himself to go to the men’s room. He very deliberately said, ‘I’ll be right back.’

He walked out to the parking lot and drove away. And became the hero of every good guy who’s been treated like garbage by a girl because she just didn’t give a hoot about his feelings.”

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You Have To Love Again

Shutterstock / Phovoir

“I dated a girl in college who I thought I might marry. She felt the same though we never planned it.

Then one evening my world exploded. After having a few too many drinks with a friend, he confessed he’d had an affair with her while I was gone to boot camp.

‘Are you freaking kidding me?’ I screamed.

‘Sorry, just wanted you to know,’ he called as he ran out the door ducking for cover.

I flipped out and started throwing bottles. I understood for the first time how a person wigs out and beats up someone else. Instead, thankfully, I just took off. Roamed for a few days. Gave myself time to calm down and get rational. Marriage never exactly entered our conversation again. We’d still see each other occasionally but never anything serious. I simply never trusted her. Interestingly she and my friend never saw each other again.

In my senior year, I met a beautiful young woman who was just as beautiful on the inside. I hadn’t trusted anyone with love since that night. Too many wounds. But this young woman was different. I somehow knew. And for 45 years she has proven it over and over. My wife and I happened to see the other woman years ago. She’d never married. Perhaps revenge was her seeing what might have been. Though honestly, I didn’t care anymore. And I’m thankful every day I found the one I married.

The best revenge for a broken heart is to love again and forget about revenge.”

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Just Say Goodbye

Shutterstock / Heath Johnson

“After being hurt and ignored by this guy I thought I couldn’t live without I realized I had to do something about my dang self since I could do nothing about him.

The last time he failed to show up for our date I didn’t call and whine, I didn’t get inebriated and tell everyone what he did. I did nothing. At all. He called me later that night but I didn’t pick up. He texted me and I didn’t reply. The next day he started early calling and leaving messages and it was very hard but I didn’t respond so he comes over and knocks on my door and I opened the door with a smile.

I said ‘Hey what’s up?’ He went into his spiel about him being worried about me. I said ‘Why are you worried about me?’ He started to explain but I stopped him. ‘Look’ I said ‘No big deal, I’m actually kinda busy right now and don’t have time but you can call me later.’

He wanted to know what I was doing that was more important than listening to him lie to me again so I told him I’m watching TV and I really have to go. Goodbye. He was all cocked and primed to come over and force-feed me an excuse for effing me over but I wasn’t listening to any more of his nonsense I was sick and tired of him and instead of punching him in his mouth (I call his mouth a lie hole).

I smiled and said goodbye. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do but it was rewarding to know he had told me his last lie. Being toyed with is infuriating but being indifferent to someone who’s toying with your emotions feels so good. I must stress, no arguing about it, no whining, no animosity just indifference. It’s not easy but it kills them inside to take their toy away from them while you appear unfazed. Good luck you’re in a situation that emotions can get out of control.”

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I’m In His Head

Shutterstock / Yulia Kulkova

“He was from a middle-class family. When he was in college he fell in love with a girl. Both were going steady. They finished their studies and he was thinking of doing his post-graduation.

Meanwhile, the girl’s parents found her a rich well-settled boy who was earning very well. Without a second thought, she dumped him and got married to the boy chosen by her parents.

He was shattered and attempted suicide but was saved in the nick of time by his family. Knowing his state of mind they asked him to apply for post-graduation in America. He did his post-graduation there and immediately got a job there.

Today he is earning very well, married, and moved on in life. He regularly posts his pictures with his pretty wife on social media.

A few years ago he was blessed with a beautiful baby girl. And guess what? He gave his beautiful baby girl the name of his ex-girlfriend. He posted the photo of his wife and daughter and wrote the name of my daughter is dedicated to the person without whom I would never have got these two beautiful ladies in my life.

So the best revenge is ceasing to care for the person who dumped you and moving ahead in life. After all, nobody is indispensable in this world.

If someone breaks your heart, focus on your career. Go on solo holidays and trips or with friends and family. Enjoy your life. Live for the people who truly love you like your parents. Don’t waste your time pining for someone who was not meant to be in your life. Eventually, you will find someone better than the person who broke your heart.”

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Sometimes It’s Best Not To Care

Shutterstock / Voyagerix

“Years ago, back in Christmas of 2008, I started dating a girl. Long story short she basically met another guy, she had told me she wasn’t at all attracted to him so I didn’t expect anything to happen. I live in Arizona and she was still in high school at the time (Junior year) while I was a freshman at University. I did my studies in Tucson (University of Arizona) for my freshmen year, but then later transferred to ASU as a sophomore so I could be closer to friends and family.

Anyway prior to me moving to ASU, we had been ‘broken up’ by her parents for some, well some very silly reasons that I personally feel only an extremist would do, but, that’s besides the point. As I’m on my side of town doing my college thing, here she is doing her thing on her side of town still being a senior in high school.

Now I’m just going to say right here that I have NEVER been the kind of guy to tell a girl who she can and can’t be friends with. I had no problem whatsoever with this new guy she met. And, to be fair, as they were spending more time together, she started opening up and she upfront told me that she thinks she likes him.

So at this point I’m thinking, ‘Ok…she likes a new guy. That’s completely fine. We’re not officially together. If she has feelings for another guy who am I to say she’s being a bad person or whatever?’

Honestly, maybe this was a bit naive of me, but I figured given all our history and what not that she would have chosen me in the end. Sadly I was wrong.

So get this. Me and this girl that I was seeing at the time made plans to meet up since, you know, we were still in love with each other and all that jazz. We literally made plans like at least two months in advance. And guess what happens? I remember it so vividly. I’m sitting in my Psychology 101 class, and out of nowhere, ‘Susan’ I guess we’ll call her, texted me and said, ‘Justin asked me out.’

I responded, ‘Um okay? Did you like say yes or something?’

She replied, ‘Yeah. I did.’

Well. That’s definitely the BEST thing I’ve ever heard in my life. NOT. Literally, TWO DAYS before she was supposed to come out and visit me after making plans for two months prior she goes off and makes this guy her boyfriend. And what’s even worse… is that I acted and pretended like everything was okay at first. She still came over to my house that weekend with her friend and I still treated her like a queen and everything. Didn’t have relations but still shared the same bed and everything. I literally played it off like the Happy Mask Salesman from Majoras Mask, only deep down inside I truly, truly was hurting.

After the weekend was done she left and that was basically the start of her new relationship with this guy. What made it even worse is that she expected me to be her ‘best friend’ after all that happened. I went along with it for a good 2 months of suffering. After I couldn’t take it anymore I wrote her a goodbye letter basically saying if that’s how it was, well then kindly leave me out because I couldn’t stand the way she was playing me.

So I did that. I sent her the letter and went No Contact. That was my first ever really serious breakup and that happened towards the end of 2009. At that point we will not have talked for about a year and a half I would say. Although the breakup was hard, I was in my beginning years at school and plus was doing a Semester Abroad (Semester at Sea) so I was pretty busy and able to keep my mind off it for the most part so to speak.

I’m almost done I promise. About a year and a half goes by after I sent her that letter and this will be the point that I have gotten back from my trip abroad and back to ASU to continue taking my Junior Year credits. And man, even 7 years later I still am incapable of forgetting that very moment that happens next.

Susan and I still had some mutual friends so she would see my posts on her friend’s pages here and there. I very vividly remember what happened here. It was back in late 2010 but there were some Earthquake problems in Japan and that was one of the many countries that I visited, and one of Susan’s friends had posted a status saying, ‘My heart goes out to all the people of Japan.’ or something to that degree. I absolutely will not forget the exact words that came next, though. I decided to post on her status update and it all goes down from here:

I wrote, ‘To think I could have been caught in that Earthquake….’

She commented, ‘Could you possibly think of anyone else but yourself?!’

I replied, ‘You’re not REALLY gonna try to start pointless arguments with me on other people’s status updates, are you?’

That is literally what was said word for word after her friend posted that status update online. Susan had made an attempt to trigger my emotions after a year and a half of not even a word to each other and that literally was what came out of my mouth. What happens next will have changed my life forever.

After I said what I said to Susan, she literally said nothing. No response whatsoever. Until three weeks after said deed she decided to send me a message online:

Her message said, ‘Hey there. I just wanted to let you know that I’m really sorry if I hurt you back in the day. I’m sorry for whatever I did to you. I know it probably doesn’t matter anymore, but I just had to say it. I just can’t keep holding grudges anymore.’

I literally could not believe it. After a year and a half of suffering and expecting to never connect or see her again, she out of the blue apologizes to me just because of the way oI responded.

So…I guess what pretty much everyone else has been saying is the truth. The best revenge against someone who broke your heart is to simply just not care. Susan literally expected me to get angry and lash out at her, and that wouldn’t have made things better at all. It would have just made things worse between us. It just would have continued to be a never-ending stupid child’s game of ‘who can insult who’ the best, and it would have stayed that way.

As of today we don’t really talk as much as we used to, but I still consider her one of my good friends and I would do pretty much anything for her if she asked. I love that girl. Not in a romantic sense, but more just an ‘I appreciate her’ kind of sense I guess.

I’m actually just recently starting to get over a break up that happened over two years ago and that hit me way harder than it did Susan. So, I’m hoping with time I will truly be able to adopt this mentality that I applied to Susan and apply it to my most recent break up, because even though I’m not losing sleep over the fact that we’re not together anymore, it still ended pretty badly and sadly I haven’t truly, truly gotten to the point of ‘not caring about revenge’ yet, but man. I’m definitely getting there. One step, one day at a time is all we can do.”

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I Came Out The Winner

Shutterstock / Rob Bayer

“My husband left me for another woman four months after the birth of our son, by announcing that she was pregnant and he was going to live with her. We had been married for 10 years and he was the love of my life. I went through a very dark time, struggling to hold it together for the sake of our children. I was single for five years before meeting the man who is now my second husband.

I was extremely angry at my ex, but time slowly healed my wounds and I have no ill will against him now. We actually get along just fine. My ex and his new wife have a daughter who is exactly a year younger than our son, and the two kids are best friends. A few months ago his wife cheated on him and kicked him out.

At the time he left me, I had wished that he would have to feel what I was feeling so he would understand what he put me though, but now that it has happened it gives me no satisfaction at all. I sincerely want him to be happy, partly because it would be better for the kids!

Hopefully once your heart heals (it does take a long time!) you will be able to be at peace with your ex and move on with your life. It’s natural to feel angry and hurt when you’ve been betrayed by someone you love, but resentment hurts the person feeling it the most. ‘An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.'”

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How to behave after parting with a loved one

Relationships Love Parting Happiness Feelings

Not all relationships end happily. Humans are quite flexible creatures. We are constantly learning new information. The world around us is changing and we meet new people. What inspired us yesterday can already cause boredom today. So how to behave after breaking up with a person who broke his heart and left slamming the door?

© Depositphotos

At a young age, this situation can cause despair. After all, the fragile psyche is not yet ready for severe shocks. And, frankly, parting at any age is a difficult thing. Each person deals with it in their own way. But often the abandoned side makes a number of mistakes that do not help, but on the contrary, only aggravate the situation.


Abandoned people, often men, cannot believe that the object of their adoration is gone forever. Then the very first and at the same time the most primitive trick comes into play: the pursuit of former love. These are phone calls at any time of the day or night. Seeing off or meeting at the entrance. Inundated with messages on social networks and so on.

© Depositphotos

Needless to say, such a waste of time and energy will not lead to anything. The “victim” will only further move away from his pursuer and become stronger in the understanding that she made the right choice. And a person with a broken heart will again and again return to bitter thoughts. Psychological problems will begin to accumulate.

In the US, for example, such behavior is very intolerant of society and is even punishable by law. Often, a persecuting person is given a document that prohibits approaching the “victim” or her home / work closer than a certain distance. Disobedience can lead to big problems.


You won't be forced to be nice. It is obvious that if persuasion does not help the cause, then even more so with threats. In principle, there should be no violence between people, regardless of what goals someone is pursuing there.

But some people have other tactics. Aggression through mutual acquaintances. This manifests itself as follows: the abandoned side begins to communicate with all common acquaintances and spread rumors (often untrue) and take out all the dirty laundry. Thus, this side hopes to somehow take revenge on its former soul mate.

© Depositphotos

An act low and deeply reprehensible. First, he speaks of the person who spread the rumors as not being the nicest person. And now other people will turn away from him. Secondly, the sympathy of others will increase even more in the direction of the “victim”. Well, that's fair.

And anyway, why spoil your karma? She's like a boomerang: she'll come back and hit even harder.


No, we do not mean the case when strangers are already trying to negotiate among themselves. It is clear that the situation has developed in such a way that this will not lead to anything. But there are other options as well. When an abandoned man or woman goes to the parents of the former half or to her best friends and tries to somehow influence the situation through them.

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The fact is that in the world there are different family structures, faiths and politics. For example, in patriarchal countries, a woman may well not like a man. Repulse her like a man, but have a good relationship with her father. And that's it, the question is closed: they go down the aisle. Is it correct? It's hard to say, for us it seems something out of the ordinary. For some, this is perfectly acceptable.

So what's left?

Trite, known, but nevertheless a fact. Grow above yourself. Emotions are a colossal energy for our body. Negative emotions can make a person feel bad for no apparent reason. Just cause physical pain. Positive ones, on the contrary, heal the soul and heart.

Negative emotions just need to be directed in the right direction. In work, sports, study and so on. Persistent people often achieve the highest awards without even a grain of talent. Just a monotonous, boring robot over yourself. And it gives results.

© Depositphotos

Oh, how many successful businessmen and athletes have been brought up thanks to personal insults or unpleasant situations. At some point, they simply stepped aside from everything superfluous, unnecessary and went to their goal. But they would remain in a relationship, who knows, maybe they would just relax and be content with what they have.

Someone else's success, especially the success of the "former", is terribly annoying. And this is what we should strive for. Be happy and be successful. But it takes time and a lot of will power. And if you manage to overcome such a barrier, it will become much easier.

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Every normal person deserves respect. And first of all to yourself. Don't be fooled by failed relationships. It won't lead to anything good. You need to be a little more selfish and think to yourself at this moment. And then the period of parting will not be so difficult. Good luck and all the best to you! How to behave after a breakup is up to you.


How to take revenge on an ex-boyfriend who left, revenge for betrayal and betrayal beautifully, more painfully: 12 ways, video

Psychology of relationships

Is it worth taking revenge on an ex for betrayal? If revenge, then how to do it beautifully, but more painfully? How to take revenge so that a man really regrets what he did? Read about all this below.

Lies, humiliation, insidious betrayals - even recognized smart and beautiful women are not immune from such "surprises" in relationships. But if we are already looking for a way to take revenge on an ex-boyfriend or husband for his ugly behavior, our goal is not to lose face, remain clean before the law and not get a dangerous enemy.

Getty Images

The editors strongly advise you to give up revenge and find the strength to forgive and let go. If you are not ready yet, read the article to the end to get the opinion of an experienced psychologist and read her invaluable advice.

1. What does it smell like?

Let's say you were thrown ugly, the resentment is strong, and you want to hint to the former that his behavior, so to speak, smells bad. For a hint, you will need a couple of raw eggs and some fresh fish like mackerel. Or shrimp.

Draw a raw egg into a syringe and go! You can make several injections in the seats of his car, in the upholstered furniture of his apartment, in the upholstery of the door. A couple of shrimp or some raw fish can be scattered around the secluded corners of the home. For example, put on top of the cornice on which the curtains hang. Very soon, your abuser will be exhausted by the search for a) the source of the disgusting smell and b) those who want to buy such a smelly car.

2. "Ants in pants"

Meanly changed? Made you a clear, unforgivable muck? Okay, packing up and leaving your once-common home, linger at the drawer with his underwear. Underpants, neatly sprinkled with red pepper, will “cheer” anyone you want.

3. In the name of the law

A man who is capable of disgusting a woman is rarely decent in other areas of life. For example, it violates the parking rules. Great, we take a picture and send it to the traffic police. And what have we done? Will not violate!

4. Feed the birds

Have you ever suspected that he loves his car more than you? Great, you have a good trump card in your hands. A handful of sunflower seeds or a mix for feeding birds from zoomazagin, poured onto the roof and hood of a car, and the scoundrel is tormented by shouting “shoo!”.

You can take a comfortable observation position and see how he examines the scratches from the claws on the polish.

5. Did you get a little better?

Stingy, liar, rude, and even called you fat? I wonder who suddenly became hopelessly small all the pants and shirts? The same ones that you, before disappearing from his life, took to the studio, where they were sutured in a couple of sizes?

Getty Images

6. Greetings from “Madame Gritsatsuyeva”

Did he assert himself at your expense, strove to humiliate you, and sometimes even in public? Repay him with the same coin, put him in a funny light in front of his work colleagues.

Imagine: at the very height of the working day, when the office is full and the authorities are in place, your ex receives a package brought by a courier: a large portrait of a plump woman aged 60-70, in a playful pose and a transparent negligee with an inscription like “To my bear cub with hope for new hot nights! In the evening - a gift!


Receive, sign

While your offender's colleagues gossip about the fact that he turns out to be a gigolo in the care of an elderly erotomaniac, turn up the heat.

Discriminating sendings at the place of work - the widest field for fantasy. For example, in front of colleagues, your abuser may be delivered some depraved stuff from a sex shop or medicine to treat impotence. If you manage to hire a crazy and ready-made "courier", he will turn the delivery into an unforgettable performance.

8. "Feast of the Belly"

If you are sure that your ex-lover has treated you meanly and deserves punishment, allow yourself a little childishness. A little laxative powder added to a jar of sports nutrition or an open container of instant coffee will make you rub your hands. Some people find it very useful to clean the slagged body.

9. A call from a “friend”

Sometimes it happens that a man has done mean things to a woman and walks around laughing. And then suddenly they call him at work and ask him to remind him that, as a registered drug addict, he is obliged, by the way, to regularly go to check in and take tests. And no one canceled classes in the circle of anonymous alcoholics for him either.

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10. The Invisible Man

It's not nice if your ex who hurt you is your work colleague or is in the same class as you.

The best way to make him feel the depth of his insignificance is to completely ignore him. Act as if such a person does not exist in nature. No greetings, no glances in his direction, no, God forbid, reproaches or tears. He was waiting for the recognition of the importance of his person, and you deprived him of such pleasure.

11. Too many women

Has he cheated on you for a year with your girlfriend behind your back? He left you in tears and shock, while he himself is spinning a new novel with might and main? Bad people can be annoyed a little. Get a few phone SIM cards and bombard insidious text messages with love and erotic content. It won't hurt his new girlfriend to get a hint that she's a womanizer.

12. Reminder

A mediocre relationship, after which he also demanded back his miserable gifts - what could be more disgusting? One American gave a greedy ex-boyfriend such a surprise: she issued a daily transfer in the bank in his name with a notification for a period of 17 years. Every day, the miser began to receive a penny sum with a caustic postscript. You can also do this by adding: "To poverty."

13. An interesting man wants to meet

What could be easier than registering on a dating site under a false name? You mean under it? Choose the most compromising photo and add spicy captions to your profile. Do not forget to indicate the real phone number, to which a variety of characters will now call him.

Is it necessary to take revenge?


When we face a difficult, stressful situation that dramatically changes our lives, our reaction to it is divided into several phases.

  1. Shock (feeling that the world has collapsed).

  2. Denial (we don't believe this is happening to us).

  3. Depression (a whole range of feelings from aggression to self-blame).

  4. Acceptance.

At the stage of depression, many offended women come up with the idea: revenge! Let us ask ourselves the question: why do we want to take revenge?

People say: I want my offender to feel as bad as me, so that he also suffers. But this is an illusion: if someone nearby cuts a finger, our cut finger will not stop hurting from this, right?

People who took revenge later say: I thought it would be easier, but it didn't get easier. The woman still went through all the phases of the reaction to the emotional wound inflicted on her.

Any revenge, thinking about it, carrying it out is a concentration on the offender. And in order to survive a breakup, you need to focus on yourself.

And even convulsive beauty, losing weight and posting results on social networks are also efforts in the name of the former, and not in the name of yourself. Say, let him see what he has lost!

Productive behavior in this case is an analysis of the situation.

  • Think about why this happened to you.

  • Why did you choose such a man?

  • What calls did you miss, what shortcomings did you turn a blind eye to?

  • What should I do to prevent this from happening again?

Before going to war, think about whether you will hurt yourself. For example, about of the bottom, my client took revenge on a man who promised but did not marry, and as a result she lost her job - such a “boomerang” flew in from the object of revenge. In addition, your revenge is a sign of attention to your offender. Isn't he a lot of honor?

After all, you can do no harm, but only flatter your ex, warm up his pride: how unforgettable I am, how women fight for me! Instead of focusing on an unworthy person, wasting time, nerves, money, tracking down, humiliating yourself, it’s better to focus on yourself.

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