How to build thick skin
The Thick Skinned | Psychology Today
By Lybi Ma published September 1, 2004 - last reviewed on June 9, 2016
Here's an important rule for life: It's not all about you. To develop a thick skin you must first remember that you are not the center of the universe. Yes, sorry to say, you are not the fixed point around which the universe turns.
Say someone isn't paying you enough attention. You brood and brood. "Is she mad at me?" "Did I say something wrong?" Your gloomy thoughts intensify, leaving you emotionally crippled and thinking that you have ruined everything.
Yet there may be a good reason for her inattention. Maybe she's having a rough week at work, and she has ten projects to complete by Friday. All of which are putting her in a foul mood. Or think about it in another way. Maybe she is behaving badly and being a jerk. But why are you fussing over it?
If this is how your mind works, you may indeed be overly thin skinned. And some rethinking is in order. You will need to learn a few skills and think outside yourself.
Here are a few tips to developing a thick skin:
- Don't take things personally. Sometimes you may need to reframe a person's bad behavior by remembering that it's not about you.
- Don't let others get to you. Refuse to get overly responsive to the negative feelings and provocations of others. Adopt strategies that regulate emotional arousal; otherwise negativity hijacks the thinking brain. Try simple deep breathing or declare time out.
- Remember that everyone gets rejected sometimes. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on. Don't be discouraged if it takes a few times to get it right. Successful people are rejected over and over, but never stop trying.
- When you're rejected or something doesn't go your way, counterpropose a new solution. Often, the person declining your offer is not rejecting you. He may even want to hear another idea. Successful individuals come back from rejection with new proposals.
They're creative at coming up with additional ways of looking at things and solving problems.
- Don't hesitate to unstick sticky situations. If you're discussing an issue and the conversation is going off track, stop it and restart it on the right track. You could say: "This isn't going productively. Let's reshoot this scene from the beginning" or "Can we take it from the top?"
- Don't be self-focused. If you do focus on yourself, you'll likely dwell on your shortcomings. Instead, think about your goals and what steps you need to get there.
- Stop the self-talk. Counter self-defeating self-talk with truth talk: "You can be your own worst enemy, so give yourself a break."
- Don't worry about looking stupid. If you are asked a question and you don't know the answer, you can simply say, "I need to think about that and get back to you later."
- Learn to be patient. Don't be impulsive or react to a situation without giving yourself time to cool off.
- Don't be quick to blame. Recognize that other people have their ups and downs.
- Think about others. Enter social interactions with this thought of making the experience itself enjoyable. Ask yourself, "What can I do to make you feel more comfortable."
5 Tips to Develop Thicker Skin
For many of us, our skin bruises easily. A snide remark might send us reeling. A negative email might ruin our week. A critical evaluation at work might make us rethink our entire career path.
For many of us it’s as though we’re walking around with a first-degree burn, and every comment and potentially negative situation just adds fuel to the fire.
When you have thin skin, life’s inevitable blows don’t just trip you up; they can feel like a bulldozer.
According to Ryan Howes, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist and professor in Pasadena, Calif., “If you’ve had skin ripped away — [because of] trauma — or never developed thicker skin [because you were] sheltered from adversity – you’ll experience every bump and sharp point with excruciating precision. ”
Howes described thick skin as “the ability to adapt and roll with changes and challenges common to life, as well as the ability to bounce back from particularly difficult times.”
Fortunately, even if your skin is paper-thin, you can do several things to make it thicker. Howes shared the following valuable suggestions.
1. Nurture your relationships.
“Strong connections with a core group of friends and family give us the support and encouragement to withstand challenges,” Howes said. It reminds us that we’re not alone and all of us struggle. “Receiving as well as giving assistance helps us know we’re all in this together,” he said.
2. Find meaning in your life.
“Whether it’s relationships, a cause, a life goal, or a set of moral standards, [resilient] people have a ‘big picture’ perspective that keeps them from sweating the small stuff,” Howes said.
3. Prioritize your self-care.
“When you’re worn down emotionally or physically, even minor stressors feel like a major setback, so healthy self-care routines are protection against that,” Howes said. He also noted that making healthy lifestyle choices reminds you that you’re a priority.
Self-care can include: nourishing your body with nutrients; participating in physical activities; getting enough sleep; and practicing positive coping strategies, such as yoga, meditation and therapy, said Howes, who also pens the blog In Therapy: A User’s Guide to Psychotherapy.
4. Accept and rehearse the positive.
“When adversity inevitably comes your way, past victories and affirmations work as a great protective armor,” he said. Unfortunately, many of us are great at putting ourselves down. Criticism seems to come naturally, while compliments and victories are dismissed and forgotten, he said.
This is where rehearsing comes in. Keep photos or tokens of your accomplishments, Howes said. For instance, have your graduation photo clearly visible or pin a medal from your half-marathon or poetry contest in your office. Journal about your victories and positive feedback, he said.
If your inner critic is particularly harsh, create a daily affirmation based on your positive qualities or compliments you’ve received, he said. “Pick a time each day – [such as] while brushing your teeth or driving to work — when you’ll tell yourself all the positives.”
It also helps to look at a photo of you and your loved ones to remind you of your support, Howes added.
5. Determine the deeper wound.
Sometimes the reason someone’s comment hurts or a situation seems unbearable is because it reminds us of a deeper wound from our past.
“When you can identify that original injury, you can distinguish between then and now,” Howes said. “When you can see that it’s a different scene with different people, it doesn’t sting as much.”
(By the way, “The fact the old wound still hurts is good ground for you to cover in therapy,” he said.)
For instance, your iffy work evaluation might remind you of unfair criticism from your dad, he said. Or not getting invited to happy hour might remind you of not being picked for a game on the playground, he said.
According to Howes, “We really can’t avoid the rough times and jagged edges in life. If our emotional skin is thick enough to handle it, life is less painful.”
Thankfully, you can work at developing thicker skin every day. You still might lose your footing, but you’ll catch yourself or at least you won’t break a leg.
How to stretch natural leather
- December 20, 2021 at 12:21
The need for stretching of leather material can arise in different situations. It happens that for cutting there is not enough length, width of the existing flap. Purchased finished products initially do not correspond to the size or begin to cause discomfort over time with the addition of the fullness of their owner. For those interested in how to stretch natural leather at home, we suggest considering several ways to solve the problem. It should be noted that their effectiveness has been tested on raw hides of natural origin. You should not experiment with leatherette, so as not to spoil the thing.
Stretching aids
Recommended professional | |
Special mechanical equipment | Attachments are special constructions made of wood or plastic with a directional screw mechanism. The product is put on the block and gradually stretches under the action of force expansion. A set of equipment usually includes several nozzles for stretching a leather item in a certain place. Suitable for stretching shoes made of genuine leather. |
Professional chemistry | To quickly achieve the desired result, without risking an expensive item made of quality leather, special softeners, stretchers, and care products allow. They are available in the form of sprays, aerosols, foam in a large assortment, allowing you to make the best choice for a particular product, type of material. The action of special chemistry is to soften the leather.![]() |
Popular folk | |
Water | Rain-wet, shower surfaces are more tensile than dry surfaces, reducing the risk of cracking. Hot water poured into a tight plastic bag after being placed in shoes for 10 minutes will make it more spacious. A similar effect is achieved by placing in the freezer. The expanded frozen water will stretch the leather surface. |
Oils (vegetable, camphor), fatty creams | Applied to the surface, they will soften the product. It will have to be worn for a certain time to get the desired result, preferably worn over another, voluminous item (woolen sock, thick sweater). The use of preheated oil will improve the effect. When deciding how to stretch genuine leather gloves, try a regular hand cream. |
Alcoholic liquids | They have a similar principle of action to oils.![]() |
Soap foam | A solution of laundry soap in a small amount of water, whipped into foam, liberally applied on the outside and inside, will help in the process of stretching. The soap used must be natural in composition. |
Popular methods for stretching various products
Almost any leather can be stretched. However, it is important to understand that the resource for increasing the area is limited. Thick material has more than thin material. It will not work to make an adult out of children's clothes. You can not increase the size of shoes, limited by the sole. You can only add a few cm or mm to the material, depending on the type of leather, to make the thing more comfortable, spacious in volume.
Leather patch enlargement:
- Wet the cloth.
- Lay it face up on a flat, smooth surface (linoleum, plastic board, table).
- Flatten the fabric by smoothing it with your hands from the center to the edges until it sticks.
- Smooth in the same direction with the force of the palms, stretching the gloss, giving it the desired shape. Wet leather flap lends itself well to rolling with hard rollers or rollers.
- For a strong stretch, transfer the piece to a wooden board, securing the edges with pins.
Expansion of clothes, accessories
If you need a slight increase, it is enough to slightly moisten the product by drying at room temperature away from heating devices. For best results, wear a damp or oil-softened item for a couple of hours, putting it on over another, more voluminous item. Thin, delicate material, suede can be treated with beer instead of conventional products. Thick products for impregnation should be given 20-30 minutes. Get a good result will help modern special chemicals (sprays, impregnations, stretchers) in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions and time-tested folk recipes :
- Gloves are broken in with any greasy cream. It is applied and, after waiting 2-3 minutes, gloves are carefully put on the hands. After 10-15 minutes, the gloves are removed, removing the remnants of the cream.
- Jacket, raincoat should be poured with water from the shower. Stretch problem areas a little by hand. Dry the thing by hanging it on a coat hanger at room conditions.
- Clothing, small accessories stretches easily after being wrapped in a damp towel for 2-3 hours. After the procedure, the product should be worn around the house a little, dried thoroughly in a natural way.
Shoe fitting
The most commonly stretched footwear. Different for all seasons, different in style, it has its own problems: a tight toe of the boot, rubbing backs of the shoes, an uncomfortable fold at the foot bone, a narrow top of the boots. For each case and material there are simple solutions. Of those that have not yet been mentioned above, it is worth noting:
Hot ways | If you want to stretch genuine leather shoes that are tight, use hair dryer . Warm shoes with thick socks in problem areas with a jet of hot air. Do not bring the hair dryer too close. After treatment, restore normal moisture with a special cream. The shoes will take the shape of your feet after filling with boiling water for a few seconds, removing moisture and wearing until cool. The insoles must first be removed. The uppers of boots of medium and thick thickness can be stretched by steaming iron the inside of the boot. Ironing is done through a cloth soaked in water. After sufficiently strong moistening, the bootleg should be pulled smoothly, without jerking, by hand. |
Newspapers | A simple, effective way - stuffing with old newspapers .![]() |
Vinegar | Narrow shoes, tight sandal straps can be gently widened with 3-9% vinegar. Before processing, test the action of the vinegar solution on the paint from the back. |
Paraffin | If the shoe rubs on the heel or elsewhere, lubricate it with a paraffin candle. |
Proper purchase, wearing and storage of leather products will help to avoid the need for stretching leather products. Buy things in the afternoon, when puffiness is noticeable. It is better to make a purchase in the current season, so as not to have time to get much better. Do not wear the product all day, so that it takes shape gradually, without the need for sudden expansion. Accessories sent for storage, shoes must be stuffed with paper to prevent drying out.
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How to choose leather for making flowers
Leather is an amazing material. What they don’t sew from it: clothes, shoes, accessories. Needlewomen also did not bypass her with their attention and learned how to make all kinds of crafts. Leather flowers are very beautiful. They create panels, paintings, brooches, earrings and other jewelry. Fantasy is limitless here, the main thing is to choose the right basis for the product.
And we will help you with this.
Features of leather: nappa and husky
Nappa and husky are among the thinnest, softest and most elastic types of genuine leather with high decorative properties.
WoW Classic Leather and Hide Farming Guide
In this guide, we will tell you where and how to quickly and easily farm Thin, Hard, Thick, Thick and Rough Leather, as well as various skins in WoW Classic. We will indicate the best points for farming and indicate the names of the monsters that should be skinned.
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- .90 Leatherworking and Skinning in WoW Classic
- 2. How to use the guide
- 3. Farm Light Leather and Light Hide
- 4. Farm Hard Leather and Medium Hide
- 5. Farm Heavy Leather and Heavy Hide
- 6.
Farm Heavy Hide Leather and Rugged Hide
- 7. Farm Rugged Leather and Rugged Hide
1. Leatherworking and Skinning in WoW Classic
Four types of monsters can be skinned and skinned in WoW Classic. First of all, these are animals and dragons. Animals are the main source of resources. Also, special demons, felhounds, have leather and skins.
Skins and hides come from the same monsters and cannot be farmed separately. The types of skins and skins are determined by the level of the monster, the skins are found in prey with an average probability of 3-5%. There are two types of skins that are not associated with specific skin types, but they are exceptions.
Differences in the mechanics of skinning (BfA and Classic)
Over the years, the mechanics of skinning and other gathering professions have not changed much. In WoW Classic, skinning and skinning require a Skinning Knife. Only one player can skin a monster after taking all the loot from it. However, differences still exist.
- In BfA: Skinable humanoids are almost non-existent in the game.
- Classic: Three types of humanoids can be skinned: Owlkin, Yeti, and Worgen (not all, but most).
- In BfA: After the player takes all the prey from the corpse of a monster, the corpse sparkles and glows.
- In Classic: A monster corpse without loot looks exactly like a corpse with loot.
The images below show the corpse of a Level 6 Dire Spotted Boar in WoW Classic (left) and WoW BfA (right). In the right picture, you can clearly see that the monster can be skinned. In WoW Classic, in order to determine if a monster can be skinned, you need to hover over the corpse and read the tooltip. It should contain the line "can be skinned". The tooltip color determines if you have enough profession skill to get resources. If the skill is not enough, the inscription "can be skinned" will be red. If there is loot left in the monster, there will be no inscription at all.
2. How to use the guide
When compiling the guide, we evaluated all game locations according to eight parameters. For each skin type, we indicate three locations with the highest ratings. Of course, you can farm in other locations, but with less efficiency.
Positive evaluation parameters: monster distribution density, presence of monsters of another type on the point, percentage of needed and unnecessary monsters, presence of additional resources in the mining list (for example, scales), presence of points with resources for other gathering professions (mining and herbalism).
Negative evaluation parameters: the level of competition from players performing tasks, the presence of wandering elite monsters in the zone, and the presence of two or more types of leather in the loot list. The final list included only one zone in which two types of leather can be mined at the same time.
The list does not cover all locations where monsters of the required type live. Some of them are too small or difficult to access and not worth the effort. At some points, the necessary monsters are mixed with unnecessary ones (for example, hunter pets with hunters themselves) or elite. Some spots are inhabited by monsters whose level is too high for the selected skin type.
Click on the map to enlarge it.
For each location, additional recommendations are provided to simplify the farming of leather and other materials for professions.
Five level ranges
Attention! The guide indicates the levels of monsters from which the skin is needed, and not the skill levels of the profession.
Monster levels for each skin type are divided into four ranges.
- Minimum level: level of monsters from which you can get the desired skin. The same skin can be obtained from monsters of lower levels, but with a negligible chance.
- Comfortable range: is the range of levels in which the desired type of leather is most likely to be obtained.
- Crossing: level range where you can get not only the desired leather, but also leather of higher or lower quality (for example, thin and hard leather at the same time). For each skin type, there are two levels of crossing levels (above and below). If you're looking for a specific skin, we recommend sticking to a comfortable range of levels.
- Max level: above this level, farming the skin of the selected type is pointless. Choose monsters whose level corresponds to a comfortable range.
- Skins: monster level at which skins of that type start to spawn in loot.
3. Farm Fine Leather and Fine Hide
Level Ranges for Fine Leather and Fine Hide
- Minimum Level: 6
- Comfort Range: 11-20
- Crossing: 6-15 | 16-25
- Max Level: 25
- Hides: 11-25
Thin Leather is a unique type of leather. It can be mined in 2 pieces per monster (starting from level 11). All other skin is obtained one piece per monster. Light Hide is dropped by monsters above level 11.
Leather Scraps are obtained from monsters of the lowest levels and can be turned into Thin Leather (three scraps form one piece of leather, scraps are obtained one at a time and it is not recommended to farm them purposefully). If you don't need scraps, focus on farming leather from level 15-20 monsters.
Target for:
- The Alliance Needs Light Leather!
- The Alliance still needs light leather!
Additional Tips: Low level leather can also be farmed in Durotar. For this purpose, scorpions are best suited. Scorpions drop Dried Scorpid Eye, each eye can be sold to a merchant for 95 copper coins. This is a good income for those who are just starting to play.
Best points for farming Light Leather and Fine Hide
Loch Modan [10-20]
Boars, bears and crocodiles live in Loch Modan. However, in the west you can combine farming leather with farming linen cloth (from troggs and kobolds). Mining and Herbalism can be upgraded while skinning in Loch Modan. |
Darkshore [10-20]
There are so many monsters in Darkshore that can be skinned that it makes no sense to provide a map with specific farm points. Striders, bears and cougars, as well as sharks that swim off the coast of Auberdine can be skinned and skinned. The farther from the city (in any direction), the higher the level of monsters. If you are not afraid of water, you can combine farming shark leather with farming a valuable herb, Strangler. It is unlikely that skinning and mining can be effectively combined in Darkshore, since the density of monsters in the east along the cliffs is relatively low. Stay away from undead and furbolg camps unless you have quests there. This is not difficult, since the location is full of other monsters. |
Steppes [10-20]
There are an incredible variety of monsters in the Barrens that can be skinned and skinned. Their level increases as you move away from the Crossroads. Leather and hides can be obtained from cougars, striders, lizards, zhevres, hyenas, turtles, giraffes, and kodos. If desired, you can combine the farming of the skin with the extraction of grass ore. Also in parallel, you can extract fabric from centaurs. The best spot to farm Thin Leather is north of Camp Taurajo. To the south of the camp you can farm Tough Leather. The point for farming Tough Leather is not optimal, but it organically fits into the character's leveling route. Additional Tips: There are Wailing Caverns in the Barrens. Immediately before the dungeon, there is a long winding tunnel that is inhabited by elite corrupted creatures. Creatures can only be defeated in a group, and when skinned, they drop Warped Scales and Perfect Reflective Scales, as well as Thin Leather. |
4. Farm Tough Leather and Medium Hide
Level Ranges for Tough Leather and Medium Hide
- Minimum level: 16
- Comfort range: 21-30
- Crossing: 16-25 | 26-35
- Max Level: 35
- Pelts: 16-35
Hard Leather and Medium Hide come from monsters of the same level, meaning you cannot get Hard Leather and Light Hide from the same monster . Stick to a comfortable range and you will quickly gather the resources you need.
Target for:
- The Alliance Needs Medium Leather!
- The Alliance still needs Medium Leather!
Best places to farm Tough Leather and Medium Hide
Stonetalon Mountains [15-27] In Stonetalon Mountains Hardhide and Medium Hide can also be mined from the north in the center and Chimera with chimeras and basilisks in Charred Vale. Although you can enter Stonetalon Mountains at level 15, we recommend that you wait until level 21. In this case, you will be able to kill chimeras and basilisks in the north without much difficulty. In the absence of competition, you can stay at this point until level 23-24. If there are many competitors, take the road to the north and beat the cougars that you meet along the way. This route is also suitable for miners and herbalists. If your character is already level 25, go to Charred Vale and hunt Basilisks and Chimeras. Additional Tips: The Charred Vale is full of harpies from which to collect Wool. There are also ore deposits and various herbs. | |
Hillsbrad Foothills [20-30] Hillsbrad Foothills doesn't have a lot of monster density, but it's worth the effort. Mountain lions, yeti and neutral turtles are found in the foothills. The recommended route is along the main road from Silverpine Forest to Tarren Mill. Near the road are usually the lowest level monsters. The farther from the road, the higher the level. The location has an elite yeti that roams the cave in the north, as well as a pair of elite level 40 griffins north of Durnholde Keep, at the passage to the Hinterlands. Various herbs can be found in the Hillsbrad Foothills. Mineral deposits are rare. If you still want to mine in parallel, stay close to the caves with the yeti, to the road leading to the Alterac Mountains, or to Durnholde Fortress. Additional recommendations: Hillsbrad Foothills is more of a Horde location, despite having an Alliance base. The PvP servers around Tarren Mill and Southshore have non-stop PvP fights, making farming a bit difficult. | |
Wetlands [20-30] The leather farming route in Wetlands runs along the main road from Menethil Harbor to Dun Algaz. The farther from the road, the higher the level of monsters. Crocodiles are the main target for farming. If you're an Alliance player, take the Young Crocolisk Skins quest from James Halloran in Menethil Harbor. Crocodile density leaves a lot to be desired, but there isn't much competition, as many players don't enjoy moving around bodies of water. The quest "Hides of Young Crocolisks" continues with the Helper's Plight, which rewards Recipe: Crocolisk Soup, which requires Tender Crocolisk Meat (Horde players can purchase this recipe from the neutral auction house). The Wetlands are also inhabited by lizards, which can drop Raptor Egg and Raptor Flesh. These items are popular with players who upgrade cooking (Recipe: Incredibly Delicious Omelet and Recipe: Fried Raptor). If there are competitors, you can beat dragons. Additional Tips: Wetlands is an Alliance location. There are no flight or quest masters for the Horde in the Wetlands. |
5. Farm thick skin and thick skin
Level levels for thick skin and thick skin
- Minimum level: 26
- Comfortable range: 31-40
- Crossing: 26-35 | 36-45
- Max level: 45
- Skins: 26-45
Target for:
- The Horde Needs Heavy Leather!
- The Horde still needs thick leather!
Best spots to farm Thick Leather and Heavy Hide
Stranglethorn [30-45] Stranglethorn is the best location for farming leather in the game, but be ready for high be prepared for high competition. The skinners' trail starts at Nesingwary's camp and leads northwest from Lake Nazferiti. Kill panthers, lizards, crocodiles and gorillas. Remember that the level of monsters in the location increases as you move south. Be sure to ask Nesingwary for Panther Fight, Tiger Fight, Raptor Fight, and Green Hills of Stranglethorn from Nesingwary before starting the hunt. Stranglethorn also has lizards that drop Raptor Egg and Raptor Flesh. These items are popular with players who upgrade cooking (Recipe: Incredibly Delicious Omelet and Recipe: Fried Raptor). Crocodiles near Lake Nazferiti and above are also of some interest. There are also crocodiles on the coast near the Treacherous Reef, but they are not on the list, as among them there is an elite that is difficult to kill. Before you start hunting crocodiles, take the quest Skinning from Drizzlick. Additional recommendations: If your level is significantly higher than the level of monsters in Stranglethorn, it will not be profitable to farm there due to high competition and lack of experience for killing. However, you can skin monsters killed by other players (provided that they do not farm the skin themselves). Visit Stranglethorn Vale and see for yourself. | |
Arathi Highlands [30-40] The variety of monsters on Arathi is small, but their number is amazing. The location is inhabited by lizards, from which you can get not only the skin, but also the Egg of the lizard and the Flesh of the lizard. These items are required for cooking (Recipe: Incredibly Delicious Omelet and Recipe: Fried Raptor). The level of lizards (30-37) is fully consistent with the comfortable range for farming Thick Leather. Level 30-31 lizards are marked on the map. They are found to the east and west of the road, as well as near settlements (Stronghold and Fallen Hammer). Herbs and ore can also be harvested in the Arathi Highlands, and the competition there is much lower than in Stranglethorn Vale. Additional Tips: Horde players, especially those who prioritize agility, can take the Hammerfall quest from Gor'mul. This is a chain during which you need to kill a lot of lizards. The reward is an item that increases dexterity (consumable, three charges). | |
Wasteland [30-40] Unlike Arathi, the Wasteland offers variety to players. Hyenas, scorpions, basilisks and thunder lizards are found here. The minimum level of monsters is noted in the northeast (30-31). The level increases as you move southwest. Scales are missing from the list of loot from scorpions. There are also kodos in the location (mainly in the cemetery), but farming them is not very convenient. Firstly, these kodos are needed for the quest Catching a Kodo, and if you kill them, other players will probably be unhappy. |
. The farm of dense skin and dense skins
Ranks of levels for dense skin and dense skki
- minimum level: 36
- Comfortable range: 41-50
- Country: 36-45 | 46-60
- Max level: none
- Hides: 40-60
Thick Hide is looted with Thick Hide, but from monsters level 40 and above. If you're specifically looking for skins, look for monsters in your comfortable range.
Target for:
- The Alliance needs thick leather! / The Horde Needs Thick Leather!
- The Alliance still needs thick leather! / The Horde Still Needs Thick Leather!
Best places to farm Thick Leather and Thick Hide
The Hinterlands [40-50] There are Horde and Alliance bases in the Hinterlands where the monsters level is lower, so this faction has a location advantage. Gryphons can also be skinned, but they are only hostile to the Horde. The maximum concentration of griffins is noted at the base of the Alliance. If you are playing on a PvP server, farming there may not be safe. The Horde favors the east coast near Brokentooth Village, where turtles live. Turtles can be used to loot not only Thick Skin, but also Turtle Shell. If you're an Alliance player, you can also farm on the coast without getting too close to the Horde guards. Turtles are neutral and can be killed without much difficulty. The exception is the hostile elite Gammerita. Players from the Horde can bring Gammerita to the village - the guards will deal with her there. | |
Tanaris [40-50] Three different types of targets are marked on the map of Tanaris - scorpions, basilisks and hyenas. Tanaris also yields additional leatherworking materials: Turtle Shell and Scorpid Scale. Scorpion scales are in the loot list for all scorpions in the location, Turtle shells are mined on the east and southeast coasts. Additional Tips: Other useful crafting materials can be found in Tanaris. For example, scavengers drop a Giant Egg, which is required for the Mussels Surprise cooking quest (you can't max out the profession without it). From the ogres of levels 46-49 in the camp in the center of the location, you can get a lot of Magic cloth. | |
Feralas [40-50] Feralas is a location inhabited by bears, wolves, hippogriffs, flying snakes, monkeys, and fairy dragons. The density of the distribution of monsters in the location is very high. The level of almost all monsters is in a comfortable range. Unfortunately, the competition in the location exceeds all expectations. Many players complete quests for leatherworking specializations here. Some specifically come to Feralas for iron ore and various herbs. The task "Testing the Vessel" also contributes to the extermination of monsters with skin and skins (owls, hippogriffs and whelps). The quest item destroys corpses, meaning monsters killed for the quest cannot be skinned. Most often, players who need hippogriffs and dragons compete. Monsters with skins and skins also live on the Isle of Dread, but there are too many elite among them. Additional Recommendations: Many players consider Feralas to be the best location for farming resources. This primarily concerns skinners, who can skin creatures killed by other players. Be polite and do not skin a corpse that another player is standing next to (perhaps he is on a mission and still needs a corpse). |

Ranks of coarse leather and rough skins
- Minimum level: 46
- Comfortable range: 51-60
- intersection: 46-60
- Maximum level: no
- Hides: 46-60
- The Horde Needs Strong Leather!
- The Horde Still Needs Rugged Leather!
Best spots for farming Rugged Leather and Rugged Hide
Un'goro Crater [48-55] Generally speaking, both Rough and Thick Leather can be harvested in Un'goro Crater, but Rough Leather is a bit more common. This is the only level-crossing location on our list, but it would be a big mistake not to mention it. The main sources of hides and skins in Un'goro are ravasaurs, pterrordaxes, demetrodons, and gorillas. The density of monster distribution is high, with ore and herbs found in almost all points for farming. Un'goro has the extremely valuable Devisaur Skin, and this attracts the bulk of the players, however, the location has some drawbacks. If you like the atmosphere of the prehistoric jungle, the variety of monsters (and the sudden attacks of the demonsaurs), we strongly recommend that you visit the crater for the skin. Additional Tips: Un'goro can also collect Red Power Crystal, Yellow Power Crystal, Green Power Crystal, and Blue Power Crystal. Crystals are needed for JD Collie's quests in Marshall's Refuge. Crystals are also required to craft Thorium Armor and gain buffs from Pylons: Spirit Crystal, Crystal Spiral, and Destruction Crystal. | |
Eastern Plaguelands [50-60] The variety of monsters in the Plaguelands is small, but their numbers are amazing. Having reached the maximum level, you can go to the Valley of Terror, which is west of the Cursed Forest. Plague boars, dogs and bats live there. You can also mine herbs and ore in the Eastern Plaguelands. If you're only interested in leather, avoid the undead and troll camps and you'll be fine. Additional Tips: The Undead camps in the Eastern Plaguelands are a great place to farm Scourge Stones. Stones are needed for leveling reputation with the Argent Dawn. To start collecting stones, equip the Argent Dawn Token (an accessory can be obtained by completing the Argent Dawn Token or Argent Dawn Token of the same name). | |
Winterspring [55-60] The level of monsters in Winterspring increases as you move from Timbermaw Hold to Everlook, and then in all directions from Everlook. |