How to be a strong man mentally
How to Make Yourself Mentally Strong This Year - Lolly Daskal
In business, there are times when you need to be mentally acute to make tough decisions.
In leadership, there are times when you need to be mentally tough to navigate through complex information.
In life, there are times when you need to be mentally sharp, to make good decisions fast.
In those times you need to be mentally strong. That means managing your emotions, adjusting your thinking, and choosing to take positive action whatever your circumstances.
But like any physical strength, mental strength doesn’t just happen. It has to be developed.
Here are 15 effective ways to become more mentally strong:
1. Focus on the moment. The challenges that come along from time to time are a test of our willingness to stretch and change. The worst thing you can do is to ignore the situation or procrastinate in developing solutions. The challenge is here and the difficulty is now.
Focus your energy on the present moment; don’t lose what is right before you. When you focus on the moment you come to realize where you have the most power to make things right.
2. Embrace adversity. Mental strength gives us the ability to see the obstacles in our path as stepping stones. When we encounter struggle, and we all do, we can be inspired by the knowledge that it’s not a dead end but a path to deeper knowledge and understanding.
3. Exercise your mind. Just like your muscles, your mind needs to be exercised to gain strength. Growth and development take consistent work, and if you have not pushed yourself recently, you might not be growing as much as you can. Mental strength is built through lots of small wins, maintained through the choices we make every day. To gain stamina, take on a daily task that stretches your mental endurance.
4. Challenge yourself. Albert Einstein once said, “One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one’s greatest efforts.” Underestimating yourself and playing it safe hold you back from success. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you often can go beyond the imaginable.
5. Respond positively. You cannot control everything that comes your way, but you are in absolute control of how you react to everything that comes your way. What happens to you is important–but not as important as your response. Incredible progress can happen in your life and leadership when you take control of your reactions.
6. Be mindful. Mindfulness means taking control of your focus and being intentional about what you give your attention to. Whether it’s an emotion, a thought, a belief, an impulse, or something in the environment, mindfulness calls us to approaching everything with a curious, nonjudgmental, open, and accepting attitude. To be the most resilient and mentally strong, make the time to be mindful so you can focus on what you truly want.
7. Don’t be defeated by fear. To be resilient and mentally strong means knowing how to deal with fear. When you enter frightening situations with the awareness that it’s an opportunity for you to grow, trust outweighs fear.
8. Be aware of self-talk. We’re often so busy worrying about how we talk to others that we sometimes lose track of the way we talk to ourselves. Make a point of being as positive and supportive of yourself as you are of others, because when times get tough you have to be able to believe you can make it through. Replace self-doubt with positivity.
9. Rid yourself of can’t. When you feel like you can’t do something, keep your focus positive. You just have to do it. The mentally strong weed out the words like can’t, never, and should–replacing them with can, could, and when.
10. Stumble toward success. Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. ” Perseverance gives you the ability to face any difficulty, any challenge, any setback without being defeated. It’s better to have a lifetime full of small failures that you learned from rather than one filled with the regret of never having tried.
11. Find solutions. There will be always problems– every business has complications and any endeavor has hurdles, but if you can learn to focus 90 percent of your time on solutions and only 10 percent on problems, you’ll be able to respond effectively instead of spinning your wheels.
12. Be grateful. In the business of our busy lives we neglect many of the basic concept of recognition but gratitude gives us fortitude. Gratitude can transform any common day into a thanks giving day and turn routine jobs onto joy and change ordinary opportunities into something we get grateful about.
13. Brace yourself for the storms. Adversity is inevitable. Be as well-prepared as you can so you can fight them with strength and push through to blue skies.
14. Define your moments. When you find yourself doubting how far you can go, remember how far you have come. Give yourself credit for everything you have faced, for the battles you have won, for the fears you’ve overcome.
15. Make it an everyday pursuit. Most mental strength is built and demonstrated not in exceptional circumstances but in the day-to-day of life and leadership.
Positivity, preparation, willingness, discipline, focus, and a long view will all serve you well. Practice mental toughness and you’ll soon be amazed at how strong you’ve become.
What Gets Between You and Your GreatnessAfter decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits. But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.
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Additional Reading you might enjoy:
- 12 Successful Leadership Principles That Never Grow Old
- A Leadership Manifesto: A Guide To Greatness
- How to Succeed as A New Leader
- 12 of The Most Common Lies Leaders Tell Themselves
- 4 Proven Reasons Why Intuitive Leaders Make Great Leaders
- The One Quality Every Leader Needs To Succeed
- The Deception Trap of Leadership
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world. Her extensive cross-cultural expertise spans 14 countries, six languages and hundreds of companies. As founder and CEO of Lead From Within, her proprietary leadership program is engineered to be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful difference in their companies, their lives, and the world.
Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR,, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.
10 Ways to Be a Mentally Stronger Person
Want to be more successful in life? Here’s how.
(Photo: Getty)We all want to be better. Better at our jobs, better lovers,happier overall…but it’s easier said than done thanks to how easily our emotions and willpower get swayed by everyday life. But if you learn how to avoid those pitfalls, your life will suddenly get a whole lot better.
And so, with a little help from Entrepreneur, Psychology Today, and a good bit of research by yours truly, here are 10 expert ways to be a mentally stronger person.
1. Deal with your emotions
Take a minute to think about what you do when you’re feeling some unsavory emotions. Do you bury yourself in your bed and sleep for hours when you’re sad? Do you binge eat when you’re stressed? Grab a bottle and start drinking when you’re angry?
While we’re all guilty of doing at least one of those things, none of them are really good for actually dealing with our emotions and working through them in a healthy way. That’s why, to be a mentally stronger person, you need to learn better coping skills. Instead of self-medicating or engaging in other self-destructive behaviors, try some of these:
- Write in a journal. Putting those intense thoughts on paper actually helps you process them.
- Go for a walk or run. Physical activity (without over-exerting yourself) will help you calm down, and the boost of endorphins will help you feel so much better.
- Meditate! Empty your mind and push all those bad thoughts aside. You’ll reduce negative emotions, feel more patient, and will be able to cope better.
2. Delay gratification
Instant gratification is something we all love. However, science tells us that delaying it is so, so important for success, and only those who have the willpower to keep from indulging in a moment’s enjoyment reap the successes later on.
Here’s some research to support this: In one of the most famous psychological studies of all time, called the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment, researchers at Stanford University tested the willpower of children by giving them a marshmallow before leaving the room for 15 minutes. The children were told that they could eat the marshmallow immediately, but if they waited until the researcher returned, they’d get a second one.
The children who patiently waited those agonizing 15 minutes and got a second marshmallow went on to be more successful in life than those who couldn’t resist, and had higher SAT scores, more successful careers, and even lower BMIs.
3. Learn to say “no”
For many of us, saying no is pretty damn hard. But research from the University of California in San Francisco revealed that the harder it is for you to say no to people, the more likely you are to be stressed, get burnt out, and even depressed. And that’s not good.
That said, mentally strong people don’t have a problem saying no, which keeps them from overcommitting themselves. If you say yes to things you don’t want to do, or every time someone asks you for help or invites you somewhere, you won’t have any time for yourself, nor will you be happy.
Long story short, try to incorporate the word “no” more into your vernacular. Your mind and body will thank you.
(Photo: Getty)4. Give up bad habits
In order to be a mentally strong person, you need to ditch your bad habits ASAP, because you can’t move forward with them weighing you down. Some of the absolute worst habits to kick include:
- Comparing yourself to others
- Surrounding yourself with negative people or people you don’t like
- Ruminating on the past
- Being afraid of change
- Not learning from your mistakes
- Worrying about things you can’t control or change
Once you get rid of those toxic habits, your life will get exponentially better. Trust.
5. Don’t blame others
If you fuck up or something goes wrong, do you play the blame game? Or do you take responsibility for what happened?
Even though it’s often easiest to throw blame on others, it’s never a good thing. For example, if your girlfriend gets upset with you often about a certain thing you do – for instance, not being thoughtful — and you find yourself blaming her for starting a fight and making you feel bad, try thinking about it from her perspective. What did or didn’t you do that made her upset?
Taking responsibility for your problems is incredibly empowering and so, so important to building mental strength, because only then will you be able to learn from your mistakes and avoid them in the future, solve problems, and be more successful.
6. Overcome your inner critic
Thanks to a little something called the self-fulfilling prophecy, being your own worst critic is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Those negative thoughts only set you up for failure, so instead of judging and criticizing yourself and expecting the worst outcome of a situation, try to force yourself to believe that you’re going to succeed in anything you do.
However, if those pesky negative thoughts persist, take a minute to really think about them, and odds are you’ll realize that some of them are completely irrational.
7. Be grateful
Life, my friend, is a giant bitch. As you already know, no matter how hard we try to avoid it, this beautiful thing called life flings some serious horse shit our way, and we simply need to roll up our sleeves and deal with it.
But here’s the difference between people who possess great mental strength versus those who don’t: Mentally strong people deal with their sorrows and problems gracefully and focus on what they’re grateful for, whereas those who aren’t wallow in self-pity…which is never, ever productive.
So, to be a mentally stronger person, work on training yourself to practice gratitude for all of the wonderful things in your life, and you can do it by something as simple as keeping a little notepad next to your bed and writing down three things you’re thankful for before going to sleep. As cheesy as it sounds, it’s one of the most effective ways to be a stronger, happier person.
8. Be optimistic
“People who are optimistic are more committed to their goals, are more successful in achieving their goals, are more satisfied with their lives, and have better mental and physical health when compared to more pessimistic people,” says Dr. Suzanne Segerstrom,, a professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, strongly implying that optimistic people are of the mentally strong variety. That’s why you should be an optimist.
But even if you’re not naturally the most optimistic person in the world, here’s a scientific way to fake it ’til you make it.
Ever heard of something called the Facial Feedback Hypothesis? First suggested by Charles Darwin, it states that facial movement can influence and alter emotional experiences, just as emotions cause facial expressions. This means that emotions and facial expressions essentially operate in a feedback loop, so, based on this, simply forcing yourself to smile and laugh can create an emotional shift and take you from neutral or even gloomy to happy!
Try it out. It won’t hurt.
9. Don’t worry about pleasing others
Many of us tend to try to please and seek the approval of others in the things we do, even if we say we don’t care what others think. This is a natural biological defense mechanism to protect us from the emotional pain of rejection, however, living your life as a people-pleaser won’t make you truly happy since you won’t be living an authentic life the way you want.
Mentally strong individuals have the guts to express how they truly feel and act how they want to, even if it isn’t popular with everyone else. It won’t happen overnight, but try doing and saying things you actually want. If you don’t want to hang out with your friends that night, tell them. If you feel like singing along to “Call Me Maybe” when it comes on at the bar, by all means, sing your heart out. That stuff takes courage, and trust me when I say people will respect your giant balls for actually doing what no one else can do.
10. Don’t be afraid of pain
As we all know, the things we want in life don’t magically appear in front of us, and sometimes, we need to really work for those things. And I’m talking blood, sweat, and tears. That’s why only the mentally strong achieve what they want – they’re willing to endure that pain, explains an article in Entrepreneur.
As Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Nothing in this world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty.”
H/T: Entrepreneur / Psychology Today
Tags: health Maxim Man research science Scientific Study successWhat does it mean to be a man? - In focus
What distinguishes a "real man"? Men from Russia and Germany answered this question for the Goethe-Institut magazine. They also tried to determine how they themselves correspond to this ideal.
Guntram Gleiss, 35, looking for a job, Germany
© from the personal archive In the traditional sense, a real man is someone like James Bond. Strong, confident, independent. And, probably, related to large heavy machines or hard manual labor. Many years ago, when I was a boy, youth and young man, for me this was a self-evident ideal that was worth striving for. I liked to eat meat and served in the army. Today I would not do this, moreover, I switched to a vegetarian diet. When a friend of mine suggested yoga to me a couple of years ago, I thought it was definitely not for me, “I’m not a girl.” But I tried and I liked it. Therefore, now I consider myself far from such a definition of a “real man”. My girlfriend now earns more than me, and for me this situation is in the order of things, although this does not correspond to the generally accepted image of the "breadwinner". Rather, it interferes not because of "male-female" differences, but because it would be fairer to divide the responsibility in half. For me, being a responsible person is more important than being a real man. Therefore, it can be said that my priorities have changed over the years: I said goodbye to the mentality of Bud Spencer, which implies that one must be strong and rude. As you get older, other things come to the fore. It becomes clear that you are not James Bond. And that's great.
Igor Kuznetsov, 35, IT Product Manager, Russia
For me, in the concept of being a man, the most important thing is to be responsible, to be the strongest and most reliable in my family or team. I have no overtly orthodox beliefs and am very comfortable with a modern approach that blurs the distinction between male and female roles. But still, nature has decreed that we are different and created for different tasks. No one will argue that in men the body is physically stronger, which means that it is better suited for extracting resources. Men are more likely to take risks, and their activity is more often directed outward. Women, on average, are more introverted and conservative. They analyze risks well and care about the preservation of values. And I don’t think about my correspondence with the concept of a real man. No time to dig into yourself.
Oliver Kunze, 52, engineer, Germany
Being a man for me means taking responsibility, having values and principles and complying with them. Have your own style. Do I fit this definition? I think that the path is the goal. Do I want to match? Yes, if we are talking about the ideal that I have described. But the meaning of other definitions is unlikely. Sitting bare-chested on a horse - why? I have no purpose to prove something to anyone.
Vladimir Polyakov, 36, Lead Robotic Systems Operator, Russia
In my understanding, a man should be an adult and different from a woman. An adult does not depend on the opinions of parents or others. He does not seek to prove something to others, but proves something only to himself. A mature person does not rely on authorities, he always analyzes information. He is not offended, but draws conclusions and gains experience.
When I say that a man should be different from a woman, I mean, first of all, emotions. In the same situation, they literally overwhelm the woman, and the man remains rational and logical. This does not mean that men are insensitive crackers, we are just as angry, frightened, touched and happy. However, we know how to postpone emotions for later. First deal with the problem, make a decision, and only then give vent to feelings. That is why a man is like a rock during a storm, he can shelter and protect those who are close to him. A man always knows what he wants and what he needs to do to get it.
Many naively believe that there are some material signs of masculinity, with which you become a real man. For example, a large pickup truck or a worn leather jacket. In fact, for a real man, such attributes are only a consequence of his decisions. He needs a pickup truck to get to places where cars can't go. And the jacket was once new, but it took on branches and stones in the forest, cold asphalt during a sudden auto repair, so traces of time remained on it, almost the life story of the owner.
And a real man is strong - in spirit and will. He does not lose heart in difficult times, sets high goals and achieves them.
I think I pretty much fit that definition at the moment. Perhaps over time I will find additional criteria and change my mind, but now I can call myself a real man.
Lucas B, 31, student, Germany
For me, there is no specific set of qualities that a real man must match. I know so many men who in my eyes are “real”. I believe that everyone should find out for themselves and for themselves. However, for me, a real man is one who has certain qualities and behaves accordingly: honest, direct, not too vain or sensitive, generous, patient, responsive, ready to help and with a certain firmness towards himself. Men should not complain, they should accept the challenges of life with calmness and readiness. Putting the interests of the family always above their own interests. Men should be able to behave correctly and respect others, but at the same time not be offended. In general, to be a real man, you need to remember Rudyard Kipling's poem "If." However, all these qualities are not exclusively masculine. Women who have them also only get better from it. Being a man in the spirit of my definition is not easy, but I try. These are lofty ideals that require effort, while inner impulses may be quite different. You need to remind yourself often of who you want to be in order to correct your own behavior. But I think it's worth it.
Boris Kuzin, 28 years old, surgeon urologist, Russia
© from the personal archive
Being a man personally for me means being responsible for every act and word. And behind this is already a set of many qualities that a man must cultivate in himself or with the help of his parents, loved ones and experience. It's not about orientation or appearance. In the female body, cyclical hormonal changes occur every month, not to mention pregnancy. A woman can afford to say "in the heat of the moment", she can afford to act impulsively. The man is not. A man must be aware of himself and those around him for every word he says in private or in public, especially if these are loud statements. Be clearly aware of what and to whom he says and what actions he is ready to take after what has been said. Keeping a promise is also an act. And good or bad characterizes a person, not a man. Do I fit this definition? Not always. It is impossible to maintain self-control all the time. I am not a robot, but a living person. Of course, sometimes you want to return to childhood, but more and more often you have to make decisions yourself for the people around you, say and do not always what is expected of you.
And this is the norm for me.
Back to the Masculinity file
What does it mean to be a man? | PSYCHOLOGIES
Man and woman Man among men
"Am I a man or not?" With an interval of just a couple of weeks, I heard this phrase from two of my friends who found themselves in very different circumstances. The first, quite successful businessman, having exchanged his fifties, suddenly began to buy premium cars twice a year, stuffed his house with the most expensive equipment he could find, and ordered seedlings of almost Lebanese cedar from Lebanon directly for the site.
He ended up divorcing his wife, with whom he had lived for almost twenty years. Trying to explain what happened, he said with sincere resentment that she did not appreciate his success and care, and he realized that he deserved a better fate: “Am I a man or not?”
Another friend was also never deprived of success. A specialist of the highest qualification, he made an excellent career and last year started building a house abroad. And then there was a big trouble (we will not go into details).
My friend lost his job. There is no end to offers, only money is offered to him two or three times less than those to which he is accustomed. At the same time, his wife has not worked for the last 15 years, teenage daughters are pulling money with the energy of good vacuum cleaners, it is equally unprofitable to preserve and sell unfinished abroad. When asked what he was thinking of doing, my friend chuckled mirthlessly: “We’ll break through. Am I a man or not?
I can assure you that both of them are definitely men, and not the last ones. That's just the meaning of this concept itself, it seems, is invested differently. As, however, and everything in the world.
What do men think?
93% of Russian men say that the main thing for them is to do work that is interesting.
59% are ready to leave their parents or friends and move to another city or even another country for a better career or a higher standard of living.
Findings from The Changing Face of Men, commissioned by Discovery Networks in 2013.
Upon availability
As for me, I myself encountered the awareness of my belonging to the male sex for the first time on a walk in kindergarten, when the teacher, on a particularly hot day, ordered to undress our entire group in order to douse both boys and girls from a hose. It was then that I immediately understood everything.
Philosophers and historians like to liken the development of mankind to the development of one person. And from this point of view, antiquity - the "childhood of mankind" - is the period when masculinity was determined and evaluated by the fact of the presence and size of the male genital organ. Moreover, this identification of the size of the male genital organ with male prowess, apparently, originated even before the appearance of man.
In males of some species of primates, the so-called "penile display" is the custom for an aggressive display of one's erect penis. And not to females, but to other males - in order to intimidate and achieve a more privileged position in the community.
From the point of view of evolution, a man is necessary in order to produce offspring
Despite the simplification of the biological approach, it cannot be denied in any way. Very much in our life is determined by evolutionary necessity. And from the point of view of evolution, a man (like a woman, by the way) is necessary then in order to produce offspring. And if so, then in the absence of genitals, by definition, he ceases to be a man. The thing, however, is that the presence of these very organs the further, the less guarantees a man his high rank.
Options are possible
Perhaps it's time to move from the concept of sex to the concept of gender. If sex is a biological category, then gender is psychological and social. Accordingly, "sexual" masculinity corresponds to gender masculinity.
Differences began in the Middle Ages, when two types of masculinity developed simultaneously in Europe. The first is knightly, based on the cult of strength, military prowess and the ability to conquer both the enemy castle and the heart of a beautiful lady. The second is monastic, the essence of which is wisdom, meekness and patience. Which of the two - a knight or a monk - is "more of a man", at first glance, it is obvious. But this is only at first glance.
In fact, the monasteries were built in exactly the same way as knightly military orders: the same strict discipline and the same strict hierarchy reigned there. And the holy fathers were very good at handling weapons. But perhaps even more important is another consideration. No matter how proud men of all times are of the ability to use their male organ for its intended purpose, perhaps the greatest reason for pride has always been the ability to restrain impulses of the flesh. And in this respect, the monks of the knights were definitely superior.
Further, more. As crafts developed, ideas about masculinity also developed. Tailors or blacksmiths, perhaps, would be glad to become knights, but they could not overcome class barriers. And they did not need to pray earnestly and subdue the flesh. But they were also men. And so, their masculinity was increasingly determined by the ability to sew especially beautiful clothes or forge especially durable armor. And by selling them, provide for the family. Masculinities became more and more, as each social group formed its own ideas about a real man.
The same thing happened with representatives of different nationalities. For example, Jews for centuries were forced to live under conditions of persecution that they could not resist physically, so the image of a real man that has developed among the Jewish people is not at all the image of a mighty warrior. And the image of a Talmudic scholar, who, turning to the wisdom of the sacred books, is able to find a way out of a difficult and dangerous situation in which Jews often found themselves.
Different types of masculinities coexist today even within the same small towns or educational institutions, says sociologist Ravin Connell. Does it make life easier for modern men? Probably yes, but not much. The world is so mobile that it is hardly possible to remain within the limits of one's narrow group all one's life. And it is worth crossing its borders, and you will have to prove your masculinity again. How?
No “baboonism”
“I heard a wonderful word from one of my students: “baboonism,” says sexologist Irina Panyukova. - We live in a wonderful time when a man can assert himself, doing without baboons. Such a model of development presupposes self-affirmation not through the cult of physical strength, not through the mechanisms of suppression and subordination, but through intellect and social skills. They allow a man to achieve a position in society and feel self-confidence. With more or less success, our country is still moving in this direction.”
Probably so. But with two caveats. The first of them represents 70 years of recent history, when representatives of low-educated strata occupied a dominant position in society, and almost every second family went through military experience. The current generation of 20-30-year-olds is the first to grow up in a different situation and behave differently.
Men need aggressive instincts to protect offspring from enemies
And there is a second reservation. Modern Europe (and America in many ways too) presents a man with a lot of opportunities to assert himself and gain confidence without grabbing anyone's throat with his teeth and without waving an erect organ. And this, of course, is wonderful.
But there are some downsides. If we recall the evolutionary necessity, then men still need strong muscles and aggressive instincts. To perform the second most important function after the production of offspring, namely: to protect this offspring from enemies.
And the need for aggression will not completely die out until the enemies disappear as such. Alas, the helplessness of Western countries in the face of terror and migrants demonstrates this quite convincingly.
I remember, I was seven years old, and my parents and I were returning from somewhere in the village. By train, in a shared carriage. About two hours before arrival, two drunken big men broke into the car, crammed with humming people, bags, bales and who knows what else. They walked down the aisle, cursing everyone with a variable number of storeys, throwing those who got in their way, kicking the bales in drunken courage.
The carriage fell silent, and then my father got up to meet them. Not at all a heroic build, a thin and wiry bespectacled man, a school biology teacher, from whom I have not heard a single swear word in my whole life. What he said to them, I do not know, but all three retired to the vestibule. Soon my father returned, already alone, fixing his shirt collar as he went. No one else saw the drunks, and my father diligently hid his right hand from me the rest of the way. I still managed to see the broken knuckles of his fingers. But even more I remember the look with which my mother looked at him.
And perhaps, if not for this story, I would write something completely different now, but there's nothing to be done about it. I have no other arguments in favor of my ideas about masculinity.
Is it just a quote from Brodsky: “Men of that generation always chose: either-or. To their children, who were much more successful at bargaining with their own consciences (at times on favorable terms), these people often seemed simpletons. As I said, they didn't listen to themselves very much. We, their children, grew up, or rather, raised ourselves, believing in the complexity of the world, in the significance of shades, overtones, elusive subtleties, in the psychological aspects of everything in the world.
Now, having reached an age that equalizes us with them, having worked up the same physical mass and wearing clothes of their size, we see that the whole thing comes down to the principle of “either-or”, to “yes-no”.