Feeling unwanted in a relationship quotes
110 Feeling Unwanted Quotes For When You Feel Unloved
Looking for sad quotes about the feeling unwanted? We have rounded up the best list of feeling unwated quotes, sayings, captions (with images, pictures) that you can relate to.
These deep quotes about being unwated are divided into these sections;
- Feeling Unwanted Quotes
- Feeling Unwanted In Relationship Quotes
- Quotes About Feeling Unwanted
- Feeling Unwanted Quotes For Friends
These quotes might help you realize that you’re not the only one who has felt this way and help you in overcoming that sense of loneliness.
Don’t forget to check out our collection of feeling down quotes and feeling sad quotes that you can relate to.
Feeling Unwanted Quotes- “I automatically distance myself when I feel unwanted.” – Unknown when you feel unwanted quotes
- “Want to know a secret? I haven’t felt beautiful in months.
- “I don’t want anyone who doesn’t want me.” – Oprah Winfrey
- “Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.” – Bernard Branson
- “I hate feeling unimportant to the people that are the most important to me.” – Unknown unwanted quotes
- “Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” – Unknown feeling not wanted quotes
- “Dark, unfeeling and unloving powers determine human destiny.” – Sigmund Freud quotes about feeling unwanted
- “Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.
” – Mother Teresa feeling unwanted quotes
- “Never make yourself feel like nothing to make someone else feel like everything.” – Sushan R Sharma
- “I hate this feeling. You know, feeling unimportant and unwanted is the worst feelings ever.” – Unknown when someone makes you feel unwanted quotes
- “We all feel that we have things inside us that would make us unlovable if only people knew.” – David Smail
- “It’s very hard, feeling that you’re no more than a piece of unwanted furniture in this world.” – Anton Chekhov
- “I automatically stop trying when I feel unwanted.
I won’t reach out to you if it’s not being reciprocated. I don’t beg.”
- “But you can vanquish the demons only when you yourself are convinced of your own worth.” – Adeline Yen Mah
- “The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted.” – Mother Teresa
- “She was beautiful, in the quiet way that lonely, unnoticed people are beautiful to those who notice them.” – Jedediah Berry
- “Everyone is beautiful; fat or skinny, tall or short, black or white. Don’t let anyone make you feel ugly & never make anyone else feel it.” – Unknown
- “Every day someone wakes up feeling unappreciated, unloved &/or unworthy. They won’t tell you. They still smile through the pain…” – Unknown
- “I want to leave, to go somewhere where I should be really in my place, where I would fit in .
. . but my place is nowhere; I am unwanted.” – Jean-Paul Sartre
- “We all choose to receive love and joy at the level of our self-love and self-esteem. So love yourself a little harder and life will get a lot better.” – Karen Salmansohn
- “Let the hurt open you instead of closing you. Let the hurt send you looking for those who will accept you instead of hiding from those who reject you.” – Bryant McGill
- “God is the perfect image of love, so whoever makes you feel unimportant and unwanted. Don’t forget that there is someone who loves you dearly from Heaven.” – Regina Malabago
- “You were never created to be hurt or scared or unloved. You were created for a life of joy, and fun, and love, where you can dream big dreams and have grand adventures.” – Jade Miller
- “And when the burning inside your chest claws, insults you as forgotten, hideous, unloved every single night, you learn how to create iron, then a sword, and challenge those demons to a fight.
” – Nikita Gill
- “But what attracted me to weeds was not their beauty, but their resilience. I mean, despite being so widely despised, so unloved, killed with every chance we get, they are so pervasive, so seemingly invincible.” – Carol Vorvain
- “If you feel unwanted or unappreciated where you are or by those you’re with, it only means you’re in the wrong place or with the wrong people. Hang in there. Someone else will see you for the true gift you are.” – LK Hunsaker
- “When we’re hungry, we eat food. When we’re out of shape, we go to the gym. When we’re tired, we go to sleep. But for some reason, when we’re feeling unlovable, we analyze ourselves to death until we feel worse.” – Jackson MacKenzie
- “I can say this: don’t give up. Not on love but, more important still, not on you. Never let yourself believe that you are unlovable or flawed in any way. You deserve to be loved.
You deserve kind words and an unwavering eye.” – Menna van Praag
- “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” – Mother Teresa
- “So often, we don’t see the beauty in ourselves. If we keep observing our reflection in the distorted mirrors of bad relationships, we start believing we are ugly and unlovable. And the flaws aren’t in how we look, but in whose eyes we’re seeing ourselves through.” – Jacqueline Simon Gunn
- “Feeling alone, Feeling unloved, Feeling unwanted and Feeling forgotten about is one of the worst feelings in the world, and the hardest to forget. But I hope you never forget that there is someone who’s always by your side and he’ll always love you, always wants you, and always cares about you no matter what.
” – Ritu Ghatourey
There will be times when in our most loving relationships, we start feeling ignored and neglected.
You feel alone and unloved. The emotion is very depressing when you see your things going wrong with the love of your life. When you feel your needs are being ignored by your partner (boyfriend/girlfriend) and you are not getting the time and attention you deserve, then it impacts your self-esteem.
Also See: Feeling Helpless Quotes
The loneliness at times is heart breaking and can make you feel totally unworthy. But in life we should never let anyone else decide our worth. So even you if you find yourself ignored or left out, gather the courage and move on.
- “Doesn’t anybody want me?”
- “I wish that I was what you wanted.”
- “I’m sorry I’m not what you wanted.”
- “I eat alone.
I sleep alone. I cry alone.”
- “Somehow, I am always a third wheel.”
- “Be the love you never received.” – Rune Cazuli
- “Nothing worse than feeling unwanted by the only person you want to be with…” – Unknown feeling unwanted quotes images
- “We were perhaps not so unlovable as we had come to believe.” – George Saunders
- “Love means to love that which is unlovable; or it is no virtue at all.” – G.K. Chesterton
- “You cannot feel unloved when you love others. Love is something you do.” – Anonymous
- “It is sad to love and be unloved, but sadder still to be unable to love.” – Maurice Maeterlinck
- “Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.
” – Hermann Hesse
- “I am not afraid of being unloved. But I am terrified of never learning to love.” – Michael D. O’Brien
- “There’s beauty in misery, sadness and things that are so unloved and forgotten.” – Ghaleya Aldhafiri
- “Strong people will automatically stop trying if they feel unwanted. They won’t fix it or beg. they will just walk away!”
- “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” – Mary Oliver
- “It’s a different kind of sadness when you crave someone and their attention and they don’t act the same toward you….”
- “Perhaps the unattached, the unwanted, the unloved, could grow to give love as lushly as anyone else.” – Vanessa Diffenbaugh
- “When love is real, it doesn’t lie, cheat, pretend, hurt you or make you feel unwanted.
It’s supposed to be a cure to all your worries.” – Jhiess Krieg
- “I know what it is to feel unloved, to want revenge, to make mistakes, to suffer disappointment, yet also to find the courage to go forward in life.” – Tim O’Brien
- “Never allow a man to make you feel unwanted, if he not doing his job as a man, then allow a real man who’s willing to do that job make you feel wanted.” – Unknown
“Many people feel they don’t have enough love. Feel unloved. Many people do not understand that the essence of love is giving and not demanding.” – Titon Rahmawan
- “Being single doesn’t mean that you are unloved, unwanted, unhappy, or unappreciated. In the end, it’s wiser to be single, than in the wrong relationship.” – Nishan Panwar
- “I want to feel passion, I want to feel pain. I want to weep at the sound of your name. Come make me laugh, come make me cry… just make me feel alive.
” – Joey Lauren Adams
- “Never feel alone, never feel unloved, never feel unwanted, never feel scared, never feel these emotions, because YOU are SPECIAL to ME and I want you to be HAPPY.” – Becka Miller
- “3 Rules for a lasting relationship: 1. never make your partner feel unwanted. 2. No matter how hard things get, never cheat. 3. Always have your partner’s back through the good and bad times.” – Unknown
- “One remedy for the fear of not being loved is to remember how good it feels to love someone. If you’re feeling unloved and you want to feel better, go love someone, and see what happens.” – Dossie Easton
- “I want to remind you that I love you, and that love is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. If you feel unworthy or unwanted in any way… know that every breath you take is precious to me.” – Jamie McGuire
- “Just because you’re single today doesn’t mean you’re unloved, unwanted and unattractive.
The reason you’re single because you haven’t been found yet by your mr or mrs right. But remember good things come to those that wait!” – Telisa McLaughlin
- “Remember what you must do when they undervalue you, when they think your softness is your weakness, when they treat your kindness like it is their advantage: You awaken every dragon, every wolf, every monster that sleeps inside you and you remind them what hell looks like when it wears the skin of a gentle human.”
Feeling like you’re being avoided or ignored is a very disheartening feeling, specially from your loved ones.
These touching and emotional feeling unwanted messages, and sayings will help you comfort your pain and help you move on.
Also See: Feeling Ignored Quotes
To sort out the relationship its best to speak with your partner, friend or family and discuss. However, if things do not work out after that, you better move on.
Don’t forget to check out feeling like a burden and when things fall apart quotes if you are heartbroken.
- “I feel so unwanted.” sad feeling unwanted quotes
- “The worst feeling is feeling unwanted.” – Unknown feel unwanted quotes
- “Thank you for reminding me I’m not special.”
- “Sometimes I just think I’m unlovable. And that’s that.”
- “Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.” – Rumi
- “I am a museum full of art but you had your eyes shut.” – Rupi Kaur
- “No response is a response. And it’s a powerful one. Remember that.
- “She wasn’t sad anymore, she was numb, and numb, she knew, was somehow worse.”
- “It’s okay, to feel unwanted, it hurts, it shatters, but then it’s okay.” – Monica S. Tambe
- “There are unwanted emotions and pain that goes along with any birth.” – John Travolta
- “I think one of the most poignant things is unrequited love and loneliness.” – Wilbur Smith
- “Most relationships fail because one person was being loved too much and the other wasn’t being loved enough.”
- “My life might not be perfect. I have many challenges. But I also have too many blessings to be ungrateful.” – Karen Salmansohn
- “A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.” – Mandy Hale
- “The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.
” – Shannon L. Alder
- “It’s never loneliness that nibbles away at a person’s insides, but not having room inside themselves to be comfortably alone.” – Rachel Sontag
- “You recognize that no one who sucks your energy, puts you down, makes you feel small, or is unloving to you is entitled to your time.” – Cleo Wade
- “You’re strong. You survived living through the main pain of it all. You will survive the healing time. Things will get better. Even better than better.” – Karen Salmansohn
- “I still think that the greatest suffering is being lonely, feeling unloved, just having no one… That is the worst disease that any human being can ever experience.” – Mother Teresa
- “You can sell millions of records, be showered with all this love and admiration and still feel despised and unwanted. That’s what I felt. I’ve made a lot of mistakes I’m not proud of.
” – Scott Stapp
- “Just as the unwanted pregnancy, there are unwanted people in your life you should strive to abort, and such abortion is not sin, nor harm, but the eradication of a destructive foetus.” – Michael Bassey Johnson
- “If you are feeling invisible, unwanted, or worthless, please know this is simply not true. You are beautiful, magical, needed, wanted and loved more than you can imagine. You make this world a better place.” – bliss
- “The voice in her said: imperfect, unlovable, victim, defeated, hide. The voice in her heart said: kind, peaceful, gentle soul, easy to love, winner. Release the insecurities and reclaim your heart, your purpose, your peace.” – J. Autherine
- “To be lonely is to feel unwanted and unloved, and therefor unlovable. Loneliness is a taste of death. No wonder some people who are desperately lonely lose themselves in mental illness or violence to forget the inner pain.
” – Jean Vanier
- “The greatest tragedy of old age is the tendency for the old to feel unneeded, unwanted, and of no use to anyone; the secret of happiness in the declining years is to remain interested in life, as active as possible, useful to others, busy, and forward looking.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
- “I feel so left out.”
- “When all you wanted was to be wanted.” – Unknown feeling unwanted quotes in relationship
- “Tell me when I am no longer needed and I shall go.”
- “Never put your time into the hands of the ungrateful.”
- “I hate feeling unwanted like I’m a burden or something.”
- “It must be awful to feel you’re not needed.
” – Anne Frank
- “There are millions of fish in the sea…. but I’m a mermaid.”
- “Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.” – Rupi Kaur
- “I hate texting people first. I feel awkward, annoying and unwanted.” – Unknown
- “The worst feeling is feeling unwanted by the person you want the most.” – Unknown
- “There’s nothing better than feeling wanted; and there’s nothing worse than feeling unwanted.” – Unknown
- “It hurts the most when the person that made you feel special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today.”
- “It hurts the worst when the person that made you feel so special yesterday…. makes you feel so unwanted today…”
- “Tired, scared, unappreciated, unaccepted, misunderstood, unloved, heartbroken…Yup, this is how I am feeling right now…” – Unknown
- “The feeling of being able to know and feel appreciated for your efforts can create a long-lasting impact on happiness and self-esteem.
- “Feeling unwanted when you’re talking to someone is the most horrible feeling ever, especially when your trying your best.” – Unknown
- “Feeling unwanted by people who say they care about you is the worst feeling in the world…one day I will have a place to call my own.” – Unknown
- “Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat… We must find each other.” – Mother Teresa
- “Sometimes she feels unloved. Sometimes she feels she will never gain approval from those people who are most important to her. But she’s brave and good-hearted and faces her life head-on.” – Sophie Kinsella
- “When people make you feel unwanted, don’t leave to make them feel sad or guilty, they won’t. Leave because you no longer have a reason to stay.
Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. Whats meant to be will end up good and what’s not – won’t.” – Ash Sweeney
Loneliness causes people to feel ignored, worthless, empty, alone, and unwanted. People who are lonely often crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people.
Don’t forget to check out our collection of feeling down quotes and feeling blue quotes that you can relate to.
If you are think you can relate with these unwated sayings feel free to spread your feelings and share it with friends and family on Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, and more.
If we have missed some quotes, share it with us in the comment section below and we shall be happy to add it to the list.
75 Relatable Quotes For When Someone Makes You Feel Unwanted
That gut-wrenching feeling of being unloved is caused by being left out, broken up with, or pushed away by the people you love. Unloving treatment can leave you feeling so useless, lonely, and unwanted.
You are not alone, as these sad quotes about when someone makes you feel unwanted will show you.
It's normal to feel unwanted at times, but you don’t have to give people the power to make you feel unloved. If someone is treating you poorly, know that there are people out there who will treat you better.
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Whatever it is that’s making you feel lonely or unloved, know that you are, and have always been, strong enough to get through it.
We found these quotes about feeling unloved for when someone makes you feel unwanted to give you hope.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, my friend.
1. “Perhaps the unattached, the unwanted, the unloved, could grow to give love as lushly as anyone else.”― Vanessa Diffenbaugh
2. “But you can vanquish the demons only when you yourself are convinced of your own worth.

3. “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” ― Mother Teresa
4. “If you feel unwanted or unappreciated where you are or by those you're with, it only means you're in the wrong place or with the wrong people. Hang in there. Someone else will see you for the true gift you are.”― LK Hunsaker
5. "Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle." — Napoleon Hill
6. “I want to remind you that I love you, and that love is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. If you feel unworthy or unwanted in any way… know that every breath you take is precious to me.”― Jamie McGuire
7. “Love means to love that which is unlovable; or it is no virtue at all.”― G.K. Chesterton
8. “There's beauty in misery, sadness and things that are so unloved and forgotten.

9. “I am not afraid of being unloved. But I am terrified of never learning to love.”― Michael D. O'Brien
10. "Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go." — Hermann Hesse
11. “You were never created to be hurt or scared or unloved. You were created for a life of joy, and fun, and love, where you can dream big dreams and have grand adventures.”― Jade Miller
12. “Grace is love that seeks you out when you have nothing to give in return. Grace is love coming at you that has nothing to do with you. Grace is being loved when you are unlovable….” ― Preston Sprinkle
13. “Books have always been my solace and my friend. Who can ever feel unloved or lonely when there’s a whole world of undiscovered journeys to take, hidden in the pages of a book.”― E.S. Carter
14. “We all choose to receive love and joy at the level of our self-love and self-esteem. So love yourself a little harder and life will get a lot better.

15. “Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.” — Rupi Kaur
16. “You are good enough. You have always been good enough. You just have been too good to the wrong people.”
17. “It is sad to love and be unloved, but sadder still to be unable to love.”― Maurice Maeterlinck
18. “We all feel that we have things inside us that would make us unlovable if only people knew.”― David Smail
19. “Many people feel they don't have enough love. Feel unloved. Many people do not understand that the essence of love is giving and not demanding.”― Titon Rahmawan
20. “One remedy for the fear of not being loved is to remember how good it feels to love someone. If you're feeling unloved and you want to feel better, go love someone, and see what happens.” ― Dossie Easton
21. “You can’t make someone love a person. But the opposite is also true. Nothing can make someone unlove a person, either.”― Vi Keeland

23. “Just because someone isn’t willing or able to love us, it doesn’t mean that we are unlovable.”― Brené Brown
24. "Sometimes she feels unloved. Sometimes she feels she will never gain approval from those people who are most important to her. But she’s brave and good-hearted and faces her life head-on.”― Sophie Kinsella
25. "Remember you were born of love, you are love, it exists inside you, that's where it begins. When you know this you will have a happier life. ” ― Angie Karan
RELATED: How To Love Yourself When You're Feeling Unloved By Everyone Else
26. “I feel profoundly alone, cut off, unattractive…I feel unloveable. But I respect that unloveable soldier—struggling to survive, struggling to be honest, just, honourable. I respect myself.”― Susan Sontag
27. “And when the burning inside your chest claws, insults you as forgotten, hideous, unloved every single night, you learn how to create iron, then a sword, and challenge those demons to a fight.

28. “We were perhaps not so unlovable as we had come to believe.”― George Saunders
29. “But what attracted me to weeds was not their beauty, but their resilience. I mean, despite being so widely despised, so unloved, killed with every chance we get, they are so pervasive, so seemingly invincible.”― Carol Vorvain
30. “I know what it is to feel unloved, to want revenge, to make mistakes, to suffer disappointment, yet also to find the courage to go forward in life.” — Tim O’Brien
31. “We may be unlovely yet we are not unloved.”― John Ortberg
32. “You cannot feel unloved when you love others. Love is something you do."— Anonymous
33. “What you don't give, you lose. If you don't have it, give it away to somebody today. Protect and keep the things you value by giving them.”― Dragos Bratasanu
34. “I can say this: don’t give up. Not on love but, more important still, not on you. Never let yourself believe that you are unlovable or flawed in any way.

35. "Someday someone won’t be afraid of how much you love. They won’t stay on the shores; they’ll meet you in the depths."
36. “Dark, unfeeling and unloving powers determine human destiny.”― Sigmund Freud
37. “So often, we don’t see the beauty in ourselves. If we keep observing our reflection in the distorted mirrors of bad relationships, we start believing we are ugly and unlovable. And the flaws aren’t in how we look, but in whose eyes we’re seeing ourselves through.”― Jacqueline Simon Gunn
38. “You were created to be loved. So for you to live as if you were unloved is a limitation, not the other way around.”― Wm. Paul Young
39. “Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn't change the heart of others — it only changes yours.”― Shannon Alder
40. "Be the love you never received." — Rune Cazuli
41. “Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.

42. "A lonely, quiet person has observations and experiences that are at once both more indistinct and more penetrating than those of one more gregarious; his thoughts are weightier, stranger, and never without a tinge of sadness. . . . Loneliness fosters that which is original, daringly and bewilderingly beautiful, poetic. But loneliness also fosters that which is perverse, incongruous, absurd, forbidden.”― Thomas Mann
43. “Rejection, though — it could make the loss of someone you weren't even that crazy about feel gut-wrenching and world ending.”― Deb Caletti
44. “Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.”― Steve Maraboli
45. "The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places." — Ernest Hemingway
46. “When you can’t reach the standards of another’s heart you must ask yourself, "What value do I put on my soul that I would subject myself to such rejection?”― Shannon Alder

48. "Let the hurt open you instead of closing you. Let the hurt send you looking for those who will accept you instead of hiding from those who reject you.”― Bryant McGill
49. “Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me.”― Lysa TerKeurst
50. “I am a museum full of art but you had your eyes shut” — Rupi Kaur
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51. “If you show someone the sun in your bones and they reject you you must remember. they hurt themselves this very same way. – unable”― Nayyirah Waheed

53. “When we’re hungry, we eat food. When we’re out of shape, we go to the gym. When we’re tired, we go to sleep. But for some reason, when we’re feeling unlovable, we analyze ourselves to death until we feel worse.”― Jackson MacKenzie
54. “Today I am willing to love the unlovable parts of me with care.”― Galitta Tassa
55. “The voice in her head said: Imperfect, unlovable, victim, defeated, hide. The voice in her heart said: Kind, peaceful, gentle soul, easy to love, winner. Release the insecurities and reclaim your heart, your purpose, your peace.”― J. Autherine
56. “You recognize that no one who sucks your energy, puts you down, makes you feel small, or is unloving to you is entitled to your time.”― Cleo Wade
57. “The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.

58. “Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours.”—Ayn Rand
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59. “That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.”― F. Scott Fitzgerald
60. “When I get lonely these days, I think: So BE lonely, Liz. Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life.

61. “If you learn to really sit with loneliness and embrace it for the gift that it is…an opportunity to get to know YOU, to learn how strong you really are, to depend on no one but YOU for your happiness…you will realize that a little loneliness goes a LONG way in creating a richer, deeper, more vibrant and colorful YOU.”― Mandy Hale
62. “Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.”― Rumi
63. “Don't attach yourself to anyone who shows you the least bit of attention because you're lonely. Loneliness is the human condition. No one is ever going to fill that space. The best thing you can do it know yourself... know what you want.”― Janet Fitch
64. "It's never loneliness that nibbles away at a person's insides, but not having room inside themselves to be comfortably alone.”― Rachel Sontag

66. “If you don't like the scene you're in, if you're unhappy, if you're lonely, if you don't feel that things are happening, change your scene. Paint a new backdrop.”― Leo Buscaglia
67. “I am a lover without a lover. I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself.”― Warsan Shire
68. “We are all alone, born alone, die alone, and — in spite of true romance magazines — we shall all someday look back on our lives and see that, in spite of our company, we were alone the whole way. I do not say lonely — at least, not all the time — but essentially, and finally, alone. this is what makes your self-respect so important, and I don’t see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your happiness”― William S. Burroughs
69. “Even in the loneliest moments I have been there for myself.

70. “A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.”― Mandy Hale
71. “So much of the pain of loneliness is to do with concealment, with feeling compelled to hide vulnerability, to tuck ugliness away, to cover up scars as if they are literally repulsive. But why hide? What's so shameful about wanting, about desire, about having failed to achieve satisfaction, about experiencing unhappiness? Why this need to constantly inhabit peak states, or to be comfortably sealed inside a unit of two, turned inward from the world at large?”― Olivia Laing
72. “I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your being.”― Hafez
73. “You will be lonely, but you'll become strong.”― Marie Rutkoski
74. “She was beautiful, in the quiet way that lonely, unnoticed people are beautiful to those who notice them.”― Jedediah Berry
75. “I don't want anyone who doesn't want me.

If you are struggling with depression, you can reach the NAMI helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) to learn more about mental health resources. If you feel you are at risk for suicide, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
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Abby Jamison is an editorial intern who loves reading and writing above all else, but road trips are a close second. She finds most of her inspiration from feminism, LGBTQ+ history, and travel.
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best quotes, sayings and aphorisms
Not needed here? Look for another place...
I used to think that families fall apart because of quarrels, but now it seems that quarrels only expose each other's uselessness.
We don't need those who don't need us.
well, can we please everyone and everyone ...
other times have come ...
no one is now tormented by thirst for reading,
our names are not shiny either.
Gusts of wind outside the window
The leaves on the birches turn yellow
I'm tired of being unnecessary
I'm tired of being YOU. unnecessary
"Worthless" ... worse than all the awards
What can I imagine
And your lips keep repeating ...
Go away ... and demand to leave.
I'm tired of being unnecessary
Tired of being unnecessary to YOU
Like a shining star...
From cold indifference
"Uselessness"... the worst of evils
What only the heart can hardly endure
And in my head, like a metronome...
Shards of your phrases... to my heart!
I'm tired of being unnecessary
I'm tired of being... YOU don't need
Like a guiding star...
Shine your back streets.
Tired… exhausted…
There is no reason to fight anymore.
And if you need me...
Let me in... before I get cold!
All outgoing messages have been read many years ago.
And even incoming - outgoing.
Learn not to get attached. Do not miss someone who does not need us and is not important anymore. Do not wait for a call from those who no longer think about us. Do not listen to the steps of someone who was not going to come. To learn not to love someone who no longer loves us, to tightly close the doors behind those who leave us and never let back those who once left us. To become at least a little bit more selfish and prudent and stop giving yourself to those who do not appreciate and do not protect. And never give your heart to someone who can do without it. Learn not to die for someone who does not want to live for you ...
How little kindness in return,
to those who love you with all your heart,
indifferently destroy the bridges
of faith, honesty, peace, peace.
How blind are the eyes, how deaf is the heart,
how cruel are words,
there is no place next to you,
and inside is emptiness and melancholy.
In this vicious and deceitful world,
tenderness, sensitivity will not find shelter,
how beautiful the smiles on faces are,
but they will also be mercilessly erased.
Over time, even the most long-awaited call may become unnecessary"... Only the call that you never really expected will become unnecessary. And over time, those who constantly feel their uselessness stop calling and writing. "Especially when his calls and texts are constantly ignored. Not a single person can constantly break into the closed doors of a cold house. Busy is a good excuse for someone who is just lazy to waste his time on you. Or simply there is no desire. And to feel obsessive, oh how unpleasant. Moreover, it has long been well known to everyone: when a person really has a desire, he always finds time both for calls and for meetings. Therefore, you should not be surprised when your phone suddenly goes silent. And there is no need to wait either. There will be no more no calls, because over time, even the most loving person gets tired of feeling unwanted…
One day a man came to the doctor.
And the doctor is very busy, because he thinks how to take a bribe from someone with a gasoline pump.
Here this man comes in, and it is immediately clear from him that he does not have any gasoline pump, never was and never will be.
Listen, the doctor says. And he is lying - he does not listen to anything.
Then a man began to tell him something about his life. What kind of life does he have there? And he told, told, got confused even from the beginning.
Just then the doctor came up with everything about the fuel pump and began to listen to the person. He hears, and he tells him about some woman. Yeah, the doctor was delighted, it’s not for you to me, but to a completely different end of the city. Call the next one.
The man wanted to say something else, dropped his hat, picked it up and went to his house.
And he took it at home and died.
And no one would have known that he had died, but it’s good that a pregnant gypsy came to him to ask for soap for hungry kids. Already she pounded and pounded at the door, and then went to the police. There, he says, a man died.
The police are laughing - you, comrade gypsy, are completely crazy. Maybe he did go to the store for bread. But she doesn't, that's all. I, he says, know everything in the world, I am a Serbian gypsy, I don’t even have a passport.
The police checked the gypsy, and indeed - she does not have any passport. What can you do, the police had to go with her to break the doors together.
They broke the doors, they come in, they stomp with their boots. They see - and the man really died. The lights are on everywhere, the radio is talking in the kitchen, and he is curled up and as if asleep. And he himself died.
The police looked around - the windows and doors are intact, nothing is upside down. And they stole something there or not - so who knows what this person had?
One policeman, still young, stupid, asks a gypsy - hey, tell me, why did he die? And smiles in advance.
Only she did not answer him anything and went somewhere on her gypsy business.
Gypsies, they know everything in the world, but they don't tell anyone anything. Except for money. Yes, and then they will tell lies on purpose.
Well, the police didn't get too worried. For some reason, they called an ambulance and took that person to the morgue.
There, two doctors in green coats cut and cut him, but they didn't find anything. They wouldn't even give him a ballot for three days with such symptoms. And he died.
The doctors scratched their heads with rubber gloves and wrote a certificate: so-and-so died, it seems, from hypertension.
In the registry office they read this certificate, they also scratched their heads and wrote out a certificate. And where the cause of death is, they wrote in specially illegible handwriting: “it seems like hypertension.”
It's funny to even read this, by God.
It's good that nobody took the certificate from the registry office. It is still there in the archive. And everything is in it - both the number, and the seal, and even some kind of surname.
Where did they get her - this last name? He didn't even have a last name.
So, just one person.
People who don't need anyone usually don't need anyone either.
You are like an unnecessary organ...
I take it out and throw it away.
And it doesn't matter that a lot of red comes out of the wound...
And it hurts a little and it's too early... to take it out of the wound with your hands.
From a tired gray camp... this oddity...
Like a false heart... valves...
everything is crumpled and patched up - I cut it off with a scalpel - I need it. ..
And it's becoming clearer... Don't get poisoned with medicines now...
Only now the emptiness hurts even more clearly.
If a person doesn't go to his own world..., everyone tries to take him to another world.
But the more I read, the more difficult it was to live as empty and unnecessary as people seemed to live.
Maxim Gorky
20 quotes about love and relationships
Liana Khaziakhmetova
“Not beauty causes love, but love makes us see beauty,” said Leo Tolstoy. This feeling is really capable of much, but it is easy to lose it. About the fragility of love, about the strength of relationships - our quotes.
UV A broken heart HURTS. It hurts so much that I don't want to live. But the heartache goes away. Sometimes it seems that it will last forever, but believe me, it will pass. In the meantime... it won't be easy for now. It’s like an open wound in my heart, and a huge black cloud in my soul. On bad days, I felt lethargic, I could not eat. Objects lost color, everything was GRAY. No one could cheer me up, and I was convinced that in this gray world I would have to live until old age. But time passed, the clouds dissipated, and joy returned to me. The best cure for a broken heart is to plunge headlong into your favorite business. Do sport; meet with friends; read books! Anything you do will speed up the healing process. I swear, time and distraction is what you need. But I perfectly understand how bad you are now
From Your Personal Body
Your Personal Body
Respect plays a huge role in any romantic relationship. Without it, you cannot build a healthy relationship. How can you feel good if your partner ignores you or treats you badly? How can you say what you think if you are not being listened to or there is no trust between you? How do you know if you're ready for physical intimacy if you don't respect yourself or your partner? How to believe that your feelings are true if it seems to you that your partner likes not the real you, but his personal idea of you? You, and only you, decide whether or not to start a relationship. You, and only you, decide whether to continue them or not. Never forget about it!
From the book You Matter!
You matter!
Close, intimate communication, when you give another person a piece of your heart, is great. You feel like you have a thousand butterflies fluttering inside you. At some point in their life, every person wants to love and be loved. Many girls learn what love is precisely in a relationship with a partner. Others prefer to save these feelings for family members, friends, God, and even pets. It all depends on you and how ready you are for a relationship.
From the book You Matter!
Love stimulates positive brain activity. It is enough for a person in love to look at a photograph of a chosen one to activate brain areas associated with positive emotions and rewards. Scientific evidence proves that we can consciously change the way we think by focusing on certain things. If we focus on everything that angers us, pisses us off and makes us unhappy, and clings to these thoughts, we will strengthen their power over us. But if we redirect our thoughts in a more positive direction and consciously focus on positive and happy memories, it is these neural connections that will be strengthened.
From the book "Happy Year"
Happy Year
Every person strives for love and happiness. It all starts in infancy: the bond between mother and child is instinctive, extremely strong and necessary for survival. The love we receive in early childhood affects the formation of the brain and character, determines the actions in adolescence and adulthood, when we begin to look for a partner. The romantic myth says that once you find your soul mate, you will live happily ever after. But in reality, everything is much more complicated, although the reward is much more valuable. People do not remain the same all their lives, but develop and change constantly. Whatever your relationship is now, it won't stay that way forever.
From The Happy Year
Do you pay enough attention to your partner or take him for granted? Do you communicate heart to heart or just out of habit are you around all day long? Sometimes professional duties require you to immerse yourself in work; domestic difficulties and caring for children also affect relationships, passion subsides over time, and partners begin to think: maybe it was just physical attraction, and not love? What are your priorities? Ask yourself what are you willing to do to improve your relationship? Do you think in terms of "we" or "I am separate and my partner is separate"? Ask any person what happiness means to him, and he will describe everything that gives a feeling of peace, serenity, a sense of euphoria and belonging. It is not easy to reach this state in a relationship right away. The difference between a relationship and two parallel lives is that partners respect each other's needs and find compromises.
From the book "Happy Year"
In early childhood, the child is absorbed only by his own needs. He is only interested in his own comfort and survival. But here he is growing, his brain is developing, and the kid understands that the needs of others are no less important than his own. With this discovery comes the important ability to appreciate others and to feel that they value you; friendly relations are formed; people discover that caring for others brings joy. Only then do we begin to feel loved, to feel connected to other people who appreciate and respect us, and, in turn, begin to appreciate and respect ourselves. Loving-kindness is what brings happiness.
From the book "A Happy Year"
Life is made up of love and loss, and in a relationship you need to learn not only to receive, but also to give. When a relationship ends, it seems that life has ended with it, and you will never be able to laugh, smile or love anyone else. Lack of reciprocity is just as painful - a person who feels unwanted experiences a sense of loss, debilitating and sometimes leading to self-destruction. Love is a gift, but it brings not only joy, but also pain. And it can take a lot of courage to get up off your knees, dust yourself off and move on with your life.
From Happy Year
Express love for what is important to you. Sometimes we just don't show interest, misleading others. There are many ways to be enthusiastic: doing more, inspiring others to see the goal, constantly remembering what has already been done and why it is important.
From The Power of Emotional Intelligence
The Power of Emotional Intelligence
A woman is far more concerned with how she looks than with what she feels. Even worse, some ladies (and men) begin to believe, even subconsciously, that the main task of the weaker sex is to please a partner, although in fact sex implies that both give and enjoy equally. As a result, other ladies evaluate the quality of sexual contact by the pleasure of their man, and not by their own. (“If it was good for him, then it was good for me.”)
From the book Pleasure Point
Pleasure Point
Romantic love is attachment and emotional intimacy. It is based on the desire, sewn into the subcortex, to have a person nearby who you can rely on. Close and beloved, with whom it is safe and comfortable.
From the book “Hug Me Tight”
Hold Me Tight
Now we know that love is nothing but the most perfect, infallible evolutionary mechanism that allows a person as a species to survive. And this is not because it makes us be fruitful and multiply. People manage to continue the race even without love! But because it helps us build emotional connections with people who are important and valuable to us - those who will become a safe haven in the raging ocean of life. Love is a reliable bulwark designed to provide the protection and support that everyone needs to survive the inevitable ups and downs.
From Hold Me Tight
Love is not the icing on the cake of life. This is the most basic human need. The same as the need for water or oxygen. By understanding and accepting this, we can easily get to the heart of relationship problems.
From "Hold Me Tight"
Changes in the relationship of lovers are so rapid, chaotic and vivid that we do not have time to realize what is really happening. And often we do not understand how we react. But if it were possible to view the development of events in slow motion, we would notice the turning points and the directions chosen at the crossroads. The need for affection and the strong emotions that accompany it arise suddenly. Thanks to them, the conversation from everyday issues instantly turns to the problems of safety and survival.
From the book Hold Me Tight
Love can really drive you crazy, whether it's a new relationship or an established relationship. For example, the fear of rejection often causes low self-esteem, extreme anxiety, overreactions, and an obsession with a loved one that surpasses the love of a partner. At the same time that the love in your heart begins to fade away, you may become "emotionally numb" and worry that you have lost the ability to love, while experiencing a strong sense of guilt.
From the book "Paradox of Passion"
Paradox of Passion
The very desire to attract another person, to gain emotional power over him carries the danger of upsetting the balance of relations. This is because the feeling of falling in love is biochemically associated with a feeling of loss of control. As soon as you feel that you are in complete control of the situation, or you realize that you are confident in your partner’s love, passion begins to fade. The challenge, the desire to conquer, the emotional spark and the delight of falling in love disappear.
From The Passion Paradox
My clients respond well to the idea that the real culprit in a situation is the Passion Paradox. I explain that none of the partners can be blamed for the resulting imbalance, but if you work together, you can find the source of the imbalance, and then apply the techniques I have developed and correct the situation.
From the book "Paradox of Passion"
In order to achieve reliability in relationships, couples confuse love and the desire to merge together. And this has an extremely negative effect on the sexual side of their lives. In order to maintain passion, partners must also maintain some distance. Eroticism requires that each in a couple retain their own individuality. In other words, eroticism flourishes precisely in the space remaining between partners. To communicate with a loved one, we need to be able to accept the existence of this distance and the uncertainty associated with it.
From Captive Breeding
Captive Breeding
Not all lovers need passion; sometimes people run away from it. Some relationships are based on warm feelings, tenderness, mutual support, and partners prefer to stay in a safe zone. They are closer to love based on patience, and not on passion. It is more important for them to find peace. Of course, there is no universal solution, and no one path can be considered the only right one.
From the book Captive Breeding
Love stands on two pillars: willingness to yield and independence. We want to be close to our partner, and at the same time it is important for us to keep some distance. One simply does not exist without the other. If the distance is too great, communication cannot be established. But if there is no distance at all and the partners merge together, they lose their independence. And then there is nothing to overcome, there is neither motivation nor the opportunity to cross the bridge and find yourself on the territory of another; there is no partner's intimate world that the other seeks to enter. The two become one, and there is no more connection between them, since there are no more two separate people.