How many children should i have quiz
How Many Kids Should You Have?
- by Jill Harness
- – on
- in Lifestyle
Aside from our basic needs of food, water, shelter and affection, humans have a biological need to procreate. But just because we are all born with this drive doesn't mean we'll all have the same amount of kids, or any kids at all for that matter. You probably have some ideas about whether you want to have kids and, if you do, whether you want just one or want to have a huge family, but do you know how many kids you actually should have based on your personality?
This quiz doesn't look at what kind of a parent you would be based on how you handle certain situations, but instead takes a general look at your basic personality type and then evaluates how many children you should probably have based on that information.
After all, who you are as a person is the biggest indicator of how you will be as a parent.
Are you the perfect parent for an only child? Are three kids not a crowd, but the perfect family size? Should you invest in a lot of birth control or should you get busy making an army of mini-yous? You'll have to take the quiz to find out.
Question 1What is your favorite color?
Where would the world be without good old ROYGBIV? Of course, since we only have five answers on this quiz, our apologies to those who prefer orange, indigo or brown -as for white and black, those aren't colors anyway but simply shades.
Question 2In what range does your lucky number fall?
Naturally, we couldn't possibly put everyone's specific lucky number on here, but with these numerical ranges, we can cover every number out there. If you don't have a lucky number, just choose one that brings up good memories for you.
What's your dream job?
Sure, you might be an accountant or a sales clerk now, but we all have dream jobs even if they're entirely unrealistic. So if you could have any career in the world, what would you want to do with your life?
Question 4What was your favorite class in school?
Even people who completely hated school altogether still had a favorite class, which was probably the one subject they excelled at. So when it comes to education, which of the following classes was the one you didn't want to miss?
Question 5Select your favorite historical period:
You don't have to choose the time you'd most want to live in (after all, it would be pretty hard to live with dinosaurs running around), but instead choose the one you find the most fascinating. Essentially, pick the one you would visit if you had a time machine.
What's the best thing to do on a beach?
The surf, the sand, the sun, there's something truly spectacular about a day at the beach with someone you care about. So when you think of a visit to the sea, what's your ideal beach day activity? Pick one below!
Question 7Name your dream vacation destination:
It could be a family vacation, a couple's trip or even a solo mission, we won't judge. We just want to know where you would want to visit more than any other destination. Which of these cities just ignites your sense of adventure?
Question 8What state would you most like to visit?
If you noticed that our top vacation destination question didn't include any US destinations, that's because we were saving them up for this question. So which state would you most like to visit (though not necessarily choose to live in)?
What's your favorite holiday?
We all enjoy a good holiday, but everyone likes to celebrate a little different and which occasion you enjoy the most is largely based on your values and your family traditions. So which of the following holidays makes you feel warm and fuzzy?
Question 10What do you like to do in at home in your free time?
In this case, we're specifically asking about your time spent indoors since we'll ask about your favorite outdoor activities in the next question. So when the weather outside is terrible, what would you like to spend your time doing inside?
Question 11What is your favorite outdoor activity?
The great outdoors are a great place to relax, refresh and renew yourself. Of course, if you're the kind of person who thinks "ewww" when someone talks about time spent outside, then just choose the activity that would make you the least miserable.
What is your favorite sport?
The thrill of competition and the agony of defeat? It's one of those things humans were born to love, but everyone likes a different sport. We know, not everyone likes these sports, so if you're not into them, just choose the sport you'd enjoy watching with friends the most.
Question 13Choose the coolest animal:
There are tons and tons of cool animals out there, but these five are some of the most popular choices when it comes to "favorite" animals. If your favorite animal isn't listed here, just choose the one you like the best of the bunch.
Question 14Select the best pet:
Do you like to play with your pets, cuddle at them or look at them? The choice says a lot about what you might do with your babies.
Of course, if you don't particularly like pets, you should just choose the one you dislike the least.
What's the best app?
How did we ever survive without having our smart phones around to entertain us with a massive selection of fantastically entertaining games wherever we go? So which game do you like to start up when you're sitting around doing nothing?
Question 16Choose the best Disney movie?
Even if you can't stand Disney, you'll have to get used to watching these eventually if you plan to have kids and when that happens, you'll probably end up getting the songs from one of these flicks stuck in your head for at least a year.
Question 17What is the best Dr. Seuss book?
Here's another thing you'd better get used to if you plan on having kids some day. But there's a lot to love about Dr. Seuss and even adults can enjoy his whimsical books, so which of these classic kid's books do you prefer?
What's your favorite book series?
Books can take you into a whole different world. So when you travel to a fantastical new reality, do you like to do it with a little kink or a little magic? Do you like religious conspiracies or dark dystopian futures?
Question 19Choose your favorite TV family:
In this case, don't choose the family that you enjoy watching the most (a bad sitcom family can be endlessly entertaining -often more so than one with a healthy family relationship), but the family you most relate with and would like your family to most closely resemble.
Question 20Who is the best actress?
When you think "queen of the silver screen," do you think classic beauties, incredible talent or total babes? Which of these five actresses from a variety of film eras is a namesake that will guarantee you'll go see their newest films?
Question 21Who is the best actor?
Of course, we'd never ask about your favorite actress without also asking about your favorite male actor as well. So which of these five leading men is the biggest draw when it comes to which film you'd like to see?
Who is your favorite comedian?
When you think about people that make you laugh, do you like redneck humor, African American comics, raunchy jokes, clean-cut laughs or something in between? In other words, which of these comics makes you laugh the most? (Try to consider only their stand up if you can).
Question 23Select the best male singer:
These singers range from the 70s to modern times, but when it comes to this quiz, it's not about how old their songs are, but the style and content of the tunes. So which of these male singers is your favorite?
Question 24Who is the best female singer?
Like the male singers, the music from these ladies spans back across the decades, but during their time, these singers were all pop icons -even if their individual sounds are drastically different. So which one would you rather listen to?
Choose the best band of the bunch:
These bands all rock, but not in the same way and just like the male and female singers, their music spans through the years. Ultimately, this one comes down to whether you like punk, classic rock, metal or Christian rock.
Question 26Select the best recent president:
Time to get political here -though not overly so. Just choose your favorite of America's last five presidents. You might be surprised how much this says about who you are and how many children you should raise based on what kind of values you think are the most important.
Question 27What is the best boy's name?
It doesn't have to be a name you would actually give your baby, but at least the name you would be most likely to give your son out of these five. They're all pretty classic names, although some are obviously more popular now than others.
Choose a girl's name:
Like the boy's names, these girl's names don't need to be ones you'd actually name your baby, but just choose the one of the five names you'd choose if you had to pick one. Unlike the boy's names, some of these are certainly more modern than others.
Question 29What is your favorite clothing store?
It's fair enough that you might not actually wear any of these brands, but at least you can choose the brand you like the best out of the choices where you might be most likely to shop if you had no other option.
Question 30Where do you like to buy groceries?
We've all gotta eat, but where you shop for groceries says a lot about you and what kind of a parent you should be as well. Do you like bulk buys or quick convenience items? Do you care more about cost, style or speed?
Choose the best president in history:
That's right, first we had you choose the best of our last few presidents, now it's time to evaluate your favorite president from history. We were limited to five here, so apologies to those who like FDR or Andrew Jackson.
Question 32What is the best chain restaurant?
When you want to go out for dinner, do you tend to choose Southern food, classic American fare, Italian treats or French cuisine? Do you want cocktails, mozzarella sticks or a souvenir tee shirt? These are the important decisions in life.
Question 33What is the best date night food?
Imagine your fantasy guy/gal invited you out for a meal and gave you the following five options for diner. Which date night meal will you pick (even if you secretly would much rather have duck a l'orange or even a simple pork chop).
What is the best fast food option?
We're willing to bet you never thought what you eat would have such a big impact on how many kids you should have, but let's be honest, how you eat is also a big reflection of who you are and what your values are.
Question 35Which language would you most like to learn?
There's something spectacularly romantic about speaking a second language, but learning another one takes a lot of skill. So which of these would you want to learn (if you already speak one or more of these, just choose the language you like the sound of the best)?
How Many Kids Will You Have?
Image: Shutterstock
The first step in knowing how many limbs you'll have to sell to send your kids to college is knowing how many of them you will have! Getting to know your thoughts about family life, your future, and your personality will give us some great insight into how many children your future holds. This quiz will give you the heads up you need to start saving!
Will you have enough children to start your own daycare, or are you more than happy to be the doting aunt or uncle? No matter what your feelings about your parenthood potential, we don't get to plan everything in life. Sometimes, life has other plans for us! One day you're sipping margaritas in the middle of the afternoon, and the next you're telling You Jr. to stop eating the dog's snacks. You might not see yourself as the parent type, but the universe might have something else in mind for you. Let's find out how many surprises are in store for you!
Throughout this quiz, we hope to get to know your naturing side and your nurturing side. Once we feel we know you well enough to be your own mother, we'll tell you how many whippersnappers you'll find yourself having. Ready?
What kind of advice would your friends say you give?
How do you feel about changing diapers?
I've changed many of them.
I don't think anyone likes it.
I can do without it.
I feel like I'll have a nanny someday.
What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
I like to go hiking.
I like to clean my house.
I like to hang out with friends.
I like to binge watch a new series.
Do you think you are ruled more by nature or nurture?
I think I'm ruled by both.
I think I'm more ruled by nature.
I haven't really thought about it.
I'm ruled more my nurture.
What aspect of your life would you most like to improve?
How important is getting alone time to you?
I love being surrounded by others.
I definitely need alone time sometimes.
I need a lot of alone time.
Alone time doesn't exist in my world.
Do you have any pets?
I have a few.
I've been thinking about getting a pet.
I don't have any pets.
I have one.
What kind of car do you drive?
Economy car
Where would your dream house be located?
Small town
What would you be found doing at a children's birthday party?
I would be slicing cake.
I would be dressed up like a clown.
I would be getting the dance floor hopping.
I would be supervising the swimming pool.
How would you rate your culinary skills?
I'm a great home chef.
I'm not bad in the kitchen.
I'm great at ordering takeout.
I should have been a chef.
What would you give to a teething baby?
A frozen toy
A wet washcloth
If you were sitting next to a screaming baby on a plane, what would you do?
I would try to entertain the baby.
I would give the baby snacks.
I would ask to be moved.
I would assure the parent that I don't mind.
Which word would you use to describe your parents?
Do you think you are a good leader?
I'm an excellent leader.
It depends on the situation.
I work better alone.
I can be a leader or a good team player.
Which job would you like to try for a month?
Travel writer
Real estate agent
What's your current relationship status?
Do you think you are a good role model for younger people?
I'm an excellent role model.
I have my moments.
I like to think so.
No one is perfect, but I'm a decent role model.
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Would you ever volunteer to coach a kids' sports team?
I have!
That sounds like fun.
Sports are not my thing.
I would consider it.
Are you good a multi-tasking?
I'm the queen/king of multi-tasking.
It depends on the tasks.
I prefer to focus on one thing at a time.
I usually have no choice.
Do you go to a lot of adult parties?
I don't go to many parties.
I attend a few parties a year.
I go to a lot of parties.
It's been a long time since I've been to an adults only party.
How do you save money?
I clip a lot of coupons.
I try not to eat out a lot.
I always shop the clearance sales.
I put a little at a time in savings.
What scares you the most about children?
Children don't scare me.
Tantrums scare me.
Smelly diapers scare me.
Everything about children is scary.
Which cartoon would you share with a child?
"Rainbow Brite"
"The Smurfs"
"The Simpsons"
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
How would you entertain a child for an afternoon?
It depends on the child's age.
I would take them to work with me.
I would give them a video game.
I would take them out for food and a movie.
Do you think you have good parental instincts?
I'm certain that I do.
I think I have decent instincts.
I have no idea.
I think they are as good as anyone else's instincts.
Can you keep houseplants alive?
I have many houseplants.
I'm good with succulents.
I do not have a green thumb.
I would love to try indoor gardening.
Would you rather have a boy or a girl?
I would like to have both.
I want one of each.
I'm fine with either.
It doesn't matter what I would like to have.
Are you a light sleeper?
I am a light sleeper.
I sleep like a rock.
I am a total insomniac.
It depends how tired I am.
You Got:
Take the test: “How many children will you have?”
Motherhood is a long-awaited event for most women.
Even those ladies who have already experienced the joy of having a baby are ready to repeat this experience. What can we say about childless girls.
The curiosity of the fair sex makes them look for the "How many children will there be" test in order to prepare themselves for a happy future in advance.
There are a great many tests on this topic. I have selected the best for you.
You can go through all of them in order to get an answer to your question thanks to the averaged indicators.
Test: How many children will you have - fiction or reality?
People have different attitudes towards tests. Some believe in them, some don't, but there are hardly many characters who can boast that they have never had such fun in their lives.
The desire of a woman, even with the help of tests, to find out how many children she will have is quite understandable, because her health largely depends on it.
1) Is it reasonable to use a test to find out how many children I will have?
It would seem that in the modern world, the birth or non-birth of children to plan - just spit.
If you want to have sex only for your own pleasure and without consequences, contraception will help you.
Ready to fulfill your reproductive function and become a parent - get a medical examination, make sure that you are healthy and prepare for the appearance of a small miracle in your life.
Parents can easily plan the number of children they want to have, but only on the condition that higher powers do not interfere in the matter.
And they often intervene in how many children they will have, so:
- contraception does not always work;
- orphanages are filled with unwanted children;
- abortion doctors are not out of work;
- family planning centers make good money;
- the childless dream of having children, and those who are pregnant with an unwanted child think how to get rid of it.
Of course, with the help of the test you can not always find out the answers to your questions. Nobody canceled the right to make a mistake.
To believe or not to believe in existing tests is your own business and no one has the right to impose your own vision of the issue on you.
You can take full responsibility for your life and “Don't mess around,” as a friend of mine said when she learned about the topic of an article I'm working on.
It is also not advisable to blindly believe the test results and get angry that some data is erroneous or the prediction received from the test does not come true.
Think of it as fun and a good time. Then a big disappointment can be avoided.
2) How many children you will have - the woman herself must decide, no matter what the tests say...
I personally tested all the tests offered to you, unequivocally rejecting those that required money for providing the result.
I brushed aside another one, but for a different reason: the result showed that I would have 12 children. I don’t know what the creators of such testing were counting on and how many families they know in which such a number of children grow up, not counting family-type orphanages, but the results really outraged me.
Families with many children (and I'm not talking about the modern understanding of a large family, when 3 or 4 children are already a lot) have remained in the distant past.
Adult people understand that when they give birth to a baby, they take full responsibility for it, including financial responsibility. Is it possible to provide 12 children with everything they need if you are not an oligarch or an Arab sheikh?
In addition, scientists have long proven that the optimal number of children for a healthy woman is no more than four.
More births are fraught with unpleasant consequences:
- reduction in life by 13.5%;
- diabetes mellitus;
- occurrence of cardiovascular diseases;
- excessively active cancer cells;
- exhaustion of the body.
Childless women, alas, should not rejoice either, since Israeli scientists in the course of recent experiments have proved that the increasing number of cases of uterine cancer is primarily due to a decrease in the birth rate.
Today, every fifth woman aged 40 has never given birth. And these are not encouraging indicators.
Tests won't help improve fertility rates or stop people who, due to religious or other beliefs, are producing large numbers of children, but they offer hope.
To find out how many children you will have, choose tests that make you happy and give you hope, not those that upset you.
Choose the test "How many children will there be"
Here is a selection of good online tests that you can take on trusted sites and get the result for free without registration, entering a phone number, and so on.
everything is simple and available:
1. | | 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999EV
3. | |
4. | 4. |
5. | htm |
6. | |
7. | |
You can search for the test yourself. Google gives a lot of links for a given query. But do not be fooled by tests in which you need to pay for the result, even if the amount seems small to you.
So you only feed scammers, because free tests are no worse than paid ones. Both of them do not give a 100% guarantee. So why pay at all?
Internet safety: how not to fall for scammers?
Besides the test, how else can you find out how many children you will have?
You can find out how many children you will have not only with the help of traditional tests. There are other, no less interesting and truthful options.
Find out information about children using:
- Palmistry.
- Divination.
- Prophetic dreams.
- Astrological forecast.
- Fortune-telling visits by a magician, etc.
1. How can I find out how many children I will have by the test on my arm?
Fortunetellers (and I'm not talking about charlatans now, but about those who are really able to see the future) often use the lines on the hand to predict.
To find out how many babies there will be, you can study the drawings on your hand. The map of life is painted on our palms. It remains only to figure out how to read it.
Look at the picture:
The red arrow indicates the lines responsible for children. They look like small vertical folds, but if you look closely, you can't miss them.
It is on these lines that you can understand how many children there will be and what their life will be like:
- The number of dashes directly indicates the number of children.
- We look at the thickness of the folds: thick ones predict boys, thin ones - girls.
- The distance between the lines indicates the time intervals for the birth of your descendants: a narrow distance - children will be born almost one after another, a wide one - the period between births will be more than 5 years.
- A V-shaped pattern indicates the birth of twins or twins.
You can also turn to eastern palmistry and look at the hill of Venus, which is under the thumb of the right hand:
Count the lines available there. Just do not need to fantasize and invent non-existent features. Consider only a pronounced pattern. The number of folds directly indicates how many kids you will have.
How to determine the number of children by hand?
Detailed video:
If you are afraid that you will not be able to correctly interpret the drawings on your hand, go to a palmist who will tell you about the number of future descendants.
2. Fortune-telling to understand how many children there will be
You can determine the number of children you will give birth to using fortune-telling.
Since it concerns such a sinless creature as a child, then all of our divinations will be light, without the use of dark magic.
With stones
You will need some stones, a marker and a container of water. On each stone you need to write
serial number, and then lower it into a vessel with water. If the marker does not write well, then each stone can be wrapped in paper and written on it. After that, it remains to observe how the ink will behave. Gradually they will lighten up. The last digit that can be read will show the number of children.
On the wedding ring
The thread is threaded into the ring and held over the open palm of the woman. If the ring moves like a pendulum, a boy will be born, if it makes circular movements, a girl will be born.
Suitable for determining the number of children and numerological test.
All you need to do is add up all the digits of your date of birth until you get a single digit. For example:
0+8+1+1+1+9+8+5 = 33; 3+3 = 6.
And now look at the designation of the resulting number.
The How Many Children Test is the easiest way to find out how many offspring you have produced, but other possibilities should not be ignored. Be that as it may, any predictions should be treated with some degree of skepticism, so as not to be too disappointed later if the result does not satisfy or the forecast does not come true.
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Useful information/Councils to citizens of the KR
Memo for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic
9000 On the procedure for entry and stay on the territory Russian Federation
1. Pre-departure preparation
Before leaving, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for crossing the border of the Russian Federation, filling out the migration card correctly, passing the migration registration, renting housing in Russia, finding a job and the basics of protecting your labor rights.
"black list"
In order to prevent the risk of refusal by the competent authorities of the Russian Federation to pass through the state border of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to check in advance, no later than 2 months before departure, information in state bodies on the presence or absence of grounds for a citizen to not allow entry to the territory of the Russian Federation.
Information about the existence of a ban on entry into the country through the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia can be obtained through the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: htm?sid=3000.
3. Restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic
If citizens of Kyrgyzstan arrive in Russia by air or water, they must present a negative test result for COVID-19, performed no earlier than 48 hours before arrival in the Russian Federation, displayed in the application “I travel without COVID-19» in the form of a green QR code.
Citizens of Kyrgyzstan entering Russia through land checkpoints may not present PCR test results.
4. Crossing the border of the Russian Federation
Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic can enter the Russian Federation with a valid general civil (foreign) passport or internal passport (ID-card).
When crossing the border of the Russian Federation, when filling in in person, you must carefully and accurately fill out the migration card. Before signing the completed migration card, you should carefully check your data, in particular, your full name and date of birth. Do not under any circumstances lose it!
5. Medical examination, fingerprinting and photographing
From December 29, 2021, foreign citizens who arrived in the Russian Federation to work in a manner that does not require a visa, including citizens of Kyrgyzstan, must, within 30 days from on the day of entry into the Russian Federation, undergo a medical examination, as well as the procedure for state fingerprint registration and photography.
Foreign citizens who arrived in Russia for a long period of more than 90 days and for purposes not related to the implementation of labor activities, are subject to mandatory state fingerprint registration and photography, as well as a medical examination within 90 calendar days from the date of entry into Russia.
If foreign citizens fail to pass fingerprinting, registration, photographing and medical examination, the period of their temporary stay in the Russian Federation is reduced.
Foreign citizens who have not reached the age of six are exempted from the above procedures.
6. Migration registration
Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic are exempted from the obligation of registration (registration at the place of stay) with the competent authorities of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) within 30 days of the date of entry.
If a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic stays on the territory of the Russian Federation for more than 30 days from the date of entry, a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic must register (register at the place of stay) with the competent authorities of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia).
Registration of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic who arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of carrying out labor activities, and members of their families is carried out for the duration of the concluded labor or civil law contract with the employer or customer of works (services).
Registration of citizens of Kyrgyzstan who arrived on the territory of Russia for other purposes is carried out for a period not exceeding 90 days from the date of entry.
All registration procedures are the responsibility of the receiving party. The host can be both citizens of Russia and foreign citizens, as well as legal entities, a branch or representative office of a legal entity that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for actual residence to a citizen of Kyrgyzstan, residential or other premises for use for actual residence.
Upon arrival at the place of residence, a foreign citizen presents the following documents to the Host Party: a passport and a migration card. Seizure of the passport and migration card is not allowed. The state duty for registration at the place of stay is not charged.
A worker-citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic additionally presents to the Host Party an employment or civil law contract concluded with him with an employer or customer of works (services) on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as documents confirming family relations (for members of his family).
Based on the documents presented by the foreign citizen, the receiving party fills out a special notification form on the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay and submits the completed notification form to the migration unit of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
7. Employment:
The rights and obligations of workers of the EAEU Member States are contained in Articles 96-98 of Section XXVI Labor Migration of the Treaty on the EAEU dated May 29, 2014 and the Protocol on the provision of medical assistance to workers of the Member States and members of their families (Appendix No. 30 to the Treaty on the EAEU).
When applying for a job, you do not need to take exams in Russian, history and law; No patents or work permits required.
Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic have the right to engage in professional activities in the Russian Federation in accordance with the acquired specialty and qualification. Exception: pedagogical, legal, medical or pharmaceutical activities, for the implementation of which it is necessary to go through the procedure established by law for the recognition of educational documents (nostrification).
The length of service of workers is included in the total length of service for social security purposes, except for pensions, in accordance with the legislation of the state of employment.
Labor activity must be carried out only on the basis of an employment contract concluded with the employer in writing!!! The employment contract is concluded in writing, drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by the parties. One copy of the employment contract is transferred to the employee, the other is kept by the employer. The receipt by the employee of a copy of the employment contract must be confirmed by the signature of the employee on the copy of the employment contract kept by the employer.
In case of delayed payment of wages, citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic can independently apply to the judicial and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. 8. The right to receive medical care .
In this regard, the workers of the EAEU member states on the territory of the Russian Federation are issued a compulsory medical insurance policy.
CHI policy - a document confirming the right of the insured person to receive free medical care (medical services) under the compulsory health insurance program, which includes:
- emergency medical care; outpatient care;
- inpatient care for acute illnesses and exacerbations of chronic diseases, poisoning, injuries requiring intensive care, round-the-clock medical supervision and isolation according to epidemiological indications;
- pathology of pregnancy, childbirth and abortion;
- planned hospitalization for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation, requiring round-the-clock medical supervision, in hospitals, departments and day care wards.
To obtain a CHI policy, you must contact one of the insurance companies that participate in the compulsory health insurance program.
9. Provision of legal protection
Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic residing on the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to freely and without hindrance apply to the courts, prosecutor's office, internal affairs bodies and other institutions of the Russian Federation whose competence includes civil, family and criminal cases , may speak in them, file petitions, bring suits and carry out other procedural actions on the same conditions as citizens of the Russian Federation.
Information for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic traveling to Armenia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Croatia and Montenegro
For those traveling to the Republic of Armenia.
In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No. 1514-N dated September 11, 2021, upon entry, a foreign citizen must ( ):
1. Provide a negative PCR test certificate for COVID-19not later than 72 hours before entering the territory of the Republic of Armenia, or
that the vaccine was administered at least 28 days (4 weeks) before the date of entry;
• For vaccines requiring more than one dose, a certificate confirming that the last dose was administered at least 14 days prior to entry into the country;
• A negative test result or certificate of vaccination is not required for children under 6 years 11 months 29 days;
• Persons arriving from the Russian Federation provide certificates using the “I travel without COVID-19” mobile application.
Entry to Armenia for foreign citizens is still open both through the air and land borders, only upon presentation of either a certificate confirming a full vaccination or a certificate confirming a negative result of a PCR test made no later than 72 hours before crossing the border . The latter are prohibited from entering the territory of the Republic of Armenia if any of the above certificates is not presented.
Foreign citizens with temporary or permanent residence status in Armenia, LBGs permanently residing in Armenia, persons granted asylum, as well as persons having refugee status in Armenia, in case of failure to present any of the above certificates, are subject to sampling at the airport or at points crossing the border until a negative PCR result is obtained.
Financial expenses related to the PCR test are covered by the arrival.
Due to the coronavirus disease COVID-19quarantine is established on the territory of the Republic of Armenia until June 20, 2022.
The vaccination certificate can also be submitted via the mobile application, both electronically and in hard copy, with a secure QR code, which can be used to check that all the requirements submitted for the vaccination certificate have been met.
If the examination reveals relevant symptoms, the person will be admitted to hospital.
In case of failure to provide a negative test/certificate of vaccination, and refusal to provide samples and research, a 14-day isolation is applied.
The certificate must be in Armenian, English or Russian on the official letterhead of the medical institution that conducted the study/vaccination, indicating the contact details and the name of this institution, including the following:
identity, or social security card number, or individual state health insurance number, or a single certificate identification number:
• In the case of a certificate from a Member State of the European Union, date of birth (day, month, year), test result, vaccine manufacturing name, series, first and second dose dates.
For those traveling to the Republic of Finland.
According to the site , entry into the Republic of Finland from the EU countries and the Schengen agreement is carried out in the following order (in addition, there is also - https://raja. fi/en/informacia- o-pandemii-koronavirusa#1).
From December 28, 2021, Finland introduced entry restrictions from all EU and Schengen countries, valid until January 31, 2022. All persons arriving in Finland from these countries must provide one of the following documents:
- Certificate of full vaccination against COVID-19 with a vaccine approved and recognized by WHO and EALS. A full vaccination course must be received no later than 7 days before entering Finland.
- Documentary evidence of past illness with the COVID-19 virusand a certificate of receipt of at least one dose of a WHO and EALA approved and recognized COVID-19 vaccine. In this case, a person entering Finland is treated as if they had been vaccinated with a full course of vaccination against COVID-19 with a vaccine approved and recognized by WHO and EALS.
- Electronic EU certificate confirming that you have been ill with the COVID-19 virus within 6 months before entering Finland.
- In addition to the above documents, all persons entering Finland must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test resultmade no earlier than 48 hours before entering Finland. Confirmation of negative results of both PCR tests and antigen tests is accepted.
- All of the above requirements apply to persons born in 2006 or earlier.
- Documents must be submitted in English, Finnish or Swedish. An officially certified translation of the confirmation is also accepted as a certificate. The certificate of full vaccination is also accepted in the form of an electronic EU COVID-certificate. Please visit the website of the Finnish Health Institute for a list of approved and recognized vaccines.
Please note that persons who, for medical reasons, cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19 may enter Finland from EU and Schengen countries provided that they have an appropriate official medical certificate, accompanied by confirmation of a negative COVID-19 test result not earlier than 48 hours before entering Finland. Please read more information here.
Entry to Finland from outside the EU and the Schengen area
Persons arriving in Finland from outside the EU and the Schengen area may be granted the right to enter Finland provided one of the following documents is presented:
- Certificate of full vaccination against COVID-19 with a vaccine approved and recognized WHO and EALS. A full vaccination course must be received no later than 7 days before entering Finland.
- Documentary evidence of past illness with the COVID-19 virus and a certificate of receipt of at least one dose of a WHO and EALA approved and recognized COVID-19 vaccine. In this case, a person entering Finland is treated as if they had been vaccinated with a full course of vaccination against COVID-19 with a vaccine approved and recognized by WHO and EALS.
- In addition to the above documents, all persons entering Finland must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken no earlier than 48 hours before entering Finland.
Confirmation of negative results of both PCR tests and antigen tests is accepted.
- All of the above requirements apply to persons born in 2006 or earlier.
- Documents must be submitted in English, Finnish or Swedish. An officially certified translation of the confirmation is also accepted as a certificate. The certificate of full vaccination is also accepted in the form of an electronic EU COVID-certificate. Please visit the website of the Finnish Health Institute for a list of approved and recognized vaccines.
Entering Finland with minor children
Persons who have provided the above documents may enter Finland with minor children. However, minors are also required to provide a certificate of full COVID-19 vaccination and proof of a negative COVID-19 test result. The above requirements apply to minor children born in 2006 and earlier. Children born in 2007 and younger are not subject to these restrictions. For more information on current recommendations, please visit the website of the Finnish Health Institute.
For those traveling to the Hellenic Republic.
On May 14, 2021, the Hellenic Republic opened its borders. However, every visitor to Greece must comply with the following requirements ( :
A. Travelers arriving in Greece between 02/21/2022 and 03/07/2022 having a European Union Covid digital certificate (https:/ / /safe - covid-19-vaccine-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en) , are not required to present an additional negative COVID test result upon arrival.
In particular, the entry of travelers arriving from EU member states and Schengen countries, as well as from 33 non-EU countries that have joined the EU digital certificate system, namely: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Cape Verde , El Salvador, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Israel, Iceland, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco,
Travelers from: New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Switzerland, Taipei, Thailand, Tunisia, Togo, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vatican City are allowed to present a digital certificate COVID EU which contains information on one of the following:
vaccinations and no time limit for travelers who received a booster dose, or
b) Certificate of recovery from SARS-CoV-2 infection, issued 14 days after the first positive COVID-19 test (PCR or rapid antigen test) and valid for 180 days thereafter, or
c) Evidence of a negative test result, namely: a negative molecular test (PCR) taken no later than 72 hours before the scheduled arrival, or a negative rapid antigen test taken no later than 24 hours before the scheduled arrival.
B. Travelers arriving from Australia, Canada and the United States are allowed to enter Greece provided they are in possession of one of the following documents:
fourteen (14) days prior to arrival) valid for 9 months after the completion of the main vaccination and without time limit for travelers who received a booster dose. The certificate of vaccination must include the full name of the traveler as recorded in the passport, the type of vaccine administered, the number of doses and dates of vaccination, or
b) Proof of recovery from SARS-CoV-2 infection, issued 14 days after the first positive COVID-19 test (PCR or rapid antigen test) and valid for 180 days thereafter, or
c) Negative a COVID-19 molecular test (PCR) performed no later than 72 hours prior to scheduled arrival, or a negative rapid antigen test performed no later than 24 hours prior to scheduled arrival.
C. Travelers arriving in Greece from all other countries, regardless of their vaccination status or confirmation of recovery, must present a negative molecular test (PCR) for Covid-19 performed no later than 72 hours before the scheduled arrival, or a negative rapid test. The result of the antigen test for Covid-19 was completed no later than 24 hours before the scheduled arrival.
Tests for Covid 19 (PRC or Rapid) must originate either from a public authority in accordance with relevant legislation, or from reference laboratories in the country of origin or transit, public or private, provided that these private laboratories have been certified by the competent national authority for country certification. The test result must be in English and must include the passenger's full name as recorded in the passport.
The above obligations are binding on all travelers entering the country, including children over 5 years of age.
Acceptable vaccines: Pfizer BioNtech, Moderna, Astra Zeneca/Oxford, Novavax, Johnson & Johnson/Janssen, Sinovac Biotech, Gamaleya (Satellite), Cansino Biologics, Sinopharm and others.
All travelers arriving in Greece, regardless of whether they have a certificate, can take a random mandatory molecular test (PCR) or a rapid antigen test for COVID-19. The selected person should note that testing is mandatory. In case of refusal, the authorities reserve the right to refuse entry into the country. The selection is carried out through a system of targeted sampling using the sanitary algorithm of the best epidemiological surveillance and screening of the country, applied since the summer of 2020.
Third country nationals are strongly advised to choose direct flights to Greece. In any other case, travelers must comply with the requirements of the country of transit. Passengers are allowed to enter the country through all international airports and all ports, subject to the above conditions.
For those traveling to the Republic of Croatia.
A foreign citizen or stateless person must fulfill and provide evidence of 1 of the following 6 criteria to be able to enter Croatia ( /HTZ_2022_Entering-Сroatia_NON%20EU_RU_0.pdf) .
1. Negative result of PCR (not older than 72 hours) or antigen test (not older than 24 hours) from the moment the biomaterial was taken for analysis until arrival at the Croatian border;
2. Proof of recovery and first dose of vaccination more than 11 days and less than 270 days ago;
3. Certificate of vaccination showing the date of the second vaccination (or the only Janssen/Johnson&Johnson vaccination) more than 14 days ago and less than 270 days old;
4. Evidence of recovery from Covid more than 11 days and less than 180 days ago;
5. Confirmation of receipt of the BOOSTER booster dose;
6. Mandatory quarantine for 10 days or pay for the test on arrival and stay in self-isolation until negative.
All tests taken and used as supporting evidence of a positive or negative result must be recognized by the European Union. All children under the age of 12 are exempt from providing test results if their parents or guardians qualify.
For travelers to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A foreign national who meets the conditions for entry into Bosnia and Herzegovina under national law may enter the country if the person at the border checkpoints of Bosnia and Herzegovina presents any of the following ( :
- negative PCR test or rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2, not older than 48 hours if he/she arrived from a European country, and if he/she arrived from another country, not older than 72 hours before arrival at the border crossing point of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- evidence that the person received a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine more than 14 days before arrival at the border checkpoint of Bosnia and Herzegovina or received one dose 14 or more days before arrival at the border checkpoint of Bosnia and Herzegovina, if it is a single dose vaccine;
- a certificate issued by a doctor confirming that the person has recovered from COVID-19 in the previous period from 14 to 180 days prior to arrival at the border crossing point of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bosnia and Herzegovina can enter without presenting a negative test result or certificates:
- diplomatic and consular personnel and personnel of international organizations in the performance of their official duties, who must have and present an appropriate valid passport when entering Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- heads of state and government and members of their delegations whose arrival and departure from Bosnia and Herzegovina was reported to the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina through diplomatic channels or protocols of the competent authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- foreigners transiting through the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to return to their country of usual residence, without staying in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- a minor foreigner whose parent is a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as a foreigner who is the spouse of a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- children under seven years of age traveling with parents or guardians, if their parents or guardians have a negative PCR or rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2, or a certificate of vaccination, or a certificate that he has recovered from COVID-19,
- foreigners who are allowed to stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina temporarily or permanently if they return to Bosnia and Herzegovina after leaving and stay only in Montenegro, the Republic of Croatia and / or the Republic of Serbia, provided that the total duration of their stay in the above countries has not passed more than 48 hours since they left the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which can be confirmed by an exit stamp, i. e. affixing a stamp in the travel document of a foreigner.
For those traveling to Montenegro.
Foreign citizens can enter Montenegro through all border crossings from January 13, 2022 with one of the proofs (
1. Fully vaccinated with the prescribed number of doses against novel coronavirus prior to entry into the country as determined by the registered health authority and not more than 6 months from the last dose received;
2. Negative PCR test for SARS-Cov-2 performed within 72 hours from a registered laboratory.
3. Positive PCR or rapid novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) antigen test issued by a registered laboratory no later than 6 months from the date of issuance of the test result;
4. Negative rapid BAT antigen test for novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) within 48 hours issued by a registered laboratory
If foreign citizens do not have one of the above proofs, these persons may enter Montenegro, and they will be subject to quarantine or self-isolation for a period of 10 days, if self-isolation involves staying in a family in a residential or other premises with monitoring of the state of health of this person, and also all family members by the competent epidemiological service in accordance with the decision of the sanitary inspection.
Self-isolation of these individuals may be terminated after 3 days of quarantine/self-isolation with a negative PCR test for coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) issued by a registered laboratory.
The obligation to have this evidence does not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
The obligation to have this evidence does not apply to persons who have proof of the impossibility of being vaccinated for medical reasons issued by an authorized health institution.
In accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission, certain categories of persons necessary for the normal performance of essential works and services, as well as persons of a clear economic interest, should be excluded from the above criteria:
- Medical professionals, health researchers and scientists; - persons carrying out or ensuring the transportation of passengers and goods;
- Diplomats accredited in Montenegro, employees of international organizations, military personnel and humanitarian workers in the performance of their posts;
- Certain categories of passengers en route;
- Persons in need of international protection or arriving in Montenegro for other humanitarian reasons (the principle of non-refoulement is respected).