How long does klonopin take to kick in
How Long Does Klonopin (Clonazepam) Stay In Your System? (Urine, Blood & More)
Clonazepam, brand-name Klonopin, is a benzodiazepine that can last in the body for up to six to nine days.
Clonazepam, the generic form of Klonopin, is a prescription drug commonly prescribed to manage panic, anxiety and seizure disorders. This article will cover how long to expect the drug in one’s system and the factors that influence the time it takes to safely remove it from your system.
In short, Klonopin or Clonazepam can remain in your system for up to six to nine days.
Klonopin’s Long Half-Life
Many people who are thinking of getting sober wonder how long Klonopin will stay in their system. To determine how long it will remain in your system after your final dose, it’s important to consider the half-life of Klonopin’s active ingredient, clonazepam.
Clonazepam has a long elimination half-life. The elimination half-life refers to how long it takes for half of a single dose of a drug to leave the body. For clonazepam, its elimination half-life ranges from 30 to 40 hours. This means that it will take between one to two days for just 50% of Klonopin to leave your system.
It can take roughly 5 half-lives for a drug to completely leave your body. Based on the estimate of clonazepam’s 30- to 40-hour half-life, Klonopin is likely to stay in your system for approximately six to nine days after your final dose. Both Klonopin and its metabolite 7-amino-clonazepam are detectable in the urine for about four days after the last use.
Variables That Influence How Long Klonopin Stays in Your System
On average, Klonopin takes six to nine days to leave your system. However, it depends on the person using the drug. Some variables that influence how long it takes to leave your system include:
- Age
- Liver function
- Dosage (low vs. high)
- Frequency of use
- Duration of use
- Use of other drugs
Will Klonopin Misuse Show on a Drug Test?
Like other benzodiazepines, Klonopin is detectable on a standard drug test. If you’re taking Klonopin as prescribed by a doctor, you’ll need to bring a doctor’s note with you to your drug test.
How Long Does Klonopin Take to Peak?
The desired effects of Klonopin typically become noticeable within one to four hours of taking the medication orally. This is why it isn’t typically prescribed for the short-term treatment of panic or anxiety. Medications such as Xanax and Ativan are much more effective for the treatment of these disorders since they start working within minutes.
Klonopin Withdrawal Risks
As stated previously, knowing how long a drug can stay in someone’s system can help identify a possible addiction or overdose situation or can help calculate the time someone may withdrawal from the drug and seek medical help.
Someone who has taken Klonopin regularly and then tries to stop cold turkey may go into withdrawal. Benzo withdrawal can be very dangerous if the person is not receiving medical care. Since Klonopin enhances the effects of GABA, calming the central nervous system, withdrawal means the opposite occurs, and the central nervous system gets over-excited.
This can lead to effects, including:
- Seizures
- Hallucinations
- Shaking
- Stomach cramps
- Muscle cramps
Klonopin Overdose
Anyone who takes more than the recommended dose of Klonopin or takes the recommended dose too frequently is at risk of overdosing. There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of overdose, including using multiple drugs, other psychiatric illnesses and addiction.
Taking too much Klonopin can cause dangerous physical effects including:
- Somnolence
- Confusion
- Coma
- Diminished reflexes
If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms after taking Klonopin, call 911 immediately.
Related Topic: Clonazepam overdose treatment
Getting Treatment for Klonopin Addiction
Once a person becomes addicted to Klonopin, it can be very difficult to stop. People who use the drug regularly and for long periods of time often experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using, which is why they continue using even if they want to stop.
Recovery from clonazepam addiction is possible. The first step to getting help is admitting to yourself that your Klonopin use is no longer healthy. It’s easy to downplay the seriousness of your addiction. Many people find it hard to confront their addiction.
By entering an addiction treatment facility, you’ll benefit from medically-supervised detox, medication management, treatment of underlying mental health disorders, group and individual therapy and an aftercare treatment plan.
Although recovery may seem impossible, it’s important to know that help is available. You don’t have to go through this journey alone. The Recovery Village provides rehabilitation services for people from all across the country. Contact us today to discuss treatment options that can meet your needs.
Editor – Rob Alston
Rob Alston has traveled around Australia, Japan, Europe, and America as a writer and editor for industries including personal wellness and recovery. Read more
Medically Reviewed By – Dr.
Jessica Pyhtila, PharmD
Dr. Jessica Pyhtila is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist based in Baltimore, Maryland with practice sites in inpatient palliative care and outpatient primary care at the Department of Veteran Affairs. Read more
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What You Need to Know About Taking Klonopin While Pregnant
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Klonopin for Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms
U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Klonopin.” December 18, 2019. Accessed June 21, 2020.
Hallare, Jericho; Gerriets, Valerie. “Half-Life.” StatPearls, January 30, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2020.
ARUP Laboratories. “Drug Plasma Half-Life and Urine Detection Window.” January 2019. Accessed June 21, 2020.
Medical Disclaimer
The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.
Klonopin Effects and How Long is the Detox Timeline?
Klonopin is a prescription medication primarily used to treat seizures. The drug is anticonvulsant and antiepileptic and belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. An estimated 5% of all U.S. adults will have a prescription for benzodiazepines filled each month. Use of benzodiazepines, including Klonopin, tends to increase as people age. While the primary purpose of Klonopin is to treat seizure disorders, the medication is also an effective treatment option for panic attacks and anxiety.
For people with anxiety disorders, antidepressants are sometimes used to manage symptoms, but benzodiazepines like Klonopin can be more effective. The effects of Klonopin can be felt immediately after use, and it does not require users to take the drug for an extended period to obtain the desired therapeutic effects. Although many people find relief from Klonopin and benzodiazepine drugs, these medications do come with a risk of addiction and abuse.
How does Klonopin impact the brain?
Benzodiazepines like Klonopin alter the chemical signals in the brain that induce anxiety and panic attacks even when a person’s distress levels are low. For patients with seizure disorders, Klonopin effectively calms the brain, neurons, and neurotransmitters believed to play a role in seizure activity.
How are people supposed to use Klonopin?
Because medications like Klonopin come with a risk of dependence and addiction, it is highly recommended that users take the medication exactly as directed to mitigate these risk factors. Dosage requirements for Klonopin will vary depending on a person’s medical history, their age, and their response to the treatment. Children who are prescribed Klonopin will have their dosage based on weight specifically.
In most instances, Klonopin is started at a lower dosage to decrease the risk of side effects. Patients should not stop, start, or change the dose of their Klonopin prescription without input from a doctor. Most people will need to take Klonopin two or three times daily to get the desired effect.
Klonopin will reach peak concentration levels within one to four hours after administration, and the speed of absorption will vary from one person to the next. The effects of the drug can last for up to twelve hours. Because the results of the medication last a long time, patients do not need to dose as frequently as other benzodiazepines for anxiety, such as Xanax.
Sudden cessation of Klonopin can be dangerous and painful. Patients can experience a worsening of seizures or anxiety and panic attacks if they stop taking Klonopin, and withdrawal side effects such as shaking, abdominal discomfort, and mood swings can occur. These symptoms are more likely to happen if someone has been using or abusing Klonopin for a long time and at high doses. It’s also possible for users to build a tolerance to the medication, and start using more and more of the medicine to get the intended effect. Without a doctor’s input and consent to increase the dosage, this is considered a misuse of the drug and increases a person’s risk of addiction.
Why do some people abuse Klonopin?
Approximately 2.9 billion prescription drugs are ordered or provided to patients every month in the U.S. While most people use their medications as prescribed and do not become addicted, some people will misuse their prescriptions. Some people will “doctor shop,” obtaining prescriptions for the sole purpose of selling them for a profit on the black market. But most people who abuse prescription medications will steal, purchase, or borrow prescriptions from their family or friends. An estimated 70% of people who abuse medicines like Klonopin obtain the pills from someone in the family.
Anytime someone misuses a prescription drug in a way it was not intended is considered abuse. Taking a prescription that doesn’t belong to that person, increasing their dose without a doctor’s input, or mixing the medication with alcohol or other substances to get “high” is considered a misuse of the drug and is an indicator of addiction. Misusing a prescription, however, does not always mean the person is addicted, but it does increase the chances of addiction. The body can build up a tolerance to Klonopin, and people who have taken the medication as directed for a long time may find themselves not benefitting from the drug at the recommended dose. Without consulting their physician, many users will start taking more of the medication to increase the intended effects. This can also lead to addiction.
How is Klonopin abused?
People addicted to Klonopin will often start out taking larger doses of the pills to get high or increase the effectiveness of the medication. They may also start taking the drug with alcohol, or crushing and snorting the pills to get them to take effect faster. Because Klonopin comes with a risk of addiction and increased tolerance levels, doctors will typically prescribe Klonopin for shorter periods, usually two weeks or less.
People who take Klonopin as prescribed can even build a tolerance to the drug. But for those who abuse the medication, they can build a tolerance very quickly, increasing the likelihood of addiction. Cutting back or quitting the drug when someone has built up a physical tolerance to the substance will result in withdrawal symptoms.
What are the effects of a Klonopin high?
- Euphoria
- Drowsiness
- Relaxed, calm mind and body
- Slurred speech
- Problems with coordination
People who take Klonopin as directed will often experience a mild euphoria the first time they take the medication. Unfortunately, some people will become addicted to this initial feeling that the medication can induce. People with a history of substance abuse issues are at-risk of becoming addicted to this feeling and may start taking larger doses of Klonopin than directed as a way to feel the initial Klonopin-induced euphoria again.
What are the long-term side effects of Klonopin abuse?
Benzodiazepines like Klonopin can cause severe and sometimes permanent damage to the central nervous system. People who abuse the drug will experience a decrease in alertness and slowed bodily functions and movements when high on Klonopin. Other serious side effects of Klonopin abuse include the following:
- Fainting
- Vertigo
- Numbness in the extremities
- Impaired thinking and confusion
- Problems forming new memories
- Slowed reactions
- Decreased libido
It is dangerous for people who abuse Klonopin to operate heavy machinery or drive, and abusing the drug can lead to increased accidents and injuries. Also, Klonopin abuse is associated with increases in suicidal thoughts. This can happen even in people who take the medication as directed.
How long does Klonopin stay in someone’s system?
The withdrawal and detox timeline for Klonopin will vary for every person, and someone’s age, their health, metabolic rate, and length of addiction will all factor into the withdrawal and detox timeline. When it comes to benzodiazepines like Klonopin, the withdrawal and detox schedules are broken down into three distinct phases:
- Early Withdrawal
- Acute Withdrawal
- Late or Protracted Withdrawal
Klonopin has a half-life of anywhere between eighteen and fifty hours. In most cases, withdrawal symptoms will not start until about one to three days after the last dose was taken, or when the effects of the medication will stop.
The early withdrawal phase lasts between two to four days and may also include rebound symptoms, such as anxiety and insomnia or increased seizure activity. The acute withdrawal phase will peak within two weeks after cessation, and this is where signs of withdrawal are most intense, including stomach issues, mood swings, drug cravings, and muscle spasms. Protracted withdrawal can last for several more weeks or several months, depending on the severity of someone’s addiction. Sudden cessation and quitting Klonopin without outside medication intervention and support can prolong and worsen the withdrawal and detox timeline.
What can someone do to avoid addiction to Klonopin?
Always take the prescription precisely as intended, and do not mix the drug with alcohol or other substances. If someone feels themselves becoming physically tolerant or dependent on the drug, they must speak to their doctor. A doctor can taper them off the prescription, or replace it with a less addictive medication for anxiety or seizure disorders.
What can be done to help people with an addiction to Klonopin?
Sudden cessation of Klonopin will result in painful and distressing withdrawal symptoms. Attending a medically-assisted detox program allows patients to be put on a safe, tapering off schedule for Klonopin. By weaning patients off the drug, they can avoid severe and long-lasting withdrawal symptoms. After detox is achieved, people with addiction to Klonopin need to receive therapy and counseling for drug abuse. This can help them adequately manage future drug cravings and avoid stressors that may lead to relapse in the future. Although drug addiction is a severe and challenging disorder to treat, people can achieve and maintain initial sobriety, and go on to live a drug-free life.
If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction to benzodiazepines, the therapists and doctors at Mission Harbor Behavioral Health are here to help. Please contact Mission Harbor today to learn more about your detox and addiction treatment options for Klonopin abuse.
The facilities at Mission Harbor are staffed with trained experts to best assist patients with their mental health issues. We are capable of dealing with any and all cases with a licensed staff, equipment, and approved techniques. Our mission is to help those who want to help themselves, and we support your decision in seeking help.
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What Clonazepam is and what it is used for
Clonazepam is the active ingredient in Clonazepam.
Clonazepam belongs to a group of medicines called benzodiazepines.
Clonazepam is used to treat epilepsy in infants and older children and adults.
Clonazepam reduces the frequency of seizures.
Clonazepam reduces the severity of epileptic seizures.
What you need to know before you use Clonazepam
Do not take Clonazepam,
- If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to clonazepam or any of the other ingredients of this medicine.
- If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to other benzodiazepines, including diazepam, flurazepam, temazepam.
If you have any of these conditions, check with your doctor before using clonazepam.
Do not take Clonazepam,
- If you have breathing problems or lung disease.
- If you have severe liver failure.
- If you have myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness and increased muscle fatigue).
- If you have obstructive sleep apnea (stopping breathing during sleep)
- If you abuse alcohol or take prescription or recreational drugs.
If you have any of these conditions, check with your doctor before using clonazepam.
Warnings and precautions
While being treated with antiepileptic drugs like clonazepam, some people have thoughts of harming themselves or committing suicide. If you experience any of these, tell your doctor immediately.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking clonazepam if:
- If you have liver or kidney problems or impaired lung function.
- Have you ever been depressed.
- If you have ever had suicidal thoughts.
- If you have recently lost a loved one.
- If you regularly use alcohol or recreational drugs or have abused alcohol or recreational drugs in the past.
- You suffer from spinal or cerebellar ataxia (movements become inaccurate, balance is disturbed when standing, slurred speech and rapid eye movement sleep develop).
- You have a rare genetic blood disorder called porphyria.
- If you are an elderly or malnourished patient, your doctor may need to adjust your dose of clonazepam.
If you have any of these conditions, check with your doctor before using clonazepam.
Drug interactions
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines, including OTC and herbal remedies. Clonazepam may interfere with the effects of certain drugs. Some drugs may also affect the effects of clonazepam.
The following drugs are especially important to note:
- Other epilepsy drugs such as carbamazepine, hydantoins, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone, or sodium valproate.
- Cimetidine (used to treat stomach problems and heartburn).
- Rifampicin (an antibiotic used to treat infections).
- Sleeping drugs.
- Medicines used to relieve anxiety (tranquilizers).
- Painkillers (analgesics) and drugs that reduce muscle tone (muscle relaxants).
Tell your doctor or dentist that you are taking clonazepam if you are having surgery or dental work that requires pain relief. clonazepam and alcohol
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
It is not recommended to take clonazepam if you are pregnant, think you might be pregnant, or are breastfeeding, unless your doctor has told you to. Clonazepam has an adverse effect on fetal development during pregnancy.
Effects on ability to drive and use machines
Talk to your doctor about driving and using machines before using clonazepam, because clonazepam slows down your response rate, especially when you start taking it. If you have any doubts about your ability to perform certain activities, contact your doctor. Clonazepam affects the ability to drive vehicles, as the drug can cause drowsiness and dizziness.
- Do not drive while taking this drug until you know how it affects you.
- If you know that this drug affects your ability to drive, driving while taking the drug is a legal violation.
- You will not be held liable if:
- Clonazepam has been prescribed for medical and dental problems and,
- You have taken clonazepam as prescribed by your doctor or as described in this package insert and, Clonazepam
- does not affect the ability to drive safely.
- If you have any doubts about your ability to drive safely while taking clonazepam, talk to your doctor.
Development of addiction
When taking clonazepam, there is a risk of dependence, which increases with increasing dose and duration of treatment, in patients with a history of alcohol and / or drug abuse.
Important information about the ingredients of Clonazepam
Clonazepam tablets contain lactose.
If you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars, check with your doctor before taking clonazepam.
How to take Clonazepam
Clonazepam should be taken exactly as directed by your doctor. If you have any doubts, then you should consult with your doctor.
- Clonazepam should be started at a low dose and increased gradually over 2-4 weeks until the optimal maintenance dose is found to meet the patient's needs.
- Usually, on the recommendation of a physician, the daily dose is divided into 3 doses per day in equal doses for each dose with an equal interval of time between doses.
- If the daily dose cannot be evenly divided into several doses, take the largest dose at bedtime.
- After reaching an effective maintenance dose, the drug can be taken in a single daily dose at bedtime.
Adults and children over 12 years old
- The usual starting dose is 1 mg or less per day.
- Then the dose is gradually increased (usually up to 4-8 mg per day). The maximum daily dose should not exceed 20 mg.
Old age
- The usual starting dose is 0.5 mg or less per day.
- Then the dose is gradually increased (usually up to 4-8 mg per day). The maximum daily dose should not exceed 20 mg.
Children under 1 year
- The usual starting dose is 0.
25 mg or less per day.
- Then the dose is gradually increased (usually up to 0.5-1 mg per day).
Children 1 to 5 years
- The usual starting dose is 0.25 mg or less per day.
- Then the dose is gradually increased (usually up to 1-3 mg per day).
Children 5 to 12 years old
- The usual starting dose is 0.5 mg or less per day.
- Then the dose is gradually increased (usually up to 3-6 mg per day).
If you have taken more Clonazepam than recommended
- If you have taken more clonazepam than recommended, contact your doctor or nearest hospital immediately. Take a pack of medicines with you.
- If you have taken a large amount of clonazepam, you may experience lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness, incoordination and decreased body reaction.
If you forget to take Clonazepam
- If you forget to take Clonazepam, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time.
- Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one.
Stopping Clonazepam
If you take clonazepam for a long time, you may develop addiction and withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it.
- You should talk to your doctor before you stop taking clonazepam, because if you suddenly stop taking the drug, you may have a recurrence of epileptic seizures and the development of a withdrawal syndrome. (see Possible Side Effects).
- If you need to reduce the dose or stop taking the drug, you need to do it gradually. Your doctor will tell you how to do this.
If someone else has taken clonazepam by mistake, they should contact their doctor or the nearest hospital immediately.
If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Possible side effects
Like all medicines, clonazepam can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.
Important side effects :
Allergic reactions .
If you develop an allergic reaction, call your doctor immediately.
Allergic reactions may manifest as the following symptoms:
- Sudden swelling of the larynx, face, lips and mouth. These symptoms can lead to difficulty breathing or swallowing.
- Sudden swelling of hands, feet and ankles.
- Skin rash or itching.
Cardiovascular adverse reactions
If you have any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately.
These symptoms include:
- Shortness of breath, swelling of the ankles, cough, fatigue and palpitations.
- Pain in the chest area, which can radiate to the neck, shoulder and left arm.
Nervous system side effects
If you have any of these symptoms, you should talk to your doctor.
These symptoms include:
- Feelings of aggression, agitation, irritability, nervousness, agitation, anxiety and hostility.
- Sleep disturbance, nightmares and vivid dreams.
- Hallucinations, manias and speech impairment.
- Development of new types of seizures not previously observed
Children and infants
- Special care should be taken when taking clonazepam in children and infants, since clonazepam may lead to the development of respiratory dysfunction, coughing and a feeling of suffocation. This may be caused by excessive salivation.
- Early puberty possible. After the abolition of clonazepam, this process stops.
Other possible side effects
Taking clonazepam may cause the following symptoms:
- Drowsiness and fatigue
- Dizziness and fatigue.
- Muscle weakness or flexibility, jerky movements (poor coordination)
- Walking instability
Tell your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. Your healthcare provider will prescribe you a low dose, if necessary, by gradually increasing the dose of clonazepam.
The following symptoms may occur at any time during treatment with clonazepam
Circulatory, renal and hepatic system Your healthcare provider should perform periodic blood tests if needed. Gastrointestinal tract Organs of vision Respiratory system Skin and hair Sexual system Syndrome Withdrawal When taking benzodiazepines such as clonazepam, addiction to the drug may develop. The following symptoms are less common: Trauma Patients taking benzodiazepines are at an excessive risk of falling or breaking bones, especially the elderly, patients taking sedatives, including alcohol. Reporting side effects insert. How to store Clonazepam Package contents and additional information What Clonazepam contains One tablet contains: active substance - clonazepam - 2 mg; excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, povidone, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate, purified talc. What Clonazepam looks like and contents of the pack: White, round, flat tablets scored on one side. Carton containing 24 tablets (1 blister of 24 tablets) with leaflet. Dispensing Conditions Prescription Substance 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is known as an amino acid produced naturally in our body. It is necessary for the generation of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for the transmission of impulses between nerve cells. If the body experiences a lack of serotonin, that is, the volume of the substance is characterized by a low level, this causes the manifestation of anxiety, depression, disturbed sleep, weight gain for no reason, as well as many other unpleasant effects and health disorders. When there is an abundance of serotonin in our body, it provides full health and provides its benefits. Today, 5-HTP nutritional supplements are popularized, which affect the improvement of hormone production.
Therefore, with a sudden discontinuation or dose reduction of clonazepam, a withdrawal syndrome may develop. Withdrawal syndrome can lead to the development of the following symptoms:
You can also report side effects to Arpimed LLC by going to the website and filling out the appropriate form “Report a side effect or ineffectiveness of a medicine” and to the Scientific Center for Expertise of Drugs and Medical Technologies named after. Academician E.Gabrielyan, by going to the website in the section “Report a side effect of a drug” and fill out the form “Map of reporting a side effect of a drug”. Scientific center hotline: +37410237665; +37498773368 By reporting side effects, you help provide more information about the safety of this drug.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist how to dispose of medicines you no longer need. Keep the medicine with you if your doctor has instructed you to do so.
5 Science Based 5-HTP Benefits, Dosage Rules and Side Effects.
Fighting excess weight, providing a long feeling of satiety
There are 5 potential benefits of consuming 5-hydroxytryptophan that can benefit our body's health. Let's consider them further. Weight control, long lasting satiety
However, when excess fat is burned, the production of hormones increases, which provokes a feeling of hunger in the human body. Thus, there is a risk that in the long term the process of losing weight may fail or at least be unsustainable. But 5-HTP counteracts this hormonal effect by suppressing appetite and creating a comfortable environment for weight loss. A study in a group of 20 people with symptomatic diabetics showed that the part of the participants who took 5-HTP for 2 weeks consumed about 435 fewer calories per day than the group that was given a placebo.
The main feature of the amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan was that it suppressed the intake of calories from carbohydrates, thus improving blood sugar control.
Numerous other studies have also found that 5-HTP not only fills the body and suppresses hunger, but also helps to lose excess weight in people who are overweight or diagnosed with obesity.
Animal studies have also been conducted and found that 5-hydroxytryptophan helps control the amount of food consumed, especially during stressful or depressive episodes.
Increases serotonin production and relieves depression To date, scientists have not been able to establish the exact cause of the manifestation of depression, but many researchers are inclined to believe that an imbalance of serotonin affects a person’s mood, thereby provoking the onset of depressive states.
Supplementation with 5-hydroxytryptophan will increase the production of the hormone, thereby suppressing the risk of developing the disease.
However, only a few narrowly focused studies have been able to show positive results and prove that 5-HTP supplementation reduces depressive symptoms. At the same time, two of them did not use the placebo effect, which already significantly limits the strength of the findings.
In another analysis of several experiments, it was summarized that the amino acid still has a beneficial effect on getting rid of depression and its symptoms.
Despite the positive data from the studies, most of them indicate that the potential antidepressant effects of the action of 5-Hydroxytryptophan will be much stronger when combined with other drugs and supplements. Individually, they are of limited utility.
To sum up, the use of 5-HTP fortified supplements has a positive effect on health, in particular, it helps to get rid of depression. In this case, the effect is enhanced if the amino acid is combined with other antidepressants.
Improves the symptoms of fibromyalgia
The inclusion of 5-HTP-based supplements in the diet can improve the symptoms of fibromyalgia - an unpleasant condition in the body, as well as physical weakness, accompanied by pain in the body.
In this way, the researchers were able to determine that increasing the production of serotonin through supplementation with the amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan helps to get rid of the above sensations and reduce the effect of fibromyalgia. Also, based on early data, this substance reduces muscle pain, eliminates sleep problems, helps overcome feelings of fatigue and anxiety.
To date, there has not been enough research to draw objective and definitive conclusions that 5-HTP is actually effective for the symptoms of fibromyalgia. It should be noted that the amino acid stimulates the production of serotonin, thereby alleviating some of the manifestations of the disease, but this evidence is not enough for a complete scientific justification.
Helps fight migraines
There is reason to believe that 5-HTP is helpful in combating migraines, which present as throbbing headaches with the risk of nausea and visual impairment. Some researchers are of the opinion that such an ailment is provoked precisely by low levels of serotonin.
A 124-person study compared the efficacy of 5-hydroxytryptophan and methysergide, a common migraine prevention medication. It was possible to find out that when taking a 5-HTP supplement daily for six months, 71 percent of people either significantly reduced migraine symptoms or were prevented altogether.
Another trial was conducted on 48 students, and after regular use of the amino acid, headache attacks were reduced by 70 percent in all participants, while in the placebo group this effect was only 11 percent.
In other case studies, 5-hydroxytryptophan has been shown to be an effective treatment for migraines.
Increases melatonin production and improves sleep
Due to the influence of this amino acid, the body produces the hormone serotonin, which is subsequently transformed into melatonin. The latter is responsible for the quality and healthy sleep of our body. The rise in hormone levels occurs in the evening to prepare the body for rest, and in the morning it falls, thus stimulating awakening.
Supplementing with 5-HTP in your diet will help normalize melatonin production and therefore improve sleep quality.
One human study found that the combination of 5-HTP and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) can significantly reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, prolong sleep and improve sleep quality.
GABA acts as a chemical messenger, resulting in relaxation in the body. The combination with 5-hydroxytryptophan provides a powerful synergistic effect.
Animal and insect studies have shown that 5-HTP promotes quality sleep and the effect is enhanced when GABA is added.
Research is still scarce, although the results are very promising. However, it is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions about the benefits of the action, since not a single experiment has been conducted on humans.
What side effects are manifested from the use of 5-HTP
Using additives with 5-HTP can provoke diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, abdominal pain. Such effects were observed in some people, but it all depends on the dosage of the drug - the higher it is, the greater the risk of negative consequences.
In order to avoid such troubles, it is enough to start the course with a minimum dosage of 50-100 milligrams, taken twice a day. Then you can gradually increase the amount of amino acid and within two weeks reach the required dose for regular use.
Some drugs have the effect of increasing the production of serotonin, and in combination with 5-HTP supplements, the levels of the hormone become critical, therefore, dangerous for the normal functioning of the body.
These serotonin-boosting medications contain specific antidepressants, cough-suppressing or analgesic ingredients, and are available by prescription only.
Since 5-HTP helps to improve nighttime sleep, it is not advisable to combine it with sedatives such as Klonopin, Ativan or Ambien, otherwise an excessive hypnotic effect will occur.
In order to prevent the occurrence of negative consequences due to the interaction of amino acids and drugs, it is advisable to consult a pharmacist or your doctor.
When buying 5-HTP supplements, be sure to look for the NSF or USP seal as a sign of high quality. The presence of such a sign on the label of a nutritional supplement indicates independent testing and evidence that the real composition of the drug corresponds to the declared data from the manufacturer.
5-HTP Supplement Dosage and Use Guidelines
The 5-HTP supplement comes from an African shrub called Griffonia simplicifolia. You should not confuse the finished product with L-tryptophan supplements, which also increase the production of serotonin - these are drugs of different properties.
L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid found in dairy, meat, soy, poultry, chickpeas and other protein-fortified foods.
At the same time, 5-HTP is not found in natural food, and it can only be obtained from external sources through supplements.
The dosage of amino acid intake depends on the purpose of use, while it is important to follow these basic recommendations:
In our body, the amino acid 5-HTP is converted into the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for regulating appetite, pain and sleep. Using this substance in the form of a dietary supplement, you can increase the amount of serotonin produced in the body and solve many health problems.
When there is enough hormone in the body, it helps to return to normal weight, avoid depressive disorders, protect against the risks of fibromyalgia, as well as get rid of migraines and restore your sleep.
In case of an overdose, side effects may occur, so it is important to start the course with minimal doses, adapting the body to the amino acid, then increase the dose to the required volume.