How common is the intj personality type
All About the INTJ Personality Type
The INTJ Personality Type
INTJs are analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes with their innovative ideas. They have a talent for seeing possibilities for improvement, whether at work, at home, or in themselves.
Often intellectual, INTJs enjoy logical reasoning and complex problem-solving. They approach life by analyzing the theory behind what they see, and are typically focused inward, on their own thoughtful study of the world around them. INTJs are drawn to logical systems and are much less comfortable with the unpredictable nature of other people and their emotions. They are typically independent and selective about their relationships, preferring to associate with people who they find intellectually stimulating.
What does INTJ stand for?
INTJ is one of the sixteen personality types created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, creators of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®). INTJ stands for Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging, which are four core personality traits based on the work of psychologist C.G. Jung.
Each of the four letters of the INTJ code signifies a key personality trait of this type. INTJs are energized by time alone (Introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), make decisions based on logic and reason (Thinking) and prefer to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and flexible (Judging).
INTJs are sometimes referred to as Mastermind personalities because of their strategic, logical way of thinking. Other nicknames for the INTJ include:
- The Conceptual Planner (MBTI)
- The Architect (16Personalities)
INTJ Values and Motivations
INTJs are perceptive about systems and strategy, and often understand the world as a chess board to be navigated. They want to understand how systems work, and how events proceed: the INTJ often has a unique ability to foresee logical outcomes. They enjoy applying themselves to a project or idea in depth, and putting in concentrated effort to achieve their goals.
INTJs have a hunger for knowledge and strive to constantly increase their competence; they are often perfectionists with extremely high standards of performance for themselves and others. They tend to have a keen interest in self-improvement and are lifelong learners, always looking to add to their base of information and awareness.
How Others See the INTJ
INTJs are typically reserved and serious, and seem to spend a lot of time thinking. They are curious about the world around them and often want to know the principle behind what they see. They thoroughly examine the information they receive, and if asked a question, will typically consider it at length before presenting a careful, complex answer. INTJs think critically and clearly, and often have an idea about how to do something more efficiently.
They can be blunt in their presentation, and often communicate in terms of the larger strategy, leaving out the details.
Although INTJs aren’t usually warm or particularly gregarious, they tend to have a self-assured manner with people based on their own security in their intelligence. They relate their ideas with confidence, and once they have arrived at a conclusion they fully expect others to see the wisdom in their perceptions. They are typically perfectionists and appreciate an environment of intellectual challenge. They enjoy discussing interesting ideas, and may get themselves into trouble because of their take-no-prisoners attitude: if someone’s beliefs don’t make logical sense, the Mastermind typically has no qualms about pointing that out.
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How rare is the INTJ personality type?
INTJ is the third rarest type in the population, and the rarest type among women (with ENTJ). INTJs make up:
- 2% of the general population
- 3% of men
- 1% of women
Famous INTJs
Famous INTJs include Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Jane Austen, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Bill Gates, Dwight Eisenhower, Alan Greenspan, Ulysses S. Grant, Stephen Hawking, John Maynard Keynes, Ayn Rand, Isaac Asimov, Lewis Carroll, Cormac McCarthy, and Sir Isaac Newton.
INTJ Quotes
"INTJs are the most independent of all the sixteen types and take more or less conscious pride in that independence."
- Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing
"Difficulties are highly stimulating to INTJs, who love responding to a problem that requires a creative solution."
- David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II
"Their capacity for intellectual and conceptual clarity gives INTJs both vision and the will to see it through to completion—leadership qualities that are prized in our society."
- Otto Kroeger, Type Talk at Work
Facts about INTJs
Interesting facts about the INTJ:
- On personality trait measures, score as Discreet, Industrious, Logical, Deliberate, Self-Confident, and Methodical
- Among types least likely to suffer heart disease and cardiac problems
- Least likely of all the types to believe in a higher spiritual power
- One of two types with highest college GPA
- Among types with highest income
- Personal values include Achievement
- Of all types, least likely to state that they value Home/family, Financial security, Relationships & friendships, and Community service
- Overrepresented among MBA students and female small business owners
- Commonly found in scientific or technical fields, computer occupations, and legal professions
Source: MBTI Manual
INTJ Hobbies and Interests
Popular hobbies for the INTJ include reading, cultural events, taking classes, appreciating art, computers and video games, and independent sports such as swimming, backpacking, or running marathons.
INTJ Relationships & Compatibility With Other Personality Types
The Inspector
The Architect
The Mastermind
The Commander
The Healer
The Counselor
The Visionary
The Teacher
The Craftsman
The Dynamo
The Supervisor
The Champion
The Composer
The Protector
The Performer
The Provider
INTJs in Love
In relationships, the INTJ is loyal but independent. INTJs can be almost scientific in choosing a mate and make devoted partners once they have found a match that fits their rigorous list of requirements. They often have clear ideas about what makes for a solid relationship and are unwavering in their pursuit of this ideal.
INTJs often have a passion for self-improvement and are encouraging of their partners' goals and intellectual pursuits. However, they do not usually see the need for frivolous affection or romance, feeling that their devotion should be evident. They are more focused on serving their partners with hard work and resourceful problem-solving than they are on showering them with attention.
INTJs' partners often find them difficult to read, and indeed they do not show emotion easily; they find the process of discussing emotions much too messy and disorganized. They enjoy solving difficult problems, but are often out of their depth when it comes to illogical, unpredictable personal issues.
INTJs value a partner that allows them the independence to achieve their goals, and one who appreciates their efficacy, insight, and ability to offer creative solutions to problems.
INTJs as Parents
As parents, INTJs are devoted and supportive. They set firm limits and provide consistent reinforcement, but within that structure allow a lot of latitude for their children to explore their own interests and potential. They are encouraging of their childrens' intellectual pursuits and enthusiastic about sharing knowledge.
INTJs enjoy the process of developing a young mind, and get a lot of satisfaction from parenting. They want to develop productive, competent, and self-sufficient children who think for themselves.
INTJ Communication Style
INTJs are direct and detached in their communication. They often naturally see how something could be done better and usually communicate their criticism in a straightforward, logical manner. They are typically independent and calm; they are not so much concerned about being liked or appreciated as they are with being competent and thoughtful. Their communications are typically well thought-out, insightful, and strategic. They often plan well into the future and offer big-picture analysis for improving systems.
In the 1960s, Isabelle Myers-Briggs came up with the MBTI system. It is based on Jung's theory of personality types. Thanks to Briggs, today each of us can recognize our strengths and choose a life's work in order to realize our potential in it.
Total personality types 16. But among them there are 3, which are extremely rare. These are individuals who are destined to change the world, inspire or horrify others, but in any case leave a mark on history.
We at Bright Side found out what features and traits representatives of these types have. You may not yet know that you belong to one of them.
1. INFJ: 1% of the world's population
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INFJ: Introversion, Intuition, Irrationality, Organization.
These are idealists who choose global altruistic goals and work hard to achieve them.
They are seriously concerned about what most people prefer not to remember, whether it is drought, famine or infringement of someone's rights. They strive to improve the situation and pursue seemingly unattainable goals, which is why they do not always find understanding among others.
INFJ characteristics:
- decisiveness and stubbornness;
- a clear goal and point of view on important issues;
- the gift of persuasion;
- insight and developed empathy;
- humanism.
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Talents and professional qualities:
- INFJs are intuitive, they can feel people and predict events. They are distinguished by delicacy and patience towards others;
- INFJ - leaders, but not commanders. They do not seek leadership for the sake of power, so it is easy for them to inspire people to an important cause;
- INFJs choose companies and movements that meet their inner ideals.
And if they don’t find anything suitable, they are quite capable of organizing something themselves.
Famous representatives: Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela.
2. INTJ: 2% of the world's population
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INTJ: Introversion, Intuition, Rationality, Organization.
This is one of the most intelligent types. Usually, its representatives choose one industry and work in it all their lives, often becoming pioneers and making important discoveries.
Science and technology, Internet technologies are close to such people. Logical, caustic, insightful, and generally successful at work, these people have one weakness: human relationships. Dating, omissions and love games are not their element.
Characteristics of INTJ:
- absolute self-confidence;
- decisiveness and independence from other people's opinions;
- attention to detail;
- strategic thinking;
- diligence and purposefulness.
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Talents and professional qualities:
- INTJs are good strategists, they are better than others at analyzing, planning and calculating. This is the most corrosive and pedantic of all 16 types;
- INTJs are creative thinkers and rarely use off-the-shelf solutions. They love challenges and are willing to take on projects that seem impossible;
- this type is introverted. They do not like teamwork, but they are good at setting tasks and leading.
Famous representatives: Steve Jobs, Margaret Thatcher.
3. INFP: 4.5% of the world's population
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INFP: Introversion, Intuition, Irrationality, Spontaneity.
Kind and modest personalities, who at first glance may seem inconspicuous. However, after a closer acquaintance, it becomes clear how creative and purposeful they are.
Such people begin to compose and fantasize early, it is often easier for them to express their thoughts on paper than orally. They are easily given foreign languages, and the most talented representatives of this type are even able to create their own language and alternative world, like John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
Thanks to a vivid imagination and an unusual view of the world, they can take place in many creative professions.
Characteristic features of INFP:
- purposefulness and activity in defending one's interests and ideals;
- rich imagination;
- kindness and responsiveness to others;
- broad outlook, love of learning new things;
- idealism.
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Talents and skills:
- INFP's brightest quality is a gift of words. Many of them find professions related to text and speech;
- representatives of this type are introverts, they are productive when they work alone or in a narrow circle of like-minded people;
- INFP — irrationals and intuitives.
They are primarily concerned with the realization of their abilities, and not the respect of others and a good income.
Famous representatives: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien , JK Rowling, Julia Roberts.
Have you found traits of any of the three types in yourself? If not, no problem. Among the representatives of other types there are many talented people who have benefited the world. Take the MBTI test: it will help you better understand yourself, your strengths and talents.
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Bright Side/Science/The 3 rarest types of people on Earth. We found out how they differ from others
The 5 rarest personality types in men and women :: Infofoniak
Nov 12, 2020 08:30 37578 Psychology, Personality
Incredible facts
Have you ever felt that is different from the rest of or your interests did not coincide with the interests of most of your friends and acquaintances?
Perhaps you belong to , one of the rarest personality types, and do not know about it.
According to the typology created by Isabelle Myers and Katherine Briggs there are 16 personality types, denoted by 4 letters.
To understand your personality type, you need to take a test, which usually includes about 93 questions.
You can take a simplified version of the 4-question test on our website.
This will allow you to better understand yourself and learn about your strengths.
Pass a personality test.
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Myers and Briggs proposed four key parameters that can be used to classify people:
I/E: Introversion or Extraversion
Introverts energize themselves by spending time alone or in small groups. They are more reserved and thoughtful.
Extroverts get their energy from being around people in an active, lively environment.
They are more expressive and frank.
S/N: Feeling or Intuition
Those who are dominated by sensation are focused on their feelings and are interested in information that they can directly see, hear and feel. They learn directly and are practical.
Those who have predominant intuition tend to have more abstract thinking. They are more interested in theories, patterns and explanations. They are more concerned about the future than the present and are often referred to as creative people.
T/F: Thinking or Feeling
J/P: Judgment or Perception
Each of the letters means a style of thinking or behavior characteristic of a person.
So, what types of personality according to the Myers-Briggs typology are considered the rarest?
INFJ is the rarest personality type among men (1.

Men who combine introversion, intuition, feelings and judgment make up only 0.5% of all men. This is a shrewd and sensitive type who seeks to push society towards progress and change. However, they are not mere bystanders.
Men of this type are future-oriented, have abstract thinking and believe in the best.
With an excellent understanding of people's emotions, they are very empathetic and easy to communicate, and at the same time able to influence people on an emotional level.
INTJ is the rarest personality type among women (0.9%)
Women who combine introversion, intuition, thinking and judgment make up only 0.9 percent of all women tested.
They are ambitious introverts, courageous individuals who do not care about the opinions of the masses, and they are not afraid to follow their own philosophy of life.
Women of this personality type have a strategic nature, avoid being in the spotlight and work in the shadows.
They are often seen alone, but this does not bother them at all. Every action they take in life is carefully thought out and planned.
5 rarest personality types
ENTP - 3.2% of the population
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Strengths : Energetic, inventive, analytical thinking, change oriented, adaptable, independent, novelty seeker, verbose
Weaknesses : not sensitive, like to argue, intolerant, distracted, impractical
Celebrities : Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, Tom Hanks, Celine Dion
This personality type belongs to progressive people and innovators who are able to break stereotypes. One of ENTP's favorite activities is to connect with people, share ideas, and participate in discussions. These people have wit and competence in completely different areas, which allows them to deftly wield words during disputes.
On the other hand, the ENTP type likes to argue, which can lead to conflicts. Also, this personality type can quickly write people off if they can't be on the same level with them or don't support their ideas.
Interesting Fact : ENTP refers to type A people who are competitive, ambitious and even aggressive.
ENFJ - 2.5% of the population
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Strengths : sociable, enthusiastic, idealist, empath, executive, imaginative, gratitude, tact
Weaknesses : overly idealistic, overly sensitive, overly disinterested, self-critical, difficult to make decisions.
Celebrities : Barack Obama, Sean Connery, Mikhail Gorbachev, Matthew McConaughey
They are natural leaders, but unlike the ENTJ type, they are more concerned with helping others achieve their goals than their own needs.
They are empathetic and charismatic. This personality type is often found among teachers, coaches and politicians. Although they are quite ambitious, they do not seek only personal gain and make efforts to improve this world by helping others reach their potential.
These are some of the kindest people, but sometimes they go too far in their desire to help and give themselves completely. Sometimes they are too hard on themselves.
Interesting fact : ENFJ type is very common among religious people and those who believe in higher powers.
INTJ - 2.1% of the population
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Strengths: resourceful, insightful, logical thinking, independence, decisiveness, seeks understanding
Celebrities and : Friedrich Nietzsche, Elon Musk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Isaac Asimov, Stephen Hawking
INTJs are great thinkers with a good imagination, which makes them great problem solvers. This is a fairly rare personality type, found in only about 2.1% of people.
Unlike other imaginative personality types, INTJs try to use their ideas to solve problems. They do not just dream, but are focused and work hard to realize their plans.
One of the disadvantages of critical observation of the world is that they are often characterized by pessimism. They can also be critical, seeing people as too lazy and selfish to achieve their goals. Another negative trait is the refusal to follow strict rules, restrictions and traditions.
Interesting Fact t : Being perfectionists, INTJs tend to excel in their studies and careers, earning some of the highest salaries.
ENTJ - 1.8% of the population
© Maria Sbytova
Strengths : ability to plan, foresight, determination, ability to think strategically, assertiveness, logical thinking, organization.
Weaknesses : critical, stubborn, dominant, intolerant, impatient, arrogant, cold, ruthless.
Celebrities : Steve Jobs, Margaret Thatcher, Whoopi Goldberg, Napoleon Bonaparte, Carl Sagan
People with this personality type make up only about 2 percent of the population. They are born leaders, charismatic and self-confident. However, sometimes they seem overconfident and adamant in their point of view.
ENTJs are goal oriented and many world leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs share traits of this personality type. When they are focused on something, they can achieve anything by pushing their team to better results. Despite their enthusiasm, they have difficulty coping with their emotions and may not realize that they are hurting loved ones.
Interesting Fact : Because ENTJs work hard to achieve good results, they are less likely to be stressed by work and finances.
INFJ - 1.

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Strengths : Insightful, creative, serious, persistent, inspiring, loves languages and symbols
Weaknesses : Perfectionist, extremely secretive, burns out easily, sensitive, defensive
celebrities : Nelson Mandela, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Mother Teresa, Lady Gaga, Edward Snowden
This is the rarest personality type, found in only 1.5 percent of the population. They are dreamers who work hard to make dreams come true.
Most people of this type consider it their mission to support other people and are always ready to lend a helping hand. Although they appear soft on the outside, they can be described as quite tough and strong-willed, but they use their energy to make the world a better place, not for personal gain.
Despite the fact that INFJs tend to help others, they are introverts who guard their personal space.