Home remedy for migraine relief
Yoga, Ice Packs, Supplements, and More
Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on February 22, 2022
Put an ice pack on your forehead, scalp, or neck to get pain relief. Experts aren't sure exactly why it works, but reducing the flow of blood might be part of it. You can also try a frozen gel pack or a wash cloth that's been rinsed in cold water.
You don't need a prescription to get painkillers like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen. You can also buy migraine remedies that have a combination of pain relievers.
It's an ingredient in coffee and some other foods and drinks, and it may give you some mild relief. It could also help your body absorb some migraine drugs faster. But go easy. You can get dependent on your caffeine jolt, which can lead to withdrawal symptoms like fatigue and more headaches.
Bright light and loud noises can make your headache worse. So find a spot away from the action and pull down the shades when you've got a migraine. It can help speed up your recovery.
Don't try it when you're in the middle of a migraine attack, because it can make you hurt more. But when you feel well, a regular workout can prevent headaches. It makes your body release endorphins, chemicals that fight pain. It also eases stress and helps you sleep better.
You find this mineral in dark-green veggies, whole grains, and nuts. It won't help while you're having a migraine, but some studies show it could prevent one. You can also take it in pill form, but always check with your doctor before you take supplements.
Get some regular shut-eye to help stave off migraines. Too little -- or too much -- can trigger headaches and lower your threshold for pain. Aim for 7 to 8 hours each night, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
Exercise that gets your heart pumping can prevent migraines, but it can also be a headache trigger for some people. This activity, though, with its slower movements, is a safe alternative. Research shows that regular yoga sessions cut the number of attacks you get and make them less intense when they do happen.
It's also called riboflavin, and you can find it in milk, cheese, fish, and chicken. You can also take it as a pill. Studies show it may help you prevent migraines.
Your migraines are sometimes set off by the food you eat or the conditions around you. Find out what brings on your pain and avoid it. Some common trouble spots on the menu are red wine, aged cheese, and cured meats. Bright lights, staying at a high altitude, and strong odors can also be issues.
People have used this plant for years to treat pain. Does it work to prevent migraines? When researchers looked at all the evidence, they found that taking the extract reduced the number and intensity of headaches for some people.
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Sprouse-Blum, A. Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health, July 2013.
Association of Migraine Disorders.
American Headache Society Committee for Education.
Burstein, R. Journal of Neuroscience, April 29, 2015.
Gelfand, A. Pediatric Neurology, October 2012.
Sasannejad, P. European Neurology, published online April 17, 2012.
Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center.
S. Holland, Neurology, April 24, 2012.
Kisan, R. International Journal of Yoga, July-Dec. 2014.
Chaibi, A. Journal of Headache Pain, published online Feb. 5, 2011.
National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.
Pradalier, A. Cephalalgia, October 2001.
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Ways to Get Rid of a Headache Quickly
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Robinson, MD on August 17, 2022
In this Article
- Try a Cold Pack
- Use a Heating Pad or Hot Compress
- Ease Pressure on Your Scalp or Head
- Dim the Lights
- Try Not to Chew
- Hydrate
- Get Some Caffeine
- Practice Relaxation
- Try Massage
- Take Some Ginger
- Use Meds in Moderation
- When to Call Your Doctor
Headaches happen. The good news is there are several simple things you can do to ease the pain without a trip to the doctor. Try these tips and get to feeling better fast.
Try a Cold Pack
If you have a migraine, place a cold pack on your forehead. Ice cubes wrapped in a towel, a bag of frozen vegetables, or even a cold shower may ease the pain. Keep the compress on your head for 15 minutes, and then take a break for 15 minutes.
Use a Heating Pad or Hot Compress
If you have a tension headache, place a heating pad on your neck or the back of your head. If you have a sinus headache, hold a warm cloth to the area that hurts. A warm shower might also do the trick.
Ease Pressure on Your Scalp or Head
If your ponytail is too tight, it could cause a headache. These "external compression headaches" can also be brought on by wearing a hat, headband, or even swimming goggles that are too tight.
Dim the Lights
Bright or flickering light, even from your computer screen, can cause migraine headaches.
If you’re prone to them, cover your windows with blackout curtains during the day. Wear sunglasses outdoors. You might also add anti-glare screens to your computer and use daylight-spectrum fluorescent bulbs in your light fixtures.
Try Not to Chew
Chewing gum can hurt not just your jaw but your head. The same is true for chewing your fingernails, lips, the inside of your cheeks, or handy objects like pens. Avoid crunchy and sticky foods, and make sure you take small bites. If you grind your teeth at night, ask your dentist about a mouth guard. This may curb your early-morning headaches.
Drink plenty of liquids. Dehydration can cause a headache or make one worse.
Get Some Caffeine
Have some tea, coffee, or something with a little caffeine in it. If you get it early enough after the pain starts, it could ease your headache pain. It can also help over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen work better. Just don’t drink too much because caffeine withdrawal can cause its own type of headache.
Practice Relaxation
Whether it’s stretches, yoga, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation, learning how to chill out when you’re in the middle of a headache can help with the pain. You might talk to your doctor about physical therapy if you have muscle spasms in your neck.
Try Massage
You can do it yourself. A few minutes massaging your forehead, neck, and temples can help ease a tension headache, which may result from stress. Or apply gentle, rotating pressure to the painful area.
Take Some Ginger
A small recent study found that taking ginger, in addition to regular over-the-counter pain meds, eased pain for people in the ER with migraines. Another found that it worked almost as well as prescription migraine meds. You can try a supplement or brew some tea.
Use Meds in Moderation
Pharmacy shelves are stocked with pain relievers for all kinds of headaches. To get the most benefit with the least risk, follow the directions on the label and these guidelines:
- Choose liquid over pills.
Your body absorbs it faster.
- Avoid ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) if you have heart failure or kidney failure.
- Do not give aspirin to a child under age 18.
- Take painkillers as soon as you start to hurt. You’ll probably beat it with a smaller dose than if you wait.
- If you get sick to your stomach when you get a headache, ask your doctor what might help.
- Ask your doctor what to take to avoid a rebound headache, which is pain that sets in after a few days of pain relievers.
And be sure to talk to your doctor about what headache symptoms you should not treat at home.
When to Call Your Doctor
Get medical care right away for:
- A headache that follows a head injury
- A headache along with dizziness, speech problems, confusion, or other neurological symptoms
- A severe headache that comes on suddenly
- A headache that gets worse even after you take pain medications
7 Natural Headache Remedies That Really Work
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- 7 Natural Headache Remedies That Actually Work 7 Natural Headache Remedies That Actually Work
Headache can be caused by a variety of causes: fatigue, stress, nutrient deficiencies and many others. natural remedies for this disease are not only effective in relieving symptoms headache, but are also able to eliminate the causes of its occurrence and do not have side effects. nine0042
1. Water
Surprisingly, often this is all we need. To Unfortunately, many of us suffer from chronic dehydration. And the use coffee, alcohol and sugary drinks only exacerbate the situation. As soon as you feel the symptoms of a coming headache, drink one large glass water. And continue to drink a lot throughout the day. Also increase the amount Water in the body can be eaten by eating vegetables and fruits with a high content of it. Add in your daily diet fresh cucumbers, celery, cabbage, zucchini, spinach, watermelon, grapefruit and orange. nine0003
2. Magnesium
One of the common problems of migraines and headaches is a low level of magnesium in the body. Taking 400-600 mg of magnesium will enhance blood flow to the brain and relieve spasms that cause discomfort. Magnesium can be taken on an ongoing basis - this will reduce the general tendency of the body to occurrence of migraines and headaches. For a quick effect, use liquid nutritional supplements. You can also increase your magnesium levels by adding to your diet. plant foods high in it, such as nuts and seeds, legumes, cereals, avocados, broccoli and bananas. nine0003
3. B vitamins
Deficiency of B vitamins is another possible and common cause of headache. According to one of the theories about the causes of its occurrence, in there are too many tasks for nerve cells, and sometimes the energy to complete them simply does not enough. So, vitamin B12 plays one of the most important roles in the development of the very energy. Often, patients with migraines are prescribed the entire complex of vitamins of the group B, including 8 vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, biotin and pantothenic acid. Benefits of B vitamins B is great: they not only relieve headache symptoms, but also improve state of brain cells, blood circulation, as well as the work of the cardiovascular and immune systems. nine0003
4. Essential oils of lavender and pepper mint
The natural properties of these essential oils make them very effective in relieving headaches. When applied to the skin, Peppermint Oil stimulates blood flow to the affected areas, which relieves spasms and relieves pain. Lavender oil works as a sedative and stabilizer moods. Applying oils to relieve headaches is very simple. mix a few drops of both oils in the palms, and then with gentle massaging movements Apply to forehead, temples and back of neck. If the scent is too strong for you, just dilute the mixture with a little almond or coconut oils. It would be ideal to find a quiet place where you can relax, consciously and take a deep breath and wait until the headache starts to let go. nine0003
5. Herbs
pain. Among them is feverfew (feverfew). It has a relaxing effect on constricted blood vessels of the head. This herb has another ability to suppress inflammation and other types of pain. Action feverfew is akin to aspirin, only this remedy is natural and therefore does not have side effects.
Decoctions of chamomile and collection of spring primrose, lavender, rosemary, mint and valerian. nine0003
6. Ginger
Ginger is able to reduce inflammation, including number in blood vessels. For headache relief, prepare hot ginger drink. Pour 3 small pieces of fresh ginger into 2 cups water, bring everything together to a boil and let it brew. In the finished drink for add a slice of lemon and honey to taste. Be sure to inhale when using ginger couples - all together will have a pleasant sedative effect and facilitate headache. nine0003
7. Relaxing bath
cleansing of unnecessary toxins. Try taking a regular detox bath such a recipe. Pour hot water into the bath; temperature should be high enough to stimulate the movement of toxins to the surface of the skin. As the water cools, your body will gradually get rid of harmful substances. toxins. Take this bath once every 7-10 days. Add to water:
1 cup baking soda - it kills bacteria, reduces inflammation and softens the skin,
· essential oils, such as peppermint oil or lavender,
and 2 cups of apple cider vinegar - it is also known for its healing properties, including the ability to relieve headaches, tone the skin and have a beneficial effect on the joints.
Such a variety of natural remedies successfully fight against headache. In general, try to listen to yourself, analyze what could be the cause of the malaise - perhaps this is a changed diet, and the headache is caused by an allergic reaction. Or maybe your body is just dehydrated, or you skipped a meal and your head hurts from low levels blood sugar. nine0003
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Folk remedies for migraine and its causes
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Migraine is characterized by severe headaches that recur throughout life. The disease has become one of the most common causes of disability. Why migraine occurs and how to deal with attacks, Melinda Ratini, Heidi Moawad and Poonam Sachdev tell.
Causes and symptoms of migraine
What is migraine? A migraine is a severe headache that is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, writes Melinda Ratini, MD. A migraine episode is a type of headache. An episode usually occurs in stages and can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Difficult cases can affect a person's daily life, including their ability to work or study.
Why does migraine occur? The exact cause of migraine headaches is still not understood, but the problem is thought to be neurological (relating to the nervous system). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the cause of migraine is thought to be an activation of a mechanism in the deep brain that releases pain-causing inflammatory substances around the nerves and blood vessels in the head. nine0003 What is a migraine: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
MD Heidi Moawad writes that migraines can be genetically transmitted and triggers in different people can be:
- Hormonal changes, including those associated with menstruation.
- Emotional triggers: stress, depression, anxiety, excitement.
- Dietary factors including alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, nuts, cottage cheese, citrus fruits, and products containing tyramine and monosodium glutamate supplements.
- Medications such as sleeping pills, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and some birth control pills.
- Environmental factors including flickering screens, strong odors, secondhand smoke, loud noises, humidity, suffocating environments, temperature changes and bright lights.
Some other possible triggers include:
- fatigue;
- lack of sleep;
- shoulder and neck tension;
- bad posture;
- physical overvoltage;
- low blood sugar;
- irregular meal times;
- dehydration.
How do you know if you have a migraine? Migraine is diagnosed by symptoms, among which Melinda Ratini highlights throbbing pain in the head, sensitivity to light, sounds. The pain may worsen with physical activity. Many people experience vision problems, nausea, and vomiting. About 20% of people who have a migraine headache will have an aura about 20 minutes to an hour before the onset of the pain. They may see flickering lights, wavy lines or dots, and may have blurry vision or blind spots. These are the so-called "classic migraine headaches". nine0003
Where does migraine hurt? WebMD reports that throbbing pain usually occurs on one side of the head, in the temple, forehead, and eyes. The pain may increase with movement.
Why migraine occurs: Pexels / Marcus Aurelius What is the difference between a migraine and a headache? As Nancy Hammond, MD, explains, headaches can include pain in the head and upper neck. They may vary in frequency and intensity. A migraine is an extremely painful, intense, and debilitating headache that may be accompanied by other symptoms. Migraine pain affects one side of the head. It occurs in episodes that can last from several hours to several days. nine0003
How to relieve migraine with folk remedies
What helps with migraine? Most often, strong painkillers prescribed by a doctor are used to relieve migraine attacks, but there are several folk remedies for migraine. They are described by Poonam Sachdev, MD:
- Apply ice. Place an ice pack on your forehead or neck to relieve pain. This will help reduce blood flow and reduce the intensity of pain. You can try a pack of frozen gel or a towel soaked in cold water. nine0033
- Have some coffee. If caffeine isn't a trigger, try using it for pain relief. It can also help the body absorb certain migraine medications more quickly.
- Turn off the lights and music. Stay in a quiet and dark room. Bright lights and loud noises can make the headache worse. Find a place away from events and draw the curtains when the attack.
- Keep physically active.
If the attack is moderate and you can go for a walk or exercise, do so. This causes the body to release endorphins, pain-fighting chemicals. It also relieves stress and helps you sleep better. nine0033
- Sleep and rest more. Close your eyes regularly to avoid migraines. This will reduce the influence of external stimuli on the body.
- Drink butterbur. Studies have shown that taking the extract reduces the number and intensity of headaches for some people.
Healthline gives these tips for fighting migraines at home:
- Use lavender oil. Inhaling lavender essential oil can relieve migraine pain. Lavender oil can be inhaled directly or diluted with a carrier oil (olive, almond) and applied in small amounts to the temples. nine0033
- Brew pyrethrum. This method is not well understood by doctors, but among the people this plant is considered an effective remedy for relieving migraine pain.
- Apply peppermint oil.
The chemical menthol found in peppermint oil may help prevent migraine episodes, although there is very limited research on this.
- Eat some ginger. Ginger is known to relieve nausea caused by many ailments, including migraines. It can provide pain relief for migraine attacks. nine0033
- Add magnesium to your diet. Magnesium deficiency is associated with headaches and migraines. Magnesium oxide supplements may help prevent migraines with aura. It can also prevent menstrual migraines (hormonal headaches). Nuts, eggs, oatmeal, sesame and other foods are rich in magnesium.
- Drink more water. Dehydration is considered one of the provocateurs of migraine. To stay hydrated, drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially during exercise. On hot days, drink more water than usual. nine0033
If you suffer from a migraine, the symptoms can be complex. An attack of throbbing pain at any moment can disrupt plans. These remedies may provide some relief. Consult your doctor and use the methods that are right for you.