Hate for life

Become a Volunteer | Crisis Text Line

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What Does a Volunteer Crisis Counselor Do?

Crisis Text Line is the free, 24/7 text line for people in crisis in the United States. The service is powered by volunteer Crisis Counselors who work remotely—anywhere with a computer and secure internet connection works.

Crisis Counselors answer texts from people in crisis, bringing them from a hot moment to a cool calm through active listening, collaborative problem solving, and safety planning.

Get Started

I volunteer for Crisis Text Line because practicing empathy and reflective listening makes me a better friend, partner, and employee. CRISIS COUNSELOR, STUDENT

How Do I Become a Crisis Counselor?

This all begins with training. In 30 hours, you’ll walk away knowing reflective listening, collaborative problem solving, and crisis management. (These are skills that will help in your personal relationships too!)

You can train from anywhere—in your PJs, in a coffee shop, wherever—and our Crisis Counselors highlight this intervention training on their resumes when interviewing for jobs, applying to grad school, and building out their LinkedIn profile.

Time commitment & Hours

When the rest of the country is sleeping, 2/3 of our crisis situations—and by default texter volume—occurs at night. Our greatest need for Crisis Counselors is between 7pm and 3am PST (10pm and 6am EST).

Are you a night owl or early riser? Looking for an odd-hours volunteer opportunity in crisis intervention? You’ve found the right place!

Volunteer Crisis Counselors commit to volunteering 4 hours per week until 200 hours are reached. Ideally, we expect you to fulfill your commitment within one year. Before you begin as a counselor, you’ll also complete a training period to give you all of the expertise you need to successfully and empathetically navigate crisis intervention.

This training is free for you, but it costs Crisis Text Line $1,008 to train each Crisis Counselor. So, we need volunteers to see training through to the end and serve out their 200-hour commitment.

Get Started

Benefits of becoming a Crisis Counselor

This is an opportunity to hone your skills in communication, counseling, and intervention. You’ll be working alongside volunteers who are also social workers, therapists, and psychiatrists which can in turn sharpen your crisis management skills!

But most of all, you’ll feel supported. This is a community. We are a big awesome family.

Ready to become a Crisis Counselor?

We accept applications on a rolling basis. We begin new training cohorts weekly, but space is limited.

To apply, applicants must be 18 or older and have a US Social Security Number and/or a US address. To volunteer, Crisis Counselors must have access to reliable Internet access and a personal computer.

The Process:

Step 1

Complete the 30-minute Crisis Counselor application and consent to a background check

Step 2

Complete the 30-hour web-based crisis counseling and intervention training.

Step 3

Take your first counseling shift and start changing lives!

Get Started

Being a Crisis Counselor teaches me so much around believing in hope, trusting the process, and deepening compassion — for others and for myself. CRISIS COUNSELOR, STUDENT
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Tips, Steps, and Actions to Take

It may seem cliché, but life is hard. From growing up and working to paying bills, balancing budgets, and having and raising kids, "adulting" can be difficult. And let’s face it: some days are tougher than others. But what should you do if you're feeling hopeless and the sensation that you hate your life isn't a passing thing, brought on by a sudden circumstance? According to Jessica Marchena, a licensed psychotherapist in Boca Raton, Florida, before you can change your outlook, you need to admit something is wrong.

“The first step is to recognize that you're unhappy. Once you're self-aware enough to realize the problem, you can take action to make it better,” Marchena explains.

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Of course, the "action" depends on the source of your unhappiness. “If you loathe your job, it's time to consider finding a new one,” Marchena says. “If you're miserable in a relationship, there are other measures to take,” and so on and so forth. “But either way, taking some action will help you improve your life and feel happier.” However, that is easier said than done, because, as we all know, change doesn't tend to come easily.

The good news is that there is hope. Following these steps can help you remove obstacles, alter your perception, and ideally, make you hate your life less.

Assess the basics.

While certain baseline behaviors may seem obvious, i.e. everyone knows the importance of eating healthily, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep, when it comes to improving your life and/or mood, these factors are often overlooked. So “before taking any drastic measures, assess how much balance you have in these various areas of your life,” Catherine Jackson, a licensed clinical psychologist in Chicago, says—and “make changes to your sleep, eating, exercise, or social life as needed.

Step back, pause, and reflect on your circumstances.

They say hindsight is 20/20, and for most, the age old adage is true. Situations and circumstances become clearer with time and distance. For that reason, Marchena suggests practicing mindfulness or meditating before making any life altering decisions. “Taking time to pause, sit in silence, and reflect will help you process your feelings and thoughts.” You can also try writing, journaling, or confiding in a trusted loved one or friend.

Remove negative talk and change your phrasing.

Most people have an inner critic: a little voice in their head that tells them they are not good enough, smart enough, or doing enough—and that voice can cause considerable damage. “What we think and say can have harmful effects on us, if we're not careful,” psychotherapist Flip Flippen says. For that reason, Flippen suggests reframing your thoughts and changing your language. “For example, when someone says, ‘I’m depressed,’ it would be better for them to say, ‘I’m feeling depressed.’ The first is a final statement, a declaration. The latter is a statement of current feelings or behaviors, not an ultimate destination or claim that can’t be altered.” And Marchena agrees.

“If you think, ‘I am a failure,' you will feel anger and sadness,” Marchena says. “But if you can say ‘just because things are not going well for me right now doesn't mean I am a failure, it just means I need to make some changes in my life, so I can be happier,’ you’ll be better off.”

Avoid comparative thinking.

They say comparison is the thief of joy, and for good reason. Comparing yourself to others can stall progress and set you up for failure. It is also an extremely discouraging habit. Instead, focus your attention on yourself and what you are good at. Make a list of successes or achievements and celebrate them—daily affirmations are handy here—and avoid situations which trigger comparative thinking, like social media.

Explore your passions.

While everyone should do something that brings them joy on a daily basis, most of us don’t. Family, work, and life get in the way. However, the happiest individuals are the ones who, somehow, practice self-care. “If there’s something that’s always interested you, that you haven’t taken the time to pursue—whether its traveling, mountain biking, cooking, or education—find others who are passionate about those things, and do it,” Nina Rifkind, a licensed clinical social work and anxiety, phobia, and OCD specialist at Wellspring Counseling, LLC, says. “Being around folks who enjoy immersing themselves in life can be contagious and give you a greater sense of belonging and purpose.” Not sure where to start? You can try one of these friend-finding apps which will pair you with people who share similar hobbies, or consider a social networking group or meetup.

Practice gratitude.

Another way to improve your outlook on life is to volunteer or help someone else. Why? Because “doing so takes the focus off what's wrong in your world and allows you to be a part of a solution to another problem,” Jackson says. However, “if this is the route you take, be sure you do not simply avoid your problems to tend to the problems of someone else.” The latter will only cause you further discomfort.

Develop and execute a plan.

If you find you are still dissatisfied with life after altering your thought patterns and behaviors, it’s time to make a plan. After all, there are countless reasons that may cause you to "hate your life," and many of these factors are external—like toxic friends, the city you live in, etc. However, if “you find you need to change jobs, pals, locations, or whatever you choose, start small.” Flippen suggests setting a timeline and making a plan. You may also want to work with a therapist, life coach, or related professional, as these individuals can offer both insight and perspective.

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That said, it's important to note that sometimes severe self-loathing and dread are signs of a more serious issue. “If hating your life causes a complete loss of interest in things you’ve always enjoyed, if you have no motivation to do what’s necessary for day-to-day functioning, if you have had a dramatic change in your appetite and are losing or gaining weight, if you feel fatigued, or are unable to sleep, and/or if you become isolated from family and friends and have thoughts like, “it would just be simpler if I wasn’t around anymore,” you may be dealing with a mental health condition. In this case, Rifkind suggests seeking additional help.

“Any combination of these symptoms indicate you may have crossed over into clinical depression," Rifkind says. "Consider confiding in a trusted friend or family member and seek professional help.”

For more information about mental health programs and resources, contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, or text “START” to 741-741 to immediately speak to a trained counselor at Crisis Text Line.

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This content is imported from OpenWeb. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

90,000 I hate my life ...





are you disabled? If not, then shut up. Are you disabled? If not, then shut up. nine0005


Servants of the Devil

Learn from the handicapped how they appreciate life without arms or legs.


Servants of the Devil

She is mentally handicapped.



Can't be without insults?




Or you're a teenager, if you're a teenager, it's just hormones.



true servants of the devil

You think like a nonentity.


Servants of the Devil

Learn from disabled people how they appreciate life without arms or legs.


Prodigal Cat

Basically everything in life is luck. About "you can change your life" forget it. This philosophy was expressed by a philosopher whose name no one will tell you. Try your best to do your job. If you study, then study as best you can and think less about tomorrow. And if you try to improve something, it’s not a fact that it will get better. I have had moments in my life when trying to improve a situation led to big trouble. nine0005




it makes sense, I spend my years of youth, I think something will get better, but for many years nothing has just gotten better, no one cares about you, no one will lend a helping hand, no one cares deeply about you. I have everything, I’m lucky, but I don’t have anything at all ..(


ChelLov ★ ★ ★

You just need to get a lot of dough somewhere.

Well, or you are a teenager, if a teenager, then it will pass, it's just hormones.



This is true by the way. Nothing can be changed. Even if you are active smart. As if the wall and break it impossible.



I understand you, I'm experiencing about the same state now. This is because there is a lot of "garbage" in the head, in life. You need to get rid of him. For example, hang out less in social networks, envy someone. Less groundless dreaming and so on.



That's exactly what this rubbish is constantly present in my life and I can't get rid of it, it doesn't even happen that something has changed, nothing at all does not happen does not change...



Are things working out?
You're just stupid.

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