Good topics to talk about with a friend
201 Good Questions to Ask Friends, From BFFs to New Pals
Think you know everything about your BFFs? You probably know a lot, but you can always go deeper. Sometimes dedicating a night to a Q&A for friends is not only beneficial for your relationships but also, it can be hilarious. There are plenty of interesting questions to ask friends, even if you’ve known them most of your life.
And no matter how many years you’ve known them, being a best friend means continually finding new ways to show care and invest in your bestie. Asking questions that expand your understanding of what makes them tick — from the experiences that have shaped them to their hopes for the future — is a great way to do that. We’ve rounded up the best questions, ranging from silly to serious, that are sure to bring out all the feels and spark a stronger bond between you.
But of course, your BFF didn’t become your ride or die overnight. Knowing what kinds of questions to ask your friend group at large, including new friends, will help you cultivate closeness with everyone in your circle. That’s why we’ve also included questions for friends and questions to ask to get to know someone, so you can deepen your bond with pals who aren’t a BFF — yet.
So, grab your bestie for a best friend questions video date, or pull up this list of 201 fun questions to ask friends the next time you’re hanging with your group. You’ll be surprised by how much there is to learn about people, no matter how far into the friendship you are!
In this article:
Juicy questions to ask friends
Random questions to ask friends
Questions to ask your best friend
Fun questions to ask friends
Questions to ask a new friend
Juicy questions to ask friends
When it comes to friendship questions, these are the ones that will dig the deepest. Prompts like this are best brought up late at night during a sleepover, right before you all hit snoozetown.
1. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done in public?
2. What’s an embarrassing thing you’ve done and never told anyone about?
3. What’s the most bizarre text you’ve ever received?
4. What’s the cringiest thing you’ve ever put up on social media?
5. What do you feel the most guilty about?
6. Who do you wish you could reconnect with?
7. How much does your personality change when you’re around different people?
8. What stresses you out the most?
9. When do you feel the most alone?
10. Have you ever been in love?
11. Do you believe in love at first sight?
12. What’s the biggest lesson your last relationship taught you?
13. What’s the nicest thing someone has done for you?
14. If someone wrote a book about you, what would it be called?
15. What’s one thing you would change about yourself?
16. Do you believe in having one best friend?
17. How do you define beauty?
18. Who is someone you wish you could apologize to?
19. What was the last turning point in your life?
20. What thing keeps you going on hard days?
Who do you feel the safest around?
22. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
23. What’s the biggest leap of faith you’ve taken?
24. What do you think is the most annoying quality a person can have?
25. Who do you think shouldn’t be a celebrity?
Random questions to ask friends
Sometimes the situation just calls for a random question or two. Head right this way when you’re looking to laugh a little.
1. Have you ever had a crush on a cartoon character?
2. Would you ever open a business?
3. What’s the worst holiday in your opinion?
4. What are you putting off right now?
5. Did you build forts when you were a kid? What did they look like?
6. What do you think the best prank of all time is?
7. If you got to design a new instrument, what would you create and what would it sound like?
8. Is there anything you’d wait in line for a week to do, see, or get?
9. If flowers could talk, what do you think they would sound like?
10. If you could choose only one condiment to eat for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
11. If you could be any household item, which would you choose?
12. If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people?
13. What bodily function do you wish would just go away?
14. If you had to eat an entire barrel of one single thing, what would you choose?
15. If you could shoot anything from a cannon, what would you pick?
16. Do you have a favorite family tradition?
17. Describe your dream house.
18. What’s your favorite cheesy joke?
19. If you could name your brain, what would you name it?
20. What subject would you take a crash course in?
21. What’s your favorite form of transportation?
22. If you could only dress in one color for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
23. How gullible do you consider yourself?
24. What do you think you’ll be doing exactly 10 years from this moment?
25. What’s the spiciest food you’ve ever eaten?
Questions to ask your best friend
Reserve these for the people you know best. Some things are meant for the friends you’ve been through everything with.
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1. What embarrasses you the most?
2. Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?
3. What’s your biggest fear?
4. What’s your love language?
5. How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset?
6. What’s your all-time favorite memory?
7. Who was the last person to make you cry and why?
8. Where do you hope to be five years from now? Ten? Fifteen?
9. When have you felt the most proud?
10. When have you felt the most challenged?
11. Have you ever been bullied?
12. Do you have any regrets? If so, what are they?
13. Which celeb would you want as your other BFF and why?
14. Out of all your family members, who are you closest to?
15. What do you do when no one else is around?
16. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
17. What do you think happens when we die?
18. Do you want to have kids one day? How many?
19. What's the best present you ever received? Who gave it to you and why was it so special?
20. What's the worst you've ever been physically hurt?
21. What's your earliest childhood memory?
22. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
23. Do you believe in soulmates?
24. When you can't sleep, what keeps you up at night?
25. What has your hardest goodbye in life been so far?
26. What's the last lie you told?
27. What's the best compliment you've ever received?
28. What do you consider the ultimate comfort food?
29. What do you consider your best physical feature?
30. What are the top three things that stress you out?
31. What are the top three ways you deal with stress?
32. When was the last time you were jealous and why?
33. If you could only have three things on your life bucket list, what would they be?
34. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
35. What’s something you’d consider unforgivable?
36. If you choose to get married one day, what would your dream proposal scenario be?
37. What’s the most loved you’ve ever felt?
38. If you could create a theme park, what would it look like?
39. When’s the last time you felt inspired to create something?
40. Have you ever experienced a “friendship breakup”? What did it teach you?
41. Who was your first friend, and are they still in your life?
42. Would you ever consider being in a long-distance relationship?
43. What do you think the best way to resolve conflict is?
44. How did your parents meet?
45. Do you feel that you have a healthy relationship with social media?
46. Who’s been your favorite teacher?
47. What are your favorite childrens’ names?
48. What do you think you’ll be like in old age?
49. Is there a time when I made you feel particularly well supported?
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50. How can I be a better friend to you?
51. What does friendship mean to you?
Fun questions to ask friends
Fill the silence with these goofy queries.
1. Would you rather be an expert at one thing, or pretty good at many things?
2. What’s your favorite thing you own and why?
3. Have you ever had your fortune told?
4. Would you rather order in or eat out?
5. What was the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
6. What’s your favorite podcast?
7. What’s been your most questionable haircut and/or fashion moment?
8. If money was no object, what would you buy?
9. What did you dream about last night?
10. When was the moment in your life you laughed the hardest?
11. What do you do when no one else is around?
12. Where do you want to travel the most?
13. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
14. What book has impacted you the most?
15. Do you believe in monogamy?
16. What’s your favorite commercial?
17. What are the qualities that attract you most in a love interest?
18. You just won $10,000 — what are you going to do with the money?
19. What's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you?
20. What's your favorite way to exercise?
21. Do you like roller coasters?
22. What is your most hated chore and why?
23. What's your favorite holiday and why?
24. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
25. If you were going to get some ink, what would you choose and why?
26. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
27. If you had to choose only one, would you pick a dog or a cat?
28. Do you believe in aliens?
29. If you were President, what's the first thing you would work to change in this country?
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30. If you had to live in another time period, what would you choose?
31. Who was your very first crush?
32. What foreign language(s) would you want to master and why?
33. What's your all-time favorite dessert?
34. Do you believe in ghosts?
35. What’s your survival plan during a zombie apocalypse?
36. If you were an animal, what would you be?
37. If you had to create an alter ego for yourself, who would it be and what would you name them?
38. What’s your No. 1 karaoke song?
39. Have you ever been on a blind date?
40. What was your AIM screen name, or your first email address?
41. What’s your favorite piece of random trivia?
42. What was your first concert?
43. Which decade, in your opinion, had the best fashion trends?
44. If a song played every time you entered a room, what would it be?
45. What’s your skincare routine?
46. Did you ever go to summer camp?
47. When’s the last time you got to really experience nature?
48. Do you feel that you’re young at heart, or an old soul?
49. What does your name mean, and why was it given to you?
50. What’s an unexpected movie that makes you cry?
When you’re first getting to know someone, stick to the important (and high-level) questions. After all, they may spark some deeper conversation.
1. What are your pronouns?
2. What would be your perfect day? Plan it out from waking up to bedtime.
3. What’s your zodiac sign?
4. What’s your Enneagram type?
5. On vacation, are you the relax-by-the-pool type or a get-up-and-go adventurer?
6. Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?
7. What college major are you thinking of choosing and why?
8. If you could only listen to one singer or band for the rest of your life, who would you choose?
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9. What's your go-to dish when you have to make dinner?
10. Are you a superstitious person?
11. What’s your favorite board game to play?
12. Who’s the best movie villain?
13. Who’s your favorite follow on TikTok? On Instagram?
14. Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?
15. If you had to describe yourself in only three words, what would you choose? What words do you think your friends would choose to describe you?
16. Do you have any phobias?
17. What are your top three biggest pet peeves?
18. What's your favorite color and what's your least favorite color?
19. What would your dream vacay consist of?
20. Are you competitive?
21. What’s a tough experience that you learned and grew from?
22. What’s your relationship with your parents like?
23. Do you most often follow your heart or your head?
24. What’s the most unexpected or unusual thing on your bucket list?
25. What was your last romantic relationship like?
26. What’s a value you’re unwilling to compromise on?
27. What's your absolute dream job?
28. If you could have a superpower, what would you choose?
29. What TV show do you turn on when you just want to zone out and feel better?
30. What was the last movie you watched in a theater?
31. If you could time travel, where would you go?
32. What do you usually have for breakfast?
33. What's your favorite plant or flower?
34. What’s your favorite season and why?
35. Who always makes you laugh?
36. What do you think your best quality is?
37. What is your definition of success?
38. What’s your most-watched movie?
39. Do you have any hidden talents?
40. What’s the best thing you’ve dressed up as for Halloween?
41. Would you rather live by the ocean or in the mountains?
42. What’s the longest trip you’ve taken?
43. Are you a right brain or left brain person?
44. What is your most-used emoji?
45. What’s a bad habit you’re trying to break?
46. What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
47. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
48. Do you like to recharge alone or around other people?
49. What’s the best museum you’ve ever been to?
50. When can we hang out again?
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Check this out:
171 Would You Rather Questions That Reveal A Lot About You
For the indecisive among us (here’s looking at you, Libras!), Would You Rather questions might be your personal version of hell. For the rest of us, it’s a classic slumber party game, regularly played with the likes of Truth or Dare, 21 Questions and Never Have I Ever.
No matter how outlandish your Would You Rather game is, it's still a fun way to get to know your friends (or someone with more-than-friends potential) better. Plus, it’s not like there’s any technology or equipment required to play. Pull up this list the next time you need to liven up a friend hang or find an ice breaker for a first date, and bam! You’ve got instant entertainment (and instant insight into people’s preferences). Below, we’ve rounded up the very best Would You Rather questions for every scenario, whether you’re looking for questions that will spark some laughs or take the conversation a little deeper.
In this article you’ll find:
Would You Rather Questions for Friends
Funny Would You Rather Questions
Deep Would You Rather Questions
Would You Rather Questions for Friends1. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to breathe underwater?
2. Would you rather your crush be able to read your mind or have access to your internet history?
3. Would you rather have Zendaya’s 2022 Oscars look or Timothée Chalamet’s 2022 Oscars look in your closet?
4. Would you rather swim in the ocean at night knowing a shark could be nearby or spend the night in a house you believed was haunted?
5. Would you rather have been the oldest or youngest child in your family?
6. Would you rather have six months of spring or six months of summer?
7. Would you rather spend a bunch of money on your wedding or on your honeymoon? (Or would you rather just have the money to spend on yourself, because who needs to get married?)
8. Would you rather let a spider climb over you or let a snake slither across you?
9. Would you rather go a year without desserts or have to eat a spoonful of wasabi every single day?
10. Would you rather spend a Friday night out with Lil Nas X or Miley Cyrus?
11. Would you rather have to pass out at 9:30 p.m. every night or fall asleep at 3:30 a.m. every night (no in-between)?
12. Would you rather watch RuPaul’s Drag Race with Andrew Garfield or the Bachelorette with Demi Lovato?
13. Would you rather kiss your crush after not brushing your teeth for a week or know you won’t kiss them at all for the next year?
14. Would you rather be brought back as a dog or as a cat in your next life?
15. Would you rather have a photographic memory or the ability to read minds?
16. Would you rather have breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
17. Would you rather travel only by train or only by boat?
18. Would you rather have to follow the Rock’s fitness plan for a month or get one of Pete Davidson’s (remaining) tattoos?
19. Would you rather watch only scary movies or only rom-coms for the rest of your life?
20. Would you rather live solo on an uninhabited island or live in a city apartment with six roomies and one bathroom?
21. Would you rather sing well and dance poorly or sing poorly and dance well?
22. Would you rather be able to take back anything you say or listen in on every conversation that’s about you?
23. Would you rather be an extra in an acclaimed, Oscar-winning movie or star in a so-bad-it’s-good flick?
24. Would you rather have to give up coffee or give up pizza for a year?
25. Would you rather live in a ritzy hotel or live in a cabin in the woods?
26. Would you rather be known for always being honest or always being kind?
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27. Would you rather be a contestant on Love Island or Love Is Blind?
28. Would you rather have to sleep for 15 hours a day or only be able to sleep two hours a night?
29. Would you rather only be able to listen to the same song or only be able to watch the same movie for the rest of your life?
30. Would you rather have to publicly speak every day or get a visible tattoo you really hated?
31. Would you rather have a pool in your backyard or live next to the ocean?
32. Would you rather have to post everything in your search history right now or post the names of everyone you’ve ever had a crush on?
33. Would you rather have to go on 150 first dates in a year or have to automatically spend a year with the next person you go on a date with?
34. Would you rather have one best friend but no casual ones or a big group of casual friends but no best friend?
35. Would you rather swim with eels or sleep in a bat-filled cave?
36. Would you rather get a stomach bug mid-date with someone you’re into or have to go on a double date with your parents?
37. Would you rather be the smartest or the funniest person in the room?
38. Would you rather be locked in a room with your ex or go on a date with someone whose political beliefs are the total opposite of yours?
39. Would you rather be given a million dollars tomorrow or 10 million dollars 10 years from now?
40. Would you rather always have to tell the truth even when it’s harsh or be someone who compulsively lies?
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41. Would you rather move to a new city every year or only be able to live in your current city for the rest of your life?
42. Would you rather go on tour with your favorite artist or be your favorite actor’s go-to red carpet date?
43. Would you rather show friends every photo in your phone or read out loud every text you’ve sent this week?
44. Would you rather know how to scuba dive or know how to fly a plane?
45. Would you rather take a vow of celibacy or a vow of silence?
46. Would you rather watch the sunset or the sunrise?
47. Would you rather be best friends with Lizzo or Dolly Parton?
48. Would you rather be locked overnight in an amusement park or in a shopping mall?
49. Would you rather accidentally like your ex’s Instagram pic or your current partner’s ex’s Instagram pic?
50. Would you rather lose your sense of taste or your sense of touch for a year?
51. Would you rather be thrown a surprise birthday party or plan your own party from start to finish?
52. Would you rather fly first class for one swanky vacation a year or take several cheap trips and backpack?
53. Would you rather have only cake or only pie as your forever-birthday dessert?
54. Would you rather have one child or six (no in-between)?
55. Would you rather work for a tough boss you like or an easy boss who annoys you?
56. Would you rather be unable to remember names or unable to remember faces?
57. Would you rather go to your dream school and have to take out a bunch of student loans or go to a decent-enough school you have a full ride to?
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58. Would you rather date your favorite celebrity or be best friends with them?
59. Would you rather publish a best-selling book or direct an Oscar-winning movie?
60. Would you rather swap wardrobes with Harry Styles or Bella Hadid?
61. Would you rather be Nicholas Cage’s personal assistant for a year or let Elon Musk name your first-born child?
62. Would you rather be known for having the best music taste or known for having the best fashion sense?
63. Would you rather be overdressed or underdressed in perpetuity (including when you’re at home)?
64. Would you rather spend a month backpacking around Europe or around Asia?
65. Would you rather have an apartment in Paris or Mexico City?
66. Would you rather spend the day reading or hiking?
67. Would you rather take your coffee black or with extra cream and sugar?
68. Would you rather your pet be able to talk to you or your pet be able to live forever?
69. Would you rather spend every night on vacation out or spend every day taking “R&R” to new heights?
70. Would you rather dub Codename: Kids Next Door or The Proud Family the best 2000s-era cartoon?
71. Would you rather spend a Saturday with BTS or Shawn Mendes?
72. Would you rather have to watch only Friends reruns or only The Office reruns for the next year?
73. Would you rather have spinach stuck in your teeth all day without knowing or toilet paper stuck to your shoe?
74. Would you rather go to a trivia night or go to a standup show?
75. Would you rather walk the Great Wall of China or climb the pyramids of Machu Picchu?
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76. Would you rather go on a movie date or a museum date?
77. Would you rather have a landing strip bikini wax or go au naturel?
78. Would you rather live alone or live with friends?
79. Would you rather go back to your elementary school days or jump forward to retired life? (If we’ll, y’know, actually be able to retire?)
80. Would you rather eat only Cool Ranch Doritos or eat only Cheetos?
81. Would you rather be Rihanna or date Rihanna?
82. Would you rather be abducted by aliens or stranded at sea?
83. Would you rather spend a rainy day trying out a new recipe or marathoning movies?
84. Would you rather spend a winter in the snowiest reaches of Canada or a summer in the driest part of the desert?
85. Would you rather only be able to read 19th century literature or only be able to read comics?
86. Would you rather live next door to your BFF or live in different cities but have a perfect excuse to visit a cool place often?
87. Would you rather have Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s comedic timing or Normani’s dance moves?
88. Would you rather only be able to take three-hour baths or three-minute showers (no in-between)?
89. Would you rather have a messy house you’re not responsible for cleaning or have a super tidy house that’s only ever cleaned by you?
90. Would you rather date an Aries or a Libra?
91. Would you rather date a Taurus or a Scorpio?
92. Would you rather date a Gemini or a Sagittarius?
93. Would you rather date a Cancer or a Capricorn?
94. Would you rather date a Leo or an Aquarius?
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95. Would you rather date a Virgo or a Pisces?
96. Would you rather be 10 centimeters tall or 10 feet tall?
97. Would you rather be able to paint really well or be able to sculpt really well?
98. Would you rather furnish your dream home in antiques or in cutting-edge, modern designs?
99. Would you rather have a mountain view or lit-up skyscrapers outside your bedroom window?
100. Would you rather be the planmaker in your friend group or the jokester?
101. Would you rather have a tiny home with a big yard or garden or a big house but no outdoor space?
Funny Would You Rather Questions1. Would you rather go on a Tinder date with someone holding a fish in their photo or go on a Tinder date with someone who really wants to talk about your natal chart?
2. Would you rather be someone who compulsively laughs during sad moments or who cries whenever someone makes a joke?
3. Would you rather get to go to outer space in your lifetime or see NASA defunded because why are we spending billions on a space program when there’s this much poverty on earth?
4. Would you rather date someone who hates dogs or who has seven dogs at all times?
5. Would you rather be that couple known for constant PDA or known for referring to each other by especially bad pet names?
6. Would you rather always feel like you’re about to sneeze or always have an itch just out of scratching reach?
7. Would you rather get back together with your ex or have to listen to only Christmas songs for a year?
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8. Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales?
9. Would you rather eat rotten eggs or drink sour milk?
10. Would you rather wear only sequined clothing or only all-black clothing for a year?
11. Would you rather only be able to go on cruises or only be able to go to Disney World for vacations?
12. Would you rather talk like Minnie Mouse when you’re angry or laugh just like Spongebob?
13. Would you rather only be able to speak in Twilight movie quotes or only be able to speak in riddles?
14. Would you rather only be able to read romance novels or only be able to watch reality dating shows for a year?
15. Would you rather be in extreme heat in a snowsuit or in extreme cold in a swimsuit?
16. Would you rather be able to eat only Hawaiian pizza or only pizza that’s doused in ranch?
17. Would you rather drink mayo through a straw or slurp down your favorite soda like soup with a spoon?
18. Would you rather be trapped in a rom com with people you hate or trapped in a horror movie with people you love?
19. Would you rather let your mother or your ex create your next online dating profile?
20. Would you rather give up showering for a month or give up the internet for a month?
21. Would you rather get the hiccups every other hour or have to end every sentence you speak with “I do declare”?
22. Would you rather have to read your middle school diary aloud to your friends or watch only the National Treasure movies for the next year?
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23. Would you rather have teeth that are unusually pointy or hair that’s always wet?
24. Would you rather accidentally send a sext to your mom or to your boss?
25. Would you rather have an, ahem, bathroom emergency at a date’s house or at your place of work?
26. Would you rather brush your teeth with mustard or wash your hair with relish?
27. Would you rather have to battle one bear-sized duck or 10 duck-sized bears?
28. Would you rather compulsively slip into a Batman voice whenever you’re horny or compulsively talk like Yoda in job interviews?
29. Would you rather have only used toothbrushes or used underwear at your disposal for a week?
30. Would you rather wear only gowns at home or only sweats when out?
31. Would you rather always have damp socks or always have a pebble in your shoe?
32. Would you rather spend a year in a convent or a year living in a Las Vegas hotel-casino?
33. Would you rather eat BBQ for breakfast or pastries for dinner?
34. Would you rather date someone with a visible tattoo of their ex’s name or get a tattoo of your current partner’s name?
35. Would you rather have hands for feet or ears for elbows?
Deep Would You Rather Questions1. Would you rather know when you’ll die or how you’ll die?
2. Would you rather have more time or more money?
3. Would you rather elope or have 300 people at your wedding?
4. Would you rather be able to predict the future or forget anything you wanted from your past?
5. Would you rather have a pause button or a rewind button on your life?
6. Would you rather have your dream home or have the funds to travel as much as you wanted?
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7. Would you rather never age or never have to worry about money?
8. Would you rather be rich and hate what you do or have just enough to make ends meet and love what you do?
9. Would you rather find true love or find the thing in life you’re most talented at?
10. Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or travel forward in time to meet your descendants?
11. Would you rather fall in love multiple times or be able to love only one person?
12. Would you rather be buried or cremated one day?
13. Would you rather let bygones be bygones or get the final word?
14. Would you rather be able to speak any language you wanted or play any instrument you wanted?
15. Would you rather be CEO of your own company or be paid a good salary to not have to work a ton in a less-senior role?
16. Would you rather be remembered for the wrong reason or completely forgotten?
17. Would you rather know for certain what happens when we die but not be able to tell others or only be able to guess what happens just like everyone else?
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18. Would you rather live near family or be far from family but living exactly where you wanted?
19. Would you rather be surrounded by other people 75% of the time or alone 75% of the time?
20. Would you rather be extremely talented at one thing only or pretty decent at a large number of things?
21. Would you rather be able to see other people’s futures or be able to see your own?
22. Would you rather be shown love in gifts or through words of affirmation?
23. Would you rather win a top prize for a work of art you’ve created or earn a patent for an invention you’ve made?
24. Would you rather be endlessly lucky or know you’ve earned everything you’ve achieved?
25. Would you rather find meaning in what you accomplish in life or in who you surround yourself with?
26. Would you rather marry for love, for practical purposes or never get married at all?
27. Would you rather find meaning in religion or be comfortable with atheism?
28. Would you rather people laughed or cried at your funeral?
29. Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into the future or be able to erase three mistakes from your past?
30. Would you rather see prisons abolished or health care made free first?
31. Would you rather be single for 10 years or have three relationships in 10 years that, going into them, you knew would all end?
32. Would you rather spend all the money you made in life or have something to leave behind?
33. Would you rather die before or after your partner?
34. Would you rather never make a new friend but keep pouring into the ones you have now or continue to expand your circle, knowing some friendships will fall off?
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35. Would you rather dismantle systems of oppression from the inside or the outside?
Interesting topics for conversation with anyone, anywhere
Hello everyone!
Communication can come to a standstill regardless of who your interlocutor is: a new acquaintance or a person with whom you have known each other for a hundred years. In order not to stretch awkward pauses, it would be good to always have interesting topics for conversation at hand.
We have prepared for you a large list of topics and tips for a variety of occasions. Don't forget to save the article so you don't lose it!
Suggestions for interesting conversations
Before we go directly to the topics, we would like to dwell on important nuances that will help avoid communication mistakes:
- "Yes or no".
- If you come to a tête-à-tête meeting, do not turn the dialogue into an interrogation with passion. Do not bombard the person with questions as if he came for an interview. When deciding to touch on a particular topic, be sure to tell similar information about yourself. Usually people continue to speak out of inertia and so do not feel discomfort. But pulling the blanket over yourself, forcing you to listen only to your person, is also not worth it. Stick to the golden mean.
- Listen carefully, ask clarifying questions. This is how you show interest and show respect.
- Don't give unsolicited advice, especially to strangers. Even if you think the person needs it. This is extremely insensitive.
- Avoid complaining and pitting anyone. The negative is repulsive.
- Do not be afraid of silence. There can be natural pauses in any conversation. Long conversations are also exhausting. If it is comfortable to talk with a person, then it will be comfortable with him and be silent for a while. At least to finish your salad or finish your cup of coffee, if the circumstances are appropriate.
Topics to talk about
Each situation has its own topics to talk about, so we have divided this article into several categories. Choose your case and take note of what fits.
On a date
Before a date, the main thing to remember is how important it is to be yourself. Do not choose topics that you are not interested in.
If you do not like art, do not study the work of Claude Monet and speak about the work of Pablo Picasso before the meeting.
Look for things you can talk about passionately together.
Otherwise, you shouldn't even get upset if communication doesn't work out.
We did not divide the topics into male and female, but put together a universal list of sample questions, on the basis of which you can develop a discussion with both a guy and a girl. Not only will they help keep the conversation going, but they'll also help you get to know the person well enough to form an opinion about them and decide if they're right for you.
What are some interesting questions for the couple?
We invite you to chat on the following topics:
- How was your day, working week?
- Talk about what helped you get to know each other. For example, if the meeting took place in a group of friends, ask how long the person has known them.
If the acquaintance happened on social networks, ask how often the interlocutor makes friends in this way.
- What do you like to do in your free time, what are your hobbies?
- Where are you from?
- What childhood memories do you remember the most?
- What films do you watch? What was the last time you went to the cinema? What do you recommend to watch from comedies, science fiction and other things?
- What places in the city do you visit most often?
- Where have you rested in your life and where would you prefer to return again?
- How do you feel about sports, art, music?
- Do you like to read books? What genres do you prefer? What publications do you remember the most?
- Do you have dreams?
- Tell us about your profession, study, work.
- How do you feel about alcohol?
- Are there bad habits that you struggle with?
- How do you like to spend weekends and holidays? Do you prefer a relaxing holiday or an active one?
- Do you have any pets?
- What would you like to do if you had no restrictions on finances and resources?
- Are you a lark or an owl?
- What do you value most in members of the opposite sex?
- What brings you the most joy?
- What are you looking for in a relationship? What are your goals?
- What do you watch on TV? Who is subscribed to on YouTube? How do you feel about TikTok?
- What is your attitude towards loneliness?
- Do you have childhood friends with whom you still keep in touch?
- What type of personality do you consider yourself: extroverts or introverts?
- How do you feel about self-knowledge, meditation, yoga and other practices?
- What event are you looking forward to? This could be, for example, a festival, a concert by your favorite band, a friend's birthday, a relative's wedding, etc.
These are just examples of some topics.
You can create your own list based on your own interests and preferences.
For example, if you like Italian cuisine, tell us about the most interesting dishes and ask your interlocutor what his culinary preferences are.
In the company of friends
Silence rarely hangs in a noisy company, but you can still make the meeting even more exciting and exciting. And there are countless topics for friendly conversations.
Here are the random options:
- If you were Neo in The Matrix, which pill would you choose: blue or red?
- What superpower would you like to have and why?
- Would you rather be the richest person or the smartest?
- You can discuss some interesting life hacks and suggest trying them.
- New gadgets, mobile applications, news from the world of technology.
- How do you feel about esotericism, predictions, horoscopes? Have you had any experience with similar practices?
- Discussions on adrenaline, extreme sports, climbing, camping, etc.
- Attitude towards various conspiracy theories. For example, the world is ruled by aliens, special services, is mass chipping possible, who killed Kennedy, etc.
- Do you believe in ghosts, afterlife?
- What's the best advice you've ever been given?
- What would you spend money on if you won a very large amount?
- New movies, bloopers, favorite directors, etc.
- Political news.
- Cool memes from the Internet.
- What do you think about gender equality, feminism and other movements.
- Which place of residence would you prefer: city or countryside, coastal resort or mountains, house or apartment, metropolis or province?
- Would you agree to explore a new planet in the event of an impending apocalypse?
- If you had a time machine, where would you go?
- How long could you live without communication and amenities?
- What was the first thing you felt and did if you woke up in an unfamiliar place?
Note! One of the most productive ways to spend time with friends is to organize board games. So you will avoid silence, and stretch your brain.
With strangers
In the company of strangers, topics for communication should be chosen carefully so as not to stumble upon subjects of heated disagreement.
Here are the most neutral questions that can be used for conversation:
- What do you do, what is your occupation?
- Where did you study and why exactly there?
- Do you have a hobby?
- How do you prefer to relax, spend holidays, relax after a working day?
- Where did you spend your childhood, where are you from? How did you get to this city?
- You can discuss the most popular classic questions. For example, talk about the weather, nature and housing and communal services problems.
- If friends introduced you, ask how long they have known each other and what connects them.
As you ask these questions, always remember to be sure to say the same about yourself.
In a conversation with a stranger, do not touch on “slippery” topics . It is undesirable to talk about religion, personal life, political views, finances, health.
Pay attention to the other person's reaction to certain phrases or topics. So you can understand what he is interested in, and what is better not to talk about. In addition, pay attention to how willingly the stranger communicates and whether you are too intrusive.
It may turn out that you are looking for topics to discuss in vain.
For heartfelt conversation
As a rule, topics for spiritual conversations are found by themselves. The direction will depend on who is in front of you: a close friend or a friend, a loved one, a parent, etc.
The simplest topics will be everyday life, family, relationships with relatives, colleagues, financial issues, health.
If a person is really close, then the range of topics that can be touched upon expands significantly.
You can discuss sex with your partner or spouse. Ask what suits you, what you would like to bring, what fantasies to try to realize.
Here is a list of universal topics that are suitable for heart-to-heart conversations:
- Childhood, youthful, student memories. This is an inexhaustible topic, because everyone will find funny, cute, sad, interesting stories from the past in their memory.
- Dreams of a person: what he dreamed about in childhood, what he dreams about now.
- Friendship: is it possible between a man and a woman, how does the interlocutor look at communication with former partners, etc.
- Esoteric, unknown. As a rule, in large companies, rarely does anyone admit that they believe in ghosts or have ever seen something unusual, because no one wants to be ridiculed. But behind a sincere conversation, such secrets are easier to entrust.
- Children: attitude towards children, large families, childfree.
- Intimate Such issues can be discussed not only between partners, but also between two friends. What is acceptable and what is not. You can share some funny cases from the past. But for this it is necessary that the interlocutor be really congenial and open enough for such topics.
Intimate conversations are best conducted in the evening over a cup of aromatic tea or wine to create a special intimate atmosphere.
List of deep philosophical questions
If you want something more intellectual and serious, you can discuss the following questions:
- Are we alone in the universe?
- When will people be free to fly into space? Is it necessary?
- What will happen to our planet if all people disappear? How quickly and to what extent will structures, nature, wildlife be changed?
- What books have had the greatest impact on modern civilization? If you want to show off your intellect, you can, for example, compare the Bible, the Koran, the Torah and other religious works, or share your opinion about literary classics.
- What events of world history were the most striking and significant? You can discuss the great commanders, the overthrow of empires, the conquest of new lands, etc.
- Medical novelties, the latest news from the world of pharmacological technologies, medieval and modern methods of treatment.
- The theme of immortality. Would you like to live forever, would you agree to cryogenic freezing for 200 years?
- If you could choose an era in which to live, what would it be?
- What would heaven and hell look like if you invented them?
- Is there a destiny? If so, how then freedom of choice?
- What is the meaning of life?
- Where did self-esteem come from if man evolved from apes?
- Will religion as an institution last forever or will it ever become obsolete?
- How would the world change if life expectancy increased to 500 years?
- How to live life to the fullest?
- Do animals have a soul and how does it differ from a human one?
- Is poverty inevitable?
- Do weapons protect or destroy?
- Why are the dead more respected than the living?
- How relevant is the institution of marriage and family in the modern world?
- If we learn from mistakes, why are we so afraid of them?
Such topics can be discussed in company with friends, in correspondence with a new acquaintance, in the family circle, with a beloved man (woman), even with teenage children.
You can come up with your own questions and google them first, and then show off your knowledge and thoughts in the company.
Married couple
Married life is often engulfed in routine, and over the years it is more and more difficult to find topics for communication that have not yet been ridden.
If, apart from everyday life and children, you have not talked about anything for a long time, here is an approximate list of topical topics and questions that will not only dilute the family evening, but also help you get closer:
- What are the most joyful or funny moments in your life (not necessarily joint) can you remember?
- Plan your vacation and discuss the necessary details.
- Rate how the two of you have changed since you met and why.
- What was the most difficult event in your married life for each of you?
- What annoys you the most at work?
- What brings joy and what brings sorrow?
- When did you first feel like an adult?
- What details would you change about your own appearance?
- How do you see your old age?
- What act, from your point of view, was stupid or wrong, do you regret the most?
- How did you imagine your life when you were little?
- What dreams had to be abandoned and is there a chance to fulfill them now?
- What skill would you like to acquire, what to learn?
This is only a modest part of everything that you can discuss with your soulmate. You can easily choose any topic from the section of philosophical questions or for a sincere conversation. Family psychologists also recommend sharing secrets.
You can play a game: one spouse asks any 5 questions, and the second must honestly answer them.
It would also be very good to remember what you talked about in the first days and weeks of your acquaintance. This will help to nostalgic and refresh the senses.
How to be a good conversationalist
In conclusion, here are some generally accepted rules of communication:
- If the interlocutor is talking, do not interrupt with questions, let him finish his thought. Perhaps you have found a topic that is interesting for a person and new subjects for discussion will naturally be born from it. The conversation should not be forced. The key to good dialogue is ease.
- Call your interlocutor by name. This helps to establish trust and sympathy.
- Do not use obscene language, jargon, parasitic words in company with unfamiliar people.
- Show respect even if you disagree with something said.
- Keep your distance. Not all people like it when someone breaks into their personal space.
- Avoid distractions while talking on your smartphone. This is not appropriate.
We also recommend that you check out our other publications:
- How to learn to learn
- How to learn to control your emotions and feelings
- How to keep up a conversation
- How to learn to say NO
- Where to find motivation and how to motivate yourself: effective methods and pitfalls
- How to learn to remember better: mnemonics
- How to deal with stress: useful techniques
- How to ask the right questions
We have sorted out the best topics for conversation. Use them as a hint, not as a guide to action. It is not necessary, for example, to go on a date with a whole list of the above questions and strive by all means to ask them all.
And to become an interesting interlocutor, you need to read a lot of fiction, news, documentary research, historical and geographical facts, self-development sources, etc. Then there will definitely not be any difficulties and confusion in front of the interlocutor.
We wish you exciting conversations. See you later!
Interesting topics for conversation - Inspiratedd
Getting ready to meet your friends? Or maybe you have a date? In any case, you will communicate. And if you think what to talk about , then quickly read this article! I have prepared for you interesting topics for conversation that will not leave the interlocutors indifferent. Also, a few life hacks for a successful conversation are waiting for you below.
We all know that “the world is brighter from a smile”. But we often forget this simple truth. Do you want to impress? Be sincere, positive and smiling person. Listen to the interlocutor, be interested in the details of his story. If the smile “does not stretch” in any way, and the positive has disappeared somewhere, then why even have a conversation? If you are interested in the interlocutor and vice versa, then the conversation will go “like clockwork”. And if it’s hard to squeeze even a word out of yourself and deliberate silence reigns in the air, then there is only one piece of advice: “Run Forrest, run!”.
Now, topics for conversation... Do you like sports, reading, drawing? Tell about it! And do not forget to ask the interlocutor.

- Future.
Tell us about your dreams and goals.
- Experiences, thoughts. Share your problems (here it is also important not to go too far), maybe you will get good advice?
- Pets, relatives, mutual acquaintances. This topic is also full of funny (and not so) stories. But it's better to talk about fun.
- Work, study. Quite an important topic, but the main thing is not to get bored.
- Leisure, travel. Share your impressions of your vacation or vacation.
I sincerely hope that exciting communication and positive emotions await you. Good luck!
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NEXT POST POM My name is Vlad and I am the author of the blog Inspiratedd.