G eazy personality type
G Eazy MBTI type? | Personality Cafe
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Based on functions (not in order) I would say he has (Ne,Si,Fi,Te )
I mean in general I wouldn't particuarly say he produces profoundly deep songs, like general rappers he touches on Se sort of stuff but at the same time in some of his songs he comes out with a really strong F impression. In interviews he calls himself a hopeless romantic lol and I sort of get an Fi vibe as opposed to an Fe vibe. He is also known to be a workaholic (like most music artists I guess) and explained that what keeps him going is just keeping the work ethic strong from day to day as opposed to following some sort of big picture vision so from that I get the whole Si as opposed to Ni. That analysis seems to fit well because I noticed even when expressing intuition aspects in songs its particuarly Ne rather than Ni so having Ne + Si fits together.
He expresses he is naturally shy and quiet, introverted and with that in mind overall I sort of get the vibe of INFP??
In this song in particular, from like 3:00-3:30 seems very INFPish to me, so he might not necessarily be INFP but just showing that side of his functions .
What type do you think he is
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The way he dresses seems to reference the past aswell Si is strong I guess. idk, that discussion at 3:00-3:30 seems Fe with the way a part of him wants to accomodate people yet not feeling like he really has friends.
I am leaning on ISFJ instead
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In interviews he recalls his youth a lot which could indicate Si. I'm not sure about inferior Ne though, I would have thought he used Ne quite well considering his other music videos. "I mean it" seems pretty Ne to me.
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Im feeling INFP (Fi-Ne-Si-Te)
spoopy said:
In interviews he recalls his youth a lot which could indicate Si. I'm not sure about inferior Ne though, I would have thought he used Ne quite well considering his other music videos. "I mean it" seems pretty Ne to me.
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the music video you posted, everything about it is istp. How can you not see that. you arent feeling anything. just look at it. its like the most istp thing you can ever see.
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He screams Se to me. I'd put him at ISTP or ESTP.
shamelessSave Share
ExTP is possible too.
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Yeah xSTP. Muscle cars. The slick look. The mirror part is his inferior/tert Fe nagging at him. The difference between inferior/tert Fe vs Dom/aux Fe. Its a switch we turn on /off
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I've listened to some of his other music too. Typical ESTP.
shamelessSave Share
I feel a lot of things in that music video.
K3xP said:
the music video you posted, everything about it is istp. How can you not see that. you arent feeling anything. just look at it. its like the most istp thing you can ever see.
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What you mean... Just LOOK at it. Wierdo
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I think Estp but I am biased.
He just came thru my pandora and I was like he has gotta be STP lets see what everyone is typing him. The music sounds STP. I guess I cannot speak to him personally.
jetserSave Share
My guess is ISTP. I think the STP is fairly obvious and I say ISTP rather than ESTP because the lyrics to "Me Myself & I" are basically describing introversion.
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I used to think ENTP after seeing the video for I mean It, but after checking out interviews I would say ESTP is more likely. To me, me myself and I sounds more like an ESTP in a reclusive slump rather than an ISTP.
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Obvious xSTP. Can't believe that people were brave enough to say INFP lmao
jetserSave Share
he's obviously Se.
he has an ENTJ look to him but he obviously isn't one. I'm gonna go ahead and say he shares at least the same functions. ISFP final answer.
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People who think he’s istp or estp are extremely naive and gullible and see only what’s on the surface. He’s DEFINITELY INFP ENNEAGRAM 4.
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G-Eazy Personality Type | Personality at Work
The ESTP personality type is constantly looking for action, for the 'next big thing,' throwing themselves in social activities, difficult situations and projects with real zest and energy. The imaginative, reflective life is not for them, preferring to jump in and see what happens. Supreme optimists, ESTPs will work long and hard on activities which interest them but can switch tack entirely once they begin to lose this interest. The ESTP does not enjoy the constraints of deadlines, schedules or end-dates so if an ESTP does exactly what you asked them, it is only because they wanted to do so in the first place. ESTPs love to be at the centre stage, demonstrating feats of wonder and daring.
An ESTP will need lots of practical, real-life experiences as it is through such activities that they best learn and understand, and indeed where they are happiest and at their best. The 'P' aspect of their characters means that they are flexible, but this can also mean they become bored by routine, procedures which they see as irrelevant, and impatient with those who say: 'let's think about it first.' The ESTP wants to suck it and see and, if it doesn't work, well there will always be another opportunity just around the corner. Real hard workers, ESTPs will immerse themselves activities which interest them, but they’ll become bored and lose interest if the task becomes more steady state and then their energies will become depleted or focused in a totally different direction. The ESTP is pragmatic, tough-minded and will act on the facts and data, rather than emotion. They don't like to be controlled, need to know they can switch horses in mid-stream and may slide out of obligations, if they get a 'better offer.' An ESTP will generally be able to switch tasks with good nature and humour, will enjoy interaction and 'the craic.' Being so action-oriented, the ESTP will look to get on with it and may therefore jump in without being in possession of all the facts as the excitement and rush of potentially interesting action will spur them on.
This makes them excellent champions for the cause, provided someone is checking progress and can sweep up any debris behind them. The ESTP sees life through their own very subjective lenses and it is a fun packed, great-tasting adventure with one sensory experience after another. They jump into the ‘next big thing’ without thinking through the consequences so keen are they to immerse themselves in something new. If the project needs an injection of energy or there’s a big immediate problem, step forward the ESTP. They are spontaneous, active individuals.
If the project needs an injection of energy or there’s a big immediate problem, step forward the ESTP. ESTPs are spontaneous, active individuals.
Strong ‘T’ types the ESTP may often forget to factor in the implications on other people as this new experience is to be grasped immediately and anything that stands in the way may be inadvertently trampled underfoot in the rush. The impulsive nature of the ESTP can see them cut to the car chase and bring great energy to bear on any new project that captures their interest, but this expedient side can also see them drop the idea once the initial fascination has passed and a new experience is ready and waiting. This need for excitement means the ESTP will learn ‘on the hoof,’ by actually throwing themselves into the experience without thought or planning, and “let’s see what happens.” Every new experience is ‘the big one’ and will consume their energies, attention and time until…er...it doesn’t! The ESTP loves to get involved and will be great at enthusing others although their expedient side means that once others have been through several cycles and see how they operate there may be a feeling of ‘here we go again’ and ESTP leaders can create ‘initiative fatigue’ in organisations and staff, with their constant desire to try out new activities, ideas and projects.
Theories or anything conceptual makes the ESTP restless, bored and then they will disconnect from the process and go look for something else, often without telling anyone. The ESTP has an attention span which is very short and their energies wane if they think they’re ‘treading water. ’ Having to sit and read or reflect would just not ‘compute’ with the ESTP and so they would move on, swiftly and often leaving debris in their wake. Follow-through isn’t the forte of the ESTP but if the project needs an injection of energy or there’s a big immediate problem, that is where they excel. Like the other SPs, ESTPs love acting on impulse. Activities involving power, speed, immersion and risk are attractive to the ESTP and supressing these de-energises them. The ESTP may be the ‘first to try it out,’ but then they’re onto the next experience as soon as it becomes predictable, the need for the thrill outweighing anything else.
Choose another celebrity type to compare side by side the different approaches work, attitudes to conflict and the way they engage with others.
QUIZ: Answer 4 short questions and find out your personality type
August 13, 2020 Tests
Get a short, but capacious description, spending no more than 2 minutes on the test.
This test does not claim to be scientific or 100% accurate. It is based on the Myers-Briggs questionnaire, which is used to identify the individual characteristics of a person. Such testing in an extended version is sometimes taken when applying for a job and before entering a university. We offer you its abbreviated version.
Remember that this test only helps to roughly outline the brightest sides of your personality, so do not take its results too seriously. :)
How to take the test
- If your memory fails you, stock up on a small piece of paper and a pen.
- When answering questions, choose the option that seems most attractive.
- In each answer option, a letter is given at the end. Write it down or memorize it.
- When you answer all four questions, you will have a letter combination. Find it in the results and find out interesting details about yourself.
- Share in the comments what combination you got and how the results match reality.
1. You had a day full of setbacks and disappointments. How will you spend the evening?
- Need a distraction! I’ll call my friends and invite them somewhere, it’s more fun to experience sorrows together. (E)
- I will be alone with myself: I will turn on my favorite TV series, cook some delicious treats, or think of some other pleasant activity. (I)
2. You have come to a psychologist. He asks the question, “Which of the two statements best describes you?” Choose.
- I prefer to live in the present: what is important for me is what is happening here and now. I am distinguished by practicality and attention to detail. (S)
- I often have my head in the clouds: I like to dream and make great plans for the future. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in myself that I don't notice anything around me. (N)
3. You have been asked to move to a metropolitan area. Now you are thinking. There are more opportunities in a large city, but where you live now, your loved ones and a cozy home. How will you make a difficult decision?
- I will surf the Internet, consult with knowledgeable people, and calculate an approximate budget for the move. I will carefully weigh the pros and cons, then I will make a decision. (T)
- I will do as my heart tells me. My intuition has never failed me. (F)
4. In a month you have a long-awaited vacation, hooray! How are you preparing for it?
- Tickets have already been bought, insurance has been issued, a plan to conquer the sights has been drawn up. I like to prepare everything in advance. (J)
- Spontaneity is my middle name. A couple of hours before the flight, I will throw everything I need into my suitcase, and I will ask the locals about the sights. (P)
Find your unique letter combination
ESTJ - Leader
Hard work and dedication are your best qualities. You love order, you know how and love to plan, you take on the most difficult tasks without fear, because you are sure of success. You tend to have a rational view of things, you trust facts much more than sensations. You are cheerful, good-natured and love company. Thanks to organizational talents, you can easily incite others to any adventure.
ENTJ - commander
You are always on the crest of the wave: you know everything about the latest trends and tendencies. You do not take courage, you like to take risks and are always open to new things. You are dynamic, productive and love to overcome difficulties. Your whole life is a struggle in the name of achieving a cherished goal. You have excellent leadership qualities: charisma, authority and the ability to think strategically attract people to you.
ENFJ - mentor
You are very perceptive: you trust your intuition and it never fails you. You are observant, have a genuine interest in people and their emotions, and are able to catch the slightest mood changes. People around you often turn to you for advice and support, and you are always happy to help them, and sometimes inspire them.
ESFJ - Enthusiast
You get on well with people, always ready to help, sometimes even to the detriment of your own interests. You are responsive and open. Love and appreciate the praise, the approval of others is necessary for you like air. If a conflict arises somewhere, you feel out of place and try to restore peace and harmony at any cost. You are like a ray of light in a dark kingdom - you are able to charge people with positive and lead.
ENTP Inventor
People like you are often referred to as thought leaders. You are curious, mobile, love to be on the move and easily adapt to change. You are a real generator of ideas, constantly inventing and questioning something. You hate routine and do your best to avoid it. You will be captivated by the new and unknown, so you often change your hobbies. You think that in life you need to try, if not everything, then a lot.
ESTP - fidget
The phrase "I see the goal - I see no obstacles" perfectly describes you. You strive for victory at any cost, sweeping away all obstacles in your path. You are determined and daring, live in the moment and love to be the center of attention. The thirst for life boils in you, you strive to learn everything in practice and not lose a single valuable minute.
ENFP - champion
You are a creative person with a boundless imagination and a great imagination. You are open to the world, freedom-loving, stress-resistant and not afraid of change. It is important for you to constantly take the initiative, offer original solutions, actively interact with people and empathize with them. Routine tasks for you are sheer torture and punishment.
ESFP - Politician
You live in the present and enjoy the pleasures of the moment. Planning and strategizing makes you tired. When doing something, you often rely on luck, and in case of failure, you quit work without finishing. You are spontaneous and unpredictable, hate procrastination and strive to get everything at once. You like to impress others and make useful contacts.
ISTJ - administrator
“Measure seven times, cut once” is about you. You love rigor and order, carefully think through and analyze your actions. You are result-oriented, so you only take on tasks that you can definitely complete. You are neat and patient, do not like empty talk. You value honesty and hard work, and attempts to shirk responsibility cause you the same resentment as poorly done work.
INTJ - strategist
You are independent, erudite and able to set priorities correctly. You do not like noisy companies, but you draw inspiration and breakthrough ideas from within yourself. You are a perfectionist to the core, and your cherished dream is to make the world around you more perfect. You hate retrograde rules and stupid restrictions and try to fight them with your innovative ideas, which you often succeed in.
INFJ — Humanist
Helping others is an integral part of your life. You believe that love and compassion can save the world. If one of your loved ones needs help, then he will definitely turn to you, and in return he will always receive a clear guide to action. You are vulnerable, value loyalty and do not forgive betrayal.
ISFJ — defender
You smell falseness from a mile away, so keep strangers at a distance, and stand behind your loved ones. You do everything to make people dear to you happy, and every day you try to surprise them pleasantly. You are diligent, often making incredible efforts to fulfill your goals. True, you are slow and like to put it off until later. Despite this, you can be relied upon because you never give up what you started.
INTP - architect
You have a philosophical mindset. You constantly put forward hypotheses, argue with yourself, notice important details and strive to get to the bottom of things. From the outside, it looks like you are distracted and in the clouds. This is partly true: domestic issues do not bother you at all. You are focused on important thoughts and do not feel much interest in others. You value coziness and comfort, and you are extremely negative about change.
ISTP is a virtuoso
You experience the world through sensations, are able to deeply empathize with people and value sincerity. You are quite open, but in case of lies or hypocrisy, you withdraw into yourself. You carefully consider every step before you do anything. You are punctual, objective and moderately curious.
INFP — lyricist
The meaning of life for you is harmony with yourself and the world around you. You are an impressionable person and react sharply to any injustice. Self-expression is important for you: you not only do great work on your inner world, but also do not forget about your appearance. You are dreamy and immersed in yourself, but you always find an opportunity to pay attention to loved ones.
ISFP — composer
You are that rare person who is not afraid of routine and monotony. You accept the world as it is, do not seek to change it and adjust it for yourself. You just live for your own pleasure, enjoying what you already have. You do not seek to lead and command anyone. You are the most reliable shoulder on which you can lean and not wait for a catch.
Don't forget to share your result in the comments. :)
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Myers-Briggs test: the shortest test that tells everything about you
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The Myers-Briggs test is one of the most popular methods for determining the type of personality. It is used all over the world - including in government organizations. Such a test helps to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the individual in order to build competent relationships with others and increase one's potential.
However, before taking the test, you need to know the following about it:
None of the described types can suit you 100%. Because each of us has traits that take us beyond the average personality type.
The Myers-Briggs test helps solve many questions, but life is such an unpredictable thing that no psychologist can predict it.
Don't let tests (and any fortune-telling, horoscopes, etc.) rule your life. This test determines the type of personality, but does not dictate how and when you should act.
Every person has positive and negative character traits. Therefore, it cannot be said that some of the personality types below are good and some are bad.
Now get ready and answer honestly 🤗 In each question, you need to choose only one answer and write down the corresponding letter.
1. How do you recover when you feel that you have no more strength?
2. Which description best suits you?
I like to live in the moment, here and now, I have a very well developed sense of reality and I am focused on the details of what is happening — S
I love dreaming, inventing something new. I live for future projects — N
3. When you have to make an important decision (to choose a university or break up with a guy), what guides you?
I try to think with my head. In such matters, logic is important - T
I am learning to listen to the heart. If you know how to listen to your emotions, then you make the right decisions - F
4. When you have something planned (like a friend’s birthday), you:
I think through the details in advance, I need a clear plan - J
- I prefer to navigate 9002 9002 situations, in extreme conditions, my best ideas come to me - P
Find out your type by Myers-Briggs
Done? Now it's time to explain what these strange letters meant:
👉 If after reading you have a feeling that this type of personality does not suit you at all, then remember, perhaps when answering one of the questions, you did not know what to choose? Then come back to this question - and you will get a new combination. We are sure that everything will work out this time 🙃
ISTJ — Inspector
Famous people: Queen Elizabeth, Natalie Portman
People of this personality type love order in everything and try to delve deeply into any, even the most insignificant issues. At the same time, they do not take anything for granted - they analyze any information, collect additional information.
They are able to see things realistically, so they only start work if they are sure they can finish what they started. You can rely on such people, but they prefer short contacts for the duration of the work.
ISFJ — defender
Famous people: Beyoncé, Kate Middleton, Selena Gomez
People of this type very clearly divide others into “us” and “them”, quickly recognizing falseness and pretense. For "their own" they are ready for a lot - and they will never ask for something in return. They can always stand up for these people, but they will not let themselves be offended either.
In general, they are good-natured "protectors" who are rarely aggressive. They analyze well, like order (but not fanatical), and draw inspiration from the people around them.
INFJ — adviser
Famous people: Nicole Kidman
Such a person is a real gauge of relationships between people. He not only perfectly feels other people's moods, but also easily determines their hidden talents, so he can become a good teacher. Seeing him as a support, others often turn to him for advice.
However, despite outward calmness and wisdom, human advisers are easily vulnerable, they can hardly endure aggression and (especially) lack of love.
INTJ - Inspirer
Famous people: Mark Zuckerberg, Michelle Obama
Inspirer people are not used to wasting time. They strive to improve everything they can, from projects to people. People of this type use atypical ideas, so most often their undertakings are crowned with success.
At the same time, they demonstrate independence in everything - thereby alienating the people around them with whom they already have a strained relationship (due to the introversion of inspirers).
ISTP — craftsman
Famous people: Olivia Wilde, Kristen Stewart
Such people are used to learning the world through sensations. They are excellent at working with their hands thanks to a technical mindset, while clearly observing all deadlines. They are not accustomed to throwing themselves into the pool with their heads - before making a decision, they wait a long time and analyze everything. Because of this secrecy, their final actions often seem unpredictable and strange to others.
ISFP - Composer
Famous People: Avril Lavigne, Lana Del Rey, Michael Jackson
These types of people don't try to remake the world and other people - they exist perfectly with what has already been created before them. They avoid conflict situations in every possible way, they like to entertain others. They can help and enjoy if they have been useful to someone.
Living with composers is a pleasure: they respect other people's space, don't demand anything, and set you on a positive wave.
INFP — healer
Famous people: Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn
Healers are well versed in the psychology of other people, they know how to feel them. Those around them are subconsciously drawn to them, however, despite the ease of communication, all the thoughts of people of this type are directed inward - as a result of their desire for inner harmony.
Healers devote a lot of time to appearance, sometimes they lose the sense of the reality of what is happening and rest for an unacceptably long time.
INTP - architect
Famous people: Meryl Streep, Bill Gates it is simply impossible to do so.
So these people are constantly busy, they don’t consider it necessary to waste time on emotions, but they really appreciate comfort and coziness (an environment where they can do what they love — analytics 😁
ESTP - fidget
Famous people: Madonna, Mila Kunis, Miley Cyrus
These people are born fighters, they can even resort to physical strength to achieve their goal. It is not surprising that they simply cannot stand submission, but good leaders come out of them thanks to the ability to draw up a clear plan of action, which they strictly follow.
ESFP — activist
Notable people: Adele, Katy Perry, Will Smith, Cameron Diaz
People of this type are good at seeing the abilities of others, but often use this information for personal purposes - in particular, in order to put pressure on weak points and be able to manage them. It is very important for them to look in the eyes of other people as outstanding personalities.
In general, they try to build harmonious relationships. They do not like long-term projects - they live here and now, so they want to get the result immediately.
ENFP Champion
Famous people: Ellen DeGeneres, Sandra Bullock
Such people can't stand routine, creative work is great for them. Due to the ability to be equally extroverted and deeply sensitive people, they can see in others what is hidden from the rest.
Sincerely enjoy life, live in harmony with everyone. Due to their curiosity, they are intellectually developed and attract other people.
ENTP Inventor
Notable people: Robert Downey Jr.
This personality type fully justifies its name - these people are inventive and resourceful. With the ability to synthesize ideas, they are not afraid of unconventional methods of work.
And as a result, they become pioneers in many spheres of life and branches of knowledge. They hate routine, they are constantly in tension - because they are in the eternal search for new solutions.
ESTJ Administrator
Famous people: Emma Watson
Don't feed these people with bread - let them establish order somewhere or impose their own judgment. However, they are not dictators - they are driven by a simple desire for orderliness.
They are not alien to fun and sense of humor - they have a great time in a noisy company. Do not forget about loved ones and know how to show love. Yet sometimes they are harsh, stubborn and quick-tempered - especially when it comes to disobeying the order they have established.
ESFJ teacher
Famous people: Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba
People of this personality type are always the soul of the company. It costs them nothing to cheer up others, they easily find a common language with anyone and know how to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others.
However, they never ask for help in their work: they are used to achieving everything on their own. The only thing they need is for those close to them to pay attention to their virtues from time to time.
ENFJ mentor
Notable people: Jennifer Lawrence, Tom Hiddleston
Very emotional, such people are accustomed to comprehend the surrounding reality at the level of empathy — which they do very well. They have active facial expressions, their manner of communication attracts listeners.